#cause like how can u take me asking for donations to gaza and say im blackmailing people????
i-cant-sing · 4 months
Hello there, ✌️
I saw your post about asking ppl to send money to Gaza in exchange for your work. You'd only continue writing if you got proof of it.
I can understand your reasoning, it IS a very important topic that should concern all of us and I defo think your heart is in the right place here. ❤️
But what you're doing is blackmailing, basically. Honorable intention or not.
I chose to come at you not as anon, but as myself because I want you to see I mean you no harm or ill-intent. I just saw the post and couldn't NOT scroll past it. Using people's love for your work to manipulate them into doing your bidding is just...it didn't sit well with me. So I had to reach out.
Tumblr can defo help in spreading word and give those a voice who have been silenced for far too long, but I don't think this is the way to go about it.
Again, no hard feelings here. Just my honest opinion. ✌️
Hope you have a good day! <3
this is..... this has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever read omg
Girl is this what you're thinking I'm doing????
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Where did I say that I won't post it if I don't get enough donations???? Ofc, it would make me happy if yall did and even motivate me to write better and even faster.
Do you just throw around words without thinking?? "Blackmailing" "using people's love to do your bidding" WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?????
You sound like the person who'd argue about "but there's homeless people in our area, so why should I care about what's happening in the other side of the world??" while you help neither group of people.
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hansolz-moved · 24 days
i have some concerns about what you’ve been doing with your fundraising campaigns lately. when you first started the thing asking people to donate to you, and you said that the money would go to gazans and in return they’d get a gifset, i thought it was an interesting idea for a good cause. but now tbh things aren’t adding up. you've posted three gifsets with the discription about gaza so far, which implies that at least three people have donated. yet, there’s no actual proof that any of this money is going where you say it is. how do we know you’re not just keeping it for yourself?
plus you’re pushing over 20 different gofundmes, and a lot of them raise red flags. they look sketchy, and with your posts getting 1000+ notes, it’s concerning. you’re using words like "much needed" and mentioning things like someone being pregnant or disabled, which feels manipulative. the way you deliberately use colors in your posts is also noticeable. like the oranges and yellows to invoke urgency and warmth, and greens to create a sense of trust. this stuff is backed by science btw but im sure you know that. so it’s starting to feel like you’re using people’s emotions to get them to donate without being transparent about where the money actually goes. this all just feels off, and im not sure why everyone blind follows you. if this is legit, you need to show some proof. otherwise, it’s looking like you’re taking advantage of people’s empathy and generosity
whoa, you are a deeply untrusting person and i hope you heal.
first of all, i haven’t asked anyone to donate directly to me. read the post again. i literally gave two options of places people could donate directly to. i haven’t touched a single dollar from anyone. ive seen the proof that they've donated what they claimed to and i've never once asked or expected that they share it publicly to placate weirdos like u
second, i’m not going to just ignore people who have been practically sentenced to die when they come to me in my inbox asking for help. like, no shit i’m going to post their gofundmes when they ask. i’m not forcing anyone to donate—i’m just sharing the links. if people decide to donate, that’s on them. if they don’t, that’s also on them. i’m just trying to do what i can.
also please be so fr... you think i’m sitting around with all this time on my hands, while raising an INFANT, meticulously selecting what colors to use in my posts to most effectively manipulate people? lmfao. i am a deeply simpleminded person dude it’s literally just 'ooh color pretty' and that’s as far as it goes.
i don't have any ulterior motives. i want to help people in need with my limited means and i have been entirely transparent about that for the past 10.5 months. as for you... may i suggest therapy? anyways check @caratsforchange out we're over halfway to our first goal of $100 sent to palestinian causes! 😼 stay mad babe
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