#cause you don't anger someone like her or triton
icanbeyourgenie · 7 months
“ My sister got lost for seven hours in your fucking maze of a castle and no one looked for her?! You're her husband, that you like it or not, your duty is to protect her. Next time I won't be this merciful. ” – a mad Malachai to Aeron after learning Calypso got lost in the castle which prompt him to come
Aeron raised an eyebrow. He didn't expect the son of Triton to be there. Didn't he leave not long after the wedding? Aeron did not push the reasoning further. He didn't care much about a man he talked to maybe twice in his entire life. But he could see that the other prince was angry. Angry enough to confront him in an empty corridor with unsaid threats, when they all knew how fragile the peace between their two people were. Maybe Malachai didn't care, but war was a fate Aeron did want to avoid. However, if the fae had one passion in life, it was to push the buttons of angry people. And seeing the look on Malachai's face, he was about to have some fun.
“What are you talking about?” He was truly clueless there.
“Don't play me for a fool. I'm talking about your cousin 'accidentally' losing my little sister in this fucking maze of a palace for hours! If her maid didn't find her, she'd be dead by now.”
Aeron sneered. “If it's Euphemia you're talking about, it definitely wasn't an accident.”
“I know that. Which brings me back to my original point: You have a duty of care over her. It should not have happened.”
“What shouldn't have happened? Her needing the help of a maid not to die, or calling her big brother to the rescue like a little girl? Because I'd argue that both shouldn't have happened. But hey, who am I to judge the raising customs of merfolk, huh?”
Malachai's eyes got even redder if that was possible. He got closer to Aeron, clearly ready to strike. “Be very careful what you say next.” He warned.
“Besides, what do you want me to do about it? Put her on a leash? Oh wait-” He showed his wrist, where still lied Calypso's bracelet. “I already did.”
Malachai's fist ended up on Aeron's jaw faster than expected. Aeron laughed, and Malachai stroke again, and again, to wipe that smile off of the fae's face. It only intensified it but soon enough, Aeron started to fight back, and it got messy real quick.
They were already covered in blood when Malachai started to shake the ground to unsettle Aeron, who immediately fell on his back, giving Malachai the opportunity to get on top of him to keep hitting him. Aeron knew each one of Triton's kids were granted a power, but apart from Calypso's, he had no clue what the others were. Until today.
He used the fairy dust to animate a statue that was resting next to the wall, making it drag Malachai back just enough so Aeron could get back on his feet again. He stroke again, and noticed that for now, as heavily armed as they both were, none of them drew an actual weapon. Good, maybe Malachai did care about not starting a war after all.
“What is the meaning of this?”
This question came from the only person who could actually scare Aeron into giving up a fight. Fortunately, it stopped Malachai too. Of course it did, Aeron thought. Malachai probably had the same experience with Triton. After all, when your parent was the most powerful person alive, you learned to obey real quick.
So they were both on their feet, facing Morgana with their back straight, like they were just having a conversation and weren't covered in blood at all.
“Nothing, your Majesty.” Malachai spoke first. “We were just...”
“Settling a minor disagreement. It's over now.” Aeron finished.
“Good. Because my corridor is no place for a fight. If you boys have some extra energy to spend, we have actual training fields for it. Am I making myself clear?”
The Sceptre glowed a little - a bad sign - and they both nodded. It seemed to appease Morgana, but Aeron knew she hid her true feelings like no one.
“Now, Malachai, I believe you have just returned to us from the Sea. You must be tired from the journey. I had the servants prepare your room.”
“This is very kind of you, your Majesty.” He answered like a proper prince.
“Aeron, you're coming with me. We have things to discuss.”
When she walked ahead, Aeron had to follow her. He only turned around to see Malachai still fuming. He almost laughed. He didn't pay much attention to the heir of Triton before, outside of when he tried to gather informations, but maybe he should have. If the prince Malachai often displayed this temper, Aeron would definitely enjoy his company.
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