#celebs have to do self defense training sometimes so here y'all go
hoperays-song · 2 years
Self Defense Lessons
*Porsha, Ryan, and Johnny getting ready for their first class*
Ryan, sighing: I can’t believe we have to take self defense classes. I’ve never done anything like this. What about you pretty boy, you know some fighting stuff right?
Johnny, wrapping his hands: Well, yeah. Kinda came with the territory growing up. I mainly box though my dad made sure I knew some MMA as well. Don’t worry, it’s not that hard once you get going.
Ryan, trying his best to mimic Johnny: I mean, I heard dancing can translate pretty easy into martial arts so hopefully I won’t be terrible.
Johnny, reaching over to fix the taller boy’s wraps with a smile: I’m sure you’ll do great Ry! I’m here to help if you need anything, I promise. *Turning to Porsha*  How about you Porsha, ever done anything like this?
Porsha, cheerfully: I actually have a black belt!
Johnny, happily surprised: Really? That’s awesome! What in, Karate or Aikido or something?
Porsha, looking confused: ...
Porsha: No, from Gucci... What are you talking about? I wasn’t listening.
Johnny, sighing: Never mind. Do you need help wrapping your hands?
Porsha: Yes please!
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