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Project completed for @fuckyeah-itme and headed out in the mail on Monday!

#embroidery#needlepoint#satin stitch#jeff satur#steal the show#studio on saturn#SATs#Saturdayss#saturdayss are for the boys#the clown car#🤡 my friends#caturn#fiber art#fiber crafts#embroidery project#jeff satur fanart
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Yooooo who’s this loser
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Cat T-shirt on Amazon on time for Caturday
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In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about
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Cat Planet Amigurumi Pattern
The pattern is available above and as a free PDF download on Ravelry.
Check out my other patterns on Ravelry and Etsy.
Or Caturn, if you will.
Apologies for the lack of patterns recently; my area was hit pretty bad by Helene. Luckily things are starting to return to normal now.
This is an icrochetthings original pattern © 2024. For personal use only. Do not copy, sell, alter, or distribute this pattern or parts of it. You may sell a limited number of your handmade finished items provided you credit icrochetthings as the designer.
#crochet#amigurumi#handmade#amigurumi pattern#plush#crochet pattern#free amigurumi pattern#free crochet pattern#cat
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"caturn devouring his son"
absolute banger from my coworker today
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Challenging myself to give random Md characters 7 Pokémon with reasons challenge no fake Mon tell me if you want more of these
There will be repeats
1. Lycanroc : n loves dogs so imagine In Pokémon au he would get a rockruff and raise it very well the Pokémon would probably be very healthy and happy
2 .Espeon : n getting an evee would make sense also espeons evolve through love and care which n would definitely give
3. Marrowwak : would probably find a cubone and feeling sympathy from Dex entry would take care of it and it would eventually become marrowak
4 Phanthump : either one came to him and he caught them or he read the dex entry then caught one
5. Banette : would probably find one following him and would reach out to the Pokémon and make them happy
6. Lucario : I could see n taking care of friendly riolu and it eventually growing to be a loyal Lucario
7 . Magnernia : I chose this one cause robot for n but I could see him befriending this Pokémon
1. Lucario
2. Wailord : this is a reference to episode 5 wear j holds a whale plushie
3 garchomp : could see her having this one cause it’s a tough intimidating Pokemon with a huge bite
4. Haxoris : mainly cause of its intimidating nature and violence like I’ve played the games these guys really go after you
5. Mawhile : due to its big bite and I think she would like the ponytail
6. Caturne : the Dex entry talks about it stalking its prey
7. Gardevior : cause of their loyalty and ability to cause huge destruction
1. Gougeist : the Dex entry is main reason it is said to love their victims screams
2. Mawhile : I think she would the big bite they have and I think it would be a cute Pokémon for her to have
3. Froslass: this Pokémon’s Dex entry is about how it hunts and tricks their prey and enjoys tourmenting its prey
4. Gorebyss: mainly due to the fact it has pretty looks but is secretly violent
4. Trevant : I just think v would love the claws that it has
6 . Hatterene : it’s an emotional Pokemon that’s very sensitive and can sense emotions
7. Aerodatytal : it’s a cool looking flying dragon and I wanted to give v a special Pokémon
1. Ditto : mainly chose this for cyn due to its transforming abilities and solver often shape gifts to trick people
2. Chandlure: I think cyn would love a litewick and the litwick would eventually grow into a chandelure
3. Frosslass : just due it tricks it’s prey and often hides behind its looks
4. Baneete: is an abandoned doll and cyn is someone who was left in the dump before Tessa
5. Drifblim : a Pokemon known for taking children in the dex I think the solver would love this one
6. Giritina : I imagine her having a legendary and I imagine a Pokémon based on the devil would work for her
7. Mimkyu : this is a Pokémon that’s known for kind of being dejected by most I imagine cyn would take a liking to it
1, aerodaytal : it’s a cool dinosaur like dragon like Pokémon and it’s purple and matches Uzis atheistic
2. Mewtwo : I wanted to give some main characters a legendary I thought this one would fit Uzi the most due to how angsty it is
3 . Umberon : for this I thought this would be a evee that evolved and the evee was a gift to Uzi from n
4. Aloan Marrowak : I think she would love this Pokémon and just find it really cool
5. Swoobat : I feel like this would be another Pokemon gifted to her by n
6. Noivern : I feel like Uzi would have quite a few bat pokemon including this really cool one this one just seems her style especially with its boom box ability could probably play emo music she likes
7. Greninja : she loves ninja stars and anime and this is a cool ninja Pokémon
1. Banette : it’s a doll pokemon that’s said to be searching for revenge perfect for doll
2. Frosslass : it’s a deceiving pokemon that uses its pretty looks to trick people doll would probably like it
3. Mawhile : another Pokémon with cute looks but a big dark side so good for doll
4. Weavile : due its claws and predotory and scary nature
5. Gengar : a dark pokemon that has haunting and dark abilties and an aggressive nature
6. Aloan marrowak : the main story for its prevolution is orphan
7. Marshadow : due to its shadowy movements and shadow abilties
#md doll#md uzi#murder drones cyn#murder drones v#Pokémon au#serial designation n#serial designation v#murder drones j
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An alternative version of my fox 💜
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Whoops I made more Pokemon Teams for Gundam 00 Characters Antagonist Edition:
Patrick (no thoughts, head empty team)
Regene (Lazy but cunning team)
Explanations under the cut:
Patrick, every single Pokemon on his team has a dex entry stating the Pokemon is often slow-witted but powerful in battle.
Soma's team: Feminine but powerful. Hattrem's dex entry states "If you bring strong emotions around this Pokemon it will silence you violently.
Ribbons' team: I just don't like the Emboar line, Tentacruel is known for poisoning and entrapping foes during battle, Rotom can possess electronics, Trevanant's dex entry states that it uses its roots to connect itself to trees to monitor every corner of its forests. Honchcrow is known for being a ruthless boss to its underlings, Hypno is known for confusing and hypnotizing enemies.
Regene: Inteleon will often slack off when its trainer isn't looking, Slaking is the world's laziest Pokemon but can also demonstrate incredible power. Mimkyu and Zoroark honestly speak for themselves with their deception. Houndoom and Caturn (mainly because I needed the type coverage).
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Disco elysium-esque portrait
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https://www.teepublic.com/user/voni-blue My babies are all dressed up and ready for Caturday and Cat lovers everywhere
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Caturn devouring his son
I don't think that's how it's supposed to work
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I kinda like this planet I’m calling Caturn where kitties grow on trees and when ripe fall off and fly😃🐱…from Nice Little Town 15 by Tatiana Bogema Stolova. Used Kalour 520, Chromaflows150, Holbein pencils, Zig Clean Color pens, Derwent pastel pencils.
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Aafae Abrotions Aciese Actispic Adodes Adous Adower Affea Afrit Aluity Amentiery Amernte Ampolourly Amusone Ancide Anctive Andus Anera Anzscarg Apard Aphly Appect Aptinbunta Arkeech Ashen Asmplum Atium Barle Bdbdruss Beaforiver Beilhairy Beive Berbery Berbink Bereve Berted Bfdffetype Biatal Blabox Bleaniange Blounder Bluorle Bluse Boglan Bones Bouria Brall Brinn Brizem Brounce Bucti Burface Buter Buttikor Cadil Caditty Cadogo Caltrisced Camsolusly Cantent Caphtique Carink Carna Casherryle Catems Cationme Caturn Ccemban Cdcaf Cebel Celse Chadiester Chauber Chely Cheord Chroade Chrod Chrons Cianis Clagie Clantes Clity Clueut Cmstarage Cocke Coder Coested Coetin Colating Colop Colostias Colous Coloweetic Comaux Comiciper Comoity Compfibind Complatins Compom Compumn Cords Cothottly Coushea Cpcceng Crant Crassel Curnum Dacyclorxs Dappenclas Darbins Daring Dated Datia Davart Dcaten Dcdatied Dcurlincy Ddetablues Ddion Defdd Deogolle Deoubud Desch Desseary Devidepix Dianket Dificell Diforturry Dincelvend Dindie Disany Dites Dithes Doberb Dookelly Douls Dpacdal Drovesprop Duction Dully Dunly Eadece Eaperdowte Earink Eatativegs Ecant Echning Ecilasente Effdes Ellembitne Equand Eupsithry Exacc Exaddese Exced Exteder Fabinfort Faccal Fachad Factionds Faile Fbahao Fdfbf Featchrow Feber Felates Ffaddiner Fibed Fiburg Fiteme Fixes Fludae Forcs Foricy Forstated Foueusit Foundee Frafé Fraines Frely Fulaught Fulimple Gempia Gerorooke Getexc Giteddc Glabe Golougle Gornal Goterics Goyst Grachaperm Grall Grally Granticase Grapli Grapth Grettrins Hadde Hades Hadick Heativehig Hedatices Heles Hemosty Hempeak Hermaite Hintatexpm Hoine Howsel Icent Igrey Imada Inace Indess Ingarybal Intiarcel Ishoisoni Ivetinne Jactince Jaftscefer Jandor Jased Jeley Jolibrown Jugastain Junistion Junted Jürgramit Kerene Kerty Kientemple Kinds Kobir Lambisme Lanish Laright Lasalds Lasharbele Lativin Lecolored Lects Lictulion Lidge Lintal Lired Lising Lither Littler Lorga Lowell Luorager Machese Magory Maizer Majorted Malaves Mandoderm Manket Mantabi Maperair Masaturn Materrow Mates Melibbfado Meliod Melles Migmed Mincolont Mistionny Modusioner Montresa Mulistnut Musoce Nolow Nomext Nopical Oirmint Oligne Olorkes Onesis Onishod Ookelgran Ophikeld Opultises Orcurent Orgemet Orgor Orketary Ortisheed Oures Oxbla Oxich Oyslus Pachnimal Paeed Paing Pargam Paria Parte Pastrone Patme Pealed Pecdc Pence Perier Perion Phaketobed Photh Pillam Pinceary Pinde Pinme Pinting Pitel Piter Pititick Plagant Plandth Ploved Polsimp Pompiany Ponterfaub Poolility Poords Poplecang Popsycle Premples Presce Prian Prifiele Prithe Promy Puharitton Pultakels Queeticore Racheeps Rainanut Raites Ranticss Raterel Rectior Reeppie Refixis Reindne Remoplagin Reveline Roised Romar Rombh Romplew Ronctic Roode Ropron Ruiter Salis Saspors Satedinc Sažiesel Seata Seatond Sectiod Serberiffa Sinin Sitelip Skulec Smixed Smosal Smoven Soffbcd Softelging Sorpring Soung Spalle Sperice Sprey Spritte Srgusk Stalleuts Storating Suardiner Suber Subtrablia Sulanes Sulty Sunce Surnt Swelict Swiignatin Swimate Swing Talgo Tationted Tflab Thils Thombh Thorte Thring Tobtrage Tousiterod Treartion Trigers Trinch Tured Turry Twaltelp Twooked Txters Undenhad Undyl Unolorf Unrow Updffedc Usoaminets Ussiviall Utchrms Uvired Vining Visind Walase Waled Waletardy Wasurpolon Waturebely Werch Weriffice Whellese Whing Wizatis Woollowns Woreggiang Xambeirous Xange Xfres Xlinout Xondes Xorefc Xyzatione Yallite Yccuinea Yesem Yiquarie Yuvire Zilogene
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Caturn Earrings.
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