#cause she's a fully realized character who isn't limited by the constraints of tradfem or 90s tomboy cliches
arte072 · 1 year
you ever think about how the asoiaf fandom will go on and on about Arya’s “traditionally masculine” journey and then you read her chapters and it’s like
being criticized by adult women for not sufficiently excelling in useless gender roles 
getting a puppy!! 🐶
losing the puppy 😿
picking flowers for her dad  💐🥰
being victim blamed for the actions of a guy 😑
being bullied for her appearance 😞
becomes homeless
takes care of a bunch of kids
gets engaged to men she doesn’t know
becomes a prisoner of war 
forced to cook and clean under extremely violent and abusive circumstances
witnessing and experiencing war crimes
female rage 🤬😡💢👿
gets a crush on a boy with shaggy hair and blue eyes~~ 😳💙🔨
talks to god 🌲
gets kidnapped by a loser 🙄🔥
worry that her mother will reject her for getting dirty 😭
gets depression
learns blood magic
becomes an academic 🏫🎓🤓
becomes a theater kid 🎭
awakening the magic from within ✨🐺🌕🌙✨
if all of these are inherently masculine then I do wonder what is considered acceptably “feminine” in these people’s eyes. crying in a dress? because she does that too... but y’know this fandom and their desperation to separate Arya from her girlhood lol
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