#causey farm
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hepdenerose · 7 months ago
Beer and Birdsong in Pecket Well
Phil’s early morning shift Spring Bank holiday Monday left the rest of the day free. Three years since our last visit, I suggested a more detailed exploration of Pecket Well. To spare his achy legs, we caught the bus from Hollins Place, skirting St. George’s Square on the way. Blues buskers and a Sunday-style market dominated by purveyors of fast food, emitted a mini-festival vibe. The Bronte Bus…
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cynsualc829 · 6 months ago
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Friday Vibes with the Rebroadcast of The Cool Jazz Café showcasing a combination of classic RnB favs and today's Hottest Smooth Jazz. Come by the Café while your host Dave Oz serves us those flavorsome grooves. Due to a power outage, today's show will begin at 4:10pm - 6:10pm EST.
🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇮🇹 🇬🇷 🇸🇩 🇿🇦 🇨🇦 🇧🇶
#DaveOz #cooljazz #CoolJazzCafe #contemporaryjazz #summer #weekend #smoothjazzmusic #newmusic #arizona #Global
Hour I
Hub City Jam (ft. Rick Braun)@Rick Braun
Pickwick Farm (ft. Miles Gilderdale) / Dennis Murphy
The Greatest Love Of All / George Benson
Right On Time / Jessy J
Fire / Pointer Sisters
Jamaica / Grover Washington Jr.
Soul Connection / Brian Simpson
Shimmer / Merlon Devine, Saxophonist
Witchcraft / Kendra Erika
1979 (ft. Michael Broening) / Roberto Restuccia_Musician
If You Want Me To Stay (ft. Marcus Miller, Gerald Albright) / Xavier Gordon
Mystic Voyage (ft. Roy Ayers) / Ronny Jordan
I'll Be Around / Spinners
Happy / Jeffery Smith
Hour II
On The Beach With You / Madoca Kawahara
The Closer I Get To You / Roberta Flack
Summer Samba / Gary Meggs
Everybody Get Up / Patrick Lamb
The Lady In My Life / Michael Jackson
We Were So Close / Soren Reiff
Ridin' The Wave / Vincent Ingala
Don't Squeeze The Fruit / Ty Causey
Missing You / Jackiem Joyner
Summer Nights / Jazz Holdouts
Tender Is The Night / Dave Koz Feat. Phil Perry
Skyway / Steve Oliver
Reaching Out To You / Amandus
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saracausey1 · 1 year ago
This is nothing to do with productivity. Ничего. Nada. It's about control, compliance, and obedience. You go back when you are told to. If we want ya back in the Cube Farm, you come back. If we want ya to go home with a laptop to "stop the spread," you go home. DO. WHAT. YOU. ARE. TOLD. PEON!
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jamila2021 · 3 years ago
Causey Farm - Vormittag - 6. Woche
Wir waren mit dem ganzen Jahrgang (ca. 38 Personen) auf einem Tagesausflug. Dafür sind wir eine Stunde weg (nördlich) von Dublin gefahren.
Als wir ankamen haben wir uns in zwei Gruppen geteilt. Meine Gruppe war auf einem kleinen See Schwan-Tretboot fahren.
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An einem Ufer hat ein Kamel genüsslich das Seewasser geschlürft. Es war etwas verwundlich ein Kamel anzutreffen, aber die Farm hatte auch andere Tiere, die wir uns angeschaut haben. Wir waren im Schweinekäfig, haben ein Kaninchen gehalten, Hühner hochgehoben und Gänse und Esel gesehen. Zum Mittagessen haben wir selbst Pizza zubereitet. Zunächst haben wir den Teig gemacht. 30 min später, als der Teig aufgegangen war, haben wir die Pizza belegt und weitere 30min später kam sie aus dem Ofen. Während wir darauf warteten, dass die Pizza fertig wird, wurde uns ein einfacher Volkstanz beigebracht. Das war lustig :)
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afrogabroad · 8 years ago
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This by far has been the best day in Ireland. Causey farm is an incredible place and I haven't felt more at home in a long time. If the 5 week old border collies hadn't been there, jumping into the bog would have been the best part. We made (and ate) our own Soda Bread (Matt is mum, I'm da), we learned how to do Irish dancing, we saw piglets, geese, cows, sheep, dogs (and puppies), and capped the day by jumping into a bog and rolling around in muck. The most fun I've had for a long long time, I'm so sad it's over, but exhilirated by the experience.
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espytalks · 3 years ago
nothing compares to the feeling of doing a mundane task, and then minecreft music starts playing. It's really just. good.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Tuesday 16 December 1834
11 35
No kiss very fine frosty morning f45° at 9 am - Mark Hepworth arrived soon after with the 1st load of wood – 28 planks 21 foots and 3 oaks logs – too heavy a load – the 4 horses sadly oppressed – could not pull 10 yards up the new bank without wanting to rest – wet as if they had been in a pond – the planks very heavy – some of them 15 stone or more �� Greenwoods’ man came about and with lock for blue room closet library door – it would not do – gave him the little mode of Mt Blanc box to make one in satin wood, to be glazed with plate glass (for the model) and done the end of the week – out at 10 about putting the wood (planks etc) in the barn – then in the low and upper land and about at Whiskum and ordered Pickels to cart away the pit hill stuff tomorrow and mend the road this afternoon - till down the old bank and at Mr Parker’s office at 1 – there some time – Dewhirst had been about Mytholm farm – anxious for the buildings at least – mentioned the plan floating in my mind about pulling down the old  building and begged to decline letting to Dewhirst or Mark Town - Bills to be prepared for letting the Stump x Inn – the papers will be ready by the 7th of next month, possession given and the money paid § – tho’ the Mytholm letting was a failure Mr P- did not know why – thought the people would soon get into the way of it – and it was a good plan – I said I should not be easily frightened out of anything - Mr Sutcliffe to be applied to about Northgate house whether he will take it or not – if likely to come up here - he gives a plumper for Wortley which is in his favour - met Mark Hepworth and with him to the canal wharf to see the deals, very good ones - returned up the old bank and
§ the cottage i.e. house tenants at Staups have the poor rates paid for them by the owner so that I must make a fresh agreement with them
home about 2 – no Mr Bradley the architect as appointed – wrote the above of today – had brought A- Grieves’s proposal to pay secured by note of Ely Taylor of common wood £50 the next rent day and secured by note of ---- misdale £40 at midsummer - Dictated her note and A- sent note by George to Washington and to Hepworth about table etc
out again at 3 40 with A- in the walk ¾ hour – then in the barn talking to Charles H- about the Mytholm farm till dark, till 5 – then ¾ hour with my aunt (and A- with her also) dinner at 6 – 20 minutes with my father and Marian - Mr Tweedy the stamp collector and vote-returner died rather suddenly the other day - some person or persons for mischief threw or let down  a barrel of gunpowder into one of Mr. Holmes’s coal-pits at Causey-head, and blew up the engine in the pit - the shock about 8 pm yesterday (I think) by the neighbouring cottages -  coffee – played 4 hits - lost 2 and won 2 – then came into the blue room – read (little bits aloud to A-) from p. 40 to 147 vol. 2 of Sismondi’s literature of the South of Europe then till 10 10 with my aunt 25 minutes - very fine day - F46 ½° now at 10 ½ pm - letter this morning from Kendell Leeds (his bill).
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fruitie · 5 years ago
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Causey Farm in Ireland
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sixpenceee · 6 years ago
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Causey Farm in Ireland
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dminfas-blog · 5 years ago
Welcome to Santa at his wonderful farm in Ireland
Causey Christmas Experience has become one of the best-loved Christmas Experiences on the planet ... yes Santa just loves coming to visit and all the boys and girls wait from year to year to meet him here at the farm.
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april · 6 years ago
just so you and all your swamp-loving lesbian followers know: here in ireland in a place called causey farm they let you jump in a bog for fun and roll around in it. the best time to go bog jumping is the end of may. do with that knowledge what you will
holy Shit
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saracausey1 · 1 year ago
In the absence of another lockdown - which could happen, let's not rule that out - it's not difficult to imagine hybrid transitioning to fully on-site work. According to WFH Research, "By May’23: 12% of Full-Time Employees Were Fully Remote, 59% Were Full-Time on Site, and 29% Were in a Hybrid Arrangement." So that means 88% of people were either on-site full-time or were working hybrid. And of that 88%, most of them were back in the cube farm Monday through Friday.
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jamila2021 · 3 years ago
Causey Farm - Nachmittag - 6. Woche
Nach dem Mittagessen haben wir uns für den Sunpf umgezogen. Ich habe ein Unterhemd und die Ersatz-Hose  meiner Sport-Schuluniform getragen. Umgezogen und bereit für das anstehende Abenteuer, wurden in einem Anhänger geladen, der an einen Traktor gehängt war. Dieser hat uns zum Sumpf gefahren. Dort wurden wir in die Regeln eingewiesen und haben unsere Schuhe ausgezogen. Für die nächste halbe Stunde (in etwa) befanden wir uns in der braunen Sumpflandschaft. An manchen Stellen ist man beim darüber laufen nur mit den Füßen eingesunken, an anderen bis zu den Knien. Es gab ganz hinten auch Stellen, wo man gar nicht mehr laufen konnte, da man bis zum Oberschenkel eingesunken ist. Um noch tiefer einzusinken, sind wir auf eine Erderhöhung von einem Meter geklettert und sind von dort reingesprungen. So sind wir bis zum Bauchnabel eingesunken. Um sich zu befreien musste man beide Handflächen zusammen an der Seite des Körpers nach unten schieben, um sich freizulegen. Wenn man sich genug freigeschaufelt hatte, hat man die Finger unter dem Knie verschränkt und das Bein mit einem Ruck rausgezogen. Damit es nicht wieder einsinkt, während man das andere Bein befreit, hat man es gerade ausgestreckt auf die Sumpfoberfläche gelegt und so das andere Bein befreit. Es hat echt Spaß gemacht, doch es war auch anstrengend sich zu befreien, weshalbwir uns gegenseitig geholfen haben. Ich bin immer zu den zu befreienden Personen gerollt, um auf dem Weg nicht einzusinken. Wir haben uns auch mit dem Schlamm eingerieben, unsere Gesichter bemalt, uns gegenseitig eingebuddelt und abgeworfen. Es war wirklich witzig.
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Als wir gegangen sind, hab ich einen meiner Socken angezogen und den anderen über die Hand gezogen, um damit meine Schuhe zu tragen. So sind wir zum Anhänger gelaufen: komplett gebräunt vom Sumpf und happy.
Zurück auf dem Hof wurden wir von unserem Lehrer mit einem Wasserschlauch abgespritzt, damit der Großteil des Schmutzes von uns runtergeht. Als wir umgezogen waren, sind wir zu einem Kornfeld gelaufen, in dem Pharmaphobia (Gruselstände/häuser für Halloween) aufgebaut war. In diesen Ständen hat sich eine Handvoll Leute aus der Gruppe (u.a. ich) versteckt, um die anderen zu erschrecken, während sie durch die Stände durchlaufen. Da es am Tag und deshalb hell war, hatte niemand Angst.
Danach haben wir uns in den Bus gesetzt und uns auf den Rückweg gemacht. Auf dem Weg haben wir Halt an einer Raststätte gemacht, wo wir wir uns Abendessen geholt haben. Irgendwie hatte ich den Drang zu joggen, also bin ich auf dem Parkplatz rumgerannt und war glücklich. Ich hatte anscheinend einen Energieüberschuss oder so, verrückt nach so einem Tag ;)
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don-lichterman · 3 years ago
GALLERY: Ablefest at Causey Farm a major success
GALLERY: Ablefest at Causey Farm a major success
Scenes from Ablefest 2022 at Causey Farm. Photos: Paul Jones INCLUSIVE Arts and music festival Previous Next Image 1 of 5 Scenes from Ablefest 2022 at Causey Farm. Photos: Paul Jones Paul Jones MeathPhotos.ie Image 2 of 5 caption Paul Jones MeathPhotos.ie Image 3 of 5 caption Paul Jones MeathPhotos.ie Image 4 of 5 Paul Jones MeathPhotos.ie Image 5 of 5 David Fitzgerald /…
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manelyec · 3 years ago
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The Westfall Outdoor Classroom Dedicated
The Dr. Fred Westfall Outdoor Classroom was dedicated on Saturday, March 19, 2022, in front of members of the Westfall family, Emmanuel College alumni, current students, and community members.
The classroom is named in honor of Dr. Fred Westfall. Dr. Westfall grew up on a small farm in rural SW Arkansas, where he learned the role of the small, diversified farm in both the American economy and global food supply.
For over 40 years, Dr. Westfall worked closely with local farmers, poultry companies, and agri-businesses, while working on his family farm, 10 miles from Emmanuel College, where he served as an adjunct professor.
The outdoor classroom idea came from Eric Taylor, Landscape Architect and supporter of the agriculture program as he developed a site plan for the Collins Agriculture Learning Center. The idea of having a classroom within walking distance of greenhouses, fruit and vegetables, and livestock was a bonus. After the passing of Dr. Westfall in 2020, the family approached the college to offer assistance with agriculture projects. This idea was a perfect way to remember Dr. Westfall as he loved the outdoors and spent many hours working in the woods and fields. Once the seed was planted by the family, the project began to bloom as many others began donating to the cause. Built completely from donations from family, friends, agribusiness, and alumni, this classroom is debt-free.
“The Westfall Outdoor Classroom will open many new educational opportunities for Emmanuel College and community learners,” said Agriculture Program Chair, Owen Thomason. “With the unique open design, students can enjoy God’s creation while gaining new ideas and skills for the future. The location near the Agriculture Research Station will help to connect inquiry and demonstration to a fully functional classroom. The food preparation area supports learning more about “Farm to Table” while providing food science research opportunities. Dr. Westfall was an avid learner and supporter of missions. The open design represents the opportunity to use agriculture teaching and learning to reach people for Christ around the world.”
Several members of the Westfall family were present for Saturday’s dedication. Those present included – Cindy Westfall (Fred’s Wife) Owen, Gina, Malone, and Stephanie Thomason, Matt and Janese Bennett, Paul, Suzanne, Shannon and Micah Causey, Ronny and Kathy Floyd, Eddie, Delina, Jade, Will Wester, Rick and Anna Westfall Chandler, Paul Westfall, Houston and Chloe Yuille, Will Freeman, Sherry Reese, and Meredith Dunn.
Opportunities to help put the finishing touches on the classroom are available as some components have yet to be completed. Those wishing to be a part of this activity or to learn more about the Emmanuel College Agriculture Program and the Outdoor Classroom visit http://www.ec.edu/ag or contact Owen Thomason at [email protected].
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cassie1604 · 7 years ago
I wander’d lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze
William Wordsworth
Crossmyloof to East Kilbride
Like with all good things, they come to an end 😦 and I said goodbye to Glasgow taking my last Scottish train journey from Crossmyloof to East Kilbride to be met by my old friend and Maltese Muffin to start our drive to the Lake District where we had rented a cottage for a week on the outskirts of Keswick.
The River Greta
Cooling off in the River Greta
The River Greta – a tributary of the River Derwent
Moot Hall, Keswick. Now the Information Centre
Arriving in glorious sunshine, we walked Muffin along the shady banks of the River Greta and explored the delights of Keswick, before returning to base at Gin O’Clock to enjoy some fine Scottish handcrafted Rock Rose gin and hummus whilst taking in a sensory overload of the stunning Lake District.
Inspiring view of the Western Fells, Grisedale Horseshoe, Causey Pike and the rest, even round to Catbells at Gin O’Clock from Little Chestnut Hill
It’s not surprising that some great writer’s waxed lyrical about the Lake District.  William Wordsworth described it as “the loveliest spot that man hath found.”  It is very easy to be captivated by the verdant vales, the bubbling brooks flowing into the tarns and the majestic mountains which together cover 2,362 km2 (912 sq miles) of Cumbria.   The Lake District National Park with its rich, multi-layered geological history dates back half a billion years and offers stunning panoramic vistas for miles around.  Views that dramatically change with the constantly changing weather conditions.
The rugged terrain of this challenging landscape means that farming is centered around sheep and beef.  The Herdwick sheep, which gives birth to black lambs, were reputedly brought to the UK by the Vikings.  Their numbers had started to decline when Beatrix Potter bought Hill Top Farm in Sawrey in 1905.  She went on to buy a total of 4000 acres of fell farmland to ensure that it would never be developed, where she exclusively bred Herdwick sheep and saved the breed from extinction.  The Rough Fell and Swaledale sheep also share the lush grazing of the hills and dales.
Hello… I’m a Herdwick Photo Credit: herdysleep.com
  Scafell Pike at 978 meters, is the highest mountain in England, but given that my list of Must Do Walks were mostly short and flat, with a pub and the end, I thought I would leave the heights of Scafell Pike to the fit, regular hill walkers.  
A completely flat walk took us to the beach at St. Bees on a beautiful day.  The tide was out exposing a spectacular expanse of sand.  A great place to fly a kite and put the wind beneath Muffin’s paws.
Wind beneath Muffin’s paws at St. Bees
The beach at St. Bees
A circular walk to and from the National Trust’s Sticklebarn pub was one of my highlights. There is a very gradual incline towards the end of the short walk before it gradually sloping back down.  There are variations of many of the walks to accommodate the length and the degree of difficulty, so it is always best to check before setting out.
I developed a soft spot for Keswick’s own Derwentwater lake, which was on our doorstep and the Lake District’s third largest lake.  Taking a stroll along the path around its shores on more than one occasion, before and after Storm Hector.  First to Friars Crag, following in the footsteps of John Ruskin who once described Keswick as a place almost too beautiful to live in.  If you feel you can’t quite make the full 10-mile walk, you can always wait to be ‘rescued’ by one of the launches which regularly stop at the 8 landing stations dotted around the lake.
The hidden treasures of the Lake District, Derwent Water
Friar’s Crag, Ruskin’s inspirational viewpoint at Derwentwater
Flotilla of Geese, Derwent Water
An old fruitcake and a Muffin
One of the launches on Derwentwater
My most challenging accent and the only time I used my walking poles was an attempt to scale the mighty Skiddaw… in the drizzle and having already walked four miles.  So it was a laboured breathing and grumbling accent, so I will have to go back on a better day to appreciate its true majesty.
Keswick from Skiddaw – Photo Credit:  stridingedge.netVisit
If I had started a love affair with Glasgow a week before, I was unfaithful in the Lake District.  During a week of almost totally unblemished weather, apart from Storm Hector, we only managed to scratch the surface of this treasure chest of panoramic and inspirational sights and sounds of the Lake District.  I will return.
A view to remember from Little Chestnut Hill, 10-16th June 2018
      The Lake District – O’er vales and hills I wander'd lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd,
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