completecuntrol · 8 years
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Waiting for the train to Coolsville USA. #causeimcool @garmentdistrict (at Garment District)
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kuphulwho · 3 years
Ben 10 Fandom: Watch Out For Emma, AKA Llamalover
I’m not usually one to make callouts, but this absolutely needs to be said. This is an important message for the Ben 10 fandom, especially those on Discord. Take a good, long look at this:
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This is Emma, AKA Llamalover. She is a notorious pedo in the Ben 10 fandom. Here, she is actively targeting a person who was one of her victims. You can read the testimony from said victim here. Emma is incredibly dangerous, and I will be giving examples of her vile behavior below. In the meantime, preemptively block her on Discord, if you have one.
For starters, to clarify, Emma (user number 1343 on Discord) is currently 26 years old, and about to be 27. This is an important thing to remember. I will mostly be covering things not mentioned in the above linked testimony from one of her victims.
According to one response in said testimony, other younger fans have been coming forward about Emma’s behavior. Here’s another example of a testimony of her inappropriate behavior with minors:
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According to this user, this occurred four years ago, which means that Emma would have been no younger than 22 at the time. And here, we have snippets pieced together of an extremely inappropriate DM between her and a user who was very much a minor at the time:
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On the date that this took place, she was no younger than 24. A transcript of her messages, seeing as they might be hard to read:
“-giggle- And I’m the one with B/C racks #causeimcool” “Yeah, I once tried my mom’s swimsuit which is a dark purple. That attempt? The racks ended up popping out LOL. Although my ass looks good in it anyways. Guy better have a nice ass IMO.”
“I saw Ghoulseye is your fave, mine too!!! He is! And so worth lovin #likepinmedownandshit (excuse you, I’m a crazy chick). In fact, Ghoulseye is like 50 Shades of Twilight to me.” “Yes. Because look at those tags. #sorry I’m fucking impatient #looking forward to that shit #sooo want him to take on me. #like pin me down and stuff. #mmmm... LOL #that creator better not see that shit here. #creator don’t like my shit? Then GTFO.”
“Like I died laughing. And yeah, that thing can cream me TBH too. Totally for sure. I’m such a dirty bastard (his face is plastered on my phone too).”
Also, at one point, she ranted on her Tumblr about why she left the Ben 10 subreddit’s Discord server. Here’s why that was:
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While it is not specified what exactly it was that she posted, we know that it had to be bad if someone called the cops over it. Observe how she shifts the blame on minors for being understandably uncomfortable with inappropriate content being posted publicly in an all-ages server. She was no younger than 25 when this happened. Here’s an example of the inappropriate things that she tends to post publicly:
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Again, she is no younger than 25 here. Now, we’re going to get into her creepy obsession with various underage characters. Her biggest fixation is Kenny Tennyson, Ben’s son in the future, who is no older than 14.
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She is no younger than 22 here, posting drooling emojis in response to artwork of Kenny. And in this one, she is no younger than 23:
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More on the “old goat” comment:
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But that’s not all. Kenny isn’t the only underage character that Emma has had a thing for. Observe:
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At the time of these three posts, Emma was no younger than 20. And now we need to talk about the NSFW ask blog that she had for Ben’s aliens.
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She even piggybacked on Pride Month to promote said underage NSFW ask blog!
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Here, she is no younger than 24. Note how these posts are tagged as both “Ben 10″ and “Pride Month.” It is also worth mentioning that the icon for the blog is Reboot Rath, which is 10-year-old Ben!
As a result, minors 100% had to have seen them. And while we’re on the subject of said side blog...
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She reblogged noncon and dubcon prompts to this blog, you know, rape. Again, there’s a really significant chance that minors saw this!
Before proceeding, be aware that the following posts are going to contain adult/minor shipping, fetish content of a character who is a minor, and incest. There is no nudity or anything, but the subject matter still warrants a BIG content warning. This is necessary to paint the entire picture of Emma’s character.
Now, with that being said, here she is having knowingly reblogged fetish art of Ben because it was #relatable to her. This appears to have taken place in June of 2019, which makes her no younger than 24 here:
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Transcript: Anon- “Are you aware that you reblogged like... a fat fetish post? Nothing wrong with that, I’d just like to know.” Emma- “I’m aware of that but for me, this is what my life is mostly like as a woman right now LOL. (yep, getting older is bullshit)”
I also want you to observe what she said in her header. She claims to “not support toxic or disgusting relationships.” If that’s the case, then what’s this?
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Here she is, in 2020, no younger than 25, openly shipping Tetrax/Ben and Reiny/Ben, while using Reboot Ben, 10-year-old Ben, for the picture! Side Note: Some parts of the image are censored due to containing someone’s OC, as well as someone’s photo. She also claims to “not support incest” in that header. If that was really the case, then why could she be seen liking a bwen post here?
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And why could THIS be seen in her DeviantArt favorites?
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This one in particular is a double whammy. For context, that’s Drew Saturday, from The Secret Saturdays, and Zak is her son. So this is both implied parental incest and pedophilia!
Now, to wrap this all up, here is where she admitted to having legitimately sent unsolicited nudes to someone who was 14 at the time, the victim whose testimony is linked at the beginning:
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For clarification, the 14-year-old that she told her cup size to is not the same person in the above linked testimony. And that person is also not the same person in the DM from earlier. These are three separate incidents. Here’s the cup size incident:
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And these tendencies of hers? They’ve been known about for a while (note the statement of her age and the “IT’S FICTIONAL!!!” excuse).
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Overall, the takeaway here is to not let Emma convince you that she is the victim. If you can still defend her after seeing this post, do NOT interact. Block me. I want nothing to do with you!
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Here come the booties
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sydsymsex · 9 years
🔥🔥🔥 #Kascade #chella #Coachella #coachella2015 #causeimcool
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keshymeshy · 11 years
🙌 ✈ #causeimcool
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