#cd montesinos
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 4 months ago
He hecho un buen entrena_miento..en principio programado hasta la biblioteca GLORIA FUERTES pero me he encontrado bien y he hecho el DOBLE..o hasta donde vivía en la calle RIOJA [que siempre me recuerda a su capital LOGRo+cOÑO y a que tenía un póster de JORDAN enmarcado en EL CORTE INGLES junto a incendiada torre WINDSOR=Familia Real británica..en Víspera de SAN VALENTIN por lo que no pudo entregar miles de pedidos de flores y donde poco después en su departamento de INFORMATICA me cruze con GUTI muy tatuado biblicamente y su ex_mujer la presentadora musical Arantxa de Benito o madre de sus hijos con la que acabo muy mal..la ultima vez de las 5 que me lo he encontrado: Disco BARNON, GASOLINERA de CAMPO DE LAS NAZIONES y AUDIORIO PARQUE JUAN CARLOS I en un desfile de MONTESINOS..fue como entrenador de infantiles de Real Madrid en el campo de EL CAPRICHO o junto a mi casa..fotografiandole]..y que tape con el de AXL ROSE de GUNS N ROSES con camiseta de CRISTO y lema KILL YOUR IDOLS en el homenaje a MERCURY de QUEEN que enfermo al lanzar CD THE MIRACLE por lo que ya no hicieron Gira ..y en cuyo homenaje BOWIE rezo de rodillas un padre nuestro porque muchos de sus amigos morían de enfermedades como hizo a continuación su guitarrista mick Ronson con el que se reunió en ese homenaje y el cual era de la IGLESIA de JESUCRISTO Y LOS SANTOS DE LOS ULTIMOS DIAS
Al acabar me encontré un cromo del Suizo de padre español y madre chilena Ricardo IVAN RODRIGUEZ que ha fichado esta temporada por el BETIS [=HELIOPOLIS=CIUDAD DEL SOL]..proveniente del TORINO=equipo estrellado contra muro de la basílica de Superga..donde entierran Realeza y un presidente se caso con una hija de Alfonso XIII..así como el piloto se llamaba como la posterior estrella discola del TORINO Gigi MERONI que tenía una GALLINA de MASCOTA, irrumpió en la BODA de su ex_novia para que no se casara y fue atropellado mortalmente por el que sería presidente del TORINO y el cual jugo contra REAL MADRID en la COPA DE LA UEFA cuando tras ver el partido del BERNABEU se mató JUANITO al regresar a MERIDA donde era su entrenador
Por cierto..GUTI jugo en el REAL MADRID "B" junto a OSCAR MOLINA que tras conocerle una NOCHEVIEJA se mató en VILLA_MESIAS camino de MERIDA [en la foto MOLINA bajo el PORTERO y el 2do x la IZQUIERDA..también sale ALVARO BENITO que una lesión le apartó del fútbol y formo el grupo PIG_NOISE..así como FERNANDO SANZ hijo del presidente LORENZO SANZ que se caso con la hija del malogrado Antonio ASENSIO fundador grupo ZETA=revista de desnudos INTERVIU y de política TIEMPO que fundó en un local de la IGLESIA en BARCELONA reventando luego los derechos televisivos del fútbol con el pacto de NOCHEBUENA=RIP con 53 años de TUMOR CEREBRAL]..también sale GARCIA CALVO que se hizo un hueco en el 1er equipo para lugar ser un imitador de BUNBURY o HEROES DEL SILENCIO
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ivanreydereyes · 1 year ago
Aquí en el Auditorium PARQUE JUAN CARLOS I [que lleva como 15 años cerrado cuando inicialmente se hacía de todo..vi hasta en sep'03 un desfile de MONTESINOS saliendo en CALESA Guti del REAL MADRID con su ex_mujer Presentadora musical ARANTXA de BENITO q dio un BRAGUETAZO llevando a un millonario al ALTAR de 22 años y ella 30 años..encontrandomelos en la tienda de INFORMATICA de EL CORTE INGLES junto a la entonces recien INCENDIADA TORRE WINDSOR la noche previa a la de SAN VALENTIN '05 x lo q no pudo entregar miles de pedidos en FLORES..DESFILE al q me invito Nacho UTRERA=localidad del grupo de los Muertos de CRISTO , del Malogrado futbolista REYES, del actual jugador de REAL MADRID Dani CEBALLOS y de entrenador CAPARROS con el q me fotografie en bar SAN ELOY de SEVILLA..al q conocí en un MASTER DE COMERCIO INTERNACIONAL y entonces trabajaba en EL CORTE INGLES que lo traslado como JEFE DE COMPRAS a la INDIA de donde se volvió a los 3 meses con DEPRESION por lo q me lo encontré en la consulta de la Psikiatra PAULA MONMENEU GOICOETXEA encarcelada en el 88 x ABORTOS ILEGALES en la Clínica DATOR x el JUEZ CARLOS "VALLE" "MUÑOZ_TORRERO" cuyos apellidos forman un cruce de calles de SEVILLA como fotografie al patearme Sevilla en 2014..juez q archivo la QUERELLA CRIMINAL q contra mi puso mi propio abogado JOSE ANTONIO SERRA NOHALES tras archivar mi denuncia contra él Fernando Grande_Marlaska actual ministro de JUSTICIA y luego amenazarle de muerte porque quería que pasara por un forense psiquiatrico amigo suyo y que me hiciera un informe falseado diciendo que me había dejado secuelas psicológicas LA CORRUPCION NOTARIO_POLICIA_JUEZES_EMPRESA DE MI PADRE..y pedir UNA MILLONARIA INDEMNIZACION ]..escuche por partida doble NOVEMBER RAIN pues la ensayo AXL ROSE como a las 7 AM y luego en el concierto tocandola entre OUTTA GET ME [me persiguen] del cd APETITE FOR DESTRUCTION y THERE WAS A TIME del cd Chinese DEMOCRACY
Por cierto.. estuvo BUNBURY [1er grupo APOCALIPSIS] y JESUS QUINTERO o el LOCO DE LA COLINA q aparte de entrevistar FAMOSOS lo hacía a CRIMINALES
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vickyferreyrablog · 5 years ago
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 Hilda Lizarazu nació en Curuzu Cuati Corrientes Argentina el 12 de octubre de 1963.
Pasó parte de su adolescencia en Nueva York y regresó a la Argentina en la década de 1980. Como fotógrafa profesional. Simultáneamente, inició su carrera como cantante, integrando bandas como Suéter y los TWIST.
Información artística
Género: rock
Instrumentos: voz, piano, guitarra
Periodo de actividad: 1988- Presente
 Transformaciones Musicales:
1989 y 1993: Inició su carrera como cantante, integrando bandas como Suéter  y  Los Twist Hizo coros en la banda de Charly Garcia.
Cuando García comenzó con la banda, realizaron una gira por Latinoamérica, visitando países como Colombia, presentándose en Bogotá ante 15.000 espectadores, en la plaza de toros Santa María, agotando toda la taquilla, y fueron invitados a realizar presentaciones en la televisión del país. Hilda sorprendió al público con su: energía, carisma, voz y belleza, que sobresalía en la banda de García.
1993: se retira de la agrupación en forma temporal .y entre los años
2009 – 2011: se reintegró nuevamente.
Los Twist
  1985:se produjo una nueva serie de cambios en el grupo encabezado por Pipo Cipolatti , debido a que se retiraron tres de sus integrantes: El Gonzo Palacios, Cano y Rolo Rossini, quedando el bajo a cargo de Camilo Iezzi e incorporándose en batería Pablo Guadalupe. Lizarazu ingreso a la banda, en reemplazo de Fabiana Cantilo. Con esta formación grabaron a fin de año La máquina del tiempo, en los estudios Moebio, en Buenos Aires. Utilizaron por primera vez máquinas de ritmo y secuenciadores, además de una orquesta de cámara y una gama de efectos de audio, logrando un trabajo original.
Man Ray
1987: forma junto al guitarrista Tito Losavio el grupo Man Ray  siendo vocalista y líder de esa agrupación entre los años 1988 y 1999.
Con Man Ray editó siete discos: Man Ray (1988), que contiene el hit  Extraño Ser, Perro playa 1991) con famosos hits como Sola en Los Bares, Caribe sur y Tierra Sagrada , Hombre Rayo (1993), Aseguebu (1994), Piropo (1995), Ultramar (1997) y Larga Distancia (1999). Además de lograr un gran éxito de ventas con todos estos discos, también recorrió gran parte de Latinoamérica.
Carrera solista
 1999: Deja el grupo Man Ray a modo de "retiro espiritual" y se aleja de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires para refugiarse en Sinsacate  un pequeño pueblo al norte de la provincia de Córdoba Argentina. En este período experimenta la maternidad dentro de un clima onírico y montesino que también la inspira para la realización de su primer disco solista, titulado Gabinete de Curiosidades, que ve la luz en el año 2004  fue ganador de los Premios Gardel la música en la categoría "Mejor disco pop de cantante femenina"
  2007: Ya de regreso y nuevamente reinstalada en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Hilda arma y consolida su propia banda junto a nuevos músicos con quienes graba y edita su segundo disco solista, Hormonal, que marca una nueva etapa en su largo viaje musical, en el cual demuestra su madurez como compositora y artista pop argentina.
En marzo de 2009 edita un CD+DVD, titulado En Vivo en el Ópera, grabado en vivo durante la presentación del disco Hormonal en el emblemático Teatro Opera de la calle Corrientes de la ciudad de Buenos Aires.
En 2010  Hilda lanzó una nueva obra discográfica, Futuro Perfecto, a la vez que integró en esa época la banda de Charly García en presentaciones en vivo. En este disco Hilda contó con la participación en calidad de invitados de Gustavo Santaolalla, Lito Vitale, Adrian Dargelo ( Babasonicos),  David Lebon y  Lisandro Aristimuño.
En  2015 obtuvo su tercer Diploma al Mérito de los Premios Conex  como solista femenina de pop, antes, en 2005, lo había obtenido como solista femenina de rock y su primer Diploma al Mérito Konex fue en  1995 como cantante femenina de rock.
 Retorno de Man Ray
En  2013 ha regresado con Tito Losavio, el co-fundador de su primera banda de rock argentino "Man Ray" con un nuevo disco: "Purpurina", una selección de temas por parte de ambos de dicha banda más un "cover" del tema "Mañanas Campestres" de Gustavo Santaolalla, en los primeros tiempos de Arco Iris, uno de los grupos pioneros que fundaron el movimiento argentino que se dio en llamar localmente como Rock Nacional más una serie de temas nuevos. 
El 25 de mayo de 2014 formó parte de los festejos por el aniversario de la Revolución de Mayo en el marco del show "Somos Cultura", organizado por el Ministerio de Cultura de la Nación.
Hilda Lizarazu también se ha dedicado a la Fotografía destacándose sus trabajos relacionados con el mundo del rock, aunque no limitados a ellos. En la década de 1980 trabajó para la revista humor, retratando a los músicos más importantes del rock argentino. Quizás su trabajo más conocido sea la mítica portada de Celeste y Generación  con una  Celeste Carballo en plan Punk encendiendo un cigarrillo armado y con la mirada perdida. El hecho de haberle puesto el nombre del fotógrafo Man Ray a la banda formada con su pareja de entonces, Tito Losavio, tiene que ver con esta pasión de Lizarazu.
Los temas muestran una madurez que resalta profundidad en las letras y melodías íntimas. El estilo musical es el de MÚSICA POPULAR. Mantiene mucho la estética de sus videosclips , la mayoria son acusticos, y otros suele interpretarlos ella siendo muy creativa.
Nunca fue de seguir las modas, clásico es también moderno. No se encuentra atrás del trap, ni del hip hop, ni el rap, que son los movimientos de los jóvenes. No esta con esa música, ni con esos públicos.
 Proceso de  Composición: Se inspira  mucho en la naturaleza, más que los sentimientos de amor o desamor. Para ella  el amor es un ingrediente en la vida que nos llena el alma y las emociones. Pero le gusta todo lo que tiene que ver con lo botánico, saber los nombres de los árboles y las plantas, ponerlos en canciones y por ese lado juega con la poética. También le gusta enumerar ciudades y lugares donde estuvo, disfruta viajar y gracias a la música puede hacerlo.
El rock como genero: El rock tiene que ver también con su adolescencia en Estados Unidos y mucho con Los Beatles, porque ellos la acompañaron en esa etapa, incluso de antes, porque a los 9 o 10 años ya escuchaba rock. Sus padres no le inculcaron folklore, por ejemplo, en su casa no se escuchaba tanta música, eso vino de sus  propios genes.
La cantante Hilda Lizarazu habló de su ultimo disco en “Lalo Por Hecho” 
“Las vueltas de la vida” es el último álbum de Hilda Lizarazu que tiene  dos adaptaciones de dos grandes canciones argentinas: “Los Hermanos” de Atahualpa Yupanqui y “La Balsa” de Nebbia y Tanguito.
Además el primer corte se llama “Lucia, la equilibrista“. La ex integrante de Man Ray habló en “Lalo Por Hecho” sobre esa canción y la relación con su hija.
El álbum fue grabado y mezclado en el estudio de su pareja, Lito Vitale y cuenta con la participación de Fabiana Cantilo, Emme, Claudia Puyó y Palo Pandolfo entre otros.
Una de las muchas prendas que Hilda Lizarazu luce durante la presentación de su segundo disco solista fue un traje negro que desde los pies hasta el cuello mostraba los principales huesos humanos pintados en blanco. Esa especie de radiografía de cuerpo entero era una buena metáfora de su personalidad transparente. Tan fresca y optimista como la que se había manifestado en las canciones de Man Ray y que tiene continuidad en esta etapa solista.
Hilda sorprendió al entrar cantando por un pasillo del auditorio con un traje rojo lleno de pequeñas luces alrededor de su tórax, que remedaban las alas de un ángel. Despojada de esa parafernalia, empezó a desgranar las canciones de su flamante CD Hormonal. Acompañada por un sólido grupo de guitarra eléctrica, bajo, teclado y batería, interpretó primero “La calma”, “Transmisión” (en la que asomó un sonido rockero recurrente en buena parte del disco) y “Hormonal”.
La cantante interpreta grandes clásicos de los primeros años del género, en versiones que invitan a cantar pero que evitan el karaoke fogonero.    
Suena más que apropiado en el primero el abordaje del ensamble de guitarras y bandurria, cercano por momentos, por esas extrañas conexiones que alienta la música, al sonido del Génesis (la banda) de Steve Hackett y aún de Anthony Phillips. En tanto en el segundo -otra vez eso de las extrañas conexiones- linkea en sus arreglos del bandoneón de Tapia con la Zanfona, del excelente disco En familia de Egberto Gismonti, mientras la contundencia del tema de Lebon contrasta 
El '71 transcurre en El Génesis con el Génesis de Vox Dei, en un ambicioso plan de cuerdas y percusiones sobre los que Hilda encuentra un tono a punto caramelo. Y se prolonga en la potente resolución de Voy a dejar esta casa, papá, de Gabriela, que va de menor a mayor en intensidad y convicción.
La búsqueda de una nueva lectura de estas canciones cantadas una y mil veces, cuya responsabilidad en su mayor parte fue compartida por Belvis y Luciano Vitale, se hace extensiva al abordaje casi tecno de No pibe y el beat de De nada sirve; el primero de Manal y el segundo de Moris, ambos cosecha '70. Del mismo modo que sucede con la bella Natural, de Tanguito, en la que Lizarazu una vez más se despega del original con gran resultado merced, en gran medida, al buen gusto de las teclas de Belvis; y con Mariposas de madera, de Miguel Abuelo, que por obra de Tapia suena como flotando en el aire.
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theleaderdotinfo-blog · 6 years ago
In relegation and criticism CD Montesinos fans 'Keep the Faith' has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/05/15/in-relegation-and-criticism-cd-montesinos-fans-keep-the-faith/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/05/15/in-relegation-and-criticism-cd-montesinos-fans-keep-the-faith/
In relegation and criticism CD Montesinos fans 'Keep the Faith'
By Andrew Atkinson CD Montesinos's relegation from the Valencia football league 1st Regional G8 - two seasons after gaining promotion - has lead to mixed emotions from supporters from the Los Montesinos, Alicante, based club. But the message echoing from the proud football club town is "Keep the Faith". "After a great start to the 2018-19 season, winning the first two games 4-1, it seemed that continued success of CD Montesinos would be a formality," fan Graeme Jolly told me. "A string of defeats followed; losing key players, injuries and suspensions taking their toll," said Graeme. The club sacked manager Carlos Perez after a poor run of results - and vociferous criticism from the terraces - with Ruben appointed on a interim basis. "I thought the sacking of the manager was a bit premature - the incoming manager did not stop the rot," reasoned Graeme. Added to woes, many of the fans felt that poor refereeing cost the club points throughout the season: "The standard of refereeing in general is not good. "That, along with play acting and deception of the referee, is now becoming the norm," said Graeme. Graeme underlined views of many of the supporters, adding: "In the last few games I thought CD Montesinos did not show enough passion to escape the dreaded drop. Hopefully things will change going into the 2019-20 season." David Winder, club sponsor and loyal supporter, pulled no punches - when criticising a woeful campaign: "I can sum the season up in a nutshell - the majority of players were not good enough to play in the 1st Regional," David told me. "Most of them had no passion," said David. Mixed feelings came from the terraces after the appointment of former Youth team coach and player Ruben - although it must be said he was thrown in at the deep end - in a bid to get the club back on track. "The club should never have appointed Ruben as manager. There was no direction, which, to me lead to no heart to play," said David. Comments echoed within the corridors of the club. Injury to talisman striker Vazquinho, who missed the campaign's last four games, lead to a lack of firepower up front: "Over the last weeks of the season there was no one up front to finish," said David. A general opinion from fans was that they didn't get the run of 'Lady Luck', needed at all levels in sport: "We had a lot of games when the scores were tight," said David. However, he felt without outstanding goalkeeper Carlos, awarded in the 2018-19 player of the season awards, CD Montesinos would have struggled further. "In many games Carlos made outstanding goalkeeper performances. He has been the saviour - on more than one occasion," said David. Carlos Lorente, who returned to the club this season, also honoured in the season's awards, was also singled out: "Carlos Lorente tried so hard. "Unfortunately the rest of the team were just mediocre - that's my opinion. The manager was unable to motivate, or be part of a team," added David. CD Montesinos will welcome a new club president during the summer, along with the formation of a new committee. The municipal stadium in Los Montesinos will see CD Montesinos kick off the 2019-20 campaign on a newly laid astro turf pitch. Much consensus was in agreement from comments received - with the never say die attitude - of the loyal Full Monte Supporters club, in re-grouping next season. "Keep the Faith," said David Winder. *CD Montesinos - fans keeping faith.
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theleaderdotinfo-blog · 6 years ago
Stopper Carlos tops awards - with Lorente given 'Full Monte' honour has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/05/08/stopper-carlos-tops-awards-with-lorente-given-full-monte-honour/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/05/08/stopper-carlos-tops-awards-with-lorente-given-full-monte-honour/
Stopper Carlos tops awards - with Lorente given 'Full Monte' honour
CD Montesinos: Costa Blanca and Costa Calida Leader report and picture special. By Andrew Atkinson EXCLUSIVE CD Montesinos are looking ahead to next season in the wake of the Los Montesinos based club's relegation from the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 during the 2018-19 campaign. A new club President will replace outgoing President Felipe Parades and a new Committee will be formed in the summer. [caption id="attachment_30894" align="alignleft" width="488"] Carlos Lorente presented with the Full Monte Player of the Year award by supporters club President Eddie Cagigao.[/caption] Interim manager Ruben, who replaced sacked Carlos Perez in the 2018-19 season, will meet club officials concerning his future. At the annual end of season dinner and Player of the Year awards goalkeeper Carlos won two honours. The former Cambridge City FC shot stopper was presented with the Steve Harris Trophy for the players Player of The Year; along with the Manager's Player of The Year award. "It's an honour to collect two awards," said keeper Carlos. Carlos, who returned to Spain after a spell at Cambridge City FC who he played for while studying English, said: "I've been made very welcome during my first season at the club." [caption id="attachment_30896" align="alignright" width="334"] In safe hands - Carlos presented with the Manager's Player of the Year award by treasurer Howard Yeats.[/caption] Fans favourite Carlos Lorente, who returned to CD Montesinos this season, was awarded the Full Monte supporters club Player of The Year award. "Hopefully CD Montesinos can bounce back at the first attempt in returning to the 1st Regional next season, that's where we should be," said supporter and Torregolf CD Montesinos club sponsor David Winder. "A lot of the games' scores throughout the season were tight.  With keeper Carlos being the saviour on many occasions," said David. "It was also good to see Carlos Lorente returning to the club. He has played very well," said David. [caption id="attachment_30898" align="alignleft" width="394"] Keeper Carlos presented with the Steve Harris Trophy for the players Player of the Year by Terry Harris.[/caption]
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theleaderdotinfo-blog · 6 years ago
Just Not Good Enough for Montesinos has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/05/01/just-not-good-enough-for-montesinos/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/05/01/just-not-good-enough-for-montesinos/
Just Not Good Enough for Montesinos
Was the view of many Full Monte supporters following Sunday's clash with CD Murada at Monte's second “home”, San Miguel. Both sides looked nervy from the start but Murada were the quickest to settle. They patiently probed with Monte holding a firm line in the middle of the park. The first 15 minutes passed without either side making much progress, until a calamitous slip in concentration allowed the Murada right winger to fire a low, hard ball across the box where it was gleefully stabbed home. A disaster for the home team. The remainder of the half returned to a frustrating “as you were” with Murada probing and Monte repelling. Carlos Lorente had a couple of half chances, but they were comfortably dealt with by a well drilled Murada defence. Monte looked woefully devoid of ideas and lacked the guile to unlock Murada's organisation and what few chances did fall their way were either badly rushed or hopeful balls over the top. HT: CD Montesinos 0 – 1 CD Murada A slow start to the second period burst into life when Carlos Lorente chipped the keeper, only to see the ball agonisingly clear the bar. At the other end, Carlos made yet another smart save following a defensive mix up. The game had opened up and there were chances at either end as Monte's forward pressing inevitably left spaces at the back. But, for all their huff and puff, Monte couldn't piece together the killer move or play the incisive pass to force the issue. Even a formation change, with defender Morante pressed into service as an attacker, failed to produce anything tangible. A string of substitutions saw out a frustrating half of football that left Monte shy of any points by a single goal, but much further away in terms of skill and application. Monte's final game of the season away to Callosa will now ultimately decide their fate. For some in the team, the game will inevitably be their swansong, will they go out with a bang or a whimper? On this showing, I genuinely don't know. Final Score: CD Montesinos 0 – 1 CD Murada   Monte will play their final game of the season away at Callosa deSegura against Callosa Deportiva “B”, on Saturday 4th May, kick-off 6.00pm. Travelling supporters to meet at Bar Tambalache, Los Montesinos at 4.30pm. Monte needs as much support as possible for this game, everyone try to bring a friend. A loss here would be disastrous and possibly lead to relegation. Match Report by Steve Robinson Photo’s by Terry Harris
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manifiestotamaulipas · 7 years ago
Los reynosenses y residentes del Valle del Sur de Texas tendrán la oportunidad de festejar el Festival Algarabía el próximo sábado 2 de junio con música, baile, artesanía y comida. La regidora coordinadora de la Comisión de Turismo del Cabildo, Karla Montesinos Treviño, invita a toda la población a disfrutar del Festival Algarabía, que se presentará en La Calle Del Taco, un espacio para la cultura y el esparcimiento familiar. Será el sábado 2 de junio cuando a partir de las 6:00 de la tarde inicie la exposición y venta de artesanía y buena gastronomía local, además de la presentación de grupos musicales con pista de baile. Los asistentes al Festival Algarabía podrán cenar con los deliciosos tacos y platillos y la promoción de los comerciantes de la calle Oaxaca, conocida como La Calle Del Taco.
Los reynosenses y residentes del Valle del Sur de Texas tendrán la oportunidad de festejar el Festival Algarabía el próximo sábado 2 de junio con música, baile, artesanía y comida. La regidora coordinadora de la Comisión de Turismo del Cabildo, Karla Montesinos Treviño, invita a toda la población a disfrutar del Festival Algarabía, que se presentará en La Calle Del Taco, un espacio para la cultura y el esparcimiento familiar. Será el sábado 2 de junio cuando a partir de las 6:00 de la tarde inicie la exposición y venta de artesanía y buena gastronomía local, además de la presentación de grupos musicales con pista de baile. Los asistentes al Festival Algarabía podrán cenar con los deliciosos tacos y platillos y la promoción de los comerciantes de la calle Oaxaca, conocida como La Calle Del Taco.
Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas.-Al desempeñar las funciones de las Diputadas y Diputados del Congreso del Estado, las y los estudiantes de la Secundaria Técnica Número 1, “Álvaro Obregón”, en un ejercicio académico, resaltaron que esta actividad, les ayuda a formarse con responsabilidad y honestidad para enfrentar el futuro.
El ejercicio académico, de este lunes, inició con un recorrido por las…
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latikobe · 8 years ago
Al parecer cunde el pánico
Raúl Castro Ruz (C), a su lado José Ramón Machado Ventura (CI),, el Comandante Ramiro Valdez Menéndez (I), el Vicealmirante Julio Cesar Gandarilla Bermejo (CD), Ministro del Interior, Álvaro López Miera, Viceministro de las FAR(D), en la Sala Universal de las FAR, en La Habana, el 6 de junio de 2016 (ACN)
LA HABANA, Cuba.- No recuerdo, después de que en marzo del año 2003 el régimen castrista detuviera y juzgara a 75 disidentes, una ola represiva tan grande como la que se puede constatar en estos momentos en Cuba. He oído algunas opiniones de opositores que realizan variados análisis sobre lo que sucede en el país.
Hay quien dice que el régimen ha entrado en pánico, porque teme que los que disienten contagien al resto del pueblo, basados en la difícil e irreversible situación política, social y económica que vivimos los cubanos; otros plantean que el Vicealmirante Julio César Gandarilla Bermejo, nuevo ministro del Interior, ha prometido acabar con la oposición antes que Raúl Castro termine con sus cargos de presidente del Consejo de Estado y de Ministros.
Incluso he oído que es debido a un relajamiento en la línea de mando, traducido en que nadie hace caso; y hasta hay quien lo relaciona con Trump.
Cualquiera que sea el motivo, hemos vivido un inicio de año con una gran ofensiva contra los opositores, que incluye, entre otros aspectos, juicios rápidos, violaciones muy chapuceras de las propias leyes que ha hecho el régimen y también un alto nivel de falta de profesionalidad por parte de oficiales de la Seguridad del Estado, lo que antes era más común ver en la Policía Nacional Revolucionaria (PNR); incluyendo el robo “descarado” a los que apresan.
El contacto con algunas organizaciones disidentes ha hecho posible tener una visión de todo lo antes relatado; pero quisiera poner solo algunos de los ejemplos más recientes —que son una mínima parte de lo que está sucediendo, sin querer subestimar lo que ha pasado a otras personas y organizaciones—.
Comienzo el relato con la Red Cubana de Comunicadores Comunitarios. El doctor Santiago Márquez Frías y su esposa Tania de la Torre Montesinos, residentes en Manzanillo, Granma, se dirigían el pasado 7 de marzo hacia La Habana, cuando fueron interceptados en la provincia de Las Tunas y conducidos a la 3ra. Unidad Policial de esa localidad. Allí fueron insultados, tachados de mercenarios, asalariados del imperio, etc., y sin ningún documento ni explicación la policía los despojó de 400 pesos. Los acarrearon al límite entre esa provincia y Granma, desde donde los trasladaron en un vehículo de la Patrulla de Camino hasta un lugar de campo, conocido como El Remate; y de allí hasta la Delegación Provincial del MININT (Ministerio del Interior) fueron en una perseguidora acompañada de 3 autos más. En la sede policial se encontraban varios oficiales de la Seguridad del Estado del municipio de Manzanillo y la provincia Granma. Entre ellos, uno que se hacía llamar Marlon, que les dijo que no iban a viajar a La Habana hasta que a él no le diera la gana.
Tres miembros de la redacción de la Revista Convivencia de Pinar del Río, fueron citados a sendas dependencias del Ministerio del Interior el 7 de marzo. Ellos son: Dagoberto Valdés, Karina Gálvez y Yoandy Izquierdo; a la sede de la Seguridad del Estado (DSE) los dos primeros y a la Dirección de Inmigración el último. El objetivo fue someterlos a sesiones de hostigamiento por la visita que hicieron el pasado mes de enero a Miami, en la cual estuvieron en una actividad cultural en la Universidad de La Florida. Yoandy fue el primero en ser indagado por un mayor de la policía política —que nada tiene que ver con el lugar donde fue requerido—. Al acompañar con posterioridad a Dagoberto y Karina al DSE, fue conducido a un local e interrogado por segunda vez, aunque ni siquiera había sido convocado.
A tres miembros de la organización Asociación Sindical Independiente de Cuba que dirige Iván Hernández Carrillo (Grupo de los 75), les han restringido también la posibilidad de libre movimiento y no les permiten salir de su provincia. Son ellos Liván Monteagudo, de Las Tunas; Lázaro Ricardo Pérez García, de la Isla de la Juventud y Carlos Reyes, de Cruces, provincia de Cienfuegos, al que ni siquiera permiten salir del municipio. De igual forma al activista de ese grupo, Raúl Serguera Borrel, estando ya en el aeropuerto José Martí, no le permitieron salir al extranjero con el fin de asistir a un curso en la Universidad de los Trabajadores de América Latina.
La joven Yohanna Columbié, de Somos Más, no pudo viajar a México el pasado 6 de marzo, con el propósito de adquirir conocimientos sobre las elecciones. Ella fue interceptada en el auto que se dirigía al aeropuerto y cuando la soltaron, ya había perdido el vuelo.
Los cubanos que trabajan en la línea aérea Copa Airlines le dijeron a Marta Adela Tamayo González, en la mañana del 8 de marzo, que la visa múltiple que tiene para entrar en los Estados Unidos de América no le servía para viajar a Tegucigalpa; a pesar de que había indagado en la Embajada hondureña en Cuba y le habían dicho que sí. Estaba invitada por el Centro para las Aperturas Electorales (CAPEL), con el fin de recibir capacitación en el tema.
También el 8 de marzo fueron “allanadas y saqueadas” las casas de seis opositores que militan en la UNPACU (Unión Patriótica de Cuba), cinco de ellas en Santiago de Cuba y una en Palma Soriano. Arrestaron a 16 activistas, entre los cuales estuvo su presidente José Daniel Ferrer. Para que se tenga solo una idea de lo vandálico de estos actos, les requisaron hasta la comida.
No obstante, cuando de represión se habla, no se puede dejar de citar a las Damas de Blanco, que domingo tras domingo son arrestadas y maltratadas, tanto por la policía política como por la PNR (Policía Nacional Revolucionaria). Les ponen elevadas multas por cualquier motivo, pero los pretextos más usados son las acusaciones de desacato, atentado y desorden público. Les roban el dinero cuando son detenidas; solo 3 semanas atrás en la puerta de la sede de la organización, en la barriada habanera de Lawton, le quitaron a Lismeirys Quintana Ávila la cantidad de 776 CUC, sin hacerle siquiera un documento de incautación.
Pero el colmo de la falta de profesionalidad y de hombría lo tiene el oficial se la Seguridad del Estado que se hace llamar Luisito; pero que su verdadero nombre es Ariel Arnau Grillé. El pasado 25 de febrero, alrededor de las 10 de la noche, frente al centro donde se reúnen las Damas, este hombre, que dicen es jefe de una sección de la Dirección 21 (Enfrentamiento a la Contrarrevolución), a gritos ofendía a las féminas, diciéndoles que eran unas ratas. En particular a Berta Soler le daba alaridos y le pronosticaba la muerte a ella y a las demás, e incluso llegó a ofender a sus madres. Los vecinos del lugar fueron testigos de este desagradable hecho. Difícil de calificar, pues se puede pensar incluso que el “oficial” estuviera bajo efectos de bebidas alcohólicas o drogas. Aunque no descarto la posibilidad de que haya sido por alguno de los motivos mencionados al inicio de este artículo: por el temor al contagio del pueblo o porque se haya roto la cadena de mando dentro de las fuerzas represivas del régimen y cada cual hace lo que estime pertinente.
Estos son apenas algunos ejemplos de lo sucedido en las últimas fechas, pudiéramos llenar páginas y páginas con lo que, de forma desafortunada, ha sucedido con los opositores desde principios de año. Pero más doloroso aún es el hecho de que no cabría en 1000 terabytes de información digitalizada lo que sufre el pueblo cubano por los abusos de la dictadura.
Al parecer cunde el pánico
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theleaderdotinfo-blog · 6 years ago
The Joy of Six: Monte Batter Betis. has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/25/the-joy-of-six-monte-batter-betis/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/25/the-joy-of-six-monte-batter-betis/
The Joy of Six: Monte Batter Betis.
CD Montesinos 6 – 0 AD Betis.   Well, what a game!! Full of action, a decent referee (for a pleasant change) and a six goal smorgasbord for the dedicated band of Monte fans making the short trip across the valley. Straight from the kick-off, Monte, minus Vaz up front due to suspension, were the livelier side and were rewarded by an early strike by Diego. Despite this early setback Betis seemed content to run with the ball in the midfield, but Monte’s defence was reassuringly robust. Chances fell to both sides, Carlos Lorente being particularly unlucky not to open his account, but the half ended as it began, with an attacking Monte side being deservedly in front. Half Time: CD Montesinos 1 – 0 AD Betis. The second half started with Betis fighting hard to gain a foothold in the game, one which they needed a result from as much as Monte. Then the goals started to flow with, it has to be noted, some ease, starting with the irrepressible and eventual 'Man Of The Match' Carlos Morante who bagged a couple and, on another day, possibly could (should?) have had more. Also on the score sheet in the second session were tenacious midfield dynamo German (a revelation and some way back to his best this season) with a brace along with stalwart defender Morante. It has long been mooted amongst the faithful that this Monte side were due a good result against somebody, their performances, for a least part of some games, not always being matched by results and on their day (and without having to play the ref as well!) they are a match for most teams in this division. This result goes some way to giving credence to that view as well as giving real hope that they could avoid the dreaded drop. TEAM:- Carlos, Dimitry, Fernando, Manuel, Morante, Alex, Carlos Lorente, David, Jesus, German, Diego. SUB’s:- Sergio, Macia, Maccan, Dario, Manuel. Final Score: CD Montesinos 6 – 0 AD Betis. Match report by Steve Robinson Photo's by Terry Harris
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theleaderdotinfo-blog · 6 years ago
Desperate Dolores draw with “Half” Monte. has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/12/desperate-dolores-draw-with-half-monte/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/12/desperate-dolores-draw-with-half-monte/
Desperate Dolores draw with “Half” Monte.
Very much like the proverbial “ferrets in a sack”, the battle for survival at the bottom of Grupo 8 is becoming increasingly fraught as games rapidly dwindle away. Sunday's clash with CD Dolores took another twist with late drama and, yet again, a controversial decision by the man-in-the-middle. Final Score CD Dolores 1 – 1 CD Montesinos Montesinos lined up with yet more changes, centre back Dimitry keeping his spot along with Roberto, Diego & Carlos Lorente, returning from bans. Out injured were Morante and Maccan, while midfielder German serves a ban due to five yellow cards. On the bench, new signing Jesus David from Algorfa made his debut in the red and white stripes. Also on the bench, returning from a long injury lay-off, was Josema. After the usual nervy start by both teams, it was Dolores who showed the better, with one or two quarter chances going begging. On 18 minutes though, Monte had the ball in the net, after exceptional work out wide from the ever lively Carlos Lorente, saw Vaz poke home, only for the referee to rule it out for offside. Again though, it was very much Dolores in the ascendency and they could consider themselves unlucky not to take the lead when on two separate occasions when one-on-one with Carlos they shot at him or high over the bar. The Monte back line was, to be honest, struggling to cope with the pace of the Dolores attack. So it was with some relief that on 35 minutes that, following a moment of true class by Carlos Lorente on the left, his zipped cross was met, first time, by Vaz, who slammed the ball into the net. This was, it has to be said, much against the general run of play, but Monte didn't care about that. Half Time: CD Dolores 0 – 1 CD Montesinos The second period commenced with, not for the first time this season, Monte on the back foot, conceding territory whilst hoping for breakaway goals. In the very first minute of play, Carlos had to be on his mettle to stop a rasping shot. It was clear from this that Dolores were very much up for this game. With Monte continuing to live dangerously and only occasionally threatening to penetrate their opponents goal, coach Ruben took off Roberto for the more defence-minded Pastor. The game had an edgy feel to it, with both sides minimising risks and only pressing forward when the ball broke. It had become a test of defences as much as a midfield battle. Dolores though, continued to have the better of what half chances fell their way and only a combination of bad luck and equally bad marksmanship left them without reward. On 75 minutes, new boy Jesus David replaced the increasingly ineffective David, presumably to offer more guile and support to the, now all too infrequent, Montesinos attacks. Five minutes later, Dolores were level, but once again as in previous games, in controversial circumstances. Following yet another right sided incursion, the attacker saw his goal-bound shot pushed away brilliantly by Carlos, only for the ball to be fired in again across the goal line towards a Dolores player standing next to the far post. He gleefully tapped the ball in (he could hardly miss this time from that range!) and the referee, who up until this point had a reasonable game, amazingly awarded the goal. He was immediately surrounded by an angry cluster of Monte players pointing out the obvious, i.e. that the Dolores player was “nearer to the goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent” or at least something very similar. Their protests were all to no avail though, as clearly this official wasn't aware of the finer details Law 11 of the Laws Of The Game, sadly, in common with a lot of his colleagues After a flurry of (what had been absent until then) yellow cards, the game returned to its dismal ebb and flow, definitely not one for the purists. Bizarrely, following the award of a free kick in a central position, a Dolores player decided to remonstrate with the referee who subsequently gave him a second yellow and ordered him off. There then followed several minutes of too-ing and fro-ing as players came and went and the game as any kind of sporting spectacle diminished into a travesty. The final whistle blew and sadly, the official left the field surrounded by arguing and bickering players. A sad sight indeed and one that seems to repeat itself all too often. A miserable end to a miserable game. It could be argued that a point to Montesinos was marginally better than none and in a game where chances came and went, they could consider themselves lucky indeed not to have lost. But, at this late stage of the season almost anything is better than a loss, as teams below them will surely also have to gain points from where they have previously been unable. Perhaps a week off will give the team and the coach time to reflect and to come roaring back and play some football, as we know they can. We can only hope. Vamos Los Rojos, Vamos Monte! TEAM:- Carlos, Dimitry, Fernando, Manuel, Alex, Carlos Lorente, David, Roberto, Macia, Vaz, Daniel. SUB’s:- Sergio, Mario, Dario, Jesus, Jose. Match Report by Steve Robinson, Photos by David Winder You can always email us at [email protected] Also......check-out CD Montesinos on Facebook and JJ’s Predictor League.
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theleaderdotinfo-blog · 6 years ago
'Six-pointer' crunch weekends loom has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/06/six-pointer-crunch-weekends-loom/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/06/six-pointer-crunch-weekends-loom/
'Six-pointer' crunch weekends loom
By Andrew Atkinson Crunch weekends are looming for a plethora of teams - starting at the weekend - in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 with games deemed worthy as '6 pointers'. With seven games to play CD Murada, leading the table, host 13th placed CD Altet, with a huge 29 points separating the teams. Racing San Miguel, who have slipped into third spot, will be keeping tabs on Murada's Saturday fixture, ahead of hosting fourth place Santa Pola on Sunday, with five points separating Racing and Santa. Second placed AC Torrellano, two points off Murada, travel to fifth placed Santa Pola CF on Saturday. Hondon Nieves, sitting sixth, host Atletico Catral, in ninth; Monovar, seventh, travel to 12th placed Rafal; with San Fulgencio, eighth, travelling to 14th placed club AD Betis. CD Montesinos, who have lost their last two games against Catral and Hondon, will be looking be bounce back to winning form at second bottom CD Dolores on Sunday, kick off 4.30pm. The Los Montesinos based club, in their second season in the 1st Regional, have had an indifferent campaign with coach Carlos Perez's axing, added with injuries and suspensions blighting their ambitions. CD Montesinos' lack of goals, 27 in 23 games, has been a cause for concern also adding to their woes, chalking up 23 points from 23 games. With CD Dolores conceding 49 goals this weekenk's fixture is seen as an opportunity for Montesinos to grab three points. With Montesinos meeting AD Betis on March 24, the games against Dolores and Betis are deemed 'six pointers' - with games looming against Santa Pola CF, Racing San Miguel, and CD Murada, fifth, third and first placed, respectively. Montesinos midfielder Maccan, back from injury, is set to start at CD Dolores, with winger Roberto Paloma hopefully returning, after missing the 2-0 defeat against Hondon Nieves last week.  
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theleaderdotinfo-blog · 6 years ago
Montesinos and Hondon players and fans in one minutes silence in honour of Chris Jenkins has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/04/montesinos-and-hondon-players-and-fans-in-one-minutes-silence-in-honour-of-chris-jenkins/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/04/montesinos-and-hondon-players-and-fans-in-one-minutes-silence-in-honour-of-chris-jenkins/
Montesinos and Hondon players and fans in one minutes silence in honour of Chris Jenkins
CD Montesinos 0-2 Hondon Nieves ..... By Andrew Atkinson A minutes silence before the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 fixture between CD Montesinos and Hondon Nieves took place in honour of Montesinos supporter Chris Jenkins who died in January, with both teams and fans paying their respects. Montesinos suffered a 2-0 defeat, with a defensive error leading to Hondon netting on 30 minutes, and a controversial goal on 44 minutes, with claims of offside ruled out by the referee. [caption id="attachment_28070" align="aligncenter" width="821"] CD Montesinos and Hondon Nieves stand in a one minutes silence before kick off. Photos: Andrew Atkinson.[/caption] Monte keeper Carlos made some fine saves, with striker Vazquinho, and man of the match defender Alex noted. Montesinos midfielder Maccan came off the bench, returning to action after a month on the sidelines, after sustaining a foot injury. In a game that saw the referee book eight players, Montesinos's defeat did little to erase relegation fears, with the Los Montesinos outfit sitting in tenth place, on 23 points, a mere three points above second bottom CD Dolores. San Fulgencio defeated CD Dolores 3-0 on Sunday, with the Derby clash between Santa Pola and Santa Pola CF ending goalless.
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theleaderdotinfo-blog · 6 years ago
Monte Bottle It To Ten Man Catral. has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/02/26/monte-bottle-it-to-ten-man-catral/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/02/26/monte-bottle-it-to-ten-man-catral/
Monte Bottle It To Ten Man Catral.
  Last Sunday CD Montesinos travelled up the AP7 to take on Atletico Catral and to try and cement their position of mid-table safety. Recent results indicated that this might be too close to call. Monte lined up with Diego replacing the presumably injured Alex in midfield and stalwart defender Dimitry back on the bench. In a nervy first few minutes, neither side offered much to the eye (apart from the home team's violently luminous kit), with Monte battling hard in midfield and Catral punting hopeful long balls forward. Catral, however, nearly opened their account when a defensive mix-up on the left resulted in a rasping shot that Carlos did well to touch onto the angle of bar and post and finally out. The subsequent corner was swung in right under the crossbar and just about scrambled away. Ominous signs for Monte that any defensive lapses would result in conceding. Carlos Lorente was, once again, the highlight of Monte attacking play with only marginal bad luck preventing him from scoring. On 35 minutes though, the game was turned on it's head when, following a whipped ball over the top in the path of the onrushing Carlos Lorente, the Catral keeper took it on himself to leave his area, and launch himself, kung-fu style, at the player, sending him crashing to the ground, clearly in agony. The subsequent red card came as no surprise to anyone watching. But, what followed the dismissal took the event deep into farce territory. Finding themselves down to ten, amazingly the Catral team and coaching staff took it upon themselves to abandon the game temporarily and organise an impromptu team get-together at the side of the pitch for a full four minutes plus, while the rest of the Montesinos team, as well as the hapless-looking referee, stared on in bewilderment. The Montesinos section of the crowd were baying for the official the chivvy up proceedings, but, unbelievably, this was allowed to continue until the Catral coaching staff were happy to carry on. To add further insult, the referee declined to play any of the extra time caused by the delay, blowing up almost on the 45 mark exactly. Totally unacceptable I would suggest and we can only hope that some report of this would find its way back to Valencian FA HQ along with Catral’s own video of the game. Half Time: Atletico Catral 0 – 0 CD Montesinos The Monte supporters didn't have to wait long after the restart to wonder if the extra man would make a difference, when in the first minute, following excellent work from Vaz and Carlos Lorente on the edge of the box, Roberto fizzed a drive into the corner of the goal. A great start to the half! It got even better seven minutes later when the irrepressible Vaz, working alone, rounded the keeper to slot home comfortably. Monte were two up with less than ten gone in the half, surely they would be able to close out the game and possibly add more to their tally. On 65 minutes, Coach Ruben rang the changes, replacing goal scorer Roberto with Dario and subbing the tiring German with Manuel Siguenza. If this was meant to add more bite to the midfield, then it quickly became obvious that it was having the opposite effect. Following changes of their own, Catral dragged themselves back into the game with some neat interplay around the box resulting in their first goal back. Monte were rattled and the midfield that had looked imperious in the first hour was now all over the place. On 75 minutes it got worse, when a failure to clear a ball pinging about the area lead to a looped shot going in. Surely the ten men weren't going to find a way back? Mario Pastor replaced Diego and almost immediately Monte woke up to the fact that they could actually lose the game. In a frenetic few minutes Vaz headed wide, then was inches away from connecting with a through ball. But to no avail, with Monte pressing it was obvious that they could be caught out down the other end. So it was, that on the 80 minute mark that the long ball over the top resulted in the Catral forward cutting inside and firing home. The unlikely comeback was complete and the home fans were ecstatic. Dimitry replaced the limping Morante in a final throw of the dice, but it was clear that Monte had run out of steam and ideas and to add insult to injury, Carlos Lorente was red carded after a petty altercation in the home box. Final Score: Atletico Catral 3 – 2 CD Montesinos Although the loss didn't affect Monte's league position unduly, the battles to come will define where they end up this season, not this game, which was comfortably in their grasp and they, through a combination of poor tactics and poor play, lost unconvincingly. So, we move on to the next game which will be a home game against Hondon Nieves. However, with ground improvement work still in progress at Montesinos, details of where and when this game will be played will be forwarded as soon as possible. TEAM:- Carlos, Fernando, Manuel, Morante, Carlos Lorente, David Febas, Roberto, German, Diego,Vaz, Daniel. SUB’s:- Sergio, Dimitry, Mario Pastor, Dario, Manuel Sevonza
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theleaderdotinfo-blog · 6 years ago
Monte's late, late show has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/02/16/montes-late-late-show/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/02/16/montes-late-late-show/
Monte's late, late show
[caption id="attachment_27489" align="aligncenter" width="1000"] Brazilian star striker Vazquinho put on a late, late, show - netting a 93rd minute winner[/caption] By Andrew Atkinson Brazilian star striker Vazquinho put on a late, late, show - netting a 93rd minute winner at Monforte CF - to ease CD Montesinos further away from the bottom sphere of the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8 table. Vazquinho made amends with his dramatic dying stages winner against bottom club Monforte CF having missed a spot kick. The Los Montesinos based side, who travel to Atletico Catral next weekend, picked up a valuable three points, taking them to 23 points from 21 games, to ebb up to eighth place in the table, with Monforte CF sitting bottom, on 15 points. CD Murada maintained second spot with a 2-0 against CF Rafal, as the race for automatic promotion hots up. AC Torrellano - amongst the chasing pack - on 43 points, sit in third place following a 2-0 win against Hondon Nieves, who sit fourth in the table on 39 points. Sporting San Fulgencio defeated Atletico Catral 2-1 in a bottom half of the table encounter; with CD Altet defeating Santa Pola CF 2-0 to go 19th in the table, maintaining improved form in the second half of the season, that has seen the club's relegation fears diminishing. Leaders Racing San Miguel suffered a shock 3-2 defeat against Callosa Deportivo B, a loss that comes on the back of a 2-0 defeat against CD Murada, reducing their lead at the top to just two points ahead of CD Murada.
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theleaderdotinfo-blog · 6 years ago
Monte hit 5 against Fulgencio has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/02/09/monte-hit-5-against-fulgencio/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/02/09/monte-hit-5-against-fulgencio/
Monte hit 5 against Fulgencio
By Andrew Atkinson CD Montesinos went nap with a five goal hammering of Sporting San Fulgencio in the Valencia 1st Regional Group 8, returning a 5-1 win. In what was dubbed a 'six pointer' at the lower echelons of the table, with San Fulgencio in 12th place and Montesinos in 14th, all was to play for in a bid to pull away from the relegation zone. CD Montesinos leap frog San Fulgencio taking them to 20 points in their quest to remain in the first regional following promotion two years ago. Full report and Valencia 1st Regional G8 round up in Monday's Leader. Photo: CD Montesinos line up before the game against San Fulgencio. Photo: Terry Harris.
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theleaderdotinfo-blog · 6 years ago
Monte pay the penalty – TWICE! has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/02/04/monte-pay-the-penalty-twice/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/02/04/monte-pay-the-penalty-twice/
Monte pay the penalty – TWICE!
Last Saturday saw CD Montesinos travel towards Alicante airport to face high flying Torrellano with more changes to their personnel. Returning to the back was Morente, meaning Alex reverted to his more usual midfield slot. The number 14 shirt was taken by the return of fan favourite Carlos Lorente also joined by new recruit Mario Pastor on the bench. Juvenil players Adrian and Oscar lined up as subs. Dimitri served the last game of his ban and joined the large travelling Full Monte contingent in the stand that easily outnumbered the home crowd. In a game that was defined by the biting, swirling wind, it was the team that could keep the ball down would probably prevail. So it was, that following neat interplay down the wing that Torrellano had an attempt cleared off the line by Fernando in the first minute. An omen of things to come? With both sides, at times, struggling to cope with the conditions, it came as a blow for Monte to fall behind to a penalty on 16 minutes. Not for the first time this season, full back Fernando was beaten for pace leaving the covering defender little choice but to haul down the attacker. It got worse. On 32 minutes, Monte had a clear penalty appeal of their own mysteriously turned down, most of the crowd saw the blatant push in the back, but not the man in the middle apparently. Monte having no luck yet again in that department. Monte continued to play their part, in a decent, lively game that neither side could get a grip of. Carlos Lorente in particular was giving Torrellano a torrid time with his direct, aggressive running. With no further action, the half came to a close. Half Time: AC Torrellano 1 – 0 CD Montesinos From the restart, Monte were straight out of the blocks when in the first minute, Carlos Lorente's tricky play on the left resulted in a cross into the area, stabbed home by Vaz. The mass of the crowd's delight was short lived though, as the referee managed to conjure up an offside decision, despite the fact that Vaz was behind his marker when he scored. Once again, the only luck Monte were having was bad luck. As if to prove the point, five minutes later, Torrellano were awarded a second spot kick when the attacking player managed to find the defenders trailing leg in the box, going to ground with the requisite amount of screaming and writhing. Once again, Carlos in goal was given no chance, the home side were two up. An embellishment their performance barely deserved. In an even stranger series of events, Torrellano found themselves reduced to ten on the 60th minute when following a relatively innocuous challenge, the Torrellano player, nothing to do with the initial offence, took it upon himself to launch an abusive tirade against the referee, who, rightly, brandished a straight red. After this, Coach Ruben made a series of substitutions, attempting to take advantage of the reduced opposition with some fresh legs. German for Adrian, followed quickly by Roberto for new boy Mario Pastor. A further roll of the dice on the 72nd minute saw David replaced by Manuel Siguenza. With the game opening up and Monte seeing a lot more of the ball, it looked that, on the 75th minute, that Vaz must score when beautifully controlling yet another Carlos Lorente cross, he blasted the ball goal-wards only to see it cannon back off the keepers legs. What were we saying about luck? Final substitution on the 83rd minute saw the influential Carlos Lorente replaced by youth player Oscar. All to no avail though, Monte continued to push and Torrellano defended and broke forward only occasionally, for Fernando to yet again save an almost certain goal in the final minutes of the game. In the 85th minute, the game took an ugly twist, when following a ball crossed to edge of the Torrellano box saw Vaz viciously pole-axed by a forearm smash to the face that saw him laid out, clearly in some distress. Once again, the increasingly myopic referee saw nothing worthy of a card, let alone an offence, to disbelief of most of the crowd. Vaz gamely tried to get to his feet, but after a few steps it was clear he couldn't continue and eventually forlornly left the field. As Monte had used all their subs, both sides were now down to ten. On the final blast, Torrellano ran out winners by two penalties, one of which was dubious to say the least, whereas Monte had nothing to show for their efforts, largely thanks to an indifferent, at best, performance by the referee. It has been said before, but Monte can be proud of a decent performance against, at times, twelve opponents and must go onto the next game with that in mind. But if there’s no change in attitude soon, what will happen is a further drop into the relegation zone. Final Score: AC Torrellano 2 – 0 CD Montesinos. TEAM:- Carlos, Fernando, Manu Morante, Angel Alexis, Carlos Lorente, Roberto, German, Vaz, David, Daniel. SUB’s:- Michael, Mario Pastor, Adrian, Manuel, Oscar. Monte are away again next weekend to play Sporting San Fulgencio, full details will be forwarded when known. You can always email us at [email protected] Match report by Steve Robinson. Photo's by Terry Harris
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