jinouchibhue · 8 months
When I get my tablet, and can draw again, and finish my commissions. it is so over for you hoes. I'm going to be SO annoying about that man. This is a threat.
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saturninemartial · 16 days
I need to see Zoro in one of those hyper-specific shirts from Facebook ads that are like I'M MARRIED TO A FREAKING SEXY WIFE WHO WAS BORN IN MARCH. HE CAN CCOK A TEN-COURSE MEAL AND THEN KICK MY ASS. HE'S A BIT CRAZY AND CAN SCARE ME SOMETIMES. IF YOU FLIRT WITH HIM THEY'LL NEVER FIND YOUR BODY. Or something to that effect. You know what I mean.
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ask-valgrace · 2 months
What’s the most fun and silly way you use your powers?
I cban ccok food wthout a stove or whstever
Static shock. Anywhere. Anyone.
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tickingispleasure · 3 months
I want someone took advantage of me being hypnotized by files I've listened to in public. They just gonna grab my tits and rub their ccok at me so I'm getting so fuckong horny I justtnmake out with them jo matter wherebwe are
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konigsblog · 1 year
Panty sniffer ghost getting caught in readers room, kneeling in front of their clothing hamper sniffing the blue tight workout shorts they wore during their normal workout, the shorts are all sweaty and full of readers heavenly scent. Taking deep sniffs while fisting his thick cock, big and heavy balls slapping against his hand as he desperately thrusts into his closed fist. Jolting when he feels a smaller hand cup and massage his balls, another sliding up the thick and veiny arm pressing their shorts into his nose. "Enjoying my scent, simon? Here, let me help you" the reader sweetly says as they move the hand that was massaging Simons heavy breeder balls to play with the head of Simons cock
pspspsp scent kink simon and panty theif simon grgrgtrrrrg;
his hands were full of your clothes; taking huffs of the scent, sweet and sweaty. his other hand gripped at his cock, sliding it up and down and pumping himself. he had precum spilling out of his tip as he continued to inhale your musky aroma.
a smaller hand groped at his fat ccok, thick and veiny length. his hips jutted forward when he saw your eyes full of lust and desire. gliding your hand up his length before lowering yourself to lick at his cum, and suck down to his base - inhaling his musky pubes when they tickled your nose.
he threw his head back, a groan escaping his throat as you bopped your head, stuffing his face with your clothes and pushing at your head, forcing you to take more of his length. your other hand began cupping his balls, slight sweat glistened over his body “just like that..” simon moaned out in escasty, cursing under his breath as his cum filled your mouth, spilling out of the sides of your lips before he ripped your head off and began pushing you onto your back and tearing your little pretty panties down, stained with slick. :((
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kahirlarim · 2 months
oofff ccok ozledim ses kayitlari yetmiyor
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tparker48 · 2 years
Request for Tinytoy0
The night would still be young as the party continued in the lounging area. Bailey sitting at the bar as the music filled his ears. Letting it draw his attention as he took a swig from his drink. But drew elsewhere when a very lean guy sat next to him.
"Give me two glasses" they said to the bartender. Watching them walk away before looked towards Bailey. "What's up?" He said to him.
"Hey." Bailey responded.
"Never seen you around here, you must be new"
"Well, only partially new, been here for about a week. Though still getting my bearings" Bailey responded, taking another swig of his drink.
"I see, I see" the guy responded, the bartender arriving back with his drinks. Placing the two glasses in front of him, but moved the other slightly to the side. Hovering his hand over it before moving it over to Bailey. "Here, one on me." He offered.
Bailey was cautious at first as he looked at the glass, unsure to take it as held his in his hand. But shrugged the thought aside, it couldn't help to be courteous right? drinking the remaining liquid, he grabbed the extra one. "thanks." He said in response, toasting the cup to him before downing it in one go. But winced as he slammed it down. "God that stings."
"Like it, it's got my own special taste for it."
"When you certainly got your own taste, Are you trying to kill me?"
"Heavens no! Well at least not exactly. Just showing you a little about what this town's drinks have to offer." He responded Bailey starting to get up from his seat, but the guy's hand stopped him as he held his arm softly. "Wait, I didnt mean to overstep. But, how about I make it up to you."
"Oh? And how would you do that?"
"Oh I can do that in many ways. Some physically" he leaned closer to Bailey "or sexually."
Bailey was taking off guard by the suggestion as he stepped back from them. The hand pulling him back as a hand laid onto his pants. Making his bulge flex in its state, but clenched it in rage before placing a hand on their shoulder. "Why you litt-"
"Its a simple offer, you don't have to take it. However, I don't think you'll want to be so pent up. There are many sharks who like to take control that fire of yours."
"Control me? Fat chance, I'm a top. Im not one to ache in the knees like these other pups."
"Oh yeah? Well then.." The guy pressed closer "show me."
"Alright, I will!"
A couple of minutes later, Bailey and his acquaintance made their way to the back room of the hotel. Stopping at a changing room as the two entered inside. Switching the lock to occupied to stray away any lookers.
"Argh!" The guy huffed, tossed over to the cushioned sofa as Bailey approached. "So strong."
"So you want me to show you what I can do? Then I hope that ass of yours is ready to use crutches" stepping forward, Bailey unfastened his pants hastenly as he threw his belt to the side. Throwing down his pants before aligning his cock forward. Ripping of theirs as he hoisted his jeans down to his ankles. But felt a little dizzy as he as he held his head in comfort. "Rrrngh.."
"Something the matter? Don't tell me your getting cold feet."
"Like hell I am!" Bailey barked, grabbing onto their thighs before gripping along his asscheeks. Spreading them to reveal his anus in the center. Sticking his ccok head against it as it pressed firmly into the orifice. Inserting it. He began to slowly gring into His waist. Sinking his cock into his hole as it began to widen. Letting it loosen a bit more before he pulled the shaft up to the tip. "You're gonna regret getting me pumped up. You-" As Bailey was about to speak, a pulse moved through his body as his body raced to the floor. The world around zooming upwards before being overshadowed by misty skin. "What the-" he muffled, beginning to fight against it as it hugged at his sides. The blubbery flesh smothering his words before the mounds squeezed together.
"Well that was easy, took a little bit longer than expected though.." the guy announced, feeling Bailey rub between lower part of his asscheeks. Getting up, he dusted himself off before stood up from the sofa.
"Mmm..mmph!" Bailey muffeled more, finally managing to pierce through the thick muscle muscle. "Gah-hah! What's going on. Why am I small!" He yelled, Struggling between the mounds as they bounce back from from his pushes. The earthy scent filling his nose as the hole underneath puckered at his feet. But was shocked when a pair of hands reached down from the sides of the giant ass. Prying them apart as he landed ontop of the sofa. Looking up to the half naked dude as he turned around to see him. " Wait a second..That drink you gave me..you drugged me!"
"I wouldn't exactly call it a drug..more of a potion."
"Now that the pleasantries are out the window, allow me to inteoduce myself. My name is Carlton, Dr. Carlton if you will. A scientist with a knack of messing with sizes. A pleasure to meet you."
"You're a scientist that messes with other people's sizes. You're sick in the head-grck!" A thumb pressed down on Bailey as it mushed him into the cushion.
"Mad, not sick. Not that it matters at this point. All of my greatest works are admired one way or another. As will you too after you partake in a few tests."
"Tests?" Bailey asked him, but received no response before a hand came down toward him. With little time to escape, he was hoisted up into a pinch as Carlton brought him to his waist. His free hand at his cock as he peeled back his foreskin. "hey! Hey! I didn't agree to be-mph!" Thrusted forward, his words were cut off as flesh raced towards him, the loose skin overlapping his body as he plunged into its embrace. Bumping into the pocket below, his face was smothered in sweat built up along the loose skin. Fingers beginning to prod at his legs to burrow him deep, the flap closing over his feet as the cockhead against him sealed his way out. His kicks knocking into the backside of the head to get free. But were blocked and absorbed into its fluffy sides.
"They always seem to try to have a say in the matter. But doesn't matter once I got them." Carlton finally spoke, poking at the bulge underneath his foreskin watching it wobble in place before a lump stretched out from it. Putting his cock back into his underwear as he put back on his pants. Making his way out the change room before heading out to his car. A little sway added to his step with the additional company stashed underneath.
Making his way home, Carlton went into his room as he shut the door behind him. Pulling ooen a panel behind the door as he stepped inside. Leading him into a wide room, materials would be all over the place. Chemicals sat at the top of the shelf, some bubbling as fire torched into the flask. A computer resting along the table as it awaited to be used. But received no attention as Carlton walked towards the mats off in the distance. Drawing out his cock as he let his length droop off his pants.
"Grghgrgh! Mph! Mph!" Bailey's muffled voice echoed from within. The bulge bouncing up and around the skin as he felt a slight punch absorb into it.
"Calm down, calm down" Carlton said, unable to help himself from giggling from Bailey's efforts. Massaging over the lump to stimulate the flesh more. Beginning to grind the hood over his cockhead, before peeling it back slowly behind it. Stopping over the lump when arms emerged out from it. Slapping against tip as Bailey struggled to get free. "Hm hm" Carlton chuckled, rolling the foreskin back more to reveal the flesh inside.
"Mmph..nnn!..Gah" Bailey gasped, his head popping out from underneath the skin. His arms pushing at it to let the rest of him out. Plopping to the ground of the mat as he landed with a wet splat.
"Welcome to my lab my honorary lab rat. Make yourself at home."
"It's Bailey you jerk!" Bailey scorned, getting up from the damp spot on the floor. But struggled as the sticky surface from the foreskin stuck to him.
"Bailey.. right. Well Bailey, I hope you are ready for the test I have in stored. Your gonna be front and center for it all."
"Like hell I will! You tricked me into doing your sick offer, then you kinapped me, and now you want me to participate in your tests. No thank you!"
"Oh come now, I'm sure it wasn't that bad. You wanted to prove you're the top dog right? Well, you had your chance, but I wasn't quite convinced otherwise. Even before the shrinking. Besides, you look way more cuter than you were before. Like a new born ken doll brought to life." Carlton said.
Upon the response, Bailey foimd himself begin to fluster. His face becoming red as he quickly looked away. "I-I..I am not cute!"
"Sure you are.."Carlton added, taking off his shoes as he tossed them to the side. Leaving his socks on before stepping onto the mat. "but alas, I suppose all that barking you did before was all a bluff. Like rest of the littles puppies right?"
"You lousy-..No! Its not a bluff" Bailey retorted, stepping closer to Carlton as he stopped at his feet. "I am a top and nothing will change that! And if I have to have to get through you to get it, then I will!"
"Will you now? Is that a challenge?"
"You bet it is!"
"Heh." Lifting his foot, Carlton stepped over Bailey. Watching him wince down below before he moved further down the mat. Heading towards the far wall as he held onto a lever. "Alright Bailey, I'll bite." He agreed, flipping the lever as the room began to change. The walls spreading further apart as the mat began to extend. Traveling down the room as the equipment collected themselves into the walls. Stretching to the entrance ahead as a line drew over the floor.
"What the?" Bailey puzzled.
"Let's test that bite of yours top dog. If you can get across this mat and reach the door without me stomping you, I'll consider changing you back. But if I catch you.." He clicked on a button, a ray rising up from the table behind him. "Then I'm shrinking you more and will continue my tests. Do we have a deal?"
Bailey was hesitant as he looked at the ray. Choking on his words before he finally gave his answer. "Deal!"
"Then it's settled then.." Carlton stepped forward, raising his foot towards Bailey. "Let me be the first to start us off!"
"Ah crap!" Bailey yelled, leaping out the way before the foot crashed down. The mat turning from the impact as the wind carried him to the side. "That..was close." Bailey blurted to himself. But forced himself to focus as another foot lunged towards him. Instinctively rolling out the way as the heavy thud echoed next to him.
"Almost had you that time, you really are a nimble fellow." Carlton commented, raising his foot into the air. "But don't think I'll take it easy on you because of it!"
Bailey started to run as the foot crashed down. Hearing its boom echo behind him as he raced down the mat. Gazing at the door as the exit sign hovered above it. It seemed so far the path along the mat stretched out, But he had to make it there if he wanted to have his size back. Clenching his fists, he motivated himself to run faster. His feet kicking with all their might as they carried him along. But a foot cut their motion as a socked foot crashed in front of him. bumping into its side as he Looked up the leg to see another foot race toward him.
"Gah!" Bailey yelled again, hopping over the top of foot as he jumped a few inches ahead. The loud crash piercing the silence as he landed back on the mat. But couldn't catch his breath before he proceeded to waddle forward. The sounds of loud stomps echoing behind him. The line just within sight as he kicked his tired legs faster. "Almost there, almost there!"
"Wow you're quick one.." Carlton's voice boomed. A shadow casting overhead as he jumped ahead of Bailey. Crashing down in front of him before turning quickly. Lifting his foot up like a panel as he waited for him.
"No no no!" Bailey cursed, his feet tripping over themselves as he toppled forward. The foot in front of him lifting up higher as he planted against the heel. Bouncing to the floor as he laid there dazed. But refocused as the foot began to lower.
"Game." Carlton became to say, beginning to lower his foot.
"No no no!"
**Thud** the foot came down as Bailey started to run. Fumbling to get up to his legs before the toes arched overhead. "Match." Carlton finally finished. Placing weight on his foot, he leaned into his knee. Looking at the flailing arms sticking out from underneath the fabric. "Ooh so close Bailey, you almost had it for a second there."
"Bastard..you cheated. Your size is bigger than me.."
"And yet, you still decided to challenge me." Carlton responded. ""And lost. Which means" He lifted his foot up a bit before pressing a button. The ray beginning to spark as its nozzle extended towards them. Lowering as it aimed at Bailey underneath. "Time to collect that size of yours."
"Wait! No, No noo!"
After being shrunk down, Carlton continued with the rest of his tests he had planned for Bailey. Sitting along the couch as he watched Tv, a couple of fruit snacks in a bowl next to him. A string laced to the side of it, Bailey was tied on the other end. Pouting in his shrunken state as he gazed at the window. Stressed at the new size he missed seeing the clear sky outdoors. But even that was taken away as the wooden edge blocked his view. But looked back when a tug came along the string.
"Hey little bud, it's snack time again" Carlton announced. Bailey shuttering at his words before he turned toward the bowl. Picking one as he slumped his way towards the side of the couch. Carlton leaning down next to it as he smiled at Bailey.
"Aaah" he opened his mouth as he laid his tongue out like a welcome mat.
Bailey shuttered again the maw that aimed toward him. The hot breath washing over him as the old snacks he ate still remained. Making him fan at the air to comfort his nose.
"Coma un!" Carlton teased, flicking his tongue out to Bailey.
"Nrrgh." Bailey groaned, tossing the fruit snack onto the tongue. Its surface quickly coated with saliva left on it before it was flicked towards his gullet. The back of the tongue lifting up as the fruit snack disappeared. A light gulp signaling its descent before the tongue lowered down. A satisfying sigh coming from Carlton as his breath washed over him again.
Bailey fanned the air to comfort his nose again, but wasn't able to ease it before the mouth opened again.
"Another one" Carlton said. Bailey proceeding to get another as he held in his arms, tossing it inside as it bounced on the tongue. But muscle would lay flat as the fruit snack rolled back out. Landing at his feet before it retracted. "Uh-uh, no tossing. I want you to put it inside." Carlton said.
Bailey was confounded as he looked up at the giant scientist, looking at the fruit snack before he looked at his mouth. The throat dancing from its entrance as the uvula above swayed in place. "There is no way im doing that!" He thought himself. Taking a step back, but was pushed forward when a hand reached behind him.
"Now now, don't get cold feet. You're way too adorable just stand there like a deer in headlights. Buut if you want a little nudge.." carlton pushed his hand closer "I'm much more happy to-"
Bailey fanned at the hand behind him, swatting at the thick digits before moving ahead.
"hehe, alright then top dog.." Carlton replied, opening his mouth once more as he flicked the tip of his tongue imward. "Ruh hea" he pointed a finger inside.
Bailey wimced again as the maw opened toward him, but forced himself to shake it off as he carried the fruit snack in his hand. Moving closer to Carlton, he stepped upon the tongue. His body quaking from its sponge like surface as he tried to get his balance But they seemed to not register as each step slipped off the tongue. Tripping him as he landed along its center. The bit sized gummy landing in front of him as it rolled down the fold.
"A lita ma!" Carlton jumbled through his words, waving his tongue around to motivate the shrunken tiny. Bailey finally managing to get up when he grabbed one of his molars. Hoisting himself up into the mouth. Picking up the fruit snack, but didn't like holding it as its sides were drenched in drool. Making him hurry faster as he waddled up the tongue's length. Leaning over the fleshy hill as the throat gaped open. The muscle clenching with anticipation as it awaited its treat. Then, with a final push, Bailey through the treat into the tube. The back of the tongue rising over his hand before the rest of the tongue pushed him into the cieling. The mouth soon closing as Carlton began to move from the outside.
"Mmm-mmm" Carlton hummed to himself. Swallowing the fruit snack he was fed, but kept his tongue in place as he pinned Bailey inside. Folding the sides around him like a taco as he pounded at its sides. Turning off the Tv, he sat along the couch for a bit and toyed with him. Curling his tongue around before letting up the pressure. Pushing him along the side of the mouth and glossed Bailey onto his right cheek. Pressing him into the fleshy pocket before moving him over to the other. It was like rubbing around a sucker the more he thought about it. Sucking the air inside with a swift inhale. Letting the drool inside inside mix with Bailey before draining it into his cavern. He enjoyed the action, pressing softly at the bulge in his cheek as it pressed back. Bit soon drew his attention towards the door when it opened suddenly.
"Aaaa!" A yawn pierced the room. A broad figure coming from behind the door, stretching between the frames. "Is it the afternoon already? Hardly thought I'd wake up so soon." He said, making his way into the rest of the room. Stopping near the couch as Carlton sat at the far end. "Was wondering where you ran off too Carlton. Fishing for studs again?"
"Mor o les Terry.." Carltin replied, continuing to swish his tongue around. A kick soon extending out from the cheek.
"More of less huh? And what's that in your mouth?"
Carlton tilted his head up a bit before he opened his lips. Lifting his head up to the light above as it shined inside his clear white teeth that glistened in place. And in the center, Bailey as he was entangled underneath the sides of the tongue. But just as he fumbled to get to his knees, Carlton closed his mouth shortly after.
"I see, you went to the bar again." Terry said, shaking his head as he approached. "Wasn't that last one enough for you? Barley had enough time to play with them before you lost them."
Carlton swirled his mouth around as he adjusted himself along the couch. Holding his hand out in front of him before he spat out Bailey. "It wasn't that long. I just needed a little more time with them. It's not my fault that window was open now was it Mr. spring cleaner?"
"I'll spring clean your ass if you test me"
"Oh ho, will you now? With a lip like that you just might end up as my lab rat" Carlton responded, but was caught off guard when. They Jumped ontop of him.
"And if I do, im gonna make sure to blow you til the cows come home" he responded. The two of the looked at each other for a split moment as they gazed into each others eyes. But soon turned into a light kiss as the two locked their lips gently.
"God I love it when you say that" he said.
"You and me both ya stud" Carlton replied.
"So who's the squirt?" they replied.
"A little pick up I ran into on the way out the bar. Guy seemed pretty cute enough on the outside, so I decided to take them with me."
"Heh, you and your selected favorites. They're not teddy bears"
"True, but they sure act like one" Carlton responded. Holding up Bailey as he struggled in his palm. Rolling him down to his fingers before he dangled in mid air. "Besides, you think of them as side toys to get you off."
"Because they are. And they get you hard too"
"Pff, no they don't"
"Uh-huh. Well then how about I prove it to you, the one who blows first gets to cook breakfast."
"Breakfast? You cooking? Hah, now that I would love to see. Alright you're on!" Cartlon responded, the two of them making their way to the couch. Sitting down next to each as they pulled down their pants. Exposing their thick bulges, they each flexed with anticipation. Carlton soon holding up Bailey as he presented him to his boyfriend. "You're gonna have a part in our fun too bud." He announced. Holding him between the two of them.
Bailey fanned at the air as he yelled at the top of his lungs. Refusing to partake in their little activity as he flailed around. But his voice only came as squeaks to the two giants.
"Well he's certainly a fiesty one, I like that."
"you'll find he's got quite the kick. Now let's get down to the rules. We have a timer here that'll count how long it takes for one of us to get hard. The one with highest time, shall be the winner. Deal?"
"It's a deal. A feasible feat to say the least. Heh, for me." Terry said proudly.
"Well then hot stuff, you'll go first"
"Gladly" Terry said, plucking Bailey from his hands into his. Lowering him down to his crotch, he opened the waistband out a bit past his inner thigh. Letting his cock breath for a moment before hovering Bailey above it.
Bailey couldn't help but flail more in disagreement. Yelling at the tip of his lungs for their attention. Hoping they would reconsider as he caught a glimpse of the glistening skin down below him. But he received no response before the fingers around him dropped him inside. The waist band racing back to Terry as it snapped back in place. The fabric surrounding it wrapped back over his thick arch of the bulge inside. Bailey's outline on top of it as he spread eagled along the length of his shaft.
As his underwear snapped in place, Terry crossed his arms together. Letting his bulge do the work, he let it flex slowly on its own. Feeling Bailey wiggled around inside as the lump lifted into the fabric. "See? Nothing to it." He said proudly.
"Just wait til the time starts" Carlton replied, pressing the button on his phone. The time beginning to race as it began to climb. "And further more, just having him on your cock is child's play of pleasure. How about you put your money where your mouth is" Leaning down on Terry's hips, he grabbed at his crotch with his whole hand. Scrunching and turning it in place to soften up the surface. Moving Bailey along with it as he moved his fingers along his lump. Rotating around the shaft before pressing it into a pocket. Finishing, he retracted his hand, looking at the crotch for any sign of the little guy. But found nothing but light shift beneath the roundness of his balls. "There."
"Nnng! Alright..you called my bluff there" Terry admitted.
"Can't let you weasel out this bet." Carlton taunted, letting the timer tick away as he observed his boyfriend's process.
Meanwhile, Bailey would be in complete disarray within the confines of his prison. Skin pressed everywhere around him as its warm surface stick and peeled of of his body. The thick muscle of the cock at the top of his head, as it laid its weight into him. And the bulky balls beneath his feet, cushioning against him as they disrupted his balance along them. Refusing to give room as they shifting and morphed around his body. the two mushing together as Bailey wrestled with bits of pubic hairs that wrapped along his legs. "How is it that I'm the one to get into these scenarios!" Bailey cursed, Streching into the crotch to ease his legs. But was forced to crouch back as the weight increased. A grunt echoing from the outside, but couldn't see much past the dark fabric. "dang it, let me out already!" He yelled again, pushing into the cock once more to get there attention.
"Mmm..little guy's really putting some effort. Not bad." Terry respomded, watching below as bulges danced around his crotch. His cock beginning to stiffen as its outline slowly began to grow
"look's like its not the only thing putting in work. Is that pre I see?" Carlton pointed out to his underwear. A light wet stain trailing along the tip. "Time up!" He happily announced.
"What? No fair! We didn't say anything about signs!"
"The key word was "get hard". That means anything goes. But hey, you lasted 10 seconds at least. Congrats." Carlton teased, sticking his tongue out for a momemt, but stopped when Terry tackled into him.
"Is that so? Well then how about we even the playing field..." Terry announed.
There was bits of shuffling going on along the outside. The bulge beginning toss and turn, the cock above turning over to the left of Bailey's body. The balls moving themselves out from underneath as he backward into the cock underbelly. The pressure beginning to increase, and the space within becoming more cramped. Bailey wasn't having it, continuing to bat around at the walls.
The air inside getting musky as it made him and the skin around more humid. "Come on...let me out!" He yelled. Now resulting into bucking into the shaft. But only made it slouch more as it laid across his shoulder. The heavy pulse booming into his ear as its flexes pushed the side into his head. But just as he was about to hit it again, the fabric above opened.
Lowering down the cock like a curtain as the shaft sprang out from underneath. Bailey along with it as they landed against Terry's palm. "Ah..finally" He stressfully sighed, but soon widened his eyes as Carlton's crack presented himself to him. The smooth mounds jiggled to an abrupt halt before they started to lean back "oh no, oh no no no!" he started to panic. Beginning to wiggle around underneath the cock to get himself. Pushing against the foreskin that drooped over it as his hands slipped in and over surface. But to no avail.
"Hey, save that energy" Terry said. Clenching his fist around his cock to Correct. But he still kept going as his arms pounded at the cockhead. Stimulating the organ as it slowly began to grow. "Fine.." He finally conceded, pinching at Bailey's sides, lifting him up to the front of his cock.
Aligning him near the slit before proceeding push him into the lips. but were halted as the little guy held against the rim of the hole. Refusing to go inside as the slit pouted between his hands. But wasn't long before he gave way, stuffing Bailey's torso deep inside the hole. Leaving only his legs sticking out as he placed a thumb over him. "Its already hard as it to contain your wiggling, but I suppose that will do." He replied, corkscrewing his waist behind the lips to secure him.
"Sounds like my lab rat's giving you trouble." Carlton responded.
"And you're in even more trouble than he is.." He remarked, but grinned as he gripped at his cheeks. Prying them apart to reveal his tight hole in the middle"But don't worry, I'll fix that.."
"Ah great" Bailey cursed. "This is the last place I wanted to be! Grch..it's so sticky in here!" He pushed into the tube's walls to push himself out of the lips embrace, his hips bucking against as the lips to set him free. but to no avail, the slit held a tight grip on him. Clenching firmly as he slip deeper. The orifice puckering around his waist as it held him in place. He pounded at the walls to get Terry to release him. Listening to the Sound of them chatting behind the thick walls and churns that echoed from it. But vanished, the area soom beginning to move. Feeling pressure at his feet as he felt the lips tighten up to his ankles. Grinding soon filling the void as Terry began to grunt.
Outside, Terry commenced with his payback as he placed his cock inside Carlton. Lodging his shaft all the way to the base, he slowly began to move his hips in place. His light stride turning into a fast pace as his hips connected with his. "I hope you're ready." He said intimately, thrusting into him as he held his hands at his cheeks.
"Oh noo, Im starting to feel like I'm going to regret what I did" Carlton said playfully, leaning down along the couch as Terry pounded at his ass. A hand on his cheek as he focused on the feeling.
"We'll see if that mood changes when I fill you up" Terry retorted, grinding his body faster as his hips bounced against his rear. His body getting warm as his cock began to stiffen.
As the tension increased, Bailey was having trouble getting his balance. The grinds around him rocking his body up and down the tube. Dunking him into the pre that spilt inside as he became coated in its substance. "Peh!..mm..peh! God that's salty!" He pushed into the walls, spreading them with his hands as spat out droplets that touched his lips. But only barely before the walls began to harden. Forcing his hand to squish into him. The heat beginning to warm the shaft as the walls contracted closer. Hugging into his sides as their heavy pulse echoed into his ears once more. "Ah..come on" he gritted from his teeth. Prying at the walls with little space he had, but went nowhere as his hands slipped against the coated walls. Tucking against them as he was sandwiched between the walls. Forced to wriggle around as the pre began to collect inside the tube.
"mmm..it's getting a little loose back there" Carlton groaned, feeling Terry's cock slip in and out of his chamber. His hole wrapping the ring around his cock before widening out for the rest of its length.
"Good, because I'm hot and ready. And this little guy's making me harder" Terry grunted, feeling his shaft begin to swell as the fluid began to race. Bailey sinking deeper as his cock grew more tighter. Bucking his hips forward he locked hips with Carlton as his humps increased. Its light claps beginning to echo in the room as two got closer
As the grinding got faster, the walls contracted more as cum began to fillinto the urethra. Covering over Bailey's hands, it lubricated his hold on the walls as he started to slip up tube. The cum turning into wads as the sphincter above grew closer. "Grrgh! I don't know how much of this I can take!" Bailey gritted, holding on as best he could. the sphincter clenching and spilling more cum out from its lips. Refusing to find out what lied beyond it as he as he arched his fingers into between the tight folds of flesh. Receiving a moan from the outside before the walls drew him closer, the sphincter ahead now nipping at his hair. "I can't..hold on!" He struggled, doing his best to hold onto his grip. But grew tired, his limbs failing him as his energy loosened. Letting him slip deeper into the tube, the pucker beginning to gape to enter him inside. "No..No!" Bailey gritted, making eye contact with the sphincter. Watching his body inch closer as the hole blew salty air into his nostrils. Beginning to crown around his face as more cum expunged out from its depths. Pouring heavily into him as a puddle captivated over him. Climbing up his body as he was submerged in the seed. Forced to hold his breath, he was afraid he would as swam around. The walls keeping still despite his struggles, but soon found himself carried up the tube as they suddenly clenched. Racing towards the opening, the pink walls were replaced with white fluid. Carried off by the cum, Bailey fainted as its substance washed over him.
"Aaaah" The loud moan echoed in his ears, darkness soon taking over as his body disappeared.
Several hours have passed since Bailey blacked out. The image of Tim's cock still filling his mind as he patted away the walls. But seemed relentless as they went nowhere. "Mmm..nnn" As the walls continued to raced, he noticed them starting to fade into darkness. Patting at them once more, but the texture felt different. It was soft, warm even. And..fluffy? Coming to, he was snapped back to reality as he arched himself up. "Gah!" He gasped, wakening up from his slumber. Finding himself laying on a soft bed, the sound of sizzling lingering off in the distance. "Was that a..dream?" He muttered to himself, having a slight headache as he held a hand to his forehead. But looked up when a shadow shifted overhead. Carlton hovering above as he gazed at Bailey.
"Well well, look who's finally up." He announced. "Did you sleep well?" He asked Bailey, still groggy as he sat up in his bed.
"Thought we lost you in there. Would have been ashame if we lost another one" Terry responded. Grabbing his plate of eggs and bacon before he sat at the table. "Bottom here really wanted you inside him. I guess you twohave that in common.
"Oh come on, I wanted to see what his limit was. Besides, it seems you enjoyed it most than I did. Releasing your load into me and all."
"Serves you right for testing me.."Terry responded. Spooning in a couple of eggs into his mouth.
"Rrr...I don't have the energy to deal with these two right now.." Bailey grumbled. But looked up as Carlton stood closer.
"We still got lots more planned for you later. You left quite the impression on me. So as thanks, I've agreed to keep you for as long as possible. Catch up on a few test I have to run." Carlton said.
"Don't forget your sexual duties. You're not living here for free afterall." Terry chimed in.
"Yes yes, that too. They'll be plenty of time for that. But first.."Cartlon reached into the glass room. Making Bailey wince as he braced himself to be grabbed. But only the sound of clanking greeted him as he looked ahead. A very small plate resting near the bed as it towered a bit. "You need rest and energy before we go again. A lab rat can't function otherwise."
Bailey was confused a bit as he looked at the plate of eggs he was given. Hesitant at first to inch closer to it as he looked cautiously at Carlton. But received a light pat from his finger before the giant figure moved away. Leaving him to observe the plate of food as he inched closer. Taking a piece of the egg as he chewed on the end of it. It was slightly soggy as it was freshly made. Its texture soft and warm, but a little salty along the surface. But despite its salted taste, it seemed rather good as Bailey kept eating. "Hmm..maybe it won't be too bad staying like this.." He muttered to himself. Continuing to eat his food. Looking at the two above as they chatted throughout the day.
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skittybot · 2 years
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littlesasya · 6 months
Ga ccok punya partner kerja, cocok nya punya karyawan wkwk, cape banget, kalo kerja campur sama perasaan
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hypnodummy · 2 years
I serve cock I serve cock I serve cock I serve cock I serve cock I serve cock I serve cccccojc I serve ccok
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kuskoysunlaryoluuna · 2 years
sükrü ccok cıtırsın ya
Ahh teşekkür ederim şekeriimmmm 💃😂
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tickingispleasure · 4 months
Good girls Language:
Gfooddo girrjkk = Good girl (everything with double G could be good girl)
Ddoeeiikk = Deeper
Dd|iirik(lll = Dropping
Drriijfjkkllkiinhhgf = Drooling
Nsdddy = Needy (focus in an N, a D and maybe a Y in those fuzzy words)
Wwhjjkkjj = Whore
Bkkss = Blank
Hjirrjnny = Horny
Skittkyky = Slutty
Hssrddd = Hard
Xoxkck = Cock
Cok"kcc = Cock
Ccocc = cock
Cxokxkx = cock
Xcij"j = cock
Xjfffkooo = cock
Xjdjjcicock) ccok
Ccockck mmkk ckckk
Cokkjçnbnneedd cok"kc.
Wasijfff aijf
Wasiif. Waiiirfbwaiitbrhsgsg
Mnjhh+ cockk
Ckckmckkcm. Ckxkk. Cokckk
Cokm. Cjcjcjjj. Ckckkkkk
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konigsblog · 1 year
Slasher au?
ghost = Michael myers
soap = ghostface
gaz = asa emory
price = Hannibal
…okay, now that that’s in order-
Like, if I’m not walking out with cuts, bite marks, and a bruise around my neck, I don’t want it.
i LOVE this idea - imagine a gangbang with them; their knifes grazing over your thighs, threatening you whilst tears slipped from your eyes. maintaining eye contact with hannibal!price whilst ghostface!soap fucked your throat, leaving you raw and sore :((;
skin covered in bruises and cuts, crimson blood oozing out your wounds and body aching when you laid down. a reminder of the things you were up to previously, so desperate to see them again, rubbing your thighs together at the thoughs that consumed your mind.
micheal myers!ghost fucking your throat roughly, his ccok stuffed inside your wet caverne, pretty lips wrapped soso nicely around him. sucking him dry, his semen staining your tongue white, his taste lingering on your tongue, his bitter, salty cum. “attagirl, keep doing that..”
ghostface!soap wearing his mask, his face hidden from you as he fucked your tight hole. your cunt wet with arousal. each thrust knocking you forward onto micheal myers!ghost's cock, spilling his seed inside you. moaning in pleasure when his orgasm approaches him, washing over him like a wave. “fuck, just like that, lass.”
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weedsollux · 2 years
tumblr should pay me to do one of those meet the artist things so i can draw my ccok and balls in breathtaking 5g rgba detail
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anonosposts · 2 months
I hate entitled men. So you expect me to ccok and bow down to you because you’re a man ? You being a man makes you so special that I have to drop my life for you ? Disgusting. I hate y’all. Every single one of you. You disgust me
0 notes
gabposs · 3 months
Tumblr media
meet charlie berry, the founder of my not so berry save! she's high energy all the time and not afaird of living her life. charlie hates to ccok but she loves the idea of devoting her life to her work in order to set up the foundation of her familiy's legacy.
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