#cause why tf are you bringing in random ass blogs into it and asking their opinion on a ship from a fandom they're not even in
Don't listen to Roche/Ciri haters, please, for them even a post about this ship on my blog is spam and garbage. They believe that this ship has no right to exist because there are other more faithful ships, and Roche/Ciri is only for the incinerator because they have an unacceptable age difference.
Alright, this is fucking ridiculous
I don't give a shit who you ship and about who you post on your blog but you've just sent me 3 asks with the exact same message. If you're gonna spam me with asks have the balls to do it with your blog name on it and not just anon asks.
Because this right now, pissed me off.
The fact that you felt compelled to send asks to random blogs defending your fav ship and then calling people who called you out on your behaviour "Roche/Ciri haters" is immature. Get a grip girl.
There will always be people who don't like the thing you love. Live with it. Suck it up.
At first I thought, oh funny drama haha, but fucking hell girlie. Grow up.
Nobody gives a shit about who you ship as long as it's not incest or a predatory relationship.
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emo-trash101 · 6 months
I'm baaaack!~
(me,coming to your blog when I have an Idea because I want to feed you: )
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The platonic asker,yours truly,has come once more to request a new platonic headcanon!
May I please have platonic! any character you'd like (Maybe Alastor,Vox and Lucifer,but you may change that as always! All characters are welcome.) With Child!Gn!Reader that randomly goes out (maybe teleports? Idk,just a random idea) and brings back random sinners (mostly poor and homeless) at the hotel/the character's work and goes "They wanted to work for/with you!!" with that little sweet and innocent voice of theirs? They're really naive and talks to everyone really kindly,a bit like my first ask! They're just a sweet sunshine kid that wants to help those in need! It's not their fault there are bad people that may use them,they just want to help!!
Anyways,I think that's good for me!!
Here's another reminder to take care of yourself! Eat,drink and sleep well,honey!
Enjoy writing this new prompt <33
Stay proud,
-Nina <33
I MISSEDD YOUUUU!!! And that prompt is giving me flashbacks to when I brought a feral raccoon into my house when I was a little kid lmao. But I love this!
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Alastor, Vox, and Lucifer x Sweet Child! reader
Pronouns: Second person, gender neutral
Tw: Kidnapping? (Can a child kidnap someone?), pedos, general hazbin hotel
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Alastor -
- I would say this man would be disappointed but in all honesty, he probably taught you how to steal people by accident.
- It would most likely take place after Charlie goes on one of her rants about how she needs more people at the hotel, and you being the cute little child you are, waddle away to go find some.
- I feel like he wouldn't particularly notice you missing until you show back up, random ass sinner in tow.
- Obviously you get lectured by everyone for stealing a person off the street and bringing him to where you live.
- cause...y'know...pedophiles happen to be in hell.
- But after you pull out the cute little eyes and the "I just wanted to help" everyone kinda gives up.
- Alastor does make you release him back outside like a butterfly you grabbed (omg that is something I never thought I would write)
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Vox -
- As I've mentioned before, this man kinda lowkey sucks.
- Like Alastor, probably accidentally taught you how to steal someone, but he probably did it on purpose or some shit.
- You'd most likely see him murder fire another one of his workers and decide that he needs an immediate replacement.
- So you take your two little feet and waddle down the streets of hell asking anyone and everyone if they want to work for Vox.
- Obviously everyone wants to work for the Vees, so you end up bringing like a hoard of people to the office and kinda just, bring them in.
- As I've mentioned, this man would not notice you being gone like, ever, so when you magically show tf up with like 70 people all in tow, he is partially impressed and partially confused.
- He asks you why you brought so many people and you just look up at him with your cute little baby doll eyes and go "I thought you needed someone to replace mr. dead guy".
- He honestly kinda appreciates it and gives you a little pat on the head as he kills kicks out everyone you brought.
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Lucifer -
- This man pays copious amounts of attention to you so the fact you were able to waddle away to go collect people off the street is honestly astounding.
- He was like, super art blocked and could not come up with another idea for a duck, and it was starting to piss both of you off.
- So you do your little thing and walk off by yourself to collect another person to help come up with some sweet succulent duck ideas.
- Well turn out, creepy people exist in hell (surprise surprises).
- So a creepy ass guy follows you to the palace and when you get back Lucifer panics.
- He was worried you died or something and was about to go find you when you show up with a rando behind you.
- Lucifer politely scolds you for running off like that, but before you could introduce him to the guy you found to help, the guy left.
- So you give up and instead devote a lot of your time to making a new rubber duck
- Lucifer ends up making a duck that can track where you are incase you go wandering off again.
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This was so funny to write, I hope y'all enjoyed reading it!
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I’m sorry this blog has been so dead-feeling and sporadic for a while now. Not that anyone probably cares, but if any of my followers somehow still enjoy following me, I’m sorry to you all. (tmi health issues below)
I haven’t “updated” in a long while, mostly because I don’t feel like I’m on the verge of dying anymore, like I did all throughout 2017 to maybe halfway through 2018; my health has been pretty stable for a while now. But it’s almost like once my thoughts didn’t have to be preoccupied with constant terror and depression of the worst kind 24/7, now it’s made room for other things to take hold of me. I don’t have panic attacks anymore (at least that I know of; I definitely had one the other night, though), but I have mental anxiety more than ever about really random and ridiculous things, and intrusive thoughts. I’ve gotten a lot of writing done but at the same time feel more unproductive than ever; I’ve always had bad executive dysfunction, but for the last couple months it’s felt worse. I’ve nearly dropped off of drawing entirely; I wish I did it more, but I’ll never be good enough and it’ll never get enough attention to feel like it’s worth the exhaustion it takes. And I probably have actual depression, if I didn’t before then I probably definitely do now; I’ve started to be able to tell the difference in my moods between days, where I feel really invigorated and into something and wanting to do something, and when I feel really down and can’t bring myself to do anything I mean even more than usual lol and feel like I want to cry sometimes for no reason.
I don’t feel as passionate about stuff anymore, which is probably a BIG WARNING SIGN cause I’ve heard other people say this, but yeah. I’m constantly feeling like I should go “give myself a break from writing”, so I just end up playing small, shorty video games that don’t hold my attention very well, instead of working on my backlog of big games that I know are gonna keep me busy for a while each once I start them... otherwise I just stay at my computer thinking that surely I’ll feel like writing something else soon, because I know deep down I want to work on filling my remaining ideas, and I know I can because I have been steadily uploading the last few months, but then I’ll just end up sitting here doing nothing in the end. Or if I get lucky, write. But it just feels like literally everything I do is happening at a snail’s pace now, for no reason. Getting through anime episodes now is tedious, at least for seasonal anime that I’m just trying out and not stuff I already know I’ll love. Keeping up with manga is hard too, I’m so behind on so many series, except for MHA because the chapters are short and weekly instead of monthly, which somehow helps. I like to read at night before sleeping, but I usually fall asleep so quickly after laying down, it’s frustrating. And none of this should matter because no one cares but me but I can’t stand it, especially when my anxiety is constantly making me worried about how long my lifespan is gonna be and that I need to hurry up and do shit quicker. :))))))
All of those mental health diagnoses are just speculation though, since I haven’t been officially looked at by anyone, cause we don’t know where to find anyone. Maybe adhd meds would help me, but who knows when I’ll be able to try any if I do, because I’m already taking so many physical health meds that my parents are always wary about adding unnecessary ones, especially since we’re so uneducated when it comes to the delicacies of mental health meds.
My health problem has morphed into a swallowing problem; I have extra saliva and mucus that gets “stuck” and won’t go down all the way unless I swallow a lot, and I can’t drink or eat anything anymore, which is literally the most agonizing thing in the world, I’m so thirsty (I’m still getting nutrition; please don’t ask how). I’ve done a couple tests and they’ve been fine, so no one knows what’s going on, and my parents have been lax about setting up to go to a better hospital because things aren’t urgent anymore like they used to be now that I have a reflux med. I mean, at least as far as I know; who tf knows what’s happening to me I also have leg nerve pain from sitting in a wheelchair all day every day, which is nothing new at all, it’s been a thing for years, but lately it’s been absolutely agonizing because I’m too underweight to pad my body and my wheelchair isn’t a good fit for me and getting the people to take the steps to change things takes literal months because they’re slow and lazy as molasses. My back is constantly tight too, to varying degrees, sometimes better, and I don’t know what that is, maybe anxiety, but that’s frustrating too cause it makes breathing ever so harder. So yeah, I’m not fearing for my life anymore, at least consciously, but things are still hard and I’m so tired that they’re still like this and they’re just making my mental health worse. I spend most days not doing anything, suffering in some small annoying way that’s enough to keep me from being able to focus on anything, and going to the relief of bed, to repeat forever.
I’m realizing that I’m just lonely. I’m so lonely. Everything is so different now than it was even three years ago; so many of my online friends are gone, even if we’re still mutuals on tumblr; the first online community I ever joined that first got me into online friendships and animanga has long since disbanded. Various mutuals on here I never really talked to but was used to seeing in my activity are gone. Other friends have changed slightly, though they’re still dear to me; I have new ones that are dear to me too, but yet others that I don’t feel a real connection with, and it feels like we’re just surface level acquaintances. One of my two closest and best of friends, one of the first friends I ever made years ago, abandoned me late last year, and to be honest I don’t know why. I did hurt her, but I feel confident in saying that it wasn’t to a degree that was unforgivable, or at least wasn’t worthy of a chance to redeem myself, so.... yeah, I don’t know why. She had changed a lot by that point, shut down a lot, and when I set her off and she left, it was as if all that time we’d spent so close together meant absolutely nothing anymore, had never happened... I don’t understand it. It hurts so much. I tried to contact her in other ways multiple times, by letter and by email, apologizing profusely, and she ignored all of them. It hurts and I’ve thought about it so much, I know I haven’t truly coped with it yet, but have only tried to ignore it, and I desperately need someone to tell me that I didn’t do anything wrong (at least, not wrong enough for that reaction). Cause right now I just still hate myself for it deep down, am so worried about her, worried about how she is right now, wish I knew what she was thinking/thought then, all because of my mistake..... I don’t understand, I don’t know what to do, and it makes me think that all this time I’ve been a lot more terrible of a person than I’ve ever known, and that I’ll just keep accidentally pushing people away by trying to get too close, just like her.
She abandoned me, the few “adult friends” I’ve had irl abandoned me and never talk to me anymore once they stopped working for us, so I guess I’m just cursed this way. The main thing is that I’m seeking and craving interactions with people that no one I know want to have; I love analyzing fiction and getting into the meta and all that stuff, said online friend who abandoned me and I were on nearly the same wavelength when it came to this kind of thing, and we talked for hours and hours about different series and what made them work and why they didn’t work, getting real Deep(tm), and going against popular fandom opinions we thought were wrong (cause we were/are in the minority who disagreed with some of the praise for certain big name series lmao) lol, and that was my normal for a few years... and to have all that be gone is so alien. We were going to collab on a fic together, and that barely got off the ground before she left. I’m dying to have it all back so much, but none of my other friends are into that kind of discussion like she was, and I feel like a piece of shit for acting like they’re “lesser” than her for that, but that’s basically how I’m unintentionally acting.... and I hate myself for it. But I can’t help it; I don’t know what to do. I just know I’m bursting at the seams practically with so much I want to talk about and do that I can’t and I’m so lonely and it’s all so frustrating and depressing and I’m so tired of it all. So aimless and tired and bored and unmotivated and afraid and wishing more than ever that I had 2016 back, before everything became so fucked up in so many ways.
I’m so sorry, anyone who’s friends with me now reading this; you’re all so important to me and I don’t mean to act like you’re not. I’m just sorry I’m such a mess. I need a new purpose, but I don’t know what that is. Maybe I should use this blog to write more meta posts, besides that one. Maybe I should actually post my fics here, although as everyone on tumblr knows, fics get even less notes than art does, so even though my MHA fics get a decent amount of attention as it is, maybe it wouldn’t matter if I put them here too. Is it obvious I’m just a lazy greedy lonely ass craving validation and attention and friendship at this point.......... lol......... I’m just a wreck, I feel so suppressed and aimless, trapped in a life that’s too suffocating and alone for me. And I don’t know how long I and this blog are going to stay this way, so........ I’m sorry, anyone who cares.
Thank you, everyone who’s followed me and still follow me; I appreciate you all so much, and haven’t forgotten a single one of you early ones I’ve talked to before. Hopefully eventually this blog will feel more alive again, eventually........ eventually.............. whenever I find what it is I need, somehow. In the meantime I’ll just keep reblogging MHA posts like a broken record I guess lol.
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glamrus-puta · 6 years
Help I Start School Tomorrow: A Check List
Do you need some sweet ass advice from somebody who’s spent no less than 18 years struggling through the muck of academia? Of course you do! Here’s a handy-ass dandy-ass guide to wtf should be going on in your pre-school prep!
Let’s get started~
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1) What should I do with my day before I go back to the hell hole that is school?
I’m glad you asked! Do things that make the start of the semester feel like a fun and luxurious adventure awaits you! Especially for college and university people, the start of the semester loses pizzazz with age (and time).
Hype yourself up with some simple self care, these things don’t have to be expensive or cost anything at all if you can utilize what’s lying around in your kitchen, bathroom, neighbour’s house or wherever.
Wash your damn hair! Shower and take all the time you need, shave if you want to while you’re in there. The goal is to feel fresh and a lil less greasy the next morning.
Are you a lazy ass that doesn’t have time to moisturize? Me too! Get some Nivea in-shower lotion if you can, and before you towel dry douse yourself with baby oil gel (or literally just some olive oil or coconut oil- whatever you got lying around). Show yourself some love!!
Now is a great time to style your hair for tomorrow and protect it with a low pony or a night cap, btw
Do a face mask! Do a hair mask! Do a foot mask! Do whatever tf kind of mask you got handy! Use foods from your kitchen, or try Freeman masks they’re around 4$ each. Dollar store prices, department store quality.
Take an hour to fix your nails, toe nails, wax the stache or do any body maintenance you usually do. Pretend you’re going to a sick ass party and you’re grooming your meat vessel to perfection.
Lay out your sick outfit for tomorrow- pro tip: you want to be comfy and functional on buses/trains/on foot or however you commute. Think hard about the kind of weather you’ll be up against, and the general state of the terrain on your commute. Put your outfit on a hanger so it’s ready for tomorrow, even if you can’t do this every night during the school year it’ll get you in the right mental state to have your first day
Prep your meds! A big part of feeling good is taking our medications on time to reap their maximum benefits. Put them out on your kitchen counter if you think you’ll forget, go through your medicine cabinet: is there anything you need to remember to take with you to have during the day? Set alarms on your phone if (like me) you’ve got pills to take at different times of day- label them something that you’ll understand. (I use the names of the doctors that prescribed them so I know which pills are physical health and which are mental health).
Pack your lunch for tomorrow. Fruits and veggies bitch none of this “I’ll buy it when I get there” nonesense. Remember to stay hydrated! Bring some kind of receptacle to hold water/tea/coffee whatever. This is a solid habit to have year round, but remember the first couple school days can frazzle you pretty good and it’s good to have snacks on hand.
CLEAN YOUR GODDAMN ROOM. You’re gonna be shooketh in a bad way if you wake up on the first day of classes with a messy bathroom and shit strewn all over your sleeping space. Take all the time you need to put things lovingly away, if you’re feeling ambitious update your calendar and spray a little room spray or light a scented candle. Ooh la la
Do something fun. Do something distracting. Go out with a friend, read a book, take a couple hours of ‘me time’. You’ll be ready to die for it during the semester.
Feeling nervous? Call literally anybody you can stand to talk to for more than five minutes. Talk about dogs, talk about boats, ask them to guess how many jelly beans you’re holding right this second (sike b the answer is 0)- take a couple steps away from the whole school thing.
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2) What the hell do I put in my backpack??
So this is where I fly into an unGodly rage. I’m so tired of seeing Instagram posts telling people their make up, perfume and breath mints are the most important of their school arsenal. What’s gonna save you when you bleed through your pants at school cause Aunt Flo decides to come chill on campus? Your perfume? Unlikely.
Here’s the real tea on what you should have in your bag, based on years of oopses, dire situations, and general mishap management.
A pencil case. Preferably full of writing implements. I can’t believe I have to tell people this but like......I do.....y’all childish
MEDICAL BAG: A small pouch is all you need! Tuck this away in your bag’s inside pocket, or in your purse, it could save not only your life but somebody else’s too. Get your prescriptions you need throughout the day like inhalers, anti anxiety meds, lactose intolerance pills, Imodium, symethicone etc.
Pack some ginger gravol (or regular drowsy gravol) for motion sickness or for when the flu season hits
Benadryl pills (and your epipen if you have one!) this is one of those things you should always have lying around at home and in your car
Alcohol swabs and band aids of your choice. Most pharmacies will sell 100 swabs for around 3$, look in dollar stores for discreet 1st aids packs and band aids. Stash them in your little pouch, it might not be you who falls down a flight of stairs and needs to bandage up their elbow- but at least you can help. (Based on a true story!!!!)
Panty liners/ tampons/ pads- this is another one of those things that others may benefit from
Get yourself a mini deodorant (3$ at Walmart) and wrap your hair ties around it. Double trouble, double storage capacity!
Tylenol/Advil, hunt around for little plastic pill holders like Pill Pals, they’re not usually more than 2 or 3 bucks and they hold A TON of pills
Vagina Bonus Round: do you take birth control? Have a tube of Canesten/Monistat/Vagisil or whatever for when the yeast season is upon us
Remember to carry your hospital card and/or medical insurance card on you at all times
Pharmacies will give face wipes individually wrapped for free. Usually brands like Cetaphil will dump them off as testers for customers- ask your local pharmacy cashier for stuff like mini hand creams, spf lip balms and face wipes. We’re happy to give them to you and you’ll get some real use out of them!
ASS WIPES. GET SOME. You can wipe down your bag with them, wipe down tables with them, flush them, and do all kinds of damage control. Trust.
Emergency money- the medical bag is a great place to hide emergency money (think bus fare, or 5$ for emergency food) because people are unlikely to rob what looks like a 1st aid kit
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3. Friends come and go but portable chargers are forever- you can find cheap key chain ones at dollar stores. If you’re going to spring for one that lasts a few days on one charge I suggest the OKZU from Amazon. It’s HELLA SLIM and I can hold a charge for about 3 days before it reaches even 75% battery capacity. (It’s also the most budget friendly I’ve found to date about 14$ after shipping).
4. Remember make up, gum, little travel items and perfume can have a place in your bag but I would suggest transferring as much as you can into smaller and smaller containers. A whole bottle of perfume is a lot to carry around, imagine a water bottle bouncing around your bag- that’s the kind of space you’re using up. Be mindful of just how many books/ copy books/ textbooks you’ll be toting around and if it gets to be too much- get an actual tote!
5. A little clip on hand sanitizer never hurt anybody...also Kleenex I promise you’ll use it. (And if you don’t I’ll be there to borrow it lmao) ALLERGY SEASON BONUS ROUND: a small bottle of off brand artificial tears are great to stow in your glasses case for all those shitty October mornings where your eyes refuse to act like eyes and not the Sahara Desert 🐫 off brand artificial tears run for between 2-4$ at most Walmarts!
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3) I’ve used my last 24 hours to get my shit together- but I have a horrible impending sense of doom! What should I do?
Ah anozzer day in bikini bottom, which means another day of crippling anxiety for 25% of adult Canadian students! (Wow that’s a lot of students!) Boy do I know how tough it is to be thrown back into the pressure cooker of life that we call school. Here are some tips from me to you that I hope help a little bit:
I believe in you! It’s not a tip, but I want you to know that I do. If you’re feeling unsure/ silly/ out of your element/ etc think about me wandering around just as confused as you are! And have a good laugh at my expense! Shoot me a DM, scroll around my nonesense blog- wow check me out I’m a real living person and I made this post for you- because why? I care about your well being! Sometimes it just helps to know that there’s somebody out there thinking about you and wishing for your safe return home at the end of the day~ for the start of your semester I’ll be that person. *smooch*
Arrive early! My therapist once told me that rolling out of bed five minutes before I have to be somewhere limits my chances of having a calm and meaningful experience where I’m going. I hate to admit it but she makes a good point. Wake up early and do something nice for you: have breakfast, just sit on your balcony and breathe some fresh air, pet your cat and gaze upon their stupid face. Take the time.
Arrive early BONUS TIP: get to where you’re going an hour early and just wander! Window shop, roam the building, learn where the fire exit is, sit outside on a bench and watch the students come in and out. The longer you chill at school the homier it’ll feel, and the more you feel at home somewhere the more you feel at ease. Strike up random convos with strangers if you’re feeling brave, or text an understanding friend to meet you there and roam alongside you.
Plan your day! Get an agenda if it’s in your means, or just scribble on some scrap paper. Make your grocery list, write your tasks of the day, your goals of the day, or even just a positive affirmation. Sometimes even when I know exactly what I’m doing that day, or have something trivial to do (like laundry) I’ll write down “do laundry” to feel like I have a clear path to follow.
Embrace your local accessibility Center and school councellor. Don’t live in fear of the resources your school provides. It seems scary/embarrassing/weird to have to have special accommodations to deal with your anxiety or depression but GIRL once you’re all set with the appropriate tools there’s truely nothing that can stop you. This was my experience anyway, but I strongly urge everybody I meet to take advantage of school services and wring them for all they’ve got. They’re there for you boo!
HOT TIP: feeling dizzy and overwhelmed on the bus? Look at the wall or something that isn’t moving. DONT LOOK OUT THE WINDOWS AS THIS MAKES DIZZINESS WORSE. Breathe in 2 beats and out 3 beats- this cuts your fight or flight. If you’re going to drink take small sips out of a straw or without moving your head. My GP gave me this advice and it’s saved my whole ass quite a few times.
Download free apps that are anti anxiety in the form of fun games. I’ve had positive results with Viridii (where you grow a little succulent garden) Tap Tap Fish (basically you’re a sentient coral that decorates the sea floor) and Polytap (you basically count the vertices of spinning polygons). A cursory google search will reveal more fun games for emergency anxiety relief! I also like to go on YouTube and search for positive affirmation anxiety videos, or storm/white noise/ ocean anti anxiety sounds the night before to get me in the right headspace to sleep!
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So this has been your lightning round/ crash course for what to do the 24 hours before school! I hope you feel a little more prepared to take on the start of the semester!
A dios hoes!!
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jkfortunekookies · 7 years
THE LAST 1.Drink: water
2.Phone call: My faculty  #I still have shit to do with that school #free me from prisonpls
3.Text message: My brother <3
4.Song you listened to: Scream HSM3
5.Time you cried: I don’t even recall.
6.Dated someone twice: .I don’t date haha
7. Been Cheated on: never ,but some guy wanted to date me even if he had feelings for someone else #Just had to put it in that category
8.Kissed someone and regretted it: Too many times
9.Lost someone special:  Yes
10.Been depressed: Yeah...
11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: I’m 20...what can you expect lol
15.Made new friends: Yes 
16.Fallen out of love: Nope. It’s a miracle to make me fall for someone in the first place 
17.Laughed until you cried: Yes
18.Found out someone was talking about you: Way too many times haha #I’m apparently a great topic to talk about
19.Met someone who changed you: my followers made me happier <3
20.Found out who your true friends are: Yes
21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Who even has facebook? I deactivated a while ago. 
22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: In my old account, they all knew me
23.Do you have any pets: Nope but I wish I had a bunny 
24.Do you want to change your name: Never 
25.What did you do for your last birthday: I ate an amazing cake and spent  time with my family 
26.What time did you wake up: around 9-10 AM if I don’t have school
27.What were you doing at midnight last night: Watching High School Musical 2 and crying cause freaking Troy Bolton is such a hottie 
28.Name something you cannot wait for: The day I see BTS irl
29.When was the last time you saw your mother: Like 2 seconds ago when I went downstairs to drink water
30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish I had more confidence and be less broke haha 
31.What are you listening to right now: Why try the weight - Ariana&Shawn Mendes Mashup 
32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yes
33.Something that is getting on your nerves: Being too tired to do what I want to do
34.Most visited website: Youtube /Tumblr 
35.Elementary: Done, like 8 years ago 
36, High School: Done, 2 and half  years ago 
37.College: Currently dying to get tf out of there 
38.Hair color: Dark brown but red/light brown in the sun
39.Long or short hair: I wish it was longer. It reaches my boobs halfway lol
40.Do you have a crush on someone: That son of a fetus could be a great candidate to this title since I run a blog about him
41.What do you like about yourself: The fact that I’m genuine no matter what # staying true to yourself is what makes you beautiful
42.Piercings: I have lobe piercings but I want a helix piercing 
43.Blood type: A
44.Nickname: Hana Banana ( sounds longer than my name alone tbh lol)
45.Relationship status: Eating chicken wings as I drool over hot actors and Jungkook
46.Zodiac sign: Capricorn
47.Pronouns: Banana ( It’s not a pronoun, but shhhh...In my world , it’s a pronoun)
48.Favorite tv show: I don’t watch TV anymore # sorry
49.Tattoos: None
50.Right or left hand: right
51.Surgery: Never had any
52.Piercing: I was 2 years old and I apparently cried for an hour
54.Sport: Soccer ,when I was five 
55.Vacation: I was too smol to remember 
56.Pair of trainers: When I was 6-7. I remember choosing converse shoes for the first time in my life when I was five tho #Just had to add it here
57.Eating: Cereals,Sweets,Salty stuff,Rice,Vegetables,Meat,Chipotle. I eat everything but I hate tofu tho (fruits are good but I don’t dig some of them.) 
58.Drinking: Water. Water.Water. My parents’ healthy lifestyle rubbed off on me , so I don’t drink unhealthy/colorful drinks as much lmao. Coffee is good but only at times. I mostly drink tea but especially milk.
59.I’m about to: go eat supper 
61.Waiting for: the day I will finally post my updates 
62.Want: to finish updating my fics
63.Get married: Someday when I decide to give chance to relationships haha
64.Career: I need a job rn
65.Hugs or kisses: Both
66.Lips or eyes: eyes
67.Shorter or taller: Taller , cause my 1m65 dosen’t seem to satisfy me
68.Older or younger:  Older. it doesn’t matter as long as we connect on a deeper level.
70.Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms , because My stomach remains flat no matter what,but my arms don’t T_T
71.Sensitive or loud: . Loud # be happy and shout your feels
72.Hook up or relationship: None of them # I prefer stanning jungkook instead
73.Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker ALL THE WAY!!!
74.Kissed a stranger?: WHAT IF HE HAS SOME CRAZY ASS CONTAGIOUS DEADLY DISEASE ? WHAT DO YOU DO THEN #life is too short for me to die from kissing a random dude
75.Drank hard liquor? : probably 
76.Lost glasses contact/lenses? : no
77.Turned someone down?: Yeah... #cue awkward memories 
78.Sex on first date?: Good luck kissing me on the first date lol #who tf gets laid on the first date unless it’s like someone you’ve known FOR A WHILE
79.Broken someone’s heart?: Yes :/ 
80.Had your heart broken?: Yes
81.Been arrested?: Never. But I’d be down to get handcuffed by Officer Jeon any day
82.Cried when someone died?: Yes
83.Fallen for a friend?: Once you’re friendzoned, you are a friend for life.
84.Yourself?: NEVER LOL
85.Miracles?: Always
86.Love at first sight?: Kind of...a bit too much 
88.Kiss on the first date?: only if It was love at first sight.
89.Angels?: OF course :3 My followers are angels tbh ;)
90.Current best friend’s name: I can’T give their names because they’re not on tumblr and they might not like seeing their names here. but my bffs from tumblr are @jinssmile Madelyn, @jeylovestoblog Jey, @kookiewithak Maddison, @fetus-jungkook Haneul, @bangtannoon Alison, @polarstar17 Paula, @philophobia999 Jailene
91.Eye color: Brown
92. Favorite movie: Back to the future
I tag whoever wants to do this :) @Jungkook , I bet that son of a fetus will do the challenge as well if you ask him
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