#cause i set up another blog and im enjoying that one more and im like plz naegi come back i enjoy you too
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terrible profilers

(aka the team meets early seasons!spence's not-so-secret girlfriend)
a/n: this came to me in my dream last night and i cannot get over it, pls send asks/requests and tell me what you thought! (look at '#mystery girl!au' on my blog to see more musings about them <3)
cw: USE OF Y/N IM SORRY reader has she/her pronouns, the team is nosy, reader is a phd student, my niche personal headcanons of how i think spencer would text, probably more tech inaccuracies
wc: 3.5k
part one | part three | mlist
(reblogs are the only way to promote fics on tumblr! please reblog if you enjoyed it :) )
The moment Spencer walks into the bullpen, he knows something’s up. Garcia never replied to the text he’d sent on Friday night, and he’d hoped she was just busy on their first weekend off in a while, but it’s clear there’s more. Clutching the strap of his satchel, he walks to his desk, observing the strange tension blanketing the room.
For one, Hotch and Gideon are in the bullpen, standing in the corner speaking in hushed tones. Weird. They usually go to one of their offices to talk, and either way, they usually are stuck in their offices until lunchtime when they don’t have cases.
Another thing. JJ and Penelope are standing around Elle’s desk, which isn’t out of the ordinary, but they’ve swivelled around to stare at Spencer like he’s an alien (which they do on occasion, but Spencer is pretty sure he hasn’t been strange yet. He just walked in!).
Derek is sitting on Elle’s desk, leaning over to huddle with the three girls, but he’s frozen with his mouth open, like he just shut up for some reason.
“Uh… Good morning.” Spencer furrows his brows, but tries to shrug it off, more interested in the smell of coffee emanating from the kitchenette. Setting down his bag, he quickly busies himself with pouring his signature overly-sweet (according to you) coffee.
It’s like his movements snap a thread that has been holding his colleagues together, and they suddenly start bustling around the bullpen again. Derek sidles up beside him as he’s stirring in sugar, and Spencer braces himself for some Morgan-esque prod. But what he says has Spencer confused.
“Kid. You know you can tell me anything, right?”
Ok, something is going on. Spencer has worked with Derek since he was 22, and they’ve fallen into a very comfortable dynamic ever since. But neither of them have ever felt the need to reassure the other of their closeness.
“What’s up, Morgan? No jabs today?”
Derek stiffens, like he’s been caught in a lie, and scrambles to reply.
“Well… We- Um, Garcia worried about you on Friday. What was up with you leaving so suddenly?”
Spencer has to bite back a smile, memories of you, coming to O’ Keefe’s just to see him, flooding into his mind. But he answers as smoothly as possible, still turned away from Derek as he elaborates.
“Oh, I felt a bit sick. It was probably the drinking and travelling back and forth from the more arid parts of the country that did it. Did you know, travelling between warmer and colder climates makes you more susceptible to contracting viruses because it strains your immune and musculoskeletal systems, causing the feedback loop of homeostasis to-” Derek puts a hand on his arm, and Spencer quiets.
“Okay, okay, pretty boy, I get it.”
With that, he walks off, and Spencer is left at the kitchenette, stirring his coffee, confused. It’s not like it was a lie, he was feeling nauseous in the bar, so you insisted that you go home. He recovered that same night over a cup of tea, Metropolis on the television, and you cuddled up on the couch next to him.
When he walks back to his desk, mug in hand, he calls out to JJ, still standing by Elle’s desk.
“JJ, no cases today? …JJ?” The blonde is looking at him, but his words seem to fly right over her head, until Elle pokes her shoulder.
“Oh! No, the cases I’m being called about are still pending, we’re probably not leaving on anything until tomorrow.” Spencer smiles softly, glad to have at least one more night sleeping at home this week. Because of his reverie, he doesn’t notice the way JJ, Penelope and Elle are staring at him, befuddled expressions on their faces.
The day continues to be a little weird, much to Spencer’s chagrin. Around 1pm, Gideon emerges from his office again. This, already, is out of the blue. Gideon only leaves his office an average of 3.78 times a day, mainly to go to Hotch’s office, or to go home. This time, however, Gideon marches to Spencer’s desk.
Gideon comes to a stop next to Spencer’s desk chair, and it’s all he can do to muster a blank face and look into his mentor’s eyes.
“Hey, Gideon. What’s… What’s going on?”
The older man sighs wearily, looking down his nose at Spencer, looking uncannily like Spencer’s highschool Calculus teacher when she got irritated at him for being a ‘13 year old know-it-all’.
“Spencer. You weren’t sick on Friday, were you?” What is happening? Spencer doesn’t lie, he’s never told Gideon something untrue, so this is incredibly out of the blue.
“Huh? No, what’s wrong? I felt nauseous, which could’ve technically been a symptom for an inner ear problem, inflammatory bowel disease, gastroenteritis…” Spencer continues to rattle off a list of things he could have had, not noticing the uncharacteristically soft, paternal gaze that Gideon has trained on him.
“...and even a brain tumour, but it was probably because I drank more than I usually do. Why do you think that’s not true?” Spencer finishes his little speech, looking up at Gideon with a confused expression. There’s nothing else the older man can do but sigh, patting his shoulder softly.
“Okay, Reid. Glad you’re feeling better now.” With that, the experienced profiler walks away, not bothering to reply to Spencer’s continued questioning:
“Gideon! What’s wrong? Why are you-” Gideon’s office door slams shut.
Unfortunately, Spencer cannot ignore the rest of the signs, spending the rest of the day in a state of coiled anxiety. Something is going on, but he can’t get anyone to tell him.
Derek and Elle are constantly glancing over at him, unreadable expressions on their faces. Penelope keeps finding excuses to go to Spencer’s desk, and even if Spencer wasn’t a profiler, he’d be able to see the words bubbling up in her throat, but she never says anything.
JJ doesn’t come talk to him at all, which is strange. Instead, she shoots him knowing looks whenever she’s in the bullpen, sending Spencer into a spiral every time she doesn’t say anything about why they’re all acting weird.
He’s even caught Hotch and Gideon peeking through the blinds over their office windows to look at Spencer, with the analytical looks they get when they’re observing a crime scene on their faces. It’s driving Spencer crazy, and he has to tell someone.
You’re leaving your desk when your phone buzzes.
SPENCE <3: Hi. I looked normal when I left the house, right?
Your brow furrows at the text. Normally Spencer isn’t a fan of texting while he’s at work, and you’d told him multiple times how handsome he looked when he left the apartment this morning. He’s wearing his striped white button down and the purple tie you bought him for his birthday last year, he looks pretty. And you made sure to tell him so.
YOU: hi <3
YOU: no spence you look pretty i told you this morning didnt i?
SPENCE <3: You did, thank you. Everyone’s acting weird at work, and I can’t think of what it could be.
YOU: maybe its something with a case?
SPENCE <3: They would tell me if it was that, right?
YOU: ur right
YOU: if you cant think of it with that big beautiful brain its probably something to do with them
There’s a solid minute of silence before he texts you back, and you grin to yourself as you walk through the halls. You can see the flush growing over his face in your mind’s eye, the way he does every time you pay him a cheesy compliment.
SPENCE <3: I guess so. They won’t tell me anything about it, which is strange.
You frown a little, imagining his frustration at being out of the loop. Spencer has expressed his love for his coworkers to you many times, but he’s also told you about his struggles feeling like the ‘baby’ of the office, and the way it makes him feel isolated at times. Racking your brain to think of a way to cheer him up, you check the time on your watch (the twin of which is settled on Spencer’s wrist).
YOU: its nearly 6
YOU: if i leave my building now i can make it to your office in 30mins
YOU: i can pick you up and we could get thai for dinner
YOU: ?
The reply is instantaneous, and you smile, looking forward to seeing him earlier than you’d expected today.
SPENCE <3: That sounds great. I’m finishing up here but text me when you’re in the lobby and I’ll come down.
SPENCE <3: I need to go, I’ve been texting you from the bathroom.
SPENCE <3: See you soon :-)
The last half hour of Spencer’s workday flies by, unlike the way the clock had crawled previously. He finishes up the consults he was working on for the day, and begins packing up the moment the clock hits 18:27.
Derek and Elle are still sneaking glances at him, but Spencer couldn’t care less at this point. As he closes the flap of his satchel, his phone buzzes in his breast pocket. He can’t help but whip out his phone immediately, missing the bewildered looks that pass between his fellow profilers as he smiles down at the screen.
Y/N L/N: in the lobby now!
Y/N L/N: i forgot how fancy it is here i feel underdressed
He doesn’t bother replying, instead opting to leave the bullpen through the glass doors, nodding at Derek and Elle, and pressing the elevator button immediately. He’s so engrossed in his thoughts as he stares at the closed doors, that he realises far too late what’s happening behind him.
He can hear the sounds of shuffling feet, a squeak of surprise (Penelope), hissed insult (Elle to Derek), and a firm clearing of a throat (Hotch). After sighing rather petulantly, Spencer turns on his heels to find the entire BAU team standing there, faces just as confusing as they’ve been all day.
“I’d ask you what’s wrong, but none of you gave me an answer the last 23 times I asked, so.”
There’s a beat of silence, before Hotch, of all people, says, “Reid, we need to… ask you something. About last Friday.” That’s strange. Spencer cocks his head in confusion.
“What about it? I already told Morgan and Gideon, I was feeling sick, but it turns out it was just that I’d just drank more than I was used to.”
Penelope looks like she’s about to burst, and finally, she blurts it out, voice slightly shrill. “Reid! Who is she?”
“Who is who?”
Derek butts in, a hand on Penelope’s shoulder. “Kid, that girl. The girl you were… close to, on Friday. At the bar?” Oh. That’s what they’re talking about?
“That was Y/N. My girlfriend. Are you mad I didn’t introduce you guys? I thought you were all busy.”
Spencer sees six sets of jaws drop. There’s more silence, before JJ croaks out, “Girlfriend?”
It’s a bit of a sight, to be honest. Penelope has clutched on to Derek, and Derek on to Elle. JJ looks gobsmacked, eyes bulging out of their sockets. Even Hotch and Gideon look the most shocked Spencer has ever seen them. But why?
“Uh, yeah. She came to see me because we’d had plans before we decided to go out. Then when she found out I felt sick we went home.”
Gideon looks a little green, and when no one makes a sound, Hotch speaks, his normally stoic voice coming out a little shaky. “Reid, we didn't- We didn’t know you were seeing anybody.”
What? Now they’re being even weirder. Spencer can hear the elevator doors open behind him, but he doesn’t bother. This is something he has to get to the bottom of.
“How did you not know? I’m sure I’ve mentioned having plans with her multiple times. Elle, I told you about the time I went to the movies in New York with her, when we were on that case.” Elle looks more shocked, if that’s possible, but doesn’t say a word.
“Garcia, I asked you to help me find florists that have Gibraltar campions in Vegas that one time.” Penelope jolts, muttering under her breath about ‘idiot geniuses and their mothers’.
“Gideon, I asked you for advice on how to ask her out!” Gideon stiffens, remembering the time Spencer had asked him about his ex-wife. Was that Spencer asking for advice?
“I ran into you, JJ and Morgan, when I was with her, don’t you remember? She was in the aisle over” Derek distinctly remembers a time at the bookstore, they’d seen Spencer, but not noticed anyone with him. JJ shamefully recalls being too busy making fun of Spencer’s heart-studded tie to look around.
Spencer looks bewildered, eyes bouncing between the different members of his team.
“Hotch, I literally told you about her! When I added her to my emergency contacts?” At this, Hotch pales. A year ago, Spencer had come to him with a request to change his 1st emergency contact from his mother to a Y/N L/N. How he never registered that this was a girlfriend, Hotch would never know, but he stares fixedly at his shoes as he contemplates quitting his job as a profiler.
Spencer looks at them, mystified. How did they not know? It’s not like he was ever hiding you! Of course, Spencer wanted to keep you to himself, so he didn’t talk about you that much, but they were profilers. He assumed they’d known, and just didn't want to embarrass him.
His phone buzzes three times, and he pulls it out to see more texts from you.
Y/N L/N: spence are you coming
Y/N L/N: a guy in a suit is eyeing me weird
Y/N L/N: he knows i dont belong come save me
A happy sigh leaves him, before he remembers the people standing in front of him, still gobsmacked. He scrubs a hand down his face wearily, and mutters slowly, as if he’s not sure if he wants to do this.
“She’s downstairs right now, we were going to take the metro home together. Do you… Do you guys want to meet her?” Penelope brightens up, and the rest of the team seem in higher spirits, despite their continued disappointment in themselves. Warily, Spencer opens the elevator door with a press of a button, and they all file in obediently.
“Please don’t be weird.”
“My good doctor, I would never!” He eyes Garcia with a fearful expression, but presses the ground floor button anyway. As the doors close, a strangled shout leaves JJ’s mouth.
“Wait, you live together?”
You are sitting on a bench inside the lobby of the FBI Headquarters. No matter how many times you drop Spencer off or pick him up, this will always be surreal to you. And, right now, it’s not just surreal, it’s a little scary.
A real Danny Ocean type guy is sitting on a bench across the room, talking on the phone and eyeing you. Clearly, you don’t exactly look like an agent, you know that. Dressed in the uniform of a PhD student, jeans and an oversized Doctor Who t-shirt (Spencer’s), you know that you look out of place.
You’re just hoping Spencer walks out of the elevator before you get escorted out on suspicions that you’re a spy or something.
Like some deity has heard your words, you look up at the ding of the elevator to see Spencer… and a whole gaggle of people behind him, slapping at his shoulders and barraging him with questions. He looks harried, a line between his pretty eyes.
The line disappears, though, when he locks eyes with you. His eyes light up, and his steps grow in length, before he's left his entourage behind, at least for a couple of seconds.
He uses this time to explain to you: “Hi, hello, I'm so glad you're here and I need to tell you something-” As if on instinct, your hands come up to rest on his upper arms, thumbs moving in circles soothingly as he continues to ramble, only catching the tail end of his sentence.
“-and well, they didn't know about you somehow? Which is crazy to me because you know I don't hide you so I don't know where they got that from but either way they were acting crazy, so I suggested they come meet you, and…” The group of people you now recognize to be the BAU have caught up to him, eyes darting between your face and Spencer's. His shoulders slump, and the agitated look returns, if a little less intense.
“Well, here they are.” He motions to the group behind him. “These are my coworkers, Jennifer Jareau, Elle Greenaway, Penelope Garcia, Aaron Hotchner, Jason Gideon, and Derek Morgan. Guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.”
Rising on your toes to see over his shoulder, you wave with a smile, eyes zeroing in on Penelope Garcia, who looks like she's vibrating from excitement, shouldering past Spencer to hold both of your hands.
“Hi! It's so good to meet you! I'd say I've heard a lot about you, but you know that's a lie, we didn't realize you existed until 10 minutes ago, but oh my god! You're here! You're so pretty- Spencer, she's so pretty!” She's practically bouncing up and down, causing Spencer to laugh sheepishly.
“Yeah, Garcia, I know that.” The next few minutes are a barrage of introductions and handshakes, all so brief that you can only get quick first impressions of them all.
Penelope is incredibly kind, not letting go of your hands until Spencer pries her off of you, telling you that you have to come out on girl's night with us, exactly like Spencer described her.
Elle is nearly intimidatingly cool, giving you a handshake and a smile, mentioning that she likes your eyeliner.
Aaron (Hotch? You're not sure how to refer to him) is nowhere near as stoic and intimidating as Spencer makes him out to be, breaking into a smile as he introduces himself, and grinning even wider when you congratulate him and his wife on their newborn child.
JJ is the sweetest. You've heard a lot about Spencer's best friend, and she lives up to expectations, squeezing you into a chaste hug with warm words.
Gideon is a little terrifying. He gives you a handshake, quirking the side of his lips in what you assume to be a smile, but saying very little beyond an introduction. You know how highly Spencer thinks of him, and hope he will warm up to you (Spencer is over the moon that he smiled, and informs you later that Gideon loved you).
Derek is exactly how you expected him to be. Somehow, he makes you feel wholly comfortable after a single comment, and promises to regale you with all the Spencer stories you'd want (you see him punch Spencer in the arm, grinning and saying he approved).
Spencer pulls you away from them as quick as he can, citing your dinner plans as an excuse. He slings an arm around your waist, leading you out the door as you wave over your shoulder.
“It was great to meet you guys! We should go out to dinner or something!” You hear mixed shouts of agreement from behind you, before the doors shut and it's just you and Spencer, on the sidewalk outside the building.
It's butterfly-inducing, the way you can see the tension leave his shoulders when he turns to look down at you, brown eyes shining.
“I'm sorry that was so last-minute, I know they can be… a lot.” You giggle at the weariness in his tone, resting your forearms on his shoulders.
“They were really nice, Spence. I'm glad to finally meet them. They didn't know who I was?” He sighs, hands tightening slightly on your waist.
“I don't know what goes on with them half the time. I've told them things about you so many times, but they were just being dense, I suppose. They saw us on Friday, at O’ Keefe’s, and they had no idea I was seeing someone!” He bends to rest his forehead in the crook of your neck with a sigh. As if on instinct, your hands come up to play with his hair.
“I guess they would have found it a little strange that you acted like nothing had changed, huh? Is that why they were being weird today?” He grumbles unintelligible words into your skin, before raising his head to look at you.
“I guess… You know I wasn't hiding you, right? I really thought they knew about you,” The earnestness on his face makes you want to implode, his thumbs rubbing minutely on your waist. Speaking would pop the bubble you've found yourselves in, so you find the best next option for you to show him your assertion.
Your hands roam up his neck to cup either side of his jaw, and slow, slow, slowly, you rise to your toes and kiss him.
Suddenly, Spencer's not worried anymore.
#divas send me an ask and tell me what you thought!!!!#requests are welcome!!#reader is so self-indulgently me in this miniseries#spencer reid x reader#criminal minds x reader#spencer reid#criminal minds fanfiction#criminal minds#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid imagine#spencer reid fanfiction#criminal minds fic#posted from my phone bc im at the airport tell me if there are any formatting mistakes pls#mystery girl!au
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— ๋࣭ ⭑࿐ first time 。o♡⋆˚。⋆.

read part 1: here!!!
pairing: lee know x reader
summary: caring for a bunny seemed harder than you thought
tags: 「SFW! fluff! (ik the title is misleading but i promise this is all fluff!) | hybrid!lee know | referring to lee know as minho | soft!lee know (he's even cuter in this one) | hyper lee know>< | bunny bath time! | the neediest bunny ever | another sweet little kiss! | reader has no gender」
word count: 1.7k
a/n: back at it again! ik ive said it so many times throughout my blog but im truly thankful for all the likes and reblogs(◞‸◟)♡ this will not be the last of my bunny lee know endeavor but stay tuned for more hybrid, skz, and kpop stories in the meantime! also keep in mind that ive never owned any pets so the animal behavior is based on memory of things ive seen online, dont come for me pls>< anyways, i hope this one lives up to the hype of the first part, enjoy!!! (also i apologize for not posting sooner><)
+ stylized lowercase, missing punctuation (not done on purpose), and minimal revisions
a few days in and the days seemed to get harder and harder for you. not because minho was causing you any trouble, but because the fluttery feeling in your stomach kept growing the more you spent time with him. it was scary how perfect he was in every way.
you were sitting on your couch enjoying a nice hot drink, when the familiar sound of thumping on the wood floor caught your attention. you looked down to find a playful bunny minho. he was scurrying around your feet, even moving his paws to your legs.
"what's wrong?" you set your drink down on the table in front of you.
minho kept on pawing at your legs. you reached down to pick him up, placing him in your lap.
"i can't understand you when you're in the form, you know?"
he looked up at you with a nonchalant expression, you expected nothing out of him. before you knew it, you had a hybrid minho sitting in your lap bridal style, hands wrapped around your neck. the weight and size change startled you, but he loved to tease you and transform whenever he pleased.
"can i please go outside for a bit?" he was really bouncy and sounded out of breath. you had to remind yourself that he was a wild animal. although you took him in to stay in your house, his animal instincts couldn't be suppressed.
"okay, but only for a little-" he cut your sentence off by changing back into a bunny, still knocking you off guard.
he scurried off your lap and towards the back hallway, scratching at the door for you to open it. he looked back at you with those big dark eyes. they always sparkled perfectly in the right lighting. seeing him being all hyper as an animal was truly so endearing. you've always wanted someone like him in your life. the universe definitely planned out your lives to be intertwined.
you rolled your eyes from his fast movements and got up. the second you opened the door wide enough for him to fit, he dashed out onto the grass. it has still been snowy for the past couple of days, but today the grass held a light layer of snow from earlier that day.
he was hopping around the entire yard, sniffing around bushes, chewing on some of the obtainable food he could get his mouth on. you could see the footprints and tracks beginning to circle around the snow. the whole surface of your yard was being fully inspected by him.
you couldn't help but sit down by the steps of your back porch. hugging your knees in admiration, you followed minho's path all throughout the whole time you were out there. you couldn't help but get flustered about the racing thoughts in your mind. something as simple as watching him be comfortable in his environment made you feel at ease.
what you didn't know was minho found himself wanting to be human more for the both of you. it was exhausting for him at times, but he couldn't help but laugh with you, smile with you, feel with you. he never got to experience these moments with anyone before. he wanted each adventure with you to last for hours.
he looked up to find you staring at him, which made his heart race faster than it normally should. draining energy fast, he flopped on his back, waving his paws and feet in the air. getting a chuckle out of you from the distance, he felt satisfied. the sudden urge to dig overwhelmed his thoughts, getting back to his feet and digging straight down from where he was standing.
luckily, you had your mind to distract you from his actions. he started to go feral, getting the dirt and snow all over his face.
drifting away from your daydream, you found your white fluffy bunny turning brown from the dirt and snow.
"minho, no!" you quickly ran over to him, making him realize he was likely in big trouble. thinking two steps ahead, he dove out of your attempt to grab him. shocked and stunned, you still chased after him. he was running steadily back towards the house. the universe was on your side though, as the back door was closed and all minho could do was try to reach up and grab the handle. however, being in his small form, he failed miserably.
"cmon silly," you bent down to grab the squirming animal in your arms, the warmth from your body making him docile and shut down.
once you got to the bathroom upstairs, you gently set minho on the floor. his eyes were slowly closing and he tried his best to keep them open again. before he could fall asleep, he jolted himself awake, which unfortunately turned him into his hybrid form.
"do you want me to take my clothes off so you can bathe me?"
his question made you whip your head around in shock, stuttering nonsense to try and distract yourself from the image of himself being naked in front of you.
"dont be difficult... turn into a bunny so i can wash you quickly."
he let out a small whine, almost like it was his plan all along to get dirty and have this scenario go his way.
you crossed your arms and gave him a dissatisfied look. you weren't really mad at him, you just wanted the day to end quicker so you two could snuggle in bed together.
one big movement turned him small again, he hopped onto your legs, as you had knelt down to get comfortable. you turned on the water in your bathtub and ran some warm water about two or three inches from the bottom. placing him inside the tub, you grabbed a cup to scoop up the water onto his body. the first rinse was quick, he even shook some water off himself like a dog which made you smile.
the scrubbing process also went by fast, working your fingers gently through his coat, the dirt coming off completely. you picked up the cup again, filling it with water. washing the soap away, he shook his body again, trying to dry up as fast as he could.
"calm down minho! ill dry you off in a second."
the water beginning to flow down the drain, you picked up a sopping wet minho from the tub and placed him on the rug next to you. the towel to dry him was hanging on the side of the tub. you laid it flat against your lap, picking him up again and placing him on top of the towel.
you wrapped him up in the towel, trying your best not to cover up his face. you patted and rubbed the cloth into his body, making sure to cover all the spots. his ears, his tail, and his paws all becoming dry and fluffy again.
he hopped off of your lap, turning to his hybrid form. this time you expected something from that big of a leap. you were starting to learn and master his behaviors. he was sat on the floor facing you. for some reason, his hair and ears were still wet in this form. he held one of his ears out, squeezing it to wring out the remaining water off himself. you got to your knees and threw the towel over his head. going a little harder this time, you scrubbed his hair dry to the best of your ability. you noticed him closing his eyes in comfort, especially when you got to his ears.
he looked up at you through his messy hair. he hummed softly, he was so happy you were taking such good care of him. not noticing at all, when you removed the towel his bunny ears went away. he was noticeably more dry and your job was done. you turned around slightly to drape the towel on the tub again.
he let out a cute yawn, so ready to flop into bed and get some sleep. when you turned back around you couldn't help but notice some brown specks on his face. did he have freckles this whole time and you were just too star struck to notice? you reached out to rub his face, making him freeze and have his full semi-conscious attention to your actions. the specks turned to brown streaks against his skin.
"youve been digging so much in the dirt, come here."
he scooted over to you, patiently waiting for anything to happen next. you realized now his nose and cheeks were lightly covered in dirt. you reached over for a new towel and quickly turned the faucet on to run some water on it. swiping the warm cloth on his cheeks, his face became very pink. you didn't know if it was because of the pressure you applied to his face, or if he was actually having some emotional reaction to this.
his gaze was so sensual, almost like his mind had gone to mush and he could only display emotions of pure submission. his thoughts became chaotic, trying to resist the urge to tackle you and have you all to himself.
after a while you could feel your face burning up, scared about any of his next moves or words.
"why are you looking at me like that?" the dirt was almost gone. you moved closer to his face, only inches away in order to get the last bits off.
minho didn't answer you, instead he stared more intensely at you, patiently waiting for you to finish. putting the towel down, you gently rubbed the wetness off his face. even more skin to skin contact was making him lose control. the hue of pink showing from his face becoming almost cartoon like.
"mm tired," his eyes began to droop again. he wanted his last conscious thought to be that he was secure next to you. as dramatic as ever, he laid out his body in your lap, slowly beginning to drift off and finally recharge.
this feeling was starting to become a natural occurrence in your daily lives. whether he was a small bunny, a cute hybrid, or a human who could actually sweep you off your feet, you had him. he felt safe around you and wanted to be near you. using one hand to meet his hand, rubbing it gently to soothe him, you used your other hand to play with his hair. even as a human, he was still soft and cuddly. you bent down to place a small kiss on his head, making him nuzzle himself deeper into you.
part 3 is up! click here!!!
♥︎taglist: @lailac13 @palindrome969 @lunathewonyoungstan @syedazarintasnim @yourlocalstayyxi @mmarusa @yukichan67 @qwonyoung23 @cupidcures @verynormalsstuff @leezanetheofficial
© nmn-yty ★ 6.07.2024
#pics are not mine!#stray kids#stray kids fluff#stray kids x reader#stray kids imagines#skz fluff#skz x reader#skz imagines#lee minho#lee minho fluff#lee minho x reader#lee minho imagines#lee know#lee know fluff#lee know x reader#lee know imagines#kpop fluff#kpop imagines#kpop x reader#hybrid fluff#i forgot to add tags at first LMAO#i will miss you bunbun minho </3
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★。/ falling in love with you \。★

ask: this was a request! but I can't find the ask on my old blog, but I do know that it was a quirkless!assistant!reader with midoriya, todoroki, bakugo, shinso, monoma, and kendo. I did cut off monoma and kendo since I feel like I don't know enough about their characters, if that's ok!
pairing: midoriya x gn! reader, todoroki x gn! reader, bakugo x gn! reader, shinso x gn! reader (separate)
fandom: boku no hero academia
word count: 3,722
tw: none, wholesome fluff with some swearing on bakugo's section
notes: this had taken a really long time on my original blog, so im happy to finally be able to share it, if you're from my OG blog, and you were waiting, im sorry it took so long! and since I can't get back into my old blog anymore (I lost the password), please resubmit your asks at anytime and ill try to get to them asap!
! be sure to like and reblog if you enjoyed !

~the meeting~
You’re first introduced to Class 1A/1B as a stand-in for a sparring partner in hand-to-hand combat. It was better - in Aizawa’s opinion - for you to brush up on your skills while also putting his students in a more hands-on approach to learning. You stand before the class, ready.
You challenge whoever is confident with their skills so far to come forward and fight you. Over your shoulder, Aizawa stands huddled in his sleeping bag. He isn’t too worried, he trusts your abilities to handle his class, and besides, you needed to grow to tolerate them quickly.
None of the students wanted to fight you at first.
There was at least one of their close friends that teased them because they had noticed you staring at them out of all the other blue-clad students. So, of course, to avoid further embarrassment, they step forward to be the first example.
The rules are simple. No quirks. Just simple hand-to-hand. The first to pin the opponent for at least half a minute is the winner of the exercise.

I. midoriya
~ after the meet ~
Izuku really didn’t want to fight you
He didn’t know your strengths, your weaknesses, your quirk, your skill set, how powerful it was versus what it looked like, etc. (cue the nerdy rambling). He had no notes on you!
Izuku had seen you in class every once in a while when he wasn’t busy. You sat by the teacher’s desk grading papers and sometimes assisting Aizawa by running errands or taking over while he took a nap on the floor. But based on your stature and appearance and the fact you were wearing a school uniform, you seemed to be a student as well.
That leads to plenty of interesting theories about you!
“I think they’re a villain!” Kaminari said light-heartedly. It sounded like a rather malicious thing to suggest, Izuku thought, despite his wider grin. “In like… a rehab program or something.”
“Why would they send a villain to a school for a rehab program though?” Iida pulls his drink from his mouth. “It’d be much more likely they be put on community service or in more safe environments.”
Izuku looks across at you.
You’re sitting away from the teachers at the moment, trading notes with a girl in class 2C, laughing as you both scribble away and discuss some class that he can’t quite hear. You wave her off before moving down the table to another group who are slurping ramen over a table full of messy textbooks and broken pens. Izuku knew these kids to cause enough trouble for everyone, but they push aside their bowls and utensils and kick off their bags so they can let you sit with them.
Have you always looked so pretty from this far away?
~ falling in love with you ~
My boy falls hard and fast… save him…
Izuku always pays attention during a class, but he always tries to pay a little more attention when it’s you that’s teaching <3
After assisting Aizawa for a few weeks into the term, Momo asked who you were. In all the “excitement” of having to shephard a class of hormonal superheroes around, you had forgotten to introduce yourself!
He pulls out his hero notebook and begins taking detailed notes on you
[Y/N L/N], your power stats and small doodles of you in the bottom corner. Some more detailed, some awfully sketchy, but he never feels he got it quite right
Aizawa pats your head and dismisses you from your teaching duty for the day
For the rest of the class you resign yourself to your desk and join the students in learning the next emergency protocol
He thinks you might be looking away when he glances at you
Are you looking at him too?
You’ve ruined him, he’d swear on it. He can’t help it, just by looking at you. The swell of your hips when he can see you walking in front or behind him, the way your eyes light up if he even gains the confidence to talk about his hero notebooks with you, the little shocks he gets when your knees touch on the floor of his dorm room. Or maybe he finds you distracting in some way? Your voice drags him from each lecture, even if it’s not aimed at him. Your smile lures him in. He’s sure you have to have a quirk somehow, hidden there that you haven’t told him about yet.
Do you find him as distracting as he finds you?
Among his many nervous habits, a new one is born. What is it? Well, drawing you in his notebook.
It’s during one of these very creepy-sounding moments that he remembers he never actually asked you what your quirk was. Nor had he seen it in action before
Other people had wondered about it before, but no one had an answer
So he asks you
You laugh.
It’s almost shocked, but partly sad. You tell him, quite simply, that you’re quirkless. And that Aizawa gave you the position in 1A because you were willing to become a teaching assistant on the side. Though you suspect it’s favouritism, he wants you to have a good education, UA is a nice place, he’ll be close by in case any shit goes down.
If anything Izuku falls even more in love with you. Hearing you ramble with him about your favourite heroes, how you want to be your own hero even if you can’t do the same things as they can, and you’re still here talking to him.
You’re one of the first people he tells about All Might passing on his quirk to him. He’s worried you might be envious of it, or hate him for lying his way into UA, but you beam at him and assure him he’ll be the best Number One Hero you’ve ever seen.
Yeah, he’s definitely fallen a bit harder, if the sweaty palms and nervous heart skip is enough to go off of.
~ fighting for your attention ~
Now imagine this poor, sweet, innocent broccoli-head of a boy finally falling in love with you! He’s smitten with you
But now he’s watching you interact with his classmates interact with you a little more closely
He doesn’t mind of course, he knows everyone loves your personality and just the feeling you give off. It makes them feel warm and safe and you being quirkless limits any sense of a threat to those who are more sceptical
What he doesn’t like is that he knows some of them fancy you
Some of them love you
He begins studying harder, training harder, works out more so he can make sure he can hear your sweet praises and warming smiles
Any “good job!” and “i’m so proud!” you can offer him is cherished. He cherishes you
So he gathers his courage to try harder just for you, so you can think of him as your number one hero!
Now the only question is; do you cherish him?

K. bakugo
~ after the meet ~
An unbridled opportunity to inflict pain on an (admittedly) attractive stranger?
Fuck yeah
Quirk or no quirk, he was going to absolutely destroy you. He was sure of it!
Shitty hair said you looked oddly familiar, but who cares?
Katsuki had seen you around in the dormitory building, of course, he never paid you much attention. You were wearing a uniform, so he guessed you were a student. He thought you were boring.
Pretty, but boring.
Not that he was looking, shut up–
Maybe if he kicks your ass a bit he’ll stop getting so distracted
Are you fucking kidding?
You kicked his ass! Barely breaking a sweat!
One minute he’s preparing to just kick you in the gut and land a right hook to your face, but then he steps into the field where white lines have been drawn and you smile at him. You wish him good luck and bow before getting into a fighting stance.
He draws a blank after that. Sure, he lands the first kick, but gets your thigh instead so you skid across the pitch. Then you effortlessly sidestep his next swing and he just wants to blast your face off in embarrassment.
Then, most painful of all, you punch him right in the gut and kick him until he’s down.
He’s butt-hurt, as expected and refuses to even look at you.
Shitty hair slaps his shoulder and laughs as he joins the rest of the class. You brush dust off your uniform and prepare to fight Mina next.
“That was something huh?” Kaminari jests, snickering. “I should’ve gotten that on camera.”
Katsuki decides just then that he’s going to make your life hell for what you’ve done.
~ falling in love with you ~
He’s not falling in love with you, shut up-
Ok so he’s a grouchy boy anyway right so of course he’s not going to admit it as quick as the others
In fact he makes it a goal in life to annoy you enough until you hate his guts, then he might feel better about wanting to grind your face into the pavement
He kicks your chair out when you go to sit so you slam into the floor, shut the door to the classroom in your face, shoves you in hallways at every chance he gets, and even becomes so petty he begins stealing your favourite snacks and drinks out of the fridge and cupboards
Smug bastard even devours them in front of you just so you know that it was him
He hates them but that doesn’t stop him!
And - as much as he doesn’t want to admit it - he kinda hates the small flicker of disappointment that flutters behind your eyes before you offer to go on a snack-run for everyone on your way
He makes it sound like your idea that he stalks alongside you to the grocery store.
“You’d probably get lost if someone wasn’t around to hold your hand,” he’d mock you. If you inquire if he’d hold your hand around the store, he’ll definitely leave you behind. Don’t tempt him. And if you laugh he’ll walk back to the dorms and leave your ass to wonder where he went, searching through aisles for him. He knows you would.
Begrudgingly, he knows somewhere in him won’t let him abandon you there. What part? No idea but he hates it.
Which is why he is now escorting you on the seventh snack-run of the month. You push the trolley around because even with all your begging he won’t do it. Shopping list in hand you throw in bags of snacks and surprise treats for your classmates.
You have everything stacked up now. Popcorn for movie nights, and each person’s specific sweets, but instead of heading towards the cashiers, you’re turning towards the scoop-and-weigh section.
“Oi, dumbass!” Bakugo doesn’t follow after you at first, and he doesn’t care that people are turning to stare at him. “Cash register is that way!”
“I know that.” You smile and disappear behind the aisle. He really has no choice but to drag his feet to follow. When he comes around the side you’re scooping a bag full of honey-roasted almonds - ones he knows you hate but his mouth waters at.
“What are you getting those for?” He curses how soft his voice is now, but he can’t help but wonder why you’re buying them now.
“They’re your favourite, right?” You respond.
“Yeah?” How did you even know that?
You must be reading his mind with some hidden quirk or something, because you quickly explain that you had questioned Kirishima about the hidden stash in the cupboards one time and he had told you almost immediately. So, why not grab some more when you noticed that his stash was getting low?
Without letting him answer you walk past him to the checkouts. He watches after you, mouth dry. He can’t even think of an insult for you right now.
~ fighting for your attention ~
He still won’t admit it to himself so don’t expect a massive, dramatic confession from him (…yet)
No, he’s willing to fight anyone and everyone who wants your affections from the sidelines
Someone looks at you a little too long? (Punch them)
Someone touches your shoulder during a PE class? (Make their life hell)
Deku asks for your help on an essay and you respond with an all-sweet smile that just rubs him the wrong way? (Kill him - but not actually)
Jealousy is a dangerous game for Katsuki
(He’s not jealous don’t even ask—)
He’s willing to completely flip the tables so that maybe you’d notice that something’s different: he doesn’t kick your chair out anymore, or eat your snacks, or try to fight you in the hallways
Instead he does all of that for pretty much everyone else—with exceptions for Kirishima of course
Anything so he can deny that he’s gone the slightest bit soft for you when you both sit in the common room and eat your respective snacks, talking about some annoying classmate that had pissed him off for the fourth time that day
And god dammit, won’t you just notice that he appreciates you?

S. todoroki
~ after the meet ~
Now, my first question is, is it vague curiosity or a drive to urge his strength forward that makes Shoto fight you?
It’s the strength training, he reasons
He doesn’t need it of course, he’s capable enough, but that doesn’t stop him from arguing with himself that that could be the only reason
And no, it’s definitely not because he can see you giving him a curious look over the heads of his classmates, and certainly, not because Kaminari gives him a knowing grin because even he can see you staring at him
So he puts himself forward as a volunteer
For the training… sure
Even after you lose to Todoroki he’s courteous about it. You both bow out of respect and he rejoins the line. After that he doesn’t expect to see you very much after that, perhaps never again. He thinks, despite the theories, you might be a student-teacher from a different academy.
But no, the next week you show up to their regular classes. And not long after that, you’re both working on group and pair projects together.
Like today, it’s theory. Emergency Evacuation in a Disaster. You pick some form of ‘emergency’ and then plot out an essay with detailed instructions for evacuation for the project. Simple. You pick a disaster and begin the essay.
You ask him questions in between, just general small talk, asking how his day is and the like. But he appreciates it. He knows that you know who he is and yet you just ask him normal questions. (Let’s say this is before his arc to make friends.)
You praise him for his strength in your battle and it makes his heart pound. Is he sick? What does this mean?
What do you mean when you say you like his company? How does he get you to stop? He doesn’t like not being in control of how his heart is beating.
~ falling in love with you ~
I don’t think that originally it would be obvious to you that he fancies you
He’d be courteous at first, hold the door for you, compliment things about you, pull out your chair or save you a seat at lunch, it’s simple little things
You don’t notice of course, you just think he’s being nice
But to literally everyone else, it’s so obvious to them that he’s already completely smitten with you. He barely talks to anyone else… and yeah he doesn’t talk much with you either but he tolerates your company more than others
And he’s a gentleman so why would he outright say anything?
(That’s the reason and not that he’s afraid to, yeah totally-)
So instead he sits and listens to your conversations
It’s not your fault he’s having a bad day, but at the moment he’s giving the cold shoulder to everyone in 1-A.
That doesn’t stop you from dragging your chair up to his small desk during your break and eating there with him. He doesn’t tell you to leave, because he doesn’t think he can. He just watches you pull out utensils and begin to eat. He hasn’t even bothered with his own food, he can feel a pit swallowing his stomach, like he couldn’t cram anything in there if he wanted to.
“Bad day?” you ask, like you couldn’t already tell. “Don’t wanna talk about it?”
He nods at you. He can’t lie. And he sure as hell can’t ignore you.
“I understand,” you give a thoughtful hum, eating a bite of your food. “My day was pretty crappy too. It gets like that sometimes, you just gotta keep going. You can’t stop living just because your head’s a bit heavy.”
He didn’t ask for your advice, and maybe before that would’ve bothered him that you didn’t stop talking, but now he can’t find it in him to be frustrated. His annoyance deflates at your presence. You radiate this homely comfort he hasn’t felt in a long time.
Shoto goes through the effort of pulling out his food, just so you might feel better about it.
He forces out the words;
“And your day? Tell me about it… please.”
~ fighting for your attention ~
Now shoto is less likely to actually try and confront others about their shared affections
In fact in normally takes him a good while to officially realise that he loves you
But pretty soon he just begins to seek you out more
As he grows more social, earns new friends and becomes accustomed to everyone, you work with him closely to help him learn social cues and overcome his trauma
He comes to like touching you, whether it be a hand on his head, touching knees in the dorms, a simple hug, or you leaning on him until you fall asleep on him during the winter. He feels comfortable with you
But with this realisation comes one more;
He wonders if he could handle going back to living without you

H. shinso
~ after the meet ~
Now, shinso’s quirk is pretty hard to implement in a fight, which is why he mainly prefers hand-to-hand
Overall, he feels tired, if not a little bored, by the spar with you
He hadn’t noticed you at all before this lesson in 1C, but his teacher had said that you were helping by moving down from 1A
Why, he couldnt figure out
But nonetheless, he finds you watching him while waiting to spar you in your first physical education class together, so he volunteers
And he quickly gets disqualified–
He swears he doesn’t mean to, but almost as soon as he begins the fight, you overwhelm him.
What you lack in a visible quirk, you make up for in speed, kicking and jabbing and ducking away before he can get a hit in. It’s when he finds you hovering over his shoulder, about to throw a punch to his face, that he panics and asks for your name.
A bit confused, slowing down a little bit, you give it to him, and almost as quickly, you’re under his control. The teacher immediately barks at him to release his control, and he obliges, but he’s still disqualified and you’re given an instant win. When you stumble, regaining your own self-control, you look up at him in bemusement.
But you don’t look scared at all, instead you smile at him.
“Brainwashing? That’s a pretty cool quirk, huh?”
You confuse him, and he’s not sure if he likes it yet.
~ falling in love with you ~
After you move down to 1C to work on your General Hero courses, you begin to grow closer with Shinso
You don’t think that his quirk is any different to the others at UA, which he is somewhat confused by
‘Some of these guys can set people on fire! Brainwashing doesn’t sound too different to the others you see here’, was your only explanation whenever he asked about it
Overtime, you become one of his only friends in 1C, he tolerates you
He spends most of his time with you, studying, eating, talking, he helps you write papers on general hero practices, telling you about his history with children being scared of his ‘villain quirk’
All things considered, he trusts you, and i dont think he could say that for many other people at UA
You both sit cross-legged on the floor of his dorm room. He very rarely decorates it, but you begged him to let you set up the fairy lights and little cat decals that were meant for his wall. Begrudgingly, he agreed.
So that’s what you’ve been doing, arranging kitties on the wall over his desk. Cute little art pieces that resemble grey and calico cats.
Meanwhile, he’s studying on his floor, laying back and occasionally sneaking glances at you to see if you’re tangled in the lights. Soon enough you have them strung up nicely in the corners of his dorm-room, sending soft gold light over his purple hair. He doesn’t move until you lay on the floor beside him, looking up at the ceiling.
“What do you think?” you ask, leaning up on your elbows to admire your handiwork.
He’s quiet for a moment, just looking at you, taking in the view of your side-profile.
“They look nice.”
Shinso isn’t talking about the lights.
~ fighting for your attention ~
Listen, usually Shinso absolutely hates using his quirk for anything out of villain fights, because if he does he feels like he reinforces the idea that he might be a villain too
But, when it comes to you?
He’s relatively tame at first, he doesnt get too jealous or overprotective as someone else might (cough, bakugo, cough), but it doesnt mean that he doesnt need reassurance sometimes
If it gets to the point that another one of your suitors is making you uncomfortable, then by all means, hes asking them what theyre doing and forcing them to walk away
And afterwards, having that little moment of supposed villainy feels worth it
Just keep smiling at him

im sorry this took so long!
I hope you guys enjoyed
#bnha#mha#bnha x reader#bakugo x reader#katsuki x reader#mha x reader#midoriya#izuku#iida#uraraka#tenya#ochako#kirishima#denki#kaminari#hero#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#detroit smash#writing#fanfic#fanfiction#x reader#gender neutral reader#wholesome#bnha fluff#hitoshi shinsou#shinsou x reader#shinso x reader#izuku midoriya
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May i request this but with jack, jamil, and trey? (If u can leona too but if not im totally okay with those three cuz i simp for them so hard lol) gn! Pretty plz and thank you :D
I actually think it's been over a year since this ask appeared in my inbox... I have been considering shutting this blog down but at this point I think it's dead in the water anyways 😭... um enjoy?

Jack is a pretty large guy so that being said he doesn’t shirk his responsibilities when it comes to taking care of his partner
Not only is he extremely careful before and during the act, he is incredibly attentive to your needs afterwards
He always takes care of you first and himself afterwards no matter how uncomfortable it may be
Jack always starts with asking you how you are feeling and what-if anything-you could possibly want or need at that moment
Only then does he start futsing around the room looking for stuff and cleaning up
He wants to give you a second to just rest afterwards and he’s tired himself but as soon as he comes off the high all he can see is his partner looking tired and disheveled and he immediately wants to fix that
After waiting patiently and somewhat painfully for you to come down and finish resting he quickly swoops in and does all the rest for you
Bath? Check. Cozy towel large enough to drown you in? Check. Fresh bedding and blankets so you can rest again when clean? Check. Clothes in the laundry? Check. Fresh comfy clothes ready for you in the bathroom? Check.
This man is so shy he gets the bath ready for you and then leaves, telling you to lock the door as if anyone could get past him
It’s almost like he didn’t just see you fully bare
You have to ask him to come in and wash your hair otherwise he will wait outside to make sure you feel comfortable and that you have your own privacy
All in all: a big softie who loves you too much to put into words

Trey is another softie when it comes to aftercare
He is one of the most considerate and kind individuals you will ever meet (at NRC that is)
Regardless he is exceptionally thoughtful and would NEVER let you go without some sort of care after doing it
Trey prefers to move you off the bed for aftercare because he doesn’t want you to sit in the potentially dirty sheets for too long
He thinks it’s very important that you clean yourself off thoroughly after sex
He will run a bath or start a shower or whatever you prefer and ask if you would like his help or some privacy
If you ask for help he will be very respectful as if your body doesn’t affect him at all (although you know better) and carefully soap up a rag and wipe you down\
He is the kind of man that has chemical free soaps for situations where you might have to wipe down more intimate areas to avoid potentially irritating them
And you will clean those intimate areas as he will clean his as well, not because he is a germ freak, he just gets concerned about infections: your health is always the most important thing to him
His next step will always be changing the sheets while you are still showering or bathing, he wants you to be able to relax on a fresh bed while he pampers you
After that? It’s all up to what you are interested in, a massage, reading, watching tv, just relaxing? You got it
Of course he will have a sweet treat prepared along with a second glass of water (cause you know he made you drink one immediately afterwards)
You have to get some sugar and energy into your system after exerting so much energy and he is firm in this belief no matter how energized you feel afterwards
Overall he is a 10/10 in and out of bed

Jamil is less flexible when it comes to aftercare, not in a bad way, he is just very set in what he believes you need and will require that you let him take care of you that way or he WILL refuse further intimacy
(He’s manipulative like that)
All that said it’s really all because he’s used to dealing with Kalim who doesn’t take his own health into consideration nearly enough as he should and his controlling tendencies typically make themselves known when it comes to aftercare
He has very specific steps that he follows and really you should just let him because they are all catered to your needs and health
Everytime you guys are together he has some level of preparation: there's a snack and water on the bedside table and a rag in a dish of warm water, and a clean dry one to follow
He will wipe you down nearly immediately afterwards no matter how tired he is, he cannot allow you to be sticky or get an infection
You are allowed to relax and rest with him in bed after that but only afterwards
But not for too long because Scarabia is very hot and if you guys are in his room he wants to change the sheets as soon as possible and he does this by running you a bath in his private bathroom
He adds a sensitive-skin chemical-free bath bomb and allows you to just relax for a hot second while he cleans up his room
Of course he checks in with you every few minutes because Kalim fell asleep in the bathtub once and now he fears you might do the same and accidentally slip under
When he has finished cleaning the room he turns his full attention to you, making sure you are washed and dried with gentleness and accuracy
His special form of aftercare though is something completely unique to him
He wants to do your hair
It doesn’t matter what color, length, type at all he will know how to take care of it and will do so with surprising care
He uses a quiet blow dryer/diffuser and combs out your hair till it's perfectly untangled
He uses scalp oils and hair mousse and anything else he feels the need to add and afterwards sometimes depending on how he feels he will add little braids and charms
Jamil misses doing his own hair every morning before he learned how to do it with magic, it was how he relaxed and prepared himself for another long day at work. It was something he could take his time in and be as controlled or as free as he wanted with it, so of course he wants to give you the experience he loved do much
Another 10/10 with aftercare and general caretaking but that was to be expected from someone as prepared as Jamil

Ok don’t get me wrong, Leona cares a ton, he just has no clue what he is doing at all
He is still ridiculously sweet in his own gruff “I’m pretending I don’t care about you but if you so much as wince I’ll carry you everywhere for a week” sort of way
Definitely did not pay attention in Sex-ed so he doesn’t know squat past the basics of the actual act
He is naturally prone to foreplay to some degree so it’s not so bad the first few time you do it
After that one time you disappeared into his bathroom for a while and confessed that you were a little sore the next day he freaked out…on the inside
He maybe sort of gently refused sex for a little while out of concern and confusion
Once he realized he couldn’t just ignore the problem and wait for it to go away he resigned himself to researching aftercare methods
He was hesitant to try them out at first but still made an effort
Started with having some water by his bed for you or offering to let you take a bath and slowly but surely got better
His care is still pretty minimal though, it pretty much consists of getting you clean and comfortable and then cuddling with you until he decides it's acceptable for you to leave
Despite this, he is always careful with you even when he is being “rough”, he wouldn’t admit it but you are his world and if he ever did anything to you by accident, he would be devastated
Side Note: Ruggie refuses to change Leona’s sheets unless paid now so he always teases you afterwards but doesn’t really mind cause he’s getting something out of it lol
#twisted wonderland#twst#twst x reader#jamil viper#jamil viper x reader#jamil x reader#trey clover x reader#trey clover#trey x reader#twst jamil viper#twst trey clover#jack howl x reader#jack howl#twst jack howl#leona kingscholar x reader#twst leona kingscholar#leona x reader
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Can you do an Yandere Idia x male reader
with reader being Idia's fake boyfriend so Idia's parent don't have to worry or talk about his social life but then Idia got too attached to reader during their fake relationship.
reader sleeping on Idia's room and Idia's horny thoughts took over him and he ended up fucking reader and then after that guilt tripped reader to staying with him as he was starting to become more and more desperate for reader's prescence, time, and body.
(i can't think of deeper details im so sorry 😭)
No need to apologize, reader! I think this is quite doable~
Title: Attached
Characters: Idia x m!reader
Contains: Dark Themes(Yandere, manipulation), somniphillia, handjob, biting
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Full request below the cut
All characters are 18+
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For Idia, to finally have his parents stop asking about a partner was a blessing, but unfortunately for him, it would start a mess.
It had been over a month, maybe two, since this pretend relationship started. You agreed to help the socially awkward male to get his parents off his back. Did it mean having to share a kiss here, a hug there? A few Magicam images to really sell it?
Sure, and really, neither of you minded.
Except now, in the hours of the night, Idia found himself staring at the ceiling, unable to even play a game or check his phone to distract him. His thoughts ran wild, and you sleeping beside him didn't help. His yellow eyes, practically glowing in the dark as they darted to your sleeping form and back up to the ceiling. The whole reason you were here was at his request. It seemed out of the ordinary for you two, and you couldn't quite understand why he would want you over, but assuming it was to set up another farse to fool his parents, you agreed.
Now he was almost regretting it.
Sitting up, Idia's gaze started from your head to your legs. In your pajamas, you slept on top of the blankets, having commenting on how warm it was in the dorm. Idia had yet to change, but he had assured you he would.
He didn't. His mind was too busy.
The only thing he kept thinking about was you.
He never broke his stare, leaning towards you with an outstretched hand. He had plans to turn you, but luckily for him, you turned on your own, now lying on your back. He got a better view of your face, your sweet, sleeping face.
The memories of your fake dates called back to him. The way you held his hand was far too real, the way your fingers would intertwine. The looks you would give him would cause pink to rise to his pale face. He longed for this more than just for the time he needed. He longed for you, for your time, your energy, your...
Idia positioned himself over you, his head over yours, His heart hammered as sinful thoughts danced along his mind.
Blue lips carefully brushed against your slightly parted ones. You didn't stir, which Idia was thankful for. He firmly pressed his lips to yours, enjoying a sweet, yet needy kiss. It was quick, as he didn't want to wake you from your slumber, not yet.
A kiss wouldn't be enough, however, and now that he had a taste, he wouldn't hold back.
Not moving from your side, Idia sat up, eyes darting to your pajama bottoms. With shaky yet eager hands, Idia undid the button that kept the fabric together at your crotch. Instead of digging into your boxers like he wanted to, he attempted to still, and instead gently rested his hand over the mound of fabric. A shuddering sigh left his mouth, eyes nearly fluttering at the touch.
Ever so carefully, he began to massage you, a soft hum leaving you through your nose. He had never done such a thing to another, only himself as he had many a night to think about all the things he wanted to do with you, to do to you. He felt you begin to harden under his hand, your brows furrowing as a breathy moan slipped by your lips. Your arm moved, causing Idia to stop. To his luck, all you did was rest your arm over your eyes, body stilling once you were finished. Idia waited a couple seconds before continuing, this time finally slipping his hand into your boxers to present your semierect shaft to the warm air.
Idia practically drooled at the sight, his face hot from merely holding it in his hand. There was no turning back, and ever so gently, he began to pump his hand along your cock. A groan startled him, but he pressed on. You felt hot in his hand, almost unbearingly so, and the last sane part of his brain screamed at him to stop, but all it took was a name to make him come to a screeching halt as his head slowly turned toward the source.
You weren't awake, you were still asleep, but you had uttered a name that made Idia's heart swell.
A dream, he thought. He has to be dreaming.
And if you were dreaming, then that means you wanted this too, right?
Throwing caution to the wind, Idia attempted to carefully readjust, putting himself by your legs as he finally, yet reluctantly let go of your cock, which now was harder than what he started with. Excitedly, Idia worked to carefully remove your bottoms, boxers and pants now crumbled beside the bed. Idia messed with the buckle of his belt, shaky and sweaty hands fumbling with the leather and metal as he finally worked on his zipper. Eventually, his cock sprang free from the confines of his black boxers. Not wasting any time, fearing you would wake up soon, he positioned himself, lifting your legs up to gain access to your hole. He knew there was no prep, but time was of the essence for him. He pressed his cock to your entrance and--
At the same moment you attempted to speak his name, Idia pushed himself in, your walls not ready for such a protrusion, but the male didn't care, not at the moment. Right now, he stared you down, glazed yellow eyes meeting your pained ones. You had gripped the blankets below you, swearing out with a sob as you made a fist to hit the mattress in frustration.
"I-I'm sorry, y/n, but I...I couldn't help myself anymore." Idia's voice trembled, but not because of fear. It trembled because he was desperate. He needed to move, he could always explain what's happening in the meantime, right? With that in mind, he began to gyrate his hips into yours, both of you filling the hot air with sinful sounds of lust.
Unable to speak, all you could do was grip at Idia's sleeves, panting heavily with each blissful impact of his cock inside as you met his frenzied gaze. Not like Idia would answer anyway, as the man was babbling a mile a minute about how good you felt, about how incredible you were.
Idia fell over you, his head close to yours as his feral thrusting never ceased. He stared down at you, a twisted smile revealing his sharp teeth.
"I-I want you I want you I want you I want you...!"
Before you could give a rebuttal, or rather attempt one, you found Idia's mouth on your neck, those very teeth digging into the top layer of your flesh. All the while Idia's movements never stopped, not even while you let out a scream, the pain oddly sending a jolt to your stomach, heat to your cock.
And he didn't let go. Idia's jaw locked onto your neck, growls and panting sounding beside your ear. With his teeth sinking in, and his thrusts neverending, you found yourself in a taboo position. You were still waking up, and all of this was happening to you. You weren't sure how to react, what to say. Your body was assaulted with pleasure, and all you could do was let it happen.
But to your luck, or misfortune depending, Idia was quick to cum, likely due to his frenzied state, his desperate need to have you.
He filled your hole decently, a slip of cum escaping from the bottom of your stuffed ass. Part of you was grateful it was over, but another part didn't want it to end. Idia finally released his jaw from your neck, indents of teethmarks branding you, some having specks of blood from the pierced skin. As far as Idia was concerned, you belonged to him.
"Hah...~ Look at you...~ You're a mess...~" Though he was one to talk. Despite the sweat sheening on your forehead, the tired eyes that once again met the flame haired man, it didn't compare to the crazed look Idia wore, the toothy grin that just cursed you with a bite. "Don't worry, though. I-I like messes~ You're my favorite mess~"
"I-Idia..." Your voice sounded like a whine, a plea. Idia never pulled out, but instead remained inside, as if leaving would kill him.
"Shhh it's okay." He leaned back down, and you flinched, thinking he would bite you again, but instead he left a kiss on your forehead. "No need t-to say anything, okay? Couples do this. It's normal."
Couples...wait. Did Idia forget it was all for pretend?
"B-But we..."
"Hm? We...what?"
You blinked back the fatigue that crept up on you. "I-Idia...we're not really dating."
Surprisingly, his face went unchanged. "Of course we are. It's been two months. You agreed to go out with me..."
"Idia that's not--"
"So you lied to me...you were just pretending to date me?"
That...that was the whole point! This was all for pretend to get his parents off his back! You blinked back confused tears.
"We agreed--"
"I don't u-understand...why would you do this? Why would you spend...a-all that time with me...?" You felt the air change, his hair looking more active than normal.
"I-It was for your parents, remember?"
"My parents? My parents are thrilled I have someone! If you leave me they'll never let me hear the end of it!" Orange speckled the blue, he was close to popping off, but instead, you thought back on your actions. Perhaps...you had simply misheard him initially. Maybe you thought it was for the parents, but maybe that was a lie Idia came up with to ask you out, fighting his anxieties.
"I-I...I-I'm sorry. I must have m-misremembered..."
The orange settled, and a smile, not as deranged, grew back to Idia's face. "I don't blame you, love. It's late after all."
Finally pulling out from you, which caused you to whine out lightly, Idia got settled with you in the bed, pulling the blankets up to cover your half nude form with him by your side.
"Sleep. You need it, okay?"
Without another word, and afraid to turn your back on him, you curled up, closing your eyes...
...unable to see the traitorous grin that Idia wore.
#kaisers house of desires#x reader#x male reader#x male y/n#twisted wonderland idia#twst idia#idia shroud#idia x reader#disney twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland#idia x male reader
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hiii!!! Can I request Yosuke, Yusuke, and Shinji w an S/O who’s like. Almost always moving? Think like Jet Set Radio idles (yes im the one who asked if you’ve ever played :’ ^ ]) like they can rarely stand still and always somehow is listening to music one way or another…
Fandom: Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5
Character(s): Shinji, Yosuke, Yusuke
Note(s): I wanted to make a joke with switching Yosuke and Yusuke's names but I feel like I'll just forget which one I'm writing for and it'll be a mess 😅
Makoto always has his headphones on and listens to music, so it doesn't bother him too much when he sees you do the same thing. He won't get upset if your music is quiet enough so you can hear him talk to you.
And the fact that you are unable to sit still does cause him to sigh and shake his head. So he drags you to the kitchen. If you can't sit still, he'll let you help him grab ingredients. He would have you cut vegetables but doesn't want you to hurt yourself if you get distracted.
Don't get him wrong, Shinjiro isn't annoyed that you can't sit still or you're always listening to music. He's just someone who prefers relaxing and doing nothing, and it's a bit of opposite's attract when he wants just to sit and relax with you, but you're tapping your foot against the ground or humming to have something to do. Shinjiro finds it endearing more than anything else.
He also has headphones on and enjoys listening to music, so it's fun to just vibe with you and listen to music together. Even if you're both listening to different genres or songs, it's just a chill thing he does with you.
He's absolutely used the fact that you both listen to music a lot as a way to put his arm around your shoulder so you'll sit close to him and share earbuds. Yes, it's cheesy, but he feels very proud if it works.
Yosuke does have moments where he has to tap his foot or move around a bit, so he understands that you can't stay still to save your life. He ends up being more worried if you are sitting still for a longer period of time.
Yusuke doesn't mind music if it's on in the background while he's painting, but it has to be a specific type of music, or it'll throw him off. He's very serious about his art. That said, Yusuke has asked you to play some of your music for him, and he'd paint or sketch something based on how it sounds to him.
He is very methodical and has been accused of being a statue or painting himself because he can be frozen for quite a while. Having you bounce around him or make noises is a very interesting dynamic.
Yusuke is only annoyed with it when he wants to sketch you and you're unable to stay still in a pose for him. Besides that, it's just a quirk you have that he finds endearing.
#Anonymous#persona 3 x reader#persona 4 x reader#persona 5 x reader#shinjiro x reader#shinjiro aragaki x reader#yosuke hanamura x reader#yosuke x reader#yusuke x reader#yusuke kitagawa x reader
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1, 6, 14, 24, 34, and 40 for the pregnancy kink ask game
WHOO DOGGY THIS ONES GONNA BE FUN!! Thanks for the ask holy cannolis im hype !!! (Also hi friendo hope you are doing fantastic right now!!!! <3)
1.) What's your favorite aspect of pregnancy? What makes it hot for you in a kink sense? Tbh I love all things pregnancy but if I had to pick one for like a kink aspect it would be the changes that happen during a pregnancy! Like a character getting rounder and rounder, lactation, etc. Like that stuff is my favorite and I have been dabbling more into like having my characters experience those changes more in my recent work and its really really fun plus pushing that boundary a little (double wombs, shapeshifting pregnancy making the belly change size at times, more lactation stuf etc.) Its been a blast and a half and I guess thats what keeps me going a lot!! For a fluffier aspect I just love the idea of a character experiencing the baby growing and it setting in that its real for them its kinda a cute moment when everything finally clicks and how that affects them <3
6.) If you could only pick one, would you keep hyperpreg, rapid preg, or perma preg? Why? (I just copy and pasted this one from where I answered it before hope thats okay!)
Tbh with some of my OCs (most of them lets be honest) they all feature perma preg I just enjoy the idea of there always being something that is in there for a character be it an eldritch being or some sort of cryptid heck in one case one of them has a little shapeshifter! As silly as this is pregnancy is a HUGE comfort thing for me and I enjoy the idea of my characters being able to experience it for a prolonged period of time and what happens when it's going on. Like how do other pregnancies affect it etc. Idk comfort and fun is my main reason but from an art standpoint too I don't have fun drawing non preg things if im honest ive tried to have fun with it but ive realized that I just don't my art only got better when I stuck to drawing what made me happy and that is preg so im happy to have preg be the focus (thats also why I don't have seperate non preg accounts because I don't draw non preg stuff unless I HAVE to!)
14.) Who are some of your favorite preg kink artists/blogs? Gosh I can never answer this question because genuinely all the people I follow are folks I adore with all my heart!! Like legit the folks I follow every single one of them their art is my favorite to see and I look up to all of them in one way or another I hope to improve to be able to be as awesome as they are someday somehow!! Like genuinely if you can check out my following list (idk if there is a way to link it on here or not if there is I will hope back on and link it ) but legit everyone I follow is someone I admire and I just cant choose a few who are my faves because everyone I follow is a star at what they do and it makes me happy to be able to see what they post when I hop on here <3 Brings a smile to my face and a warmth to my heart! <3 24.) Favorite view for a belly? (straight on, side profile, POV looking down as though it's yours, ect)
Shrimply all of them one view cannot rival another the belly is a thing to behold and also hold!! lol XD But legit though I love all the views I can't draw the best so im limited to what angles I can personally draw hence a lot of side shots from me but I love all the angles I admire folks that can do looking down shots and front on and make it look wonderful (again check my following list just sayin) legit I hope to someday be able to do more angles myself cause I LOVE THEM ALL!!! And I always picture them in my head with my characters and when I write its so much fun but legit every angle is best angle to view a belly <3 Round is a great view I have to say <3
34.) What's your ideal rapid preg growth speed? How long should it ideally take to go from a flat tummy to full term? Tbh based on how I write and draw rapd preg for me is at least 5 to 6 months like I am one of those fellas that even if its rapid its gotta be a few months at least so I will go with 5 to 6 months max for a rapid preg scenario for my own personal choice however if its not me making it im down to see and read anything if im honest!! :3
40.) What are some aspects of pregnancy that you enjoy in a kink way that AREN'T the pregnancy itself? (Ex: breeding, labor, birth, lactation, ect) GIMME IT ALL PLEASE THANK YOU Lol But legit I honestly like all of that stuff lactation and labor being two of my top faves, breeding for me is one of those things im just now getting over how shy I am about it (took me being in my middle 20s to actually learn a lot about sexual things and to realize WELP YA BOI HAS A BREEDING KINK) and like just it's one of those things now I thoroughly enjoy (though I am still too shy to write it much genuinely I stick to tentacles and monsters cause its easier to imagine a big ole tentacle than another character lol) I like birth too but again one of those things im still timid about though laying eggs has become much easier to draw as of late even though im not the best at it I have a lot of fun trying!! But genuinely like if its pregnancy adjacent then its a form of comfort for me to some degree I probably seem cringey af but I am just gonna embrace it at this point XD I have a lot of fun with preg stuff and honestly its a huge part of my online identity at this point is drawing preg and posting preg! So I am happy with it!! Whooo this was so much fun to answer all of these thank you so much again for sending in this ask I loved answering these so much this was a blast and a half!!! I really loved this a lot X3
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RP Request (Open)
(Update: 2024)
Hi, Im Satan, Im 24 years old. Im looking for an RP partner for Discord (but can be convinced to RP on Tumblr never done it before). This is also my side blog for RP search, and probably looks terrible dont mind it. I dont have a computer to fix it.
I have fandom RP Ideas right now, and only do Canon x Cannon. I like Original stuff, and have a few original ideas but I have been craving some Cannon/Cannon action. There are some AU ideas for some, and Headcannons for the characrers Im playing. I'm open to work on a different plot or ideas that you have in mind, Nothing I writen for the character section is Set and Stone! Dm me - lord_satan_ on discord or on tumblr messanger
If there is another pairing you wanna do instead of the ones listed just ask! Even if there from a different fandom! I might be willing to rp them.
Im 25
EST Time Zone.
I like making playlists for the rp, sending art of the pairings (not my own, I only draw clothing) and when Im really in the mood yammer about stuff.
I have moments where I go silent, sorry about that. I sometimes just not in the mood to chat.
I have Autism, and sometimes suck at spelling.
I RP mainly on Discord but I can be convinced to RP on Tumblr if you are comfortable with it.
I write in 3rd person
Canon/Canon Pairing Only (M/M)
Semi lit to Lit, depending on the partner.
Be patient, I sometimes forget or get busy with life. If its been more then 24 hours please ping me again.
Be honest, if you arent enjoying the rp, or getting tired tell me.
No 1st person
No one liner, Im looking for Semi Lit.
No Minors, 18 plus Partner (I want 21+, but Im not gonna be picky). If You lied to me about your age, and I find out. Ill ban you.
Nothing with Eyes, Im down to clown withgore (cause I have two killers in this list)
Dont jump to sex please. I want build up.
No R*pe in the rp, the person can be sexually herrassed and it can be a thing that happened to the character in the past. But no R*pe in the rp.
Fandoms, Bold and coloured are character I can play!
Akechi Goro × Kurusu Akira
Akechi and Akira are from the same school/collage, and both are rivals. Enemies to friends to Lovers.
CoD | Call of Duty
Horangi x Kongi
Horangi has been a big fan of a ex porn star, unknown to him that star works right next to him and Kongi is clueless that he is big fan of Horangi music when he was an idol. (Based of a Fanfic I read)
Price x Graves
Graves didnt want to betray the group but he had to, for his young daughter. Group unaware of this, even Price someone he was having a romantic relationship with. (Am Open to other stuff turn to page Soup x Ghost (x roach?) for AU ideas if you don't wanna do this plot)
Soap x Ghost (x Roach?)
Monster AU, Camboy Au, Streamer AU, Flower shop/Tattoo Shop Au, Mermaid Au, or anything
South Park
Butters x Kenny
Theres a rumor that Choas has crated a formula that could give people superpowers. Making heads turn. Enemy to lovers.
Tweek x Craig
Collage AU. I dint have a detail plot idea, but open to discuss stuff for these two!
Evil Within
Sebastian x Ruben "Ruvik"
AU: Ruvik is a doctor at a hospital, he cares for his younger brother. Sebastian as a daughter who lways in and out of hospitals cause of her health. (AUs and Other stuff Welcomed if plot doesnt interest you)
Eddie Gluskin x Waylon Park
I dont really have a plot idea for this one, open to suggestion and AUs!
You made it to the end, perfect. Hit me up with headcannons for the character you wanna play, Im so down to discuss Plot and Themes, also send ne your Triggers and No Nos.
#rp search#south park#persona 5#call of duty#evil within#outlast#sebastian x ruvik#ruvik x sebastian#korangi#körangi#kenny x butters#butters x kenny#akechi x joker#ren x akechi#akechi x akira#akira x akechi#eddie x waylon#waylon x eddie#graves x price#price x graves#ghost x soap#soap ghost#ghostsoaproach#ghost x soap x roach
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July 31st 2024: Completing coming out to my family
(Archived from my Notes)
TW: Suicidal Thoughts
- I woke up at 4:00 AM again for no reason <i thought i was late for work>
- Really tired this morning
- Actually leaving not rushed for the bus tho which is nice
- Bringing kitty with me (the round little cat nia got me)
- I remembered thinking how i could kill myself yesterday evening
- Not gonna step on any unnecessary cracks today
- I succeeded
- Popped some nice little pimples <one splattered on the mirror a little>
- GOOD DAY AT WORK SO FAR <I actually am enjoying my time working and talking to my coworkers <3>
- Almost cried over an american politics post… WTF
- Fuck.
- Weird end to a shift
- Got really happy about life and was so excited to see nia and kiss her when i get home and be productive with homework but then mood dropped sorta when my manager told me gently off about doing something at lunch that she would’ve liked to be done earlier
- She also said (before she told me what she didn’t like) “don’t be down about it but…)
- i don’t wanna be perceived 🥺
- Then I got irritable and wanted to go home
- Then i got tremendous anxiety to the point i had to go to the lunch area to calm myself down
- Then I just felt like bleh and wished for the happy feeling earlier to come back since it only lasted like 2 minutes
- I also thought about how i could commit suicide and it scared me and caused lots more anxiety
- Then back to feeling blah and now walking to the bus like bleh
- (stuffed) Kitty smells and needs bath :(
- Talked with nia when home
- Figured just get it over with
- nia and I went out for Mc Donald’s
- I looked disgusting but i sorta didn’t care
- We talked about how i should put all these in a blog (so i am)
- Then mall
- Got a pretty journal that i don’t know what to do with now since i’m putting these in a blog
- Planted my boston lettuce roots in me garden :)
- So many cool and silly bugs
- Picked at my shoulders and chest to figure out my plan of action for how I can take a shower while doing chores <aka nia is doing some laundry and removing a spider from my window as i shower>
- Now i’m SHOWERING 🧼 and watching House
- … and picking my BACKKKK
- stop
- stop stop
- come on
- good girl ☺️
- okay archer instead
- Watched 3 episodes <maybe 4 can’t remember>
- :( must do homework <in a bit mwhehehe>
- Cheesy ham and turkey on tortilla melt time <and more archer>
- made my desk all nice and clean for homework ☺️
- mom still hasn’t answered
- no one but dad responds to things
- damn i pick a lot… maybe i do need therapy
- been doing homework <sorta> since noah helped me go set everything up
- don’t know how i’m gonna pass this exam
- want weed…
- thought of killing myself again… made me scared when i thought of noah and that i could do it
- scared
- i don’t want BPD like Mara as much as my brain craves it
- i don’t want to be talked about behind my back like i’m a burden on those i love
- Anxiety over took and I had to go lay with nia
- We talked about our worries, trauma, family issues, and random other things in our lives for 2.5 hours
- so interesting how we grew up so different
- Fell asleep
I hope to see you another day<3
#stuffed animals#suic1de#dermatillomania#pimples#politics#emotions#lgbt#coming out#mc donalds#journal#garden#house#archer fx#food#bpd#comfort
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Hiiiii Hime-samaaaa!! Not an ask but I've been meaning to pop in and drop you some props! I'm a newer-ish lurker and follower for like a year or so and your content and overall vibe that you share has been so helpful for me during one of my roughest years but these audios have been such a comfort dunno if it's just like your quality character portrayals/immersion (b/aku is also my fave but I love them all especially the way you portray and personify them!) that takes me to another place or bc horni brain cancels out all the other negative shit or what but they get me by when shit is hard so want you to know that what you do is probably more significant to some than you realize!
Also, because it seems like you can be hard on yourself and I know most of us can, it can be easy to recognize when we fail and let that weigh on us but not so much when we succeed or do well and I've been meaning to say that since new years of last year you had set out some goals for yourself and it sounds like you really did achieve and accomplish more than probably give yourself credit for! At least as far as I can tell since following your blog! Found a job and started working again, started doing things you enjoy like going to cons and cosplaying again, getting married, creating and sharing so much content, and I'm sure way more but like I look at the list of all the audios you completed this past year on just this small side of a niche hobby/kink and I'm sure you've done even more in your actual life and just wanted to say that I'm incredibly proud and happy and continuing to root for you and hope that you've seen these wins and if no one else has pointed it out I definitely wanted to encourage you and I'm grateful that you are here and that you seem to be thriving! I'm sure there will always be bumps along the way as we all figure this life shit out but I believe in you and you're an incredibly talented person and hope that this year continues to be even greater and everything that you could want and more! <3
(wow sorry that was so long but really wanted this message to reach you from the bottom of my heart! You're amazing and thank you so much!!!)
OK so I've been sitting on this one for some time cause reading it filled me with the urge to get back on here and return to making wavs, and it's just so goddamn sweat I'm just...HNNGG Im still in awe at this ask, nonny idk who you are or if you remembered that you send this but this ask has helped me on my worst days when I really just wanted to delete everything and disappear into the ether...
and you're RIGHT I told myself at the end of 2022 that Id go and "make 2023 my bitch" AND I DID and it sucks I dont recognize that!! :O its incredible how much things have changed and I have had my ups and downs since the new year but...all in all, with how things are...it can always ALWAYs be worse lol
so thank you for this nonny, for being proud of me, which I think everyone deserves to hear every once in a while, that they're doing great and will continue to do great! ;O;!! I LOVE YOU!!!
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i don't really have the attention span to do 30-day challenges, so im just gonna answer all these at once!! hidden under a read more cause its kinda long hehe
What age range and/or pet do you regress to?
i dont often feel i have a set age range when i'm little, but id put it at around 3-5 years-- i do experience things from younger and older age ranges, though. im also a puppy!
Do you have or want a caregiver?
i dont have one, but i absolutely want one someday
Do you prefer to regress alone or with sibbies?
i dont have any sibbies, but if i did i would like regressing with them i think. im always so bored when i regress because i dont have much to do but scroll online, so having someone to hang out with would be cool!
What is your favorite outdoor activity when regressed?
i haven't really been regressed while outside before, so im not sure. ive always been a fan of swingsets though!
What is your favorite indoor activity when regressed?
i like watching tv!! it always helps me feel smaller to watch a show made for kids, especially the really good shows that are fun for kids and adults like spongebob, bluey, n pocoyo!
What is your favorite color? Does it change when you regress?
big and small, my favorite is blue!
What is your favorite TV show/Movie genre? Does it change when you regress?
when i'm big, i dont really have a favorite; i can enjoy media from nearly any genre. i am somewhat partial to comedies though, so that would come the closest. as for when im little, uhhh, i think "for kids" counts as a genre so i'd just say that.
What is your favorite cartoon / show when regressed?
this is tough, but probably spongebob squarepants! at least thats my answer off the top of my head!
Do you own any regression gear?
i do! i have a pacifier, a blue one with a blueberry cow center and a little milk bottle charm hanging off it! its super cute, and i got it from PaciParlor on etsy! they dont seem to be currently selling, but if/when they open back up id recommend checkin em out!! they sell a ton of cute pacis :3
What helps you regress?
age dreaming is a big thing for sure, and i like scrolling thru the agere tag here on tumblr as well. and agere headcanons/fanfics, cant forget those!
Do your pronouns change when you regress?
i dont think so! my pronouns are he/it both big and little, though i havent had the chance to experiment with it before so im not 100% sure
Do you have a diffrent clothing style when regressed?
definitely. when im big i lean towards the punk/grunge aesthetic, lots of black and dark themes, but when im little i like wearing lighter, comfy clothes, like kids do.
Do you play video games when regressed? If so what is your favorite game?
i dont have a ton of games, but id probably say minecraft, its my favorite game when im big too!
Do you have a favorite blanket/stuffie/item when you regress? If so, what is it?
my #1 favorite stuffie is my Golden Freddy plush from Sanshee! i love him so much <3333
Do you caregiver or babysit as well as regress?
ive never been a full caregiver, but i dont mind having to babysit; ive been told im really good with kids, although idk how true that really is hah
Is your regression voluntary, involuntary, or a mix both?
voluntary i think!
How long have you been regressing?
i havent really been keeping track, but my very first post on my agere blog is from oct 29th, 2022, so it's been nearly two years now!!
Do you like petnames/nicknames when regressed?
absolutely!! i like most of the basic ones like sweetheart and kiddo, but i also dont mind more personal ones, and ive always liked "pup" too!
What's your favorite regression snack?
huh,,, im not too sure actually! maybe milk and cookies?
What's your favorite meal when regressed?
these food questions are kind of hard to answer, because i so this thing where i fixate on a certain food and eat nothing but that for months, and then eventually switch to another food and do it all over again, so my favorite foods are always changing throughout the year.
that being said, my current fixation food is milk and cookies, so, ill go with that !
What's your favorite beverage when regressed?
mmmm choccy milk
What is your favorite outfit/clothes when regressed?
i dont have a ton of clothes that match my regression aesthetic, but probably this nice lil kirby shirt that i happen to be wearing as im typing this. its primarily cream-colored, with a bunch of kirbys on the front!
What's your personality like when regressed? Is it different from when you're big?
i get very silly and soft when regressed, and also really desperate for attention. im also somewhat low energy i think? i dont get hyped up often, i just wanna cuddle n nap :D
Are you superstitious when you're regressed?
ive actually never thought about this before! i dont think i am? i basically hold the same stance i do about superstitions when im big, which is that ill comply with them for silly reasons but dont actually believe in them.
What kind of music do you like when regressed? Is it different from when you're big?
i like happy, silly music that gets me in a fun mood more than anything else, it just makes me feel good!! im especially geared towards happy vocaloid songs like popipo, teto territory, electric angel, and atta kaito! i also like music box songs/covers, for when im feeling calmer/sleepy :]
Do you like crafting when regressed?
i like to think i would, but i dont do a lot of arts n crafts projects, regardless of if im big or small. i should get around to trying some though, they were fun when i was a kid!
Are you more sentimental when regressed or not regressed?
hmmm, id say when im regressed? its a really close call though.
Is there anything you wish you could do when regressed that you can't currently?
uhh, i dunno! maybe going outside? i kind of worry about being unsafe if i go outside regressed and alone, but if i went with a caregiver i would probably be a lot less anxious about it.
Does anyone IRL know about your regression?
my mom does, but she doesnt really talk about it much. im not so sure she likes that i regress, but i dont really wanna approach her about it, so i try to keep it somewhat away from her.
Do you like going places when regressed? If so, what's your favorate place to go?
as i said before, i dont really go outside when regressed :(
Do you have fictional caregivers? If so, who?
YES, absolutely!! my mains are markus from detroit: become human and sun from five nights at freddys: security breach, but ive been tempted to add wolverine (from x-men) to the list as well recently, hes been showing up more and more often in my daydreams. also, honorable mention to hatsune miku, i dont think of her as a caregiver as often as the others mentioned but shes still so comforting, like a best friend whos always there for you.
thank you for making this challenge, these were fun to answer!!
Obe's 31 days of age/pet regression <3
I tried to make it as inclusive of little ages and genders as possible!
What age range and/or pet do you regress to?
Do you have or want a caregiver?
Do you prefer to regress alone or with sibbies?
What is your favorate outdoor activity when regressed?
What is your favorate indoor activity when regressed?
What is your favorate color? Does it change when you regress?
What is your favorate TV show/Movie genre? Does it change when you regress?
What is your favorate cartoon / show when regressed?
Do you own any regression gear?
What helps you regress?
Do your pronouns change when you regress?
Do you have a diffrent clothing style when regressed?
Do you play Video Games when regressed? If so what is your favorate game?
Do you have a favorate blanket/stuffie/item when you regress? If so, what is it?
Do you caregiver or babysit as well as regress?
Is your regression voulentary, invoulentary, or a mix both?
How long have you been regressing?
Do you like petnames/nicknames when regressed?
What's your favorate regression snack?
What's your favorate meal when regressed?
What's your favorate bevrage when regressed?
What is your favorate outfit/clothes when regressed?
What's your personality like when regressed? Is it diffrent from when you're big?
Are you supersticious when you're regressed?
What kind of music do you like when regressed? Is it diffrent from when you're big?
Do you like crafting when regressed?
Are you more sentimental when regressed or not regressed?
Is there anything you wish you could do when regressed that you can't currently?
Does anyone IRL know about your regression?
Do you like going places when regressed? If so, what's your favorate place to go?
Do you have fictional caregivers? If so, who?
Tagging my freinds to maybe make this a challange! @bigbrotherstriker @pwincess-charchar @roses-n-remoras @littlerunawaytrinket @duckciferthecg @littlesystem
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by my side | lee heeseung

pairing ‣ roommate!fem reader x richboy!roommate heeseung
genre ‣ fluff fluff FLUFF
warnings ‣ mild cussing, LOTS of pet names from heeseung & quite cliche ig + a lot of dialogue ;) y/n also zones out ALOT in this soooo.. + not proofread!
a/n ‣ THIS IS. perhaps not my best work bc i was close to not writing this but i still did it anyway bc i really really liked the plot and the idea of it? i hope you guys still enjoy it though :D anddd the series is coming to end since jay is the only member left, i'm kinda bummed about it but it's just the starting of this blog :)) i will work hard and set out more work for you guys to read hehehhehehe! thank you (for 300+ notes on the other parts) so so much for giving support to my works :D ilu all hhhjehahehjhenf.
** !! there's an error i just found out which is heeseung's name typed wrongly as heesung in this fic, so i'll try to fix it as soon as i can!!

"morning miss y/n"
you give your roommate a smile, as you take a seat at the dining table. a plate is placed before you, the aroma of the food makes your face glow earning a chuckle from heesung, as he takes a seat before you.
"thank you for the meal mr. chef!" you grin at heesung, humming as you take a bite savoring the meal.
"it's really good"
"thank you, i did it myself" heesung replies to your compliment, a smile on his lips.
"where's jay and the rest?" you ask, looking around finally noticing the house was quite silent for roommates that consisted of four men and you, a girl.
"oh, jay left early saying he had plans im not sure why is that, jake and sunghoon went out to hang out i think," heesung says before he takes a bite from his breakfast.
"ah i see, so do you have any plans then hee?"
"mmm, i don't think so maybe i'll go run errands later cause’ we ran out of a few things," he answers.
"what about you, love?"
you didn't know what was the reason for the smile that grew even wider on your face, and you didn't bother hiding it since heesung was too invested in his food where his gaze only lingered there.
was it the nickname love or the fact heesung was interested in your day. it's clear as a day of your crush on him, ever since you started being friends with a while after your first occurrence with him.
four a.m. in a convenience store buying ramyeon because you became hungry while working on a thesis based on a 100 paged doc in the second year of uni— & you still have nightmares about it.
however that night was something you will never regret happening, perhaps the all-nighter was a good idea after all.
you were looking through the row and you remember how happy you were upon seeing the only packet of your favorite ramen left.
your happiness was short-lived when you felt another hand on top of yours.
"i took it first"
"i took it first"
you both glanced at each other, eyes narrowed shooting draggers.
you grip on the ramen tightens so does the stranger's, which lights up the rage in you.
"i said to let go," you grunted, glaring staring at the stranger.
"no you let go, i came and took it first" he replies, his grip on the ramen tightens even more.
having enough of the stranger you put all of your strength in and pull the ramen, however to your absolute horror the ramen rips off and the uncooked noodle fell on the ground.
so does the seasoning packet after a while, like a cherry on top!
silence falls over the both of you as you both stare at the ramen which could have bloomed into a beautiful masterpiece, sexy slick noodles slurped into your mouth having you hum (possibly moan too *not sexually, however) at how incredibly savory the taste could have been.
"why would you do that?"
"are you seriously dumping the fault on me?" you scoff, annoyance laced in your voice when you look up at the stranger before you.
"well, you were the one who gripped onto it and ripped it off? am i wrong?" he asks, arms crossed across his chest, scoffing as well with a annoyed expression.
"you're acting like you didn't do it too?" you retort back.
"you ripped it off though,"
"you didn't let go when i told you to,"
"you didn't too it's obviously your fault,"
"it's your fault,"
"no it's your fault,"
"it's your fault"
"it's your fault"
"it's your fault!"
"uhm, excuse me?" a voice interrupts the argument going on between you and the stranger.
"i need to restock," the lady says which makes you look at the item she's holding in a box.
your eyes immediately go up to meet the stranger who's looking back at you with the same expression. the worker walks pass you and the stranger making you both wait at the side, in absolute shock.
"were we too impatient?" he asks.
"yeah, definitely" you reply, a chuckle follows from the stranger making you laugh but immediately shutting up when the worker looks back at you both.
"by the way one of y'all gotta pay up for this," she says, pointing at the ramen on the floor before walking off.
after debating on who was going to pay for the wasted ramyeon, which you both did over a ramyeon (date) meal in the store.
through that, you both ended up exchanging numbers and learned each other’s names. over that ramyeon incident, you both became friends as well not long after.
now, how did you both become roommates?
well, you ended up finding out he majors in a medical field too, in the same university and in the same course as well. at first, you were extremely confused how you never noticed or knew him, turns out it's because he's quite kept to himself in his own friend group who consisted of the rest of your roommates jake, jay, and sunghoon.
but still, you were quite confused although after few days you both ended up seeing each other in class, started hanging out too. It was only natural you both became close from then on.
a few months later, you had to move out of your old apartment because the landlord sold the place to another person. you didn't know if you should blame your luck or your landlord but that left you with no other choice than to find a new place. It was then when you ranted about it to heesung and him being the generous person he is, he ended up offering you to become his roommate.
you hesitated at first although you both were close, but you agreed in the end when you came to know that heesung also shared the apartment with jay, jake and sunghoon when they also happened to have another vacant room for rent. that also leaded to you becoming the new addition to their friend group.
however moving in was the breaking point because your feelings grew rapidly as soon as you started getting even more comfortable living with heesung than you were before.
all the things you both did together, the amount of time you spent together it almost felt like you were newlyweds but you both lived with three other men (who were almost like yours and heesung’s kids).
but as much as you dreamt of being in a relationship with heesung you also knew it would never be mutual. heesung was way out of your league, to be honest. he could practically do anything and almost everything. heesung is every woman’s dream guy.
precisely, he's an ace.
it doesn't exactly help that he's extremely good-looking too, you often found yourself staring at him, admiring his beauty a little too long too but you knew better than to be caught red-handed. you couldn’t give it away too easily after all your ego was too high to admit it anyway. It was pretty natural for any girl to catch feelings, heesung was also the ideal man of yours too.
"earth to y/n?" a hand is waved before you, bringing you back into reality.
"oh— oh my god" you gasp, blood rushing to your face when you realize you’ve been zoned out. “how long was i out for?" you ask, looking at him wide-eyed. heesung stifles a laugh, before putting down his utensils.
"well, long enough for me to finish my meal."
"you're lying, i zoned out when you had like three scoops of food left," you say, furrowing your eyebrows, trying to divert the topic to heesung so you can escape the embarassment.
"you were zoned out for three scoops of food worth of time then, y/n" he says, and flashes you a smie.
"that's so embarrassing" you say, the heat on your face still there.
"so you're self-aware?" you stare right back at him, your jaw opened wide earning a loud laugh from heesung.
"you're sick" you say shocked while watching how amused heesung was.
"i was kidding," he says, his laughter dying down while you go back to finishing your food. "anyway, i asked if you have any plans today?"
"oh, i don't know, I think i'll just spend the day finishing a few shows on netflix." you say, sighing at how boring it was about to get but on the brighter side, all you had to do today was to move your fingers to change episodes all while laying down on your bed.
bed = closest to paradise
heesung hums in response before he gets up to put his plate and utensils in the sink. you quickly finish up your food and join him by the sink with your plate in your hand, a honey-like smile on your face.
"what?" he asks and eyes you suspiciously at the way you were looking at him.
"wash my plate too please, hee" you plead with a ‘cute’ voice (you assume) in hopes to get him wash your plate too.
"mmmmmmmm why should i though?" he asks teasingly, chuckling when he sees you pout.
"please heesung," flashing him a gummy smile this time he rolls his eyes before grabbing your plate and washing it too. you give him a backhug while laughing before you go back to the dining table to take a seat again.
"you owe me one for this love," he says, wiping his hand when he’s done washing the dishes.
"over washing one plate and two utesils hee? you're better than this come on, pretty boy." you say in a sassy tone earning a scoff from him.
"why didn't you wash it then?"
you go silent which makes you look up at him when you hear a small chuckle from him, "see?" he says, shrugging as he takes a seat from where he was seated before.
"shut up" you say, rolling your eyes.
just then heesung's phone starts ringging, he eyes the screen before picking it up.
"oh, mom"
heesung’s mom? that’s quite sudden.
invested in the sudden call, you stay silent and observe the conversation. it was really just a reason for you to stare at heesung as he speaks on the phone with his (**your possible mother-in-law) mother.
"today? like later?" he asks, his voice all of a sudden a little louder, which earns your attention from zoning out. this zoning out habit seriously had to go.
what was today? later? no clue so you keep on listening to the conversation but you’re easily swayed away when his arms catch your attention. your mind is frenzy when you see the sleeve of his white shirt tighten around his bicep when he places his arm on the table.
fucking hell, if possible you were mad grateful whoever came up with the idea of creating white t-shirts, thin material at it too was getting laid GOOD in the gates of heaven.
lee heesung looked fine as FUCK in it.
"gazed out again? are you tired?"
"huh?" you look up to heesung who was now clicking away on his phone, right— the call must have ended.
"is it like a new hobby now, or do i catch your eye too much? you've been staring at me the whole day," heesung asks, smirking at you which makes him earn a scoff from you.
"you're so full of yourself"
"how do i not say that when you're checking me out at every chance you get y/n?" cockily speaking, he gets up from his seat while looking down at you.
"have a good look now love!" heesung twirls around and gives you a wink when he's done.
"lee heesung!" you whine, hiding your face in embarrassment. "stop you're so annoying! i wasn’t staring at you!” you deny with all your might, begging at ths point he’d stop teasing you because you’re actually starting to look like a tomato.
"whatever you say y/n, now since you owe me one go and get dressed fancy because we have plans" he says and walks off into his room leaving you confused.

you're still confused when you finish putting on your perfume before you take a step back and look at yourself in your stand-mirror.
(quick a/n : i really wanted y/n to wear this fit a lot in my fics but i never found the best occasion so here u go ;) dw she looks mad fine!)
on a second thought maybe you looked the best tonight.
and heesung confirmed it the moment you stepped out into the living room but you were too occupied with arranging the items in your purse while mumbling to yourself at how disorganized it was.
while heesung on the other hand was starting to think if you looked this good everyday he might actually pass out as if you weren't already pretty on a daily basis because my guy was straight up shocked when he sees you with his jaw dropped on the floor.
you were THAT pretty.
white truly was your color. the white fabric against your skin it made you look like an angel who actually came down from heaven. what could beat a simple white dress that showed off your curves beautifully in a decent length which stopped right on your mid-thigh.
he couldn't help but observe the other parts of you too, the way your curls were styled perfectly as it was draped down your back and the simple makeup you had on which yet managed to make you look so so beautiful.
heesung mentally thanks the deities that you chose to wear this cause you sure did look insanely pretty but at the same time he was quite worried that he might give away his fat ass crush on you tonight from how amazing you looked.
yes! the lee heesung had a crush on you as well. it wasn’t too different from how you developed a crush on him too. heesung started catching feelings when you moved in and started spending more time together. although at first he tried denying the feelings in hopes he wouldn’t ruin the friendship between you both, heesung eventually came to terms that it sure was a crush.
besides he fell for you way too hard, it’s unstopable now. heesung too thought he knew better than to ruin the friendship so he remained silent and secretive of his crush on you without knowing you too felt the same.
you both seemed to value the friendship too much to ruin it over mere feelings. or so the both of you thought? perhaps the universe held a different fate for the both of you tonight.
"heesung i can't find my—" you immediately pause because the view before was something you had only dreamed of seeing before.
that's exactly what went inside your head at first when you looked at him. when he said dress fancy, you knew he was bound to show up in a tuxedo, but what you weren't expecting was him to look insanely handsome than what you expected.
you certainly didn't expect the forehead reveal too.
observing his tuxedo, your heart was literally about to burst the fuck out. he literally just had a damn tuxedo on, like it was all normal. a NORMAL TUXEDO, BUT WHY DID IT LOOK SO. GOOD. ON. HEESUNG.
you both stop when you accidentally cut each other off. letting a small chuckle left his lips before he smiles at you and says, "go ahead first,"
"no it's fine, you go first"
“ladies first, love"
"i can't find my keys," you say. well, that sure was totally different from what you originally wanted to say.
"it's alright, i have mine. I'll be driving anyway" he answers and approaches you by the couch.
"what did you want to say?" you ask, looking up at him as your heartbeat rate picks up again at heesung approaching you, when he takes off his blazer.
"help me out" he says, holding out a bow tie and a necktie in his hand and smiling at you slyly.
"oh," you say glancing over to his collar seeing it unbuttoned so was the three others down which led down the valley on his chest. you look away flustered, grabbing the ties and observing it comparing which looked better on him.
“let’s go with the bow tie," you say handing him the other tie to hold. you pull the collar of his shirt upwards before putting the bow tie around his neck and tying it.
while you were focused on it, heesung couldn’t help but grab the chance to observe you even more. your perfume catches his attention which makes him smile. you smelt quite good, heesung thinks you have a good taste for perfumes.
why did everything about you this evening made him so nervous and giddy?
"here you go," you say, patting the bow on him and giving him a smile.
"oooooh you look very nice pretty boy" heesung finds himself flustered at the compliment but he keeps his cocky expression up before he gives you an annoying response.
yeah, so that didn’t work.
heesung finds himself saying another thing from what he planned to say.
"you look like the only one who's going to be having my attention tonight"
the room goes silent when you stare wide-eyed up at the sudden compliment. nevertheless it still managed to make you blush and the butterflies in your tummy erupt while heesung silently cusses himself.
"oh, thank you," you say, a big smile grows on your face with your ears growing warm and the blood rushing up to your face.
"here," heesung says to escape the tension in the room when he brings you to sit down on the couch.
"hee, what are you doing?" you ask, confused as to why he got you to sit down.
heesung kneels down and brings a box down onto his lap from next to you which you didn't realize. well, not when your whole attention was on the boy in front of you.
heesung takes off the lid and then a few wraps which then reveals
a pair of heels?
he takes one heels out and sets it down and then proceeds to pick up your feet. he slips your feet in and then puts on the strap, which he then also repeats for your other feet.
when he’s done, he looks up to meet your eyes which were looking down at him.
the one he sees the whole universe in when you're the happiest woman in the world.
he shoots his million-dollar smile at you before speaking up, "coincidentally you wore white today which is perfect because these heels are white too, so how is it? do you like it, love?"
"did you buy these— for me?" you ask, and as predicted heesung nods.
"what? why?" you ask confused. it wasn’t your birthday, you didn’t have anything up too so what was the sudden gift all about?
"because.." he trails off, "do i need to have a reason to buy a gift for my friend?" your heart clenches when you hear the word leave his mouth.
right. a friend.
that's what you are to him, and you keep on forgetting it. you put on a smile which hid your disappointment you look at heesung.
"i'll pay you back, these look really expensive i can't let you do that," you say and chuckle but heesung lips form a frown by your response.
"it's a gift y/n, why would you pay me back? you know i hate it when you do that, im not letting you do that."
"it's a gift from me to you love, i bought it for you. so don't worry about it and wear it often, you look very beautiful in it," he says, complimenting you as he gets up. you sigh in defeat before you put your hand in heesung's hand which he held out for you.
"oh yeah, you never told me where we are going" you as trying to push the conversation before to the back of your mind.
stop worrying too much and just have fun tonight, y/n.
"my mom said she's having a small hi-tea party, for family and friends so she forced me to be there with a plus one,"
right, and heesung is insanely rich too.
this man is a full package. once again, he isn’t every girl’s dream guy for no reason.
"ah, so you're making me your victim?" you say teasingly which makes heesung laugh.
"victim? you really have a way with your words y/n"
"isn't hi-tea held like in the evening or something?"
"4 to 6 in the evening is the time," heesung says as he puts on his shoes.
"what the fuck. didn't we just have breakfast just now?" you ask, thinking about how you just had breakfast an hour ago.
"it's brunch for you because you woke up at 1 in the afternoon, it's three now almost four too" he replies which has you gasping when you check your phone.
"time flew so fast today"
"no, you just have bad time management" you scoff at heesung before you both exit the apartment after double checking if you locked it because you're paranoid and you won’t leave heesung alone without being sure if you did lock it or not.
"do you have a feet fetish?"
"because i don't think I've ever mentioned my shoe size to you, and these heels fit perfectly so how did you get the size perfect?"
"you think i have a feet fetish because of that? you're out of your mind!"
"well, how'd you know then?"
"i checked your shoes silly"
"oh. so you do have a foot fetish?"
"what the fuck y/n?"
"what are the chances you didn't smell my shoes when you were checking the size?"
"you're fucking insane, oh my god"
"chances are low but never zero, lee"

to be honest you were completely okay until you arrived at the venue and you started to feel nervous. heesung ends the engine and was about to exit before he takes a look at you, who didn't look too well and heesung being the gentleman he is, he immediately checks on you.
"y/n? is everything alright, you look so.." he trails off in a worried tone when you look at him.
"im nervous, what if i fuck up?" you shriek, eyebrows furrowed as your mind starts making up negative scenarios. what if you trip and embarrass yourself and heesung or what if you bump into a waiter and accidentally cause a bunch of glasses to break?
"fuck up? what are you talking about?" heesung asks, confused at your reply.
"like what if i don't fit in, like i know i don't— this isn't my cup of tea and all but like what if something i do actually like? oh my god what if—"
"y/n." you look at heesung.
"you're not going to fuck up anything, i’ll be by your side. everything will be fine you really don't have to worry about not fitting in at all, it doesn't matter."
"no but's! i know you're nervous so that's why i'll hold your hand and stay by your side. everything will be fine, you don't have to worry love. i’m here, alright?" he assures you which you sigh at but trusting heesung you give him a small smile before he exits the car and opens your door to let you out.
heesung takes your hand in his and intertwines the fingers which may or may have not made your heartbeat race. he locks the car and then you both make your way into the venue. making your way into the rooftop, you couldn't help but feel like you might pass out any moment.
1) this was your first time at an extremely fancy place like this. being a middle-class lady all your life, it was pretty rare for you to end up at such events like this.
2) why were you so nervous as if you were going to meet heesung's mom and be like "yeah im dating your son ma'am, I'd like your blessings"
you both enter the rooftop once the lift doors open and you both were immediately greeted by the commissionaires. you both give them a smile and then were ushered. your nervousness was once again noticed by heesung which resulted him to place his arm around your waist, catching you by surprise.
this man was the death of you.
"oh my, heesung lee? is that you, dear?" a voice interrupts you both when you're finally by the reserved high-top table.
"aunt leah?” heesung smiles pulling the older lady who seemed to be in her 40's into a hug.
"my goodness, it's been quite a very long time since we've last seen each other dear! you've grown to be a very dashing handsome man!" she compliments heesung as they pull away, her hand placed on his bicep as she speaks.
"you’re right aunty it sure has been a while, how are you?"
you didn't seem to be rude and interupt them so you turned around to observe the place. but your sight-seeing moment didn't last long until you were being mentioned.
"so heesung who's this pretty young lady here?" you turn around like a deer caught in headlights but immediately flash her a smile as you join heesung by his side.
"my my, heesung you sure have very good taste in women, she is a very beautiful woman!" heesung's aunt compliments you which you immediately thank her to but the main reason there was a big blush on your face was what she said to heesung.
“you sure have a very good taste in women”
you look up to a flustered heesung as well who was chuckling at his aunt's statements.
"well what are you waiting for? introduce me to her, i'd like to catch up with her, we have plenty to talk about,"
panic rises in you as you look at heesung, what the fuck was he going to say? well, of course, 'roommate' or friend right?
"aunt leah, this is y/n my girlfriend and y/n, this is aunt leah, my mother's right-hand woman," he says looking over at you which a quick press on your waist to bring you closer.
this had to be the most insane day you ever had with your feelings going insane because of lee heesung.
partly you were quite giddy and all 'knees weak’ because of what he introduced you as but at the same time being the overthinker you are, you knew he only said that because it would seem ridiculous to bring a 'roommate' or a ‘friend’ to such an event.
so you ended up convincing yourself that it was just a lie, you didn't have to freak out and get your hopes up because of it.
"hello aunty," you smile at his aunt and fall into her embrace when she pulls you into a hug.
"hello dear it's very nice meeting you!" she says a small laugh follows by at how nervous you seemed.
"you both ladies continue your conversation, i'll look for my mother," he says before excusing himself and leaving you with his aunt. you give heesung a nervous smile at him suddenly leaving you with his aunt alone but heesung gives you a thumbs and as smile.
“you’ll be fine!” he mouths at you before disseapearing into the crowd.
"i know you both aren't dating so you can drop the act," his aunt speaks up as soon as heesung is out of sight. you look up, eyes wide straight up just staring at her.
"did i come off too rude dear? oh no, i apologize!" she says chuckling which makes you sigh of relief. you were absolutely shocked, to say the least, however, you still try denying it to save heesung’s lie from earlier.
"i’m sorry but what are you talking about, aunty?" you laugh nervous, taking a sip from the champagne and then letting out fits of light coughs. you weren't really much of a drinker, if it happned too it was rare, only on occasions.
heesung's aunt however just raised her eyebrow at you.
“i know you’re lying, you’re not very much of a good liar are you?” she says making you laugh.
“i can’t really back that up anymore can i?
“not a chance, dear” you both erupt into laughter together and then shutting up when you both attract glances.
"if you don't mind me asking, how did you even...?" you trail off. heesung’s aunt smiles at you before leaning in to whisper.
"we aren't called the masters of gossip for no reason" laughing even more this time you both were told to keep it down when a few people stares at you both.
"that's— very speechless" you say, sighing from how much she's made you laugh that evening.
"mhm but you really want to know how" she pauses to look around but sees no one taking interest in the conversation anymore between you two before she continues.
"heesung being the only son of the lee's and if you didn't know or if heesung didn't mention to you, the lee's are what we call the superior in this community"
"so, like— the Crazy Rich Asians?" you ask, still confused but by the reaction you get from aunt leah you get your answer.
"well, i guess you can say that? but no worries mrs.lee isn't like the nick's mother in the movie. mrs.lee is actually a sweetheart just like her son, and knowing her for years now she's like a sister i never had. once again, just like her son she's an absolute ace too" she says describing heesung's mom and you nod giving her a smile.
“and if heesung did really had a girlfriend, word would go around pretty quickly. in fact you being his plus one tonight is already attracting alot of people’s interest in you. if you haven’t realised, you actually have competition” she says and points towards a group girls who were staring at you with jealousy in their gaze. looking back to aunt leah, you sigh.
"i haven't met his mother before, this is my first time actually, coming around to see heesung's family." you say.
"oh my, then you must be really special. i guess heesung likes you a lot then!" she gaps.
"what? sorry aunty but— heesung doesn't like me like that even though he just straight up lied to you just now," you say laughing nervously once again as you explain to her.
there's no way heesung likes you. of course you imagined it, had scenarios in your head all about it but there's absolutely no way. AT ALL. that he liked you back, even if it happened— no, it won't happen there shouldn't be 'if's'.
but what were the possibilities? you're a pretty decent person. so what's wrong?
what's wrong was you think you're not good enough for heesung, perhaps you'll never be because you think you're nothing compared to any of the girls in the room you were. you were just a half-broke med school student who really didn’t compare to the rest of the girls in this room. you’re not even on their level to begin with and like you said before, you pratically didn’t belong here.
heesung could have any girl he wanted so why would he want you?
"y/n dear?"
"sorry i kind of spaced out, im sorry? what were you were saying again?" you say, snapping out of your thoughts quickly apologizing to aunt leah.
"are you alright?"
"yeah yeah i am, don't worry about it aunty. you were saying?" you ask, feeling the heat rush to your face immediately of embarassment.
"i was saying heesung doesn't bring just anyone to see his family. heesung keeps his private life away from his studies or anywhere related to the life he's living, so you must be pretty special for him to bring you along. apart from his friends who i remember were jay, sunghoon and… jake!" she explains but you still weren't convinced.
"i think he just really needed a plus one aunty, it's the weekend everyone is probably busy with their own thing and i happened to be free and all so..," you say and aunt leah wasn't having it.
"you're denying it as if you like him, y/n."
"wha— aunty what no? what are you talking about?" you stutter at first at the sudden question, but your answer and tone was more than enough for her to be sure of her suspicions.
"so you do like him?"
you stay silent for a moment, comprehending whether you should confess or just keep on denying it like you've been doing for the longest time.
"your silence speaks loud enough.”
"anyone would see that he likes you from the way he looks at you dear, believe me- heesung likes you, if he brought you along to meet his family im pretty sure he wants to be serious with you. think about it, heesung looks at you like you’re the prettiest woman in his eye, which he isn’t wrong at. you’re a very beautiful woman." she says but you frown.
even if he did you just couldn't find any logic reason or why he would like you? out of every other girl he could have had? why you? It isn’t a bad thing but you couldn't help but think that way given how he’s too perfect for you.
"but even if he did like me, why would it be me? it could be any other girl? there's so many other girls that are better than me- like those girls who are supposedly my ‘competition’ aunty." you ask, eyebrows furrowed and a frown on your face as you asked his aunt.
"heesung will know the answer to that, but just trust me when i say he likes you. heesung may not be vocal about it but i know him like the back of my hand. after all, i was also the one that practically raised him, so go for it dear don't worry too much.you both will be fine!"
you assumed she practically just asked you to ask heesung that? yeah no, that was definitely not happening. you weren't going to risk it all over something so stupid like your sily crush on him.
again, like you've mentioned before. who wouldn't have a crush on him? after all, he's lee heesung.
"am i interrupting you ladies?" a voice comes up from behind you which earns both of your attention.
"nope! in-fact you're just in time, i was just done talking to your beautiful girlfriend" his aunt answers giving you a smirk at the mention of girlfriend.
"i see, by the way aunt leah my mother is looking for you" heesung says, giving her his signature smile which made you heart flutter. he's so BEAUTIFUL it was totally hard to believe he was real and not a sculpture in a musuem.
"is that so? alright, then i shall take departure then. it was a pleasure meeting you dear, i hope to you see you soon again, you too heesung" she says giving you both a smile before leaving.
"i hope she wasn't too much of a trouble?" heesung asks, moving over to in front of you as he grabs a glass of champagne from the waiter who passed by.
"no, not really. she's a very nice lady, felt like we knew each other before this? she's very welcoming to say the least" you say, sighing which doesn't go unnoticed by heesung
"is everything alright love?"
you look up at him, trying to not show it off too obviously that you're reading him. his eyebrows were furrowed, as if he was too concerned about you. the nickname makes you stomach do flips as usual, this is exactly why you keep on falling for him more and more.
you have no self-control over your feelings anymore.
"you're not, you seem too—"
"hee im fine, don't worry about me. you should go have fun! like—" you pause looking around for an answer, stopping your gaze on a group of girls staring at the both of you, specifically heesung.
"go talk to those girls! who knows you might finally get a girlfriend, if lucky you might get a good fuck too!" you say, chuckling but it doesn't seem to convince heesung.
"why not?"
"because i want to be here with you. i'm not ditching you for some other girls like that y/n. i told you i’ll be by your side today,” he says and you pause. by pause, your heart actually paused and then started beating a little too fast to your liking.
why does he keep on saying these things that make you feel like that?
"you're not okay, do you want to go home? we can leave—"
"no! no not yet, you're not having fun heesung. why are you worrying so much about me?" you ask, annoyance laced in your tone lightly when he remains stubborn and not listening to you.
"you want me to have fun? okay then" he says, taking your wrist in his hand and he drags you towards the crowd in the middle of the place.
"hee what are you doing?"
"having fun" he places his hands around your waist which doesn't fail to make you get goosebumps and feel giddy.
"not with me, i meant with those girls!" you say but heesung shuts you up by twirling you around which catches you by surprise, making you place your hands on his broad shoulders. part of you was actually glad he didn’t listen to you and go to those girls because then you’d be a jealous mess.
"they're no fun, i like it better when i'm with you" he says grinning.
you both just sway to the music letting everything just fall into place. you don't think much, just letting everything go by and happen as the song changes and you both watch the sunset.
"should we leave now? i have something to do" heesung says as he stops moving noticing it’s almost dusk when he checks his watch.
"okay" you say, not questioning what he had lined up. you just follow him, saying goodbyes to aunt leah and a few of his other relatives you didn’t know and pretty sure you won’t be seeing again anytime soon.
"i didn't get to see your mom" you say while you both walk to the car park.
"that's for another time, i'm sure aunt leah tired you out despite you complimenting her— i know her like the back of my hand, i grew up by her."
"she said the same thing!" you shriek, earning a laugh from heesung.
"i told you!" heesung opens the car door for you as you get in.
"thank you, hee"
"you're welcome, my love"
the ride back wasn't too boring, you both shared a small conversation here and there. but when heesung pulls into the parking lot of a supermarket you're surprised.
"huh? what are we doing there?"
"we need to run errands, i told you this afternoon" he says, taking off his seatbelt and ending the engine.
"no way, are you seriously going to walk in there dressed in a tuxedo hee?" you snicker, already imagining the way how red his face was going to be from embarrassment when he gets back.
"not when you're coming with me too"
"what the fuck, no i'm not."
if not, why were you in the dairy section checking the milk carton's expiry date as you put it into the cart which heesung was pushing.
"should we also get two packs of cheese, we run out of them pretty quick" heesung asks, picking them up and showing you.
you just hum in response earning a sigh from heesung.
"come on y/n, you can't be that mad. no one is even staring at us" he says and frowns. you continue to give him the cold shoulder as you walk away leaving heesung behind.
"loveeee, y/nnnnnn, y/n?" heesung trails off behind you when you enter the snacks section. you take your favourite chips and heesung's putting them into the cart.
"awe, you remembered mine" as soon as he says that you take it out of the cart which heesung stops you at with a frown on his face.
"okay fine i'll shut up" he says and sighs as he lets go when you put the chips back and then grab your other roommates favourite snacks too, putting it into the cart.
you both went on, getting a few other items before heading to the cashier. things were going pretty smoothly until the cashier said something to heesung.
"this isn't professional but can i have your number sir, I'd like to grab a coffee or meal with you if you don't mind?"
your ears perk up at the question which makes you look straight at the cashier, shooting daggers at her.
"are you blind or do you not see me with him?" you ask, your tone very— pissed off too.
"oh, are you his girlfriend or something?"
"or something? wow you really have the audacity to ask something like that? yes i'm his girlfriend, what about it? do you go around around everyone's boyfriends their number like this shamelessly?" you scoff, folding your arms questioning the cashier of her ridiculous action.
"i didn't know—"
"you didn't know? i'm literally right next to my man?" you say and at this point you’re ready to throw hands but you were immediately interrupted by the store's manager you assumed by the looks of it.
"excuse me, miss. is there a problem?"
"yes. your 'worker' here doesn't seem to have professionalism and just asked my boyfriend for his number while i'm next to him. this is ridiculous and as if it can't get any worse she's extremely rude too?"
heesung couldn't fight the growing smile on his face when you fought with the casier. the word 'my man and my boyfriend' leaving your mouth so naturally like that made his heart flutter.
he watches you as you file a complaint and pay before you both leave the store. he remains silent even when you both put the things into the car's boot. heesung couldn't wait to speak up about it in the car.
as soon as you both got into the car, his smile finally turned into a smirk when he looked at you, leaning on the armrest.
"what?" you glare at him, absolutely pissed not wanting to have anymore of whatever he was gonna make you do.
speaking frankly, you weren't really that mad when heesung made you follow him into the supermarket although the stares from people were a little too obvious which heesung insisted they weren't 'staring'.
you were just teasing heesung when you gave him the so-called 'cold-shoulder' but what actually got you so pissed was when the cashier lady asked heesung out right when you were next to him.
and by reflex you immediately called him your boyfriend and YOUR MAN. feeling flustered from knowing how cocky he was going to be about it, you prayed in hopes he wouldn't bring it up.
however heesung being the little shit you knew, he immediately brought it up as soon as you both got into the car.
"sooo my man? damn y/n i didn't know you had that in you."
"shut up, i saved your ass back there" you say, whining as you cover your face from embarrassment.
"or were you just jealous?" heesung smirks, leaning back as he watches you struggle to find words to say.
"why should i be?!"
"why did you fight her then? she asked for my number i could've gotten a date back there. and maybe like you said, back at the event earlier, i could’ve gotten a good fuck too." he says, shrugging his shoulders.
how dumb is he? you were so obvious back there.
"you cannot be serious, come on now heesung. i wasn’t thinking when i said that, it just came out in a flow hee."
"what? you like me or something y/n? why are you acting like this then?" he asks, leaning forward this time making you hitch your breath as you freeze. you were starting to think he knew what exactly he was doing.
"what are you talking about heesung, stop playing around. it's not funny" you chuckle nervously, leaning back but heesung grabs your arm stopping you in place.
"you're not denying it love."
you stay silent, lost at words when heesung's eyes look at yours and then your lips. you knew this was it, if you don’t stop it there's no way you can save the friendship anymore.
heesung had to stop teasing you like this if it was meaningless.
"so what heesung? so what if i like you? you don't like me back so why the fuck does it matter? if you're so annoyed about what i did back there just go back and get her number back th—"
your eyes widens when you feel heesung's lips on top of yours. the feeling was euphoric you couldn’t even think when you immediately caught onto the kiss and kissing him back.
"you're insane if you still think i don't like you back y/n" heesung says when he pulls away, catching his breath from the kiss you both shared.
"i truly didn't want to confess in a way like this love but you keep on putting me on the edge by doing things like this— how do you expect me to not fall for you even more when you called me 'your man' back there, that was so smooth. and it felt so right coming from you i can't imagine hearing it from anyone else,'' he says, chuckling when he sees your shocked expression.
"i like you alot y/n and knowing you, you'll have a hard time processing what i’m about to say but still-. i hope you like me back too. well hopefully because if you don't i'm going to pass out from embarrassment and most probably never face you ever again, because i just ruined our friendship. i see you more than just a friend y/n, i see you as someone i want to experience love with. i want to love you y/n. and trust me when i say you're the most beautiful girl in the entire world. everytime you tell me to go be with other girls i refrain myself from saying you're the only girl i want to be with and just because i didn't want to ruin what we had. even if there were millions of other girls who'd want to be with me, i'll never find you in them. you're my y/n, you're my girl. i don't see myself having breakfast in the noon with any other girl other than you love, or go to the supermarket in the middle of the night all dressed fancy with anyone else because i’m pretty fucking sure that none of those girls from before would even be here doing this with me right now, in the middle of a supermarket’s parking lot, only you darling."
"or fight over a packet of ramen in a convenience store and then debate who should pay over the ruined ramen y/n— in other words, you're the only girl i wish to be with. i like you alot, so that only leaves me with one more thing" heesung says, taking your hands in his as he rubs his thumb over your hand.
"i want you to be my girlfriend, i promise to treat you better and more than you deserve, I'll make you the happiest girl in the world love, i give you my word." you were at an absolute loss of words, just tears streaming down your cheeks as you leaned into the back of his hand.
"i hate you so much"— "i really hate you so much lee heesung" you say, sobbing even when you pull away. you were a mess and heesung seeing you like this isn’t a new sight to him.
"i really thought i never had a chance with you" you cry out, making heesung chuckle, but his chuckle makes you sob even more.
"why are you laughing, it's not funny!" you whine, hitting his chest when he pulls you into a hug.
"you're the cutest even when you're crying"
"you're so annoying." heesung pulls you away from his hug and wipes off your tears before grabbing your face in his hands.
"is it a yes or no?" he asks, staring into your eyes awaiting the answer that held the fate of your friendship tonight.
"only a yes if i can kiss you again, hee" you say, grinning when you see heesung's lips grow into a smile again.
"you'll never hear a no from me when it comes to you love" you lean in, wrapping your arms around his neck, lips molded into each other's as if it was missing puzzle pieces finally reunited.
"heesung's girlfriend, y/n? sounds so right"
"you're so cliche"
"only for you, of course!"
to say the least, after that, your relationship bloomed so much more beautifully, and it made you and heesung the happiest you both have ever been. who would've guessed a fight over a ramen could have led into something more.
you also ended up meeting heesung's mum and got a blessing, she's very fond of you too. you certainly felt like a main character in your version of Crazy Rich Asians, with your very own nick who's Heesung Lee in your version.

read the rest of the series! : sunghoon (1), sunghoon (2), jake, jay
#enhypen#enha#enhypen imagines#enhypen scenarios#enhypen angst#enhypen fics#enhypen writes#enhypen works#enhypen fluff#enhypen smut#enhypen x reader#enhypen heesung#enhypen hee#lee heesung#heesung#hee#enhypen timestamps#enhypen drabbles#enhypen x female reader#heesung x reader#roommates au#friends to lovers#heesung roommates#enhypen sunghoon#enhypen jungwon#enhypen jay#enhypen jake#enhypen sunoo#enhypen ni-ki#enhypen niki
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time for bed, babybug. [blurb.]
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉

summary | ransom coaxes you to sleep after staying up for way too long.
pairing | boyfriendransom drysdale x reader
warnings | reader is sleep deprived af and cognitively compromised, soft!doting!ransom (like so soft like the pet names and everything are just :’’-) probably almost definitely ooc) no im not even kidding seriously the softest ransom i’ve ever written, just really fluffy <3
word count | 423

requested by anon | reader being super tired but she cant sleep and she’s all floaty from lack of sleep and saying things like ‘my body is so tired’ and Chris cuddles her and helps jer sleep
an | okay this request was sent to me by a dear dear friend after the sleepover, she couldn’t make it due to timezones:-( but!! i still wanted to write it for her. she also sent another one with ransom and said to choose so i have decided to like,, do this request but with ransom? since there were not many other ransom blurbs/ hope that makes sense and hope you guys enjoy!!

“Come on babybug, time for bed,” Ransom tells you as he carries you bridal style up the stairs to your shared bedroom.
“No sleep. Can’t do it. Gonna later,” you mumble weakly in protest, causing Ransom to shake his head and almost laugh as he brings you over to the bed, setting you down. The moment his arms pull away from you, your eyes grow wide, a huge pout forming on your face as you motion for him to hold you again. “Ran,” you whine, puffing out your bottom lip.
“Okay, okay, just a sec, doll. Gonna get you some jammies, wouldn’t be very comfy to sleep in your jeans.”
“No sleep. Cuddles,” you plead. Ransom chuckles as he returns to you, helping you out of your sweatshirt, bra, and pants before slipping one of his old t-shirts over your head, leaning down and kissing your forehead before tossing your other clothes in the hamper.
“We gotta sleep, honey. You’re functioning at like, twenty-five percent brain capacity. And that’s if I’m being generous in my estimate,” he tells you with raised eyebrows, quickly changing himself into some pajamas before coming back to finally join you on the bed.
“My brain’s really big. Twenty five is plenty,” you mumble as he helps you lay down, wrapping his arms around you while your head rests comfortably against his chest.
“Oh yeah? Then how come you were trying to use your graphing calculator to turn on the TV?” he asks through a chuckle, fussing your hair slightly as you groan.
“Wanted to see what was on,” you say innocently, only causing the man to laugh more. “Don’t laugh at me,” you pout. “I don’t need sleep. I need coffee and cookies and cuddles, that’s it.”
“Yeah, and you’ve been running on those things for how many days now?” he asks, his voice softening with concern. “Come on, sweet girl. Sleepy time now. You could barely make it up two steps before you needed me to carry you; aren’t you exhausted?”
“Body’s so tired,” you hum, hating to admit it.
“I know, lovebug. It’s okay, you can sleep. I’ll stay here with you and hold you the whole time, okay? Then in the morning we can have pancakes. Deal?”
“Lots’a syrup?” you ask hopefully.
“All the syrup you can eat, doll,” he promises.
Humming again contently, you snuggle into Ransom’s chest, eyelids growing heavy as his heartbeat pounds gently against your ear.
“Night night, bunny,” you hear him whisper as the world fades out. “Love you loads.”

#eun's writing#time for bed babybug#ransom drysdale#soft!ransom drysdale#ransom drysdale fluff#ransom drysdale fanfiction#knives out#knives out fanfiction#ransom drysdale x y/n#ransom drysdale x reader#ransom drysdale blurb#ransom drysdale drabble#ransom drysdale headcanon#ransom drysdale one shot#ransom drysdale imagine
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My counsellor, my lover
This is a Rafael Barba imagine that is going to have a few follow up parts and is based around the book My Sister’s Keeper. I hope you all like it.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @thereisa8ella @qardasngan
Part 2
Summary: Rafael takes on (Y/n)’s case when he learns she was forced to be a donor and learns what she went through and a relationship soon develops.
"Okay, you have my attention. What can I do for you?" Rafael's voice hit the squad room like a marching band making their entrance.
All eyes set on the rather dashing-looking ADA who had a prize winning smirk plastered on his face and a brow rose in intrigue. He had one hand stuffed into his pocket, his other hand holding his usual briefcase and his dark navy blue blazer was unbuttoned. Showing off his black tie with pink spots and his rather flashy burnt yellow suspenders.
Rafael cast his eyes around the large office before he pinpointed Olivia walking towards him with a cup of coffee in each hand and her usual, welcoming smile on her lips.
He had to admit that he didn't know why he was here but what little information he had been given had reeled him in like a fish on a hook. Olivia had told him that it wasn't their usual kind of case but the victim wanted SVU to deal with it and she wanted Rafael specifically to be the one to push this case through. It made him feel a bit big-headed that someone was asking for him personally and he liked the unusual type of cases.
"Barba, thanks for coming." Olivia held out a cup of coffee for him which he gladly took, eyeing his friend suspiciously when she didn't say anything more.
"Hmm, now what's this case that I can't pass up?"
"It's not a rape or assault case, but she is a special victim that we know personally. Come on, she's through here."
With a charming yet unsure kind of smile, Rafael took a sip of his coffee before he followed Olivia through to one of the back rooms where they would talk to victims, not suspects. They had been lucky that Rafael didn't have another case lined up yet and if this was worth his while he would take the case straight away. He knew SVU wouldn't have called him for something they didn't think was worth trying to prosecute or someone whose story was full of holes and who could be torn down on the witness stand.
But the moment Rafael followed Olivia into the room, his lungs came to a short stop and the coffee trickling down his throat caused a heckling cough to leave his lips in shock.
She was one of their newest detectives here at the squad and if Rafael was being honest with himself, she was someone who had perked his interest- and not just in a friendly kind of way either.
Olivia couldn't be telling him that something had happened to (Y/n), nothing bad could have happened to her. A million questions, rapid thoughts and horrid worries sparked through his mind before Olivia brought him out of his thoughts and back to the present.
"Barba, why don't you take a seat and I'll leave you to talk?" Olivia's voice was comforting and she could no doubt see the shock on Rafael's face and almost hear his thoughts screaming out.
"Thanks Liv." (Y/n) tangled her fingers together that were itching from how much she was sweating. Just the thought of this moment had her stomach churning and her heart going into overdrive but now it was happening. Barba was sat here in front of her, slowly removing his jacket and getting out a notepad and pen.
She could see that he was almost as anxious as he was but as the seconds ticked by he managed to compose himself well until he was back to his usual composed, confident self. (Y/n) didn't know what it was about Barba that made her nervous, being close to him sent her heart reeling in her chest, talking to him made her flush and look around as if she was doing something too daring by even speaking to him.
"So... what's happened?" Rafael couldn't put it any other way but bluntly but his green eyes were soft as he looked across at (Y/n).
"I don't know how to say it... it's not something you can easily prosecute, counsellor."
"Let me worry about that. Liv said it wasn't a rape case, were you assaulted?"
It hurt Rafael to even contemplate the thought that someone had tried to harm (Y/n) in any way. There were a number of scenarios that could have happened, someone could have drugged her, beaten her, tried to attack her or kidnap her or hold her hostage. She could have been involved in something or been a witness to a crime, the thoughts just went on and on until Rafael was almost drowning in worry.
"No! No, nothing like that." (Y/n) shook her head and her hands to stop Barba from thinking anything like that. She liked the counsellor and she didn't want him even thinking any scenarios like that. "I want you to prosecute my parents for what they've put me through."
"Y-your parents? Okay, why don't you tell me everything from the beginning, leave nothing out."
The notepad in Rafael's hand was set down on the coffee table in front of him before he leaned back in the armchair and held his hands together on his lap, crossing one leg over the other. They were friends, he knew (Y/n) felt calm enough around him to talk to him about anything which made it easier for her to be able to tell him about what was going on with her.
Rafael was far beyond the point of intrigue now, he was delving into the deep end wanting to know what (Y/n) was talking about and what had happened to her. Being an ADA meant that Rafael was one of the few people who could actually be nosey and ask questions and learn about what people had gone through. He was a nosey person at times but with his job it was different, he had to know everything to have the best possible chances of helping.
"My older sister, Leigh, she was diagnosed with leukaemia when she was five. No one in the family was a match and the donor list was long so my parents had me... I was genetically engineered to have the same genetics as Leigh. I was her personal donor bank, I gave her blood, stem cells, bone marrow, you name it she had it from me. I never had a choice, Barba, I didn't have a childhood..."
(Y/n) tipped her head down to look at her feet, trying to compose herself and carry on but it was so hard to admit that this was her life, her childhood.
It was hard to admit that she wasn't born out of love and that she wasn't wanted to add to their family, (Y/n) was wanted for spare parts. She was their donor, not their child. She was Leigh's lifeline and knowing she was only alive to serve that purpose put cracks in the foundations of (Y/n)'s life that she could never fix.
"Leigh's in kidney failure, if I don't give her one of my kidneys she will die. I want to sue my parents for abuse of power and forcing me to give my life away. I know it sounds petty but I haven't been able to live... all my life, I couldn't do sports, I couldn't go abroad, I had to make sure I was safe and healthy for Leigh, no cuts or infections, no going out unsupervised. I did my learning at a hospital. Everything they took from me was against my will and now they want to take my kidney too."
Rafael let out a deep sigh before he started to rub his hand over his jaw.
He could see what (Y/n) was saying, she wasn't at risk of being forced to give up her kidney now because she was over eighteen and had complete rights to her own body. But it was the fact she was still being pushed to do this and she had lost out on her life. When he learned everything she had to tell him, (Y/n) knew he would understand that she was broken because her life wasn't full of love, it was full of expectation.
"I can charge them with abuse of legal power, coercing a minor and negligence of a child. I need to know your life, access to your medical records, everything. Okay?"
"Y-you'll do it?"
The shock on (Y/n)'s face made Rafael's heart suddenly beat that little bit quicker and it caused him to take in a sharp breath. She really thought he would shake his head and say she was wasting his time. Liv had told her he would listen and Rafael wouldn't come here and listen if Liv didn't think it was something he would or could do.
"Of course, why don't you come down to my office next week and we can get started?"
This was really happening.
"Morning Barba."
Rafael's head tipped up and his eyes locked onto (Y/n)'s frame entering his office, a smile lighting up her nervous face that only enticed him and made him shiver.
His eyes were glued to watching her every movement whenever they were in the same room. Like last week after their discussion and Rafael hung around to talk about the ongoing SVU case, he couldn't help but keep glancing over at (Y/n). She somehow seemed like a shining light that he had to look at, he couldn't manage to look away from her for long no matter how hard he tried.
And now, as he watched her enter his office with her hips swaying a little more than he normally noticed, he felt his skin prickling and his stomach tensing and pulling inwards. He watched with surprise but nevertheless a smile as (Y/n) placed down a cup of coffee and a bag of takeout food down on his desk. But he jumped up straight in his seat when she suddenly dumped a rather large red binder folder down on his desk that must have weighed more than three bricks put together.
"Good morning, what's this? And you can call me Rafael, you know." He knew they were past her calling him counsellor and calling him Barba- as much as it was a nickname he did prefer, made them seem just like colleagues.
He was always professional with the people he stood and worked for like this but (Y/n) was different. He didn't want to be professional, he didn't want to seem like a fell coworker, he wanted to be her friend, he wanted to be more than her friend.
"You said we might be here for a while and I know what you're like so I brought lunch... and that's my medical records, you needed those, right?"
(Y/n) sat down on the armchair in front of his oak desk, crossing her legs beneath her before she reached out for one of the takeout containers from the bag. She knew Rafael was like her, a workaholic and as much as he took care of himself, his work was important and he often left food until he had a spare minute to get some.
"This is your records?" Barba's wide eyes looked between the file and (Y/n) before he grabbed the other container since he was actually starving right now.
A comfortable silence enveloped around them like a blanket while Rafael took a few bites to eat whilst simultaneously skimming through the files that he would have to go through in detail soon.
"Okay, well we have time so why don't you run me through your life and tell me about these files. I need as much as you can tell me to make our case."
The way he said 'our case' made (Y/n) smile and though she tried to bite her lip to stop herself, she couldn't. He was taking her seriously, he thought they had a chance of winning or in the very least, of getting her parents to understand what they had done to her. He was in this with her, it wasn't (Y/n) alone in life anymore fighting to push through, Rafael was fighting for her.
(Y/n) ran her hand through her hair, ruffling the strands and pushing them from her face as she tried to think where she should start. All her life (Y/n) had grown up thinking she was only alive for Leigh.
It wasn't until she managed to get into SVU that she realised her life had potential, that it was hers to live and do with as she pleased. (Y/n) realised with the job that she could do what she wanted, she could live her life, have a relationship and even a family of her own someday. She was not alive just to be there for Leigh, it may have been why she was born but it wasn't why she was alive.
No one was just alive to wait around and be a bag of spare parts.
"I was treated like property all my life, I mean, when I was little I was their daughter but I wasn't at the same time. They made sure I knew I was Leigh's saviour, her lifeline and I couldn't do anything that would ruin that. I was there to give her blood, bone marrow, stem cells, I harvested cells for her and at some point in my life... I knew I was her spare organs too."
Rafael watched the smile slowly slip from (Y/n)'s face and her eyes briefly lost their unique sparkle before she seemed to come back into focus and look at him. She took another bite of her food and forced a smile in his direction.
"When did the donating start, how old were you and how often did it happen?"
Grabbing his pen, Rafael got his notebook out ready whilst he continued to eat using his other hand. He needed notes, he needed (Y/n)'s full life story on his pages so he could come up with questions to ask her to get the jury to feel for her. He needed questions to ask her family to show how they were thinking of one daughter and not the other. He needed everything.
"When I was two minutes old."
(Y/n) watched the way Rafael stopped writing and looked up, his green eyes wide as he tried to tell if (Y/n) was joking or not.
"They took the stem cells from my umbilical cord, that's what they needed at the time."
"Stem cells, right, what was next?"
"They started to take blood, I think I was three when they started that. It was a pint of blood each time, either for white blood cells but a lot of the time it was for plasma and platelets."
"It says here about hormones, what did that entail?"
Rafael didn't miss the way (Y/n) shivered at that thought. She had been three when it started and even at that age, (Y/n) could remember the procedures, she remembered everything she had ever gone through and that was awful when she was so young.
"T-they would inject me with growth hormones, big needles went into my thigh or even my hip and then I'd go back a few weeks later and then they'd extract the hormones and blood and give it to Leigh."
(Y/n)'s eyes followed Rafael when something seemed to spark in him and he jumped up from his seat and scanned around for a certain book on the mass of shelves behind him. When he found it, he didn't take long to find what he was looking for before he was jotting down more notes. Every note he took sparked life into (Y/n)'s veins because she was getting closer and closer to getting justice for her life. Rafael was making this happen.
"That's good, you weren't at a safe age to do that so I can talk about the risks it meant for you and your lack of understanding at the time. What was next?"
"Bone marrow, have you ever donated?"
"Not a big fan of needles, to be honest."
"Me neither, bone marrow was the worst one, if you look for when I was seven in the file, you'll see an X-ray of my hips... yeah that's the one. You see that black spot there?"
Tilting back in his chair, Rafael held the X-ray up so he could see it properly, it was of (Y/n)'s pelvis and hip bones from when she was seven-years-old. He nodded when he noticed the promenant black dot on the white of (Y/n)'s left hip. His eyes drifted from the picture to (Y/n) when she got up and sat down on the edge of his desk to be closer to go through things with him. She liked being closer to Barba, it made her nerves spark and tingle in a way she hadn't felt before.
"That's from the needle."
"What? Did the procedure go wrong?"
"No, when you donate marrow, they puncture a thick needle into your hip, twist it right into the bone and extract the marrow from the middle. When they do that, your bone won't heal so on X-rays you get a hole."
Rafael did not know that.
It sickened him to think that a young girl less than ten had gone through such a procedure and she was left with a hole in her hip. To feel a needle twisting into your bone must have been excruciating for a child.
"I was seven when they did that the first time, then by the time I was fifteen I'd given marrow four times. I couldn't walk for a few days after the procedures and I was left prone to infections and reactions. Then they always needed something else and I'd go back again and again."
A small smile formed on (Y/n)'s lips when she felt Rafael resting his hand on hers when he noticed her mind was beginning to drift away with her again.
He couldn't imagine what it must have felt like to go through that, all that pain, the time spent recovering and getting better only to go back and do it all over again and again until pain was a daily part of life. Nor could he get his head round the fact that for (Y/n), the pain had no upside. She wasn't going through labour and getting a child at the end of it, she wasn't giving one organ and then seeing someone benefit from that for the rest of their life. She was giving and giving but knowing that it was never going to be enough.
Whatever (Y/n) gave wasn't life saving, it was extending. (Y/n) was the life support that Leigh lived on.
(Y/n) had been asleep for the procedure in her hip but when she awoke the pain was excruciating, especially for a seven-year-old. She had to take things steady, she couldn't walk for a while and when she did she had to be careful due to the pain. And what was worse was that (Y/n) didn't know the pain was going to be bad, all she knew was that she was helping Leigh, that's all she ever knew.
"I never knew it was going to be bad, I got promises of ice cream or sweets like they were taking me to the dentist."
(Y/n) locked eyes with Rafael as tears began to fall down her face. It was as if every time they were just taking (Y/n) to the dentist for a check up like any other regular kid, not that they were going to put needles into her bones and take blood or put her under anaesthetic. It was no big deal to anyone but (Y/n) but when Leigh was having surgery or having the donations they were waiting for the world to collapse until she was stable again.
"You know, when I was fifteen and I had my last bone marrow extraction, I got sepsis. I was on oxygen, I was struggling to breathe, couldn't walk, I was at risk of losing my leg if my hip tissue got infected. And all the time my parents were fussing over me, it was the most love I'd ever gotten in my life, but it wasn't about me. If I lost my leg or if I had died, Leigh would have lost her donor. They were worried for Leigh, not me."
That had been the worst part of (Y/n)'s life.
Feeling her parents love, having them gush around her bedside, smooth down her hair, help her when she threw up, cuddled her to keep her warm and stayed with her almost twenty-four-seven. She felt loved, she felt wanted and needed. But then it dawned on her when her parents were talking to the doctor, if she lost her leg she would be prone to infections and all surgeries would be off the table. If she died, Leigh would be on the donor list again and could die too.
Everything for Leigh depended on (Y/n), as long as Leigh lived (Y/n) was needed.
"How blindsided they must have been, not to see what was right in front of them."
Rafael didn't know what came over him, he really didn't. One moment he was leaning back in his chair looking up at (Y/n) with a mix of sorrow and yearning in his eyes. The next he was cupping her face in his hands and lightly touching her lips with his, just dipping his toe in the water to see where he stood with it.
(Y/n) was surprised by the action. It was something she had been desperate to do since the first moment she set her eyes on the counsellor but she never had the courage or the nerve to do anything about her feelings. To have Rafael making the first move right when she was yearning for touch, for someone to tell her that they wanted her, they needed her and that she had a purpose was more than she ever wanted.
She didn't know how it happened but within seconds that felt like hours, (Y/n) was straddling Rafael's lap, her knees pressing into his thighs and her arms deadlocked around his neck as his hands dug into her hips.
This was not where either of them thought this day was heading.
#rafael barba#rafael barba x reader#rafael barba x you#rafael barba imagine#rafael barba one shot#imagine#rafa x reader#law and order#law and order svu
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neutral, chap. 3 (dream smp x reader)
series summary (in game!au) when an exiled tommy finally rebels against a manipulative dream, he finds safety in neutral territory, a place owned and guarded by you. staying in your safe haven opens up the younger one’s eyes to your way of life, while also revealing your deeper past before neutral; a past that involved a war for your love.
chapter summary after teaching tommy how to make cookies, you surprise him with your archery skills as you fight off mobs swarming outside of your house. tommy comes to a conclusion that makes him slightly ashamed of himself; being neutral doesn’t make you weak.
warnings swearing, killing of mobs (zombies, spiders, skeletons), some mental health talk (kinda)
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gif cred belongs to @netheriteaxe
it was storming the next night. after a nice dinner of meatloaf and mashed potatoes, y/n proposed that tommy help her make some dessert for them to enjoy.
“you sure i can’t mess this up?” tommy asked warily as she opened her small, self-written recipe book and placed it in front of them.
“im sure,” she assured, patting his cheek endearingly. he made a face. “your face is gonna freeze that way, kid.”
“whatever,” he scoffed, rolling his eyes as she laughed. “what are we making?”
“cookies!” she smiled. “one of the easiest things you can make.”
tommy sighed. though it was embarrassing to admit aloud, he couldn’t help but feel nervous about the experiment. “what do we need?”
“well...” after thirty minutes of patience from y/n, frustration from tommy, and unhelpful side commentary from ghostbur, the cookies were nearly ready to place in the furnace.
“how big should i make them?” tommy questioned, looking up at y/n from the baking sheet she had spread out for him.
she shrugged, placing her hand on the back of the chair ghostbur sat in. “however big you want. measure with your heart.”
“you also said that about the chocolate chips,” ghostbur commented. “now we’re all going to have cavities.” y/n whacked the boy on the back of the head, keeping her expression kind as she looked at tommy.
“however you want them,” she assured. tommy nodded in return, turning back to the baking sheet just a loud banging came from the main entrance of the house. y/n peeked out of the kitchen. “oh, wow, that’s a lot of mobs..”
ghostbur leaned back to see. “goddamn!”
“tommy, you go ahead and portion and pop those into the oven,” y/n spoke, running a hand through her hair. “i have a feeling my door’s not gonna last much longer.” she rushed out of the room without another word.
“having fun yet?” ghostbur questioned as tommy began to portion out the blobs of cookie dough.
“kinda,” he shrugged. “y/n’s a good teacher.”
“she is,” ghostbur agreed.
“it’s also kind of nice to have a break from more chaotic things,” tommy continued as he worked. “you know, y/n surrounds herself with peace. she’s not a fighter like you were and i am. so, it’s nice to do as she does.” ghostbur chuckled and tommy looked up just as he finished portioning out the dough. “what?”
“whoever said y/n wasn’t a fighter?” ghostbur teased. just then, said girl came back into the kitchen with a bow in hand and a quiver full of arrows slung over her shoulder.
“cookies in yet?” she asked, eyes gleaming with excitement he hadn’t yet seen from her. her words were rushed out, and he stuttered to reply quickly.
“y-yeah, well, about to be,” he managed out. “what are you doing?”
y/n grinned at him as he lowered the tray of dough into the furnace. “someone’s gotta deal with the mobs out front.” before she disappeared, tommy called out to her.
“wait, y/n!” he called. “can i come with?”
“sure!” she laughed. “ghostbur, set a timer for fifteen, please!” tommy rushed to follow her as she practically raced up the stairs. ghostbur grinned after them.
“where are we going?” tommy huffed out as y/n led him down a hall he was yet to discover.
she slowed down, opening up a door that revealed the stormy night to him. “right out here.” tommy stepped out onto the small balcony. tarps covered the sides, preventing them from being pelted by the brunt of the rain and wind, but allowed them access to viewing the main entrance from the side.
“are you good with a bow, tommy?” y/n asked, still smiling as she delicately plucked an arrow from her quiver.
“uh- not really..,” the boy admitted, rubbing his neck sheepishly.
“that’s alright,” she smiled reassuringly as she lined up the arrow in her bow and pulled the string back. “i assume you’re better with a sword?”
“much better,” he nodded. she let out a hum before releasing the string from her fingertips, and tommy could barely keep up with the arrow that flew through the air and lodged itself in between a skeleton’s shoulder and collarbone, causing the mob to collapse into a pile of uselessness. tommy’s mouth suddenly felt dry as y/n loaded another arrow.
he had never seen someone take down a skeleton in one shot, not even dream.
tommy watched as she closed one eye, aiming at three zombies lined up. she took a breath before tugging harshly at her string, then letting the arrow zoom through the storm and cleanly through the three’s heads. they all crumbled into a mass of rotten flesh.
“four mobs and two arrows?!” tommy managed as y/n reached for another. she looked over and laughed at the surprised boy. “how the hell did you do that?”
“i’ve always been good at aiming,” she spoke casually as she worked to load another arrow, aiming now at a spider working its way up her walls. she managed to lodge the arrow into its leg, effectively tearing it off of the creature and causing it to tumble onto the zombie below. they heard it hiss just before another arrow pinned through its heart and the zombie’s head, rendering both creatures silent. “not so much with close contact fighting.”
“i think this makes up for it,” tommy spoke distractedly, shaking his head with amazement as he watched her fingers move with instinct and practice. she launched another strong arrow into the hoard.
she laughed as she continued to work. “i fumble when im up close..” arrow after arrow whizzed from her bow. “from this distance, i can take my time. i can breathe, i can calculate.” mobs went down, pair after pair sinking to the cold, wet grass below. “and when we can do those things, our work only shows it.” she knocked down one last skeleton before she dropped her bow to her side. there were now only a few creepers and spiders mulling around.
“that was amazing,” tommy spoke after a moment of silence, looking at her with wide eyes. she gave him a smile. “i.. wow.”
she laughed just as ghostbur peeked his head out. “five minute warning.”
“thanks, ghostbur,” y/n nodded. “come on, kid. let’s towel off and eat some cookies.” tommy nodded, following her back into the house. he stayed behind with ghostbur as she went to grab towels.
“so?” ghostbur spoke with a knowing grin. “how was that?”
tommy shook his head, still processing the skill he had just experienced. “she’s the best archer i’ve ever seen! she didn’t miss a single target, she knew exactly where and when to aim, i-” he let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. “i can’t believe i thought she couldn’t fight. of course she can fight.”
“neutral doesn’t mean weak,” ghostbur spoke wisely, placing a hand on tommy’s shoulder. the boy looked up at him with pursed lips, guilt weighing in his chest. “y/n is the strongest woman i know; she cooks, she welds, and she can work a bow like you’ve never seen. never expect anything with her, tommy. she’ll never stop surprising you.”
tommy nodded. “neutral doesn’t mean weak, eh?” ghostbur gave him a smile. “of course it doesn’t. it’s not like she chose this life.. there was a war.”
“right,” ghostbur confirmed. “it’s alright to be wrong sometimes, tommy. especially about someone you’ve known and lived with for what, a week?” he nodded. “see? you don’t have to know everything all the time.”
“okay,” tommy nodded, his voice quiet as ghostbur squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. “wow. it’s strange to be able to hold myself to a lower standard.”
“y/n is teaching you some amazing things about mental health, tommy.”
tag list!! @vanhakirja @victory-is-here @inkyynki @airiour @sylum @kiritokunuwu @221bee-slytherin @bllatrixcarpnter @soullesstaco @stxrryb1tch @amibismexy @keiarma @akaichi-blog @runningoffofcaffeine @nonetookind @aquilla-favonia @feverish-dove @izuruamme comment below or message me if you would like to be added <3
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Sweet Creature: A Klaus Mikaelson Imagine
Request from Anon: hiii, soo I wanted to make a request and I would appreciate so much if you could write it bc im too lazy to and I really love this idea. It’s actually inspired by the song “Sweet Creature” by Harry Styles, mostly from Klaus pov but whatever you want🙃🙃thank youu
So, I’ve just launched my Elijah blog which you can find over at @emikaelsonimagines! Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x
Want to hear the song? Find a link to it just below:
Sweet Creature
Sweet creature Had another talk about where it's going wrong But we're still young
Klaus Mikaelson had never been very good at relationships.
The flirting, those first few dates, he was pretty sure he had down to a tee. But the parts after, the relationship, the commitment, the idea of the future, he had never been able to make that last.
It wasn’t his fault all the time. It could be his siblings, his father, the nature of who and what he was causing some threat to find the woman he had chosen to fall for and destroy her.
He kept telling himself that he had all the time in the world to figure it out, to find something that would last. He was blessed with being young forever, after all. But when he looked at Y/N Y/L/N, it felt like he didn’t have any time at all.
It felt like he needed to have her now, to hold onto her for as long as her human lifespan would allow. Time threatened to escape him completely, which made the job of wooing her all the more arduous.
He had always been good at that part, always been good at making women blush, making them want him. But with her, with Y/N, it seemed that even that skill had eluded him.
We don't know where we're going But we know where we belong
Klaus Mikaelson had never felt like he was desperate.
But with Y/N Y/L/N, with her constant resistance of his charms, he felt like he was clinging onto something that didn’t exist. He liked to have a plan, liked to feel in control, but with her, with his need for her, he was lost.
He didn’t have a clue where his attempts would lead him, whether she would ever give into him. He was tired of the small, sympathetic smile she gave him, tired of the way she made him feel – pathetic.
But he loved it too.
When he was with Y/N, he knew he belonged with her, knew that whatever happened he would make sure that she never disappeared from his life. So in response to that smile, he gave her one back, and for the first time, he saw her eyes widen, heard her heart beat that little bit faster.
He’d been trying to charm her for three months now, and this was the first time he had ever felt like he had the upper hand.
He watched as she tucked her hair behind her ear, and if he looked at her in the right way, he swore he could see a tinge of red in her cheeks.
And, oh, we started Two hearts in one home
Klaus Mikaelson had never felt his undead heart beat as fast as it did when Y/N Y/L/N walked over to him.
It wasn’t the first time they had spoken, wasn’t the first time she had looked at him like he wasn’t a monster, like he was just a normal man trying to get a date with a beautiful woman.
But it was the first time she hadn’t told him to stop trying, to back off, to leave her alone because she wasn’t interested. Okay, so maybe she hadn’t actually said those words, but from the beginning, Klaus had been able to read them in her eyes, noticed how the letters threatened to fall from her lips.
He could still hear her heart beating, and as she got closer, he could see that tinge of red in her cheeks. Her hair had fallen back into her face, and Klaus thought she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.
He wondered what it would be like to wake up to her every morning, in a house that they owned together, making it a home.
It was a future he wanted to hold onto, and for a moment, he dared to believe he could.
It's hard when we argue We're both stubborn, I know But oh
Klaus Mikaelson had never been lost for words before.
Y/N Y/L/N pulled out the chair opposite him, and he felt her knees knock against his under the table as she sat down. He said nothing, wondering what she was doing, why she was here.
She was stubborn, he knew that, one that would never stray away from the path that she had set upon. She had that look in her eyes now, and he knew that whatever she was planning on saying to him, she would say it without hesitation.
She was like him in that respect, Klaus thought, smiling.
“Hello.” Y/N looked over at him, the sound of her voice music to his ears. But he didn’t let himself dream for long. She had rejected him for three months now, and he didn’t expect anything less this time around. “Klaus, can I ask you something?”
His mouth dry, words having escaped him, Klaus nodded.
“Why are you so interested in me? I mean, I’m just – I’m just me.”
No, Klaus thought. She wasn’t just her. She was so much more than that. It hurt him to see her thinking that, and without thinking himself, Klaus reached out and put his hand over hers.
Sweet creature, sweet creature Wherever I go, you bring me home
Klaus Mikaelson had never been more relieved than he was when Y/N Y/L/N didn’t move her hand away.
He searched her eyes, made her meet his gaze and as he met an array of colours that would have been difficult to replicate with all the artistic talent in the world, he found that the ability to speak returned to him.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” he used her full name, letting it roll off his tongue with ease, “you are so much more than just you. You’re beautiful, kind, gentle, fierce, stubborn, empathetic. And I am interested in you because of all those things and more. You have this ability to make anyone feel safe, to make even me feel safe.”
Y/N dipped her head, and Klaus was certain that she was blushing now. His heart rate accelerated as finally – finally – Y/N was slowly giving into his charms. He couldn’t help the next words that came out of his mouth. “Come to dinner with me.”
Y/N looked up at a statement she had heard from him dozens of times. She had refused at every previous opportunity, or had thrown him that sympathetic smile. Klaus should have expected her to refuse again, but there was something in the air that made him feel that this time would be different.
Sweet creature, sweet creature When I run out of road, you bring me home
Klaus Mikaelson had never been more in love than in that moment.
He had fallen for countless women over the centuries, knew what it was to feel loss, to feel heartbreak, but he had never glimpsed the future that could have awaited him had he held onto his partners.
He had never felt that he could be good at relationships, never felt so desperate to have someone, never felt his heart beat this fast, never been so lost for words, never felt so relieved.
He had never felt like he was truly at home.
But all that changed with the arrival of a single word. Three letters that fell from the lips of Y/N Y/L/N, lips that he ached to kiss, his hand still covering hers, his thumb absentmindedly running over her knuckles.
Three months of trying had come to this. It had come to a request from him, and a single answer from her.
And that answer was yes.
#the vampire diaries#TVD#tvd imagine#tvd imagines#the originals#to#the originals imagine#the originals imagines#klaus mikaelson imagine#klaus mikaelson#klaus mikaelson imagines#klaus mikaelson x reader#niklaus mikaelson#niklaus mikaelson imagines#niklaus mikaelson imagine#niklaus mikaelson x reader#Joseph Morgan
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