#centrum nauki kopernik
polishwave · 2 years
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Potrzeba bardzo małego księdza do zrobienia tak małej kolędy.
Od @nahrcissee ❤️
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polish-art-tournament · 2 months
multiple people saying they have been to warsaw but havent seen the mermaid :( ok so first of all theres two of them. the one badly losing to the dragon rn is by the river next to the świętokrzyski bridge (visible in the photo) (metro station centrum nauki kopernik), and the other one is at the old town square (in winter there usually is a ice skating rink installed around it!)
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pinkpilatesgirl · 1 year
ogólnie to miałam w szkole dzień jednego matematyka i z tej okazji każda klasa robiła lekcje innej klasie o temacie który wylosowala nauczycielka (nie cała tylko kilka osób a reszta szła do osoob z innej klasy itd) i było pod koniec każdej "lekcji" ocenianie w skali od 1 do 6 i później liczyło się średnia z tego i klasa z najwyższą średnią wygrywała wycieczkę do centrum nauki Kopernik
i cóż nieskromnie przyznam że moja klasa wygrala😭😭😭😍😍😍
akurat nie brałam udziału w prowadzeniu lekcji bo inne dziewczyny się tym zajęły (dziewczyny dlatego że to 2/3 mojej klasy, ah te humany) ale still dumna jestem z nich bardzo
ale slyszlama też że jedna druga klasa (to już było chyba w autobusie jak się skończyło wszystko) zaczęła mówić że 1a jest zjebana bo nam zanizala oceny i wgl zaczęli na nas napierdalac ale no sory n moja wina że średnio im to wyszło poza tym z tego co słyszałam to wiekszosc mojej klasy dała im 4 wiec wcale nie tak najgorzej no xd
ale no w maju zapowiada się zajebista wycieczka (byłam tam już tyle razy ale no wiecie wycieczka = brak szkoly)
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casfranciszekgrzbiela · 3 months
Service 1 May: Organisers Conference about the picnic at Centrum Nauki Kopernik
As the main organisers of this years picnic representing our school and physics club, my physics teacher and myself went to Centrum Nauki Kopernik to attend a very important conference for organisers. There, we were told specific things about the layout of the exhibitions, the opening hours and schedule in general, the estimated attendance, the health and safety rules and stipulations as well as electricity and Wi-Fi supply for us. We had the opportunity to ask questions about anything that was unclear to us and we did in fact use that opportunity, as we wanted to know more about the parking spaces that would be provided to us, and at what time would we be able to pick up documents at the stadium.
After the official part of the conference was over, we were invited to some snacks, and there were radio interviews. A lot of people got recorded, but mine and another gentleman's interviews in particular were used by the radio programme "radio for drivers". I have the recording and I am quite proud of it, as I advertised our school there and talked about my project and ambitions.
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fractalface-graphics · 3 months
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Centrum Nauki Kopernik — gadżety stworzone w oparciu o System Identyfikacji Wewnętrznej. [notes/ołówki/piny/koszulki/kubek/torba i pocztówki]
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leisure-hobbies · 5 months
Naradowa, Palac Prezydenski, Palac Nauki, Centrum Kopernik, Vistula Rive...
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Świetna lokalizacja. Umeblowane, przytulne mieszkanie w zielonej okolicy, w najlepszej części Warszawy. Wokół parki ciągnące się aż do Łazienek, obok Uniwersytet Warszawski, Biblioteka UW, Centrum Nauki Kopernik, wiele klimatycznych knajpek. W budynku Carrefour Express, do Wisły i na Krakowskie Przedmieście - 5 min spacerkiem. Do przystanku autobusowego 2 min. piechotką, kilkaset m do metra. W odległości 200m kompleks handlowy Elektrownia Powiśle. Idealne mieszkanie dla spokojnej i lubiącej czystość studentki. Odnowiona klatka schodowa, cicha winda.
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arseniy-bykov · 1 year
Service March - Piknik Naukowy visit to Centrum Kopernik for details and info
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In March I and a few other delegates from school went with Professor Miszta to the Centrum Nauki Koperniku during regular school time for a preparing lecture about the Piknik Naukowy event that will take place at the end of May. The whole preparational meeting was organized very professionally with food prepared for the delegates and interesting speakers that answered all the questions.
Reflection: This year's Piknik falls on a very busy weekend which will combine RaszMun and my CAS project. However, I believe we got very well informed and there is still a lot of time to prepare and do everything needed for the event.
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March - Service As Service for march I attended a 1 day briefing of the scientific picnic that is annually organised by “Centrum Nauki Kopernik”. The schools initiative in this picnic is under the leadership of Dr Przemysław Miszta who is extremely passionate about it. At the briefing we learned all the procedures one needs to fulfil in order to take part in the event. Things such as safety precautions, transport routes and other things were discussed in great detail. The experience gave me great insight into how large events are organised, when it comes to logistics. In the future this knowledge may prove useful as it provides versatile skills in organization, problem-solving, and resource management across different fields, ensuring success and adaptability.
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dimas-tut · 2 years
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Вагон Варшаўскага метрапалітэна ў Навагоднім стылі Вагон Варшавського метрополітену у Новорічному стилі Wagon Warszawskiego metra w Noworocznym stylu (at Centrum Nauki Kopernik) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmONDg5ouCj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kingabezka · 2 years
Long time ago, when Warsaw's Center of Science freshly opened, we went in to watch the exhibitions, all the cool experiments, the giant pendulum clock, stuff like that.
We were wandering for a long time by then, but I found a room with several screens, like the ones you find at the mall with maps in them. One of them said something like "Are you easy to manipulate/advertise to/influence?" And me, being like, 13, said OF COURSE NOT! The greatness of my mind is above that!!!
So I go over there, click start, and I'm met with a quiz. Few questions in, an ad. Another questions, then Burger King ad. I never liked Burger King and never ate there, so I didn't really care. Few more questions, few more ads- and then the final question.
"What would you like to eat today?"
There were options for pizza, pancakes, burgers, homemade and maybe something else, I don't remember. I look at the options, visualize each of them, and get the most temptation when thinking of burgers. So I choose that.
The screen says "Thank you for participation- this the ads we showed you vs the answers you gave."
And oh my god every single one of my choices on the non-filler questions was somehow tied with an ad I saw while doing the quiz. I only remember the burger one, but there was something about furniture as well I think.
There were statistics of all the people who did the same on that screen, and I kid you not there was like 87% of people who had at least one choice influenced by the ads.
The moral is, use adblocker and remember you are not immune. Nobody is, no matter how big brained they think they are
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Warsaw skyline from Centrum Nauki Kopernik roof garden. September 2021
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zyciestolicy · 3 years
Centrum Nauki Kopernik zaprasza na oglądanie gwiazd
Centrum Nauki Kopernik zaprasza na oglądanie gwiazd
W sierpniu gwiazdy każą zwrócić na siebie szczególną uwagę. Spadają masowo, oferując tym samym fantastyczne spektakle, nie mówiąc już o perspektywie spełnienia marzeń. Centrum Nauki Kopernik zaprasza na wspólne śledzenie tych spektakularnych upadków, niezależnie od miejsca. Perseidy, czyli przecinający niebo rój meteorów, możemy oglądać każdego roku. To proces, który zaczyna się w lipcu.…
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leisure-hobbies · 5 months
Naradowa, Palac Prezydenski, Palac Nauki, Centrum Kopernik, Vistula Rive...
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Świetna lokalizacja. Umeblowane, przytulne mieszkanie w zielonej okolicy, w najlepszej części Warszawy. Wokół parki ciągnące się aż do Łazienek, obok Uniwersytet Warszawski, Biblioteka UW, Centrum Nauki Kopernik, wiele klimatycznych knajpek. W budynku Carrefour Express, do Wisły i na Krakowskie Przedmieście - 5 min spacerkiem. Do przystanku autobusowego 2 min. piechotką, kilkaset m do metra. W odległości 200m kompleks handlowy Elektrownia Powiśle. Idealne mieszkanie dla spokojnej i lubiącej czystość studentki. Odnowiona klatka schodowa, cicha winda.
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suicideseafood · 6 years
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Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw 05.2018
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