#cause he prob wouldve shot him
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Outer Banks 2x09 (Part 2)
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rogue-snorunt · 6 years
Rules: Pick one character and give us five facts about them! The facts can be anything really - from trivial to super duper important. Then tag others for them to play too!
I was tagged by one of the most radical kids this side of maths class @val-rampage .
And I’ll tag… I could be wrong but I feel like just bout everyone been tagged in this so far, unless yous hasnt kiddo. than yous got just got hella tagged.
5 OC Facts about Isaac:
- UNO - Favorite song is Kay Kysers  - Jingle Jangle Jingle, if he could put his radio on repeat, you’d never hear anything else. He’s trying to figure out how to play it and some other songs himself on the make-shift kalimba-isque instrument he made outta some poor saps toaster and chair he stole right after helping them. 
- DOS - Developed Prosopagnosia (face blindness) after you know.. getting shot in the face, rough time remembering things also been lackin in the impulse control department.. he’ll be fine probs. keeps a journal to try and keep his shit together and it does help for the most part. Luckily for him, thanks to Mr. New Vegas talkin bout the courier, people tend to be more patient and forgivin of his antics.
- TRES - Pre-war this boi wouldve been a blacksmith with his own proper smithy and despite the shot to the noodle, he’d still be a damn good one now. made the sword he carries around for shits and giggles one day. just had a good ol time, hordes scrap so he can make some cool armor but keeps forgetting where said horde is, RIP.    
- CUATRO - Sometimes forgets he’s traveling with a companion / the stranger ‘lurkin around’ him is said companion and that he knows them. if you travel with him, keep an eye on em cause he will walk off. Also has woken up to companions making food and thought they were raiders or someone stealing his shit. He’s a fun time
- CINCO - spent 3 weeks trying and failing repeatedly to make friends with a night stalker, got messed up ALOT, no how is he alive gat damn... finally became pals with one after offering almost all his food, the fool.  Her name is Snups and she is he’s baby and only bites his boots now but tries to steal them off his feet when he’s trying to walk around.
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flyingcookierambles · 4 years
got afab’d at the eye doctor today arrgh
i wouldve corrected him but like. i doubt that ill go there again since it was like a super quick kinda-non emergency thing and i have a regular eye doctor i go to. also my mom was in the room and like. i didnt wanna bring it up with her there and all but like. uugh.
he just like immediately picked female on the gender option even tho there was an other option and everything wtf?????????????
hmmm also i had to go to the doctors for a quick check up/physical thing since im/my mom is going to make me get my drivers license and you have to have a doctors note and all and i went to my moms doctor or the first time since i aged out of my pediatrician. and like? they had me and my mom in the same room which was kinda weird???? like for the whole patient confidentiality thing (which wouldve been useless since like my mom knows more abt my medical history than me) and like also the whole. pandemic thing??? like?? it was me, my mom, and the nurse practitioner crammed into a tiny basic exam room?? maybe bc my mom has been going to this doctors’ office for a long time and also since we’re family, they must’ve figured taht we both dont have covid and couldnt spread it to each otehr like other random patients who are strangers to each other but still. it was. annoying.
the nurse asked me some questions about like my medical history. and all and i couldnt answer some of it bc i dont remember exact dates/times and stuff. but also she asked if i had been diagnosed with depression or anything and like if my mom wasnt in the room, i wanted to say that my mom wont let me see a therapist and/or be diagnosed. 
so like when i turned 18 i had a final check up at my former pediatrician before they kicked me out of the system lol. i am p sure that it was for shots and stuff that i needed for college???
anyways despite being 18, they had my mom in the room with me the whole time. and then they gave me a worksheet that was a basic “do you have depression” test. and the doctor left, but my mom was allowed to stay??? 
and like. since i was starting college and stuff at the time, and also was/am causing my lower middle class family great financial hardship in the form of college tuition and student loans with predatory interest rates and increasing the chances of losing our house bc, with the combo of my dad dying and the recession of the early 2000′s and general declining quality ever since earlier mentioned death, our family business sucks and we barely make any money. also my mom keeps complaining about this to me and it constantly hangs over my head and i feel guilty about being a dumbass who cant get a job and repay the stupid loans (how tf is interest rates on student loans legal??? fuck capitalism????) (uuughghgh i feel like my mom should get herself a therapist or smth instead of constantly complaining to her eldest agab child uuuhghghghgh. id make one of those eldest d*ughter jokes but im not a g*rl so eldest child lol)
anyways yeah so like 4 years ago when i was starting college and also today to a degree i felt like a massive piece of shit and had social anxiety and also probably depression that is only kept at bay by constantly distracting myself with anime and video game. and like. maybe??? i couldve benefited from talking to a therapist or counselor or getting medication????? instead of?? like?? whatever my obsession with anime and video games is???
buuuuuuut since the pediatrician let my mom stay in the room for some reason, my mom, a boomer who knows nothing of mental health and is kinda insensitive about it so its super cringe to talk to her abt stuff, was like “you’re not depressed. youre a middle class kid who’s never like starved or whatever. just answer 1 on everything.” (the scale of depression was like 1 - not feeling depressed much to 5 - i feel like this everyday.)
so yeah????? 
wow sorry doctor i cant answer half your questions about my medical history bc im either adopted and dont know my own genetics or my mom wont let me get tested for mental illness?????????????
once at 2018 or 19 tekko, i wanted to go into the dnd room and like i got so socially anxious i had a crying breakdown in the freaking hallway and had to like. sit down alone and try to look normal by playing my 3ds on the floor. like i hovered outside the door to the dnd room for a whole hour just like staring in and wanting to go in really badly but i couldnt???? i just???? cried????? in public????????? had a breakdown or something at an anime convention??????????????? i like dont even know what the heck happened 2 years ago or if that’s what it would be called but like????????? im pretty sure that mentally healthy people with no social anxiety problems dont stand outside a room for half an hour and then start crying bc you cant bring yourself to go into the room even tho the door is like wide open?????????? thankfully i finally just like went in and joined a the last game session of the day, but it was still like surreal to me?????? i just??? extremely loathed myself for like an hour for crying and not being able to walk thru a doorway it was so weird i felt like absolute garbage and im p sure that normal ppl dont go thru that??????
since i only make like. $11 an hour at a retail job im not really sure if i can even afford a therapist, and then theres also transportation and also the whole pandemic thing. but ive been thinking about like 7cups or something. there was also this other website that showed you therapists that were uniquely qualified for treating poc/queer/neurodivergent/etc., ppl in your area and there was surprisingly a few in the pittsburgh area that i could probs get to by bus, so maybe ill save money and go like. next year or something. or like. whenever the pandemic is over.
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ryuzaki · 7 years
Netflix’s Death Note: Cont’ Chat Logs
After a brief intermission I end up just “liveblogging” my reactions to aiko (matt-chan). I tried to cut out any filler and make this as cohesive as possible while also not spoiling much. Under cut because this is also long.
[8/25/2017 5:25:24 AM] ryuzaki: i was originally gonna watch this then watch it again and write notes but idk if i can watch this more than once [8/25/2017 5:25:34 AM] matt-chan: Dud3 i prob can [8/25/2017 5:25:51 AM] matt-chan: Its so bad but i keep watching - [8/25/2017 5:38:23 AM] ryuzaki: if watari is the chubby japanese man can i just say [8/25/2017 5:38:29 AM] ryuzaki: him and L saved me [8/25/2017 5:40:18 AM] ryuzaki: oh shit nevermind watari lookin weird but at least they got the inventor part of him right - [8/25/2017 5:45:08 AM] ryuzaki: they made L messy? i dont understand [8/25/2017 5:45:17 AM] ryuzaki: I like him except for that fact - [8/25/2017 5:46:24 AM] ryuzaki: [goes back to light n mia] i forget why did i hate them [they immediately speak] oh Thats why - [8/25/2017 5:49:02 AM] ryuzaki: also ive been laughing at how accurate the watari giving soichiro(?) an ice cream cone is [8/25/2017 5:49:07 AM] ryuzaki: thats literally the best part of this [8/25/2017 5:49:14 AM] matt-chan: WATARI IS THE BEST [8/25/2017 5:49:47 AM] ryuzaki: him and L save this. they arent perfect but if they were the star of the show id watch it and be able to stomach it [8/25/2017 5:51:51 AM] matt-chan: Yes - [8/25/2017 5:54:23 AM] ryuzaki: Light and L dont have any interaction before this newscast.. Light doesnt even know who he is (soichiro never even mentioned him and it was alluded to that L isn't very well known to even law enforcement) why was light so angry? why would he care about who this was? [8/25/2017 5:57:00 AM] ryuzaki: oh okay they ask about him after...... but i still dont get why they chose this route..? did mia know who he was? it wouldve been better shot if he was watching the news to write more people down and all the channels got interrupted by the conference. [8/25/2017 5:59:56 AM] ryuzaki: the importance of the scene in the manga was that L realized he had a pattern of when he killed people and made sure his broadcast was on during the time light would be watching the news, then to prove his name/face theory he put lind L taylor up on the screen with his full face and name revealed and made him kill him, only for L to start talking and direct his message towards light then (with only the L logo and a voice changer broadcasting), taking an educated gamble on if light could kill whoever he wanted without those two things. [8/25/2017 6:00:03 AM] ryuzaki: im hung up on this scene........................... but anyway - [8/25/2017 6:00:26 AM] matt-chan: Im just mad about L not having a voice changer [8/25/2017 6:00:41 AM] ryuzaki: YEAH that was so odd.... - [8/25/2017 6:01:18 AM] ryuzaki: light isnt even light
[8/25/2017 6:02:57 AM] ryuzaki: like him and mia arent even relatively close to their original characters so it feels like im watching two people named similarly but otheriwse have no connection. part of me hates them but the other part of me is like "lol well why are you even mad, they basically just made a new spinoff character" [8/25/2017 6:04:15 AM] matt-chan: I have a feeling this will end differently [8/25/2017 6:04:21 AM] matt-chan: They cut a lot of the story already [8/25/2017 6:04:29 AM] matt-chan: Its just a summary /spin off [8/25/2017 6:05:56 AM] ryuzaki: they havent really went into the detail of lights stradegies.. like theyre talking about light going quiet because raye penber(?) is following them and say not to fuck around with the dn but that would be obvious.......... thats one of the main things theyd be looking for [8/25/2017 6:06:24 AM] ryuzaki: nowhere in this story have they shown their light as smart besides doing basic algebra in the first two minutes [8/25/2017 6:06:37 AM] ryuzaki: also true i was thinking honestly L may win [8/25/2017 6:06:46 AM] ryuzaki: Like be alive and win - [8/25/2017 6:07:08 AM] matt-chan: No [8/25/2017 6:07:20 AM] matt-chan: This movie is finally finished for me I am Livid (note: not done with the movie. at a particular scene with Watari) - [8/25/2017 6:07:20 AM] ryuzaki: i dont think the wammy boys are in this tbh. with the whole not being able to see ryuk they already took away a large chunk of the ending [8/25/2017 6:08:33 AM] ryuzaki: wheres rem. wheres my saving grace girl - [8/25/2017 6:09:30 AM] ryuzaki: mia: i was the right one, not you light, the smart one: oh fuck lol [8/25/2017 6:10:24 AM] matt-chan: HAHAHAHAHAHA [8/25/2017 6:10:28 AM] matt-chan: “theres so many fucking rules” [8/25/2017 6:10:44 AM] ryuzaki: they really show that these are kids. like....... "i was thinking we could make some popcorn and write some names down" like........... do you want me to take this seriously.......... theyre like 12. they arent trying to change the world theyre just some kids who thinks killing people is fun. - [8/25/2017 6:11:58 AM] ryuzaki: also all i can imagine is lights dad walking in the door at some point and wondering why the house occasionally is littered with apple cores - [8/25/2017 6:13:25 AM] ryuzaki: ohh so she took the death note im guessing [8/25/2017 6:13:47 AM] ryuzaki: my issue is how did she get the names????? [8/25/2017 6:14:37 AM] ryuzaki: im waiting for this movie to end without ever knowing how L dies because they just kill him without revealing his name/how they found it [8/25/2017 6:15:32 AM] ryuzaki: he blames ryuk.. why would ryuk do this.. [8/25/2017 6:19:20 AM] ryuzaki: i... dont get this movie at all... there is so much to talk about... so many issues... why would L be out in public during this time, why is ryuk the bad guy, why is light so emotional, why is light so STUPID (yet considered smart in the story?) - [8/25/2017 6:20:04 AM] matt-chan: I am upset [8/25/2017 6:20:05 AM] ryuzaki: why would soichiro go out in public and do this... is this how they find out who kira is? because he wont kill his dad? the real light would kill his dad [8/25/2017 6:20:08 AM] matt-chan: I am. More livit [8/25/2017 6:20:17 AM] ryuzaki: im so fuckin worried by that [8/25/2017 6:20:40 AM] ryuzaki: i feel like youre hard to get angry with this kinda thing - [8/25/2017 6:21:00 AM] matt-chan: AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [8/25/2017 6:21:07 AM] matt-chan: IM IN TEARS BUT [8/25/2017 6:21:09 AM] matt-chan: IM SAD [8/25/2017 6:21:11 AM] matt-chan: AND LAUGJING - [8/25/2017 6:27:40 AM] ryuzaki: why did L show his face and make an incredibly public scene while talking about kira..... its not as bad as the rest of the things in this movie but its still questionable. if they werent making a scene about kira id let it pass - [8/25/2017 6:29:12 AM] ryuzaki: WATARI ISNT HIS REAL NAME YOU FUCKING IDIOT - [8/25/2017 6:30:29 AM] matt-chan: I finished it (note: now she means the movie) [8/25/2017 6:31:07 AM] ryuzaki: he didnt even have him call a burner phone. if L finds the notebook wouldnt this be even more damning evidence that light is kira (that is, if he doesnt burn the page) [8/25/2017 6:31:12 AM] ryuzaki: dont spoil please - [8/25/2017 6:34:29 AM] ryuzaki: nnnnnn [8/25/2017 6:42:03 AM] ryuzaki: ohhhhhhhh the normal people scare me in his locker with the ahs font im So Embarrassed. - [8/25/2017 6:43:01 AM] ryuzaki: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo (note: my reaction to the same scene with Watari) - [8/25/2017 6:45:51 AM] ryuzaki: oh how interesting they DO say how she does it with the fbi task force [8/25/2017 6:46:31 AM] ryuzaki: HOLY SHIT..... MIA IS EVIL.............................. [8/25/2017 6:46:45 AM] ryuzaki: "THERES SO MANY FUCKING RULES" [8/25/2017 6:48:57 AM] ryuzaki: omg i hope he ends up dyingggggggg i hope she does too - [8/25/2017 6:49:59 AM] ryuzaki: L Cant Fuckin Drive - [8/25/2017 6:50:48 AM] ryuzaki: apparently this is the version of death note where everyone has Too Many emotions [8/25/2017 6:52:43 AM] ryuzaki: also this is so fucking stupid the chase is making me laugh why did they do this - [8/25/2017 6:54:00 AM] ryuzaki: OHHH DUDE I HATE THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [8/25/2017 6:54:11 AM] ryuzaki: WHAT A CHEAP FUCKING TACTIC (note: a scene with light and L) - [8/25/2017 6:57:57 AM] matt-chan: Bahahaha [8/25/2017 6:58:03 AM] matt-chan: The song they played on the ferris wheel (few minutes later) [8/25/2017 7:03:34 AM] ryuzaki: AHAHA THE SONG [8/25/2017 7:05:35 AM] ryuzaki: OH THIS IS SO FUCKING STUPID - [8/25/2017 7:02:14 AM] ryuzaki: is the moral of this story that you should never trust high school romance..... cause thats what im getting - [8/25/2017 7:09:02 AM] ryuzaki: i like how he was i guess in a coma and his dad comes in and doesnt fucking care he woke up [8/25/2017 7:09:14 AM] ryuzaki: like hes just awake n his dads like [shrug] - [8/25/2017 7:15:41 AM] ryuzaki: okay so it just ended and honestly the only issue with the ending was not knowing if L wrote Lights name down [8/25/2017 7:16:06 AM] ryuzaki: just because its like. Well i dont fucking know what he'd do, your L and the original L end up very different at the half way mark [8/25/2017 7:16:34 AM] ryuzaki: but if they kept things completely new like they did near the end i think it wouldve been interesting [8/25/2017 7:17:32 AM] ryuzaki: the main issue is that i couldnt enjoy it because it was clearly labled as a reboot to the original story, and not another one that happens in the same universe as the death note one (where the death note exists that is) [8/25/2017 7:18:39 AM] ryuzaki: if they had made a whole new story and just had the death note in it and new people, maybe at the most keep ryuk in if you really want a reoccurring character, it would be not great but a fun watch
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archive4287508084 · 7 years
same anon / the noctis one! sorry i should have clarified
its ok!!
i put it under cut cause its a lot
im not sure how to write this out so its kinda messy sorry
i was closeted ftm. prompto was the first one i told and it was highschool and i remember it rlly clearly and it was .. v nice… like he had no idea what it was but did his research and even tho he was awkward about it he tried to help ? he sometimes lend his clothes to me since i only owned fancy dresses for meetings which was very sweet i love him. also he had a huge crush on me which was very obvious and i rlly liked him too but i had to turn him down in subtle ways (since he like never officially confessed) because i already knew in hs that there would be an arrangent marriage.
on the trans thing idk when i told gladio or iggy but they knew before the roadtrip.
i looked a lot like my mom which is one of the reasons i just couldnt tell dad. i felt like would disappoint him not only in my duty by not being a princess but also on a personal level by trying not to look like her ? and i know he wouldve just accepted it and supported me hes a good father but that wont stop personal hurt and disappointment so
the thing that rlly confuses me is that i dont remember ardyn the crystal and the whole prophecy. at least not related to that time line ? ive been trying to make sense of it but my theory is as cheesy and fanfiction-y it sounds is that maybe after getting rid of ardyn the first time and fulfiling my destiny i got another shot at life without those things. which would explain a lot of complicated feelings and memories that dont match up with one another or just feel wrog to be considered in the same life. actually im kinda sold on the two canons/lifes thing its just smt rlly embarrassing to admit tbh. but to continue with the non chosen king canon.
there was still a war but it wasnt ardyn who was the mastermind behind it.
the attack also did happen while i was on my way to marry luna. from there on instead of seeking gods blessings and trying ti get the crustal back it was more about securing my peoples safety and seeking out luna. also after the attack i cut off my hair (well iggy fixed it so he mostly cut it) and started wearing a make shift binder. i dont remember much else from that time tho ik that after all this i faked my own death (since everyone remembered me as a princess it wasnt hard) and just kinda stayed with prompto near hammerhead as hunters and i got my happy ending which is nice and also i love my canon husband prompto argentum. i do feel bad about not continuing my bloodline though or maybe i did idk. idk what happened to the throne or well i dont remember but honestly i doubt i just left eveyone to themselves and i did take it back from the nifs so i prob made a good decision for my people? i wish i would remember more so i could stop feeling lowkey guilty but yk
and on the second canon thing i wasnt trans and it was closer to the canon one. i havent really made sense of it yet but i do remember some stuff that doesnt make sense to talk about rn. like just small memories that dont have much meaning for your question so i wont talk about it uh thats it
i left out luna theres a lot of heavy stuff revolving around her that i dont wanna talk about publicly so send me a message off anon if you wanna know
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honestly ignis/noctis is hilarious to me cause ignis prob wouldve shot himself before he dated me in my canon. i dont mean that in a he hates my guts way, i was just a piece of shit and he had to deal with me enough just being my friend being in a relationship prob wouldve killed him. -⚔️
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