cecehensley-blog · 6 years
Week 3 Comm 3550 Prompt 2
Prompt 2: Capture an image from the portion of the BMW Motorcycle factory where we’re allowed to have photos – anything you like (something cool, obviously). Discuss the concept of communicating/connecting with internal & external stakeholders, and how this tour accomplishes both of those things (refer to the entire tour and to things we learn from the tour guide and the promo videos). Draw specific connections to the Zerfass reading – quotes w/ page numbers are a good way to do this.
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“According to the global CCOs interviewed, there is a strong tendency for communication to be in control at corporate headquarters with communication being responsible for vision, mission, values, and other “soft” building blocks of a corporation” (Zerfass,789). With regard to the BMW motorcycle factory, this much is true. On our tour, our guide Martin made it quite obvious to us where BMW’s values lie, and how important it is to them to maintain them on a daily basis. One of the most memorable things from the guide was the sign that had all of the inspirational messages on it, and said “Who is responsible for quality”, and the question was answered by a mirror right below it as a way to say “you are responsible every step of the way.” This is one of the ways BMW manages to connect to their internal stake holders, the workers.
BMW also connects with their external share holders, the buyers by giving the actual tour and softly promoting themselves the entire time. One of the things I specifically noticed was when martin was showing us the promo video he said something along the lines of “there is a bike for anyone.” And when we actually went on the tour he kept bringing up what I assume to be his favorite bike and explaining how it is the greatest engine they have ever created and that everyone needs one. The final self promotion came near the end of the tour when Martin brought up the scooters they have, and how if you ride one you are automatically going to want one. The tour is just one of the ways the BMW motorcycle factory effectively communicates with its external shareholders, its customers.  
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