#cause it was sexist! in the past - because our ancestors were sexist! they hated women. my heritage is a sexist heritage
drumlincountry · 1 year
I think a key thing to remember, if you wanna practice anything pagan-y or witch-y without falling prey to fascist propoganda ....is that ideas do not have to be old to be good.
I’m 100% serious. There is no ancient-and-therefore-correct ~ rite of the seasons that u need to emulate or cleave as closely to as you can. You do not need to find out what some pre-christian europeans were possibly maybe doing around this time of year, 2000 years ago. it doesn’t matter. Look at me. listen when I say this: it does not matter!
If a practice nourishes you spiritually & harms no one else .... great job! you have a good spiritual practice! If it connect you with the land & communities which support you & surround you, even better! It doesn’t matter if you made it up yesterday, or someone else made it up in the iron age. It makes exactly 0 difference. Ideas do not have to be old to be good.
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kenstout2107-blog · 7 years
Loose Talk
When I read this quote in Rolling Stone’s Loose Talk I heard some of my own sentiments echoed. I’ve noticed a lot of the liberal and politically correct types still are thinking with antiquated ideas. The sixties are over, things have changed and not so much for the better. Some of them need to wake up and smell the coffee. The sixties ideas don’t always work in the twenty first century. I agree with Michael Savage Modern liberalism is a mental disorder, it’s also a form of brainwashing and indoctrination. I’m sick and tired of white guilt being rammed down everybody’s throats. These days college students get politically correct socialist indoctrination instead of an education. Words like Diversity, MultiCulturalism, and AntiRacist are now code words for racism against white people. They have “white guilt” and “white privilege” force fed to them. There is also now a MTV documentary called White People, more PC racist propaganda. They can get away with this because white people don’t burn down their own neighborhoods every time they get their toes get stepped on. It appears that many activists haven’t gotten past the protest demonstration mode. They keep inventing ridiculous causes to stay relevant. Most of the great social causes were fought for many years ago. Some people have been trying to reinvent the sixties for many years to stay relevant. Since the Michael Brown shooting Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson among others has been trying to reinvent the Civil Rights Era. Since the sixties we’ve been subjected to excuses as to why we should be punished for things that happened before we were born. How many of us today owned slaves during the Antebellum South? How many of us were around back then? Some people honestly believe white people today should be punished for the slavery of centuries past. How quickly people forget that Arabs and other Africans captured and sold slaves to the Europeans. Ancient Arabs when they would overrun another nation would force the vanquished people into slavery. They would be forced into long marches where many didn’t survive. Some PC types only mention the Europeans with the implication that it was only the Europeans who committed atrocities. Today there are some twenty seven million African slaves in Muslin countries. How many people alive today participated in the atrocities against the Native Americans? Our ancestors may have taken Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California from Mexico but the Spaniards took that land from the Aztecs, Mayans, Inca’s etc. Why isn’t that fact given as much attention? To say our people did it is a cop out. The terms “racist” and “racism” were created by Leon Trotsky a cohort of Karl Marx and Valdamir Lenin. They are communist in origin. Why do so many ignore the contributions white people have made to modern society? Electricity, penicillin, airplanes, Radio, television, steam engines, computers, lightbulb’s, telephone’s, automobile’s were all invented by white males. I sick of being demonized for being of European American ancestry. It appears may people still cling to the idea of the religious right. People like Jimmy Swaggart and Jerry Falwell are no longer an issue. These days we have a backlash against Christianity. You can’t mention Jesus or the Bible in school while the Five Pillars of are ISLAM are in several schools. School officials will cave into almost any demand CAIR makes for fear of being harassed or protested. Greedy lawyers are only too happy to file frivolous lawsuits for them.Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg wants to make safe spaces on Facebook for Muslim’s but wants to censor conservative/politically incorrect post’s as being hurtful. Has’nt he heard of the First Amendment? How can people like Michael Moore make statements like “Were all Muslim”? How can women and LGTB people defend Islam? They’re targets of Muslim animosity and aggression? How can a Jewish person defend people who scream hurtful and hateful rants like: “Death to Israel”, “Death to America”, and “ Death to the Infidel”. The LGTB Community is getting out of hand. I was once very sympathetic to their plight when the causes were AIDS and Gay Bashing. These days the New School Gay/LGTB people don’t just want acceptance the want to wave it in everybody’s face and force it on people who don’t want to be involved in it. This is why you see bakeries being sued if they have a religious objection to making gay wedding cakes. I noticed nobody ever mentions Muslim bakeries or Mosques in this matter. Do you notice a double standard? The Obama administration is ordering the armed forces to include transgender’s.  We need a military that can defend America. Transgender inclusiveness can wait, we have bigger problems like ISIS and Iran.  And what about the uproar about the Confederate Flag? This has been a historical symbol. It never was intended as a racist symbol. It was a battle flag. Please note the civil War was fought over tax and economic disputes between the Northern and Southern States. Freeing the slaves was part of the Union war effort to undermine the south. Now in New York City school children are now saying a new pledge of allegiance to an international flag. I’ve noticed some people are offended at the drop of a hat. It’s almost they want something to be offended by. I’m so glad I grew up in a saner time. Political Correctness is becoming the new Mcarthyism. Instead of Communist you’ll be branded racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or Isamophobic if you disagree. We also need to stand up to the people who mindlessly shout out these cheap shots. The cheap one liner’s are one of the dirty tricks the New Left uses to silence those who disagree. There are just as many liberals who are just as narrow minded and bigoted at the conservatives they so happily bash.  My own sentiments are echoed by this quote.  Here is what Kansas Keyboardist Steve Walsh was quoted as saying: “I was a hippie, and everything was beautiful and I love Negros and everything. I’d been sheltered; I hadn’t been out in the cold world. Now, hell-I’d vote for George Wallace tomorrow if he was running’ for president. I hope we get a little more aggressive and start telling these pea picking’ little countries that they can’t shove us around anymore.”   #RollingStone #SteveWalsh #LooseTalk #liberalsimisamentaldisorder #savagenation #PCisBS #whiteshaverightstoo  #dontdowhiteguilt #dontdoamericaguilt #stopislammunism #stopobammunism  #hillaryAKAhitleryAKAhilliary #ooabad14dusa #stopculturalcleansing #adiosamerica #pinknazis #kathrynstienle #gaystapo #chatanooga #tomilahren #pantsupdontloot #whitelivesmatter #pompouspontif #pompouspapacy #bethvanduyne #carolinepowell
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