#cause Ive already done sugar. my computer/internet. and social media - this was the next hardest thing
safety-pin-punk · 2 years
You said you wanted to go vegetarian so I thought I'd provide some info.
Hummus is your friend, also look at cuisines from other countries more, western food is pretty bare in terms of plant based foods whereas asian, middle eastern and african food has had years of build up customs to develop.
You were worried about protein especially but that is pretty easy to fill in. Just eat more beans, legumes, nuts and the like. As well as tofu and textured soy protein (there's also meat replacements but those are quite salty and pretty expensive).
It also helps to add some protein to every meal (think beans on toast in the morning or a salad with some toasted nuts and oven roasted chickpeas for some crunch).
Consider supplementing your vitamins, especially B12 is important to supplement.
Check /r/vegan on reddit. They might be a bit stuck up but there's some good info in the wiki and sidebar.
Sorry for the massive amount of info. Idk why you choose to go vegetarian but I support it howsoever you go about it and I like to help where I can.
Also sorry for the vegan focus, it's easier to just go hard into veganism in regards to nutritional info and to just adjust to vegetarian from there. I'm also a bit hazy about the short period where I was vegetarian, my attitude towards food went a bit funky shortly afterward and I'm still recovering...
Thank you so much!!! Please dont be sorry for any of it, I very much appreciate the info!! I will definitely keep all of this in mind!
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