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CBD and Helping Slow The Rate Of Ageing
Moya-CBD provides consultations, guidance and sells CBD products.

Menopause, the age at which the person ages, is a biological wear and tear that occurs in any multicellular creature, depending on age, his taxonomic species, his genetic baggage as an individual and his environment. In a person living in a society with modern agriculture and medicine, it is common to define the beginning of the process between the ages of 40 and 50 and death from complications related to old age comes after the age of 75.
Old age is the age range that encloses the last stage of the life cycle of the average person. This phase comes after the menopause period, although there is no overall consensus on the exact age at which this transition occurs. In human societies that lived in antiquity, biological wear and tear and death from old age came at earlier ages.
CBD fights the signs of ageing in following ways:
Slowing the rate of ageing
Loss of health condition
Loss of physical fitness
Loss of body image
Cognitive loss
Affecting the nervous system indirectly
Read more about studies & research that proves our claims at Moya-CBD.co.uk
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The Truth Is That There Is No Recommended Time To Take CBD
Moya-CBD Provides consultations, guidance and sells CBD products.

It can be morning, afternoon or night before going to bed, you never know when someone might consume CBD. Cannabinoids affect each person differently, so the best time of day to take CBD will be different for each. For example, some consumers may benefit more by taking CBD before bedtime if they suffer from insomnia. Other people may take the CBD in the morning because it helps them focus and relax before they go to work. But many also find that the reason for taking CBD and the time you want to take it does not necessarily overlap. For example, CBD may definitely change sleep patterns for the better if taken during the morning or during the day because for some people the CBD they take in the evening actually stimulates them instead of relaxing them for bed.
Everyone has a different reason for consuming CBD products, whether it’s CBD oil for vaporisation or swallowing, focus and capsules.
You have to think about the three main factors that affect when taking CBD.
Relief of symptom
Daily Dose
Type of CBD Consumption
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CBD & Stroke Therapy
Moya-CBD provides consultations, guidance and sells CBD products.

In the past decade, research in medical cannabis has shown that cannabinoids have 4 unique properties in its pharmacological profile, which can help restore restorative treatment after stroke:
1. Independent mechanism of action in the endocannabinoid system in our body without being linked to CB1 receptors as THC does. CBD inhibits the FAAH enzyme and thus prevents rapid decomposition of anandamide.
2. Long-term protection of the brain after a stroke without developing tolerance to CBD and therefore no need for increased dose after finding the appropriate dose.
3. The properties of CBD as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound will help to recover faster.
4. Researchers currently estimate that precisely the variety of mechanisms of action of CBD and being a “permissive drug” that acts on a large number of target proteins (65) is the cause of its effectiveness in complex biological systems in the brain, after an ischemic stroke.
Read in more detail at Moya-CBD.co.uk
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CBD and Treatment Of Vascular and Heart Disease
Moya-CBD provides consultation, guidance and sells CBD products.
The vascular and heart system is a very essential system in the human body. It is responsible for the critical tasks of transferring nutrients, hormones and oxygen to cells through the bloodstream. The vascular and heart system is also responsible for all waste disposal and by-products such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen waste through the same unique mechanism of action. Numerous studies have found that Phytocannabinoids and CBD in particular can cause a decrease in smooth muscle tension around blood vessels or soothing of vascular tissues, leading to increased vascular diameter and improved blood flow.
Read more about the studies at Moya-CBD.co.uk
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Why should a person who is experiencing emotional strain should try using CBD?

Moya-CBD provides consultations, guidance and sells CBD products.
Vitality and vigour together with calmness and focus and improving energy level throughout the day.
Improving the overall functioning of the various body systems.
CBD strengthens the immune system.
Helps the body fight infections and infectious diseases.
CBD is an excellent antioxidant and helps delay cell ageing.
Balances and helps to sleep fully and deep.
CBD is a moderate to high painkiller, with no side effects, stable, without the need to increase doses and without addiction.
10% of the population suffers from depression – 20% of students suffer from depression – 63% of us know someone who suffers from high stress, anxiety, stress. These are all newspaper headlines and statistics in the departments of medical studies. In everyday reality – high mental stress, stress, anxiety, depression. All of these will not necessarily appear as a disease and the reason why healthy people start using CBD is that it is not a drug. Although medical cannabis brought to the world the knowledge and experience of the amazing healing abilities found in the active ingredients of the cannabis plant and made it the subject of many homes around the world. But for the healthy person, who wants to improve his quality of life, consuming CBD is like having your cake and eating it too. That is to enjoy the benefits of the cannabis plant (hemp) and avoid the disadvantages (especially the feeling of “high” that is not desirable to many people). An in-depth survey released at the end of 2020 by Gallup reveals that 14% of Americans use CBD products, and 1 in 7 Americans use cannabidiol to improve quality of life. User targeting indicates that 40% of them use CBD to relieve pain. About 20% to reduce stress and anxiety, and 11% to improve and balance sleep quality.
Read more at Moya-CBD.co.uk
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Why is CBD good for bones and muscles?
Moya-CBD provides consultation, guidance and sells CBD products.

CBD naturally analgesics pain and causes rest and relaxation of the muscle and prevents inflammatory muscle processes resulting from physical exertion or autoimmune disease. Muscle pain is a fairly common phenomenon that characterises almost every person during his adult life. Sometimes the pain heralds transitional seasons, sometimes rather than a welcome but strenuous physical activity. In recent decades, Fibromyalgia has been “famous” in part because of the severe muscle pain that forms some of the symptoms of the disease. As early as 2011, a comprehensive survey was conducted among women with fibromyalgia, where it became clear beyond any doubt that medical cannabis self-treatment, a priority for CBD-rich strains, was the preferred option for those with the disease. Surprisingly only in recent years have receptors of the endocannabinoid system been found in muscle tissues and in the skeletal and bone system. This discovery led to a series of studies in this new field and began to become apparent the relationship between the presence of endocannabinoids and their effect on bone-ion cells (osteoblasts) and bone-destroying cells (osteoclasts). The results of these studies demonstrate that the endocannabinoid system plays an important role in maintaining normal and normal bone mass maintenance and that self-treatment of CBD can help with this maintenance.
Read more about it at Moya-CBD.co.uk
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3 Key Reasons Why CBD Skin Care Is Growing Rapidly In The Market
Moya-CBD provides consultations, guidance and sells CBD products.

A. In recent years, CBD has become a successful and natural alternative to those suffering from skin diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. The field of research of Phytocannabinoids and skin problems treatment is still in its infancy, but many consumers have begun experimenting in the past two years with use and self-care using CBD products designed for the skin.
Herpes, shingles, eczema, itching – All diseases and skin problems on which the CBD improves their symptoms and sometimes completely eliminates the disease.
B. The progress of the cannabis market for recreational consumption in recent years also exposes people who do not suffer from any skin disease to the properties of CBD in healing wounds, scars, warts, burns, over-tanning and skin healing after getting tattoos.
C. The benefits of CBD in the treatment of skin problems are its anti-inflammatory activity, and its ability as an excellent antioxidant capable of eliminating and preventing the accumulation of toxic waste in the body.
Read more about it at Moya-CBD.co.uk
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The unique mechanism of action of the Phyto-cannabinoids
Moya-CBD provides consultancy, guidance and sells CBD products.

The Endocannabinoid System is a neural communication system that exists in various animals, including mammals, and connects chemicals (cannabinoids) secreted in the body naturally and receptors (receptors) found mainly in the nervous system and immune system. In order to understand the uniqueness of cannabidiol, one must first understand which cannabinoids exist:
Phyto-cannabinoids: (Phyto =from the plant) Cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant (hemp, marijuana) itself.
Synthetic cannabinoids: created in a laboratory by human hand, some with molecular similarities to natural Phyto-cannabinoids and some without structural similarities – but they bind to the target proteins.
Endocannabinoids: (Endo = from the body) cannabinoids formed in the human body, fatty acids of which are best known are anandamide (the “inner happiness” molecule) and endocannabinoid 2-AG.
Read more about it at Moya-CBD.co.uk
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Is CBD Recommended For Everyone?

Adults: People with a high-risk medical condition taking medications with severe side effects should consult a doctor before using CBD.
Children: In no way do we recommend the taking of cannabis by those who have not turned 18 by law. Medical cannabis studies are inconclusive about its possible effects on brain and central nervous system development on children who are still in the developmental stage of their bodies when using cannabis. Although CBD is not intoxicating, it is not true to say that it has no psychoactive effects. Taking CBD by minors should be carried out in consultation with a doctor and sole responsibility of the parent.
Pregnant women: We do not recommend in any way to take CBD during pregnancy. Despite the high “safety profile” of the CBD no studies have yet been done on the subject and without denying any possibility of possible harm to the foetus – there is no need to take unnecessary risks. Perhaps this is the place to note that there is a severe negative effect of THC on the brain development of the foetus.
Animal: In most animals there is an endocannabinoid system that is responsible as in man for the balance between body and mind. The mechanisms of action of CBD in animals are the same as the mechanisms of action of the person and therefore the effect of CBD on animals will be beneficial and desired mainly for animals with inflammation, joint pain and aging.
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