#cause I wuv them and like how its coming out
arimiaromage · 1 year
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[wip] wuv them so much....
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hobie-enthusiast · 1 year
so you know how spidey sense like, lets the spider know that there's a danger nearby before it gets to them? what if there was a spidey sense but for like, not danger. yk. like. LIKE...
i imagined hobie sitting by himself somewhere, not really paying attention? and then he gets this feeling that envelopes him whole and gives him the warm fuzzies and makes him smile, and he doesn't get what it is until his s/o comes up behind him and hugs him from behind, or like slaps his shoulders trying to scare him and he just wuvs them so much
im so soft you made me soft for hobie look what you've done!!!!
- your friendly neighborhood 🕷️ anon [ idc if emoji anons are so last year im spider anon now >:) ]
— hobie brown x gn!reader
— fluff, just straight fluff, hobie being so in love its crazy, petnames and lots more fluff
— hobie's spider-senses were giving him a new sensation, but he couldn't really put his finger on what it was
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Hobie had been getting a new warm feeling that he didn't understand.
It happened whenever he was at peace. There was never any danger near him or around him. He could be sitting there, minding his business, only for this warm feeling to engulf his entire body. His mind draws blank as it’s engulfed with that damn fuzzy feeling.
He could never say he hates it though. It reminds him of you.
It comes at him whenever he’s somewhere with you. Whether the two of you are just hanging out, winning a battle, or walking around, he’s randomly hit with a wave of a good-feeling. One that stays with him for a small while, that feels like happiness spreading through his body.
That's how he mentally connected it to you. Of course, he didn't think for a while you truly were the cause. Not until recently.
You practically begged him to come over, to take the day off from being Spider-man and hang out with you. Hobie always had a hard time saying no to you, so he agreed.
You were out at the local shoppe by this point, so he let himself in (with the spare key you gave him of course). He looked to find ways to entertain himself, settling on strumming his guitar. He kicked his feet onto your bed as he lied back in your desk chair.
After a small while, he started getting that feeling again. That fuzzy one that engulfs him entirely, making him feel good. He glances up to look around, but sees nothing. He found it odd, but maybe it meant you were back home?
Nah, he was kidding himself. The connection was probably just in his head.
You place your groceries on the counter, ears picking up the sound of a guitar playing. You smile to yourself. Of course you know who the culprit was. He had a key because of you anyways.
Slowly, you creep up to your bedroom, carefully cracking the door. You keep quiet as you admire your boyfriend from afar. He seemed so relaxed, which wasn't usual for him.
Hobie deserved some peace and relaxation after saving so many people. You seemed to be the only one who truly thought that. Miguel didn't see it that way. The criminals among New York didn't understand that. And even Hobie himself didn't think he deserved a break for doing what he's supposed to.
So watching him so.. unaware for once truly was a sight.
You enter the room as quietly as possible, creeping up behind him to wrap your arms around his shoulders.
When you crept up, Hobie was engulfed by that feeling again. A warm smile crosses his face when he feels you lean against him, laughing in his shoulder.
"There ya are." He said with a small laugh. "I had a feelin' you were home."
You raise an eyebrow, smile never faltering. "What? No you didn't! You were so unaware when I snuck up behind you!"
Hobie raises his eyebrows, the feeling slowly fading from his body. So he was right! That warm and euphoric feeling did come from you, his lover. No one else could make him feel that way, not even close.
"Oooh, does the tingle work even for me?" You ask in an excited tone.
"The.. tingle?"
You nod happily, moving so you sit on the bed by his legs. "Yeah! You know, the thing you use to sense danger."
God Hobie found you so.. mesmorizing. Your truly somewhat childish nature that wasn't that but close, he loved it.
"Nah, only works for danger, love." He responds, looking down and strumming his guitar.
"Then you can't sense me! I'm like a ninja. This is perfect." You say, standing and grabbing Hobie's arm. "C'mon, I have some groceries for dinner."
He nodded and stood, guitar on the bed as he followed you to the kitchen. Of course he was going to keep the sensation a secret. He wanted to keep that for himself, a way you make him feel. And besides, what's the harming in letting you think that you could sneak up on him?
It could bring more heartfelt moments like that.
Ever since then, Hobie pretended to be blissfully unaware.
He pretended like he couldn't feel you sneaking up on him to scare him. He pretended he never knew you were right behind him, waiting for him to see you. He pretended like he didn't expect your "unexpected" or "surprise" hugs.
Because honestly, he loved you. Hobie loved these little things, even if it sounded weird in itself. He loved having a partner who was always catching him off-guard with affection, even if he was sensing it.
There are random times when the two of you are just sitting together, each one doing a separate activity. He would be on his guitar and you would be catching up on your latest game or book.
Then, that feeling would hit Hobie. He would feel the fuzies he felt from before, and a smile graces his face. It prompts him to move to hug you from behind, nuzzling his head into your shoulder or neck.
When you question him, "What are you doing, love?"
He just sighs, smile never leaving his face. "Just love ya, so damn much sweetheart."
Certainly enough to make your heart melt and cheeks go red. You always found these moments slightly odd, however. He initiated those moments whenever you planned to try and scare him or give him your own surprise hug.
He always beat you to it. Not that you could complain, oh no. If anything, you welcome this with open arms.
You had a slight feeling that Hobie wasn't being entirely honest when he said he truly never knew when you were behind him. Hobie was always aware of his surroundings. But that didn't make you think for too long. You chalked it up to Hobie just letting his guard down around you, and that made you feel nice.
This new sense of Hobie's was his personal favourite, one that he's glad comes from you, the very person he loves and appreciates so so dearly.
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alonetogether · 1 year
andy am i allowed to yell about peterick brainrot in your askbox? im not waiting for an answer.
i. am so not. normsl about patrick showing pete the bass notes. how did he know pete was lost?? could he hear it? the way he turns towards pete, shakes the neck of his guitar a little to get his attention, but he doesn't even need to, because the minute he turns pete's coming over, the way pete knows patrick is showing him. they've must have done it a million times during rehearsals. like this is such a little thing that's nbd but it's driving me literally insane???
BFHJUIDKJNG love that you didnt wait for an answer cause like if you HAD i would have resorted to begging on my knees for you to yell at me about peterick. its what i enjoy oh so the most
BUT YEAH THATS EXACTLYYYYY why that moment makes me insane, not just the act of patrick showing him the chords but the fact patrick Knew he either wasnt playing and/or wasnt playing correct AND obviously struggling enough that patrick called him over :,-))) PLUS also patrick smile afterwards... he's just been so happy this tour and pete is Definitely a factor in that !!!
also i will exchange with you a peterick meltdown ive been having like all day cause i was rewatching some of the stardust like promotional interviews etc and i was watching the siriusxm mini game they did where they had to guess what songs of theirs were playing backwards and theresss sooooo much in there, like when pete guesses thnks fr th mmrs and then is discussing how babyface worked on it with them, he is trying to remember a movie they saw when they found out about babyface and he turns to patrick while trying to remember the movie like. oh so you guys went to see it together or at least watched it with just each other otherwise andy wouldve been able to help too. inchresting. like i initially thought maybe they went as a group to the premier but the movie is from 2001... so x AND THEN theres the "pep in your answer" thing and its just. so good to see this silly flirty energy continued with literally every riff with patrick on the tour. i wuv them. AND THEN!!! theres a moment of cryptophasia i swear no one talked about!!!! where patricks talking about other side and he says "i wanted something that spelled out the kind of journey that people are gonna go on with this album and then pete jumps in "of SIGHT" and then patrick AND pete both say in the same fucking inflection at the exact same time "and SOUND" like. you both are crazy and fruity. fuck off NHJIOGLKSJM
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thegoldenshi-shi · 1 year
They are bootiful, and I wuv dem, and gods damnit I need to clear off enough space on my desk so I can doodle them too. Also, I am happy to see steadily more and more people popping up to compliment Sides, he deserves to be in the spotlight. Sunny may have traditional beauty down, but Sides is that handsome boy next door whom spends their entire youth as an outdoor-playing sort of "dirty", and then cleans up and all of a sudden every girl within a five mile radius suddenly does that one spongebob meme of "Oh no, he's hawt!". And he deserves to be recognized for it, hehe. Even if both mechs are far too confident to get blushy from compliments, which is a true crime, tbh, cause both need to be seen hella positively flustered.
Also! I took Friday off of work because the jerkweed at my job was insistent on buying us lunch as a bribe, and I have too many complex feelings about people giving me things to let myself feel like I owe him. So I got to hang out with my dad, and we're gonna be sealing up my ladybug leaking window today after work. In other news /dun dun/ I was goofing around playing modded Ark: Survival Evolved (specified, cause I talk to a lot of people who don't know what that is, its about dinosaurs) and said mod was hybridization. So I made a manta omanite abomination monster. Twas chthulu, but as a bird. And I love him. I am naming him Flappy when I get home.
On an even different note, cause I've been doing my coloring books again recently, I've been debating on posting the progress of my books onto tumblr, cause I bought a one-sided-page book simply for the express purpose of being able to take the pages out and gift them to friends, so I thought it would be cool to have a visual timeline of what I have done, and how far along I got with different pieces. It would also mean I can take my watercolor pencils to the page the way I wanted to, without worrying about ruining the next page. Downside, I am terrified of posting stuff online, because I internalize everything negative people say about me, whilst simultaneously disregarding all the nice things people say. I am working on unlearning that, which being slightly more active in the interwebs would help with (exposure therapy, whooooo....)
Did/do you celebrate easter?
~Smooch 💜
Hehe, you are very welcome Smooch.
I'm glad you liked them. Sideswipe is a growing favorite I've noticed, and it really is a lot of fun to watch happen. Sunny is still probably the most popular of my designs, but his brother is coming on fast hehe. I REALLY want to draw some more robots soon, despite my other projects. I'm the mood for Mirage and Tracks atm, so we'll see what happens hehe
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While the circumstances were not ideal, it is good that you got to spend time with your dad. And I guess congratulations are in order for your avian Cthulu lol Also congratulations for finding time to do your coloring books again. Coloring books are supposed to be really therapeutic(so I hear).
On your possible tumblr posting: I too like to have a timeline on some of my projects just as a record/checkpoint. Tumblr blogs are really good for that I have to admit. Your downside is my downside as well. It's hard to accept compliments and even harder to deal with negative nancy barking up your notifications. I still get nervous over pieces I post, particularly my original works, so don't feel bad. I admit that exposure therapy HAS helped me, but if you feel like it won't help you, then don't do it. But unfortunately, you won't know until you try.
And yes, I do celebrate Easter hehe. I play piano for my church so that's one of my busier times of year outside of Christmas (dear Lord at the Christmas carols…). I even dyed Easter eggs to give out to the kids at church this year, so I really got into it this time. It's also the time of year I get together with some of my extended family, so it's fun (and kinda tiring hehe)
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deripmaver · 3 years
laurent is a good person - book 1 meta
one of the most amazing things about captive prince is how the reveals in book 3 recontextualize all of the scenes leading up to them, including about laurent himself. in book one, all we see is damen pov as he’s being abused and humiliated by this supposedly spoiled, vile ice prince. when the regent comes to damen and subtly (and not so subtly) insults laurent, calling him unfit to rule - well, why would he think anything different? laurent has insulted him, had him whipped within an inch of his life, and even attempted to (and later successfully lmfao) have him raped while drugged out of his mind. 
after book 3 we can reread most if not all of book 1 as a very traumatized boy who has finally been confronted with the man who killed his brother, leaving him alone with his abusive uncle, and who he clearly has made into a complete monster in his own mind. damen of course sees him as a complete bitch, but there’s textual/subtextual evidence that laurent is well liked, and that his behavior during book 1 was actually pretty out of character for him. i’d like to provide some examples of that now!!!!
“Laurent had stopped dead the moment he had seen Damen, his face turning white as though in reaction to a slap, or an insult. Damen’s view, half-truncated by the short chain at this neck, had been enough to see that. But Laurent’s expression had shuttered quickly.” Captive Prince, Chapter One
i couldn’t resist adding this one in hehe. laurent recognizes damen!! he’s come down, knowing his uncle has devised another truly horrendous and triggering “gift” and that he’ll lose support if he calls it our for what it truly is, only to find out that it’s fucking damianos of akielos sent to him as a sex slave. a jab at laurent’s trauma about auguste and also a jab at laurent’s frigid sexuality - which ofc is completely the regent’s fault. fuck that guy so much lmfao 
“‘It’s so rare to see you at these entertainments, Your Highness,’ said Vannes.” Captive Prince, Chapter Two.
this is right before the fight between govart and damen in the ring, of course. damen sees laurent as depraved and vile as the sexual sadism on display by the veretian court, and considers him to be a willing purveyor of it. this is wrong, of course, as said by vannes here. laurent has only shown up because he wants to humiliate damen lmfao.
“He did remember being supported by two of the guards, here, in this room, while Radel stared athis back in horror. ‘The Prince really . . . did this.’ ‘Who else?’ Damen said. Radel had stepped forward, and slapped Damen across the face; it was a hard slap, and the man wore three rings on each finger. ‘What did you do to him?’ Radel demanded.” Captive Prince, Chapter Four
this scene, to me, was the most telling lmfao. it’s right after damen is whipped. you could argue that radel is just a servant in the employ of the royal household, so is of course going to be loyal to the prince, but he seems genuinely surprised of the prince’s cruelty towards damen. not only that, but he slaps him and immediately assumes damen must have done something. which - i mean, technically he did lmao. not necessarily enough to deserve having the skin flayed from his back, but you know. if laurent was in the habit of torturing pets and slaves, why would the overseer react this way?
“The men guarding him were the Prince’s Guard, and had no affiliation with the Regent whatsoever. It surprised Damen how loyal they were to their Prince, and how diligent in his service, airing none of the grudges and complaints that he might have expected, considering Laurent’s noxious personality. Laurent’s feud with his uncle they took up wholeheartedly; there were deep schisms and rivalries between the Prince’s Guard and the Regent’s Guard, apparently.” Captive Prince, Chapter Four
laurents relationships with his guards are also some of the biggest indicators that he isn’t just a spoiled brat, but can insire a deep loyalty in his men. even if they do all want to fuck him. ah, sexual harassment. it’s also hilarious that damen immediately assumes they’re loyal to him because they want to fuck him - nice projection there, dude. we know a bit more about laurent and his guards thanks to green but for a season, but this little bit here is interesting.
“Laurent was indeed good at talking. He accepted sympathy gracefully. He put his position rationally. He stopped the flow of talk when it became dangerously critical of his uncle. He said nothing that could be taken as an open slight on the Regency. Yet no one who talked to him could have any doubt that his uncle was behaving at best misguidedly and at worst treasonously.”  Captive Prince, Chapter Five
idek what to say here. laurent my beloved <3333
“‘When someone doesn’t like you very much, it isn’t a good idea to let them know that you care about something,’ said Laurent. Damen felt himself turn ashen, as the threat sank in. ‘Would it hurt worse than a lashing for me to cut down someone you care for?’ said Laurent.” Captive Prince, Chapter Seven
this isn’t really relevant to my thesis lmfao i just love this exchange bc it gives SO MUCH information about laurent and his uncle in just three lines of dialogue. what has the regent done, who did he cut down just to hurt laurent? when and how did laurent learn that? p a i n 
“Laurent’s fussy horse began acting out again, and he leaned forward in the saddle, murmuring something as he stroked her neck in an uncharacteristically gentle gesture to quiet her.” Captive Prince, Chapter Nine. 
HORSEY NO- lmfao this scene just hurts so badly on the reread. especially later on, in book 3 i think, where laurent says something like “i provoked my uncle.” he’s really blaming himself for his uncle KILLING HIS HORSE, his horse that his murdered brother trained, one of the only living connections to auguste... all because his uncle could not let a single miniscule plan laurent had set go through without some kind of repercussion. literally all laurent did was do something to stop an innocent group of people from being abused, nothing to undermine his uncle’s rule, but because the regent is VILE he could not let laurent have even this. he’s so good with her, too. he must have known by this point and also known that there was no way to stop this. P A I N
“‘I know that you have somehow arranged this,’ said Erasmus. He was incapable of hiding what he felt, and just seemed to radiate embarrassed happiness. ‘You kept your promise. You and your master. I told you he was kind,’ Erasmus said. ‘You did,’ said Damen. He was pleased to see Erasmus happy. Whatever Erasmus believed about Laurent, Damen wasn’t going to dissuade him. ‘He’s even nicer in person. Did you know he came and talked to me?’ said Erasmus. ‘—He did?’ said Damen. It was something he couldn’t imagine. ‘He asked about . . . what happened in the gardens. Then he warned me. About last night.’ ‘He warned you,’ said Damen. ‘He said that Nicaise would make me perform before the court and it would be awful, but that if I was brave, something good might come at the end of it.’ Erasmus looked up at Damen curiously. ‘Why do you look surprised?’ ‘I don’t know. I shouldn’t be. He likes to plan things in advance,’ said Damen.” Captive Prince, Chapter 9.
this is the first in-text confirmation we have that laurent has a good heart beneath his layers and layers of trauma-induced lashing out. book one often skeeves people out because of its graphic and, honestly, yes, kind of sexualized depiction of rape, slavery, and depravity, but beneath it all you meet these two protagonists who are going to have all of their most deeply held views about each other challenged. laurent from very early on is shaken to his core when damen refuses to rape nicaise in the ring - it cracks the very foundations of the person he’d built up in his head as this horrible monster who killed his brother in cold blood. and damen keeps defying laurents expectations by being a good person through and through. on the other hand, laurent spends the first part of the book taking out years of anger on damen, but here for the first time we see him do something just because its the kind thing to do. yes, torveld is an ally against his uncle, but laurent has clearly been scheming with him for a while now, and he’s now overlooking his hatred of damen and working with him just because none of the slaves deserve whats happened to them. it’s such a sweet moment.
“One of the other men, eyeing them, approached a moment later. ‘Don’t mind Jean. He’s in a foul mood. He was the one had to stick a sword through the mare’s throat and put her down. The Prince tore strips off him for not doing it fast enough.’” Captive Prince, Chapter Nine.
HORSEY NO- pt 2. this is just another really sweet and sad detail - laurent being so upset that the horse’s death could have been more painless. it must have hurt so much to see her in pain, and to know that the only way for that pain to end was being put down as quickly as possible. i wuv him. im sad
that’s it, though there are still a few more chapters left in the book. this isn’t providing any new information, of course, the path of the three books is to show that laurent isnt the man we meet in book one, that he’s actually sweet, and earnest, and he’s been fighting his own battle practically alone against his abuser since he was fifteen years old. also, the reveal that laurent knew who damianos was from the start makes it clear imo that all of his violence in book 1 was supposed vengence, not... him being evil. he apologizes explicitly in-text, and also, all of the acts of violence he commits cause serious problems for him in terms of his future alliance which he then needs to fix. i just love how layered these books are, how there’s so much information in them that makes rereading almost more fun than reading them for the very first time!
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noodles-and-oodles · 3 years
How dare you be so talented!! 😤 i love ur writings sm its unhealthy lol may i request the vice dorm leaders confessing/ or maybe trying to woo their gn!crush hcs pretty please with a cherry on top? Ace dont eat the cherry cuz i read the ones for azul and i just had to get the vice dorm leaders in there cuz i wuv em so much (>/////<) thank you noodle senpai 😘
Ahhh I’m glad you’re enjoying! lol it’s just the crack and idiot energy 🥴 thank you though hehe. Thank for you for requesting and I hope this is to your liking!
Trey Clover
Trey will use what he’s good at to woo you, whether it be baking you treats or helping you out with something. He’ll always be available for you so please, don’t hesitate to come find him
He will definitely drop loooots of hints, heart shaped cookies, subtle compliments, and he’ll even ask you to bake with him. He’ll show off his skills, make that corny oyster joke, and just overall keep you entertained!
God forbid ADeuce finds out about his crush on you, they’ll certainly be butting their nosey asses in any chance Ace they get when they see you two together. Deuce will do his best to make Trey out to be the coolest senpai in the world while Ace will just outright say “wouldn’t it be pretty cool to date Trey-senpai?”
Trey’s mortified and tells you to brush off whatever they said to you but when you don’t deny or reject, Trey sees an opening. Maybe you actually found the idea of dating him appealing and this was the time to up the stakes? Trey will from then on do his best to make sure it’s CRYSTAL clear that he likes you
Ruggie Bucchi
Ruggie knows he doesn’t have much to offer, so he’ll also have to use what he already has in order to get you to notice him. He’ll offer to do things for you, without expecting anything in return and is always up for helping you out
The hyena is so sweet…if you have a favorite lunch from the cafeteria he’ll be first in line to make sure he can get it for you. He’ll even trade with others if he can just do you can have it, anything for you
He’d probably want to ask someone for advice but Jack and Leona are clearly no help so he turns to your friends, the ADeuce combo, in hopes that they would have some intel (they don’t)
Eventually, he’ll just realize that being himself will have to do. He’ll make some jokes, hoping to see your smile and slowly but surely will try to throw in some subtle brushes of your hands to see how you react
Jade Leech
Jade’s way of wooing is just so…Jade. Don’t be surprised if this man gives you a mushroom at some point, it’s really just his way of sharing his hobby with you in hopes that you’ll take interest in it as well. Maybe not as much as him but enough to keep a conversation going
He’s a natural tease, it’s just how he shows his sadistic tendencies affection, cause he likes seeing your many expressions whether it’s you smiling, blushing, or even pouting. He loves them all! However, sad tears is the exception, he doesn’t tolerate anyone making you upset, even himself
This eel is ever the gentleman but it increases tenfold when you are around, he only wants you to have the most pleasant experiences with him unlike others who don’t get to see the nice side of him often
Jade is patient because idealistically, he wants you to confess first and if you do, he’ll ask for reaffirmation a few times, that way he knows for sure that he didn’t accidentally scare you into confessing, he knows he’s pretty intimidating so it would make him feel better to get a positive response from you first
Jamil Viper
Unfortunately for Jamil, he quite literally doesn’t have the time to try to woo you really. In between all of his work, chores, and taking care of Kalim that leaves not a lot of time for him to try and fight for your affections
It frustrates him but don’t worry, since he really really likes you, he’ll make time to see you. You’ll likely wonder how it is that he can spend time with you when he’s so busy but who knows, maybe that actually makes you happy (I know I would be) But also worried at the same time ahhh
Small gifts are his go to method! For someone that doesn’t have time to spare, he can brainstorm things that will be quick but thoughtful that you may like. Snacks, thoughtful but small notes, and if he has extra time he may even gift you with some handcrafted jewelry that he made himself
I also like to believe that if he had a day off, he’d totally ask you to spend it with him or something. Just talking, relaxing, and spending time with his crush is probably a dream to him since he so rarely gets to have a proper conversation with you, even when you see each other in the halls
Rook Hunt
Rook is everything but quiet about his crush on you, he’s always complimenting you from the moment he sees you til the moment you guys have to unfortunately part ways with one another. His way of showering you with his affections can even be a bit overbearing at times
Poems, lavishes of love letters, and most importantly, his undying loyalty. He’ll ask you to do even the most random things, his only reason being that he wants to spend time with you. Rook’s dramatics are always a good mood setter, you’re entertainment will surely be guaranteed anytime you two are together
He does his best to learn everything about you!! From the things you like, dislike, love, hate, and even small habits that you may have. Rook will memorize them and store them for later usage when it comes time for him to give you his routinely shower of affection <3
Rook tries his best to not scare you off but even he can’t help gushing at your beauty, as a man that proclaims to love beautiful things, it wouldn’t be in his nature to just not say anything lol. He’ll compliment you til your ears fall off and whew boy, his confession (the one he isn’t giving every day I mean) will be so romantic you may just cry
Ortho Shroud
Ortho baby!! He won’t be included in this 🙇‍♀️
Lilia Vanrouge
Haha, Lilia is such a trickster, it’d be hard to tell if he’s just teasing you or if he actually really does like you. He may play a joke on you every now and then, but he likely doesn’t mean anything by them. It’s more for his own…data collecting
Despite all his tomfoolery, Lilia is a smooth talker! With many years of age comes great experience so it’s no surprise that he knows just the right things to say to sweep you off your feet. He’s also got all the dad jokes, words of advice whenever you need them, and most importantly, an ear whenever you want someone to talk to
Lilia loves conversations with you, even if they’re really random. He sees them as a great opportunity to get to know you even more, making sure to remember what you’ve told him and using it to surprise you later. Just a bunch of small things here and there in hopes that you’ll notice that he really is listening to you when you confide in him!
This fae is pretty talented in many different areas, instruments being one of them. Who knows, he may dedicate a song to you one day or teach you how to play an instrument so that the two of you can play together! Lilia’s holding onto his lucky knickers that through doing this he’ll finally be able to manage to worm his way into your heart!
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
Yandere ocs voice headcanons
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Dunno just though this would be fun I’m sure you guys have your own voices in mind but here how it is
This contains: talk of sex, lot of characters, yandere talk
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Okay so you know yuki from fruits basket....
Make the tone louder and warmer and boom Theo
He has a very soothing voice like the type that you can hear talk for hours or fall asleep to
When annoyed or angry his voice lowers in pitch and is strained from him trying to keep from shouting
He always keeps the same tone of voice usually it’s always sweet and calm and nice
He talks very very proper like he makes sure to always sound like a gentleman
When he’s angry though he will absolutely say the word fuck or shit under his breath with a growl following it
Is the ceo of fake laughs
His fake laughs are always soft and short
His real laugh always has a shocked snort or him choking before bursting out laughing
He makes sure to cover his mouth and apologizes when he laughs cause he sees it as rude
Okay so as y’all know he has two sides
His stage persona voice is super sugary sweet
But don’t mistake that for hyper nope
Somehow no matter what he says it sounds like he’s smiling while talking
Never raises his voice but he does have his cracks of his real personality seeping through
With those he’ll clench his teeth
Like you know those people who speak with a fake laugh when they really wanna choke you
There are times where he has to pretend to be all cute and shy while on stage persona
His voice will get soft and sweet down to a shy little whisper
He hates doing this so there will be a slight annoyed tone in his voice that he tries to hide
When he’s pissed at you but he has to keep cool it always sounds kinda scary
“Hehe y/n my...sweet y/n, can we talk in private please sweetie?”
Normal hikaru’s voice is much deeper and cruder
Not quite bakugo tone but like just as crude and mean
Somehow always sounds like he’s one step from snarling out his words
Legit swears in every sentence
Kinda talks like a delinquent
Everything about him changes from posture to tone
He’s legit just a violent tsundere
Okay so..his voice is like ultimate sub energy
When he talks to anyone else besides you he is cheerful but also pretty normal
When it’s you..simp
You can hear the obsession in his voice. Its always sounds just absolutely happy and filled with joy
I always say that axis is like a happy puppy when he hears his darling is near
He bad mood instantly vanishes and he is just nearly squealing with joy
When he gets all bratty his cheeks puff all out and he lowers his tone making sure you know that he’s upset with you
As far as his whiny yandere side it sounds so desperate like he’s going to die if he doesn’t kiss you or hold you
I think I said this before but axis is the loudest so if you try to walk out the door or something he will scream and beg you not to go anywhere it sounds like it physically hurts to have you leave
He has a habit of hurting himself to get you to stay during these moments he would have a pathetic stutter
“I-I’m h-hurt! Y-you wouldn’t leave someone bleeding out all alone right? Right!?”
When he’s serious his tone shifts low
Not like mature low no it still has that youthful innocence but it sounds deadpan and soft like as if all feelings other than hate or anger vanished
During these moments he would say something like “stay away from my sweet perfect y/n...or I’ll kill you”
Yuri from yarichan bitch club
Okay though seriously something like him except more lower in pitch
He does slur his speech and I think I said this before but the more excited he gets the less English comes out of him
It goes from shaky toddler talking to barking and random garbled words and crazy laughing.
The only time he would talk “normal” is when he’s docile aka he’s high as hell or if he spends a large amount of time cuddles up to his darling
In that case his voice is soft though there is some stutters and crackling cause he’s not used to speaking normally
He also pauses a lot cause he’s not smart at all and words are hard
His manner of speaking is very toddler like
Words would be dumbed down and even nicknamed
Expect phrases such as “y-y/nnn, wuv wuv wuv! Ooowahhhh!” In a squealing happy tone
All in all his voice..is interesting
Prince is a fuck boy
So he sounds like a douche
Like to use the word babe and baby a lot
He honestly thinks he’s the shit so everything out his mouth comes off as cocky
His voice is kinda like those lead singers from boy bands that’s the best way I can describe it
Like those fake bad boys who are all like “yeah baby wanna smoke cigarettes in the parking lot of McDonald’s”
His voice squeaks A LOT though when nervous
Like he tries to keep his voice low and cool sounding but the moment darling flirts or gives him attention it’s just 📈📈📈
When flustered he talks in a high pitch flustered tone
It’s absolutely adorable
Takes him a while to bring it back down though
He likes to speak in Korean sometimes
It sounds so smooth when he does
He has such confidence it sounds like he’s in a kdrama or something
When things are getting steamy he likes to slow down his pacing of words and talk lower
He thinks it sounds sexy but it kinda sounds fake
It’s cause he doesn’t wanna admit that he’s a switch but whatever prince you do you boo
Prince laughing is amazing
You know Kuroo’s laugh?? Yeah take that and make it a tad bit higher and as a ton of hiccups and gasping for air and boom prince
This is why prince has a fake laugh
Like he’ll do a simple little heh. And that’s it
Super hush
Barley a whisper
His voice is flat and cold
Very blunt
He mostly responds in grunts or sounds when in public with his darling
If he absolutely has to speak it’s a single word
Some would deem his voice boring and dull
He has very dry humor and this is the same with his tone of speaking
You will get simple responses from him
When he is with his darling just alone he is far more warm and sweet his voice is still barely above a whisper but it has a nice rumble to it
Even when he’s pissed it’s soft and calm sounding
He doesn’t like shouting cause loud sounds make him cry
That being said the only time he would get loud is when he cries
If something is hurting him he can’t take it for long
His voice cracks and he sounds whiny almost like he’s terrified
Just a shaky “s-stop!”
His breathing would get all intense and his words would come out as stutters as he tries to dial it back down to that soft calm tone probably adding his last response with a hush “please. Stop”
Not much to say about his voice though there is always amusement swinging within it whenever someone gets annoyed by his dry humor or antics
He can’t help but fight a smile as he tries to keep from laughing
Also! Yuki laugh is amazing
He has two different kinds he has his soft chuckles
And then his louder laughs which are still soft by normal standards but they are so filled with joy
So cute..
Okay so even though rocket is a southern boy he will absolutely use his fake “bro” voice when meeting people you deem important cause he doesn’t wanna embarrass you
His worst fear is them seeing him as some southern loser
So his bro voice is very frat boy like
Typical college guy voice
Like stated before when flustered or angry his real voice seeps out
His real voice isn’t too deep or anything it’s very warm and happy
That southern accent though?! ✨Strong ✨
When he says darling you can feel that shit
Even him saying normal word it’s still strong as ever
It fits him so well though like his voice isn’t deep despite his height and build
When excited though he talks super fast
Another puppy boy
He is just so excited he can’t hold back his words so he’s talking a mile a minute
He just can’t stop!
His tone of voice very much shows how he feels
When sad his voice is soft and hushed down to a pouty whimper as he looks down shoulders slumped and posture just spilling out sadness
Same when he’s happy he is so perked up and just ✨happy✨
When he laughs it’s one of those loud happy laughs
Those laughs from deep in his chest
When he’s flustered or feeling submissive he has a very soft way of speaking that shows that he’s vulnerable at the moment
All around cute bara boy has cute voice
Just straight up a brat
Sounds like he could commit arson at any moment
He has this very cocky coy tone in his voice
Sounds kinda childish at times
He doesn’t take anything seriously so that’s to be expected honestly
His voice is quite high pitched yet smooth
When serious though his childish tone remains but it gets scarier and deadpan
“I’ll show you why you should never mess with me and my gang..”
He’s a person who grins when pissed so it’s hard to tell when he’s angry unless you hurt his darling
Ike if he’s tweaked off you won’t know
You won’t know any of his emotions honestly he kinda smiles though it all even if he’s depressed
When he loses that childish charm in his voice it’s usually when he’s having a breakdown
His voice sounds so weak and hurt and all his bottled up feeling explode
He’s a PFFFT laugher he usually laughs so hard his face turns red and he can’t breathe
As far as fake laughs it’s very cookie cutter just a few ha ha’s and that’s it.
When having..steamy times his voice lowers and that childish tone is there but it’s sadistic like he’s enjoying toying with you and breaking you
The deepest voice out of all of them
Rich deep and sexy
Also a person with dry humor at times
Likes to respond with sounds as well
“Haaah?” “Hmmm..” “eh?” All those are acceptable
His voice rumbles in his chest
Put your hand on his chest while he’s talking and it’s like he’s purring
Very much likes using more slang terms
“If I were to rock your shit..would I be wrong?”
“Bitch do I look like boo-boo the fool to you?”
He grew up in a very cultured household so yeah he has different mannerisms of speaking unlike the others
He usually sounds bored or calm when he’s speaking to someone he doesn’t trust
Now his friends on the other hand this bitch hype
Constantly laughing, joking and grinning
He can’t stop being chaotic as hell
His tone is much louder as he’s more comfortable and he tends to use more swears and slang
When speaking in Spanish his voice is just as deep and he adores rolling his R’s every. Single. Time
As far as singing goes his voice is so smooth
Filled with soul and passion like he loves what he does
He has such a beautiful voice
Soft sweet and creepy
Hushed and very gentle
Her words are usually followed by a hush giggle
No matter how threatening she sounds there is always a sweet smile and giggle at the end
She likes the idea of toying with people so her voice always sounds so eel coming at first
Then her sadistic side kicks in and she’s stepping on you with her heel her voice drowning with pride
During those dom moments she can sound very degrading
Talking to you like you’re beneath her instead of an equal
But normally she is nothing short of kind
Even in yandere mode she never shouts or yells or does anything like that
It’s always calm collected and lightly frightening
Definite mother vibes
Just very nurturing
A deep voice member
Full delinquent
“Got something to fucking say to me?”
Aggressive as all hell
At least to strangers that is
To his darling or his twin it’s still lightly rough but also soft? I know confusing
He tries hard to keep that tough guy act up but when anxiety and everything hits he’s a mess
“E-eh!? W-why are you starin’ at me for!? G-go away!”
Hella paranoid all the time
During those anxious moments his stutters and tics are ranging in tone and pitch
He has various tics such as popping sounds, crude phrases like “no more daddy! Nope nope!” Or even “f-f-fucking c-cocks” and many others he can’t control these and they only come during panic attacks
Some of his other phrases are things he’s said as a child when his family would violate him so lot of them have the word stop and no in it
A “cute” one is if you were to say “whose a pretty boy” he would instantly reply “I’m a p-pretty b-boy!” Oddly enough that tic always makes him feel better and calm down
Anyways normal voice yuuta is tough boy
He scoffs a lot and plays this very dominating role
He likes to say nicknames like doll or angelface
Makes him feel tough
He usually tries to sound as sarcastic as humanly possible
But when he’s sad or vulnerable he whines so loud and is so clingy
“D-don’t leave me along! T-the monsters are g-gonna get me! Nooo! P-please!”
He’s like a scared child clinging to you sobbing and trying to jump in your arms just shaking
Also a twink voice
Except his has more sparkles in it
Kinda valley girl tone but not as annoying
Just a lot of “oh sweetie” and “honey no”
Super sugary sweet like so sweet and fake it could kill ya
Behind closed doors though
That sugary tone is the same just sadistic
“Oh sweetie, whose a sad little ball of trash? You are! Yes you are my little parasite!”
Talks in baby talk when degrading his darling and yuuta
They are beneath him in his eyes he’s god
So he should be treated as such
When pissed off his sweet tone stops and it’s pure disgust
“You bottom feeder, do you know who you’re fucking talking to?”
His pissed off voice would give you shivers from how cold it is
He can switch from angry to sweet and back again so fast like one minute he’s threatening to violate every hole you own and the next he’s like “I’m sorry! I’m being a big old meanie pants! Teehee let’s goooooo shoppinggg! Yayyy!”
Likes making his voice as cutesy as possible
Mostly cause when he switches to his more serious side the fear in their eyes is much more delicious
Y’all already know
Stutters every sentence
Can’t even form proper words without stuttering
Growls in anger when annoyed and sounds like he wants to rail you so hard you break
All around soft sweet voice
Whimpers every single time he speaks
When annoyed or gets more confidence his voice is soft but sharp
“You shouldn’t do that. Stop.”
Very short and quick like you better listen to him or else
His voice goes dead and his eyes show no mercy
He keeps his voice low and warm though
When happy he is just so warm and bright
Absolutely adorable
When ranting there are no stutters or anything he can talk for hours if you let him
Loud as fuck in bed though
Full on sobs and cries so loud the neighbors hear y’all
His voice cracks and squeaks as he pants heavily and tries not to pass out
All in all
Shy boi
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pauldron-pieces · 3 years
Destrier Revel: The Most Important Part
Fandom: Dungeons And Dragons (5E)
Pairing: Destrier Revel/Illeria Stennas (F!NPC)
Rating: Holy shit tame.
AN: This is a hypothetical narrative scenario featuring original characters in a world created by my Dungeon Master. As usual, this is non-canon and I own nothing aside from intellectual properties specifically attached to Destrier Revel. This installment is mechanically unsound in a multitude of ways and ignores certain important lore facets.
Applicable trigger warnings are listed inside. Enjoy!
Taglist: @sporadic-fics and @cookiethewriter!
Inspired By: Edgar Meyer, Mike Marshall and Béla Fleck: Sliding Down
Destrier Revel’s Backstory: Burn The Wicked
For Leofore
Light And Home
So Little Time
A Choice
Worth The Wait
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains emotional turmoil and ruminations on infant developmental milestones. Stay safe!]
Destrier's head jerked up and he stared at the child. "W-What?" He stammered after a moment.
His little boy, hardly able to walk on his own, blinked wide brown eyes.
"Did you just…?" The former Knight-Captain trailed off, shaking his head. "No, I must have imagined it." He heaved a sigh, shifting his weight to and fro. Destrier hoped to soothe his son back to sleep via the motion, praying the child was just fussy instead of hungry. Illeria needed her rest!
The day had been long and Destrier knew that he was still, at best, a minute help in the kitchen. Greeting customers was out of the question; it drew too many old soldiers and rough types to his wife's inn and he didn't want Illeria or little Leo inundated in the folk he had once commanded. Too many wounds were still fresh and he was more than content to leave them be, let time do its work.
The military had taught him how to feed many with little. How to water down and spread, offer the illusion of a feast to hungry troops. What the military hadn't taught was how to make things look appealing to the average traveler. Not everyone would be dead on their feet when they arrived, nor would they be on the brink of starvation. Destrier could no longer rely on hardship or gratitude to make his attempts at cooking visually enticing, and he was humbled by his wife's willingness to teach him even the smallest of tasks.
To think, Illeria had no magics to speak of! No pact with dark forces, no souls surrendered in forgotten temples, and yet the dough rose like clockwork and the common room was always free of cobwebs. In a way it was as if she had her own magic, the ebb and flow of the crowds in Maplecrest her domain. She knew from the scent of the previous evening's petrichor that they would have more bedraggled folk seeking hot breakfast, and she could plan a menu up to a month in advance with nothing but the MidPort almanac and a schedule of trading shipments.
Clever child, Garuda's voice crackled in Destrier's mind. Odd name. Strong, sad. A heavy name.
"He is named after my commander. A man who saved my life in my youth, only for me to repay his kindness many years later." The paladin replied aloud, smiling down at the child in his arms. Leo mouthed over the toggle of his nightshirt, drooling on the fabric. "It is a good name. Did you know Illeria chose it?"
We were there, faithless paladin. Amused now. We were always there.
Revel didn't deign to respond this time, still swaying gently. Leo's eyelids drooped, the baby yawning wide. "I thought he spoke a moment ago." The paladin whispered. "I thought he said...I suppose it was just my fancy. Maybe I dozed off standing up again. He hasn't said a true word yet." He frowned thoughtfully. "Though the midwife did say it might be any time now. I should be more patient! It is difficult when they are so young."
Leo's tiny fists dug into his nightshirt, the child raising his head yet again. He started babbling quietly and Destrier's frown faded into something softer.
"It's alright, little one. You will speak when you're ready, and not a moment before!" He chuckled, tousling the baby's still-sparse hair. "No parent has ever predicted their child's speech, after all."
In the bed across the room, Illeria stirred and murmured his name. Destrier held his breath, but she seemed to still be asleep. He released the breath after a moment, gusting out over his son's downy curls.
"Little Leo, already causing mischief!" The whisper was laden with fondness, and Destrier moved to place the child back in his bassinet. "I love you dearly all the same. I'm afraid I shall be no good at this." The paladin confessed, "I have never had a strong hand with the ones I love."
Destrier stilled, confused. The baby gripped tighter at the front of his nightshirt, sleepily repeating that word. "What is it, Leo?" Destrier felt a bit foolish for asking, of course the little boy couldn't respond!
Leo reached up, one hand on either side of Destrier's face, and bumped his head into the paladin's nose. "Wuv." He stated sternly. "Wuv."
Tiny fingers pawed at the day's worth of stubble on Revel's jaw, but he couldn't bring himself to dissuade the child. "Love?" The large man breathed. Leo bounced in his arms, a drowsy grin breaking out on his face as he repeated the word again and again.
Destrier was unashamed to admit that he made no effort to stop his tears, cradling the little boy to his chest and heaving a deep, shuddering sigh. Love.
Expected. Aetros' crackle mellowed to embers. Sentimental, faithless paladin. But...We understand. We have known this joy, this grief.
"Destrier?" Illeria mumbled his name, this time louder. The former captain whirled, knowing he must look like a lunatic. Reduced to tears over his son speaking! Foolish. "Is everything alright, my love?"
"Wuv!" Leo continued to bounce and Illeria sat bolt upright in bed. The woman's eyes had gone wide and Destrier failed to stifle a sob. Their son had her eyes. True, he had made the observation many times before, but everything felt so weighty and wondrous at this moment that he feared his heart would burst.
"He speaks." The former Knight-Captain managed to say to his wife, offering no protest when she extended her arms to take the child from him.
Illeria cradled Leo to her chest for several moments, the child babbling softly. "It is too late for you to be awake, my little Leo." She said finally, her own voice suspiciously tremulous. "Rest, sweetheart." Her fingers stroked over her son's face, lulling him into his dreams with enviable ease.
Destrier climbed back onto the bed, wrapping his arms around his wife and child. He kissed Illeria's forehead after several moments, smiling down at the woman. "It is fitting that love would be his first word."
"I suppose it is." Illeria agreed, her own teary smile threatening to blind him. "I love you, Destrier."
"And I love you, Illeria." Destrier tried and failed to stifle a wide yawn, making Illeria giggle.
"Beloved, you must rest. Tomorrow will come faster than you think." She remarked pragmatically, giving him a peck on the lips. "And then we shall need to scour the pots, change the curtains in the main hall, pick up the napkins from the washerwoman…" Her list continued on as Revel drifted back to sleep, his body wrapped around his wife and child.
Oh certainly, the morning would bring hard work, as ever! But they would face it together and, with that knowledge, the former Knight-Captain could rest easy.
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ratremusagere · 5 years
Don't Hurt Da Baby!
(This is a reblog from my wattpad GalaxyAuroraBorealis)
Ok so the title seems a little juvenile but I can promise you...its not too bad but still. Also it's an all sides relationship. Of course Roman and Remus aren't dating each other just everyone else. (Slapping, crying, little!Virgil, age regression/non sexual, good end)
Virgils POV
Virgil was sitting on his bed, crying, having just come out of a panic attack, and almost instantaneously thrown into little space.
He was scared as he had messed up the audition and had made Logan, Roman, and deciet, his three more theatre and work enclined boyfriends, upset with him.
Just as he started calming down a harsh knock was set on his door. This set him further into littlespace. From about 4 to 2 and a half. He was scared when he heard Roman cuz he knew something was gonna happen. He stood up and opened the door.
"Virgil! What was that! You made Thomas freak out ruining the audition ergo ruining both mine and Logan's hard work and then deciet had to attempt to give Thomas false confidence giving him more work! Is that what you want gah that's it!" Roman exclaimed before striking Virgil across his face.
The mix of shouting and the slap plunged Virgil into babyspace fairly quick. He started to cry and ran from his bedroom to the living room and into Remus's arms before collapsing.
Remus's POV
"Woah, woah, woah. Baby Bat what wrong what happened?" Remus exclaimed barely catching Virgil as he launched himself into Remus's arms. Patton came rushing over seeing Virgil crying.
"Woah Rem! What's wrong with him what happened? Why's his cheek red?" Patton exclaimed to him. Remus quickly looked at Virgil's dull red handprint on his cheek. Now Remus was angry. Regardless if Virgil was in littlespace before the slap he definitely was now. "Baby I know you are small but I need to know what happened and how old you are okay? Can you do that for me baby?" Remus said softly not wanting to scare the little anymore than he already was.
" 'oman mad. He mad at me. So's 'ogan and Momma. Dey mad at baby. I baby. Willy smol." Virgil said with the child like lisp of his. "Good job baby thank you for telling me I'm so proud of you for telling me. Can I give you to Patton for a bit?"
"Patton!" Virgil exclaimed clapping his hands before being handed over to Patton. Remus then grabbed Virgil's paci out of Virgil's hoodie pocket. He slipped it into Virgil's mouth before he turned away seeing the missing three from their group enter the room Roman looking angry but a little worried. Virgil turned his head and burried it in Patton's neck, scared of what was gonna happen.
Third person POV
Remus quickly threw Patton some noise cancelling headphones for Virgil before he began yelling at the other sides. "What's this with you being angry at Virgil! He didn't do anything wrong!" Remus yelled, angry at them for hurting his baby bat.
"He messed up the schedule causing and emense amount of stress, anxiety, and problems for Thomas. Saying we are angry at him thats a bit much upset yes angry not so much." Logan responded in a calm manor.
Deciet said nothing just walking over to Virgil grabbing him and holding him in his lap. He rocked the small baby in his arms as Patton went up to join in the argument.
"Roman! You hit Virgil! That's not okay. Not only is it wrong to hit anybody but you literally hit somebody in the mindset of child!" Patton said half yelling at Roman in anger.
"Wait what Roman? Why would you do that. You might have anger issues but that doesn't give you the right to hit anybody!" Logan exclaimed angrily at Roman.
"I know but-" "But nothing Roman we don't want to hear from you, now off to your room! " Deceit said butting into their conversation from the couch taking off virgils headphones.
  Virgil giggled and grabbed at deciets gloved hand pulling at his glove. They eldest 4 in the group just smiled at him.
"Ok Logan can you give grab some blankets from upstairs? I just put all of the ones normally down here in the wash." Patton asked Logan before heading to the kitchen to make some food for them all.
"Hey Remus will you go get some of our baby bats things while I go help Patton? " Deceit asked Remus kissing him on the cheek before standing up. "What about him, won't he need supervision? " Remus asked. "He'll be fine I'm pretty sure he's to little get up anyways but me and Patton are just right there. " Deceit said pointing to the kitchen.
Remus then headed upstairs grabbing Virgil's baby blanket, some smol clothes, a sippy cup, and Virgil's favourite stuffies.
Virgil's POV
Virgil wasn't as little anymore. He was big boy. He was exactly 2 year old. He was mad that momma and papa and Lolo and Pat were angry with Ro. He didn't mean to and know Ro was sad. So like the good child he was, he's gonna go make him feel better.
He raced upstairs and knocked on Roman's door. "Who's there?" "Hewwo 'oman it is I Virgil! Can I come in? Pweaseeee!" Virgil asked dragging the e. "Oh it's you little prince of course come on in.
" Hewwo 'oman are u otay? An don lie to me cuz dats not nice." Virgil said sternly. "Oh little prince don't worry about me I can handle the words of the others you on the other hand shouldn't be in here the others don't want you to be right now also, I'm sorry I shouldn't of hit you it was wrong for me to do, regardless of your age." Roman said holding Virgil as Virgil cuddled up to him.
"It otay I no mad. It wong but I no mad also momma and papa and lolo and Pat are a bunch of poopy heads if dey think dey can keep me from u." Virgil said butting his head against Roman cheek trying to give him a "kiss".
"Hey Ro?" Virgil said softly "Yes my little prince?" Roman asked Virgil wondering what he was gonna say. "I wuv u" Virgil said. "I love you too, baby" Roman responded. "Now how about we go back to the others they are probably worried about where you went little prince." Roman said picking up Virgil and carrying him downstairs.
Remus was carrying Virgil's stuff while Logan was carrying some blankets. Once they both arrived downstairs seeing no Virgil called out in unison. "Hey where's Virgil?"
Patton and deceit having just finished making food were walking into the living room when this was said.
They freaked out looking around to see if Virgil was there. He wasn't. They all ran upstairs and were about to barge in to Romans room when they heard this -shouldn't be in here the others don't want you to be right now also, I'm sorry I shouldn't of hit you it was wrong for me to do, regardless of your age."
"It otay I no mad. It wong but I no mad also momma and papa and lolo and Pat are a bunch of poopy heads if dey think dey can keep me from u."
They all awwed walking away happy that Virgil and Roman were getting along. "We are 'poopy heads'  for some reason" Logan said laughing. "Yeah I guess we are." Patton said laughing as well as the others.
They all sat down turning on movies while waiting for Virgil and Roman to come down when all of a sudden they come waltzing down stairs "The prince has arrived!" Roman declared. "An 'oman is ere too!" Virgil said afterwards. We all just smiled at that.
Roman handed Virgil's to deceit and said "I believe this is yours?" Deceit smiled handing him to Remus so Remus could change him into something more kid comfy.
After a few minutes Remus returned, Virgil in hand with some nightmare before Christmas pj's on and a bat plushies in hand.
Virgil ran over and sat in front of us patton handing him his food. "Tank ou Pat!" Virgil exclaimed digging in while watching the movie. Gosh could the kid get any more adorable.
After Virgil finished Logan picked Virgil and his plate up carrying both of them to the kitchen.
Virgil was resting his head against Logan's neck tiredly. He slipped outta Logan's grasp and curled up on Romans. As Virgil fell asleep Roman said "I am the chosen one."
After awhile they turned off the movies and Patton picked up Virgil carrying him and his bats,
Nova, stardust, and speckle up with him.
They then all proceeded to gather in Virgil's bed (it's bigger than most people think)and snuggle up to each other falling asleep.
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butterbeeryuta · 5 years
interview with me • lee taeyong
Tumblr media Tumblr media
photo credits to owners 
Niki: Good morning Mr. Lee and Ms. ______, thank you so much for taking your time off this morning to do this interview. 
Taeyong: No, no, it’s not a problem at all. 
________: This interview was bound to happen anyway, so it’s all okay. 
Taeyong: Yeah… 
Niki: Both of you attended the most prestigious high school in the island of Jeju, known for its socialite students and tremendously high standards. Can you please give us a bit of background from each of you. 
You and Taeyong looked at one another smiling, knowing that the two of you will have to repeat the exact same story again and again. 
________: Uh, well, my mother is the owner of NCT Kitchen, so I guess that it the main reason behind my current social status
Taeyong: We own Lee Industries, known for its, you know, agricultural production. Same reason as ________, probably the reason behind my current social status
________: Except that Taeyong over here is actually taking part in his family business, meanwhile I am working as my mother’s personal assistant. 
Taeyong: Well you’re at least putting effort into working now, very different from the ________ that I dated back in high school. 
________: That is true, I was quite a mess back in high school. Still am now, but less drinking and lashing out against people.
Taeyong: That was indeed one ________ experience. If you did not see ________ plot an evil scheme or sort against anyone, that was not this person sitting beside me. 
You could only nod and smile at Taeyong’s words. There was no possible way that you could deny any of the things that he said since most of the shenanigans that you caused made it to the media. 
Niki: Well from what I remember at least when I was reading the magazines and such during high school, you did come out a lot Ms. ________. Now that we are on the topic of your characters during high school, could you give us a bit more on how you two were during your time at Jeju for our readers here at Seasonies?
________: Well, as you said, I made a lot of appearances in magazines, newspapers, online articles, and so much more— and not all of them, in fact the majority of them, were either me being really drunk, or being pulled out of the car looking like I haven’t slept in decades. I put my mum under a lot of stress, and I do feel really terrible about the amount of money she had to pay to refrain the family business from being at risk, and most importantly, just putting up with me. 
And you were being truthful, for the most part at least. There was no doubt of how much trouble you caused during your high school days. You deliberately sent a picture of your ex’s previous girlfriend sucking the soul out of your Biology teacher in the lab to the so called ‘Gossip Girl’ of your school, creating a huge scandal within the school, risking the school’s reputation. You also hosted a party at your own house, having three of your ‘friends’ calling the entire neighbourhood, only leaving a mess in your house; and not to mention, the smell of alcohol remaining for a good whole week. Your mother was disappointed in you in many things, but this was probably by far one of the worst things that you had done. 
Taeyong: But don’t you think you improved a lot since then?
________: I hope I did, definitely tried to stay out of being the cover page of every magazine to be found in Korea. 
You and Taeyong chuckled, looking back at one another knowing how many times you have been featured in every possible media-- both physical and digital. 
Taeyong: I, on the other hand, was a perfect little boy—
________: That is complete bull, he always skipped lessons. I may have been a perfect epitome of chaos, but I at least got somewhat decent grades and did attend most of my lessons. 
Taeyong: Honestly that’s probably the only reason why you didn’t get expelled.
________: Hey! 
You two laughed again, his sparkly eyes being the same since the last time you saw them. 
Niki: Well, I can assure that you two were the commonly talked about duo in that school, and it’s not only me who says that. But, I’m pretty sure the two of you already know that the point of this interview isn’t really to talk about how you were as individuals, but rather together. 
Both of your laughter slowly died down, knowing to yourself that the interviewer was indeed not really that interested in who you have become. It was more of what happened between you and Taeyong. 
Niki: It’s been 6 years since the two of you went your own ways to different universities. In fact, I believe that one of you went to Yonsei University, and the other went to University of Leeds. Many thought that you two were still together, but it wasn’t until 3 years ago when we saw ________ being with Nakamoto Yuta, a well-known Japanese rock star—
________: Which ended after 5 months of fooling around, thank you
Niki: Yes, sorry about that. So, what happened?
Taeyong noticed your sudden change in posture, the atmosphere of the room gradually darkening; he knew how much of a painful and serious topic this was for the both of you, especially you. It wasn’t that your relationship ended badly, you two decided amongst yourselves hours after the two of you threw your Oxford cap up in the air. 
________: It w-wasn’t that that our relationship ended badly. Nobody cheated on anyone, nor was there hot ‘tea’ behind it. 
Taeyong: It was more on the fact that we couldn’t—
________: Understand each other properly 
Taeyong softly smiled at your words, somewhat proud of you for being brave to talk about this. You two may have decided amongst yourselves and thought it was best for you two part away, even though the two of you did not like it at all. 
________: Yeah… 
Taeyong: I guess you could say that I assume things too easily
________: Whereas I do things without thinking, which only led us to fights and disagreements
Taeyong: And although we were able to solve things and have our couple-y moments together,
________: it did get tiring… 
Taeyong could only nod his head as memories of countless, petty yet intense fights rushed through his mind, clearly hearing the amount of frustration and anger you had in your voice. And it would be a lie to say that you were not thinking of any of your past arguments as well. 
________: So I guess that’s what happened. 
You gave a little laugh, hoping to lighten up the mood. 
Niki: Oh… but I must ask about one thing, and I am really sorry but the company wrote these questions so, how do you still think of each other now? 
Taeyong: ________ has definitely improved, from what I hear and see from media outlets at least. There are more smiles now, and I think that you should continue since you have a really great smile. 
Taeyong wasn’t lying about this. Your smile was everything to him; it made him feel that he made you feel happy and vice versa, regardless of how cheesy that sounds. You immediately crouched your head down from the sudden compliment, only causing the person beside you to laugh. In his eyes, you haven’t changed at all. Maybe a bit more mature, but still the same. 
________: T-thank you? Umm, the first thing I noticed about Lee Taeyong was his eyes. I think everyone can agree that he has one of the most beautiful sets of eyes, and my thoughts haven’t changed about that at all. And still now, despite the 6 years of us being away from each other, I guess you could say that there is still that sense of… umm… 
Taeyong: Comfort?
________: Yeah, comfort… and warmth too… 
Taeyong: Yeah… 
Niki: Well thank you for joining us for Seasonies today, and I am really sorry to bring up such a serious topic. I hope the two of you for the best, and again, thank you so much! 
You and Taeyong got off your the black stools, walking out of the studio set, feeling somewhat exhausted from the pretty short chat. 
‘Even after 6 years, we’re still being contacted, huh?’ Taeyong asks you, cutting the silence in between the two of you. 
‘Yeah I guess so, but I’m not surprised to be honest’ you answered, looking up at the boy, your first love. The silence and awkwardness between the two of you slowly developed back to its place, not a single word exchanged with one another. You said your goodbye to Taeyong the moment you got out of the building, wanting to leave the odd environment you were just in. Or perhaps, you were trying to not fall in love with him all over again. Then again, you would never admit that to yourself. Not now at least. 
a/n: so my exams got cancelled which means that (1) this bish is done with high school 💅and (2) i have time to write YASSSSSSSS. omfg i’m actually so excited imma have another social media au coming up soon, and my plan for the ‘that guy’ series has JUSt been finalised, and imma start writing it later today. alright okay pls continue to stay safe and practice proper hygiene alright i wuv youuu <3 -niki 
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superspoonie24 · 4 years
Bathed in her Brokeness
This one is Rapunzel fresh out of the tower and adjusting to castle life. My roomie @kacchansass gave me the idea and I ran with it. It is very strongly inspired by Taylor Swift’s “Why She Disappeared”. I claim no rights to her poem, only used it to cause my favorite character pain. Also this one is a little longer at 1134 words. Hope you like it!  💛
Rapunzel's barefeet echoed off the castle's walls as she padded down the hallway. She peered around corners and into different rooms, trying to find some sort of landmark to help her be not so hopelessly lost. She was about to give up hope when she heard voices coming from down the hall.
"... Her kindness is fake. It has to be." "And that story about being trapped in a tower? Who does she think she's tricking with that?"
Rapunzel turned and left, desperate to find her foreign room. The snotty voices echoed in her head as she finally found her room and layed down to sleep.
The next few weeks, she heard all sorts of strange and painful words coming from all different types of staff. Each insult stung, but she didn't dare tell Eugene. He would go and make a big fuss about it, and Rapunzel didn't want to make anything worse. Plus maybe they were right, maybe she was "fake".
Another week passed and Rapunzel was able to brush off most of the repeated taunts. Some of the new ones got to her, like how she doesn't care about people as much as she says she does, but soon even that one rolled off her like water on a duck's back. While she was able to brush them off in the moment and keep her head held high, at night the voices echoed in her mind and it felt like the words seeped into her skin. In the morning she expected her skin to be spattered with ink, repeating the same words she heard as she slept.
After a particularly busy day, Rapunzel was anxious to just go to her room and lie in bed. She was walking down the hall when she heard the same group of maids talking about her.
"...She's so annoying." "And who does she think she's fooling with that smile? So snotty."
Rapunzel was about to head off, when she heard one of the maids ask "What do you think Cassandra?"
"Oh. Me?" "Yea. You know her best, miss lady-in-waiting." "Yea! Tell us what the lost princess is really like."
Rapunzel knew she shouldn't, but she stayed and listened to what her best (and only) friend had to say about her.
Rapunzel felt her breath stop.
"She is a bit sloppy. She just doesn't seem to know any table manners. And no matter how hard I try she just won't wear shoes. I have to explain to people why she's underdressed all the time."
Rapunzel gripped the books in her arms a bit tighter.
"And she's immature, never knowing how to talk to people. Not to mention clumsy. You should see how many vases that girl can break in a day! Spinning and dancing around the halls, not caring about who or what is around her."
Rapunzel's heart quickened.
"Not to mention gullible. That girl will believe anything, and I mean anything. It's fun at first, but then you realize just how naive she is and I can't help but feel sorry for her."
Rapunzel felt cold dead hands ghosting through her hair. The voice started to shift, taking on a more commanding, authoritative tone.
"...positively grubby,,,, ditzy,,,, a bit well? Vague."
Rapunzel's breath started to pick up as her hands started sweating. She held the books tight to her chest. She wanted, needed to move, but she was paralyzed with fear.
"Plus I believe,,,, getting kinda chubby..."
Rapunzel couldn't stop herself from crying. She couldn't hear anything other than Mother's voice saying "cause I wuv you." She fell to her knees sobbing, dropping the books and breaking another vase. She jumped when a familiar face with black hair and grey/green eyes looked down on her.
"I'm sorry Mother. Please don't be mad!" Rapunzel stammered. "I- I didn't mean to break the vase. Here I'll clean it up right now!"
Rapunzel didn't wait for a response and started picking up the broke pieces of porcelain. She winced in pain as a sharp edge dug its way into her skin.
"Shoot," she mumbled.
"Are you okay?" The voice asked.
"Oh I'll be fine Mother. I'll just heal it real quick and everything will be okay. Then I'll finish cleaning this up."
Rapunzel reached back to grab her long golden hair, but her hand came back empty. She tried again but nothing was there. She blinked at her empty hand, staring at the nothingness before her. She then started to wrap the nothing around her hand and start singing. The healing incantation filled the halls of the castle, and while Rapunzel's voice was beautiful and she had sung it just the way she always had, her hand was still bleeding. She stared at it, dumbfounded, unable to realize what was happening.
Rapunzel fell backwards when someone put their hands on her shoulders. She saw the black hair and immediately started to apologize. But upon closer inspection, it wasn't Mother standing in front of her.
"Cass? Wha- how did you get in the tower? Where did Mother go?" Rapunzel asked, desperately looking around to find her mother.
"Rapunzel. You're at the castle. You're "mother" is gone. You're safe here."
"No, that can't be!" Rapunzel scoffed as she stood up and looked around. "I heard her voice telling me I was sloppy, underdressed, immature, clumsy, gullible, naive, vague, and chubby! I felt her hands in my hair. In my- hair..."
Rapunzel reached up to grab her long golden hair, but her hands only found short brown locks.
"About that..." Cass started. "Look, that was me who said that just now."
Rapunzel looked up at Cass, tears welling up inside her.
"Wha- how- why would you say that? Do you- do you really think that about me?"
"I- it's hard to explain. You-"
"I wouldn't get it. Is that it?" Rapunzel retorted. "I'm too dumb and immature to get all your jokes? Well jokes on you. I've heard what you've been saying, what EVERYONE has been saying, this whole time!"
Tears threatened to fall but Rapunzel forced them back.
"You know, I guess I am naive. Of all the people, I thought I at least had you as a friend, Cassandra." A single tear stained Rapunzel's freckled cheek. "I guess I really can't trust anyone."
Rapunzel disappeared before Cassandra could stop her. Eugene quickly showed up and knocked on her door. Rapunzel finally let him in and broke down in his strong and loving arms. Her tears splashed onto the cold, broken tile and she thanked her past for bringing here, despite all the pain that went with it.
When she was done crying she stood broad shouldered next to a love that was really something and vowed to let her heart remain breakable, but never by the same hand twice.
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treatian · 4 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One:  The Dark Curse
Chapter 185:  In the Right Direction
Step one was complete and he was ecstatic. He hadn't realized just how desperate he'd been to do something other than watch, until Snow was in his tower, but that little bit of control he'd regained had almost made him feel alive again. In a century and a half, he'd left so little up to fate that watching had been far more painful than he'd realized it could be. He hadn't even noticed that he'd been creating. As he'd watched them over these last few days and weeks, he'd spun enough gold to craft a large egg, roughly the size of his skull. He'd spent even more time adding gems to it as though it was some kind of child's craft. He'd enjoyed doing something other than crafting some kind of art just because he had nothing else to do, he'd enjoyed inserting himself into their stories; in more ways than he'd anticipated.
He'd fulfilled the requests of both the dwarf and the princess, though he was certain that one of them wouldn't see it that way at first. Snow White was fine. He'd sent her right to where she was supposed to be-on the road to the hiding spot that he'd told her about. He put a great deal of forest, a day of hiking, between her and the Queen…he'd had to; hiking meant time. Because the problem was that with David tracking her the way he was, suddenly disappearing and then reappearing elsewhere was bound to make him lose her completely. He needed him to catch up, not fall further behind. So while he'd sent Snow White off to kill her step-mother, he hadn't set Grumpy where he wanted to be, which was home. Instead, he'd dropped him onto another path, one that he was certain would put him in line with none other than Prince Charming's.
It was a risk, he knew it was, that was why as he planted himself yet again in front of his crystal ball to watch, he'd grabbed the golden egg and started fashioning an opening and a lock on it, just to keep his hands busy while he watched; watched and hoped. He needed their encounter to go just so. The dwarf still had a bit of his transportation potion on him, if Grumpy had been so desperate to save Snow that he'd used it, he was betting he might be able to have that same kind of desperation no matter how angry he obviously was with her. He was right.
Less than an hour later, he'd nearly concocted a lock and key for the egg, and David stumbled upon Grumpy. They'd had a…less than pleasant exchange, at least at first. He couldn't hear, but he was fine with it because both men were red in the face, there was lots of yelling and screaming before they finally calmed down and talked. And then Grumpy played right into his own hands.
He saw his own name on Grumpy's lips and then on David's, and after a few minutes of discussion and explanation on the dwarf's part, he saw Grumpy hand over the potion before he left. A moment later, he felt the False Prince on his grounds.
Time was of the essence. He wasn't about to meet the dear Prince Charming in his tower, not when there was nothing there to give him and no benefit to him. So when David slammed through his front doors calling out his name, he reappeared just inside his foyer, standing in the doorway separating David from his way out. There was a lovely cloak of red with a fur-lined collar over his back. He thought of the hair he'd taken from Snow when all this began, sitting up in his tower waiting for its match. Fur held onto hair quite well. Oh, that Seer was a tricky one. He'd been waiting for this moment longer than he could ever imagine.
"Show yourself!" the Prince demanded, looking around the foyer, knowingly expecting him to show.
"Still dressing like a prince, I see," he called, forcing the Prince to turn and face him. "Even though you ran away from the life I gave you. How's that for gratitude?"
"You gave me a prison sentence."
"Yeah…one that you've now skirted," he warned, keeping the table carefully between them as the Seer began whispering in his ear again. "Careful, dearie…King George is a vengeful man."
"I'm here about Snow," he stated without blinking an eye at his warning. "Rumor has it, she's after the Queen, and she came to you for help."
Rumor had it? Or a dwarf had told him when they'd met? The benefits abounded.
"Yes, indeed! Oh!" he cried as the Prince pulled his sword and pointed it at him. He laughed. It wasn't often someone startled him, not often in indeed, but the Prince had. A draw of the sword…he hadn't seen that coming. The Seer was too busy whispering about other things for him to notice that.
"What did you do to her?!"
"What did I do to her? You mean, what did you do to her," he growled. Guilt. He needed him to feel guilt! He needed him to want to fix this as much as possible! Guilt could be a great motivator. "You caused her pain. Without that pain, she would never have drank my potion to forget about you. That's what changed her!" And just to make a point, he puffed his chest out, forced the blade to touch against it, a dare for the shepherd before him who he was certain didn't have the spine to actually do what he'd threatened. He needed to remember who held all the cards in this game.
"Undo the potion," he insisted in a gentler tone. "All magic can be broken."
"Oh, yes. With twoo wuv."
"So, that's it then? True Love's Kiss will awaken her?"
"Most certainly. But it's going to be hard to kiss her when you don't know where she is," he said, reaching out to bat his sword away so he could walk away. Deal. He needed him to feel guilty and helpless, like he was her only hope. He needed him to make a deal so he could get what he wanted.
"Name your price."
He smiled. Even the Seer sounded happier. "How about…your cloak?" he suggested with a smile as he turned to point at him.
"My cloak? Why would you want my cloak?"
"It's drafty in here."
Skepticism was written all over his face, but with hardly any questioning, he removed the garment, turned, and placed it on the table behind him in surrender. Perfect.
"Where is she?"
"On her way to the Queen's Highway," he answered, magically producing a map he'd crafted himself, one that would take David from the place he'd dropped off dear Snow to the spot he'd told her to go. It was so much simpler when he was in control of things, when he could provide proper motivation. "This is the route she's taking, but you better be quick. Because, if she kills the Queen, she becomes as evil as the woman whose life she takes," he warned. It was partly a lie, partly the truth. The potion he'd given her shouldn't have that effect exactly, but after a hundred years, he knew people. He knew that all it took was for one act to set someone down a dark path.
"She could never become that evil," Charming sneered, but he knew better. Anyone could become that evil. It just took the right circumstances.
"Evil isn't born, dearie – it's made," he called as David turned to run from the room. "If Snow starts down that road, you'll never get her back!" As David turned the corner out of sight, he used his magic. Snow was two Kingdoms away, he'd never make it to her even on the fastest of horses, but with a small thought he was able to send David to the exact place he'd dropped Snow off earlier. Let no one ever say he never gave help. And as for the cloak, he looked down at it sitting there and smiled, gave a small laugh even. He had plans for this cloak, for what lay within it…so long as it was as he thought it would be…
He picked it up off the table and examined the fur around the collar, he gave it a smell, making sure it was one that smelled more like David than it did of James or George. He had a higher chance of success that way. He inhaled deeply. He smelled Prince Charming himself. Perfect.
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danurso · 6 years
Mommy salem and colorguard AU
*RWBY and JNPR on the cantina*
Yang: ...and then i told him, why don’t we just kiss and make up for it? And the best part is that-
*music goes off nearby*
Jaune: *picking up his scroll* hello...hey mom, how’re you doing?...yes, i remember...yeah, you said you wanted to meet them, what about it?...*pales a bit* wait, you what!?...m-mom, wait you can’t- *hung up* god dammit.
Ruby: what's wrong?
Jaune: well...remember last week when i was on the phone with my mom?
Pyrrha: yes.
Jaune: and remember that i told her that i was dating you girls? And she said how much she wanted to meet you?
Weiss: we remember that, what about it?
Jaune: *rubbing the back of his head* well...you see, my mom is coming to beacon to meet you girls.
Blake: and what's wrong with that?
Jaune: well, my mom isn’t exactly what you would call “normal”
Weiss: what's the problem with that, i mean, my mom is a recluse drunkard.
Yang: and mine is the leader of a violent bandit tribe, i don’t think your mom can be worse than that.
Jaune: well...
*loud screeching*
RWBY and JNPR: *covers their ears*
Ruby: what was that!?
Jaune: oh god, she’s here. *bolts out of the cantina*
RWBY and NPR: *bolts after him*
*at the courtyard*
Ironwood: what was that!?
Ozpin: *stares at the red sky with dark clouds and the swarm of nevermores flying towards the school* i don’t know, but we better be prepared.
Jaune: *leaving the school along with RWBY and NPR* its her.
Ironwood: mr.arc, do you know what's happening here?
Jaune: ...kinda?
Ozpin: would you care to explain?
Jaune: well...my mom said she was going to pay me a visit today.
Ironwood: and what does this have to do with the grimms coming our way.
Jaune: well...you see...
*the swarm of nevermores land on the courtyard, one of them carrying a pale woman with with white hair, black veins on her face and red eyes surrounded by black scleras*
Ironwood: *with wide eyes* i-it can’t be-
Ozpin: *shocked* salem...
Salem: *gets off the nevermore and walks towards the group*
Ozpin: *stands in her way* salem, i don’t know why you’re here, but i will let you know that i won't let you hurt my stude-
Salem: *grabs ozpin by the shirt and yeets him away* out of my way ozma! I'm here for my baby boy. *pulls jaune into a tight hug* i missed you soo mutch.
Jaune: hehehe, hey mom. *hugs her back*
Salem: *parts away and stares at him* just look at you, you grew up so much in only three years here, it makes me so proud.
Jaune: *with a sheepish smile* thanks mom.
Salem: i can still remember the time you still fit on my arms, but now you’re a grown man trained into a huntsman, and dating not only one but five girls at the same time, where are they, i want to meet them now.
Jaune: right, mom, these are pyrrha, weiss, ruby, yang and blake, girls, this is my mom.
Salem: i am salem, queen of the grimm as i'm most known, it's a pleasure to finally meet all of you, jaune always spoke wonders about you all.
Weiss: *scared* i-i can imagine.
Yang: *also scared* n-nice to meet you miss arc.
Pyrrha: *scared as well* j-jaune told us a l-lot about you.
Blake: *a bit more scared* y-yeah he did.
Ruby: *nods terrified*
Salem: i have so many questions for you, how did you met? How did you started to date? Actually, forget about that, lets talk about more urgent matters, when i'm going to get grandbabies?
RWBY & Pyrrha: *blushes*
Jaune: *blushing deeply* M-MOM!!
Salem: what's wrong sweetheart?
Jaune: w-we’re not having childrens for now, we’re still too young for that.
Salem: you’re already twenty years old, it's more than about time for you to give me some grandbabies.
Jaune: mom! We’re not having babies just because you need someone to spoil.
Salem: *dramatically* and can you blame me? Jeanne and annie’s boyfriend always use protection, and even when he don’t they still don’t get pregnant, blanc and noir are still single, olive is dating that ilia girl and shows no interest in adopting a kid for now, and saber always scare any guy who nears her, the only one who doesn’t run away is shirou but their relationship is going slower than anything else. you have five beautiful girlfriends that i'm sure could give me many beautiful grandbabies.
Jaune: what about saphron? She has adrien why don’t you spoil him?
Salem: i want to! But your sister is always whining about how i'm going to cause panic if i went there and when i suggested that adrien could stay with me she said no because the grimmlands are ‘not safe for children’
Jaune: *deadpanning* i wonder why she thinks that.
Salem: *sighs* still to this day i don’t know, but that doesn’t matter, i want grandbabies, and i want them now!
Jaune: you talk like this is only my decision, i'm not the one carrying the babies for nine months you know.
Salem: but i bet your girlfriends would love to carry your childs, *glaring at them with a murderous look* wouldn’t you?
RWBY & Pyrrha: *sweating bullets* y-yes...
Salem: *smiling sweetly* see? They would love that.
Jaune: maybe, but not for now, we’re still students here we can’t simply stop to- *gets picked up by one of the nevermores* hey! Let go! What are you doing!?
RWBY & Pyrrha: *gets picked up as well*
Salem: *sitting on a nevermore* i'm taking you all to my castle, so you can have space to make me some grandbabies.
Salem: jaune miles arc! I am your mother and i demand you to give me grandbabies!
Jaune: i said no! I'm not getting them pregnant!
Salem: yes you will!
Jaune: no i won’t!
Salem: yes you will!
Jaune: no i won’t!
Salem: YES YOU WILL!!!
Jaune: NO I WON’T!!!
*five years later*
Salem: does frost likes granny?
Frost: *four year old girl with blonde tipped white hair and icy blue eyes* i wuv gwanny!
Salem: *picking her up* you’re so cuuute!
Scarlet: *four years old boy with dark red hair with golden roots and silver eyes* gwanny! Gwanny! For u *holds up a drawing*
Salem: it's truly beautiful, you’re an great artist.
Bianca: *four years old girl with white hair, amber eyes and a pair of cat ears* gwanny, can u read for me? *holds up a book*
Salem: of course sweety. *sits down pulling bianca on her lap.
Yin: *four years old girl with ashe-blonde hair and red eyes* i wanna hear too! *sits on salem's lap*
Perseus: *four year old boy with scarlet hair and sapphire blue eyes* me too gwanny. *sits besides salem*
Salem: okay *ahem* once upon a time, in a lonely tower, there was a woman called salem...
Jaune: *sighs watching from afar* still to this day i can’t believe she actually convinced us to have childrens.
Blake: well, she had good arguments.
Yang: yeah, the part where she said she was going to drown us in the grimm pool just to feed the bewolfes with our dead bodies later was really convincing.
Ruby: *shivering* yeah it was.
Weiss: but at least it's not all that bad, the kids are great.
Pyrrha: and your mother looks really happy too.
Jaune: *staring at salem hugging the five kids and gushing at them* yeah, *opens a small smile.* i bet she is.
Salem: *squeezing the kids* you’re all so cute and precious!! I want more of you! JAUNE!! GO TO YOUR ROOM AND MAKE ME SOME MORE GRANDBABIES!!
Jaune: *sighs* goddammit mom.
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thcbcys · 5 years
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Hewwo and welcome to Ken rambles about shit that has happened this year. Cause ya. Why the fuck not. Anyways, Wow...its been a year huh? I use t be in the south park fandom and ran a blog with like over 500 followers, But fuck I came to this fandom and got way into it to where I just left that blog. I met some wonderful people here honestly and wow, I’m very happy I got to meet them!!!
I had my ups and downs with this year though, Mostly involving my last year of school and uh, people in my class and other stuff. But I really rather not bring that horrible stuff up. Other then that, I’ve had a rather uh...rocky year, struggling a little with life and uh then there’s when I got a fuck tun of mood drops. Those were fun. But I’m here so that’s good right? Gotta thank my friends for that! 
And this year really helped me come out of my shell a hell of a lot more, I now have become a lot less shy and tend to actually message/talk to people and not think I’ll annoy them or just be too scared to talk to em. I’ve really improved on my social skills a hell of a lot as well though, Even if I do act like boo boo the fool most of the time I uh get social with people! 
But I’m really happy about this year and hope it goes as smoothly and quickly as this year did. So Uh, Now I’ma talk about some friends that are like super fucking close to me / has helped me with a lot during this year. 
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@flyingfluffywolf​: Even though we haven’t like, known each other for a year, idc. You’re like my very best friend of all time and I’d like, totally die for you. Let me just tell you how much I love this wonderful person, Like your always there for me when I need you and you just make me very happy all the time. Like, I’ll be in a really shitty mood and you always find a way to make me smile and laugh. Tk, You’ve also like really improved my vocabulary / writing?? Idk I just learn smart words from you that I’ve never really know much about before. God I just wanna like, Fucking hug you, no homo though. I’m not sure how I haven’t like,,,, fucking annoyed you enough to not talk to me?? like wow??? I should Give you a metal for dealing with my bullshit. Anyways I wuv you so much and I just really want you to know that, Cause I really really do wuv u. 
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@nathanthesoldierboy​: Nate, Holy fuck I love you so much like you don’t understand. Like, I’m gonna kick anyone’s ass who like, disrespects you and like is mean to you because you don’t deserve that shit at all. We both been through our ups and down’s together but You’re always there for me when I’m sad! Sick too, Your like the mother I seem to be missing half the time. I want you to stop being so hard on yourself :( You’re a very wonderful person and it makes me sad to see you talk to bad about yourself all the time, Because I love you so much and I just want you to be happy!! Everyone deserves to be happy, So do you. 
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@ask-a-freckled-sky​: Bish come here, I’m gonna love you so fucking much. Aaa I Wuv This bean so much, Like wow. Their so nice and sweet and Always trying to help me feel better when I’m down, and then they have the audacity to make cute as fuck Ships with me?? like?? How dare you do this to my fragile heart. I just really wanna hug you and like tell you everything is alright and just make you feel better like you do to me, and Just wow. I love you so much my dude, But like, No Homo Tho...Cause that’s gay. 
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@anxious-caffeine​: FUCK, We don’t talk as much as I want to!! But Wow, I’d really like to get to know you better. Like, we both know what it’s like when old people give us 100$ to pay for something that’s 1$ and just your characters, I love them so much. I just Wish we could talk a hell of a lot more then what we do!! But I wuv u so much!!!!
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@spirit-is-dead​: Come here and let me cry cause I’m so fuckin’ happy that I know you. Like, Holy fuck your really nice and caring and I just wish to hug you my dude. You make me very happy when we talk and rp, Even if I tend to forget a lot about reply’s cause I’m rather fuckin’ dumb. But Please forgive me, for I am just a simple Baby. <333 I wuv you and I want you to have the best year you can. 
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@redclawedkitty​: I know we haven’t known each other very long but like, Hi, I consider you a good friend. I’m sowwy if I always forgot to reply to rps and always seem to start new ones before the other ones are Finish. My small Baby brain just can’t do one thing at a time. But like yo dude, Teach me to draw like holy fuck, I want your talent and your patience honestly, I’m surprised i haven’t annoyed you yet!!! But Uh anyways Hewwo I wuv you and like I’d really like to get to know you a bit better, ya,,,,
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@messedupmultimuse​: Hey there, ya I’m adding you. Why? Cause you fucking deserve it you ball of fuckin fluff. Ya that’s right, I called you a ball of fluff, what cha gonna do about it??? Huh??? Nothing cause you wuv me way too much. Now Come here and accept some love from me because wow, You’ve been through a lot of shit with me webfhwefbwh I mean your my go too when I feel really sad cause you always know what to say to me to make me feel better, like....your the big brother I’ve never had. Come to Canada you dumb dumb so I can fucking hug you and wuv you more. But like, No Homo,,,,
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@lcvebctters​: And Last, but not least. My lovely girlfriend. God I just want you here with me so we can cuddle and kiss and wow, I just want you here with me. I love you so much with all your positive energy and how it just radiates to me. Like,,,,, I want to be as happy as you are all the time. I also would like to be as cute as you are too. Your so sweet and caring and man you lift me out of a bad mood by just saying hello. I hate that we’re this far apart but I hope soon we will be able to finally get together and cuddle because I really just want to hold you close and love you even more. I wuv you so much, Mwah. I kiss. I wish you the best of luck this year babe, you can make it through that hell place called School so we can both be graduates 
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kinktae · 5 years
kinktae? i think you meant the sweetest & loveliest person ever 🥺💞💓
Anonymous said: rose deserves all the love and more rt if you agree 🤠
(warning: oodles of precious and dear anons under the cut)
yooniversus said: i faqing luv u (hehe get it) 💕💕💕🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🥺💕❤️💫💕💫💜💕💜💕💜💕💕💜💕💜💜💜💜 ok soddy i was just bored 
Anonymous said: i dont usually interact with fic writers but ur work is out of this world!!!!! the way you write dialogue makes it seem casual and natural flowing like how you would talk to a friend :)) connecting to the main character has never been a challenge for me, but with your writing its like i am the character instead of just some reader. i hope that you never stop writing as long as it brings you joy, and that this message makes you smile (even just a lil' bit) luv u!!
worldclasscassy said: i am so geeked over ur writing 🥰🥺
Anonymous said: uwu punch me daddy
Anonymous said: ur deada$$ one of the best writers on here, i don’t make the rules sis 🙈
into1995 said: heelo! sending all my love! 🥰 you have such a beautiful soul, please take care! we are here for you always. 💕
dejayoon said: take your time lovey! you deserve a break💜
Anonymous said: imagine waking up every day knowing ur rose...PHEW!! wish i could be that lucky 😪😪
lovesic-eunoia said: hey, sweetie. i know your anxiety has been making you feel like crAP and i'm here to tell you that it really does get better❤️, there's always gonna things that make you wanna quit trying to get better, but don't give up. anxiety doesn't rule your life, you do. i wish you the best through all of the ups and downs. you're a precious piece of life. much love ❤️❤️
Anonymous said: I love you
Anonymous said: saw u on my dash and my heart went lub dub
Anonymous said: I hope you take some time to yourself and enjoy hiatus! We love you!
evilkookie said: Your health is way more important than anything!! I wish only good and positive things for you and you feel better, take as long as you need for your Hiatus 💝💝
Anonymous said: I dont know if I'm late but take care of yourself bby! Health always comes first and I hope you'll be enjoying your time outside of tumblr! Will miss you but love you so much bby! -Bunny
miss-peys said: Hope all is well! I myself had to take a step back from school because my mental health was terrible! Hope everything is going okay in your personal life! Can’t wait for you to come back to tumblr, but please come back when YOU feel ready not because others want you to come back! Sending positive vibes your way! Can’t wait for you come back💜💜💜💜
Anonymous said: Rose my darling dearest I just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you and I hope you’re doing well 💜💫☁️
Anonymous said: hi jared ilu xoxoxo
Anonymous said: I love u and I hope ur taking care of yourself and staying hydrated!!
googie-kook said: How are you doing lovely? Miss you loads and hope you’re feeling better! Love from London! 🇬🇧 💓💓💓💓💓
Anonymous said: hi bby! im just coming in to tell you i love you! and you are loved!! and i hope youre taking good care of yourself and doing all those good things to keep yourself happy and healthy!! and im super excited for your spooky fic soon! sending you nothing but the best !!!❤❤❤
Anonymous said: i’m really happy that you’re taking a mental break from social media(tumblr). i had to do that a couple days ago and it really helps. anyways hope you get better and you take time to heal yourself. i love youuuuu🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Anonymous said: Ur meat is huge, keep going.
Anonymous said: how are you being doing rose? hope you're well
hyzzzan said: I'm glad you're still here 🥰💜
Anonymous said: You are so good and such a cute human bean oof (are we still saying ‘oof’?) it’s really frustrating cause I can’t make u feel the intensity with which I mean it. You are so so so so good, your stories just hit different. Like next level shit. Your characters, stories, yo skills I swear if only I was half as good as you are at writing maybe I would be able to make u feel the intensity of my feelings.. I hope writing these masterpieces brings you as much joy as reading them does to me💕💕
Anonymous said: Your stories are soooo good! I am in love with them.
Anonymous said: I MISSED YOU. seeing the "hiatus" taken off your blog just made me so happy. I hope you're good 🖤 happy Halloween 🦇
Anonymous said: I'm rereading all your fics and I keep falling in love with your writing. Thank you for quality content. Also, I hope you're doing good!
Anonymous said: Hi love! I'm so so sooooooo happy you're back! Hope you had a great break and noe you're feeling better. But take your time with writing, exams come first. I still can't wait to read your new stuff tho! (On a side note, we already talked in private but I'm still shy, sorry) ♥️♥️
Anonymous said: Hi omg are you back?? I missed you 🥺
Anonymous said: rose ur writing is insanely good and whenever im having a ton of anxiety i read ur writing to calm me down so tysm for being the best ever
said: You're BACK! I'm so happy you're back! I really hope you are feeling good and happy. Just wanted to send you a lil welcome back message with a little love
monohoed said: Hey, hope you been feeling better? I love everything you’ve written so far and just wanted to let you know! I’ve struggled w mental health myself and I empathise ♥️♥️
sydney--chan said: I fr think I might die when you post a fic again like no cap ive missed you and your writing so mUCH🥺🥺🥺
Anonymous said: so heyyy idk how to say it buttt ily~~ ★☆~
Anonymous said: hihi rose ilu sm and i hope ur doing well, pls take care of urself bb 🥺🥺💜
Anonymous said: .........you are like so beautiful
Anonymous said: HEY IM WUV U AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!! 💕💕 I love all your work and I hope the best for you!!!
Anonymous said: ummm ma’am??? you are so beautiful and I am so gay??????
Anonymous said: I followed you on twitter and you are pretty, funny, kind, and creative. Biggest friend crush uwu
Anonymous said: Omg you should be a model. You're so gorgeous, I'm jealous. If I ever met you in real life, my self-esteem will go down. But I love you too much girl 💕
mazeyoongi said: i haven't had much time or interest in reading fics lately because i am so busy between work & college, but every time you post a new story i HAVE to read it. no natter how busy i am or what is going on, i always read your new fics. they are ALWAYS so so so amazing and you manage to keep my interest from beginning to end no matter who or what it may be based on. thank you for giving us such wonderful work. you're amazing! 💓
Anonymous said: You're so pretty I- TAKE MY HEART PLIS I MIGHT JUST MAKE A TWITTER ACCOUNT FOR YOU 🥺🥺😩😩 -Bunny
Anonymous said: wtf the twitter video, jeezus you are freaking stunning
Anonymous said: you‘re so pretty lemme suck your dick, it‘s only fair
Anonymous said: low key your facial structure is like perfect?? i'm kinda jealous?? luv u b
dazedaurora said: okay but like how tf is everyone around here so pretty?! you're an absolute doll 💖
i-want-to-bite-your-head-off said: I haven't been on here in a WHILE but hi hope you're doing well and ily uwu
sapphireprinces5 said: Hello!! I just wanted you to know I really love all (and I mean ALL) of your stories. I really want to be a better reader for all of you amazing writers who share their art with us. With so many authors leaving, I really want to do my part better! So, you will definitely see more from me when you update!! Excited to see what you have in store for us ❤️
Anonymous said: Omg hi lovely!!! I just wanted to tell u that you are a precious human being and I hope u know that
ktgguk said: uwu I hope you had a lovely day, don’t forget to drink plenty of water 🧸💗 keep being amazing at what you do!!!
Anonymous said: You’re so consistent through your work and everything you write is a phenomenal masterpiece! I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how do you manage to always get such a high word count per chapter. That probably sounds so dumb and I’m sorry if this wastes your time.
justaregularcrazyfangirl said: So, hm... It's not an ask but i just read what you said about my little review and i just wanted to say that you managed to make me blush 😆 (urgh i'm not used to do this and it shows !) Anyways, i'm happy you found my review interesting 💜 I hope you have a nice day ~ "You nice, keep going" ! (And that's my cue to go and hide somewhere !)
Anonymous said: you're an amazing writer!!!
Anonymous said: pls rose u deserve ALL the love in this universe
Anonymous said: Ma’am!! We are your friends!!! That post was SO CUTE!!! Love U!! My heart is full of love and appreciation for your cute self
Anonymous said: I love you
Anonymous said: i love your stories for one, always have ever since I found you 🥺 you give me most of my inspiration to write and let my creativity flow but it’s so dang hard actually putting the words I want on the pAGE BENDK
Anonymous said: Do you ever read your own fics and be like "Damnnn I'm good"
Anonymous said: Oh are you sick 😥 Get well soon 💜
Anonymous said: Omg you speak French too?!! Is there anything you can’t do?!?! You’re such a smart girl 😭🤧💕
Anonymous said: I think you’re really cool and I wish I could be your friend. ❤️
Anonymous said: 💜💜💜 Hey love, idk if you've already deleted the app or it'll get barried in the inevitable avalanche of asks you're about to receive but I hope you can feel the love I'm sending your way nonetheless. You're my favorite writer and there's so question, i'll be here when you get back. Take as much time as you need and I'm very proud of you for taking the necessary steps to get better. That alone takes strength. I wish you the best of luck. -🌻
Anonymous said: Life is a pendulum between your fics and your ficsrec
Anonymous said: just wanted to slide in here to say i dont really like smutty stories, but damn yours be hittin different and im obsessed, so thank u for sharing ur work with us 🥰🥰
Anonymous said: hi! i’m a reader of your work and well, I completely understand where you’re coming from. exactly. 100%. so you take your time and love yourself like you know you deserve to. I support you!
bugznot said: whenever you decide to come back we’ll be ready with open arms. remember you are powerful but you can only take so much. breaks are necessary and important and i hope you are kind to yourself in this time
Anonymous said: Leaving this message for when you’ll come back: I hope you finally start to love yourself back, you take chances cause you believe in yourself and your abilities, you leap blindly because you have faith in yourself and you know where you stand. I hope you have learnt to love yourself, to demand more of others and you for yourself, because you are worth it. I hope you come back, rejuvenated and free of all those schemes that bring you down. Love you 💕
Anonymous said: Saw your most recent post and wanted to say that I hope you feel better soon. I understand how tough it is when it feels like you’re living a lie, but not to minimize your experience, I’m sure it’ll pass and you’ll feel more comfortable with yourself. We all love you here and are patiently awaiting your return. If you celebrate it, happy holidays! Hopefully it won’t be stressful for you and you get some time to relax! 💕
Anonymous said: take as much time as you need & don’t feel like you HAVE to write just because there are people waiting for updates. your real life & health always comes first but pls know that we’ll be here for you & only want the best for you. We’ll be patiently waiting for you & understand your struggles (or at least I do 🙃). pls keep your friends around you, stay in good surroundings with positive vibes & take care of yourself (& your dog aw). sending all the love to you!!!
peachishiz said: Hey Rose my love Dw u don’t gotta answer just popping in to say I love u so much and I hope ur doing good and stuff 🌸💕
Anonymous said: hi bby, i just wanted to say that i can’t truly say ik what you’re going through, bc every circumstance is different, but i really relate to you & what you’re going through. i teared up a bit bc i’ve had the similar thoughts & feelings (and i still do) but i think being open & vulnerable about it is the first step (& hardest) so i just wanna day i’m proud of you 🥺 i wish i let you know more how much i love and appreciate your fics, but i hope the time you take for yourself is healing 💜 Luv -⭐️
Anonymous said: Hope no matter where you go or what you'll do, you'll be happy with it. Lots of love and best of luck ❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said: dude honestly , taking that step to take care of yourself makes me extremely proud and i dont even know like that. When i first moved to Miami i think i felt similar to how you do , i held a lot of resentment for myself and the life i led and its a sentiment i dont wish on the worst of my enemies. Im sorry you feel that way , but you know you have the strength to pull yourself out of your slump , and that's quite the feat on its own. Good luck and i hope happiness finds you soon. - A.L.Á
Anonymous said: heeeeey, I hope you take lots of care during ur hiatus. Stay hydrated, eat some tasty food, make yourself a priority, reach out for help when you need to, and life is like a minecraft house, sometimes it gets burned down, sometimes it gets attacked but in the end you always have the opportunity to rebuild something new, that makes you happy and satisfied. u rock, u r wonderful and amazing, ily
Anonymous said: Hi! Just wanted to say that your writing is brilliant. It’s okay to be going through a tough time. I’m proud of you for recognizing that you need a break and taking one. The year is almost over: it’s the perfect time for a lifestyle change or a new beginning. Do what you need to do. We’ll still be here. Love you!
Anonymous said: You’re doing great sweetie! Keep going ♥️♥️
Anonymous said: im not sure if you still have the app or not or if you'll ever see this but i love you 💓 & i know idk you but to see you taking steps toward loving yourself is so beautiful ! im still on that journey myself 🤷🏽‍♀️ & it gets hard but you gave me some newfound energy just now. good luck !
Anonymous said: I am so proud of you. You’re so brave for accepting the fact that you are not okay, and doing something to turn that around. Now you’re walking the path towards betterment. I won’t wish for you to not fall back into that hole, but that when you do, I hope you come out faster and stronger every time. You made my life a thousand times better through your works, I hope through this hiatus, you’ll be able to do that for yourself. I am rooting for you ❤️
sydney--chan said: Hi babie🥺 please take all the time you need for yourself. I am proud of you for taking a step back and realizing you needed change. You are very strong and I cant wait for you to come back better than ever:)
Anonymous said: Ah, baby! Just the fact that you opened up and came with this decision shows that deep inside you care for yourself and you are also really brave. YOU ARE inspirational, your friends aren't lying. So many of us can't stop being stagnant and that's ok too. But you, you are doing so much and you are handling this better than you see it yourself. You are mature enough to see that things are wrong and that you deserve to heal. Everything that's wrong is going to pass. (1/?)
Anonymous said: And the cloudy days are going to be gone. I believe in you and I hope you believe in yourself as well. Treat yourself like you would treat one of the boys, for ex (I know it sounds silly but... lol). Imagine if they were feeling down and if they made mistakes. Wouldn't you forgive them? Make them see that it is ok? Wouldn't you want to cuddle and take care of them? Treat yourself like that, please. Treat yourself like you deserve to be taken care of, because you do. (2/?)
Anonymous said: Try to date yourself, you know. Take yourself on a date, buy you something nice when you can, try not to tell yourself things you wouldn't tell other person (cuz I know you are the kindest to people). And it is ok if somedays you can't handle things the best way, but you're just human and it is okay. Allow yourself to be imperfect. We are all trying hard in this life and we are all making mistakes. I am proud of you for trying. Keep trying to be better for yourself. You are precious and (3/4)
Anonymous said: I hope everything gets better for you as soon as possible. We are cheering you up, also while you're on hiatus. Come back whenever you feel like it and don't feel pressured to please others. YOU are the one who matters here and you're amazing af. We are going miss this bright star that you are but be patient with yourself and take your time. Please, seek a professional and take care of your health. You are lovely and loved. Everything goes, my love ♥♥♥♥ (4/4)
Anonymous said: I love you so damn much❤️
Anonymous said: I'm proud if you, I get that this was a hard decision to take, and you still did it. So, I'm proud of you. You finally understood that you are the n. priority, so please treat yourself like it. Even if you'll be gone for the whole year, I'm still super happy ti hear this. You deserve this, as you said yourself, you deserve the world. I'm sorry to hear that you're not doing good, but I know that you can make it better. Please, remember that you're not on your own: ask for help if you need it. Ily
lorengarcia-yut said: I just read your post and I just want let you know that we support you! Your health comes first, please take all the time you need. I feel for you, cause in a way I understand. Please take of your self! May God bless your life cause it’s gonna get better. Keep going, don’t ever give up, and please keep pushing. You deserve better than what you’re going through. Bless your heart ❤️
Anonymous said: 🌹 I don’t know if you will see this but I completely understand what you are going through. I have depression and social anxiety, and it’s so hard for me to get out of bed in the morning to go to school in a city where I don’t know anyone. I just want you to know that I will always support you and I hope that this time away will help to clear your mind of some negativity and bring you into a new year with hopefully brighter days 💜✨☀️
minigalixies said: i hope you come back feeling better, love ♡ so proud of you making the decision to put YOU first !! it’s a hard, but VERY important, decision that i hope benefits you sO MUCH !! i look forward to seeing your new posts when you feel better mentally + physically !! ♥️
Anonymous said: I hope this break provides you with everything you need. I hope life in general gets easier for you, you deserve it my love. Your mental health is way more important than providing us with content. Please take care of yourself, we'll be here for you if/when you decide to come back. I love you.
Anonymous said: hello im here to state a fact: your writing is perfect
moonchild-love-letter said: Hi, how are you? I hope you're okay. Actually, I hope you're better than okay, I hope you've been eating well, sleeping well, and spending your days chasing your bliss. Your writing is a piece of art, whenever I finish a chapter I always feel so happy and blessed to have found your blog. I hope that happiness returns to you ten folds. I hope your days are filled with love. Thank you for sharing your work. Thank you.
Anonymous said: BABY ROSE YOURE BACK!!!!! I’m ready to spend my 2020 supporting your 10/10 writing and you on your life journey. GONNA SMOTHER YOU WITH KINDNESS AND LOVE 🥰🥰
Anonymous said: i admire u so much for being confident enough to put ur mental health first. school causes me so much stress and anxiety and makes me slip back into my depression so fast. i look up to u so much. im glad ur doing what makes u happy. 🥺
tinievmin said: Okay so you’re my internet older sister now!!! Wow this is so cute 🥺🥺 Take care of your health, eat well, drink water, sleep, and be kind to yourself this year!!! Sending u love!!
Anonymous said: U ARE A BABY 😩😩😩😩😩😩
Anonymous said: WT FFFFFFF ROSE HAPPY NEW YEAR 🌟 u are backkkkk i miss u little bby 🤧💕
Anonymous said: While they say that army’s are toxic, i think I’ve never found so many people sharing one common interest with such an awareness and consciousness about complex concepts like loving yourself. I like to think that BTS deconstructed the cliché of “love yourself” into something more complex and difficult that u would pursue in life bravely, even through struggles, and not just a quote u find on aesthetic pillows. And I think you’re doing just that too with your stories and your journey. thank you💕
Anonymous said: hello! i'm a returning bts writer and so glad to see find you on here still!! i remember reading one of your earliest fics i love you
Anonymous said: You’re so talented!!
Anonymous said: hello miss rose how are you today? I thought id just come over to say hi and i love you so much you beautiful human being. I hope you and your little fur babies are doing well!💜💜💜💜
Anonymous said: hey, idk if you'll even see this, but i just wanted to say i'm in love with all of your fics. i don't even have a tumblr account, i just come to your page from google to read your stuff and see if you're doing well😳 i could say more but that robot verification keeps running out, so hope 2020 treats you well and you're an amazing writer!
pocketfullofsuga said: hey I checked who im following and it said you are one of my favorite tumblrs I mean they aint wrong though bby
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jincherie · 6 years
a well-oiled machine | i
➛pairing: jungkook x reader ➛genre: android au, futuristic au, prostitute au, fluff, angst, smut (next part) ➛words: 14.3k ➛rating: sfw ➛warnings: none in particular in this part-- some slight drunken behaviour and an android in bad shape! hints at previous abuse ➛notes: for @cinnaminsvga !! happy birthday zee!! i wuv u uwu !! <33 enjoy your roboporn u mecha slutte -- I’m sorry its not completely done!! I’ll do my best to pull the rest out my ass asap!!! <3 <3 <3
Your life takes a bit of a turn when you stumble upon an android in pieces, hidden in an alleyway in an area known for its shadows and debauchery. Taking him home to fix him might have been the best decision you’d ever made, but perhaps there was a little more to the android JK01-97 than you’d initially thought.
→posted; 20.08.2018
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→ masterlist | part ii
Through the cool blue and lilac glow that fell from the holographic signs lining the streets, the fat droplets beginning to pelt from the sky and the darkness that began to linger alongside the buildings, a form was just barely visible. Jumbled and disorganised, a mess of metal and synthetic material that had seen better days was propped against a dumpster and the brick wall behind it. Hovering vehicles sped past, women in heels and men in dress shoes strode by, all oblivious to the shape hidden just inside the alley. The droplets that had sprinkled now began to pour from the heavens in earnest, and the form began to grow soaked. Water pooled across the chipped and uneven concrete, dripping and mixing with the deep, burnt violet that trickled slowly from metallic shapes that looked vaguely like limbs, the metal torn and busted, and the flesh-like material spread across it ripped and ruined. As the remaining light of day fled the sky and the distant rumble of brontide pierced the damp air, time began to run out for the form. It had been there for days, untouched by anything but nature, and while the LED light in its eyes had managed to remain, now it had begun to flicker. It was a hopeless night, a hopeless storm growing closer, and the glow of the signs’ light reflecting across the puddles was beginning to overpower the form’s own.
He didn’t have much longer at all.
x   x     x     x     x     x     x     x     x
The Red Light District wasn’t a place you enjoyed visiting, nor one you frequented by choice. Rather, it was a necessary evil; just on the other side of the district lay a waste field, ripe with discarded technology and all the parts in the world a simple tinkerer like you could ever want. Normally, someone such as yourself seeking to pilfer the field for parts and goods would be refused entry, but you had the luck of knowing and befriending the owner. Mr Bang was a retired scientist, an inventor of sorts, who’d specialised in AI and had even mentored some of your friends in their studies before he reached an age where he decided it was time to leave the profession. It was, in a way, quite peculiar that he now owned and managed what was essentially a trash yard for discarded technology. From simple things like microwaves and hoverboards to the rare early-age android, He collected them and stored them. The only place he’d managed to find big enough for all his, well, junk had been the warehouse on the other side of the Red Light District. And so, that was where you had to go— actually, it was where you were trying to go right now, if the storm and resulting traffic decided to let up.
Your car was somewhat a relic of an older time, but still technologically advanced enough that it was allowed on the road with other vehicles. You’d grown up being taught to drive by your parents, and secretly longed to be able to drive your own car, but the laws in this day and age were quite clear. On roads that hovercraft and wheeled vehicles shared, only automatic, self-driving units were allowed. Gone were the days when you controlled the speed of your own car, the turns and brakes. It was nice not having to think about all of those things on the journey to your destination, but at the same time you found it gave you too much time to think. While it took more mental capacity, driving in itself was a mindless sort of activity. You liked that it quietened your thoughts, but supposed you’d just have to deal as always with how loud they were for now.
You let out a sigh as you remained in the same position you’d been in for the past few minutes, bumper to bumper with two other cars. In a day and age when crashes on the road were few and far between, you weren’t sure what the hold-up was this time. You supposed it was probably the road itself— the rain had come out of nowhere and with so much in so little time, you didn’t doubt the winding, dipping roads of this area were prone to flooding. Automatic cars were incredible in their seamless ability to drive with much less hazard, but had a flaw in their programming; some, especially older models, were so wired to uphold their passenger’s safety that they sometimes jumped the gun a little bit. In example, what was probably happening a little further up the road was that a car or hovercraft was halted before a stream or pool of water. Its sensors and computer would register danger, and would lock the wheels or engine so that the danger was not intercepted. This was problematic when the water was only a few centimetres deep and easily driven through. There was a function for events like this, that allowed the passenger to commandeer the vehicle for a few minutes and override any automatic inhibitors, but the process of accessing that setting was… tedious. In all honesty, the time it took to activate manual driving was probably what caused this back-up of traffic in the first place, rather than a road being completely flooded. Your car thrummed suddenly, engine revving softly, and you moved forward one whole car space before you halted again. Then, no doubt, the process began once more.
You were getting tired of sitting here, gazing out the window in a district where there were things you likely didn’t want to see. The rhythmic swiping of the windshield wipers could only distract you for so long before you were seeking other entertainment. The storm had momentarily interfered with the local cell towers so you couldn’t even browse the internet, and you weren’t in the mood for any of your games. You liked the mindless kind, the easy ones with a little story and detail to spice them up, but your thoughts were currently too active for something like that. So, sitting and staring out the window it was.
You were wondering if it was better to forgo a visit to the tech yard this time. At this rate you were going to tear your own hair out before you even got to the other side of the district, and you didn’t want to even entertain the thought of what it would be like beyond the blocks of buildings and maintained roads. You shuddered. Perhaps you’d give it a few minutes, and if the traffic didn’t sort itself out by then you’d head on home. It was getting late as it was anyway. Well, six o’clock in the evening wasn’t technically that late, but you’d been up since early running the store and you were eager for the day to end.
It was hard to see through the pelting rain that melted against the glass and did its very best to obscure your vision, but you still managed to catch it as a woman in a short dress and crimson heels scurried past, bag held over her head in meagre protection from the rain— until her foot lost traction on the flooded path and she slipped. You gasped, wincing at the way her knees made contact with the concrete, and were opening the door of your car with an umbrella in hand before you could give it a second thought, ignoring it as your car letting loose a string of warning noises and a soft artificial tone, ‘Miss y/n, please get back in the car. Climbing out of a moving vehicle is a safety hazard.’
Well, your car wasn’t exactly moving but she had the right idea.
You hurried over to the woman, your form instantly growing soaked in the downpour. You managed not to flinch as a flash of lightning greeted your vision and thunder boomed and rumbled above almost instantly after. Ah, the storm was right above you, it would seem.
“Hey, are you okay?” you asked, speaking louder so she’d be able to hear you over the rain. The woman looked up, surprised that someone had stopped to help. Her eyes were a warm cocoa that matched her auburn locks, gratitude filtering into her irises as you popped open the umbrella above her. “I saw you slip a bit in the puddle.”
The woman winced, adjusting the way she sat so her knees were removed from the rough texture of the pavement; blood seeped from the scrapes marring her tanned skin, diluting in the water pooling along the path. She accepted your hand and wobbled to a stand. You scooped up her bag for her. “A-ah, yeah, I’m fine. I didn’t slip, though. I tripped on that.”
At the last word she gestured loosely, hands then returning and brushing tentatively over the torn skin on her knees. Your gaze followed the movement, surprise filtering through you at the sight of something metallic a few feet away, gleaming in the glow of the holographic sign above you. You squinted through the rain, trying to discern what it was. The urge to investigate tickled under your skin, tugging your sternum, but you forced yourself to remain where you were by the woman.
“Ah,” you murmured, blinking as you returned your attention to the situation at hand. You passed her the umbrella. “Here, you can have this— my car is just over there. Do you need help walking…?”
The woman blushed, shaky hands dusting her soaked dress as though there would be real dust clinging to the fibres in this weather. A little concern budded within you as you caught sight of her skin again and worried that she was beginning to turn a little blue.
“N-no, thank you though,” she held her hands up, and you winced as you caught the scraped skin of her palms. She took the umbrella from you with a sheepish look. “I’ll be ok. Thank you very much for helping.”
“If you’re sure,” you smiled, passing her the bag you’d picked up; she accepted it with a shy grin. “And it’s no problem. Try not to trip again.”
She let loose a giggle and agreed, offering a brief wave before she was off once more, trekking through the rain at a slightly slower pace now that she had an umbrella to stop her getting soaked. You, on the other hand, were now suffering for your generosity. You didn’t mind though— this was the excuse to go straight home that you’d been looking for, and you weren’t one to turn down an opportunity when it was so nicely presented to you.
Although, before you went back to your car…
You checked behind you quickly, and once assured that traffic wasn’t about to move again anytime soon, you dashed forward in the rain to the alley where the item lay that had tripped that poor lady. It grew clearer the closer you got, and it wasn’t long before you were halting in surprise.
A… hand?
Realisation quickly dawned on you as you caught sight of a thick cord attached to the bottom that lead further into the alley. An android— but what was an android doing here with its hand almost completely severed?
In all honesty, there were a number of likely explanations— androids weren’t human, and as such there were many legal… loopholes, with things one could get away with— and your heart hurt at the thought of every one of them. You quickly ducked into the alleyway, now just barely shielded from the rain by the brick wall of the building to your right. The alleyway was illuminated only by the glow of the holographic signs at the edge of the building, a dim blue and violet cast all you had to go off as you crouched and peered at the large lump before you. It took you a moment to take it in.
It appeared to be a male, of unclear make and model. Your heart throbbed in your chest— god, it was in absolute pieces. There wasn’t a single inch of its form that hadn’t been beaten or damaged. The synthetic material covering its outside was ripped and frayed, stained deep plum from the fluid that ran through droids like blood, the metal frame bent and dented and, in some places, even torn. You knew it was just an android, but the thought of anything— anyone going through something like this, no doubt at the hands of their owner, made your heart ache.
Your gaze scanned its form, sadness gathering within you at each new detail you took in— until you halted, surprise catching your breath in your throat. With the amount of damage this android had sustained, you’d thought it would no doubt be, well, dead. But the dim, flickering light you caught glowing behind closed lids ceased those thoughts— he was hanging on, clinging to life against all odds.
The light was weak, just barely there, and you knew that if you left him here he would die. If he had already gone, you might have taken him for parts— it was a better fate than leaving his frame to rust and decay. But now, knowing that he was alive… you had to help him. You tinkered for a living, you fixed things, repaired things— it was a family thing. In your mother’s case, the things she specialised in fixing were androids. And now, knowing that you had the skills, the knowledge, the opportunity to help one— you couldn’t leave it, couldn’t leave him. Your mother wouldn’t have, and you wouldn’t either.
You moved quickly, not wanting the android to have any more exposure than necessary to this atrocious weather. Thunder rumbled above you once more as you shimmied out of your soaked jacket, using it to gather and wrap up the parts of him that were closest to falling off. Some of his limbs might have been hanging dangerously, some panels popped loose, but for the most part everything was still attached in some way— even if it was only by a few wires or cords. You gathered his pieces, jacket wrapped around him to keep them together, and slipped your arms around his form to heave him up with a great huff. He was heavier than you anticipated, much heavier, but you’d be able to make it to your car okay.
You peered over your shoulder, through the rain, and upon confirming your car was still where you left it, you grasped the android tight and hurried over, wary of slipping in the various puddles. In the short time you’d been out of the car, the relentless downpour seemed to have made them grow deeper.
Your car beeped at you, politely requesting you get back inside as you popped the back door open and carefully laid the android’s cold, slack form across the backseat. Once sure he was safely secured, you shut the door and opened your own, diving into the seat and out of the rain, shivering a little. Right, well. That wasn’t how you’d expected this evening to go.
With cold, stiff fingers, you tapped the navigation panel and input your home as a new destination. The car hummed in affirmation, hot air beginning to blast as it read your significantly lowered body temperature. You allowed a smile as the car shifted and scanned the area before the wheels turned and it was performing a u-turn when safe— you were really beginning to appreciate these automatic vehicles a lot more.
x     x     x     x     x     x     x     x
Laid across your workbench like this, all of his pieces rearranged to where they should be, you had to acknowledge that the android was handsome.
You’d connected him to a power port to stabilise his system as soon as you’d arrived home, and now you were talking a moment to admire the sight before you. The level of detail and dedication present in his features, in each suture of synthetic skin and weld of metal framing. You were in awe that someone besides yourself, besides your family, had taken such pride and care in their work— it wasn’t common nowadays, when most things were made by machines. Even for an android, it was difficult to emulate the level of attention to detail present in the works of someone who truly loves and enjoys their craft.
The android— model JK01-97, as you’d seen from the inked code on the inside of the wrist that was still attached to his arm— was almost a work of art. The skin, while you knew it was synthetic, felt real to the touch, and the hair shone beneath your work light with all the radiance of authentic, healthy locks found on humans. The line of thick lashes that crossed and clumped lightly, the sculpt of the brows and face— it was the kind of complete beauty that couldn’t be found in factory perfect androids, modelled after the impossibly image of beauty humans always strived for. His lips were uneven in their fullness, cupid’s bow pronounced, and his skin— the parts that weren’t damaged— was a lovely golden and had the occasional cute freckle decorating it.
It hadn’t been long since you’d arrived home with the android, and as a result you hadn’t had the time to really do anything yet. Your gaze swept over his form, the ripped clothing over his legs and his bare feet. Only pants… had his other clothes been so badly damaged they’d just fallen away? And his collar… most androids had collars with tracking chips in them so that their owner could find them in the event they were ever stolen, but this one… his throat was bare, though there was a slight discolouration on the skin that showed where the collar had been. You let out a sigh, the sight confirming what you’d thought all along; it had been his owner that did this to him— took the chip, beat him and then discarded him like nothing more than a cheap toy. You frowned, hand lifting from your side.
“I’m so sorry they did this to you, JK,” you said softly, brushing the soft raven strands from his forehead. The synthetic skin was stained plum where it was busted open, the android equivalent of blood having seeped out of the lesion. The informal name was Violet Blood, since that was essentially what it was, but it was more technically known as AMF— Android Maintenance Fluid. Not the flashiest name, but it did its job.
You watched as the thin ring that usually ran around the outer edge of an android’s irises glowed dim, deep blue beneath his eyelids. That colour indicated that he was currently in a state similar to very, very deep sleep, or really something more like a coma. It was a state their systems initiated when circumstances were unideal and the need to survive overran the need for more or less ‘conscious’ control. It was as though they went into standby, hibernated, until conditions were ideal once more. This meant when the stressors were gone, and the body was in optimal condition for operation again.
So, for this android— JK, as you’d begun calling him from his model number— to wake up, you needed to fix his body up. His frame, his skin, his wiring and circuitry were all you’d noted to be damaged so far, and you hadn’t even gotten to run scans on his programming and system state yet… you certainly had your work cut out for you. Could you really do it? You’d never fixed an android by yourself before...
Your gaze flicked up, to the right corner of your desk where a holographic picture frame sat. At the sight of your mother in movement, glaring playfully at the camera with the corner of her lips betraying her expression and twitching into a smile before she grinned brightly and waved, you returned your gaze to the figure laying prone before you with a renewed sense of determination. You could do it; it might take some time, and some patience, and probably a fair bit of money, but you could do it.
You adjusted the strands that fell over his forehead, brushing off a speck of dust from his cheek.
“I'll do my best to fix you, JK,” you vowed, tone conveying how serious you were. “I promise.”
And do your best, you did.
x     x     x     x     x     x     x     x     x
First, you decided, was the frame.
The android’s metal framing was, in a word, wrecked. It was dented, wrangled, and had taken more abuse than you’d thought possible. Considering it was so deep inside of his form, covered by layers of wires and cushioning materials, it was somewhat hard to gain the access you needed to fix it as best as you could. You had to carefully strip back synthetic skin and the harder casing beneath, part the wires and cords that acted as makeshift tendons and ligaments. The only experience you had in this area was when you’d accepted a job to repair some animatronics for an old restaurant franchise that extended from a brand of cinemas. It was similar in essence, but in details… there were more differences than you could count.
It was an activity that required a lot of time and a lot of patience, since you didn’t want to damage any part of him more than it already had been. The fact that you put such care into sorting out the frame, fixing kinks and welding the parts that had torn back together, meant that it took much longer than you originally thought. In amongst your daily tasks and jobs that came from running a second-hand goods and repair store, it took you over a week to completely adjust his frame. But once you were done, at no extra cost to the android, you were excited— the frame was more or less like the bones. Now that you had stable grounds to work on, you could get to the other areas.
As you’d gone along, you’d cleaned the android’s form wherever you were working. But now, as you settled before him once more with the bright warmth of a Saturday morning sun cast across your side, you decided he deserved to be cleaned properly before you continued to the next stage.
“God…” you winced as you brought the damp cloth across his forehead, wiping away the plum and lilac stains that marred his skin. His AMF levels had dropped enough that he’d stopped ‘bleeding’, but the sight of it still wasn’t entirely pleasant. “How could someone do this to you…?”
You couldn’t fathom how someone could expend all the money it required to purchase an android, and then treat it so poorly. It baffled you, but also angered you— with how advanced they had become in recent years, you grew more and more uncomfortable with the fact they were treated with such disregard. At this point, models were in production that could emulate a similar version of the care a parent felt for their child— nanny bots, of course. How long before they went too far in their endeavours and their creations were too human to fit into the box society had created for them?
For some reason, you found yourself talking to the android, JK, more often than you talked to yourself. You thought that perhaps it was the fact he looked so real, so human, that the idea of having company even if it was currently somewhat comatose was better than having no company at all, as it usually was. You weren’t always lonely, per se, but some days you certainly felt it more than others. It was just the way things were, you supposed.
“I’ll have to ask Seokjin if he has a manual for you,” you hummed as you went, talking to both yourself and him. The dark blue LED blinked behind his eyelid. You brought the cloth to his skin over and over, removing the unsightly, crusted stains. AMF was oilier than human blood, had a bit of a sheen, but it came easily off his skin. “I think I know what parts you’ll need, there’s a few that need replacing and some are missing, but I think it would be better to check. You seem… like a special model.”
You tilted your head as you stepped back to dip the cloth in the bucket beside you and wring it out; the water was dyed purple from the fluid that had gathered on the rag, colour dripping from your clenched fist. You allowed one hand to hold it, letting it drip dry for a second, and used your other to run your fingers softly over the planes of his face, almost with a sense of reverence.
“The amount of detail and care in your make… It’s really incredible, JK,” you told him, catching sight of a smudge you’d missed and wringing the rest of the soapy water out of the rag. You dabbed the mark away, resuming your task of cleaning the stains from his form as you spoke. “I really hope I can restore you. You seem like a really advanced android— and you’re almost a work of art, you know. I wonder who made you…”
There were a few companies that made androids, but they were all essentially owned by the same people. Each company hired different scientists, different employees, and tailored to different areas. In your whole life, though, you’d never seen an android, living or dead, as advanced or as detailed as JK. The desire to know what he was designed for, and who made him, burned deeply within you.
Seokjin, someone you’d known a long time, was one of the friends that had studied under Mr Bang. You could never quite remember which company he worked for— didn’t even know if he was allowed to tell you, technically. Not that that had ever stopped him running his mouth— but you knew he was excellent at his job and had a real passion for creating the AI, modelling their bodies and bringing them to life. He had a team that worked with him, some also your friends and a few you didn’t know, but he was usually the head of the projects. You would have to ask Seokjin about a manual, so you could look at the right parts, and if you couldn’t get one through him you’d probably have to hit up Mr Bang. You didn’t doubt he had a fair few collected and lying around from his years in the profession and time spent collecting junk.
“Ok, you’re all clean now and as handsome as ever,” you muttered to the android lying prone and asleep across your workspace, feeling very much like you were talking to a child who couldn’t yet respond back. “Now, I need to get your parts… and for that I need a manual. I can’t hook up your wires without all your pieces back inside you.”
This halted your little project for a few days, along with the fact you received a sudden influx of orders for repairs and fixes that came in through your shop. It wasn’t that hard, running a store on your own, but it was times like these where you had things going on in the background that you really felt it the most. It was only a mild inconvenience, but you were nonetheless glad when you finally managed to get your hands on a manual for JK.
It had been surprisingly hard to find one, and Mr Bang had been the one to help you; Seokjin was currently wrapped up in a big project and you hadn’t been able to get a hold of him. You’d both scoured long and hard, and you didn’t understand why it was so hard to find a manual for JK when there was a plethora of manuals available for all other makes and models— that is, you didn’t understand until you actually read JK’s manual. It was somewhat in pieces, sections missing, but enough was there for you to get most of the information you needed; it was the only one you were able to find, so you’d have to make do.
JK01-97, was part of a special line of androids and, essentially, one of a kind. While not the only one in the JK line, he was the only one of his specific make and model. You’d heard a bit about this line from Seokjin, an extension of the J branch, how each model was the only one in the world to look like that and have that specific personality. It explained the level of detail, commitment and care that you saw in him— he wasn’t just one of a hundred or more, he was the only one of his model to ever be made. His creator took pride in him, and knowing that just saddened you even more at the fact that whoever bought him had then treated him with such disregard and trashed him to such a degree. He deserved better.
Once you had the manual, you were able to begin ordering parts. There were chapters of the manual missing, pages and pages, but all the sections on mechanical components were present and that was good enough for you. Unfortunately, one of the missing sections was the one that covered functioning and purpose, so you still didn’t know exactly what JK had been made for. You supposed you’d find out once he was awake, given you managed to actually fix him.
You ordered the parts you needed, and one by one they began to arrive, with the occasional, expected delay. It took around two weeks for all of the parts to arrive; already this project was beginning to take longer than you usually spent, but you could tell in the end it would be worth it. In the meantime you worked on other things, small devices— the occasional holoframe, phones, a busted coffee machine, even. Your days weren’t overloaded but you were kept busy, and your account was kept full. You did your best to monitor the android in between jobs, making sure his condition didn’t worsen somehow. It was unlikely, but you’d rather be on the safe side.
As soon as you had all the parts, the android JK became your number one priority once more. Since you’d fixed his frame first and gotten the manual, you now had a stable guideline for where you were placing what. Androids were incredibly complex creations, you knew this, but JK… he was something else. You began to notice now as you worked that after you’d cleaned his synthetic skin, it began trying to fuse back together on its own. It was fascinating, the way you watched a small cut draw closed seamlessly, fibres reaching for the other side and binding as soon as they made contact. The way it smoothed over, like there’d never been a cut in the first place, reminded you oddly of the way kinetic sand would move and mould itself back together.
Bolts, screws, little pieces of technology that might have been hard to get a hold of if you didn’t have the contacts you did; bit by bit you put JK’s insides back together. He was missing a few important parts, but most of it was just the odd bolt, gear or wire. His computer system seemed to be intact, but you wouldn’t know for sure if anything was damaged until you hooked him up and ran some scans. That would be the last part of the process, though. You had a little while to go before you were at that point.
You were prone to humming as you worked, singing if you found yourself in a good enough mood, and it was no different as you worked on JK. Compared to the wait time for the parts, it didn’t take long at all for you to put them back where they belonged and fix them in place. You were done in just over a week, to your pleasant surprise. You were excited to move onto the next part— fixing his wires and circuitry was probably the part of the whole process that came easiest to you, after all. Most of the devices you tinkered with on the daily had wiring and you’d come to be pretty well versed in the reparation of items that relied heavily on it.
Idly, as you completed your last task to do with the repair of his parts, you thought that were your mother here to see your work, she’d probably be proud. The thought brought a slight mist to your eye, and your gaze was side-tracked to the holoframe on your workbench before you blinked it back and returned your attention back to JK’s abdomen. Right, things to do. You could get sentimental another time.
His body had been sculpted in a way that was very visually appealing, and while you could appreciate it, you had to wonder what purpose it served. Usually androids were only built with features that directly served the purpose for which they had been made. But, you supposed, the creator of this android had really just gone above and beyond in each and every aspect, you wouldn’t be surprised if there hadn’t been any real reason for it. It happened like that, sometimes. Art was prone to taking on a mind of its own when its creator was immersed and in love with their craft.
Wherever there had been dents or lacerations across his body, you’d attended to the wires that had been damaged as a result, starting on the peripheral and moving inwards. This, while it came easier to you, was still a painstakingly slow process; and while juggling this project with your own work and the shop, it ended up taking several weeks to work your way over the entirety of his body. You tried to do a little every day, but some days you were just too tired, too exhausted, to give the amount of attention and focus needed for the job. You always made up for lost time though, the next day more often than not consisting largely of working on JK. Now you were on the final area, a panel hidden in his abdomen that had been dented inwards and was unable to seal back as the rest of his form did, and were going over the clusters of wires and connections. You’d slipped on a pair of spectacles that magnified your vision and helped you focus, and had spent the better part of a week on this section alone.
Each bundle was grouped specifically and with purpose, and you had to be careful that they weren’t separated or lost from their group. The wires might have been colour coordinated, but that was only in regard to the sections they’d been sorted into; this meant there were double-ups on colours and it would be very difficult to sort one from the other should they get confused. Hence, the amount of time you’d spent here, carefully sorting and repairing wires and circuitry as needed. Your effort and patience paid off, however, and eventually you were finishing, popping the dent out of the panel and watching with fascination as you set it in place and the skin fused as you’d seen it do before, his abdomen soon showing no sign that the panel even existed.
You smiled, proud of how much progress you’d made so far as you gazed upon his form before you. You’d spent the a little over two months altogether working on this android, doing your very best to repair him, and very soon you would be done— it was something you could hardly believe. You were excited, anxious to see if the time and toil you’d poured into fixing this robot had paid off. A gaze to the side where the window sat told you perhaps you’d pushed it a little too close this time, the barest hints of the morning sun beginning to peek across the horizon outside. You let out a sheepish chuckle.
“Whoops,” you murmured, fighting a yawn. “Got a bit too carried away, I suppose. I better sleep— the shop isn’t going to run itself tomorrow, after all. Although, before I go to bed…”
You hummed in thought, allowing your hand to rest gently on his shoulder, finger tapping softly against the skin. As expected, he didn’t stir, remaining motionless on the table. The only thing left to do was run scans and do a full sweep of his system to see what had been affected and what would need to be repaired. Androids had a self-repair function for their programs and processing systems, but if the damage was bad enough there was the possibility you’d need to step in and repair what you could so that it could kick in and take over. Most of the damage he’d taken seemed to be external— you hadn’t had to fix the wiring as much as you had the frame, although both had been in a poor condition in their own ways.
With the technology at your disposal, it wouldn’t take long to perform the initial scan, and it would be good to know what you were working with. So, without much resistance on your end, you decided to perform it now, before you went to bed.
“I think I’ll do the scan now,” you voiced your thoughts aloud, for the android’s sake if nothing else. You didn’t think he could hear you, he was essentially comatose after all, but it felt… right, although you weren’t sure why. “We’re so close to being done, JK. I hope I’ve done enough.”
You hummed a half-hearted tune as you lifted his arm, taking his wrist into your grasp and pressing right where the vein would be in a human. There was a soft pop and shick! as a tiny panel, about the size of your thumbnail, revealed itself before your eyes, lifting vertically before it slid back over the skin of his forearm. You’d hooked JK up to a power source as soon as you arrived home with him so many months ago, but to scan his systems you’d need a different sort of connection. Holding his wrist in one hand, you used the other to fish amongst your tools for the cord you needed.
You let out a soft, victorious noise as you found it, quickly taking it into your grasp and pushing the thin needle into the receiving jack in the android’s wrist. You tapped your tablet, the screen lighting immediately, and slid your finger over the scan button. Immediately, there was a sudden hum and warmth washed down the android’s arm; you watched in awe as a faint purple, rosy hue lit beneath his skin in a pattern so pretty it could almost rival the stars. The LED beneath his eyelids flickered beneath deep blue and rosy violet. The screen of your tablet flashed, telling you that it was beginning the holistic system scan.
It didn’t take long at all for it to complete, thankfully (you might have wanted to continue working, but even you couldn’t deny how exhausted you were), and soon you were sitting, looking upon its results with an expression of concentration. Your teeth found your lip as you swiped through the report, taking in the information rapidly. Most of his systems were intact, if a bit damaged, but one in particular had been severely compromised. A shard of sadness wedged itself into your heart— his memory centres had taken a blow, and while you didn’t know what specifically he had lost or exactly how much, you knew from the scan that it was a lot of data. You felt terrible, despite the fact you knew it more than likely wasn’t a result of your fiddling but of the initial abuse he’d suffered.
Even in your tired state, your fingers managed to fly across the screen with ease. You breezed through his other results, before coming back to the ones that were affected. The others would be able to self-repair; the memory centres would be able to as well, but before you even attempted to task his system with that you’d need to do a bit of work. There was significant data loss, most of which you had no idea how to fix or retrieve, but there were some pathways you could reconnect manually on your own. You did your best with this for a while, finally stopping when your eyes blurred and sunlight began to peek through the window, unable to continue even if you wanted to.
You’d done what you could, now the rest of it was up to him. You stood, stretching your tight, tired limbs and letting loose a loud yawn. It was finally time for bed, but before you went…
“I’m going to go now,” you murmured to the android, reaching for your tablet and tapping across the screen— JK’s systems processed the command for a moment before they initiated self-repair as you’d told them. Purple glowed beneath his skin once more, and you let another soft smile slide across your face. “I’ve done what I can… I hope it’s enough. It’s up to you now, bud. I think you can do it— you hung on in that alley for lord knows how long, you can do this.”
You swallowed, feeling oddly emotional as you gazed upon his form. You didn’t have the words to put to the feeling currently making your eyes water and heart squeeze, and didn’t bother attempting to analyse it right now. You’d worked so hard, he’d worked so hard by clinging to life in that alley for so long before you found him— the fact that there was a possibility he still wouldn’t wake up was almost inconceivable to you. You bit your lip, brushing the hair from his forehead tenderly before, after a moment’s deliberation, you bent and pressed a soft kiss to the skin.
“Sleep well, JK,” you said softly, gazing upon the strong planes of his face with a fondness you hadn’t known you possessed for him— he was an android, but you’d spent the better part of two months tending to his every need and wound, repairing him, fixing him, healing him… it was hard not to grow attached in that time. “I look forward to meeting you whenever you wake up.”
With that you stood and allowed your body to stretch once more, before you began to shuffle out. You hit the light on the way out, the dim glow beneath JK’s skin the only thing illuminating the room now save for the trickling sunlight beginning to peek through the window. You cast one more look his way, chest stirring, before you exited your workroom and allowed the door to close behind you. The trip to your bedroom was spent in a tired daze, and you slipped into your comfiest pair of pyjamas before flopping onto your bed and wriggling comfortably beneath the covers.
You were out the second your head hit the pillow.
Your sleep was deep, and wholesome, and when you woke it wasn’t exactly with full coherency. You yawned, registering the deep sunlight streaming from your window, between the blinds you’d forgotten to close, and the warmth you were encased in as a result. It was just shy of toasty, and you were tempted to stay where you were before your stomach gave a loud, undeniable protest and you were slipping from the bed reluctantly. You tried to remember what you had in your cupboard— you’d been so wrapped up in your work these past weeks you’d forgone a few grocery trips and social outings. You were sure to be feeling the results when you made it to the kitchen—
Hold on.
You halted in your hallway, head tilting as you strained your ears. The slightest, softest shuffling could be heard, gentle cluttering of cutlery against a hard surface— there was someone in your kitchen? You were too tired for the alarm to really sink in, but you were definitely more awake as you continued down the hall quietly, peering around the doorway once you reached the room in question. Your mind ceased for a moment as your gaze fell upon the source of the noise and a gasp fell from your lips, but you didn’t have any longer than that to process it.
The figure in your kitchen turned around, apparently having heard your soft intake of breath, and upon catching sight of you standing in the doorway a bright smile lit across their face.
“Creator!” it was a strikingly familiar male, but the contrast between how you were used to seeing him, across your workbench, to how you were seeing him now, upright and rushing towards you, gave you whiplash. You didn’t have time to prepare as the android you’d been repairing for months, who was now apparently awake, came careening across the kitchen space and into you, his arms wrapping around your form tightly and holding you close.
You let out a soft ‘eep!’ as he buried his face in your neck, swaying you in the hug— he was an android, what was he doing? He was hugging you, like— like he was feeling overwhelmed with joy, or— or emotion. That wasn’t… that shouldn’t be possible!
Your body acted out of habit and muscle memory more than anything as your arms came up to embrace him back, thoughts whirring as you tried to comprehend the current situation. “...JK?”
The android pulled back, a sheepish smile tugging his lips as he released you— your heart fluttered at the detail his creator had put into his face now that you got to see it in action. The wrinkle of his eyes as his whole face smiled, cheeks lifting and bunny teeth peeking from behind his lips. God, his eyes shone, LED around his iris glowing soft lilac. That light was the only thing that betrayed the fact this man was not human.
“You’re awake, creator,” the was such glee in his tone, something in your chest clenched. He shouldn’t be so— so emotive! This… you’d never seen anything like this. It was like you were talking and interacting with a real human; it felt surreal. “I was waiting for you.”
“I’m not your creator,” you murmured, eyes wide as they swept over his form. Everything seemed to be running fine, normal, but… was this normal? In this world and society, no. But was this normal for him? Had he always been like this? Were these detailed emulations, or had something in his programming mutated to allow him to feel genuine emotions? Your mind was reeling.
JK’s head tilted, dark doe eyes holding your own as the ring around his iris ran soft blue. “No, you’re not,” he admitted, appearing for the first time to act like you knew androids to act. “But you are the one that fixed me. You made me anew.”
Your mouth parted; you didn’t have a response to that. The android was quick to read your expression and attempt to decipher it.
“But… if you do not wish to be called that,” he began, a tentative note in his voice, “What shall I call you? Owner? Mistress?”
Heat rushed to your face, embarrassment causing you to stumble over your words slightly. “My name is fine— you can call me y/n.”
“y/n,” the android echoed, as though testing how it rolled from his tongue and lips. A bright smile suddenly split his lips and your heart nearly faltered at the sight of it alone. “Thank you, y/n, for fixing me.”
And with that the android took you into his arms once more, and you were left just as confused and baffled as before.
What the hell did you do now?
x     x     x     x     x     x     x     x     x
In the two days since JK had risen from his comatose state, you’d learnt a lot— both about him, and in general.
You’d wanted to run another scan to see how his systems were doing, but he’d grown sheepish and assured you that he was already running scans and his damaged systems were in the process of self-repairing. You’d asked about his memories, and with a somewhat indecipherable look he informed you that while he had some, he had lost a majority of them. He couldn’t remember where or what he did before you found him, couldn’t remember his owner or creator. He hadn’t had a name before you found him, but you had a feeling that if he did he wouldn’t remember that either.
Everything you’d expected to experience when your project woke up had been promptly thrown out the window the second you’d found him in your kitchen two days ago. It was very apparent from the get-go that JK was unlike any other android you’d ever seen or even heard of. Aside from those first few hours, the android hadn’t displayed any other intense bouts of emotion, but there was a quality about him that led you to believe he was still feeling. Soft smiles that didn’t feel programmed, but that reached his eyes— the way those eyes would light upon seeing you, and the LED would flicker summer orange. There were little details in his speech and movement, and honestly you were still reeling. Had he been made this way? Was he the greatest achievement to-date in technological advancement? Or had he been made like any other android, and his software, his programming, had mutated? The possibilities were endless, and you didn’t know where to begin looking to find the answer.
One thing you noticed, in particular, was that JK was surprisingly clingy. There was hardly a minute that went by without him by your side or doing something for you around your house. He was very helpful, and it was all of his own volition; not once had you told him to clean— quite the opposite, really— but he’d taken it upon himself to do it anyway. You’d asked him about it on the second day of walking into the kitchen to catch him doing your dishes, and he’d offered you a soft smile, the ring around his eyes glowing warm lilac.
“You have been kind to me,” he’d said, like it was the simplest thing in the world. “Kinder than most people. I want to pay you back some way, even though this isn’t much...”
You’d had to leave before he picked up the increase in your heart rate and the flustered flush across your cheeks, a hurried ‘thanks’ thrown his way. He’d happily returned to his task, unbothered by your sudden departure aside from a slight furrow in his brow to indicate confusion.
Your third day with the android you’d saved from the street, and you were beginning to get used to having him around. Once you got past the initial display of emotion that had thrown you so, you noticed a lot more robotic tendencies that he had. He was still a machine, an android, but with each flash of emotion across his face you began to play with the idea that perhaps, realistically, he wasn’t too far from human after all. With so much going on in your head, so many thoughts struggling to make themselves known, you hadn’t really gotten to sit down and spend some time with your new housemate. It saddened you a bit; you wanted to know a bit more about him, wanted to talk to him. Ever since he’d woken your interest had been piqued and you wanted to learn everything there was to know about your android.
It was cool afternoon when you finally succumbed to the urge that had been calling beneath your skin the past few days. After a moment of deliberation, you halted your current activity, dropping the tools from your hands and listening as they made soft clinking noises upon impact with your workbench. JK, who had been standing behind you ramrod straight as he gazed over your shop and the shelves upon shelves of trinkets and devices, jumped at the sudden noise. His head whipped around just in time to see you turning, removing the plastic gloves you sometimes wore to protect your hands from oil. A trace of surprise registered across his features, the ring around his iris running green as he processed your current actions.
“You are finished?” he queried, peering over your shoulder before his brows furrowed, eyes returning to your own. “But the phone is not fixed… it is odd for you to take a break so early into the project. Is something the matter?”
You tried not to show how flustered you were that he knew your habits so well after only three days with him. “It’s not, but I’ll come back to it later. Nothing is wrong.”
You offered a smile, “I just wanted to spend some time with you.”
The android seemed taken aback, mouth falling open. “With me?” he echoed, brows drawn together. “But why?”
“Because I find you interesting,” you answered easily, reclining in your work chair while trying not to let it spin. “And I want to know more about you. You’re not like many androids I’ve seen, JK.”
The android shuffled, and you wondered if he was possibly feeling discomfort of some sort. You’d seen him display some emotions— were they limited? Could he only feel a set amount?
“JK,” he echoed once more, gaze averting before it returned to your face, somewhat bashful. “I remember you calling me that while you worked on me. Why?”
You were surprised at his words, your eyes widening a little. “I didn’t know if you had a name, and I didn’t want to just call you android. It felt rude. I took it from your model number, see?”
You reached for his wrist, turning it so he registered the numbers there. He made a soft sound of understanding. You spoke again, though, curious about something he’d said, “Did you say you could hear me while I worked on you, while you were unconscious?”
The android hummed, nodding. “Yes. It wasn’t a constant stream, but I remember hearing some things…” he paused suddenly, stammering a little. You could have sworn his cheeks tinted pink. “In particular… I really liked your singing.”
Heat washed over your face at once, embarrassment making you want to shrivel and die. Oh, you’d forgotten you’d done that while you worked.
“...Thank you,” you managed to squeeze out amongst your urge to throw yourself from the nearest building. The android smiled, and your head tilted as you voiced your previous thoughts, “Why did you ask about being called JK? Do you not like it? If not, I can stop.”
“No!” the android burst, barely a moment after the words left your mouth. He looked alarmed, eyes wide and LED flaring yellow. “I- I like it... I’ve not… had a name before. Please, do not feel as though you have to stop.”
You couldn’t help the sad smile that tugged your lips, “That’s sweet of you,” you said, watching his LED shift from yellow to sunset pink at the barest hint of praise you offered. “But it’s still a bit awkward for your first ever name… how about we compromise.”
JK tilted his head, curious as to what you were going to propose. You reached for your tablet, turning in your chair slightly; you could have sworn you felt his gaze burning along your waist, but dismissed it as paranoia. Returning to a normal sitting position, you beckoned the android closer and he was eager to comply with your wishes.
Your fingers tapped quickly across the thin, crystal clear display, and soon the page you desired was up before your eyes. You watched as the male’s gaze swept across the screen before darting to you, surprise filtering across his features.
“... Names?” he appeared as though he was trying to fight the smile tugging his lips, but it was a losing battle. His bunny teeth sank into the soft, plush skin of his bottom lip. “You are giving me a real name?”
You nodded, unable to help your own smile as he beamed in response. “Yep, but you can choose your own— choose whichever you like! I think since we started with JK, names starting with J will suit you.”
JK’s cheeks appeared to colour, his eyes eagerly finding their way back to the screen, rings soft lime. It took him only a moment to scan through the list you’d pulled up, hand lifting as he pointed to a section. “I like these.”
You hummed in acknowledgement, looking over the ones he’d chosen. The fact he’d pointed out more than one meant he probably wanted you to have at least some say in his name, and the thought warmed your heart thoroughly. “Oh, I think those would really suit you. I think… Jungkook? Oh, wait, actually I think the other version would suit you better…”
The android was looking at you with wide eyes as you turned to him, analysing his appearance for a moment before smiling. “Yeah, I think Jeongguk suits you better. What do you think?”
“I love it,” he beamed, and it was as though you could feel the warmth, the elation, just from looking at it. “Thank you, mistress.”
You squeaked, cheeks flushing hotly as you bopped his arm gently. “J— I told you to call me y/n!”
The android laughed, stepping back and resuming his previous position peering over your shoulder. The barest hint of mischief gleamed in eyes that flickered between lilac and pink, and it was with flushed cheeks and a flustered disposition that you returned to your current project. He was awfully cheeky for a machine.
Your mother would have loved him.
x     x     x     x     x    x     x     x   x
Jeongguk was more helpful and eager to please than you knew how to handle.
As he’d done ever since he’d awoken from his place laid across your workbench, he continued helping out however he could. Your laundry, your dishes— hell, sometimes he even manned the shop while you were gone. He was good with his hands, and you might have called him a natural tinkerer were he not an android and engineered to be perfect at human activities. You didn’t want him to feel obligated to do these things— it made you uncomfortable to think he was doing it because it was learnt, or because he thought you’d expected it. He’d assured you many times, though, that he did it because he wanted to; he enjoyed doing things for you.
You felt silly, but with each little favour he did for you and each small smile he shot your way, you grew a little fonder of him. More than once you’d come downstairs to find he’d already gone ahead and made you breakfast and a coffee— more than once you’d sworn to yourself you could have planted a big, fat kiss on his cheek out of sheer gratitude alone. You didn’t know how to articulate let alone process the feeling you got from having someone around like this, having someone look after you. You had friends, but no family you were still in contact with, and the friends you did have had lives of their own. It had been almost a month since you’d even seen Seokjin, despite your more frequent correspondence via instant messaging. Ever since your mother had passed, and you’d been left to your own devices with a shop to run and a small home to occupy, there had been a silently harrowing sense of loneliness that threatened to creep into your heart each time you lay your head onto your pillow and closed your eyes. In the silence and emptiness of your home, it was very easy to lose yourself to that feeling when it came knocking.
But with Jeongguk here with you, things were… surprisingly different. It was the good kind of surprise, the pleasant kind of surprise, and you thought that it was probably part of why you liked him so much. As days passed and time went on, you realised that you really did like him; you’d grown fond of him, attached, and not to the idea of him as a project, but as a person.
“You’re so helpful, Jeongguk,” you smiled, cheek resting on your palm; you made sure to address him by his new name whenever you could, because the resulting ecstatic smile that broke across his face was a sight you never wanted to miss. You were in the kitchen, watching as the android carried your drink to the table as he’d insisted vehemently he do. “Are you sure you weren’t a butler before I found you?”
A bright grin had split his face and your heart had stuttered in your chest— you could have sworn he had blushed. Were it not for the glowing pink ring around his iris, you might have forgotten he was an artificial being altogether.  Jeongguk had laughed softly, and simply reminded you to message one of your customers about their order like you’d told him to.
You hurriedly dove into your phone, thumb flicking screens away until you reached the right one— the archive of all your messages. Your fingers were a little too fast for your brain and overstepped, leading you to land in your chat with Seokjin instead of the customer, and in your scramble to escape you ended up jumping to a point in the chat from months back.
‘—I can’t wait for you to see my project! He’s the only one of his kind that will ever exist, and I really think I’ve cracked it this time y/n—’
You blinked, thumb having automatically clicked you out of the chat before you could continue reading. You’d completely forgotten about the conversations you used to have about Seokjin’s big project— you wondered whatever came of it. Seokjin just suddenly stopped talking about it. It was around the same time as a particularly stressful period for your shop, and you regretted that you weren’t there more for him to ask what had happened.
Bringing your thoughts back to the present, you opened the right chatroom this time and messaged the customer as you meant to. You were glad Jeongguk had remembered, because you’d certainly forgotten.
Sadly, Jeongguk’s memory centres still hadn’t recovered and he was only able to remember things from after when you found him, and he woke up. His other systems were performing closer to normal, but his memories… had been the most affected by the damage. He still had no recollection of what he’d been doing before he ended up in the alley, who his owner was or even what he was designed to do. Hearing the same negative response each time you asked him made your heart hurt, but at the same time you were kind of relieved; whatever had happened before you found him clearly hadn’t been good, and you didn’t doubt it wouldn’t be something fun to remember. Perhaps, for now, he was better off in the dark.
Having said that, you did notice some… quirks, in his behaviour, that had begun to make themselves known more as time went on.
The first had become apparent not long after Jeongguk had received his name. In the time after that incident, you’d witnessed the android become even clingier, if possible. He was always by your side before, but now as he walked with you to complete errands and even in your home, his hands would reach to brush against your arm, your waist. He stood very close, always with a contented look like he couldn’t be happier if he tried, your presence alone enough to soothe him.
Even if Jeongguk hadn’t already appeared and acted as human as he did, you would have ended up treating him as a human out of habit nonetheless. Which was why you found yourself nestled into the corner of the couch, Jeongguk occupying the other, preparing to settle down for a long, long movie marathon with the Marvel superhero series. They were old, and you recalled that they were onto their — was it their 47th instalment, these days? The first of the movies had been made decades ago, and many didn’t watch them— they preferred the spiffy, more technologically advanced remakes— but you’d always enjoyed the classic films from a time before yours.
You’d sat down with the intention of introducing Jeongguk to the series, figuring that if he was an android that could feel emotions then he’d likely end up enjoying movies more than the average robot. You started with the chronological order of release date, and went from there; Jeongguk started on the other end of the couch, and then throughout movie after movie he had gradually shuffled close enough that he was curled comfortably into your side. Android’s couldn’t feel the cold the way humans could, but they could shiver, and the hue of their skin could alter. It was something included in their design for a more realistic effect, and despite the fact you knew this, you’d still draped the blanket over the both of you and allowed him to snuggle closer.
Analysis of Jeongguk’s systems, make and model told you that he had advanced, detailed sensors across the expanse of his body— so when you lifted your hand to begin carding your fingers through his silken hair and scratching lightly against his scalp, you knew the soft, pleased sigh he let out was genuine. You could feel yourself melting against him, heart fluttering out of nothing but sheer, light happiness as each time Iron Man came onto the screen, Jeongguk let out a soft noise to cheer. He had a favourite, clearly.
Sometime throughout the next few movies, which you’d had brief breaks between, Jeongguk’s head had migrated from your shoulder to your lap, and you’d continued running your hands through his hair. It felt nice against your skin, so it was a win-win you supposed. The movie you were on, one of the ones where the characters from their individual franchises began to overlap, drew to a close and as the credits began to roll you were unable to hold back a yawn.
Jeongguk’s gaze was on you immediately, LED rings running soft lavender as he gazed at you with dark eyes through his lashes; the look paralysed you for a moment, hand freezing in his hair.
“Are you ready for bed, y/n?” he queried, and your heart nearly stopped in your chest. His voice was low, a much lower register than you were used to, and had just enough huskiness that a flush washed over the back of your neck. You didn’t doubt that he was picking it up as your heart rate accelerated, thoughts racing through the gutter as his deeper voice altered how you’d received his innocent question.
“I— yes,” you gulped, knowing you couldn’t hide the way your body betrayed you from a being that had sensors built into his form. You smiled at him, still fighting tiredness. “Are you going to keep watching, or do you want me to go set up the charging dock, Kookie?”
The android jolted at the nickname you’d tacked on without a second thought, eyes blowing wide and every trace of the sultry expression he’d worn before blasted from his features. Colour flushed to his cheeks, an emulation of a bodily function that resulted from embarrassment, or fluster— which was he feeling, you wondered?
“K-Kookie?” he stuttered, curling unconsciously into your lap as his large doe eyes bore into your own.
“Yeah, Kookie,” you repeated, enjoying the way he seemed to vibrate with excitement in your lap as the word left your mouth. “A nickname… I was tired and too lazy to say your full name, sorry.”
“Nickname?” he echoed, murmuring softly. “Kookie… I like it. Thank you, y/n.”
You’d beamed at him. “No problem, Kookie. Now, are you gonna watch or…?”
The android definitely seemed flustered as he pulled himself from your lap and nestled back into the couch and blanket, shooting you a sheepish smile. “I would like to keep watching, if that is okay, y/n.”
Your smile was soft as it tugged your lips and you stood, ruffling his hair. “Of course it’s okay. Have fun, Kookie.”
The sight of his cheeks coloured pink at your words was almost enough to counter the memory of his voice and the look he’d sent you earlier.
After that day, you’d noticed more occasions where the android would turn and as his eyes fell upon you, he would pin you with that very same look and low tone. Whether he knew he was doing it or not, you didn’t know, but it was absolutely lethal. At this point, you feared for your health.
The other thing that had become most apparent, was the way his eyes were drawn to your form. He was an android, you knew there wasn’t really anything to the way his eyes lingered or the LED around his irises flared bright rose upon seeing you, but sometimes… Sometimes you could swear you could feel the heat his gaze left on your skin, you could swear the weight of it had you trembling with an emotion you dared not investigate.
The occasion that this was most prominent, had occurred not entirely too long after the previous. There was a fine boundary that was maintained between the two of you, a line you didn’t often end up toeing. You were the only one in the house that needed to do things like change, and bathe, which meant the likely incidence of awkward encounters that often came as a result of living with someone in such close quarters was much less. Not long after that day on the couch, however, the first of such incidents occurred.
It was morning, and you’d already woken up to a grinning Jeongguk and a particularly delicious smelling breakfast of bacon and French toast. With a full day of manning the shop and tinkering at the counter ahead of you, you were quick to scarf the meal down and dash for the shower.
This… was where the problem lay.
Your house wasn’t entirely critter-proof, and while you weren’t the kind of person to scream about a little bug or a spider, or even a snake, you did still have your limits.
And the large, inky spider that honest to god looked like it spanned half the length of your fogged-up bathroom mirror as you stepped out of the shower, naked and oblivious, was crossing them.
It was only as you reached for your towel, hand grasping the fuzzy material, that you saw it. You didn’t even realise you’d opened your mouth to let out a loud, incredibly alarmed noise that sounded a cross between a scream and an undignified yelp until it reached your own ears and you were stumbling back. You attempted to put as much distance between the two of you as possible, scrabbling to wrap the towel so it guarded your bits from the gargantuan arachnid spawned straight from the ickiest pits of hell. You considered hopping into the bathtub before realising that was stupid and would only end up with you cornering yourself— you couldn’t afford to give the demon such power.
“Oh hell, oH HELL, OH— NO, DON’T, GO AWAY!” your alarmed babbling escalated to a frantic yelp as the spider shifted slightly and you nearly slipped in the water that had spilt from your exit of the shower.
In your consuming fright you’d completely forgotten about your current housemate until there was thudding footsteps down the hall the door to the bathroom burst open. Jeongguk’s gaze was frantic as he searched for you, LED a bright red that flickered to cool green the moment his eyes fell upon your trembling form. It was the second you felt his gaze grace you that he froze suddenly, body halting as he stared with wide eyes. You, caught in the building intensity of his stare, the heat that began to flush over your arms and down your back, didn’t remember until moments later that you were currently standing, dripping wet and clad in nothing but a dodgily wrapped towel before him. You squeaked.
“Spider,” you barely managed to articulate the word, let alone point, but it was enough to tear Jeongguk from whatever trance the sight of you had thrown him into. His gaze followed the direction of your finger and he almost did a double-take at the sight of the massive arachnid.
“Woah,” his expression was one of wonderment despite the lingering blush in his cheeks. His gaze flew back to you for a moment, your current state of undress cast from his mind. “y/n, look how big that spider is!”
“Yes, I’m looking,” you said, pressing yourself back further against the wall— the fine-furred fiend looked like it was eyeing you off and preparing to jump at any second. “I’m looking and I do not like what I’m seeing.”
Jeongguk seemed slightly amused if somewhat perplexed at your words, but it didn’t take him long to connect your fear to the intruder in the room. “Ah… I can remove it, if you’d like?”
You were nodding frantically before he’d even finished talking. “Yes! Please do, please.”
Jeongguk’s lips tugged into the barest hint of a smile, before he was quickly and carefully doing as requested. In a matter of moments he’d securely grasped the spider, its frantically wriggling legs making you squeak in alarm, and he was quickly exiting the room, presumably to deposit the hellish creature outside your house.
“Make sure you don’t leave it near the house!” you called as an afterthought, wondering how exactly it had gotten inside in the first place. You heard a light laugh before his footsteps faded and you were left standing alone, suddenly aware once more of the water dripping down your form and the short towel around your middle. With cheeks that scorched at the memory of his heated gaze, you hurried from the bathroom and into your room to get dressed. Even once you were fully clothed and brushing through your hair, you couldn’t chase away the phantom touch of his gaze across your form. Had you ever felt such a way from a look alone before?
You honestly didn’t think so, and that scared you a little. He’d been in your life only a few months, for most of which he was comatose, and already he’d rendered you to this? Jeongguk, perhaps the sweetest android you’d ever known, was truly dangerous.
And if the way his gaze continued to linger occasionally, and his touch against your form grew more frequent after that day meant anything, you weren’t sure if he knew he was either.
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This was perhaps the first time you’d left the house without Jeongguk in tow, and the outing had ended with you here— at the bar, three of your four close friends already gone with arguably the closest and incidentally most plastered left to your care.
Seokjin liked to drink, and he wasn’t all that messy of a drunk, but he was prone to his… off days, if you would. These were the days where instead of making him extra boisterous and extroverted as it usually did, the alcohol happened to exacerbate whatever doom and gloom was running through the back of his mind at the time. This happened to be one of those days.
You were a little tipsy yourself, but nowhere near as far gone as Seokjin currently was. It was with a sense of struggle that you hauled the two of you from the bar, arm around his waist so he didn’t fall and seriously harm himself.
“Come on, Seokjinnie,” you urged softly, amused at the loud, protesting groan the scientist let out in response. “We gotta get you a cab.”
“Don’t wanna,” he babbled, still grasping you tightly and following you haphazardly nonetheless. He allowed his head to roll and rest on your own. “Did I fin-ugh- finish my drink? Ugh, y/n I think I left my drink on the table—”
“You definitely left something on the table, but it wasn’t your drink,” you muttered. “I think it was your dignity.”
Seokjin let out a loud whine that was broken with a soft hiccup— his whole body jolted and his foot caught on a break in the pavement, the resulting trip nearly taking you both down. “I can’t believe you’re being so mean when I’m absolutely plastered like this. I’m vulnerable, a-and you— you’re uh… you’re doing something.”
You turned to see his brows were furrowed, before his face shifted and he burst triumphantly, having found the words he was looking for, “You’re b-bullying me, you b-b-buh-ass. You ass,” He paused. “You know, I have a nice ass.”
You snorted as you pulled your phone out and went about ordering an uber, trying not to burst into laughter at his drunken antics because you knew it would just set him off into a louder, more vehement set of complaints. “You do. Have you thought about modelling? I think it could get you some cash.”
“My face could get me some cash,” Seokjin muttered, seeming like he was seriously considering it for a moment before he shook his head violently; the blond strands of his hair nearly took out your eye in the process. “No! I’m a committed, I’m scientist to my work—”
“Wait,” He halted abruptly before you could even tease him for his slip, his ability to self-regulate kicking back in. “I’m a scientist, I’m committed to my work. Yes, that’s what I was aim— trying— that’s what I was going for.”
Even through the mist settled comfortably over your mind, his words triggered a sense of familiarity in you. Your thoughts went back to the old text message you’d stumbled upon the other day, and in your tipsy state you were unable to engage your filter in time— you blurted the question before you could give it a second thought, “Seokjin, what happened to that big project of yours? You know, the one you were really excited about?”
The blonde had been smiling at his little victory from before, but as your question registered in his mind the expression dropped from his face. In a violent swing of moods, his body seemed to deflate against you, bottom lip quivering. “Ah, my big project…”
He was silent a moment, gazing off into nothing, and you worried; perhaps you’d struck a nerve? Maybe you really shouldn’t have asked—
Seokjin’s body gave a heavy, shuddering breath, tongue darting to wet his lips before he spoke, tone soft and carrying a thread of sadness you didn’t think you’d ever heard from him, “They took it… My big project. I- god, y/n… they took him.”
Your head tilted, confusion blurring your thoughts too much for you to have a response ready. Perhaps thankfully, it was at that moment the uber pulled up— a hovercraft, it would seem to be today— and you busied yourself momentarily with getting your drunken friend in the back of the vehicle. Soon the two of you were safely inside, and the driver left you in peace as he began on the route to Seokjin’s home— well, the car began. He was just there to monitor.
You turned your gaze to the male in question, noticing his eyes had glazed slightly, a distant expression gracing his fine features once more. You were burning with curiosity inside, something nagging you to ask, to find out more. You knew Seokjin worked in the AI and android facilities, but for some reason you’d never heard the end of this tale. Now that you’d remembered, you couldn’t shake it from your thoughts. The sound of your voice seemed to break him from his daze.
“What do you mean, they took him?” you queried softly, hand finding his knee when he swayed in his seat slightly.
To your utter surprise, Seokjin’s eyes began to glisten with unshed tears, large chocolate orbs meeting your own and holding your gaze.
“He was the best thing I’ll ever make, y/n,” he said, hiccupping softly. He let out a faint groan, allowing his eyelids to flutter closed. Your heart twinged as you watched his features twist, a single tear tracing down his cheek while his voice grew thick and caught in his throat. “He... I really… I really did it this time, y/n. He… he was beyond a-anything I’d ever even thought I would be able to create. He was the first project I ever got full reign of.”
There was a pause as he swallowed, dark brows furrowing as he allowed his head to drop back against the headrest; the flickering glow of city buildings and signs as they blurred past cast a myriad of blue, fuchsia and violet over the tired planes of his face. His voice came out fainter this time, but there was a heat behind his words, an anger so intimately intertwined with sadness that you didn’t know how to go about untangling it.
“I worked so hard, and he… he exceeded all of my expectations. He had such potential,” Seokjin’s breath shuddered. “And they took him. He— he deserved so much better, deserves better than a life of servitude, degradation and humiliation… but they still took him from me.”
Any words you could have hoped to muster had long since died in your throat, your own eyes glistening at the pain in his tone. Something niggled at the back of your mind, something threatened to click in your subconscious, and even though you didn’t understand it, you found yourself asking, “What was his name? His model number?”
Seokjin sighed softly, drawing a hand up to scrub over his face; he was reaching the stage of the night where he shifted from silly/saddened drunk to exhaustion. It wouldn’t be long now before sleep welcomed him with open arms.
“I never got to give him a name,” he said, and it was as though the words saddened him even more as they left his mouth. “But his model number…”
The uber began to slow suddenly, and belatedly you realised you’d arrived at Seokjin’s apartment. You thanked the driver, climbing out of the vehicle and pulling a drowsy Seokjin out after you. Your ride was quick to pull from the curb, disappearing into the city lights from whence it came, and you stumbled towards the blonde’s apartment building with him in tow, arm draped over your shoulder.
“I don’t know, I don’t know,” Seokjin was mumbling to himself as you gradually made your way to his floor, nearly sweating from the effort of keeping him upright alone. “His model number… do I know?”
It was with great effort you managed to unlock his door and drag him into the apartment, depositing him on his couch while you went to retrieve a glass of water; you had to weave around metal parts that poked haphazardly from tables and benches as you went. When you returned with glass in hand, Seokjin had taken to discarding his shoes and socks and had loosened the collar of the button-up around his neck.
“I don’t remember…” Seokjin looked ready to cry again, and you hurried to pass him the water— he accepted with a soft ‘thanks’.
“It’s okay if you don’t remember,” you soothed him softly, hand coming to rest on his shoulder.
“No, it’s not,” Seokjin nearly dropped the glass on its descent from his mouth and you took this as your cue to remove the breakable item from his vicinity. “It’s not okay, he- he deserves better. He deserves name, he deserves to be remembered.”
“I’m sure he does,” you murmured as you urged him to his feet and guided him down the hall to his bedroom. Seokjin was silent, blinking drowsily as he slipped into his bed at your gentle urging, nestling subconsciously into the covers.
He could hardly keep his eyes open, but when they finally closed another tear slipped from beneath his lashes to roll down his cheek. His voice was soft. “If… If I had known… where he would go, what kind of life he would be destined for… I would never… never have made him this way… He deserves better…”
You waited a few moments more to see if he would continue, but upon the sound of a soft snore already escaping him, you surmised he was well and truly gone for the night. Shaking your head lightly, you made sure he was tucked in and comfortable before grasping the extra blanket from the end of his bed and making your way to the loungeroom; you were quite tired yourself, and the couch was seeming more and more appealing the longer you were awake.
Even with the muddling effects of the alcohol, your mind was still racing, albeit tiredly, as you settled on the couch and wrapped yourself in the blanket. Seokjin’s words, his tears and the distinct undertone of guilt in his tone as he’d spoken those last words all ran through your head one last time before your heavy eyelids were dropping closed, and you succumbed to sleep. When you woke in the morning, would you remember all that you’d learnt tonight?
→ masterlist | part ii
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