#cazenar at-shavaan
thenugking · 1 year
tagged by @the-lastcall, thank you!, for this picrew, here's some Guys
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Left to Right we got Three GAFFV (they/them), Morgan GAFFV (ey/em), Jazz Outer Worlds (she/her), Sammie Outer Worlds (she/her), Mags Dragon Age (she/her), Emmeline Dragon Age (she/her), Cazenar Skyrim/GAFFV/DA (he/him), Radah Skyrim/GAFFV/DA (she/her), Liesl Dragon Age (she/her) and Rachel Sims (she/her)
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thenugking · 3 months
Haha, THREE asks! Break for Three, Midnight for Lee, Skin for Cazenar!
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
Failing to protect their loved ones and thus losing them. Both due to the grief and the losing their life’s purpose. It hasn’t happened yet! It hopefully will not happen! It would likely involve the outpouring of every emotion they’ve spent their entire life repressing. Their hair might even get very slightly messy.
I think the lowest Three got in canon was the suicidal ideation in the mail room which, uh, they did very much go to the one place they couldn’t be in contact with DarkBoard, helped Scorpius get into another dimension, and only when completely alone went, “Hey it could be really cool to kill myself!” So, no, no one else has seem that at their lowest, because they refuse to admit to their lowest when there are other people around.
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
Being a Dark Urge keeps Lee  up at night! And gives them nightmares! Being a bhaalspawn sure is fun! 
They’ve always struggled with insomnia and bad sleep but it definitely gets worse after waking up having brutally murdered someone in their sleep. They try getting the party to tie them up before they sleep after that, and when it turns out they can and will wriggle out of any binding in their sleep, they start trying not to sleep at all. They spend a lot of nights using whatever bits and pieces they can get hold of to make little sculptures to occupy themselves. And if any other party members happen to be up for some reason, ramble to them nonstop about whatever topics they can think of.
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Cazenar would tell you he’s extremely comfortable in his own skin, who wouldn’t be if they looked this beautiful? He’s totally not grappling with feeling like he’s an inherently terrible person, and has been unworthy of love or forgiveness ever since being forced to kill as a very small child! He’s fine!
He faces the most horrible version of himself by pretending that it’s totally all intentional and leaning into the worst person he can possibly be and just having fun with it. This is definitely very healthy for himself and everyone around him.
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thenugking · 4 years
Grand Academy for Future Villains characters + Troubled Birds Quotes
A Baroness: Remembering bitter, lengthy disputes where she came out on top, each all too short.
Professor Arthenes: This jackassery will not stand!
Aurion: I’d sell you to Satan for one corn chip.
Professor Doctor Cerebrist: He gave them the heebie-jeebies. He had nothing else to give.
Dev: I would look into your soul, but I’ve already devoured it.
Professor Commander Gk: I disembowel. It’s what I do.
Kinistra: Looking for trouble and if I cannot find it, I will create it. Maedryn: God can’t help you now. Professor Mortwain: I fancy myself a woke-ass citizen of the world. Phil: That’s a crazy idea. Insane. It doesn’t make sense. “You’ll do it?” “Of course,” I replied. Sona: My modus operandi is dial up the awesome and break the knob off. Val: I meditate mostly for a 15 minute break from this ongoing shitshow. Xi: I’m humanphobic. (And my OCs!)
Cazenar: I preen for Satan. Morgan: I’ve never been one to half-ass shenanigans. Scorpius: My only crime was that I was down to clown. Three: Dealing with you is like herding cats.
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thenugking · 5 years
I played through Grand Academy and the sequel with my terrible Betrayal son Cazenar and he and Aurion are the Perfect Couple, Like they will not stop making dramatic monologues at each other and then betraying each other and then making out while cackling that “You have fallen for my charms once again,” or some bullshit
Also the game dialogue tells me that Aurion probably wouldn’t be happy about me making out with Phil too. Cazenar, however, doesn’t realise this.
“You mean nothing to me,” Cazenar gloats at Aurion one day. “Phil’s far better at kissing than you are.”
“Wait, what??” says Aurion. He looks distressingly more hurt than impressed at this particular betrayal.  “You… You’ve betrayed me for the last time! I thought… How dare you throw away our bond like this! Did I - I mean, did it mean nothing to you??!”
“Wait, no, shit,” says Cazenar. “Is this not… it was only one time! I can stop flirting with Val too. if you want!”
“Val too??” shrieks Aurion. “I will destroy you, Vampyroteuthida!” He stalks away to work on a terrible revenge plan and definitely not to cry.
The next day Cazenar poisons Aurion’s breakfast and asks him to be his nemesis. He gives a heartfelt and dramatic speech about how those others mean Nothing to him and it’s always been Aurion, how could he even consider another nemesis, and he swears to prove a worthy and dedicated nemesis by not flirting with anyone else again. He has to pause several times to vomit because of the poison Aurion put in Cazenar’s breakfast, but he feels he owes it to Aurion to get through the speech. 
They hold hands later as they lie in their hospital beds recovering from the poisoning. They may or may not both have more poison capsules hidden under their fingernails.
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thenugking · 2 years
🚲 : Does your OC enjoy playing the field? Or are they more monogamy-minded?😍 : What does your OC find irresistible in others?💘 : Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming? <3 👀
Thank you! And answered for Jazz and Cazenar.
Does your OC enjoy playing the field? Or are they more monogamy-minded?
I don’t know if Jazz really plays the field (not rlly a fan of the question having the only two options be Player or Monogamous, but oh well) so much as she just isn’t looking for a serious relationship. Or I guess, doesn’t feel capable of even examining what one would be. Before Halcyon, I don’t think she ever had a relationship that lasted more than a few months; even if she’s with a perfect partner, she’s gonna end up getting scared of commitment and vulnerability and running away. Meaningless sex when you’ve both agreed not to mention it again afterwards is just so much easier.
Jazz and Ellie do eventually begin a “real” relationship, after several months of One Time Meaningless Sex that really isn’t meaningless or one time at all, and I think Jazz is monogamous from that point onwards? But it takes so much work to even get to a point where she can have a healthy relationship, I haven’t yet thought about whether there could come an eventual point where she was able to handle multiple romantic relationships.
What does your OC find irresistible in others?
Good fucking question. Kindness frightens her, charm she doesn’t trust, good looks are nice but hardly worth losing her head over. I guess what she likes most is honesty--the kind where you don’t try to hide away the nasty parts of yourself, and let Jaz know exactly what she’s getting into with you. And short hair. She likes short hair.
Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming?
Jazz has never seen the need to bother with charm (and again, doesn’t trust people who do) and has very little flirting ability. Generally, if she likes a girl, she’ll offer to buy her a drink, and if that goes well, tell her she finds her attractive. I think she’s confident enough about it (and hot enough) that it comes off as charming, and she has a pretty good success rate.
Does your OC enjoy playing the field? Or are they more monogamy-minded?
Cazenar very much enjoys playing the field, and getting to sleep with as many attractive men as possible. Ideally, he’d have an open relationship, and discuss with his long-term partner which things are okay to do with other people and which aren’t, but he’s willing to be monogamous if his partner wants. Along with a small amount of flirting he’s just incapable of turning off.
What does your OC find irresistible in others?
Older guys who are powerful and ambitious, have a great sense of style, and absolutely zero scruples. The more evil, the hotter. 
Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming?
I’m gonna say yes, but still not as good as he thinks he is. It would help if there was less, “Wow, you’re almost as hot as me, the most handsome and charming man you’ve ever met,” but if you can get over how obnoxious he is, then sure, he flirts well and often.
…Probably less so when with someone he has a genuine romantic interest in. It’s still often, but at this point, his method of flirting is to become as annoying as he possibly can to the guy, and drag him mercilessly at almost every opportunity.
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thenugking · 4 years
Hi my name is Cazenar Vampyroteuthida and I have short ebony black hair with red and purple glitter in it and vampire teeth (that’s how I got my name) and scary red eyes like blood and a lot of people tell me I look like Count Dracula (AN: if u don’t know who he is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Professor Mortwain but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have dark brown skin but everyone in skyrim tells me I’m white. I’m also a villain, and I go to a villain school called The Grand Academy for Future Villains in a pocket dimension in its own reality where I’m in the second year (I’m twenty-two). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black cloak and tight black leather trousers, a high black collar because I’m a villain and black heels. I was wearing black lipstick, gold body glitter, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside the Academy. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
“Hey Cazenar!” shouted a voice. I looked up. It was…. Aurion Umbrator Malisar!
“What’s up Aurion?” I asked.
“Nothing.” he said shyly.
But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away.
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thenugking · 4 years
oh here's some fun shit: my girl rinko (kny oc) has like ZERO consistent morals all she knows is punch demons and forge swords. yes she'll follow orders to the letter but going beyond that? no. she made a deal with a demon one time because she was hungry and wanted to go home
I mean I support her.
Cazenar has, in the past, tried to hold moral opinions. In Skyrim ‘verse, he becomes the apprentice of a nice travelling mage, and belives that yes, even if the magic is kind of dodgy, we can use it to help people!
Then the mage starts killing people to resurrect them as zombies to work for him, so Cazenar betrays him to the Vigilants of Stendarr and goes, yes, being Lawful Good is the only correct moral stance and dodgy magic is Bad!!
And then the Vigilants make big speeches about how they’re showing no mercy to anyone who’s like, an “evil” creature but not actually doing anything wrong, or who got caught up in a daedra’s plot through no fault of their own, so Cazenar just goes, “fuck it, people just aren’t good so I might as well embrace it and just go be a villain”
So he becomes a vampire and has a good time hamming it up being evil and not feeling bad about his actions, and is totally happy being loyal to his vampire pals!
Until his sister, a vampire hunter, comes along and nearly gets killed by one, so he betrays the vampires to save her, and she tells him to go off and redeem himself and he’s just, “Uhh what the fuck’s a moral? Okay I’ll be good. I won’t eat people. Wait but I’m hungry. it doesn’t count if I’m hungry, right??”
He goes to the College of Winterhold and wonders if he should betray his college pals to Ancano, because Ancano’s hot and tbh he’s probably betrayed people for worse reasons??
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thenugking · 6 years
the list of Marsh OCs
Updated rarely and badly
Baldur’s Gate
Val Rosebrook (they/them | Half-Drow | Warlock | Noble) - Selfish bastard keeps accidentally caring about people. Intro Post
Lee Ravengard (she/they | Halfling | Rogue | Dark Urge) - Reformed serial killer trying their best, still incredibly weird. Intro Post
Percy Ashton (she/her | Tiefling | Cleric of Ilmater | Acolyte) - Self proclaimed Good Person enables her friends to become their worst possible selves. Intro Post
Eiryn Dale (she/her | Human | Druid | Outlader) - Former adventurer remembers how fucking rad fighting monsters is
Grand Academy For Future Villains
Three (they/them) - My favourite blorbo who is A Tool And A Weapon and not a traumatised person at all.
Scorpius Sanderson (also Mutants & Masterminds | ze/zir) - Zir name is Scorpius and ze comes from Gotham so what choice did ze have but to become a scorpion themed supervillain?
Cazenar Vampyroteuthida (he/him) - The gaffv version of Cazenar Skyrim! Now with 50% extra lounging around being stylish and hedonistic!
Gina Chandler (she/her) - Trying very hard to be a stereotypical straight Alpha Bitch, despite being a dorky lesbian.
Soggolp Clobbs (she/her) - Socially anxious horrible squid monster who used to be a disney princess.
Morgan Galaxium (ey/em) - Maedryn’s latest clone baby who Three adopts. Decides to become Doctor Who.
Khim (Cathay | they/them) - Main quest and Dark Brotherhood doer. Professional assassin who hates the weird death cult and saves the world to get out of it.
Andi (Altmer | she/her) - Thieves Guild doer. Poor Waterfront resident who steals for money and gives most of it to her community.
Cassia Vintus (Imperial | she/her) - Arena and Fighter’s Guild doer. Poor Waterfront resident who joins the Arena for money and ends up being an arrogant asshole about it.
Taern Marcel (Breton | she/her) - Healer and Priest of Stendarr unfortunately from Kvatch. Doing Knights of the Nine and will eventually help form the Vigilants.
Melrani Daynul (Dunmer | zie/zir mostly) - Ordinary Windhelm Blacksmith who doesn’t know how to fight but discovers ze’s the Dragonborn and has to save the world now.
Shanira (Cathay-Raht | she/her) - Heroic adventurer who Melrani thinks would make a much better Dragonborn than zie does
Radah At-Shavaan (Redguard | she/her) - Dawnguard protagonist. Vampire hunter with a Chronic Hero Syndrome.
Cazenar At-Shavaan (Redguard/Vampire | he/him) - Dawnguard antagonist. Asshole vampire who thinks he’s incapable of being good, sp might as well be as evil as possible.
Vagna Titus (Imperial | she/her) - A vigilant who gets very, very abused by Molag Bal.
Evera (Breton(/Bosmer/Altmer) | she/her) - Former Honorhall orphan who joins the Dark Brotherhood.
Erilwen (Bosmer | she/her) - Thieves Guild protagonist. Former noble who got bored and ran off to be an asshole thief.
Gref Gra-Burbamakh (Orsimer | she/her) - Mauhulak’s latest wife who runs away and joins the Companions because she doesn’t want to Get Murdered.
Sharalin (Altmer | she/her) - Thalmor spy at the Blue Palace who figures she’d much rather be working for Elisif. Civil war protagonist.
Knows-Dark-Secrets (Argonian | she/her) - Very powerful, very dodgy mage, trying to collect all the Daedric artefacts.
Frida Snow-Slayer (Nord | she/her) - Civil War antagonist, who’s very bitter about elves stealing all the good Nord jobs, like Being The Dragonborn.
Nimu Aldari (Dunmer | he/him) - Took a job as Neloth’s apprentice, quit because Neloth was himself, is now regrettably still on Solstheim and having to do quests there.
Fjora the Hunter (Nord | she/her/they/them) - Autistic hunter ignoring all actual plots to play with Hunterborn and Campfire immersion.
Outer Worlds
Jazz Davenport (she/her) - Jerk with a heart of gold. Cares about a total of six people. Still saves the Colony.
Sammie Cortez (she/her) - Doing her best in a horrible bullshit world where her best isn’t very good.
Dragon Age World State 1
Therlia Surana (Warden | Mage | she/her ) - Warden Number One! Faced all the Trauma of Dragon Age before I knew what to expect and how to make the best choices, rip therlia.
Lucy/L. Hawke(/Hawke Amell) (Champion | Mage | she/her) - Classic Purple Hawke with Purple Hawke issues
Kas Surana (Inquisitor | Rogue | she/her) - Non-verbal anxiety ball who mostly communicates through Cole.
Veena (Mage | she/her) - She never meant to be a villain, she just thinks elves are better than everyone, Solas is right about everything and the Fade is great is all
Dragon Age World State 2
Vari Tabris (Warden | Rogue | she/her) - Everyone: Vari no. Vari: Vari yES!
A. Hawke (Champion | Rogue | zie/zir) - Friendly Green Hawke who becomes Done With This Shit Red Hawke
Estella Trevelyan (Inquisitor | Mage | she/her) - Former Tranquil, now has approximately 200 emotions happening all at once
Dragon Age World State 3
Elora Aeducan (Warden | Warrior | she/her) - What If my Time Lord OC who passionately believes her morally dodgy organisation is a force for good was a Warden instead?
Lucille Caron (Awakening Warden | Rogue | she/her) - Cold, emotionless Warden has seen too many Wardens die and then accidentally gets attached to some
Amber Hawke (Champion | Mage | she/her) - Purest, Sweetest, Bluest Hawke
Rem Brosca (Inquisitor | Rogue | she/her/they/them) - Elora turned over Orzammar society and made Brosca Queen, and then Brosca went to the Conclave
Dragon Age World State 4
Isaline Amell (Warden | Mage | she/her) - Abused, self-loathing mage learns to love herself
Dragon Hawke (Champion | Mage | she/her) - A mess made out of bad life choices, mental illnesses and crushes on hot women who practice slightly dodgy magic
Arloni Lavellan (Inquisitor | Mage | she/her) - Goes to the Conclave for a break from her shitty ex and then meets her future shitty ex Elf Satan. Wow, Inquisition really sucks for Dalish Inquisitors, huh?
Dragon Age World State 5
Mahariel (Warden | Mage | he/him) - Loser nerd only manages to take half a level in badass before saving the world
Rose Amell (Champion | Warrior | she/her) - Gamlen’s kid who grew up in Kirkwall and is going to fight Aveline over it
Tama (Inquisitor | Warrior | they/them) - Tamassran who lived their whole life following the Qun, then rescued a mage kid and ran away
Dragon Age World State 6
Lacha Brosca (Warden | Warrior | she/her) - Stale cinnamon roll, been in this world too long, too cynical
Millie Hawke (Champion | Mage | she/her) - Thirteen year old Hawke discovers Kirkwall is the worst place to grow up
Halsker Lady-Touched (Inquisitor | Mage/Rogue | he/him) - Herald of the Lady of the Skies, actually, thanks
Dragon Age World State 7
Lorrel Tabris (Warden | Rogue | she/her) - Former Night Elf Grandma
Rynessa (Awakening Warden/Inquisitor | Mage | she/her) - Immortal and a massive dick about it
Adventure (Spirit/Bird | she/her) - A spirit of adventure, and also of being an asshole
Corinne Hawke/Vael/Amell/Montilyet (Champion | Mage | she/her) - Actual Disney Princess Hawke
Dragon Age World State 8
Griffon Cousland (Warden | Warrior | they/them) - “Not like other girls'' noble except they realise they’re not like other girls because they’re not a girl. Also they’re autistic.
Amity Hawke (Champion | Rogue | she/her) -  aka, Amity “Total Monster” Hawke, aka, the actual literal worst person in the world
Dragon Age World State 9
Annabeth Cousland (Warden | Rogue | she/her) - Makes all the Bad Choices, because when Wardens need to stop a Blight, the ends justify the means
Maura (Awakening Warden | Warrior | they/them/she/her) - Stops Annabeth from making things quite as dark as they would have been otherwise
Forest Hawke (Champion | Mage | they/them) - Gets Circled as a kid, escapes during the Blight and joins Isabela’s crew, ends up stranded in fucking Kirkwall. 
Dragon Age World State 10
Mihren Ghilain (Warden | Mage | she/her) - Dalish mage kidnapped by templars and forcibly assimilated is perhaps slightly bitter about it
Dragon Age World State 11
Thosk Aeducan (Warden | Rogue | he/him) - Basically that story of how Julius Caesar got captured for ransom and then got offended because he didn’t think the ransom wasn’t high enough and made his kidnappers raise it.
Dragon Age World State 12
Mags Ainsley (Warden | Rogue | she/her) - My “power fantasy” OC of, “What if the main character was always having anxiety attacks and couldn’t make any important decisions by themself and cried a lot about the stress they were under, and that doesn’t make them any less valid?”
Issella Ainsley (Mage | she/her) - So what if Morrigan doesn’t bang anyone and the Warden is pregnant when they fight the Archdemon instead?
Palorn Kader (Awakening Warden | Warrior | she/her) - Warden-Constable here to deal with the Old God baby the Hero of Ferelden’s having.
Veni Arainai (Rogue | ze/zir/they/them) - The original Three OC. Definitely Not Traumatised Antivan Crow antagonist.
Dragon Age World State 13
Orlena Amell (Warden | Mage | she/her) - Her parents tried to abuse the magic out of her so now she’s an Isolationist
Ivy Amell (Mage | she/her) - Didn’t get the parental abuse, but did get sent to the Gallows and had to deal with Cullen.
Everard Amell (Mage | he/him) - Saw his three older siblings develop magic and suffer so grabbed his baby sister and got the fuck out
Tarynn Amell (Inquisitor | Mage/Warrior | she/her) - Apostate kid dreams of finding her siblings and reuniting them all
Harleigh Amell (Mage | he/him) - The murdered third Amell sibling
Dragon Age World State 14
Seren Surana (Warden | Mage | she/her) - Smol angry mage rightser who does way too much destruction magic.
Ginny (Mage | she/her) - Seren’s currently tranquil ex-girlfriend.
Dragon Age World State 15
Teri Brosca (Warden | Warrior | she/her) - Dreams of being a shiny hero, but has the misfortune of being casteless
Dragon Age World State 16
Sophia Cousland (Warden | Mage | she/her) - Has been waiting to rule a country for Years and isn’t about to let being a mage stop her
Dragon Age RPG
Adelisa de Launcet (Rogue | she/her) - Starts off as a #OrlesianNoble, ends up deciding murder’s wrong and she can solve all problems with her ridiculously high charisma modifier.
Valentina de Launcet (Rogue | she/her) - terrible trash baby, always down for fucking, fighting and performative activism.
Rowan (Warrior | she/her) - One time she started a bar brawl because someone said there was no proof Andraste actually had a mabari
Henriette Bettencourt (Rogue | she/her) - Adelisa’s incredibly petty abusive bard master.
Dragon Age Other
Arnauld de Serault (The Last Court pc | Mage/Warrior | he/him) - Disaster mage trying his best to make Serault respectable, while having Dignity as a dump stat.
Roselle de Serault (The Last Court pc | Mage/Rogue | she/her) - Rebellious Princess Syndrome kid grows up and gets really into the Game
Adara (Dragon Age Journeys/Legends pc | Mage | she/her) - Ravi’s court mage, who’s tired of his shit, but still too scared to become an apostate.
RPG Characters
Sabrina Peri (Monster of the Week | Hex | she/her) -
Gita Peri (Monster of the Week | she/her) -
Oakley (Monster of the Week | Expert | they/them) -
Wolf McRinehart (Apocalypse World | Chopper | xi/xir) -
Tara Yokel/Namira (D&D | Human | Bard | she/her) -
Hennie Geluk (D&D | Orc | Warlock | he/they) -
Liza Charlton (Mutants & Masterminds | she/her) -
Morven (Mutants & Masterminds | they/them) -
The Owl House
Annalise Blight (she/her)
Gideon (he/him)
Gallifrey/Doctor Who
Elora Whiteriver (she/her) - Punchy CIA asshole who isn’t actually the worst
Marella Whiteriver (she/her) - Too nice to tell her family they fucking suck
Davigon Whiteriver (he/him, at least for this regeneration) - Asshole genius made out of ambition
Alrax (she/her) - Shadow House prisoner who escapes and joins Faction Paradox because Fuck Time Lord
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