#celia kacela
dahlthir-blog · 7 years
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     ➜ Celia Kacela has been accepted!
Welcome to Dahlthir, Azura! Your application for Celia Kacela has been approved. You’ll have 5 days to turn in your blog to the masterlist. If you need more time, you can send us a message!
The character portion of the application can be found under the cut. Oh my god. Reading through your application and through Celia’sstory was a trip. you’ve packed so much detail into her appearance alone. Like I’m amazed! you’ve put so much thought into her!! Having her in Dahlthir will definitely be interesting. I’m glad she’s found it a challenge but boi it’ll be something if she decides to take the town on fully!
Other Characters: Mizuki Hinobashi, Flora Abner, Garma,
Faceclaim(s) & Series: Kurumi Tokisaki from Date A live
Character Name: Celia Kacela
Housing: Tavern (most of the time)
Age: ??? (Looks 18 to 20)
Appearance: Standing at 5’ 2" she may look fragile, but the bundle of pure destruction standing in front of you is anything but fragile and nice. The girl carries herself as if a flower floating on a stream of thick red fluids seeping from a wound of a man on a hill, fast yet at a controllable pace and the bottom of her clothes always soaked in the red liquids of her enemies. Her hair tied up using small bits of rope she decorated with red leafs she found near where she had first come from though the location is a blank to her. Her clothes normally consist of a black dress, long in length with purple flowers and red leafs near the collar to give it a colorful yet dark and dangerous look, the bottom of the dress coated in a red liquid sometimes dry sometimes wet, she refuses to answer what the liquid is and refuses to clean it up if she tracked it somewhere. Her other outfit is a red like dress that stands out a bit more, with a red hairband on her head to keep the pigtails relatively out of her face, with black peppering the red dress this outfit usually comes back either clean or entirely coated in the red liquids mentioned before.
The girl normally keeps a bit of hair over her left to hide the fact it was a different color than her right, though this is only when she wears the black dress, when she wears the red dress she openly shows her yellow left eye as if telling people something. She wears dark red shoes that were presumed to originally be black, but with the red fluids that followed her trail they had adapted the color from improper cleaning. Black fingernails on each hand that don’t change no matter what it was at first presumed to be her having a sickness, but even with advanced research it was just found to be her natural nail color. On the back of her right hand starts a scar with a snake head painted over it to make the scar look like a tongue and the paint trails up to the nape of her neck to a tail, that’s beside another painting on her body that trails down to her lower back and spreads out into a black and red flower that seems as if it was dripping down and making one red sword and one black sword on her rear.
Are they a part of the Adventurer’s Guild?: Nope!
Warnings: Blood and gore (In detail! I will mark the sections with a “WARNING: BLOOD AND GORE” and where it ends), death, destruction, NSFW: nudity
Personality (Please list 3 positive and 3 negative traits. Can simply be bullet points or can be expanded!):
Friendly: Celia is a rather friendly girl who tends to be outgoing and always wanting to talk to others and improve her social, though this normally goes less like she wants it to.
Musically inclined: Celia is able to play the violin with great skill, this is normally how she would earn her money for food if she doesn’t go hunting monster down for her own food.
Always smiling: Even in the worst situation Celia can’t help, but smile. When people are in pain, when she is in pain, happy, sad, mad, anything she always smiles which encourages more hopeful thinking.
Hardworking: Celia works hard and will do anything required to make money by killing things since it is her favorite activity.
Risk and Reward: Celia, though enjoying killing things the most she, likes the system of quests and will obey the risk reward system going as far as to get several mobs of small enemies to kill at one time to entice more risk to make her reward worth her trouble.
Fashion: Celia has a decent sense of fashion and likes to flaunt the outfits she comes up with
Slightly violent: If someone annoys her Celia is very likely to at the very least slap them, she doesn’t like attacking people, but her wants won’t stop her if you annoy her too much, and she will smile while she does it!
Selfish: Celia doesn’t do quests that don’t personally benefit her and sees helping others just to help others as a burden on her life and would rather kill the people to take ALL of their worries away claiming “It’ll only hurt a lil bit!”
Hard to understand: In her language Celia tends to use terms which are presumed to mainly be unknown by the people (though it will be british slang if anyone is wondering what it is)
Bloodlust: Celia has a craving to see the red liquids strewn across the ground and not care who the victim was be it person, animal, or rare species.
Battlefield chaos: Though Celia may seem calm she actually has no sense of friend or foe and sees everything and everyone as a target.
Anti-Hero: No matter the what the girl seems bent on killing and/or attacking any hero that gets near her when she is in the mood to fight. Her ultimate goal in the end is to at the very least level the city’s guild to destroy its hope.
Flirty: Cleia has tendencies to hit on anyone near her when she feels like it, and is rather blunt when it comes to her feelings on certain people stating exactly what she likes and dislikes if she is allowed to continue.
Fast talker: Celia has a tendency to let her speech run together because she is used to people talking quickly so her speech “Hasatendencytodothissometimes” But if it is unclear she will repeat herself if asked.
Background (Minimum of 5 sentences.):
Opening her eyes Celia found nothing but darkness around her, she looked into the void of nothingness and simply blinked as she floated, on what felt like water but with a more thick warmness, Celia closed her eyes until a voice called her. Reacting on it’s own to the voice Celia was forced from the void and flat onto her face in a red painted room her exposed body hit by the cold air rather quickly. Shaking her head she stood up her head dazed by what had just happened, but what did just happen? Celia looked around seeing a circle and empty vials on the floor and a table in the middle of the room that a simple red blanket on, and a pod with a cold like air seeping from it, walking over to the table Celia picked up the red blanket and felt the soft fabric…but what was that? How did she know that feeling? What was “Soft?” Celia didn’t know how to describe it, but she picked it up covering her body with it, it may be hardly any cloth, but it was better than having her entire body exposed to the world around her, not that she minded it.
End: NSFW: Nudity
Now covered in the red blanket Celia walked to open the door at the other side of the room and once she opened it she was blinded by something she had never seen before, it was a giant ball of fire i sky the blinded her everytime she looked up. In this blind daze she wondered out of the doorway and into the small village that surrounded it, she managed to walk up the stairs and onto a little stage that had been set up. Once in the middle of the stage Celia recovered her vision finding bars in front of her and all around her, she hadn’t walked onto a stage, she had walked into a cage which she was now trapped in. Grabbing onto the bars she shook them as the people laughed at her, she was being advertised to be demonic attraction people poking and prodding her with sticks throwing round spheres that burst into chunks and juices that burned when it got into her eyes. Cleaning her eyes with cloth she sat down and just let people poke her, harder and harder they got it started to hurt just to move, soon a group of adventures approached the stage and demanded they let her out. Being happy to be let out Celia ran up to thank the people for freeing her, but instead of letting her shake their hands they drew weapons on her, a holy sword made of light, a wound with a cross, and bow with arrows made of energy. An instinct hit Celia at that moment where her only thought was “RUN IDIOT!”
Celia made a bolt for the outside of town she left only dark footprints on the ground as she ran, she ran though the field into the next city where she instantly got odd looks for being so underdressed. Celia could sense them following her, so using the area to her advantage she got lost in the crowd, losing the adventures only lead her to something more humiliating than being trapped in a stationary cage. It took only a moment for it to happen, the hand around her throat the cloth in her mouth to keep her from screaming as she was dragged to a waggon and thrown into the back and locked inside. Celia banged on the door for a few solid hours until she fell back from feeling the cart moving, Celia could feel the tears running down her face, from one humiliating situation to the next Celia was dragged from city to city as the one foolish demonic girl, though was she a demon? They had no proof, and she wouldn’t show, because she didn’t know, heck she didn’t even know how to speak. Eventually, weeks later, her captors got sick of this and dragged her out for what was supposed to be a public execution because she wasn’t listening she was pushed up to a wall and held there as they sharpened a sword.
WARNING: Blood and gore!
As Celia was held they picked up the sword and first stabbed her her leg, Celia’s eyes shot open as she let out a whale of pain feeling the blood run down her leg though she spoke no words. Next they grabbed her right arm cutting it clean off making her scream even louder tears streaming down her face at this point as the man lifted the blade to her neck. Celia shook her head as they held her by her stomach putting the blade up to her neck, Celia felt the cold steel against her skin as it slid across her neck she could feel the blood seeping from it as the sword moved cleaning across her throat. Celia’s body trembled in fear as her head got fuzzy, her vision blurred from blood loss and once released Celia dropped to the ground in a pool of her own blood with eyes wide open looking at the people who just watched the presumed demon bleed to death in front of them. The image was stuck in her mind like a clear day, the people’s faces as they stood there watching the girl bleed onto the ground none of them were concerned that the men may have murdered an innocent girl. They stood unfazed some even enjoying the sight of the girl laying there in dying pain, Celia’s last thoughts were about how cruel and unfair the world was, she had just woken up from that void and now she was on the brink of death.
A voice rung in her mind saying “Do you want to live? Do you want power to make them pay?” Calia couldn’t respond with a voice, but with all of her mind she screamed yes, Celia wanted to live, she wanted a future. With a flash of red light Celia could feel her breath returning to her body as a searing pain filled her, the movements she gave in reaction only made the wounds spurt more blood onto the ground around her. Her own severed arm dissolved into darkness and flowed into her body and it took only moment for her neck and leg to completely heal, using her left arm as a stabilized lift Celia stood up, a look of anger in her face. Celia stood there, a girl with fatal injuries healed in an instant, another wave of pain strick her body as the sever arm bursted out into a demonic hand with ruptures of blood onto the surrounding people. Celia moved, almost instantly to the man that had cut her with the sword ramming her sharp demon clawed hand through the man’s stomach and out the other side to stab the man partner in the side. Pulling her arm out quickly she flung blood onto the audience as they watched the demonic action in shock, then she turned towards them with only one thought in mind, “I’LL KILL THEM ALL! YOU WATCHED AS WRITHED IN PAIN NOW I’LL SEE YOUR FACES DISTORT IN THE SAME!” Celia rushed to the first person cutting their neck clean open with her claw and grabbing another stabbing both of that womans legs and leaving her to bleed out in pain, she moved to quickly swipe the arms off of several of the people there. There were about ten people left and now Celia was going berserk, she wanted to see more blood for what they had done to her, more blood for the ignorance, more more more! Wanting to cause much more pain Celia was gifted a new toy by her master, a scythe one as black as her hair, her scythe as sharp as it could be. With one quick swipe she cut all ten peoples heads off and destroyed the buildings behind them, getting advised on how she should use her powers she destroyed the town and everyone in it making sure to leave no trace of it.
END: Blood and gore, for now
Taking a few leaves from the town and a few pieces of tattered clothes from destroyed home Celia put together a black dress and put it on, it seemed to fit perfectly. Celia walked and walked and walked she hadn’t come upon a town in about three days, but it was obvious someone was on her trail and that was not going to be good. The person eventually caught up to Celia and drew his weapon, Celia hid her demon hand beneath bandages and materialized her scythe, the fight was rough and scarring for both of them, but in the end Celia ended up destroying the sword of light the man held, and well, Watching as the body exploded into dark matter and flowed into her healing her wounds and the sword doing the same but flowing into her scythe. Her weapon gave off a small glow as the energy slowly moved into the scythe and her arm. In an instant her scythe had vanished just as quickly as it absorbed the body, though the battle had taken a toll on her body and brushed her to the brink of exhaustion. Celia stumbled her breathing was separated by long breaths as she tried to regain the breath that had been knocked out her during the battle.
After a few minutes of walking she fell forward because of oxygen deprivation, her vision first went black, but in almost an instant she opened her eyes with a loud gasp of air. She was laying in a bed with white sheets over it, looking around quickly she found it was day and the plant life outside was very lush and thriving, but between her and it was some kind of forcefield that felt cold yet fragile. Giving it a good punch she broke it with a loud shattering noise turning whatever it was into black energy to heal the wounds that was a direct result of the action. Moments later a person rushed up to the room to check the noise to find her standing there with a blank look. Celia finally noticed she was wearing white clothing that had a bit of red splattered on it now, the person asked if Celia was alright, Celia wanted to answer but opening her mouth gave no words at all. Cleia looked down at her bandaged right arm it seemed the bandages held through the trip of whoever brought her here, Celia assumed it was the woman that lived in the house.
The person simply gave a nod and lead Cleia around town and introduced her to the people of the small town, while looking at the city as if a flicker of a vision Celia saw the fields and houses on fire and red stains soaking the ground. The most Celia could call these visions was “beautiful” it was something she wanted to see, something in her body was telling her to destroy and murder, but they would be of some use first. After the next few weeks Celia learned to talk from the villagers and she got accustomed to the way of living while having the woman take care of her. While living in the town she learned how to summon her scythe and use it as quickly as she could combined with kicks and her environment to get the upperhand in battle. Though she was told to avoid areas where dark energy was starting to spread and grow stronger, of course these were areas where Celia was drawn and always went to with each area she corrupted she grew stronger. A few days later Celia noticed her scythe glowing a bright red glow on the blade and the snake paint on her hand gave a red glow as well, and as if it was calling for what she wanted…it started.
From the field Celia walked into the town, the sky had turned dark the moment her weapon and tattoo started to glow, she walked with weapon drawn and smirk on her face. A farmer had approached her to welcome her back like they normally did and with a single swing of her scythe the man fell to the ground cut in half, looking over the now horrified villagers she pressed her foot to man’s head until it bursted and the blood turned into dark energy. Raising her scythe she gave a swing sending a sharp wave of dark energy coursing through the town cutting off limb after limb of the villagers and turning the remains of the cut off limbs into dark energy to feed her. Soon a sharp pain soon wracked her arm as the cloth bandages exploded into shreds exposing the abnormally large demon hand, with yet another burst of blood, holding her scythe in her left hand against her arm with a loud maniacal laugh. Moving over Celia found the person who had housed her for the duration of her stay, looking at the person who was missing an arm and bleeding onto the ground Celia only smiled as she picked them up with the claws of her demon hand by ther persons head. Giving a creepy look Celia started to squeeze the person’s head blood starting to run down the person’s neck…one…two…three then a loud smash and piercing sound filled the air as the claws sunk through the skin the blood sinking in through her skin as she dropped the body.
Celia went through the rest of village killing and destroying everything until the town was leveled and walked to the next doing the same, but making the villagers suffer, after using them to learn more about the people. Though after a few towns seeing the villagers suffering became boring, Celia quickly became uninterested with killing people this week, she always found herself in the same situation as before with a broken down village and the same cries for help. Celia started to spare a few towns from the destruction by moving past them and not minding them, while passing through a town Celia heard about a city one with an established guild for stability, defense, and help. Something in her mind was going off, “go there” there it was telling here, a new challenge was presenting itself and she wanted to take it, no way they were stronger than her. Traveling to the town was easy, though like normal her plan was going to come first, she was going to suck every bit of info she can from the city, though she had never been in a big city before. Just by inspecting the people of the town she assumed they would be the same level as usual, but those were just the civilians, the real challenge would come when she entered the guild. Immediately she could feel the presence of the guild members most powerful and she couldn’t help but feel the excitement rise in her chest, but she couldn’t remain she would be found out. So she left raised money by using her skills to her advantage and purchased a room at the Tavern to stay at when she didn’t camp in the fields.
Level: 5 Anti-Hero
General Powers/Abilities/Unusual Traits Description:
Negative energy absorption: While walking among the town’s member Celia is able to absorb the negative feelings ridding the people of the city of their bad feelings when she is near, this also help her because she needs this energy to survive
Weapon manifestation: Celia can summon a scythe made from pure dark energy and negativity from what appears to be out of nowhere
Demon claw: Celia is able to summon a demon claw on her right arm, this arm holds a highly destructive power that Celia is somewhat unaware of but she learns more everyday
Specific Powers/Abilities/Traits of Note:
Dark matter-Healing: By dismembering her enemies Celia is able to heal the wounds she received by absorbing the feelings of regret the target has when it loses a limb
Dark matter-Transfer: Celia is able to reanimate her fallen opponents for a period of time until they vaporize into complete dark matter and be of no further use to her.
Overwhelming spirit summoning: Using the dark matter provided by her demon claw Celia learned to summon the regrets of her fallen victims and use them to trick her opponent into losing focus by saying various regrets to get them focused on the past rather than the moment
Dark matter-Benediction: Using the dark matter as a shield Celia is able to protect herself and any ally she had near her at the time, presuming she doesn’t turn on them
Demon injectors: Using the claws from her demon hand Celia shoots the tips of her claw into near by animals and shift them into demon versions of themselves to wreck havoc on the area around them.
Dark matter-Explosion: Dropping off a ball of pure dark energy then making it explode in an area Celia uses this to decimate an entire area and make safe heavens for her thralls and servants.
Dark matter-Enhancement: By killing her opponent Celia is able to enhance the power in her weapon and demon claw by absorbing the dark matter into transferable energy
Dark matter-Ray: Using the demonic power of her claw Celia is able to shoot off a beam of darkness in a straight line along the ground that explodes upwards in a fiery torrent of destruction that burns the area of the ground near it.
Demon claw-Missiles: Jumping high into the air and suspending herself with dark matter she uses consecutive Ray blasts to rain death upon anything below her and make the areas hit into demon spawners.
Dark matter- Summoning (Low): Using the energy on a quickly casted summoning spell allows Celia to summon minions from the demon realm to aid her in a fight if she deems necessary
Dark matter- Summoning (Medium): Taking about ten minutes Celia uses a small summoning circle added with dark energy to summon clones of herself with only physical attack abilities
Dark matter- Summoning (Large): Using a summoning circle as big as her old town and a great amount of dark matter Celia is able to summon a large demon for a complete hour and cause mass destruction along a certain predetermined path.
Dark matter- Summoning (Max-Urgent warning: Do not let her use this at any time!): Using a summoning circle as big as Dahlthir in it’s entirety will summon an great entity bent on destroying everything in it’s sight and then more until there is nothing left to destroy, presumably this is the power of the demon king himself. Note: Using this kind of spell even with a city of overwhelming negativity will kill the user. The demon king does not appear for no reason a sacrifice must be made.
Extra: Though being an Anti-Hero by classification Celia enjoys the company of heros near her, though she refuses to join the guild, because she knows what she is and she knows what will happen if she lets her guard down.
Cleia can not change into a dragon, and if asked if she’s ever tamed a dragon she will respond, “I don’t tame dragons, i devour them!”
0 notes
dahlthir-blog · 7 years
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     ➜ Atuona has been accepted!
Welcome to Dahlthir, Azura! Your application for Atuona has been approved. You’ll have 5 days to turn in your blog to the masterlist. If you need more time, you can send us a message!
The character portion of the application can be found under the cut. She’s gone through so much to acquire her powers and even then those powers weren’t the ones she really sought after. It’s such a sad story but I’m glad she was able to one way or another escape from that organization! I hope Dahlthir can treat her well enough!
Other characters: Mizuki Hinobashi, Flora Abner, Garma, Alize Ruth, Celia Kacela
Faceclaim(s) & Series: Black Rock Shooter from “black rock shooter”
Character Name: Atuona (Like precious metal, Goes by: Aton)
Housing: Guild housing
Age: 18?
Level: (Intended to be) 4
Appearance :
Her hair is black as if like the obsidian hidden deep underground and feels exactly like the hard to obtain minerals would feel, though it is close to impossible to run your hand though the hair it seems rather well kempt and flows exactly like normal hair. The next thing to notice about the odd girl would be her eyes which seem to act in a rather odd way, while their original color is blue her left eye tends to give off two different radiances a blue radiances which seems to mean calm, level headed, thinking, kindness, or pity depending on the situation, and purple radiance which seems to give off the feeling as if she is annoyed, angry, desperate, in despair, or she just gone completely insane. (these radiances are not accurate guides to judge her mood) Moving down starts her wardrobe starting with her favorite overcoat  though this may not seem like much, but the coat is actually made from a very flexible but very durable metal this meaning she can sometimes stretch the coat to cover her exposed mid-area for a period of time before it returns to normal shape. The coat has a simple hood on it this is actually just made from cloth and used to keep her from being blinded by the sun is it’s most common use. Aton leaves most of her body exposed if she must be completely honest it is only because “I’d burn up in clothes made only of metal” so because of this small fact she would rather have more exposed with her mutations guarding her. Moving on and skipping the piece of cloth covering her chest, since there isn’t anything special about it, we get to her black shorts which, like her chest piece, is only made of cloth though the belt is made of metal and designed to hold different types of vials and components.
On Aton’s left wrist is a bracelet made of metal with various setting on it, this is the device that deploys her weapon in various forms, when the weapons form the take up the room from the bend of her arm past the fingertips for extended reach. On her left arm is a tattoo of a blue flame trail leading to her upper back that circles down around her stomach and back to her lower which then curves up to the mid back into an explosion like pattern as if it was a firework going off. Her right arm and the lower parts of her legs are both covered in both scars and burn marks fighting with such unpredictable equipment can take it’s toll on you if you aren't careful. Covering her feet are the sturdy black leather boots that have gotten her from place to place and never given out on her even once, some expertly made shoes indeed! On her left hand lays a ring that is actually missing a gemstone, this ring had no beneficial effect on her nor does it have negative effect other than making her feel bad she lost the pretty gem. Aton doesn’t wear makeup, her skin is mostly made of certain materials and using her ability she is able to shape her appearance as she wishes, though the only things she can not change is her build, that will develop over time, she had tested. Around her neck is a necklace that was given to her by someone at her home old home, because of her past her time before she was like this is fuzzy so she can’t remember who.
Are they a part of the Adventurer’s Guild?: Recruit
—- How long have they been part of the Guild: 1 week
Warnings: Blood and gore, death, human experimentation, Needles, Kidnapping
Personality (Please list 3 positive and 3 negative traits. Can simply be bullet points or can be expanded!):
+Kind: Aton is a very kind person, despite what she has been through helping others, she sees her helping others as making a difference in the world and when she set out on her original journey it was her goal from the start.
+Natural guard: Aton has a knack for standing around and looking at least a little intimidating, this help when people need a bit of protection, she often get’s offered jobs as a bodyguard for a short while to keep attackers away when transporting personnel.
+Cheery outlook: Aton will normally try to cheer people up if they aren’t feeling in the best of moods, she starts of course by complimenting them, but in the end she ends up sharing a phrase she lives her life by “Everything will be fine if you can just smile”
+Beautiful singing voice: Though Aton doesn’t sing very often because she is actually rather shy when it comes to her singing, she does sometimes sing to herself on missions and since joining the guild it is more than likely people may find out about her small habit.
+Honest: Aton knows she messes up a lot, though unlike some others, Aton will admit out right when something was her fault or she failed at an intended mission, she fears the consequences, but fears the ones for lying even more.
-Too paranoid: Due to her past Aton often stayes up much later than most of the other recruits she says this is because that when they are asleep they are vulnerable to attacks by evil spirits that cause bad dreams and torture those who they inflict, often times she catches up on sleep once one person wakes up.
-Too protective: Once Aton makes a friend she is prepared to sacrifice literally anything to save them if the situation requires her to do so, she will literally waste away if someone allows her too just to protect someone else.
-Bad judge of character: Aton is rather foolish and because of this she often tends to get near and close to people she shouldn’t even talk to, this was proven because of how she is now, Aton tends to get mixed up in the business of some villain and paying the price for the trouble they make, she just doesn’t know any better.
-Forgetful: Aton, at times, can forget the most important things in the worst moments she could forget them ranging from weaknesses of monsters, to her own purse when she goes out to purchase food, normally she will tell someone what she plans to do so they can make sure she has everything before leaving.
-Emotional- Though Aton tends to present her, sometimes as a literal, rock with no emotions she can actually be easily upset at times especially on days of great stress where only bad things have occurred to her
-Bad with time: Aton is horrible at telling time so she normally tells people to do things certain positions of the sun, though if someone tells her to wait a few minutes she will literally stand there and wait until they call her again because she can’t measure time.
Background (Minimum of 5 sentences.):
Aton was adopted into a happy family with an older brother and two loving parents in a small farm village that in this time has ceased to exist, but going back before that point is where we begin Aton’s journey and troubles. From a young age Aton was taught that helping others was a great deal to the world no matter how little the act was or how unnecessary the act may seem, she spent her childhood doing chores and tasks for the people of the small town. Around the age of eight Aton and her family moved away from the village to a better land that yielded more varieties of crops helping out and taking up travelers on the way. Though not everything was nice and peachy life is filled with many colors and worst of all is red, Aton hated the sight of the color red she hated wounds, she hated seeing her loved ones hurt though when the bandits attack there was nothing she could do, but hide and wait. Aton held her breath while she and her older brother hid while her parents dealt with the bandits after a few screams some laughs and the sound of trotting horses they were gone, they had taken half of the supplies the family brought with them, but there were only a few days left until they reached the new town. No one told her, but one of Aton’s mothers was injured in the confrontation and with the medicine gone well…the end result should be obvious after awhile, upon arriving in the town Aton’s mother fell ill and immediately Aton went to trying to make money to help pay for medicine. Aton payed and helped her family the best she could though it seemed it was too late, her mother had already given up fighting it the medicine stopped working after a few week…then the inevitable came.
The days passed and Aton’s mother only got worse the wound couldn’t be healed and one night Aton was woken up by her mom and taken to her mother who lay on the couch, Aton was told to say goodbye to her mother. The first thing Aton asked her mom was “Where is Mommy going?” Aton had no idea what they were talking when they wanted her to say goodbye to her mother, but soon enough she would find out. Aton was sent back to bed though something in her mind kept her up pretty much all night, usually the only person up at night at this point was her mother so Aton went to go see her, but what she came into the room to see was her motionless mother being held tightly by her mom. Aton came up and looked at her mother, she was smiling something that her mother hadn’t done since the night they were attacked Aton gave her mother a few shakes on the arm trying to wake her up while her mom broke out into tears. The next day a funeral was held among the villagers, thanks to her brother explaining things to her Aton finally understood what they meant by say goodbye…but Aton never got to say it. Aton didn’t attend the funeral she was too busy thinking about why this happened and remained at the family’s home until her mom and brother came back into the house, Aton spoke not a word to either of them. A year passed and Aton had done much of the farming for the family recently it seemed her brother was running out of breath quickly recently and her mom was busy dealing with the other villagers and the problems everyone had.
Warning end: Death (For now)
After collecting the harvest Aton would head into the market area attempting to sell what she had personally grown, Aton had saved up enough her own earning from her harvests to actually buy something of her own, Aton decided to buy a sword. Bringing it and the money home Aton showed it to her mom and insisted that they find someone to train Aton to use it to be able to protect the family. Of course her mom refused at the quickest chance she got, though through determination, and her brothers people skills, Aton found someone able enough to teach her to wield the sword, and soon enough she took up small tasks on killing monster that came near the village. At the age of eleven Aton had become used to going out of the village to fight monsters and bringing back proof for her kills to get a reward from the people who were supplying her with such missions, though each time she came back she would be yelled at by her mom though the woman always had a smile, one day Aton’s mom surprised her with a special gift, a good luck charm to help on her mission her mom knew Aton wasn’t going to stop. Each day Aton took a moment before leaving out for her missions to pray for her lost mother and to pray for the families good health, though these times didn’t last the world is full of colors and not all are pretty, soon enough black would engulf the families lives because of a simple girl’s actions. While out on a mission one day when Aton turned twelve she came upon someone in a white coat passed out on the ground near the forest, she picked him up abandoning her current mission and quickly walked back to the village calling for help from the villagers they got to patching the man up, this was one of the worst decisions of Aton’s life.
WARNING: Human experimentation, Needles, kidnapping
After a few day the man had become healthy and came to thank Aton for saving him, but it was only for a second before the needle was jammed into her neck and the odd colored liquid was pushed into her system. Stumbling back and falling onto the floor Aton couldn’t move as she was picked up and forced to watch as more men came flooding in taking more villagers including her family, Aton wanted to cry, she saved this man for this? What was even going on?! Blacking out Aton fell limp on the man’s shoulder as she was carried for an undecided amount of time Aton woke up on the cold floor of what looked like a cold dark room with a green object blocking her way out. Aton got up and immediately noticed her clothes had changed into something accorded to a long blue dress that wasn’t exactly covering in the back, a patient’s robe if she recalled correctly. Aton walked around the room a bit wondering what was going on, where her family was, and what she was supposed to do…the answers didn’t come, but something much worse did. The man came and turned off the green thing blocking her way out and grabbed Aton’s wrist dragging her along, Aton asked questions while she was being dragged though none were answered as she soon was thrown into a room with a wolf! Aton took a battle stance immediately upon seeing the wolf, though without her weapon she couldn’t fight so running was the only option, Aton avoided the best she could until the wold bit down on her arm…odd, she didn’t seem to feel the teeth in her skin. The wolf’s teeth stopped at the surface of skin and what was protecting her skin from the biting down on her looked like some kind iron surfacing covering her, raising her other arm up she forced the wolf off of her and pushed it away making her way to the door where she was pulled out and brought to her cell once again.
WARNING end: Needles
WARNING: Human experimentation, blood and gore, death
Test after test year after year passed and Aton had pretty much given up on escaping, now she was being put up against actual humans now to see who would break first between the two that were put in the same room. Aton had come out on top so far for five years Atone had come out on top, no one had managed to pierce her skin just yet, soon enough the scientist had brought Aton into a room and they clamped a bracelet onto her left arm which dug into her skin with ease as opposed to what she had expected. Letting out loud screams as the blood flowed out from underneath the bracelet she was moved quickly into a room with another person and as she looked up Aton couldn’t believe who it was. Aton’s mom stood before her with the same bracelet on her arm, once Aton recovered from the piercing pain she ran up to her mother then stopped realizing that if they were in the same room the only way out was for one of them to die. Aton went wide eyed as she backed up, she was either going to be killed by or have to kill the woman that raised her like her actual daughter, Aton was already crying at just the thought as her mom simply opened her arms, the mom couldn’t stand the thought of killing her daughter so she was leaving it up to Aton to decide if one or both of them died there. In an instant pain racked Aton’s left arm as she fell to the ground the braclet changed into what seemed like a cannon that covered her arm, slowly Aton stood up fear in her eyes as she looked at the cannon on her arm and just shook her head. Aton’s mom walked over once she noticed the cannon charging for a shot and raised it up to her heart, Atone only watched in shock as a loud bang went off and the blood splattered on her and everything around her as the bottom half of her mom fell to the floor. Aton just sat there staring at the body on the floor, what remained of her mom until a scientist came n and started to drag Aton out by her hair and something in Aton’s mind went off as she pressed the cannon into the scientist back and blasted a shot  making blood splatter around the room.Atone stood up and wiped herself off her cannon arm shifting into a blade as she went through she was able to slice up three scientist and blast two into smithereens before they were able to restrict her.
WARNING END: human experimentation, blood and gore, death
Aton was placed into some kind of pod she banged on as hard as she could before the gas poured in and it wasn’t long until she passed out yet again though what was expected to be short was something far different. Aton woke up what felt like moments later as the pod opened and she felt to the dusty, rubble covered, floor managing to stand up and look around she found two empty pods, hers and another. Upon inspection she found that everything around her had been reduced to rubble and there was hardly any light besides an open door a long way away from her, where was she? What happened? Why could she hardly remember anything? Aton wondered this as she approached the door the light coming in to blind her as she fully opened the door to find herself in some kind of ruin like area. Aton stepped out and moved around to get the feeling of moving in an open space again, she was asleep, but for how long exactly? everything looked much different already from what she knew about the world, which she had more than likely forgoten anyways. Walking for a few days Aton found her way into a city just a while off from where she emerged her mind was still clouded, but one thing was for sure, she needed new clothes, heading to the nearest place to buy something decent Aton managed to make a semi-decent outfit with a few defensive capabilities. Now it was time to move, breaking out into a run to explore the land she made her way to where a merchant suggested she go, a place called Dahlthir, maybe people there would know something about what happened. So arriving with her mind still fuzzy there were many questions in her head, what happened? where did i come from? How long was i asleep and how on earth do i find out? And a more important question in her mind, did she have a family to find? She could hardly remember anything from before she woke up.
General Powers/Abilities/Unusual Traits Description:
Metal armor: Unlike normal armor this armor is a thin layer that cover Aton’s skin and clothing, this type of metal is invisible to the naked eye no matter how hard one tries to look.
Bleed a different blood: Though still being human there are things that went down in those experimentation rooms, one test which had a noticeable effect. When Aton gets injured she does not bleed red, no she bleeds blue and it looks as if it is a type of liquid metal.
Weapon manipulation: Though it might not be exactly on a whim Aton can control which form her weapon takes be it cannon, sword, or just a simple bracelet
Unbreakable Tank: The thickness of her jacket and the layer over her skin make it so her defense is absolute, or it would be if the overcoat didn’t always stretch back to it’s normal position after everysingle time, that said she can only be an impenetrable wall for a short time.
Metal walk: If Aton’s feet touch a metal surface she can move much more quickly and sometimes without even moving her feet, though in no way can she control metal.
Brute strength: Though mainly having a solid defense it’s Aton’s brute force that makes her a threat, a person with high strength and a large weapon make a bad combo for the baddies.
Light intensity: The light in Aton’s left eye is one that is rather odd like she is in general, If the color is blue in battle it means she is fighting like normal, if the light turns Purple it means she’s going in for an attack and it’s expected to be an unpredictable one, if the light vanishes she either trying to trick someone or she’s desperate and going to try running away. This is a major tell on her battle plans.
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dahlthir-blog · 7 years
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  ➜ The festival approaches, Celia Kacela!
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