#cause if animal Yang drinks a cat's milk
sevi-fuk · 1 year
Weiss, looking at Yang drinking: I did not know you drank milk?
Yang, taking a long and slow sip: Only Blake's.
Weiss: *shocked pikachu face*
Yang: *downs the entire shot*
Something my brain wanted to send you.
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Drew this as fast as I could
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neoangelic · 5 years
Don’t Need Your Love
➳ an nct dream series
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After a horrible first love experience, Yang Ahn joins the Don’t Need Your Love club via invitation. Things don’t turn out the way they were supposed to. 
➳ a story of not-so-romance featuring: the coolest club on campus, the meaning of unrequited, teenagers, best friends, heartbreak, healing, first loves, and new ones. 
➳ masterlist 
➳ note: female oc, multiple pairings, ot7 dream, not saying anything more bc spoilers!
➳ word count: 2235
DNYL. A four-letter word—if you would even call it a word. DNYL: four letters that defined the rest of my youth. Four letters that changed my perspective of quite a few other four-letter words. These four consonants brought together a broken band of romance misfits, the love-lost and the lovelorn, and I was the unfortunate latter.
A scoff dared to spill from my lips when I heard Harvey’s voice crackle over the loudspeaker. It wasn’t abnormal for clubs to advertise themselves via intercom, but those were your usual clubs: basketball, taekwondo, art, math, and such. It started off one of those usual announcements at first, but his next words turned everything around.
“The coolest club on campus: DNYL—”
Such a declarative statement. It stopped me in my tracks on the way to homeroom.
“—Don’t Need Your Love.”
And like the rest of the student body, his audacious proposal of a club nearly made me laugh. Harvey was a sweet exchange student from the United Kingdom. A gregarious boy with a knack for gathering people’s interest. This stunt was no exception. Like the rest of Neo Culture Tech’s teenager-filled population, he droned on about relationships, though he spoke of the broken kind. 
Since I had no relation to such types of relationship, I let his voice fade into the background of chattering students and teachers ushering them off to class. At this point, all I paid attention to was the scuff on my Mary Janes as I walked and the way the spine of my notebooks sat uncomfortably against my bicep. My grip on them grew tighter as bits and pieces of Harvey’s speech were growing harder to suppress. Intrusive thoughts crawled its way into my mind. A whisper of an unforgotten forgotten name. Ghosts of conversations in a foreign language. A face began to form in my memory. One with cat-like, sharp eyes. Before my fingertips could come into contact with the cool metal of the doorknob in front of me and snap me out of my thoughts—something else did.  
“Do you feel down from all this unrequited love?” 
Do you feel down from all this unrequited love? Was that even a question?
I finally let a chuckle past my lips, once again turning my attention towards the scuff mark on my shoe, once again letting the name of first love to be forgotten and remembering that I had a class to attend.
“What’s so funny?”
“Lee Jeno, Jesus Christ,” my shoulders jumped to my ears. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
“You looked dumb standing like that,” he gestured to my hand that floated above the doorknob.
“Are you trying to act like Hyuck-oppa by insulting me?”
“Well as your new best friend, I need to fill the void that Haechan left in our Ahn-ah’s heart.”
“You say that like he’s dead.”
“Yeah, dead to you.”
“Only sometimes,” I roll my eyes. “He’ll be back in one more month and I never said anything about you being my new best friend.”
He pouts, like a puppy. “Well haven’t I done a good job of taking care of you while he’s gone? You did post on your insta story about best friend applications being open and I remember sending you a resume that I don’t think you ever read. He’s been gone since like the beginning of last school year—”
Jeno continued to ramble on with loud hand gestures. It was odd to know that this was the boy I was introduced to during freshman year of high school. His features have grown to become more chiseled and—due to his resolution of ‘becoming fit’ over the summer—I couldn’t help but notice the outlines of muscle through his school uniform. Still retaining his puppy-like features, puberty didn’t steal away his cuteness just yet. The Lee Donghyuck he currently was ranting about was my best friend of now four years. I concluded that his one-sided competition for Donghyuck’s role as my best friend was his little way of reminiscing the devilish boy. Although, he’d never admit that he missed him. Neither would I.
Donghyuck was the funniest boy I ever met. He was like the sun at its brightest as it shone through a stormy day. His reactions were exaggerated and animated and he never failed at catching every opportunity for a quick-witted remark against me. But my favorite part about him was when he made jokes with a straight face. Sometimes I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not. He breathed life into my gloomy 7th-grade self. But I don’t think I could forgive him for not metaphorically holding my hand throughout first year. He had to leave Korea a quarter through the first semester because his parents won a trip to Canada. And I get it. Canada was a great place to be, but he failed to inform me that his trip would last about a year. Before he left, he introduced me to Jeno and told me that we would get along splendidly. 
In the words of my best friend; ‘you’d be too much of a loner while I’m gone, so I bestow this pity gift on you.’ 
Not to mention, our first meeting was hilarious. 
He was right. I missed him like the moon missed the sun in the cold night sky.
Luckily, Jeno and I had more in common than I thought and maybe Donghyuck knew that. Maybe that was why he introduced us. He always had an eye for such things. 
The first thing I said made him choke on his milk and flush cherry. Let’s just say I recognized him from an old advert he did as a child actor, featuring the said drink he choked on. The Lee Jeno I first got to know was awkward and shy, never without his crescent-crinkled eyes, a bashful smile, and fingers pulling on a hoodie string. The Lee Jeno that stood in front of me was wide-eyed, broad-shouldered, and confident as ever. 
He grew up a lot.
Don’t ever tell him this (lest you want his ego to inflate) but I really admired him for that. 
“—in conclusion, who was there for that whole fiasco? Not Haechan. What did he ever do? Facetime you every day? Pff I bought you ice cream. Now that’s a real friendship. You didn’t see him flying over from Canada to comfort you, did you? Maybe he was whisked away by a Canadian babe or hunk—”
“You got me my least favorite flavor,” I remarked.
“Ahn-ah,” he whined. “Give me some credit.”
“Tough love. If you wanna be Donghyuck try to be more annoying. He’d never greet me like that.”
“Oh yeah? And how would he have greeted you?” Jeno leaned forward to meet me eye level as if challenging me. Regret flashed in his eyes as I promptly jumped up to put him in a headlock, messing up his perfectly combed hair with my free hand.
“Aw isn’t our Jeno-oppa so grown up?” I pout, pulling and pinching at his cheeks. “Every morning that I see you, you seem to get taller. What am I going to do with you?”
He scrunched his nose in disgust, furrowing his brows. “I think I have cooties now.”
“That’s the spirit. Now keep that up and you’re on your way—maybe—to be just like Hyuckie.”
“The absolute disrespect you’re giving him while he’s gone, calling someone older than you so casually” he scoffs, wrestling his head out of my grasp. “How has he had this much influence on you while he’s gone?”
“Lee. Yang. I don’t suppose you’d want to be late for my class while having a lovers quarrel, don’t you?”
I push Jeno away from me and bowed, flustered. “Sorry, saem.”
“Saem-nim,” Jeno clicked his tongue at my rough gesture, running his fingers through his hair. “I don’t think I could think of her romantically even if I was paid five million won.”
Mr. Song tapped his knuckles against the boy’s head. “Be nice to girls, Jeno. I was joking. I guess you finally found another boy to bully, Ahn?”
“In my defense, sir, the last boy was the one who bullied me.”
“I liked you better with the other boy you were friends with, yes. Why don’t I see him with you anymore? You seemed to cause a lot less trouble with—”
Jeno swung the door open. “I think we should get to our seats, Ahn-ah. I’m sorry about the trouble Mr. Song.” His hands clasped around my shoulders and ushered me into the classroom, another scuff to probably form as I tried to not trip over my own feet or drop my books. He shoved me toward my seat.
“Shh,” he shot an annoying smile at my irritation. “Class is starting.”
“Rude. I think Donghyuck got to you too,” I grumble, sinking my face into the palm of my hand as my notebooks lay in disarray on my desk. It was unfortunate that our homeroom teacher was nice. He let Jeno sit next to me.
“I’ll call attendance now.” 
My unfortunate seatmate leaned closer toward me. I inched away, rolling my eyes as he whispered.
“So… does that make me better BFF material?” His eyes disappeared into crescents as he prodded me with is a pencil, chuckling deviously. I slapped his hand away.
“You’re still not as funny as him.”
“What the hell—”
“Lee, Jeno?” Mr. Song stared at the black-haired boy with a raised eyebrow.
To which he coughed loudly to cover up his expletive.
And aside from Harvey’s little announcement that morning, the rest of the day went on without a hitch. Soon enough, Monday turned into Tuesday, which morphed into Wednesday and bumped into Thursday. All the “day”s seemed the same. Monotonous. The only thing that was different was the slowly shifting breeze and the changing colors of the leaves of plants and trees. The autumn scenery was finally settling in.
And you know what they say about autumn.
It was a fitting season for the boy in front of me. A season of endings and changes—amongst all the other autumn things. 
“Why are you tearing them down?” I caught a piece of paper that fluttered down the stairway. It had been a while since I spoke English, the language strange on my tongue. “They’re cute.”
Harvey turned around and flashed a tight-lipped smile. He shook his head with a disappointed exhale. “Quite frankly, the whole thing was a bust.” His hand reached for another DNYL poster, one of many that scattered the walls of this place.
I picked up some rogue posters that fell onto the steps, approaching the foreign boy. I wasn’t lying about the posters being cute. They were handmade and created with color and illustration, the words written in an aesthetic way. Though, I didn’t mind to read them. 
“Why’d you make the club in the first place?”
“I guess I’ve just seen those people around campus who’ve just been so unhappy,” he said. “It felt horrible knowing that there was nothing I could do to help but I thought to myself that maybe, just maybe, if I created a safe haven away from that heartbreak, then nobody would feel lonely enough to cry their heart out. Have you ever had the feeling of wanting to start something beautiful?” Harvey’s eyes were green and genuine. The golden light from the window was filtered through leaves, creating a taste of a nostalgic, bittersweet what-if. 
“Once,” I answered, a feeling pulling at my chest. An urge. A remembrance of what was and what could have been. There was a wish for warmth, even soaked in the honey glow of the sun. Longing. For new beginnings. 
Who hasn’t felt the wish for something to ignite?
For something to explode.
For undreamt dreams to just come true.
“I guess I also wanted to leave a small legacy before I leave. I need to go back home pretty soon.” A solemn sigh left Harvey once again as he stared down at one of his white posters. A pitiful silence hung in the air, dust fairies dancing and floating around us, falling and disappearing away from the light.
“Maybe you just need to find your targeted audience,” the words didn’t mean to come out of my lips, but they did anyway. “NCT is a highschool where teenage romance never sleeps. You’d be best off finding some outliers—y’know like the people you mentioned.”
“The ones I’ve seen around campus?”
“Yeah. Those who have been dumped, had a bad breakup, dealing with a broken heart… isn’t that what you said this club was for?”
“I wouldn’t suppose you’re one of those outliers?” He called out.
I looked behind at Harvey and the colorful papers that stuck out from his arms and his backpack. I looked at the empty walls and the tape that he wasn’t able to scrape off and half torn stickers that spelled ‘DN’. I look at him and smile without meaning to.
“If this is truly the coolest club on campus, then send a message my way.
“I don't have your number.”
“Who said you needed to text me to communicate? Send me something interesting—something special. I wanna feel like I’m being invited to the Phantom’s masquerade,” I turned away, biting at the inside of my cheek. My next words came at a frightening decrescendo as I realized what I was getting myself into. “If you find that I’m suited for your club…surprise me.
<< recruiting now | masterlist | boys are never worth it >>
footnotes -
saem: a shortened word for ‘seongsaeng-nim’ or teacher.
oppa: well, I think we all know this one but I mostly use it to signify respect or difference of age
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feeddegi · 4 years
10 Mistakes Not To Make With Your Cat
Independent and mysterious, the cat is endowed with a language that is not always easy to decode. Nothing like a veterinarian to point out the mistakes we could make, and which make his hair stand on end!
Mistake # 1 With Your Cat: Giving Her Milk As A Drink
The cat and his bowl of milk ... An image of Épinal. However, most cats do not digest cow's milk, or rather its lactose, the sugar in milk. A question of lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose: at weaning, when the kitten switches from a milk diet to a solid diet, the level of lactases drops in the digestive tract. However, poorly digested milk ferments in the intestine and causes bloating and diarrhea. To choose, it is better to give him store-bought “cat milk”, low in lactose, considering that it is a treat, rich in calories which cannot replace water.
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 Mistake # 2: Give him only 2 meals a day
The cat is a born nibbler and needs about fifteen mini-meals a day. In the wild, it hunts small prey and must hunt 10 to 15 times per 24 hours to meet its nutritional needs. To give him only one meal morning and evening pushes him to hunt or to visit the bowls of neighbors. And if he doesn't go out, the food frustration associated with not being able to hunt will make him anxious and aggressive.
Mistake #3: thinking that he is independent and only needs his bowl and his litter to live
The cat suffers from its reputation as an independent and opportunistic animal. Independent does not mean asocial, otherwise he would not have been domesticated. Opportunist, he is when he hunts what presents itself, but that does not mean that he is only interested in food and shelter in humans! It needs social interactions and human presence, otherwise it will wither away ... or will find another home.
Mistake # 4 not to do with your cat: punish him
Physical or moral punishment is even more deleterious in a sensitive species like the cat than in the dog. At best, he associates the unpleasant experience not with his stupidity but with you, which causes him to be on his guard around you and to avoid you. At worst, he is traumatized and becomes anxious and aggressive.
Mistake # 5: not getting him vaccinated if he doesn't come out
Even warm at home, it is not immune to certain contagious diseases. Like typhus , whose virus, very resistant in the environment, can be transmitted indirectly by the dog in the house - which comes out - or you. The cat can also carry in him since his childhood microbes which “wake up” during a decline in form and immune defenses: this is the case with coryza . Finally, he may be brought in his life to meet other cats during holidays, a stay in boarding ... For an apartment cat, the vaccination protocol is generally lightened (reminders only every 3 years).
Mistake # 6: Thinking It Has To Happen At Least Once In Your Life
What an anthropomorphic idea! Cats and cats do not suffer from having no offspring: the male never raises her kittens and the female does not know what it is to have before her first litter. This is neither useful nor necessary for his physical or moral health. Such a misconception promotes the proliferation of cats, abandonment of kittens , saturated shelters and euthanasia. Animal protection associations can attest to this!
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 Mistake # 7: letting it out at night
The cat is a twilight hunter and instinctively he asks to go out at night, a good time to flush out small rodents. It is also at night that the Don Juan are the most active and that they fight the countryside in search of partners, and that they just fight among themselves. But it is also at night that the most fatal road accidents take place. Cars run faster and only see reckless felines in the dark at the very last moment ... Keeping it at home lets you sleep with peace of mind.
Mistake #8: not arranging your environment in 3 dimensions
The cat is an animal that has a visceral need to gain height. Arboreal, it likes to perch, to secure itself and observe its environment at leisure. When he lives in a closed environment (apartment), it is essential to find him and arrange shelters in height , which also allows to increase his living space. Giant cat tree, shelves, wall units, staircase shelves ... Show him your talents as a decorator.
Mistake # 9: Forcing Physical Contact
The cat likes everything except coercion. He is a predator but, remember, also a prey in the wild. This double status explains why he feels easily trapped. So few cats like to be hugged for a forced hug. They struggle, claw to escape. The rule is to always let it come to you and not the other way around. You can encourage him by calling him tenderly. A cat that is overworked becomes tense in the presence of humans and ends up running away from them.
Mistake # 10: failing to educate him
We talk a lot about the education of the puppy , much less about that of the kitten . However, we must continue the education started by our mother and teach her certain rules for harmonious cohabitation. The first thing to teach him is to control himself and to control his bite and claws. We teach him not to destroy the sofa, nor the electric wires, nor the plants. We educate our palate with foods of various textures and flavors. And he is taught to be a sociable, non-wild cat by bringing him into contact early with different people and animal friends.
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ibachelorrecipeus · 5 years
World’s 16 Most Popular Types of Coffee To try in 2019
Coffee is a day kicker, a conversation starter and a mood lifter for most of us. And as a coffee lover, you must want to know about the World’s most famous types of coffee. With the recipes, there are some interesting facts about these coffees so you’ll have fun reading them. See what are the world’s most famous coffee from Turkey to Brazil and how people like to have their coffee. So let’s dig in! 1. Espresso Espresso originated from Italy. It became popular in 1950’s. Espresso is made from brewing beans of coffee, it’s particularly famous for its Italian diaspora. Espresso is probably the most popular type of coffee. Fun Facts:
Espresso machine applies 132 pounds per square pressure to extract the coffee
50 coffee beans make 1 shot of espresso
Coffee powder
Granulated Sugar
How to make it: If you’ve got an espresso coffee machine, then great, but if you don’t have a coffee maker, then the best way to make is it to take a tablespoon of coffee powder adding one tablespoon of water and sugar according to your taste, mix it till the color of the coffee changes. Add hot milk to it and enjoy a hot cup of coffee. 2. Mazagran Coffee Mazagran is actually cold coffee that originated from Algeria. It is said to be originated in 1840’s war. Mazagran is poured over ice and in some versions, rum is also added to the mix. Fun Facts:
Did you know mazagran can lessen the risks of cardiovascular diseases?
Mazagran has antioxidants which prevent memory loss.
Black Coffee
Lemon Juice
Ice cubes
How to make it:
To make Mazagan you’ll need a glass, now fill the glass with black coffee and add 1 lemon juice.
      2. Then add sugar as per your taste and pour it over ice cubes. 3. Eiscaffee This is actually cold coffee. It originated in Germany, where it was made by mixing coffee and ice cream together. Different countries have their own versions of cold coffee. Interesting Facts:
Did you know Eiskaffee is known to prevent dizziness and causes mental alertness?
Two cups of coffee a day can extend your life.
Caffeinated coffee is known to improve blood flow.
Brewed coffee
Vanilla Ice cream
Whipped cream
How to make it:
Take a glass and add 3 scoops of ice cream in it.
Now pour the hot brewed coffee in it and add whipped cream on top.
4. Macchiato Macchiato is known to have originated in Italy. The word ‘macchiato’ means spotted, the name differentiated between espresso and coffee with a drop of milk. Interesting Facts:
Macchiato keeps your blood pressure in control.
A man named George Washington invented instant coffee in 1910.
In New York people drink 7 times more coffee than other cities of U.S.
Steamed milk
How to make it: To make macchiato you need to add steam milked on top of espresso in a 4:1 ratio. Special Tip: If you want to make macchiato for the whole family, make the espresso using Mr. Coffee 4-Cup Switch Coffeemaker. It will not just save your time but will make your coffee more perfect in taste. 5. Cappuccino Cappuccino originates from Italy and it means hood. It got popular in mid-1990’s. The traditional way to make it is to pour Steamed milk on espresso. The texture and temperature of milk are really important. The thick foam the mixture creates gives it a velvety texture. Interesting Facts:
People celebrate the World Cappuccino day on 8th November
The foam serves as an insulator and keeps the coffee hot
Cambridge created the first webcam to check a coffee pot
The work coffee means ‘wine of the bean’ in Arabic.
Steamed Milk
How to make it: Take a cup, add a ½ espresso and a ½ of steamed milk and top it with ½ of milk foam. 6. Turkish Coffee As the name indicates Turkish coffee originates from Turkey. It’s basically unfiltered coffee. It’s also called as ‘Bosnian coffee’, Turkish coffee is a big part of their traditional wedding customs. Turkish coffee is also used as fortune telling. Interesting Facts:
Turkish coffee is also used as fortune telling.
Turkish families use a Turkish coffee to judge the character of the groom by adding salt in coffee instead of sugar.
Japan has a cat café where you can go have coffee while hanging out with cats
Studies have proved that coffee does not dehydrate you contrary to popular belief.
Coffee powder
Cardamom powder
How to make it:
To make Turkish coffee you need to boil a cup of water.
After one boil you’ll add a tbsp of coffee powder 1/8 tsp of cardamom when foam starts to form then turn off the heat.
Turn on the heat again to allow it to foam. Then pour it into a coffee mug and serve!
7. Americano Americano is known to have originated from Latin America in 1970’s. It consists of a single or double shot of brewed espresso and water. Interesting Facts:
Americano is mostly water
It was created for American soldiers in the 2nd world war to cater their need of strong French coffee.
The only state in the U.S that grows coffee commercially in Hawaii
Hot water
How to make it: In a cup, add ¼ of espresso, ½ cup of water and serve. Accompany With: Classic Baklava 8. Irish Coffee As the name indicates it was originated in Ireland in 1942. It’s basically a cocktail consisting of Irish whiskey, hot coffee, and sugar. The original recipe also has cream, which is not whipped but drinks made with whipped cream is also known as Irish coffee. Interesting Facts:
People celebrate the National Irish Coffee Day on 25th of January
Buena Vista café in San Fransisco was the first café who served Irish coffee in the U.S. This café also holds the Guinness book of the world record of 15 gallons of Irish coffee
Coffee has more caffeine in it than energy drinks
Cold Brew Coffee
Irish Whiskey
Whipped cream
How to make it: Take a cup, add Irish whiskey and ½ cup of brewed coffee in it, then top it with whipped cream and enjoy! 9. Frappe Frappe originated from Greece in the 19th century. Its greek version was made in 1957. It’s very popular in cafés of Greece. Frappe is a French word and it means ‘to strike’ but in case of Frappe the drink it means chilled. Interesting Facts:
People celebrate the National Frappe Day on October 7th.
It is known that frappe was invented by an accident by a Nestle’s employer.
Coffee is actually a form of fruit. Yes, coffee berries are edible fruit that contains coffee beans in it.
Coffee powder
Ice cubes
How to make it:
Take a glass and add sugar and 1 tsp coffee in it, then add ½ cup water, keep blending.
Add ice cubes and enjoy the drink!
10. Black Eye coffee In every region, there is a different name for this coffee. It is actually a cup of coffee with a shot of espresso. Interesting Facts:
The Blackeye coffee is also known as red eye, dead dye, and turbo
Coffee is really good for your skin care
Coffee wasn’t always used to be a beverage. In fact, it was originally made to be eaten. In Ethiopia, a farmer saw that his animal was eating a particular plant and sort of developed an addiction towards it. Turned out it was a coffee plant, the farmer tried it himself and he felt energized and alert. For years, it was eaten before it was ground and brewed into a beverage. Interesting, no?
Brewed coffee
How to make it: To make black eye coffee add ¼ cup of espresso and brew coffee keeping them 4:1 in a ratio. 11. Yuan-Yang Coffee This particular type of coffee originated from Hong Kong. It’s a mixture of coffee and tea. This drink is very popular in China and Hong Kong. Interesting Facts: You can take Yuan Yang coffee as both hot and cold drinks. In Ethiopia, this type of coffee is called as spreeze. The National Institute of Health says that people who drink 4 or more cups of coffee in a day are 10% less likely sad due to the antioxidants present in it. Ingredients: Black tea Espresso Condensed Milk Ice cube How to make it: To make Yuan Yang coffee add 3 tbsp of condensed milk and mix ½ cup of espresso in it. 2. Now add ice cubes and black tea and enjoy! 12. Flat white coffee Both Australia and New Zealand claim that this particular type of coffee has been originated in their continent. It’s known to be invented in 1990s. Its base is espresso and Flat white coffee is similar to café au lait and latte.
Interesting Facts:
It’s one of the milkiest coffees available
The Flat white economy term was used to describe London’s internet, media, and creative business network.
Researchers have shown that coffee actually helps in reducing stress level.
Milk Foam
How to make it:
Add a single or double shot of espresso in a cup, then add steamed milk or milk foam over it and serve!
13. Mocha
Its origin is Italy and it’s a drink based on espresso with hot milk and added chocolate.
It’s also known as hot chocolate. In other variants, white chocolate or cocoa powder is also used.
Interesting Facts: Did you know that there are more than 60 plants that contain coffee in them? Did you know that the light roasts have more caffeine in them compared to dark roasts? In a study that includes 130,000 people, those who drank 1-3 cups of coffee per day had 20% less chance of suffering from abnormal heart rhythms. Ingredients: Espresso Steamed Milk Chocolate Syrup How to make it: To make a cup of mocha take ¼ cup of espresso and add ¼ cup of chocolate syrup in it. Then add 2/3 cup of steamed milk in it and serve! 14. Affogato It’s originated from Italy and it is a kind of dessert. A vanilla scoop topped with hot espresso and viola, you have an Affogato. Interesting Facts: The world’s largest cup of coffee had 2010 gallons made by Gourmet Gift Baskets in Las Vegas on Oct, 2015 A 20 person office drinks 62 cups per day. Most Expensive coffee in the world is ‘Kopi Luwak’. Ingredients: Brew Coffee Vanilla ice cream How to make it: Take a cup and add 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream and mix with 3 tbsp of brewed coffee or espresso. Sprinkle shaved chocolate on its top and enjoy! 15. Breve Breve is actually the American version of a latte. It is made by mixing half and half milk and cream with espresso. Interesting Facts: Did you know that coffee is the world’s 2nd most traded Commodity? The largest coffee consumer state is the United States September 29th is celebrated as The National Coffee Day in the United States Ingredients: Espresso Steamed half and half How to make it: Add ½ cup of espresso in a cup and ½ cup of steamed half and half, then pour milk foam on top and enjoy! 16. Café Au Lait Café Au Lait’s place of origin is France. It is a mixture of coffee and hot milk. In its different variations, steamed milk or scalded milk is used. If you want to make it at home, you can use heated milk and dark coffee.
Interesting Facts:
4 cups of coffee daily reduce the chances of diabetes by 50 %
65% of coffee consumption takes place during breakfast hours
Coffee is the 2nd most popular drink in the world after water
Steamed Milk
How to make it:
Take a cup and add ½ cup of espresso in it ½ cup of steamed milk and enjoy a perfect cup of coffee!
Source : Types of coffee
from Blogger http://easybachelorrecipe.blogspot.com/2019/04/Types-of-Coffee.html
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