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tiger-willow · 1 year ago
My thoughts on the Forever situation…
This is possibly the last post about Forever I will be making which is a shame because I really liked him and his character.
This whole situation was a shock to me and it’s hard to process anything about what has been happening.
I’m really disappointed in Forever and even tho he maybe “apologized” grooming is disgusting and something I can’t defend nor stand in different communities.
Although there are cases of false grooming accusations like that one with Badboyhalo about year ago, and because of that it’s hard for me to believe some people.
I’m not accusing the victim of lying but I’m in middle of this whole situation. It’s hard to know when you don’t know the full story or need more evidence of something.
If it’s true that Forever has done this then I will no longer make any posts about him or supporting his content which again is a shame because I always loved him and his character since I watched his first day on Qsmp but I will not support people who do these things
-Tiger <3
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littleseasalt · 1 year ago
forever really opened stream, psychologically tortured and verbally abused all the eggs, ended democracy and left.
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murky-tannin · 1 year ago
There are a lot of bad things about this situation and these are by no means the only thing I care about here, but It's on my mind rn. I feel awful for the qsmp creators. Both cc and otherwise. For many reasons, but just in terms of the roleplay? There are so many plots and characters that will just get fucked up by this. They will be crucified if the characters ever try to acknowledge qForever.
But the character is everywhere. In photos, in builds, in character relationships, in plot and character developments, in mysteries, etc. Erasing him like fans will inevitably want just won't be totally possible. And constantly having to tiptoe and think about their former friend (because lets be real. he's getting removed from qsmp and a lot of his closest friends on qsmp are already starting to withdraw public support) is gonna be shitty as hell for them. God poor Ricardão??
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thegreenishhues · 1 year ago
God DAMN I didn't expect forever leaving to hit me so hard. I loved his character and although I do respect cc!forevers decisions I will miss him. I will hold out hope that he will return for now.
Also as a side note as a Ghostie please Kens don't abandon us. you will still get a warm welcome and I always love the lil hey Ken hi Barbie interactions. You are always welcome in the bbh chat <3
Translated to Portuguese below :)
Também como uma observação lateral como um Ghostie, por favor, não nos abandone. você ainda receberá uma recepção calorosa e eu sempre adoro as interações lil hey Ken oi Barbie. Você é sempre bem vindo no chat do bbh <3
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ramscurs · 1 year ago
I think debating which team is cursed is like rearranging deck chairs on the sinking Titanic cause I think we all moved on way too quickly from the fact that MAXIMUS HAS A FUCKING NUKE and we've also forgotten that forever still has that "Judas" book.
So yeah I don't think the cursed team is going to be the biggest problem at the finale of purgatory
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year ago
i do think that green should be rewarded for this just because they spent a long time doing a roleplay negotiation! regardless of the technicalities (and the technicality is that it wasn't spawn killing, but close to it), i think that green shouldn't be punished for finding a solution that gave content to both blue and green viewers.
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ace-apple · 1 year ago
qforever lore is just another instance of “making an in-lore reason for the cc to take a break/be absent for a while” methinks. same vein as the ppl staying behind in purgatory. or them just straight up making lovejoy canon and a federarion sponsor
also the people for sure not coming back to the server at all have all been stated in canon to be permanently dead (spreen, dantdm, maxo) lol
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years ago
q!forever wants to be in a position of power over q!cellbit 🤨🤨🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈??
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manglechan1204 · 2 years ago
People saying that baghera is xenophobic just for explaining how politics works in her country ???
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false-anachronism · 1 year ago
ohhh i am so unbelievably annoyed. the political aspect was such a big part of qbad's ideals and everything but now he's dropping it because people can't discern fiction from reality. does twitter not realize they're complaining about a fictional story. do they have any ounce of media literacy
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littleseasalt · 1 year ago
So, Cellbit's discord compiled all the enigmas from forever's website yesterday. As I haven't seen much fuss about the enigmas here on Tumblr (because of the population of forever mains on this website. @cmarginal is the one more focused on the enigmas IWNXIWNFIEJD me and kia are just vibing w/ we're stupid), I've decided to put their summary here + today's enigma since the picture was posted yesterday.
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Today's enigma was this:
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"On the day ??/??2023
These people are my ??????"
The answer to this one is "02/10" (Day/Month), which is a reference to... this.
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(side note but someone pointed out the number of hearts is the same at the number of question marks. which is either forever being a genius months ahead of us OR a neat coincidence with the word amigos lmao)
Through that answer, we got a message on forever's channel twitter that said:
"thank you! @v@
you did well, but it's still not enough, wait for the right time...", along with a picture in enchantment table language that said "It's not over yet"
Alongside that, there's also a new picture on the website that translates into "Waiting the right time... @v@"
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Huge props to Cellbit's discord for finding this out! Here's a link to the fan profile they made for cellbits discord on twitter where I got all this from: https://x.com/discdocellbit?s=20
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crispy-ceasar · 1 year ago
i just finished forever’s vod and i’m literally going insane wha the fuckwhat the fuck wht the fuckkkk????
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qsmprambling · 1 year ago
I can't wait for the art of the flower field explosion scene like at least one person's gotta wanna draw that it was so COOL WELL DONE CCBAD AND CCFOREVER!!!
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edgarallanpoestan · 7 months ago
iiii miss qforever
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caged-crows · 1 year ago
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year ago
Okay something really sweet is that ccForever always was afraid to use the prison in lore because he feared the streamer locked up wouldn't have any fun, so the fact he locked up Bad in lore means the two talked off stream a LOT and Bad had to calm him down that his stream would be fine and they could go on with that lore
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