#cause as it is my family’s beard genetics suck
sodacowboy · 2 years
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quinlin-blog1 · 6 years
The Lost Island ~ Chapter Seven
That was the first things I was greeted to when I woke up. I opened my eyes, expecting to see my lines of bookshelves and Alex's yelling at some sort of video game. But I wasn't.
I was in a room that I didn't recognize. The walls and floors were stone. It was cold, ever for the early spring. I then realized something.
I wasn't at the school.
This was not how I intended to spend my Friday off.
I wondered what Adriana, Crystal, Porter and Alex were doing right now. I hoped that they weren't going to try and find me. It was the last thing that I wanted. If they got captured too it wouldn't be helpful, to anyone. If I was just stuck here then I could find a way to get out myself, but if I had to worry about Adriana, Crystal, Porter and Alex, I'd probably go insane.
I was knocked out of my thoughts when the metal door to the room I was in opened.
“Where am I?” I demanded.
“Now, how do we know you’re not a telepathic? We wouldn't want you contacting a rescue team, now would we?” The woman asked.
“If you had done your research properly then you would know that telepathy is not my major or even my minor. Which goes to prove that your sources suck,” I informed her.
“Considering that you're at my mercy little girl, so perhaps you should be mindful of your words.”
“If I’m at your mercy, then what do you want? No one kidnaps a person just to have them under their complete control.”
“Good assessment, I assume that you've heard about the children that have been getting kidnapped and have their Abilities taken away therefore their genetic code dismantled and slowly and quite painfully I might add, disintegrate while the person is still alive, causing them to die?”
“No, cause they're stupid enough at Cartemen to not tell us these things” I said sarcastically. Great! Adriana has rubbed off on me.
“Well you see” The woman continued without listening to my comment. “Sket, the man who is responsible for these occurrences, has been struggling with these new powers, because they were not made or genetically encoded for him, therefore they are not compatible. But He needs an ability that will enable him to have these abilities run on the same frequency all together so that they will encode with his genetics.”
“So, you need someone that has a power in those terms,” I said slowly.
“Your powers could do that. Cath no matter what don't let them do anything. You can’t tell them anything” Bloom warned me.
“That's exactly what we need. Now. You are the smartest at Cartemen. Do you know of anyone with these abilities?”
“No,” I said bluntly.
“Are you sure? Maybe you should think just a little harder.”
I put on a fake thinking face and pretended to stroke an imaginary beard.
“Nope” I said.
The woman huffed and left. I sighed to myself. I was in deep trouble now.
  Adriana’s point of view.
  “Are you sure that they were sighted here?” I asked Porter, who nodded exasperated.
“Positive. One Carmen Donna, age fifty-three, saw two men and one woman carrying a young girl with pale blonde and purple hair around the age of thirteen. Doesn't that match Alphs' appearance perfectly?” Porter raised his eye brow at me.
“Point taken.”
We approached a small village and I was taken aback by how, for lack and want of a better term, under developed it was. It was like going to one of those strange medieval times conventions.
“Does anyone else feel like we're a bit out of place here?” I asked
Crystal and Porter nodded absentmindedly at me. They seemed to be in a trance at the sight of the village that we were in. I had to admit, it had a certain beauty to it. The small houses weren't the generic block and brick houses, no, they seemed to be made a wood, like old fashioned cottages. The beauty of it all over-whelmed me. Surely, we hadn't traveled back in time? Though perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing if we did, it was, indeed, very nice here.
“Do you think it's possible that we've gone back in time?” I asked slowly.
“On normal conditions I would say no, but seeing this now, I believe that assessment would be inadequate.” Crystal said.
“Since when do you use words like “Assessment and inadequate”?” I asked.
“Since now,” Crystal shrugged.
“Right. So. Let's find Carmen Donna.” Porter said.
“I say we split up, we'll cover more ground that way,” Crystal instructed.
Porter and I nodded and we split up.
I walked down the cobbled-stone road. This day just kept getting weirder and weirder. The people were giving me strange looks, I realized that I was wearing jean and a star-wars tee. So much for a good impression!
A tall, well-built building stood at one side of the town, I assumed that this was a hospital, and there was no way that they would take Catherine in there. I looked to the front of the village and saw a large castle. It looked like it could easily be half the size of the village itself.
I saw an elderly lady, around the age of seventy or eighty, sitting by a stone bench with knitting needles it her hands and a long scarf made of yarn in front of her. I began to walk over to her, slowly to make sure that I didn’t scare her.
“Excuse me? I asked politely.
“Goodness child! You startled me! How can I help you?” I woman replied gently, setting aside her needles to the bench.
“I'm looking for Carmen Donna.” I told her softly.
“Whatever did Carmen do this time?” The woman asked.
“Oh, she hasn't done anything. She's my great-auntie. On my father’s side, He told me that I should come and visit today” I explained, although I was lying through my teeth.
“Oh! I had no idea that Carmen had any family relations left! Oh, she will be pleased!” The woman exclaimed. I smiled.
“She lives another block over and two doors down. The only green house in the area” She informed me.
“Thank you for your kindness,” I thanked.
I walked to the directions that the elderly woman had given me, getting slightly distracted by the scenery around me and I saw the house that the old lady mentioned. It seemed that this Carmen Donna was very different from any one else in this village. The house was big, bigger than the average house, but not as big as the hospital, its green paint was vibrant but peeling off, the doors were old and creaky looking but they were pretty none the less. The windows weren’t grimy or dusty which meant someone had been cleaning them often. All in all, the house looked well kept.
There, as I approached the house, sitting on the porch, was Carmen Donna. Her black hair was slightly graying, the gray eyes were duller, with less light of youth in them, but there was a mischief about them. As soon as she saw me her eyes widened and she gestured for me to come in.
Was I expected?
I hesitantly walked up to the house and followed Carmen in. What I saw when I walked in, was something I most definitely didn't expect.
The entire house, was from the modern day. From house phones, to a micro-wave and electric fans to a radio.
“Alright! If I wasn't extremely confused before about time traveling then I most certainly am now!” I said as I walked to the sitting room where Carmen was.
“It's about time you got here Adriana. I've been waiting for weeks!” She told me as I sat down.
“How do you know my name?” I asked.
“Like I said, I've been waiting for you.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
Carmen sighed, muttering about how it was going to be a long day. “I am what you would call a Psychic. I see into the future. I was sent back in time when I was eighteen years old, I have been living out my life here, but these things from the future keep appearing once every few months or so a new piece of technology appears.  As I grew old, people just began to think I was going crazy. So, I just kept to myself. Until three weeks ago when I began to have visions about you coming in search of your friend.”
“Yeah. People said that you had seen two men and a woman carrying her?” I asked.
“No I didn't. No technically. I saw it in a vision.” Carmen informed me.
“So, do you know anything?” I asked desperately.
“She was taken the town Miuros. And trust me when I say this. That is not a nice place to be.”
Taking in the information I took a moment to speak again. “How do I get back to my time?” I asked.
“You can't. I have been trying for forty-two years and I haven't found the answer yet. I fear that you will be stuck like myself, until the end of your time” Carmen said sadly.
I didn't believe it, I couldn't. I had to get back to my own time. Although I didn’t understand how I got here in the first place, so how was I going to get back to my own time?
“This makes no sense! How is it possible for you to see us in an entirely different time-line?!” I asked incredulously.
“Maybe because it's not happening on your time-line.” Carmen pointed out.
“W-what?” I said.
“You saw that castle up there? That is Cartemen, before it became the school. This is where Sket and his men were taking those children. Maybe that's why your sister and everyone else could never find the ones who were doing it, because they weren't even in the right time-line. This entire Island is out of sync with the rest of the world. Something happened in the 1500’s to knock the Island out of sync with the rest of the universe. The universe is moving through Time and Space, but something happened that knocked this one island out of sync with the rest of time and space. Just this island. No one knows what happened.  There, it’s just a normal day. But it was thousands of years before now, and people still haven’t figured out what happened”
“So, they would need to have someone who can stop and control time. So, I don't need to get back, I need to stay here. Find Alphs here on this time-line. But, wait-” I turned to Carmen “How would I get back after? How are four thirteen-year-old kids supposed to save humanity? Would anyone remember if we did?” I asked.
“I do not know. That has not been revealed to me yet. But know this. You're not alone. You're never alone.” I was confused by the elder woman's words, but nodded to them anyway.
“Thank you” I said sincerely She nodded and smiled softly at me.
“You know. I was friends with your grandmother when she was young. You remind me very much of her. Well, all accept the hair and the attitude” Carmen smiled, I hadn't known my grandmother very long before she died. But we did get along very well.
“Wait!” I heard Carmen yell before I left. I turned to her. “Beware of the Lost City. No one knows who lives there.”
“They built a school on a Lost Island. The Lost Island. Where they built a school for people with different specialties.” I pointed out.  
Carmen let me out of the small, yet big house and waved me off.
Now all I had to do was hope to find Crystal and Porter before they do or say anything stupid. Which with my luck they already would have. I went around to the old town square where Crystal and Porter were sitting. Well Porter was sitting with his head in his hands, while Crystal was preforming some sort of gymnastics presentation. Could have been worse.
“Bets! Porter!” I exclaimed.
Crystal looked at me, mid-handstand and twisted out of it. Porter had reached me in half this time and was looking at me anxiously.
“Bets said that we could distract the town’s people while you figure out stuff” Porter told me.
“Glad you did” I said.
“Did you find Carmen Donna?” Crystal asked.
“Yeah,” I said, trying to figure out how to tell her.
“And?” they said together.
“I figured out the reason that Olive has never been able to catch them”
“Why?” they urged.
“Because they were going back in time before they could be caught. Carmen was brought here forty- two years ago.  She still hasn't found her way out yet. But we don't need to go back to our time! Because they brought Alphs here. They took her to the town of Miuros. But apparently, it's not a very nice place. But what other choice do we have,” I stated.
“Do you think that they'll have her sedated or something?” Porter asked.
“I highly doubt that, they'll probably have her awake because they've want her to answer some questions.”
“So where is Miuros?” Crystal asked.
“South. A little bit due east of here, but mostly south” I informed them shortly.
“It that all?” Porter asked as we walked out of the town, heading south.
“Whose turn is it to cook?” Crystal asked.
“Yours,” Porter and I said.
“Damn, I walked right into that one,” Crystal stated.
“You should have known better Bets.”
“Shut up Delly. Be lucky I don't have any food poison” Crystal threatened.
Though I knew it was an empty threat, I could not help to admit that I was the tiniest bit scared. But I wasn't going to tell Crystal that.
Crunch! Snap!
“OK Mother Nature thou definitely suck-ith” I grumbled groggily under my breath as I laid on a sleeping mat. Crystal was snoring, and Porter was tossing and turning. I was awake listening to all of it.  
I jolted when there was a sudden rustle in the bushes. Silently I sat up from my sleeping roll and I grabbed my pocket knife from underneath of my pillow and, being careful that I didn’t make any noises, I went to check it out.
“Why always with the violence Ads,” Tori asked me.
“You can't very well blame me for being cautious Tori, anything could be out there,” I stated.
“You do have a point, but they ain't gonna be hurtin' ya Ads,” Zell pointed out.
“How do you know?” I asked as I looked around again.
But before Zell or Tori or Arrow and Cal could answer. The rustling in the bushes became louder and louder until the bushes parted and it approached me. There, causing all the noise and making me cautious and nervous, was a three-year old little boy with giant hazel colored eyes and scruffy dark brown hair. His face was covered in dirt and he had small cuts and scratches on his arms and legs, his tunic and trousers were torn and burnt. I had to admit, it broke my heart a little more to see this sight.
The little boy stared at me, then at my knife and then at me again.
Though the second time, his look was fearful. I raised a curious eye brow and then realized the problem.
“Oh. No sweetheart! I'm not going to hurt you!” I stated reaching a hand out, only for the small boy to recoil.
I raised the hand that had the knife, the boy stiffened in fear, I then dropped it and kicked it back towards our camp, and I heard a soft thump, followed by a groan, signifying that it had hit Porter.
It took a few moments, but then the little boy quickly ran into my arms, shaking and weeping in fear. I wrapped my arms around him and re-assured him that he was fine.
“Mommy?” He asked looking up at me.
“Me?” I gestured to myself. He nodded and stuffed his face back into my shoulder, quivering with fear. I, still shocked, carried him back to the camp.
The fire had long since gone out, leaving only embers behind. I quickly re-ignited it when I realized that the poor shaking boy, was shaking half out of fear, then half because he was cold. As I did this, the small boy refused to even let me put him down.
Once the fire was raging once more, lighting up the cool night air, I turned to the boy in my arms.
“Mommy,” he said, though I think it was more of a statement than anything else.
“What's your name?” I asked.
He looked confused at me.
“I'm Addy, you are-?” I started.
“No! You mommy!” he stated indignantly.
“Alright, I'm Mommy.”
He smiled. “Dill” he stated.
“Dill? That's you name?” I asked and Dill nodded.
“What happened sweetheart?” I asked.
“The bad guys came, dey took pweople, and dey had big things that hurt pweople” Dill said.
“And they killed everyone?” I finished and Dill nodded.
I looked sadly out to the forest where Dill must have been wandering for days. How hungry was he? In reply, the young boy’s stomach rumbled. I smiled slightly and attempted to put him on the log next to me. But, of course, my efforts were fruitless. He was like a mini-koala. Just . . . Less vicious.
I sighed. “Dill. I need to get you some food. You need to sit down” I said gently.
“Uh-uh.” He denied “You leave mwe too” Dill said, tears filling his large puppy-dog hazel color eyes.
“I'm not going too far, just over there” I said gesturing to the spot where we had stored our food and other supplies.
Dill hesitated then let me go. For a small, starving, three-year old boy, he had a good grip.
I walked to the small storage box that we had set up and grabbed out some bread, chicken and carrots. It wasn't much, but we still had to go and re-stock up tomorrow.
I walked back over to Dill, where he was sitting next to the fire, like he was watching a ghost that was going to forever haunt him. Though seeing the destruction of his town and his real family probably did the same for him.
“Dill?” I said quietly, careful not to wake Crystal or Porter.
Dill turned to me and rushed back into my arms as soon as I sat down.
I gave him small bits of chicken, which he ate whole-heartedly I reached and grabbed my canteen, which was sitting next to my bedroll and handed it to Dill.
I sighed, that's going to take a long while to get used to.
“Yep?” I replied.
“Where we going?” Dill asked.
“We're going to Miuros. Alphs, Or I guess she's your auntie now is there and we need to go get her”
You probably wondering if you read that right, well you did.
I intend to keep Dill.
Why you may ask?
Because his parents and village were killed in a fire fight and he has nowhere else to go.
So, I might as well choose the more responsible out of the four of us and make Catherine his godmother. Well sort of, I don't really think the government has (Or will have given my current situation) Regulations for this sort of thing.
“So, we go find Auntie Awphs?” Dill asked.
Am I the only one who's have a cuteness over dose?
OK you'll have to pardon my outburst just then.
But you can't really blame me for having it.
I may seem cold and heart-less. But I still have a giant weakness for baby children. Well technically Dill isn't a baby.
But he's still small and you can't blame me for having a girly, child-like outburst.
“Yes, we're going to get Auntie Alphs. But for now, you need some sleep”
“But Mama! I don't want to!” Dill protested.
“Don't make me tickle you” I threatened.
Dill gasped. “No!”
I gasped, “Yes!”
Dill tried to run away, but I swiftly caught him and wrapped my legs and arms around him, tickling him.
He squealed and laughed. I tried shushing him, but it only made him laugh louder.
I look back on that moment now and think ' How did Crystal and Porter not wake to the sound of a laughing three-year old boy?'
Well apparently, Porter had a stroke a genius and put ear plugs in his ears to keep the sounds of Crystal’s snoring out. Crystal is just immune to all noises while she's sleeping.
The tickling carried on for another good five minutes. I was enjoying myself, Dill seemed to be happy as well. I don't think that any one has ever done this before, not just the tickling, but the overall love and caring that he was receiving.
I had Twilight, I had Catherine and Crystal, but there was one thing that was always amazing, was the over whelming love that comes from a toddler.
I had something like that with Maya, but it was different.
Just different.
   Catherine’s point of view.
 OK, so as you can obviously tell, I'm in pain. But it's a confusing pain.
The pain that I'm in isn't physical.
That would be so much better than the pain I was experiencing.
This was mental pain.
Images driven into my brain, of death and war. Hatred and Anger.
It was enough to drive a normal person mad!
But I think that they know that. For a simple fiften year old girl I had a very strong will power and they were using that to their advantage.
I had yet to tell them about the simple fact that the one that they had been causing all this pain to, was the one that they were asking about.
Ironic huh?
If they saw the irony of it, they would probably be mad at both me and themselves.
At me for completely making a fool out of them.
They for letting me make a fool out of them.  
I could just imagine their faces if they found out.
But, even if it would be highly amusing, I couldn't tell them. They would kill me, and kill everyone else.
That doesn’t sound appealing.
“So” And there's the voice I wake up to and go to sleep to every day and night.  “Are you ready to tell me?”
“Hmm. Well let's consider the pros and cons of telling you who it is. Pro's first. First, you won't kill me, or maybe you will.” I paused dramatically “That's about it. Con's now. First, you'll most likely kill me. Second, you'll kill my friends and family. Third, you'll get world domination.” I paused again, pretending to mull over my choices. “No, I think I'll keep it to myself,” I smirked.
I knew that I'd probably get into trouble for that, but I still did in anyways.
‘Good thinking Alphs, Good thinking.’
 So, in hindsight, that wasn't the best idea.
I really turned into Adriana just then.
Speaking of that devil. I wonder where and how they're doing right now.
“Bloom. Any updates?” I asked.
“Well, you're officially an aunt,” Bloom informed me.
“Wait. You’re joking, right? You have to be joking because you don’t actually think that Bets would adopt a child to you?” I asked.
“Yes. I do. And in fact, it was Dell who has apparently adopted a young three-year old boy named Dill. She found him after his village was pillaged and burned to the ground. Apparently, he thinks she's his mother, so she's taken him in. Never really expected for her to do something like that. That's more like something that you or Bets would do. Not Dell.” Bloom cleared up.
“That's so typical of Dell! Her little children obsessed side came out.” I stated. Well not really, I my mind I did, considering it's a mind conversation.
“Really? “Typical Dell?” Warm heartedness is not like Dell at all” Bloom stated.
“It actually is though. Anything else?” I asked
“Other than the fact that Alex is now top of her class and Dell, Bets and Porter are on their way to find you then no, nothing else new.”
“I'm so proud of Alex. But you said that the others are coming to find me. Where exactly am I?” I tried. I’d been asking this question the entire time I’d been here, but I had been unable to get a proper answer out of Bloom.
“You're in a place called Miuros. It's small town off the south side of the island, a bit more to the east than directly south, but you know what I mean” Bloom informed me.
I let out a puff of air, and wasn't really shocked about the fact that I could see my breath.
“How am I supposed to get out of here Bloom?” I asked. Wow, I was asking a lot of questions today.
“I don't know Cath. I really don't know. But you must think positive right now, there's nothing else you can do.” Bloom told me sadly.
That's just dandy, then isn't it?
It looks like I'm going to be here for a while so why not get comfy?
Pfft! On what!
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