#cedar fair parks
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randostufforino · 7 months ago
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Cedar Point Souvinir Shot Glass
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morningmantra · 1 year ago
Cedar Fair Parks Win Three Golden Ticket Awards for 2023
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flojector · 8 months ago
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Project 305 Graced by the Moon
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lifeofloon · 4 months ago
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Knott's has some amazing immersive water feature areas.
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Impromptu Knott's visit on this 3 days before Halloween.
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tacoma-narrows · 9 months ago
Dorney Park! - 5/19/21
Decided to not let this trip report have a two week long gap like my Great America post did, so I'll write it out now!
Made my first trip of the year to Dorney Park this past weekend! I went by myself for about 5 hours or so and got on everything I had wanted to ride. Lines were very minimal, with the longest (not accounting for a short maintenance delay) being maybe 20 mins. Got a bunch of re-rides on the park's major coasters and I'm sure I'll be able to get more later in the summer, since Dorney is my home park lol. But here are some pics I got, and then like for my Great America post, thoughts about my individual rides will be below them!
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Here's my breakdown of what I rode!
Iron Menace - Coaster Credit #169! (Rode twice) I am so glad Dorney finally got a brand new coaster after so long! Their last new coaster was Stinger in 2012 (which was a relocation, and closed in 2018), and their last custom built coaster was Hydra way back in 2005 (Possessed, opened in 2008, was also a relocation). I really liked Iron Menace for what it was though! It looks absolutely FANTASTIC for it's plot of land, and it's directly in front of you as you drive into the park. Makes for a fantastic first impression! The ride itself was pretty much what I expected (in a good way), it's definitely the weakest of the three dive coasters I've ridden, since it doesn't have the scale of Valravn and Sheikra, but I thought it had some fun elements and some surprisingly strong positive forces. The main downside is that it's a short ride, at only maybe 40 seconds or so after the drop. But all things considered, I think it's a great fit for Dorney and I LOVE it's theme! The Steelyard area around it looks pretty good as well! Currently, I have Iron Menace at 56th in my rankings between Flight Deck at California's Great America, and Medusa at Six Flags Great Adventure, but that could be subject to change once I decide if I like this or Hydra more lol.
Steel Force - (Rode twice) I'd heard during the park's Winter Chill Out event back in March that they we're speeding up the chain lift on Steel Force this year since (I believe) they had gotten a new lift motor or something to that effect, so I was excited to see how it rode this year. I didn't really notice a significant difference in the speed or airtime, but that wasn't a huge deal to me since I really enjoy Steel Force. A lot of people give it and the other Morgan hypers flack for not having any airtime, and I just don't see that. I always get tons of air over this hills, especially on the return trip. Then the double helix turnaround acts as a good change of pace with some good positives. So Steel Force still retains it's place as my favorite at the park.
Thunderhawk - (Rode once) Thunderhawk is a ride that's had my opinions on it change a lot over the years. When I first rode it the first time I went to Dorney in 2012, I did not like it. I remember it being really rough and uncomfortable. Over the last few years though, the park has been doing a really good job taking care of it and it's running really well now. My ride this time had surprisingly strong airtime, which I was not expecting. The main problem I had this time, and why I only rode it once, was because I got stapled BAD and the surprisingly strong airtime made for a rather uncomfortable experience lol. But for a ride that's celebrating it's 100th birthday this year, it's still really solid I'd say.
Hydra the Revenge - (Rode twice) Hydra is such a weird little ride but I love it. Lots of funky inversions, especially for a floorless coaster, and you gotta love the hangtime on the jojo roll out of the station. It's running a little shaky this year but not too bad as long as you keep your head forward, as is the case with a lot of B&M loopers. That's nothing new for Hydra as well, since in my experience it's always had a bit of a rattle. I love how dynamic its forces are though between hangtime, airtime, positives and a little bit of whip coming down the first drop in the back row. At the moment, I'm not sure if I'd take it over Iron Menace as my third fav in the park, so that's something I'll have to think about next time I'm back there lol
Talon - (Rode once) I really enjoy Talon as well, which finds itself as my second fav in the park after Steel Force. Very snappy and forceful inversions and it still runs pretty smooth. I especially love the super intense high banked turn right up against the ground towards the end of the ride. The one thing that's a little disappointing is that the park took out the signs underneath you as you go up the lift hill. They were spaced out and said thing like "Going up" "No turning back!" "Getting closer..." as you went up the lift hill, with the last one at the crest saying "Goodbye!" as you go over the drop. They didn't affect the actual ride at all, but I thought they were a funny little thing the park decided to put in. They may have removed them prior to this year, since I didn't go to Dorney a lot between 2020 and now, but this is the first time I noticed it at least. Anways, gotta love Talon, real solid invert all around. I would've rode it more than once, but it got a bit of a longer line towards the end of my visit that I didn't feel like waiting in lol
Possessed - (Rode once) I've never been a huge fan of Intamin's Impulse coasters, and I've always thought Possessed was just kind of okay. It's got a fun launch, and since I was sitting towards the back row, the feeling of height looking straight down on the vertical back spike was pretty cool, but other than that, the ride doesn't do a whole lot for me. I wished the holding break on the vertical spike still worked like it used to, that would make the ride a bit more unique at least, but it's still fine enough without it.
Other than the coasters, I rode two other rides, both of them being drop towers lol. One was Dominator, the park's 200 foot S&S drop tower. I rode the shot side that blasts you up to free fall down and I thought it was way more tame than I remembered, which was unfortunate. Then the other drop tower I rode was Demon Drop, which is one of the very few rides out there that still kinda wigs me out lmao. Something about the moving forward from the lift shaft to the drop track and the fact that the ride looks, sounds, and feels like it's made of sheet metal still kinda gets to me lol. I love it though, and for as rare of a ride that it is, being the last of it's kind in the country, if it's running, you gotta give it a ride.
So overall, I had a fun time at Dorney! It's not the biggest or best park in the world by any means, but it serves its purpose as a regional theme park well and offers things that are fairly unique from other area parks like Hersheypark, Knoebels and Great Adventure. Once the waterpark opens for the season (they were having their season passholder preview day when I was there), then it becomes more of a full day park, since their waterpark is really solid. So I'm sure I'll get back later this summer and you'll get another post full of my ramblings lmao.
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chronicallyalittlemeep · 4 months ago
Ok the Kingda Ka rumors have been going absolutely crazy. My take is that it’s a 60% chance they are keeping it and a 40% something super drastic happens.
Why I think it isn’t certain doom is first of all as sooo many have pointed out it is an icon in a way almost no coasters have come close to achieving, and have people from all around east coast and sometimes the world, so even with massive addition that’s several years of big struggle, and that’s another Hit to this park that wants to expand and b come a resort
(Side note on that; the fact that in this market great adventure doesn’t have higher attendance isn’t good, seeing the 90s had higher attendance, in a growing giant metropolis duo of New York to Philadelphia, without any big competition for it being the park of the area.
Second point for it being able to stay is Xcelerator at my home park, Knotts. It wasn’t as publicized as top thrills closure but it was closed down, and stayed like that for nearly two years. Through that time there was steady maintenance work and is now operating, and more reliably than it was before by a mile. It’s more reliably open than jaguar at this point. Knotts is a unique situation I know, but I shows cedar fair isn’t removing all hydraulic launches they have, as people think new six flags is much more dominated by.
I do not think removing it would be a good idea, you could make a new great coaster in several places, and you could rehab green lantern, sell it to Kentucky kingdom for some money and use that land.
Despite this opinion, I do get that the maintenance and labor and parts cost is probably one of the most expensive in the wok, especially the near 24 hour maintenance staff as parks refuse to pay more or have better employment conditions to keep staff and have enough (I know there are general labor shortages but I don’t think it’s mainly that) to keep the monster ride running. They do it witch xcelerator, but that is literally 46 mph off, near 2.5 times taller, a larger hydraulic compressor cable more brake fins and all, every single cost is each more on kingda Ka.
I have a personal unsopprted hunch that cedar fair will forgive zamparla, and bring back in some other manufacturers too like rmc and intamin, so a redo is feasible and could be why there is no word on it, and it might just close, as it’s not fully closing.
So tumblr users and enthusiasts what do you think is happening
Some videos on it
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sorrythathappened · 9 months ago
Six Flags (and impending Six Flags) tier list. Thoughts from someone else who has visited more than one of these parks?
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fishyartist · 1 month ago
Oh reminder that summer theme parks are starting to hire/ will be hiring soon, if ur desperate for a job it’s pretty easy to get into one of em.
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paytato435 · 7 months ago
I went to King's Island for the first time today and, as a rollercoaster enthusiast I had to rank them. Also just want to talk about the park in general, so that will be after the list.
1. The Beast
This ride was amazing! 45 years old and the longest wooden rollercoaster in the world?? The tunnels, trees, and final spiral descent easily made this my favorite coaster of the day.
2. Orion
I'm a sucker for smooth ass rides, so I have to give Orion the edge over Diamondback for this one. Higher, faster, and smoother is better. :)
3. Diamondback
The unique feature of this B&M is it's length and steep drops. It has so many hills, and the helix elements are also amazing. I will say though, Diamondback and Orion's biggest weakness are their abrupt endings. Both end sharply on downhill and it just leaves a bad feeling in my gut, like both of them should have continued running quite a few feet further and coming to a more natural conclusion.
4. Mystic Timbers
This one fucks. It's very similar to Prowler at World's of Fun, but a bit better when it comes to the smoothness and of course, the theming and surprise ending just has a lot more to offer.
5. Backlot Stunt Coaster
This ride was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be! Loved the dark tunnel and sharp turns.
6. The Racer
7. Snoopy's Soap Box Racers
awesome new ride, loved it!
8. Adventure Express
9. Flight of Fear
cool idea with a mediocre execution. 4/10
10. Woodstock Express
11. Woodstock Air Line
12. The Bat
too rough, not super interesting.
13. The Banshee
Ride Patriot or Nemesis Inferno instead. The ride has a lot of intense G-forces and is pretty crazy, but it's too long and too rough for me. 0/10 worst inverted roller coaster ever.
I also really enjoyed the Boo Blasters on Boo Hill! It was very nice to have a few indoor dark rides at the park, something not so common unless you're at Disney or Universal. Ride broke down in the middle but I could continuously shoot the targets so I probably got the high score for the day with 4320 points.
Delirium and Drop Tower were very fun! Delirium makes for a good dryer after a water ride.
Also went on and enjoyed Charlie Brown's Log Adventure thingy, White Water Canyon, and Congo Falls. They weren't crazy or amazing by any means, but they did get me very wet and that was much appreciated as it was humid as heck today.
All in all I'm very impressed by King's Island. I'll have to make another post soon ranking my favorite parks and see where it goes. <3
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thebatfliesagain · 8 months ago
Hello friends . Apologies for inactivity ! I guess coaster-posting on other platforms would be more rewarding, but eh. here's a blurry pic of Diamondback during the firework show.
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girltakovic · 1 year ago
one thing about me is that i am so good at hunting down items. show me a random tiktok of a musical clock from 2013 and i can get you a sku and the cheapest ebay listing in 30 minutes
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ashen--dreams · 8 months ago
cool six flags has essentially almost a complete monopoly over the theme park industry in america. i am not excited to see what the future holds for ex-cedar fair parks. i just hope cedar fairs leadership team rubs off on six flags a bit and we see some overall improvements and that ex-cedar fair parks arent negatively influenced
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mysticraven17 · 2 years ago
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At the turn of the Millennium, there were signs🎢✨ _____
Here he is, my newest coaster themed character, Millennium Force! I just had to do this one next since it’s my favorite coaster at cedar point! (That may be partially due to nostalgia from my first cedar point trip lol)
This robotic dragon may look intimidating, but in reality he’s actually very friendly and full of energy! The screen on his neck usually has his coaster track pattern on it, but he can display various other coaster related imagery on his screen as well! Millenniums legs are able to fold back, and there are wheels hidden in them, which allows him to attach himself directly to the coaster track and ride on it! He often does this to follow a train full of passengers (he likes seeing the riders reaction to his coaster)
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flojector · 4 months ago
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lifeofloon · 4 months ago
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Starting to look like Christmas at The Farm.
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