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I really wish I had given TFC a chance while he was still alive. I love his content but I've only recently started watching it. I love that he had a computer that barely ran the game, and yet everyone always accommodated him. He was really a friend to the hermits and they viewed him as a friend too.
He was old, he liked fanfiction, and he didn't give a rats ass about what anyone ever thought. He liked to just, make stuff he liked.
I remember when he lost in demise and he just, started laughing. Because he loved cleo and was ready to quit playing anyways.
I miss him and I hope the community never forgets about him. He was truly a great guy.
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I haven't watched any of techno or tfc's videos after their passings. I want to, but I'm...scared? I know that i'll cry when if I do. It's so interesting...they may be gone, but their communities live on, and so do their videos, preserving little bits of them. It's sad but also so beautiful. This got kind of rambly, my apologies. I need to watch their videos again.
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I just got emotional again because i watched a clip from Xisuma's stream where he talked about how TFC joined the Hermitcraft server.
I got emotional because he may never know this but whenever TFC posted a new Hermitcraft video I'd immediately click it when i could because just Watching him Mine and talk about whatever came to his mind was so incredibly calming to me. His videos gave me a peaceful place to forget whatever bad thing's had happened that day. I will forever be grateful to him for that. And when i start a new Minecraft world I'll build something small for him and also Techno because they are both the main reason i got into Minecraft.
(sorry bout that your basically the only person i know on here other then Bloom that knows Hermitcraft so just a small thing i wanted to say haha)
I think that, even if TFC never knew how much he affected us personally, he was still able to feel the respect and admiration we had for him. That kind of strong emotion doesn’t just fizzle out- it carries. It’s super sweet of you to try and remember both he and Techno, and I think that even if they never know, it still matters.
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Ok im just processing this as best as I can
Thank you TFC for first saying that Hermitcraft is a family. Without your words, the fandom wouldn’t exist as it is today. I know you love your fanfics, and I would think you would love the Hermits as family trope. I have only seen a few clips of your videos, but damn do I remember your laugh.
Rest well, mining grandpa.
May his family grieve for as long as they can. They had a lot of time with him.
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This is about the Character, not the CC!!!
Bdubs if you find this, I’m scared /srs
Very official guide on how to take care of the skrunkly moss man
Welcome to the is-this-bdubs-video-cute blog, for information on how to take care of your skrunkly moss men
🌱🌿🌳Mod Mossy ( @b-dubs-valdubs )🌳🌿🌱
🌱🌿🌳they/them, moss/moss🌳🌿🌱
Feel free to send in asks or submissions or tag me in posts!
Tagging system:
#rating: cute
The proper way to take care of a Bdubs!
#rating: dubious
Between cute and not cute, or unsure of a rating. For example: the Bdubs is in a situation where it is possible to be dangerous, however nothing bad happens in the video itself.
#rating: not cute
This video is dangerous for a Bdubs!
#rating: cursed
Just cursed. Bdubs being cursed. There’s enough of it to make a tag about it.
#mod mossy
Tag for posts from Mod Mossy! Other tags include #mossy queue, #mossy interacts, #mossy alliances (specifically interacting with other cute hermit video accounts), #mossy asks, #mossy says stuff, #mossy milestones, #mossy psa
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(Mossy is trying hard to Stick to this schedule this time... if you see them straying from it then please Hassle moss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Other is-this-hermit-video-cute blogs (lmk if I have missed anyone, I hope it’s ok to tag!)
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Docm77: @is-the-doc-clip-cute
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FalseSymmetry: @is-the-false-clip-cute
GoodTimesWithScar: @is-the-scar-video-cute
Grian: @is-the-grian-video-cute
Hypnotizd: @is-the-hypno-vid-cute
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Stressmonster101: @is-the-stressmonster101-vid-cute
TangoTek: @is-the-tangotek-video-cute
TinFoilChef: @is-the-tfc-video-cute
VintageBeef: @is-the-beef-video-cute
Welsknight: @is-the-wels-video-cute
xBCrafted: @is-the-xbcrafted-video-cute
Xisumavoid: @is-the-xisuma-video-cute
Zedaph: @is-the-zedaph-video-cute
ZombieCleo: @is-this-zombiecleo-clip-cute
Hermit Characters
Evil Xisuma: @is-the-evil-xisuma-video-cute
NPC Grian: @is-the-npc-grian-thing-cute
Helsknight: @is-the-helsknight-thing-cute
Other Hermit
profile picture id: a screenshot of bdubs’ minecraft character’s face. end id.
banner id: a block of moss. end id.
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I *really* miss TinFoilChef and I wish the attention he was getting wasn't so focused on his death.
I've taken a liking to his Fallout 4 series recently. He's quite a funny fellow.
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ik the fandom is mostly composed of teenagers who don't know better, but tfc did die young and not of old age. Saying otherwise just triggered people in the fandom who have family members older than him. Sorry if this is too heavy for the blog but i feel like younger people need to not get false perceptions about life expectancy
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i can't read fics made after techno and tfcs passings that feature them as characters and it always makes me feel a lil bad. like i dont begrudge the authors at all, its totally fair that theyre still willing to write them! but it just makes the grief feel fresh to me and i wish i could enjoy it like they do.
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I wish people gave TFC as much fanfair (so to speak) when he died as they did techno’s. I dont know, Its sad that both these legends died.
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I can relate to the Techno memorial art anon, as a TFC fan. Before he passed, there was so much nice art, now there's barely any normal TFC fanart being posted anymore. It's all memorial art. I wanna see him just chillin or mining.
I'd make my own, however I'm not in a good place to make more art right now.
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Yep 100% i just hope (as I've stated in the post i made) that the same kindness and happy Memories that were shared when Tech died will be shared of TFC because i don't want to forget him because in my mind.
(again quoting my favorite Musical)
No one Deserves to be Forgotten
I’ve seen a fair number of posts, though definitely as much as I’ve seen about Techno. Admittedly, he had a smaller fan base, but I can only hope that all of Hermitcraft pulls together to honor him as they should.
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I'm currently sitting here in my bed rethinking everything...
I figured out through Tumblr that an important Content Creator to me died.... First Techno and now TFC?
I didn't wanna believe it at first until i saw Xisuma and Scar tweet and.... God this broke me...
It really, really sucks- but at the same time, these things were bound to happen. Everyone ages, everyone dies. But to have TFC pass away so close to Techno is truly a slap in the face.
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Mori i got further in my scar oneshot and i decided to add a tribute to TFC.
All in all they were an amazing add on to the server keeping it lively but also knowing when the time called for some calmness.
In fact they got along with all members of the server, they were often found helping certain people like Zedaph or Ren with a build or something along those lines but the two people they were closest to were Scar and TFC, the older man had carred for them when no one else really had the time to, they knew that whenever their heart was heavy because of something they could go to TFC. He'd always have an open ear for them and while he didn't usually have the most helpful tips he still tried his best to help them.
So when they got the message that TFC had passed away they couldn't quite believe it, the man who had somehow become a second father for them was just gone.... They packed a few things before making their way to TFC's starter hut, they had to smile when they saw it. They sat down Infront of it just starring at it thinking that the man who had built this would never be back. He would never greet them again and he would not be able to have an open ear for them. They even missed the mundane task of Mining when he'd asked them to help. They whiped their eyes before sniffing, before long they had been sitting there for a few hours just reminiscing.
They winced when someone touched their shoulder getting them out of their memories. They looked back seeing scar standing behind them, he had a sorrowful look on his face before opening his arms for a hug. They immediately accepted hiding their face in his chest quietly sobbing. They didn't want to think about the fact that TFC their oldest friend and sort of Mentor had died. And they knew if he was still there he'd tell them to stop crying over him and remembering the good memories.
Scar ran his fingers through their hair frowning, he knew how much TFC meant to them and seeing them so destroyed over it hurt him. He tipped their head up so that he could properly look at them "i know it hurts, i know you miss him and i know your most likely scared of starting to forget him. But i can assure you of one thing. You will never forget him, do you want to know why?" They nodded slightly tears still trickling down their cheeks. "Well... His memory is always gonna be with you, and so will he Because he shaped you to be the way you are. And his memory will always live on right here" he tapped on their forehead. "And right here" the same to right over their heart.
This is honestly super lovely Emery- and I can't wait to read the fic when it comes out. If keeping TFC's memory alive is what you want to do, this is certainly a way to do so.
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why did no one tell me tinfoilchef from hermitcraft reviews fanfiction on his side channel?? his most recent video he reviews a cat girl hermione fanfic
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i had a dream i was in hermitcraft and i had to ask every hermit what "growing up" meant (philosophically). when i asked tfc he paused, laughed and said, "i don't know, you're older than me. why don't you tell me? i'm curious now". and then i woke up. i am very much younger than him. help
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