#cdta first time in idyll au
missr3n3 · 3 months
one of the angels be like-
angel 1: ay yo, look at this weird little guy i found standing at the gates.
*joshua is being held like a cat, his face is one of pure annoyance and probably freaking out internally*
angel 2: what in all goodness is that?
angel 1: i dunno, he looks adoptable.
angel 1 walking around with joshua:
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missr3n3 · 3 months
it's so fucking stupid and funny to imagine that Joshua's guardian angel has similar personalities with him.
its not too surprising tbh. the more im writing the more i realize most characters in cdtaville got a lil bit of a chip on their shoulders
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missr3n3 · 3 months
*joshua attempting to fight the grim reaper aka azrael who's in a bad mood*
hekamah: dumbass, dumbass, dumbass, dumbass, dumbass, dumbass, dumbass, dumbass, dumbass, dumbass-
*joshua gets obliterated™*
hekamah: AZRAEL, FUCK YOU.
i guess hekamah can't be too mad since joshua kinda brought that on himself lol
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missr3n3 · 3 months
hekamah would do well as Joshua's guardian angel, because he's the angel of loyalty and Joshua's loyal and all that. but, damn, he do be questioning Joshua's actions when he does stupid shit.
*Joshua doing any stupid shit basically, like pushing random buttons or turning levers up or down*
Hekamah, spirit form and internally cringing: Damn, this hoe is stupid as fuck. Like, bitch, get your head out your ass and get outta this place!
Joshua: Did you hear something, Izzy?
Isaac, getting goosebumps in an abandoned factory even though Joshua said he should stay away but tag along anyway: No..?
hekamah must've facepalmed so hard it left a dent in their face after joshua tried to square up on azrael lol
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missr3n3 · 3 months
that one angel and joshua in first time in idyll
angel: guys look what I found!
*joshua, still in his pathetic emo boy outfit, being held like a cat*
the other angels, not judging joshua: huh
axdxgfxexfgvbb so real XD
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missr3n3 · 3 months
joshua: begone, you evil bitch!
azrael, not giving a single fuck:... fuck you. *blasts joshua to smithereens.*
azrael when joshua tried to square up:
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missr3n3 · 3 months
random facts
bad weather exists in heaven, and there's a 50/50 chance that one day it'll be hot as hell and cold as Antarctica the next. nighttime and daytime exists as well. depending on one angel's mood which affects weather.
there's also flight training, joshua will never pass because when i tell you that it's a strict training with hard work needed i mean it. there's hoops, extreme flying speed needed, short timers for better control at turning angles and the overall basics to master. not to mention that it's very windy.
heaven is a infinitely vast dimension with many different places (fjords, metropolitan cities, rural cities, towns, villages, etc)! and travel is mostly by flying (for people who succeed flight training), and public transportations like trains, buses, ships and airplanes. there's also central heaven which is located near the Pearly Gates. Joshua lives there for now.
halos are customisable, emo boy can have a bird skull halo if he knows how to get one. default halos are golden rings with a faint white glow.
(Your friendly anon hater was here!)
lots of vry cool ideas here!
i will say that in canon cdta (ur totally free to take or leave this btw), halos aren't a custom thing and all look like rapidly rotating sparks
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^ like that. also the public transport idea is vry funny since most angels are incredibly tall, with michael & luce being only slightly taller than average at 10ft. joshua's 6'3 self is gonna look tiny if he ever tries to explore around XD
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missr3n3 · 3 months
yeah, jjoshua thought azrael was a possible threat and look where he's at now. unfortunately, the christian grim reaper can't resurrect anyone.
(Your friendly anon hater was here!)
rip joshua, he never learned to stop picking fights he cant win o7
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missr3n3 · 3 months
Could be
Or maybe his body is unable to heal everything in time and something bad results from it
im assuming this is abt what could've killed joshua in the first time in idyll au, yea?
i dont think this one would work tbh 💔 i picture joshua's regeneration being so strong that even if only a small clump of cells were left of him, he could grow a whole new body back from that alone
thats why the zappy spider that unwillingly assisted in the creation of the cael had to completely dissolve into hellfire before they finally died fr
thats also why im thinking about things that cause destruction on the cellular or atomic level while trying to figure out what killed joshua. it would take something of that caliber to fully kill him off
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missr3n3 · 3 months
angel 1 cradling joshua: i've only met this little guy for only two minutes. but if anything happens to him, then i'll cry and pamper him until he's okay.
joshua will probably need the help after. falling into the large hadron collider or w/e killed him
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missr3n3 · 3 months
Raphael the archangel is heaven's only therapist (because that entity is literally the patron of mental health and recovery), and ooh boy when I tell you that Joshua's gonna be showing up in Raphael's presence one hour each day.
Dialogues because I am hyper-excited
Raphael: So... What's the problem this time, Joshua?
Joshua: I'm just feeling so upset today. Like my whole existence is just a lie and that I'm not. Invincible. You know?
Raphael, clicking a pen as It begins scribbling on paper: Yes, continue now, die-hard emo boy.
dang, rapheal is rly gonna have Its work cut out for It @_@
now im kinda curious how the angels would reacting learning joshua was stuck in the Nightmare Sand Pit too (assuming they already know what that is bc michael got out n told The Boys (gender neutral) why he was missing for over a century)
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missr3n3 · 3 months
*devious laughter as I write more world building of First Time In Idyll*
(Your friendly anon hater was here!)
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missr3n3 · 3 months
oh, hey. I didn't know people are actually interested in First Time In Idyll. That's a first.
(Your friendly anon hater was here!)
it seems like joshua facing death for real is just something that's on cdta readers' minds ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ there was that whump fic from a couple days ago where joshua's heart stopped for a long while, n now this au!
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missr3n3 · 3 months
yeah, that's definitely going to cause grief for isaac, madeline and everyone who loves him. Joshua won't be as sane in the head like before, however... some angels would definitely help him with his existential crisis, because to them he's probably considered family now. like, c'mon, this weird, pathetic and beat up looking guy is a member of heaven, he's obviously a good person!
im thinking the angels probably view joshua as like. kind of the same way an animal sanctuary would view a tiger they rescued from a shitty enclosure. like they definitely want to help him and probably have a lot of sympathy for his circumstances, but he's also a little bit of a Creature to them
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missr3n3 · 3 months
you get me, joshua be looking like the most sore thumb of all existence in heaven. and nobody bats an eye at all, they be minding their business while josh freaks out.
wait a minute.. that's gonna be a au.
(Your friendly anon hater was here!)
if anything i think some of the angels might be jst. intrigued by the whole cael devil thing. like finding a new type of bug they've never seen before lol
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missr3n3 · 3 months
imagine if joshua fucking died. like absolutely obliterated into nothing. but instead of being wiped from existence he entered heaven. with a halo as his newly acquired accesory while everything from before stays the same
(Your friendly anon hater was here!)
im assuming by "everything stays the same" u mean he's still in his beat to shit hoodie n has his horns n such, and if so that is. such a funny mental image dshfdskfksdk
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