#cdmu hyun
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carozo-de-melocoton · 1 year ago
【HYUN】 Corazón de melón en el amor Ep.
【Mis Redes Sociales】
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#CorazónDeMelón #RutaHyun #cdmuniversidad #corazondemelonuniversidad #cdmfandom #mycandylove #sucrette #amordoce #amoursucre #mlc #husband #husbando #hyun #cdmhyun #hyunmlc #cdmu #cdm #cdmuhyun #paperboyfriends #juegootome #otome #corazondemelonmor
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hidden-blackcat · 5 years ago
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ladanigarcia · 6 years ago
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Mejor tarde que nunca jajaja están en el orden de lo que a mi al parecer son las mas bonitas.
lo se, están un poco tarde las imágenes de san valentin en CDMU, llegue ayer en la madrugada a mi país después de las mejores vacaciones del mundo y no pude subirlo por medio de la app porque no se que wea con el Internet del hotel que no me dejaba subirlas, pero aquí se las traigo 
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hannahsuniverse · 6 years ago
CDMU: Episodio 3 - Ruta Hyun (Respuestas)
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Hyun: ¿Tan pronto? Pensaba que te vería solo este mediodía. ¿Cómo es eso?
A. Clemence me ha enviado un mensaje para que viniera a partir de las 9 h, estaba encantada. (~)
B. Tenía que venir este mediodía… Pero, al parecer, para Clemence las 9 h ya es el mediodía. (- 5)
Hyun: Eh, bueno, es bastante grande, ¡hay muchísima gente!
A. Sí, es cierto después de todo… ¿Qué estás estudiando? (~)
B. En realidad, pensaba que solo trabajabas en la cafetería. Y que te encargabas de dirigirla más o menos junto a Clemence… (+ 5)
Hyun: Hace cinco minutos que miras al vacío sin decir nada.
A. No, nada… Una chica de mi clase que acaba de tambalear mi vida. (~)
B. No… Nada. (~)
• Opción A: 
Hyun: No tiene pinta de que sea “nada”. Pareces preocupada… ¿Quieres que hablemos?
A. No merece la pena, de verdad, no es nada grave. Es inútil. (~)
B. Esta chica, Yeleen, está en clase conmigo… Está haciendo que mi comienzo de curso universitario esté siendo un poco negro. (+ 5)
Hyun: Pero es que es verdad, está en su carácter.
A. ¡¿Puedes dejar de defenderla durante dos minutos, por favor?! (- 5)
B. ¿Eso crees? No hago nada bien… (~)
• Opción A:
Hyun: Si meto cizaña, solo empeoraría la situación. Es lo más sensato que puedo hacer. ¿No crees?
A. Todo lo que quieres que haga es que me tranquilice, que no me preocupe. ¡Es fácil decirlo! (- 5)
B. Estás en lo cierto… No quiero que también te vaya mal a ti. (+ 10)
Hyun: Bueno… ¿Quieres una cerveza? Sería todo un gustazo.
A. ¿Ahora? (~) (Hyun invita)
B. Con mucho gusto. (~) (Pagas 7$)
Hyun: Así que si encontramos un tesoro, nos lo quedamos.
A. ¿Un tesoro? ¿Yo? Es una broma. Si soy el colmo de la torpeza. (+ 5)
B. Es cierto, Clemence debería aprender a controlar su genio. (~)
C. Sí… Gracias por el cumplido. (- 5)
Hyun: En realidad no, ¿pero sabes su nombre?
A. Uno de mis mejores amigos ha tenido un flechazo con él. (~) (con Hyun) (- 10) (con Alexy)
B. (A Alexy no le gustaría que le cuente a todo el mundo que ha tenido “un flechazo”… Sobre todo cuando Hyun podría decírselo a Morgan…) (~) 
• Opción A: 
Hyun: ...
A. ¿Te molesta…? (~)
B. ¿Te importaría intentar averiguar si…? (- 10)
• Opción B:  ¿Te importaría intentar averiguar si…?
Hyun: Creo que lo mejor que puedes hacer por tus amigos es no inmiscuirte en la vida de los demás…
A. Precisamente lo he hecho con el consentimiento de mis amigos. (- 5)
B. (He preferido no añadir nada al respecto… Ya me sentía bastante estúpida así.) (~)
Hyun: Oh, no te preocupes, no me molestas, ya he terminado, Clemence no debe de tardar en venir a relevarme.
A. Tengo la sensación de que te pasas el día aquí y, sin embargo, eres estudiante, al igual que yo. (~)
B. Ah, vale. Dejo que termines de recoger, te espero, no quiero molestarte al final del servicio. (- 10)
• Opción A: 
Hyun: Sí, es cierto. Yo también tengo esa sensación. Necesito dinero, le he dicho a Clemence que quiero trabajar todo lo posible.
A. ¿Tienes problemas de dinero? (- 5)
B. Yo no podría pasar tanto tiempo aquí. Con las clases, me volvería loca. (+ 10)
Hyun: Eso he creído entender, sí.
A. ¿Crees que Morgan podría venir? (- 5)
B. Si quieres invitar a alguien simpático. Cuantos más seamos, mejor. (+ 5)
Hyun: …
A. ¿Y si lo hacemos aquí? (- 5)
B. ¿En tu habitación del campus? (~)
• Opción A:
Hyun: No creo que a Clemence le parezca bien, hace muy poco que trabajas aquí, no lo aceptará.
A. No tenemos que decírselo… (+ 5)
B. Sí, y tampoco me atrevo a pregutárselo. (~)
Hyun: ¿Quieres que vayamos juntos?
A. Oh, ¡con mucho gusto! (~)
B. No, lo siento, aún no sé lo que haré… (~)
Yeleen: Salvo que, bueno… A ti todavía es comprensible, pero a mí…
A. ¿Qué quieres decir exactamente? (¿¿Estoy soñando o se está burlando de mí delante de mis propios amigos??) (- 5 con Hyun)
B. ¿Pero tú…? Termina la frase. (~)
Yeleen: …
A. ¿Cuáles son las reglas del juego? (~)
B. Sí, lo conozco. (~)
• Opción A:  ¿Cuáles son las reglas del juego?
Yeleen: ¿No lo conoces?
A. Te he preguntado las reglas, obviamente no, no lo conozco. (~)
B. No he jugado nunca.(~)
• Opción A:  Te he preguntado las reglas, obviamente no, no lo conozco.
Hyun: No te vayas, Yeleen. Además, también es tu habitación. ¿Por qué has reaccionado así, Sucrette?
A. Normalmente, es ella quien me ataca a la mínima de cambio. (+ 5 con Hyun)
B. ¡Está intentado poneros en mi contra! (~)
Hyun: Yo nunca he mentido.
A. (Me he llevado el vaso a los labios. No recuerdo haber mentido por nada.) (~)
B. (He dejado el vaso delante de mí. Ha ocurrido más de una vez.) (~)
Yeleen: Yo nunca he fantaseado con uno de mis profes.
A. (Le he dado un trago. Nunca se me había pasado por la cabeza esa idea.) (~)
B. (Estaba satisfecha de mantener el vaso delante de mí sin tocarlo. ¿Quién no ha fantaseado alguna vez?) (~)
• Opción A: (Le he dado un trago. Nunca se me había pasado por la cabeza esa idea.)
Alexy: ¿Ni siquiera el Sr. Zaidi?
A. Admito que… (- 5 con Hyun)
B. No, sinceramente, me deja de piedra. (~)
• Opción A: Admito que...
Hyun: Tengo que reconocer también que tiene su encanto. Pero parece que ha llegado a la facultad Eric Northman.
A. Ja, ja, ¿ves True Blood, Hyun? (~)
B. ¿Eric qué? (~)
• Opción B: (Estaba satisfecha de mantener el vaso delante de mí sin tocarlo. ¿Quién no ha fantaseado alguna vez?)
Melody: Ah, ¿sí? ¿Quién?
A. Estoy jugando, pero no tengo la obligación de tener que explicarme. (~)
B. Bueno, el Sr. Zaidi… Hay algo… diferente. No sé. (- 5 Hyun)
Rosa: Vaya, me ha pasado lo mismo.
A. Se la voy a llevar. (~) (para la imagen con Nathaniel)
B. No pasa nada, se la daré antes de la primera clase, mañana por la mañana. (~) (para la imagen con Hyun)
• Opción A: Se la voy a llevar.
Hyun: Estaré aquí cuando vuelvas.
A. Eso espero. (+ 5)
B. Pasadlo bien sin mí, lo haré lo más rápidamente posible. (~)
• Opción B: No pasa nada, se la daré antes de la primera clase, mañana por la mañana.
A. (Me he levantado imitando a Rosalya y a Hyun.) (~)
B. (Me he quedado sentada, realmente no tenía ganas de bailar.) (- 5 con Hyun)
Alexy: Sí, te toca, Sucrette, ¡aún no has propuesto nada!
A. Yo nunca he tenido ganas de besar a alguien presente en esta habitación. (para la imagen)
B. Yo nunca he hecho nada ilegal. (~)
C. Yo no llevo puesta ropa sexy ahora. (~)
A. (Le he dado un pequeño trago.) (~)
B. (He puesto mi vaso delante de mí sin tocarlo e, inmediatamente, he mirado a Hyun sin querer.) (+ 10 con Hyun) (IMAGEN)
• Para conseguir la imagen:
Comprar el conjunto de falda dorada y camiseta negra.
No llevar la carpeta a Melody.
Lovometro a 60/65 o más.
NOTA: Algunas de las respuestas afectan a los otros personajes presentes, para saber más sobre ello consultar la guía del episodio 3. [x]
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velvetemerald · 3 years ago
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I like Avatar and I like My Candy Love. So, what could I do? Draw them.
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rowenna-887 · 3 years ago
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that event was...not what i expected.
the mini game is suck. they just want to take our money,they make clear this make us spend PA to make dice.
the clothes are ok,despite the clothes of 2019's event was better (and the images too).
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axxonova · 4 years ago
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Hoy tenemos a Kentin 😍💕
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suspiros-victorianos · 4 years ago
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smolsalty · 5 years ago
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Happy Late Birthday for the least appreciated LI :’D I wanted to make a piece for him, so here it is!
Commissions are still open, hit me up for infos!
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meg-eldaryaml · 5 years ago
My opinion on every route for episode 16
As usual Priya’s stuff came a day late, so today I finally found a playthrough. Now prepare for a long post.
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In general
I loved this episode, I liked the fact that almost everything was different on every route.
I don’t usually talk against the AP system, but this time I have to say it. Now we don’t waste AP for nothing, but we can’t have a long episode because that would be too expensive, and that’s a problem for Beemoov, but I can’t help to compare the sex scenes of this episode, to sex scenes in Eldarya. It was well written, but it was rushed, because of what I said.
Eldarya has basically the old AP system (you can think about episode 40 in HSL in the old AP system too, if you like), the first time there, when you meet your boyfriend, you have a really long scene with him awesomely described as it should be on their first time. This was the special “first time” in mclul, and the AP system cut it short because otherwise people would complain, and for good reasons. That pisses me off, because I want long episodes, I want informative long scenes, or having long pointless conversations with the crush, but we won’t have it because every single thing we say costs AP.
I did like that they included the condom on the scene, that was the right way to do it, unlike the dam thing. Just make it a part of the normal dynamic, don’t make a class out of it right on the scene, thanks.
Now, my thoughts on every route.
I worried at first when he got mad, I didn’t want to feel him as an overprotective boyfriend who feels like he is on his right to treat you badly just because he was worried. I actually took one of the negative answers for him on purpose, because I didn’t want to just go with it when he was talking shit about my hurted friend. But he stopped and properly apologized, at least for my taste, and actually went down to a cuter level of worrisome.
I loved that we are getting close to be the official girlfriend of Crowstorm’s Castiel. I’m a little surprised we’re not everywhere on internet yet, but well, we are being seen by his fans slowly.
I have mixed feelings on the text messages because of the damn translation. In Spanish server he said things that melted me, but they’re not on the English server, so now I’m waiting to see if he said it on French server.
The scene in the Snake Room got me a little awkward at first because I didn’t understand what was the point of it, but once I finished that scene I stop to analyse and I LOVED IT, it was such a sweet thing to do. It was Castiel introducing the love of his life to the other love of his life and I couldn’t think of anything more especial. Castiel opened up entirely this episode, and the talk about Demon was clearly a relationship development sign (remember when we had the chance to ask him about it in episode 5, I think, and the l’o’m dropped down?).
I found funny the freaking out over the lingerie thing because I thought it only happened in Castiel’s route if you were his ex, as a little wink to the pineapple incident (HIMYM flashback) in HSL, but turned out it happens always with everyone.
The date was perfect, he buying everything because he wasn’t sure what did she like (as his ex I felt a little offended, but whatever), his stressfulness, the talk, the hot moment that he stopped was also cute. I like their dynamic when they are together for a long time, and him suggesting that she should stay in his apartment for the entire week was precious. The massage scene is gold, the sex scene was perfect, I loved that he finally said that he wants us to go with him on the tour, but Candy didn’t say a thing about it, and she really should have.
They had sex with the curtains open again, let’s hope there are no pictures this time.
Basically, on this episode I felt comfortable with him, and that’s pretty much all I was asking for this route in UL. I absolutely loved it, and I appreciate that they are making this so romantic now, because at one point it felt emotionless and all I wanted was to leave his route. I understand that he is a wilder, but he had a late entrance, and got together too fast, I wasn’t in love with him at all, that’s why I totally agree with them making his route so… tender? thoughtful? cute? you pick the word, but now they are making me fall in love with this guy, and it worked because I couldn’t be more sure that this is the route I’ll follow. Just give it some time and he’ll be the hottie he has always been again.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THEIR FIRST MOMENT. It was SO heartbreaking, she just broke down in his arms in front of absolutely everyone, and he couldn’t do anything for her because that hug was already too much for a professor-student relationship. I would’ve like to see what did he came up with in the beginning to go with the group to look for her on the fair, especially because he went back home in episode 15. I picture his worrisome when he decided to go back for her when she disappeared. And it is funny to think that half of the group actually knew what was actually going on before the hug (Chani, Rosa and Leigh knew from us, and Castiel figured it out), and still Chani was shocked too.
It was gold, but then came the meeting in the library. I thought everything was going to be alright when she got there and asked him if she could sit there because it was the only free chair, because from that place they had complete control of who is coming close to them or who could hear them, but they didn’t took any attention to it afterwards, and it got risky because they are so obvious pretty much jumping away from each other every time someone got close and shutting up suddenly.
The visit to the apartment wasn’t that risky at all in comparison. I was a little annoyed by the fact that he didn’t even show her his beautiful apartment before having sex, they went straight to it, but then Irealized it makes sense since they don’t get to touch each other like the other routes, they always have to hold themselves when they’re together, and this was the very first time they could be physically expressive without worrying about anything else.
The sex scene was good, but I felt a little cringy reading it, but it was a personal thing, like I felt I made the right decision when I didn’t change my route when I wanted to. But, I totally approve this episode for his route.
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[x] Good for you, Beemoov, you didn’t rush it, I keep my faith.
It was a really sweet episode with him, it was really sad in the end. I was hoping more blood and drama in the beginning, but it’s fine, we got the drama in the end.
I like that Nathaniel didn’t steal the entire episode for people in other routes. I hope they keep it that way on the other arcs, because right now it feels like Nath is the purest love in the entire game, and I’m ok with it, because is his arc, and I hope they make me feel the same when we face Castiel’s.
The sex scene felt a little out of place, especially for someone with stitches, and because he was in pain with just a hug. I don’t know, I don’t understand how can you get in the mood for it in that situation, but for the dramatic touch, it was ok.
I know I’m not saying too much about him right now, but I feel like everyone already said all the good words for it.
I liked the fact that he cleaned up his room this time, and him living Candy his apartment and credit card was such a pure thing for me, I can’t even-
He was cute as usual. I laughed SO HARD at the little “cheating” text message-drama, because if there is anyone I wouldn’t EVER buy it, it’s him, it was hilarious.
I like how they are all confident to let his sisters get to know Candy.
The Toy Story thing was awesome, although I didn’t quite get if it was a joke from Morgan and Alexy or an actual mistake, since he mentioned that they were also going to see a movie, but I doubt it, I think it was just another mistranslate.
On the sex scene I definitely got surprised when he went wild on the table, I was expecting him to be more shy, but he wasn’t. On everything else… he was just cute, that’s it for him.
Now things with her are getting cuter too, but sadly, it’s still behind all the other routes.
I liked the fact that she didn’t agree with Castiel and actually tried to understand Candy’s decisions (I hope it wasn’t just to disagree with Castiel, it annoyed me that she is still not over his proposition in episode 11)
I hope she keeps calling Candy Pumpkin. I’m happy that she can take the exam, if I were her I would’ve been crying for those two whole days, she is awesome for that. I liked the fact that she was the only one to notice the necklace.
About the date, I loved her room, I loved that she put on her pajamas, that was a cute detail too, like a different kind of intimacy. When she falls asleep was a real plot twist, it would’ve been so funny if the episode ended there, and next episode started with the conclusion of the date.
About the illus
Rayan looks gorgeous and passionate, I love how his hair looks, but he looks a little too alive, I remembered him more grey than that, but I’m fine with it. Candy, on the other hand, looks awful, her face is drawn weird, she has one giant boob, and a nonexistent one. Well, that or she totally broke her shoulder. I’m getting a little annoyed by the way they shadow the muscles lately, makes it all confusing and unrealistic in my opinion.
Nathaniel’s illu is probably the best one, but I think Candy is a little too high up, and it’s weird not to see her nipple there since we’re seeing almost the entire boob. Now, my real problem with it is that they decided to make a sexual illu on every route, but on this one, it wasn’t the more important moment at all. I totally would’ve preferred a picture of them crying together, or Candy alone when she woke up, that would’ve been heartbreaking. Yes, some people could disagree with me, because it can be ‘unfair’ but nothing stops them from having a sexual illu on further episodes.
Castiel’s face looks weird, although every time I see it, it gets better. Is cute to see him blushing, but his body looks weird, especially in the shadows on his torso, and the perspective on his legs. Candy looks gorgeous, I think this one has been her best illu so far, I don’t quite get why people say she’s looking at us, but I can’t deny she has too many toes, lmao. This illus is the cutest one, the way Candy is looking at Castiel is so loving, and him looking straight to her face while blushing is so romantic. This one is my favorite.
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Hyun got the worst one. He looks weird, the position is weird, Candy looks weird. I think they should’ve gone for something more classic here. Although his left hand is getting brave.
Priya is a goddess, she is so pretty. The only thing that annoys me is how dark it looks for a morning, and Candy’s back is broken as everyone had mentioned.
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ronro-mel · 5 years ago
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Fondo Navidad CDM-U 2019
- Ronro Mel
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defyash · 5 years ago
Once again, Nath stans got the justice they deserve.
Pretty outfit? Check.
Beautiful illustration? Check.
And for all of us:
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lizs-fictitious-life · 6 years ago
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Alizee x Hyun aesthetic ♥
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ladanigarcia · 6 years ago
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SPOILER!! Ilustraciones de Corazón de Melón en la Universidad!! Episodio 8!! 
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hannahsuniverse · 6 years ago
CDMU: Episodio 1 - Ruta Hyun (Respuestas)
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Hyun: ¿Ya has trabajado en una cafetería o en un bar?
A. ¡Sí, claro! (- 5)
B. No realmente. ¡Pero aprendo rápido! (+ 5)
C. Esto… ¡Hacía la comida y ponía la mesa en mi casa! (~)
Hyun: ¿Cuál es tu principal cualidad?
A. La amabilidad. (~)
B. Soy muy servicial. (- 5)
C. Mi humor. (+ 5)
Hyun: ¿Qué es un macchiato?
A. Imagino que un tipo de café… (~)
B. Café con leche para hipsters. (+ 5)
C. Chocolate con leche con trozos de avellana y una nube de leche. (- 5)
Hyun: Completa esta serie de palabras: expreso, sobremesa, sacarina, nata…
A. Café. (~)
B. Taza. (+ 5)
C. Sombrilla. (~)
Hyun: Bueno… ¿Quieres tomar algo? No hay nadie y yo iba a tomarme un descanso.
A. ¡Sí, con mucho gusto! (+ 5) (para conseguir la imagen)
B. Eres muy amable, pero lamentablemente tengo que hacer otras cosas. (~) (para marcharse)
Hyun: ¿Qué quieres?
A. Una limonada. (~)
B. Un vodka - Red bull. (- 5)
C. Un café. (+ 5)
Hyun: Dime, Sucrette, nunca te había visto antes… Y aquí nos conocemos todos. Imagino que has llegado hace poco.
A. ¡Muy bien, Sherlock! (+ 5)
B. No exactamente… (~)
Hyun: Viendo que la conoces, imagino que tienes ya tus lugares favoritos, amigos y un chico…
A. Bueno, tengo algunos amigos del instituto que han seguido viviendo aquí, sí. Pero he llegado esta mañana. (+ 5) (IMAGEN)
B. Es una pregunta algo personal… (- 5)
• Para conseguir la imagen:
Lovometro de 35/40
Quedarse a tomar algo con él. 
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susanatactica · 6 years ago
Ok but where are Hyun spoilers
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