#cd-ielts practicetest
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IELTS General Reading: Tips to improve Band Score.
If you are a type of student who wants to persevere his or her education in a foreign country, then you must be familiar with a renowned & the most widespread exam called IELTS test. It is an abbreviation for International English Language Testing System and is accepted globally by countless universities and educational institutions. Furthermore, this test is also of two types, like any other English proficiency test: IELTS General and IELTS Academic. However, both the examinations are very different from each other, especially in terms of their Writing & Reading sections. Notably, the IELTS General Training Reading Section is very different & distinct from the Academic reading in a number of ways.
If we talk about the differences in both the modules, the general one is different from the academic test in the context of its language, difficulty level, & content. Although, it also asks 40 questions from a student and he or she has to answer them in a complete one hour. On the other hand, there are three sections included in its format, and they increasingly get difficult as we move forward. Furthermore, if we consider the format of the IELTS General test, the first section is comprised of 2-3 texts. All these texts are based on English life are not very long. Rather they are quite descriptive in nature. Moving forward, Section 2 can have more than one text and as said, is somehow difficult than the previous section. At last, the third section is the most challenging and has one long & hardest text. Moreover, the scoring pattern of this examination is also very unlike the academic test. To elucidate, you get a band 9 if you are able to achieve a score of 39-40. On the contrary, you manage to get a band 9, only if answered each question precisely. For a score of 39, you will earn only 8.5 bands.
In addition to it, comprehending different types of questions that may appear in the exam is also very imperative to improve your score. This helps you to do your IELTS Practice more efficiently. Some general types that have been noticed to come in your IELTS GT test are :
True/ False/ Not Given or Yes/ No/ Not Given.
Match Headings.
Summary Completion.
Multiple Choice Questions.
Fill ups.
Sentence Completion.
Diagram Labelling.
Table/ Flowchart Completion.
Short Answer Questions.
Choose an appropriate title.
....and many more.
Consequently, it is essential to develop separate & valuable skills for each type of question. Moreover, finding a strong strategy to tackle each question type can support you to ace the test effortlessly. Some strategies like elimination theory for the MCQs, collocation for fill-ups, Complex structures for short answers and many others can help you to understand & solve every question type flawlessly.
Subsequently, to improve & enhance your performance level, one must develop various skills for the exam. The aforementioned are numerous tips & tricks that one can implement during his or her IELTS Exam Preparation, thus further leading to a great and higher score. The first and the most central tip that should be taken care of is skimming. It refers to the reading of the passage so that one may get a general idea of the passage & what the writer is trying to depict. One must upgrade himself or herself in such a manner that he or she must be able to sense the topic & the layout of the passage without reading every single word of the comprehension. On the other hand, it does not mean that you spend most of your time skimming the passage only. You should not consume more than 2-3 minutes on it. This technique is especially helpful for MCQs, choose a title, and match headings. It helps you to get the overall idea of the passage and thus makes it easy for you to solve them. Another strategy that follows it is scanning, when you have to quickly scan & locate the answers accurately in the given text. Additionally, you can underline any of the important keywords or headings like dates, names, numbers, places, if you want. As a result, it helps one to be more precise and practical with this reading section as it is way too impractical to read every single word of passage just to find the answer to some questions. Moreover, an aspirant also has to follow a strict time limit of one hour, where he or she has to read, understand, and attempt all the questions correctly at the same time. Consequently, this module directly challenges the ability and eligibility of a student. Therefore, you should do an efficient preparation using some certified IELTS Reading Practice Material in order to develop speed reading skills to locate the answers quickly.
Further scrutinizing some other techniques, vocabulary is also a key component that contributes a lot to your IELTS Scores. You must polish and develop your area of vocabulary and grammar efficiently as one cannot understand a word without knowing the meaning of it. Apart from that, you must also embrace when & where you should use the words. This will help you to conjecture the passage and it's meaning. Along with the meaning, vocabulary is also inclusive of collocations, verbs, nouns/ nominals, etc. Now, to uplift your vocabulary strength, you can either sustain a self-made dictionary or learn new & different words on a daily basis. On the contrary, grammar is also the core of the English language. It is very essential when you have to put words or fill the gaps. Moreover, it also ensures that you are making correct use of tenses & singular/plural while filling up the gaps. Notably, one can notice each of the mentioned things when you will do IELTS Practice. Moreover, it is also very crucial to expose yourself to a variety of articles and passages on a range of topics. Also, you will receive ample easy and hard comprehensions, thus you should also prepare with the texts that have different difficulty levels from each other. Apart from that, facing more of the complicated passages will groom yourself positively as you will get habitual of reading, skimming, and scanning complex passages more often. In this way, this can be a perfect tip for your IELTS GT Preparation and refinement of your English skills.
Jointly with all of them, practice is also very substantial as it is said that without practice, you won't be able to gain anything. For practice, one can do countless things, He or she can read a newspaper regularly to be updated or can read headlines below the TV News channels to increase reading speed. All these types of daily exercise boost a candidate to come out with flying colors to a great extent. However, along with all these activities, one should also not forget to keep solving IELTS Sample Papers to get familiar with the test, its question types, & format. This is a very imperative step toward success as without solving a simulated version of the test, there are complete chances of getting confused during the original exam. Moreover, not only the structure but this attemptation also helps one to manage his or her time accurately and know the instructions to solve the question papers effortlessly. Similarly, you can find a plethora of IELTS Test papers and IELTS Practice Tests that can teach you various things and tips that should be taken care of while appearing for the examination. Specifically, IELTS Online Preparation is also considered very prominent and friendly by various students as one can access it from anywhere at any time. Contradictorily, don't forget to subscribe to the Test Evaluation feature of the fourmodules.com where you can get all your response checked & verified by the experts. Later, this evaluation will support you to know your weaknesses and how to improve them by using an Improvement Planner (also available at this renowned website).
In conclusion, it is not impossible to get high scores in any of the exams you appear for. The only thing that matters is that you must be realistic while predicting your scores. In brief, everyone is aware of his or her current or performance score, thus if your English level is okay, you should not aim for 8 or 8.5 bands. However, it does not mean that you are discouraging yourselves. It refers to a mental strategy of not getting disappointing in the future. In a nutshell, you can achieve any score you want only by practice and by improving your performance level (and basics).
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Why is IELTS vocabulary so important?
Being a proficiency test, it is the duty of the IELTS examiners to evaluate all your English abilities from each and every corner. The International English Language Testing System examines a person's Fluency, Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, Spelling, Written Discourse, Intonation patterns, and many more. This extensive range of skills and abilities are highly demanded by the foreign or English speaking countries and thus are a basic necessity to clear this renowned paper with flying colors. Out of all the expertise, Vocabulary is a tool that affects all the aforementioned skills, your language, and the scores of this examination the most. As we know, there are a total of four sections that are assessed in this test: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking, each section represents this solitary strength to the utmost. Vocabulary itself contributes a sum of 25% to both the Writing and Speaking sections. Moreover, the Reading and Listening sections also demand this skill specifically.
Initially, to know why vocabulary is an essential component of IELTS, it is important to know what vocabulary means in reality. Many assumptions and beliefs are sauntering around us that carry a different & false impression of it. We may discuss each one of them in detail in the impending paragraphs.
The first and foremost point to note is that vocabulary is one of the main and central building blocks of any language, may it be English, Hindi, French, etc. Vocabulary on its own is very crucial and plays a vital role in a personality's language development. It basically means the usage of many correct words to communicate flawlessly with any speaker of that language and convey our ideas & thoughts accurately. Furthermore, it also bolsters one's ability to grasp a broad network of ideas and to think more logically & in the right manner. And not only to elucidate your own perceptions, but it is also very valuable to comprehend what other people are trying to say. On the contrary, this particular capability is also extremely supportive to boost any aspirant's power of persuasion. Subsequently, one can modify his or her speech according to the atmosphere and what the listeners are demanding.
Following the meaning, if we talk about its importance in the field, if IELTS, one has to deal with all kinds of diverse tasks of the language, comprising of listening to various native excerpts, reading long & lengthy passages, writing essays, letters or to present a short description for a diagram, and conversing with a professional IELTS expert. Notably, to sail through all of these questions, Vocabulary is a must. Without it, one may not be able to interpret what is written in comprehension or what an examiner is saying. Moreover, to understand what a speaker is saying in the audio will also oblige for a far-reaching lexicon source.
On the contrary, if a student is not sufficiently filled up with IELTS vocabulary before sitting for the test, he or she may run out of words or phrases while conversing or writing. Fewer vocabulary means you are unaware of the similar or equivalent words; thus, it tends you to repeat words and sentences in your test. This would definitely create a repetitive and boring content which is out of the way for the examiner to check. However, it does not indicate that you have to learn an infinite list of new and innovative words. This may not help you completely. Instead, learning by context to the text is more beneficial as it does not force you to cram the words and their meaning. On the other hand, it makes you aware of a unique technique in which a student interprets the meaning of any unfamiliar word from its context. If one learns, how to insert a legal and correct word by comprehending what the surrounding words require, a student is one step forward in learning the vocabulary. Along with that, knowing the synonyms and improving the use of collocations by placing suitable words at appropriate places is also a key concept to enhance the vocabulary. Likewise, speaking & writing activities also become exhaustive because of the repetition of words, consequently leading to interrupt their conversations abruptly due to missing words.
Other important points that one must keep in mind is pairing the words with suitable and relevant phrases. This thing proves very reflective when elucidating your ideas and expressions. Moreover, another theory of surpassing vocabulary is using immeasurable complicated words in your write-ups and speeches. Although, one does this to impress the examiner, yet he or she will come to know that you are doing it for purpose. Moreover, the main reason behind this is that a candidate appears an unnatural & unrealistic personality. On the contrary, despite inserting complex or complicated words, one may display his or her wide range of vocabulary by using it wisely and appropriately. Likewise, an examinee can fumble or affect the fluency of response and end up losing the marks. A test-taker can paraphrase the written sentences by interchanging the sentence formations accurately to add variation. Also, an aspirant can use some simple and common idioms or proverbs to turn tables into your favor.
Now the question arises that how one can improve his or her vocabulary. The first thing that one should do is to perform a few full-length IELTS Practice Test. This may help a student to know the current level of vocabulary by identifying all those areas where he might have lacked. Furthermore, one should start working on them extensively and appropriately. Reading and listening exercises are very helpful in uplifting your vocabulary level. One should also develop a habit of penning new words and understanding their meanings. Also, keep reviewing all the written words at regular intervals so that they may remain in your mind on the test-day. One should also visit and register onto FourModules.com. One will find an innovative method to learn various vocabulary words on WOWcabulary, where you may attend multiple short videos based on the meaning of a new word.
In this way, vocabulary skills are very crucial for IELTS and lead to exam success as you get a chance to make a sound impression on examiner. Rigorous practice and transcendent capabilities always help an aspirant to taste success.
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