#cause of the parallelssss
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mettywiththenotes · 3 months ago
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I thought maybe you could love me like you used to
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Even though I'm... different
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But you changed too
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So... here's to the new us
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fruity-legos · 5 months ago
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*gestures at Cooper and The Insomniac* 
The parallelssss
Spoilers ofc but like 
When I came up with The Insomniac’s backstory i wanted them to have parallels to Logan and Cooper because they’re really their villain at first, cause yk its their adventure so in a way The Insomniac sort of … well they sort of ended up embodying the type of villain/person Cooper could become 
Cuz see The Insomniac was just like him, constantly under a crap ton of pressure to live up to person/people that are important in their lives, forced to fill the shoes left behind type of vibes
Unfortunately unlike Cooper (so far) The Insomniac eventually cracks under the pressure and thats what turns them evil, they’re done being compared to people so they thought “hey what if there wasnt anyone to be compared to” and then thats how they became a villain
Additional these two parallel each other by both being “the smart guy”, they’ll never be able to overpower others so its all about outsmarting their opponents and mindgames 
So yeah they parallel each other but The Insomniac isnt one to flaunt these similarities so Cooper is left to notice them and wonder “hey what if i end up exactly like them?” and perhaps that will chew him up from the inside out because really, in the end whats the difference between himself and this villain? 
*drops and runs away*
*picks it up and eat it*
brooo literally tweaking right now this is so good i need the insomniac to be canon now just for the parallels Rhshhahfhah my brain is now infected
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jihyocentric · 2 years ago
lumi lumi lumi HI long time no see (and that is my bad but im here now!!)
BUT PLEASEEEE NAYEON IS SUCH A GODDAMN TEASE WHEN SHES DROPPING JIHYO OFF jeongyeon's just trying to get some and here comes nayeon
"oh, i am taking a trip..." nayeon tells her in the same husky tone, suggestively. "back home. see you in a few hours!"
quite literally one of the funniest things ever of all time i hope you are proud of yourself you should be!!!
jeonghyo is so soft and sweet and perfect but my god they are so AWKWARD😭😭 its adorable tho!! i loved jihyo being too small for jeongyeon's clothes cause yeah that girl is TINY
AND OMGGGG JIHYO JUST PLOPPING DOWN IN JEONGYEON'S LAP OKAYYYY LITERARY PARALLELSSSS cause there was the other fill (this one) where jihyo just announces she's gonna sit in jeongyeon's lap when she was first getting comfy with her, and now they're moving on in their relationship and she did it AGAIN. i just love that
oh and the difference in nayeon and jeongyeon treating jihyo when getting her off mhm loved to see it. nayeon with the praise and jeongyeon with the teasing is actually a deadly combo idk how jihyo is going to survive it ljskldf
oh but i imagine jeongyeon WILL be teasing the both of them about once they officially get together
and they kissed!! real kissing!! i love these little gay bitches you've created, they are so precious to me even with their awkwardness and avoiding feelings skldjflks
again sorry i've been gone for a little but i love what you've been doing with pup!hyo (and as a nahyo enthusiast as well also this one wiensofkls)
thanks for always writing great things!! cant wait to see what's next!!
(don't worry about not showing up, take care of yourself bestie 🤍)
and YES JEONGYEON WANTS NAYEON SO BAD but if nayeon can be mean even to her pup imagine jeongyeon,, like jeong will have to go through it until nayeon wants to sleep with her again (and also... there's the puppy factor. this it's what i call jihyo's abandoned puppy pout when things get steamy between nayeon and jeongyeon)
THANK YOU for finding it funny 3mix in general are hilarious together 😭 like they're fucking each other every other night but still act like Bros™
but oh yeah jeongyeon's gonna love to know how much of a lapdog jihyo is, she's small and needy and precious and addicted to human touch (from 2 humans specifically), AND YES I DID THAT BECAUSE I THOUGHT ABOUT THAT OTHER FILL
2yeon will take her to hell and back and jihyo is gonna love every second of it!!! about jihyo not touching herself i still find it so funny that she will only touch herself if nayeon is not a possibility at the moment 😭 other than that she pretends she has no hands, acts silly and pouts till nayeon gets her off, it's just how it is!! and nayeon loves doing it for her pup
i'm giggling at the thought of nayeon trying to work or just doing some cleaning around the house and jihyo trying to get her attention, maybe even asking for nayeon to give her a hand and nayeon giving her straight up a 'no', but then jihyo keeps coming back and her pout gets bigger each time, and when nayeon looks at her puppy holding her own boner and pouting she just can't resist it 😭
i love them so much!!! this au is huge brain type of stuff and i'm proud of us for making it this way!
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rainstormfes · 4 years ago
Attack on Titan S4 Ep6
Ya know... i thought i wouldnt make another one of these but OH WELL EP6 OPENED UP MORE THINGS ABT THIS AMAZING STORY SO I’M MAKING ANOTHER POST TO RANTTTTT
So again SPOILER WARNING I’m gonna be talking about Attack on Titan: The Final Season Ep6
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FIRST OF ALL can i just say the war hammer titan LOOKS SO FRICKIN COOLLLLLL like that is the coolest frickin ability BY FAR THAT WE HAVE EVER SEEN
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Eren’s hot.
Ok but also i just wanna comment on the fact that he’s changed SO MUCH like PHEWWWW the character development is amazing. He went from such an energetic kid to this stoic, always analyzing, ‘i have no choice’ man and it gives me SO much whiplash.
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Mikasa’s hot
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Jean glowed up and is now hot
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Floch’s hair isn’t that weird spiral thingy i’m proud 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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Whatta glo up connie Y E S 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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ok THE PARALLELSSSS this ss alone holds the same vibes as eren on the boat in 845 and he was swearing he’d kill every last titan. GOSH YES I LOVE THESE PARALLELS SO MUCH.
This part hurt my heart so much bc we know that THIS ONLY HAPPENED. BECAUSE THE MARLEYANS WANTED TO RETAKE PARADIS FOR DUMB RESOURCES so they were like ‘AIGHT LETS GO KILL EVERYONE ON PARADIS’ and then that just triggered the chain reaction of the walls being broken down and eren’s rage being sparked etc etc like i imagine none of this wouldve happened if they WEREN’T GREEDY. I mean sure grisha might’ve done smth if wall maria’s first breach didn’t happen but it wouldn’t have had as much of an influence as wall maria’s breach had
Oh yea ALSO i’d like to give ayaneru (gabi’s seiyuu) a special mention cause the scream gabi let out around the time when udo was getting trampled and it was just settling in that zofia and udo were dead was executed SO. WELL. The TERROR in her voice was *chef’s kiss*. (weird sentence but seriously her scream along with the screen showing eren just perfectly juxtaposed the situation. Eren’s gone through this shiz before. Oh he knows what every single child that’s being orphaned right now is going through. But GOSH DANG IT HE HAS NO CHOICE CAUSE ALL THE PARADIS PPL WANT IS FREEDOM AND THEY’RE NOT GONNA GET IT UNLESS THEY LITERALLY STOP EVERYONE TRYING TO GET IN THEIR WAY BUT THE PEOPLE GETTING IN THEIR WAY ALSO HAVE THEIR REASONS AS WELL)
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O H ?
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Gosh he looks so hot. I love how he’s called by name probably cause zeke, pieck, and reiner were like ‘YALL BEWARE OF THIS GUY AIGHT’
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aND I KNOW everyone’s made connections to mikasa wearing eren’s scarf still and levi wearing the og survey corps cape to represent erwin and every single life they ever lost in the walls BUT GOSH DANG IMMA PUT IT HERE CAUSE IT DESERVES TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED. GOSH. AND NEXT EP LEVI IS GONNA FIGHT ZEKE AGAIN I AM SOOOOOO READY FOR LEVI VS BEAST TITAN PT2
Oh yea also, I just love the added detail of basically everyone using the interior police 3DMG equipment that was “specifically designed to kill humans” along w the thunder spears. BUT THEN LEVI USES THE OG 3DMG EQUIPPED W ONLY SWORDS CAUSE HE AND HANJI ARE THE LAST REMAINING OG SURVEY CORPS MEMBERS AND TO SEE HIM REPRESENT EVERYONE THAT HAD TO BE SACRIFICED TO MAKE IT TO THE MAINLAND IS JUST *CHEF’S KISS*
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THIS. T H I S FRICKIN SCENE. Porco’s like ‘what?! these humans know i’m a titan right? they know that and yet they’re coming to kill me?!?!’ MY GOSH YES OFC THEY ARE.
All humans learn to adapt to their environments (i’d like to believe) faster than any other species on this earth AND GOSH DANG DUMPING HUMANS IN A PRISON FILLED WITH TITANS THEY’RE BOUND TO LEARN HOW TO DEFEND THEMSELVES EVENTUALLY. As eren once put it, the survey corps are made up of a bunch of weirdos. But that’s what their world needed. Weirdos brave enough and stupid enough and curious enough to want to figure out how to kill titans and figure out their certain quirks and behaviors.
Totally understandable how, if s4 was released first, we would see the paradis ppl as demons bc titan killing humans?! That’s never been SEEN in Liberio or all of the continental mainland for that matter. ITS JUST SO FUNNY TO SEE HIM FREAKING OUT like that’s what DECADES of living with titans has done for the humanity within the walls hehehe.
ALSO i bet the rest of the titan shifters are gonna be like ‘wtf’ seeing LEVI (who is one of the shortest among them) WIELDING BASICALLY TOOTHPICKS in their eyes. O H my gosh i really wanna see more reactions from the titan shifters cause it’ll be HILARIOUS. Their minds being absolutely blown after only believing that the only thing that can kill titans is other titans is just so funny. YALL’S HIGHER UPS WERE THE REASON THEY EVEN ADAPTED IN THE FIRST PLACE BC THEY WERE FORCED INTO THAT HELL AND NO WAY DID THEY JUST GIVE UP.
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And ofc this beautiful frame. I personally absolutely frickin love the cgi that they implement. IT LOOKS SO COOL AND EVERYTHING from the TITANS to the 3DMG just looks AMAZING
Gosh this episode, again, reinforces the idea that both sides are fighting for their own justified beliefs. Like ofc i wanna root for the paradis ppl and honestly they kinda deserve the victory after so long of just losing countless and lives and hope. Liberio and marley in general hasn’t faced that kind of loss yet. Like all theyve ever fought is PEOPLE. Imagine fighting against an enemy that is SO much more powerful and unpredictable than you. BUT on the flip side on the mainland, everyone still has loved ones they dont want to lose. And eldians are still highly persecuted as well so they have also fought to win favor with the marleyans and not get killed for the shallow reason that their ancestors killed many people and that they should take responsibility for that. For example falco (and his brother) is trying to protect their family and the girl that he likes. And gabi herself is probably being held on high expectations cause she’s related to reiner. Everyone has their struggles. It’s just... whose side do you want to be on?
Anywaysssss cant wait for ep7 :3
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