#catty's dad
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Very Expensive, Douglass
No one ever draws Catty's dad so I thought I'd give it a try. Not sure how I would tag his name though LOL!
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beepperson · 11 months
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Dialogue sprites for Catty's mom and dad, the Addisons, and Top Chef :)
You may use all of these sprites in anything you’d like EXCEPT FOR ANYTHING RELATED TO AI ART TRAINING/GENERATION, and are free to alter them in any way without asking me first. My only stipulation is that you credit me for the original art as BeepPerson somewhere.
Bigger versions below the cut
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Invisi Billy’s New Scaremester Diary - 8.9
Met Twyla at MH to find out which new students we would be the ambassador/tour guides for. I didn't recognize the monsters Twyla was guiding, but I heard they were an unusual group of creatures that were transferring in from another school. I ended up being the ambassador/tour guide for Gigi and Catty, and I was really nervous because Gigi was once a powerful genie that could grant any wish, and Catty was/is an international pop star. I'm surprised I only managed to get embarrassed twice during the tour. The first time it was because I had a really hard time not calling Catty by her full name, and apparently, I must have been referring to her by both names during the whole tour because at one point, she and Gigi started giggling, and Catty said, "Billy if we're going to be friends, it's okay for you to just use my first name." Embarrassing moment number two came as a result of me saying "I wish!" several times when they asked me questions. Gigi obviously picked up on this and kept saying things like, "I'm not sure you'd like the way that would turn out," and "Nope, you can't have that one either." Finally, I realized what I was doing, and I got totally flustered, but they're both so creepy-cool about it that I started laughing too, and before the tour was over, it wasn't like I was giving a tour; it was like we were old friends just fanging out.
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spaceandfiction · 3 months
Okay revisiting. Lestat asks to be sentenced with them so I guess his big aim was total family annihilation huh
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vigilskeep · 4 months
HELLO please please elaborate on dreadful stepdad astarion
i think other people have spoken more eloquently on the matter than i ever could but personally i believe having your tav stumble into astarion wanting things to be real and then have to decide when exactly to bring up the existence of their dozen children is so deeply funny it’s almost an obligation
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tofixtheshadows · 3 months
Do you think Kabru looks like his mother? Do you think he ever grows his hair out and sees her clearly in his face?
Do you think Marcille ever looks into the mirror, on the days where she pulls her hair back simply, the way her dad did, and sees her Papa?
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i bring a sort of "gman isnt evil or a bad person" to the function that not many people agree with
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sharedcontrolau · 2 years
Ok so i have seen a post where Kris summoned SCplayer and then i realise kris is still trying to summoned demon even now, amd Gaster who in this au is SCplayer father, and gaster in both utdr have had connection with the devil,And a post somewhere talk about Kris actively search for the mystery man behind tree so SC can meet their father, Combine all of that and we got hmmm hey what if just summon that oldman here instead?
That would be hilarious actually.
“yeah, dad’s stuck in the Void right now. i can still talk to him every now and then, but not as much as i’d like.”
*Wait, me and Catti summoned you with one of those spells you find online. Hey do you think-?
And then smash cut to Catti, Kris, and Player trying to summon an old man.
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yesyourstalker · 10 months
Mahi: thanks for coming with me man. You're pretty cool
Baja: Yeah it's no problem. So do we just knock on the- oh, you're just going to walk in? Okay that's not illegal....
Mahi: Oh please it's just Neta. He's not going to care...... I just need to see that picture. It can't be a coincidence it just can't be!
Baja: hmm you know I didn't expect his place to be sooo
Mahi: Nice? Yeah me neither... Seems like ikkan did some redecorating....a lot more purple
Baja: *gasp* is that ikkan's bass from the first squid squad tour?! The bass that started it all!?!?? Holy shit it is! It even has the little scratches from when he dropped it at camp triggerfish!! Oh my Cod!!
Mahi: yeah yeah so cool where would the picture be?
Baja: look they have Neta's introduction poster!!.."Neta, the bass player. This big guy is the notable newcomer of the group. His slap bass licks bring a bounce and funkiness to the songs that we know and love... don't let his cool and calm appearance fool you. This guy is wild and ready to party anytime, any day. He stands at a whooping 5'7 His favorite color is green. His favorite meal is a sweet and spicy lobster dog with a sugar free mango lemonade and his birthday is August 7th"....Cod It almost feels nostalgic
Mahi:..... It's not down here. It's definitely not in that brat's room...
Baja:.*ugh* look at the vinyl collection some of these are signed! No way!
Mahi: Maybe it's up in the loft in his room.... I'm going to be right back.
Baja: Holy shit! How the fuck did they get crippy chips's album is not even out yet?!? What does it say?...."For my future brother-in-law, I thought you would want the first copy of our album. does this count as a wedding gift? lol :⁠-⁠P" - Noji........... No way am I holding the first copy.... Ghhghhbgffh
Mahi: hay can you stop fangirling for a quick sec and come up here!
Baja: yeah I'm coming...... his room is pretty cool..... He has his bass mounted?! Did you know that bass has been on 9 tours. 4 squid squad and 5 diss-pair!
Mahi: yeah. No wonder it looks so beat up...... He did know my grandfather. Look! That's him. I know his face anywhere, even when it's not wrinkly. That's my grandpa Behi..... That kid he's with must be Neta..... He looks so small and.....frail.... How old is he in this......
Baja: oh he must be in the E ward..
Mahi: hm?
Baja: E ward is where they take soldiers who are affected mentally and emotionally. Most spend a year there and go back serving.
Mahi: that doesn't seem right... Did you ever-
Baja: I'm not telling you my trauma Mahi we barely know each other.
Mahi: that's fair
Baja: Give it a year.... Damn you gramps was admiral? Must have been a strong man
Mahi: yeah he was tough but really kind....*sniff* I really miss him.... How does he know Neta tho? How do I even bring that up to him?
Baja: he must have been a good guy.. Maybe you can slip it in the conversation now. Casually..... Is that a crabby!!?? He has his awards in a case!! Look he has squid squad's platinum records!!
Cirrina: those are only copies. The real ones are at ikkan's
Baja: aaahhhh!
Mahi: great
Candi: Mahi you can't just walk into Neta's place like this! It's wrong and you Left the door unlocked! What if something happened! What if someone walked in? what if his pet got out?
Mahi: nibbles is at ikkan's
Candi: you know what I mean! This isn't ok what if cirrina was here by himself. Two strangers just walked into her home when her dads aren't here. That's scary for a young girl.
Mahi: I don't know the little shit seems fine to me.
Cirrina: hi Baja heheheheh how are you doing today?
Baja: I'm good.......Your tentacles were fully orange last time I saw you. That's a unique color you picked. I like it
Cirrina:.... Heheheh he noticed! Hehehehe thank you!!
Mahi: see she's fine. Why are you here?
Candi: if you must know Neta asked me to take her shopping for her mom's wedding. They're leaving next month.
Mahi: I forgot about that
Cirrina: you want to see the tux I picked out?
Mahi: no
Cirrina: well it's a good thing I wasn't talking to you! Seeing how you dress, you wouldn't know taste even if it punched you in the face! I was clearly talking to Baja.
Mahi: mmmmm.... You're so lucky he's my boss
Candi: hehehehe I love her
Baja: I like the tux. Never thought gray and navy blue combination. That explains the silver tentacles and blue figures. Looks great!
Cirrina: hehehehehe thank you! You're too kind!
Mahi: oh barf
Candi: awww she has a crush.
Cirrina: you like music right Baja? I have my cello I can play it for you. I'm second chair in my orchestra and planning on attending a school for the arts. I'm actually playing at my mom's wedding. It's going to be an original song ikkan's helping me write it I-
Mahi: we don't care! we only came here to check something out. We're done now so we're bouncing. See ya Candi.
Candi: bye Mahi. Bye Baja
Baja: bye guys... This place is really Nice. It wasn't my intent to break in without his knowledge. I was just dragged into this
Mahi: let's go!
Baja: ok!.... Bye cirrina
Cirrina: bye!... Hehehe.... I think he likes me!
Candi: ah ha...*sigh* yeah .....hehehe... Sure.
@fish-at-fish-fish-resort saw Mahi drag Baja by his finn out of an apartment complex
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catty-words · 2 years
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this line really highlights the main failing of the episode’s resolution for me, as well as the reason i think it lacks as a whole/doesn’t earn its keep as a pov-shift reprise. ben’s drive to work as hard as he can to meet an arbitrary goal he’s set that’s gonna prove he’s worthy - of people’s time, love, etc. - is for sure about his hero worship of his dad, but like. making howard the stop-gap between ben feeling the pressure to be a certain way and letting go of the ideals around which he’s shaped his life is boring and inelegant and way, way too neat.
we had the narration at the top of the episode - who needs developmentally crucial male bonding when you’ve got an a-plus diorama of the irish potato famine... wow, that sentence made me sad - and we had his reaction to devi saying she doesn’t register him as a boy and we had ben measuring himself against des and we had the above line.
and i think if the writers really wanted to get the most out of returning to ben’s pov, it should have been to unpack ben’s fixation on ideals more broadly than just in his academic life. the episode is ripe for an opportunity to discuss ben’s relationship to gender and, yeah, how his dad’s breadwinner persona has obviously messed with his conception of manhood and gender roles in relationships.
it would have fit so well with the season’s interest in high school romance as a vehicle for self-discovery and it wouldn’t have been able to be wrapped up with a single conversation with his dad. heck, ben absolutely wouldn’t even be in a place to articulate what he does and doesn’t like about the gender roles he’s expected to fulfill, but there’s so much to do when that conversation lurks just under the surface and it would have been a delicious, delicious parallel to devi’s own journey with performance versus genuine identity this season.
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hometownrockstar · 2 years
secret subset of thomas ocs are characters i saw in my dreams (and didn't elaborate on, unlike the perclings) i think theyre so cool but i cant remember their story or designs well enough to bring them into the real world which is a shame theyre usually so nice to me in my dreams. shoutout to percival's older brother sammy who worked at mcdonalds in my dreams
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secretagent9 · 1 year
vin can avoid undertale as much as he wants, but it’ll always find its way back to him and it’s hilarious
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Catty’s New Scaremester Diary - Week 1
MONDAY 1: Meet with Management Team - Meeting with my publicist and manager to assure them, once again, that yes, I really am going to Monster High and that yes, this isn't just a phase I'm going through.
TUESDAY 2: Thank You Gifts - Buy gifts for all the stage, lighting, sound and travel crews. I just sing, they do all the hard work.
WEDNESDAY 3: Press Conference - Hopefully this will be my last one for a few years... unless it's with a student reporter at Monster High.
THURSDAY 4: Autograph Session - Sign some posters, albums and other stuff for a charity auction. 'Veronica Von Vamp' is also signing items for the auction before she takes the throne as the new queen of the vampires as Elissabat the First.
FRIDAY 5: Record Label Party - I like these almost as much as press conferences. Oh well, there will be monsters there I haven't seen in a long time and others that I'm going to miss seeing every day.
SATURDAY 6: Sleep In - Sleep In - Yes, I am scheduling this. Hey! Since I'm the one making my schedule now, I can see how planning things in advance could have some advantages, especially for things like this.
SUNDAY 7: Picnic at the Beach - Dad has been restoring an old convertible for like, forever, and he says it's finally ready to go. Mom and I have a list of all the goodies we want to take and out beach outfits picked out.
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transgenderdragons · 2 years
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theres been an on purpose at the accident factory
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sardinesandhumbugs · 2 years
Do you do wind in the willows ficlet/short fic requests?
Yep! I'm always open for ficlet requests, although sometimes I may take a while due to, y'know, life :D
The main things I ask not to be sent is either smut/lemon (just not something I write) and/or overly specific requests (aka: do not send me bulletpoint-by-bulletpoint breakdown of a plot, because I will become intimidated and Not Do It)
Throw me a fun* idea and some wiggle room for creative tendencies, however, and you have my interest :)
[*fun also includes angst]
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peony-pearl · 3 months
It's thinking about Rosin hours he really crept back into my brain
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