hanawrites404 · 3 years
Headcannon Pack : How CJ Practices for Musicals
This girl is more into singing rather than dancing/acting and singing, you know what I mean? Musicals are not only about the songs, it's the expression and movement a character beholds and its personality flows through them like a river, conveying the audience the beauty or the wickedness of the enacted person.
Yeah she knows nothing about this shit. Let alone dancing energetically while singing. And lemme tell y'all, it's difficult as FUCK (yes I'm a musical artist myself and it literally takes my breath away).
So first, she gotta fix that. And how she does it? Well she is a big fan of J.Lo. Has loved her ever since she was a teen.
So she sits down, opens a live performance video of hers and watches how she does her magic. Then she tries to imitate her movements and observes how she distributes her energy and concentration into both singing and dancing.
CJ is a good dancer by the way. She just doesn't know how to sing with it. She ends up doing only one of the tasks if she ever tries to do both. But with practice, she can overcome that.
Practice makes a man perfect, you know.
Now that is done. Time for acting. Again, this girl has no idea about theatre lol. She did see some of her classmates at high school do it but never bothered to take notes from them. But she doesn't regret it because her school always organised only one annual play, and that was Oliver Twist.
People get bored, you know. But seems like the principal doesn't.
So what will CJ do? Simple. She has watched many Hollywood movies. So she takes any one of her favourite movie scripts (for example, Inception), chooses any character she wants to play, and speaks their lines out, keeping in mind of their face expressions and the way they spoke during the movie.
She sometimes even records herself and compares it to the original actors, and keeps improving like that.
Of course, she also widens her vocal range and works on her dance moves. Even work out a bit and keep herself flexible. You will never know what skill of your body would be required to play the role.
How the RFA helps her :
Yoosung is all about compliments. He can't help but compliment every move of hers and thinks she can't be any more perfect.
He is so much in a sweet daze when he sees her perform in front of him and feels so blessed, even more than getting a super rare item in LOLOL. Yoosung definitely boosts her confidence like this.
"Wow! That was so amazing, CJ! I really felt like I was watching the real incident happening! I don't see any flaw in you. Only perfection 💚💚"
Zen is the No.1 tutor for stuff like this, come on. He has enough experience and skill to teach someone who is new to the industry, AND he is physically present there to fix her expressions and voice, or how she keeps her posture according to the character. He also gives casual compliments to her in the middle of rehearsal to encourage her.
"Oh no no, you are doing it correctly, CJ. This is exactly your character. Hug me just like that. Hold onto me like I'm the only one, that I will come apart if you ever let go of me. Hold me just like that, My Heroine 💟💟"
Jaehee is a whole nerd about musicals and it has been proven a lot of times. She is the best person to go to when in need of constructive criticism. She has a sharp eye, so expect a very detailed feedback.
She will also lend CJ some of Zen's musical DVDs for practice and is even willing to sit down and make her watch it with her, and point out important elements in the musical CJ should take note of.
"You see how he is moving his eyes? It gives an important clue about the scenario which is playing. It shows that the place he is at is completely unfamiliar and mysterious, and that he has indeed been kidnapped. No one can enact this as beautifully as Zen, but if you keep practicing, I'm sure you will reach his level too, Catherine. Maybe even better than him💛💛"
Jumin is not really a person to watch musicals. He finds it too loud and unrealistic, and sometimes it's revealing which is even worse. Or maybe he thinks so only about the musicals Zen stars in.
He encourages CJ to take inspiration from the classics like the Shakespearean plays. Everything has its roots and Jumin strongly believes that learning from the base is what would really help her. And you know what, he is right.
"A....Ah..... Interesting, very fascinating indeed. This is the first time I'm seeing a musical performance which hasn't bored me or given me a headache. Your emotion, your voice, your body, they have definitely allured me. Looks like it was a good idea to make you go through those classic plays. I'm really happy of that decision. I will surely be looking forward to more of your performances in the future, Catherine💜💜"
707 lives for drama and it's true. With his superior cross-dressing skills, he is ready be a 'trial dummy' for CJ. He can be her damsel in distress or her knight in shining armour, anything what the script demands. He would even memorise the lines of the second role just for her! What a gentleman.
And as a wise man had once said, the internet never lies. 707 sometimes uploads CJ's practice recordings and sends it to YouTube for public opinion after editing it as delicately and beautifully he can. And guess what, it surely, definitely, and absolutely, blows up the internet.
"12,000 likes in five minutes already! And so many positive comments. You are a star, CJ! A shooting star! And you are my lovely shooting star, I shall look to you, forever, My Love❤️❤️"
Jihyun is a photographer, so what would he do? Take photos of her! He would circle around CJ, getting every best shot of hers, and each photo always turns out to be more beautiful than the previous one. To him, Catherine is not just perfect, she was magnificent. This is another kind of motivation CJ gets and it just blossomed her heart.
"Look at you, so mesmerizing and beautiful. These pictures are not enough to describe your beauty, Catherine. I just can't take my eyes off you. But you seem quite tired, Honey. Should I bring water for you? Any food? Don't exhaust yourself too much, okay?💙💙"
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hanawrites404 · 3 years
Got tagged by @kumaronoa for WIP Wednesday! Thank you baby!! 💖💖💖💖💖
Time to expose myself huh 😂
Here we go!
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Oh what is this?! New CJ x Zen romance??? Hehehe, stay tuned✨
To tag, I will have @rinya703 @averyfonce @g8se @sylph-dreams @vikiinglumberjack @theunrelatable-reia @babufactory heheheeeee. Expose yourself I dare you.
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hanawrites404 · 3 years
Ok so @kumaronoa made a drawing of long-haired Saeyoung, and then there is my Sweet Queen @dis-gorl-does-stuff is very much into the game as I am, and that's what motivated me to finally make a whole bio for my Mystic Messenger OC who has been living in my mind for months and thanks to both my boos, I can finally take it out PFFFFFF. So here we go!
Name : Catherine Joseph-Mae (Alias CJ)
Age : 26
Sex : female (she-her/they-them)
Sexuality : Bisexual (and is ok with poly relationships too)
Zodiac Sign : Gemini (20th June)
Occupation : Musician, plays guitar and sings
Height : 5'10
Weight : 56 kg
Relatives : Ha-jun Mae (father) (deceased)
Aubrey Joseph (mother) (deceased)
Dylan Joseph (maternal grandfather) (alive)
Isabel Joseph (maternal grandmother) (alive)
Origin : Half-American, half-Korean and was born in Miami
Backstory : Born prematurely, Catherine was the daughter of two well-known journalists, who did belong to different countries, but their love for each other was one and the same. She was raised at the countryside of the city of Miami, and for all of her childhood she was surrounded by the green meadows and the minty homey atmosphere of her grandparents' small cottage.
As for the parents, they both had met a tragic death by a car accident when Catherine was just a year old. Even if she did see them some time, she has no memory of them, and neither does she feel some kind of nostalgia or sorrow when she gazes at their pictures hanging on the walls of her home.
With no other option in hand, Dylan and Isabel took the responsibility to raise their only grandchild, the only living image of their beloved daughter and son-in-law who were unfortunately no more. They never let her be deprived of their love and care, and even sent her to school so she could make a future for herself outside and also gain education which is so important nowadays.
Catherine performed very well in her school. She wasn't the best at studies, but her discipline, sincerity and the interest she showed in every activity conducted was what made her a distinguished student. She was fairly popular, and took a fair part in co-curricular activities as well, never to miss an event unless she was sick or not available due to various reasons. The teachers were fond of her, and so were her classmates. There were a few bullies and jerks, but Catherine never minded them, and instead carried on with her own business.
It was when she reached high school that she recognised her true passion and the career she wanted to pursue in her life, and it was music. The rich and melodious art composed of every throb and sound ever to exist delicately by nature had made her fall in love with music. Along with that, she also aspired to experience the thrill and glamour of city life, which always excited her nerves and made her daydream how would it feel to live amongst the never-sleeping cities, tall buildings with neon tinted windows and bright spotlights dashing to the nightsky.
She had loved to sing ever since she was a kid, starting from humming idly along with her grandparents' jingles and lullabies they sang during their daily routine. And so, she set her stance to reach out to everyone with her sweet deep voice and the acoustic strums she delicately played on her guitar, and everybody's ears were blessed that day.
After graduating high school, she passed her entrance into a good university of music, where she managed to secure one of the distinguished ranks under the category of guitar and vocals. Catherine had never felt stressed or exhausted during her college days because she was doing what she had been dreaming about since her teenage. She sure has had her sleepless nights and huge doses of caffeine to stay active enough, but she wasn't planning to back away from how far she had made already. Her grandparents supported her, and so did her professors. She was almost unstoppable from completing her dream. All she needed was one push.
And soon came the day where she successfully acquired her degree, and in front of her came her first music contract. She didn't start big, of course. She was just a support guitarist of a local band at a small bar, but slowly and steadily she paved her way to the top and started her true independent career. From group to solo, no matter with whom she worked with, Catherine was excellent at her job. And that's how she gained her famous alias from her full name, CJ.
CJ was living her life to the fullest, by that time. She was invited to various functions, met many celebrities, and other fellow artists like her who wished to collaborate with such a skilled musician. She sure had made a big name at her city before she could reach 30.
But this is not where her story ends. It had just begun now.
When another renowned artist named Hyun Ryu requested and invited CJ to Seoul for a musical collaboration with him. CJ had never been to Seoul, but she always wanted to. Now was the perfect opportunity for her to see what kind of life her father lived, and also go international for the first time with her career.
I mean, how bad can it be, right? It's not that she would find a mysterious phone on her way which turns her whole plot upside down, right??
Personality : CJ is that one person who is calm and composed as an ice cube all the time. She is not really a formal kind of girl, but more chill and easy-going. She is not overprotective and neither she gets jealous, all she wants to do is enjoy the debatable short lifespan she has and prevent it to be unnecessarily shitty by anyone ruining it, not even by herself.
Even after gaining popularity, CJ never came out as snooty or extremely egoistic. She has had a lot of fans, but she never treats them as lowlifes or just 'Popularity Coins'. In the end, she and everyone whom she has talked to are humans, and so she treats everyone equally, whether be a fan or a celebrity. She treats everyone with respect, of course excluding the ones who are actual assholes, but still she will never lash out at them and instead would try to finish matters with them as quickly as possible if they ever strike a conversation with her.
Interesting Facts : Her favourite food is chicken-fried steak and her favourite drink is orange juice.
She loves the colour grey. She feels that it goes well with any colour just like how black does.
Her hobbies include dancing, drawing, swimming, playing football and drumming.
She has a tomboy sense of fashion. She never liked wearing skirts or dresses, and even in her school she used to wear the school uniform meant for the boys. If someone questioned her, she would just reply that she 'doesn't think the girls uniform suited her, and uniform is supposed to be comfortable for the one who wears it'. Plus, she wasn't breaking the school rules nevertheless, so everyone let her be, just what she liked.
Well, ok. She won't mind wearing dresses actually. But first you gotta convince her hard enough to make her wear one, so good luck.
The guitar she always carries with her belonged to Dylan, which is the same guitar he used to play to Isabel when the days were younger and love was freshly in the air.
CJ has a habit of smoking. It ironically relieves her stress and lets her think more efficiently. She also drinks alcohol, but not as frequently as smoking.
She is physically pretty strong, and she has basic knowledge with common sense, but she isn't exceptionally smart.
She is ambidextrous.
As she was born prematurely, her vision had been blurry since birth. So she wears contact lenses to correct her defect.
She can speak only English, and she has no idea about anything of Korea, though it's very much her nationality.
She smells like mint and vanilla.
Voice claim : 💟
Familiar : She has a dog of the pug breed named Sweater, because his shiny coat reminded CJ of cosy warm sweaters. She found Sweater at the streets, who was looking very unwell and already seemed to belong to someone as he had had a collar. Filled with pity, she first took him to a nearby veterinarian and then contacted the owner. The owner refused to acknowledge the ownership over Sweater, so CJ took the sweet dog under her wing, and soon Sweater got used to her and became her fluffy ball of sweater sunshine.
Appearance : She has mid back-length Sacramento green hair and teal coloured eyes. Her skin is warm ivory, and her lips are faint red. Her body is toned and has soft muscles, and her breasts are B cups. She also has a tattoo of a musical note near her belly and she wears silver piercings and rings.
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This is her basic appearance, made by @kumaronoa
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This is her usual attire
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And this is her aesthetic.
(And that's all for her bio! I can't wait to officially indulge myself into the fandom haha! You can of course interact with her or ask questions about her, I'll gladly answer💕)
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hanawrites404 · 3 years
(trigger warning : smoking, mention of death)
Another day, another restorative morning, as if nothing else can motivate me enough to finally cut my laze and start the new day already.
I got off my bed and my eyes instinctively gazed out the window beside me at the wall. As usual, there wasn't much outside, just the same trees and lawns you would find in any other neighbourhood, yet I never seem to get tired of looking at them over and over every time I wake up. It was like a part of my everyday morning ritual which I definitely shouldn't miss, and honestly, I was fine with it. I was not the type of person to actively look for spices in my life after all, and even if I start to crave for it someday, I just wait for it to come to me.
Otherwise, everything just gotta be restful, that's all I want, to be honest.
The water was pleasantly chill to bathe in, too, and so was the dawn's sea breeze swishing through the balcony as soon as the curtains were tucked out and the windows were pulled open. If anything warm right now, it was the brisk sun and the brimming cup of steaming café au lait thawing my bare arms and fingers as I stepped out to lean onto the grill of my terrace. My feet were bare as well, touching the cool tiles beneath them as I felt the tingling sensation through my nerves.
I was still in my pyjamas, my hair up in a bun and it was still seven. Other than some elder citizens walking outside to get the minty air rushing and stray cats and dogs yawning and stretching, the scene in front of me was almost deserted.
It all felt quiet, but it wasn't prickly. The birds were still tweeting, the bulk of leaves rustled in a shimmer, and I could even hear my sigh as I blew the hot vapour from my cup, my lips slowly savouring the coffee bit by bit. It was very peaceful, I liked it.
But unfortunately, it wasn't real.
"미스......미스.....일어나 미스!"
I jolted up from the unfamiliar voice presumably calling out for me. So it was all a dream? I wasn't enjoying a utopian morning at my balcony back in Miami?? But it all felt so real....from the taste of coffee to the warmth I felt of the drink. So it was all my imagination? Wow huh....looks like the power of my mind is going to be a mystery to me for a while. I never knew that my brain could fool me into believing that I was relaxing at my home, and not dozing off in a Korean tourist bus.
"Ugghmm...Huh?" Still groggy from my sleep, I blinked twice before looking outside the window of the bus. By the look of it, I think we had come to the final stop. Before letting out anything else from my mouth, I silently turned my gaze onto the one who broke my slumber, namely the bus conductor.
He is looking right at me. Come on, say something....!!
"U-Ummm...." I stumbled, my index slowly moving to point at the complex the bus had stopped near at.
"역???" I cringed as I tried to pronounce the exotic word. Fuck. I didn't expect my voice to crack right in front of the bus conductor. And before anyone raises a question, no. I don't know Korean. I just happened to memorize only the important words I might need to communicate during my journey to Korea. But while I was still at home I felt pretty confident in myself, what happened to me now? It wasn't unusual of me, I am a human after all and I get nervous at times too. Yet it was.... surprising.
Hmm...it must be the anxiety of being in an alien country where everything is different from what I am aware of and what I have experienced so far. Different ambience, different language, and different people. Very strange and foreign, to be frank. But fresh and young, like a bite of a ripe green apple.
Nevertheless, the conductor just laughed at me and patted my shoulder very strongly. Ouch but Woah, now I could see why he was hired as the conductor. Strong arms, sharp eyes, along with a charm of his own to make people at ease. Even to a 'lost' newcomer like me.
"Yes yes! 역! Correct! Wanna come out??" With a grin twinkling on his bright face, he stepped away to let me through. I felt more relaxed than before as soon as I heard English from him, and it was pretty fluent too.
A small relieved smile broke on my lips too as I grab hold of my guitar case and my backpack and get up. My legs had gotten a bit numb inside my boots from not moving them much throughout the ride, and my jacket was almost off my shoulders.
"감사합니다" I quickly muttered before adjusting everything on me and stepping out of the bus. I didn't want to stammer again and, even if I wasn't in a hurry, I still wanted to make sure I reach where I was called to at an early hand.
"Have a safe journey!" The conductor waved at me, and I gladly turned around to return the gesture before entering the lobby. After I had made it inside, I left my belongings at a convenient place and went to the bathroom to fix my face and clothes.
I had been travelling for almost twenty hours; An eighteen-hour flight and a two-hour bus. It was back-to-back, and hardly I had the time to refresh myself properly and smoke a bit, but now was my chance to do so before I carry on to reach my destination.
With the help of the large mirror on the wall, I first removed my contact lenses and then washed my face and combed my hair. It had grown pretty long. But I wasn't planning on cutting them any sooner. I also dusted my jacket and jeans off and straightened my t-shirt inside.
After I was sure everything had been set, I put my lenses back on and vaguely looked around the room, and finding no one except me, I quickly stand near the ventilator above me and light my cigarette. What I was doing right now poses a threat to my health and is illegal, but this was a guilty pleasure of mine. I admit it shamelessly because why not. I have nothing to lose. We all are gonna die one day, so it's better we make the most of our lives and I was just doing that. Nothing more, nothing less.
Just because I said I don't seek adventure vigorously, does not mean I don't have any thrill in my life at all. I do have it. Everyone has it. You just gotta make it interesting in your way, and that's how you gotta roll, champ.
Anyways, after a couple of puffs, I got disposed of the cigar and shooed off the smoke around me. It was only after everything seemed clear that I washed my life hands and dried them, then left the restroom and grabbed my luggage back before I started to stride again, to the reception counter.
After all the formalities were taken care of, I finally breathed the outside air of Korean afternoon. The sun was luminous and overhead, but the heat wasn't as severe as back in Miami. The number of clouds here are much more than there, or was it just for this particular day? I had no idea.
I am not a tourist here. I came here for a business trip, you can say. A man from here, a freelancing musical artist, had personally requested and invited me for a musical collaboration. The deal itself sounded quite intriguing, also with the fact that I'm half-Korean thanks to my father's lineage, yet ironically I have neither ever seen Korea with my own eyes nor I have witnessed its culture. Until today, that is.
So here I am now, strolling in the middle of the bustling city surrounded by college students touring around, laughing and talking with their classmates and munching on unique dishes and snacks I had never seen before. And while I was busy observing them, someone bumped into me, breaking my contact.
"Oh! 실례합니다!" It was a young blond guy, wearing a light blue hoodie with a couple of smiley badges pinned to his chest. He quickly bowed after apologizing and for briefly taking a glance at my face, hastily trots in the opposite direction. I eyed him, judging by his clothes and the books he was carrying in his arms, he looked like a college student. Hmm...no wonder why he was in a hurry. He must be late to class or something.
But anyway, I continued walking. That musical man had told me to wait near the back alley of a coffee shop that was close to the station. Hmm, that would be easy to locate. The coffee shop was right in front of me! Hah, how easy.
And so, without wasting any time, I ambled towards the cafè. It was a cute little shop, in my opinion. The smell of roasted coffee beans and bubbling creamy milk was evident in the atmosphere, and the colour scheme of the shop had pallettes of vanilla and caramel. It was like I had entered not a shop but inside a nestling coffee cup! Pretty cool, especially for someone who loves coffee like me.
Also, a bunch of customers were inside too. This place was not lonely at all. Some couples were on a date, singles who just want peace of mind with a complimentary cup of coffee, and business workers too! To be honest, I liked one of the employee's suits too. It was of a short brunette woman with glasses. She was kind of cute too. And by how she was still typing away rapidly on her phone even while on her break, tells how much of a busy woman she must be. Damn, God forbid that I ever be this much busy in my career.
Working even at breaks. Scary, in my opinion.
Needless to say, that wasn't why I was here for. The city was new to me so naturally, I would be curious, but business comes first in such a case. And in this case, it's my case. So bringing myself back to schedule, I leave to the back alley, waiting for that man so we could finally meet after talking through emails and phone calls.
But......what was that man's name again?
Hmm, weird name. But as someone who prefers to be called CJ than Catherine Joseph, I am no one to say so. Or even judge so.
Zen......I wonder what kind of person he would be in flesh. Same friendly and confident as the impression of him in my mind? Or just some different personality I never saw coming? Well, only time will tell that. But right now, we wait.
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