#cause i frist rly considered this cause of her blog
aliciavspinnet · 8 years
Who are people you ship Lee Jordan? What headcanons do you have for them?
lemme tell ya about how much i love Fred x Lee my sweet sweet anon:
- Lee met the twins on his first day at hogwarts. 
- at the Gryffindor table right after the sorting Fred and George come and sit on either side of lee and introduce themselves with identical grins and then start with the witty banter (and making fun of percy)
- Lee is sitting there laughing the whole time (and feeling really special that these two larger than life non-stop people have decided that he is gonna be their friend)
- on the first night at Hogwarts they are all super buzzed cause W o W there is a whole freaking castle to explore and because of that there must be a heck load of mischief to get up to
- in their first class they bust in late all three of them: Fred with an (apparently) apologetic grin, George with a terribly repressed smirk, and Lee with a crooked smile 
- (this is one of the only times they get away with it because ‘we are so sorry sir we got lost’ can actually be believable when it hasn’t been used every day of the week before) 
- within the week Lee can tell the twins apart (finally there was to be no more “haha we gotcha i’m actually Fred”) 
- basically their friendship keeps growing and growing as friendships do 
- then one day someone asks Lee how he’s so good at telling the twins apart and he stops and thinks for a second cause really he can’t quite put his finger on it
- he tries to explain the subtle differences in appearance to the person inquiring but he’s distracted by how they both ‘feel’ different 
- George was like squinted eyes of concentration,and bursts of laughter, and being always prepared to either hug you or kill someone for you 
- and Fred was (wow) Fred was just completely different he was fast and passionate talk (that would always make butterflies erupt in Lee’s stomach), and prideful ‘dare me to’ eyes (that always made Lee’s heart lurch), and utter faithfulness, the kind of person you would trust with your life (which Lee obviously would without hesitation) 
- and shit... was Lee in love with his best friend? (one of them anyway)
- then later that week in the common room Fred is sitting there staring at Lee’s hands (cause gosh they are gorgeous) and he decides it’s about time that he talks about this mega crush cause it’s eating him alive and cause it’s the Fred Weasley thing to dive head first into everything he says “hey Georgie, ever think you might have kind of a thing for Lee? cause ya know I’d relate.” 
- George doesn’t even look up from what he’s doing to respond: “mate, I don’t but I freaking know you do” completely chill about it (even though inside he is screaming ‘FINALLY’ and is super happy cause he knew all of last’s weeks talk about Lee’s love life and offering to find him a quality love interest had perhaps kicked Fred’s sorry ass into a realisation about his feelings) 
- at first Fred is all ‘why didn’t you say something?’ and then ‘wait.. George do you think he likes me back?’
- and George finally looks up, sighs the biggest sigh, and fixes Fred with the most deadpan, tired look and says “of freaking course he does and in fact i’m getting bloody sick of the two of you pretending like you’re not utterly head over heels for each other so please, brother dear, for the sake of my sanity - piss off and do something about it.” 
- Fred just stares for a moment at George, then summons his courage (cause if he’s gonna ask out Lee it’s gonna be smooth), and walks over to Lee who is trying to actually do his transfiguration homework (and because of that he has to be located a strategic few feet away from the twins) 
- Lee sees Fred coming out of the corner of his eye and his stomach erupts (as usual) and he thinks okay today I’m gonna tell him cause I’m damned sick of all of this. He properly looks up from his essay when Fred sits down on the couch beside him and is met with a pointed smirk from the red-head
-”hey Lee, do you think I’m cute?” and Lee is like well this is not what I was expecting (and of course I think you are cute are you crazy?), but frick how do I respond to this, and then he catches a glimpse at George doing frantic miming that seems to heavily involve a heart shape and kissy faces and Lee thinks what the hell (hoping George doesn’t think that it’s some kind of joke)
- “Actually Fred I’ve always thought of you as some one who was more... unbelievably sexy.” 
- Fred almost blows his smooth demeanor with a mixture of laughter and shock (and also sheer giddiness cause - Lee! thinks he’s... sexy!?) 
- “Wow… um, good, so since we got that cleared up, did you want to maybe go out on a date sometime?” 
- and of course Lee says yes 
- and of course they celebrate with a kiss (which seriously was worth the wait but also at the same time not at all because as Fred will often point out they had wasted a lot of time not-kissing when they were ‘just friends’) 
- and of course after they kiss Fred returns to his twin a little pink in the face with the widest grin and says “Guess what - Lee thinks I’m the better looking twin.”
(and I got fully carried away and could write another entire thing about how they are freaking adorable in a relationship but I shall stop (for now…))
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