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Junioren wielrenner Jaїr Nortan verovert zilver in Frans-Guyana
Jaїr Nortan heeft een sterke indruk gemaakt tijdens deelname met een Surinaams team aan de Grand Prix Cycliste De L' Ouest (8-10 juni) in Frans-Guyana. De 17-jarige wielrijder wist in de U-19 categorie zilver te pakken en eindigde overall het evenement ook als de hoogst gerangschikte Surinamer. De jongeling finishte na 3 zware wedstrijddagen, bestaande uit 4 etappes (3 wegwedstrijden en 1 tijdrit), in het algemeen klassement op de 28e plaats. Landgenoot Moses Rickets sloot af als 32e. De overige Surinaamse wielrenners Jeörgen Adelaar, Xavi Wadilie en Ruben Vismale hebben jammer genoeg het avontuur niet kunnen afmaken, waardoor ze geen rangschikking kregen. Van de 73 wielrenners die vanaf de openingsetappe aan de start verschenen, maakten 43 het geheel af. Aanvankelijk zou Jorryn Simson ook deel uitmaken van Team Suriname. Hij trok zichzelf terug vanwege ontevredenheid. Naar verluidt kon de Surinaamse Wielren Unie (SWU) niet aan bepaalde eisen van de wielrijder voldoen. Simson zegt desgevraagd deze kwestie binnenskamers met de organisatie te zullen oplossen. Eerder had Dimitri Madamsir ook afgezien van een uitnodiging van de wielerorganisatie. Hij koos ervoor met zijn Franse team VCM Belova, waarmee hij in het buurland traint, te rijden. Ondanks deze tegenvallers ging de trein verder. Progressie Uitgaande van recente prestaties is bij Nortan duidelijk een stijgende lijn te zien. De jongeling laat zich niet afschrikken door ervaren wielrijders. Onbevreesd stapt hij op zijn doel af. “Ik vind dat ik goed heb gepresteerd en mijn uiterste best heb gedaan”, zegt Nortan trots. Hij kende weliswaar geen goede start tijdens de eerste etappe vanuit Paramaribo richting Albina. Naar zijn zeggen was etappe 1 een uitdaging. Met name dat gedeelte bij Moengo verliep volgens hem moeizaam. Een deel van het weggedeelte is vlak en was het moeilijker voor hem om de hoge snelheden aan te houden. “Ik was na die eerste wedstrijd overall zeer laag gepositioneerd en dat heb ik later gecorrigeerd door ervoor te zorgen dat ik altijd in de voorste groep van de race was. Nadat de jeugdige de kracht van het overige deelnemersveld doorhad, was ik er zeker van dat ik het zou kunnen doen.” Na dag 1 stond hij in de U-19 categorie overall op de 9e plaats. Na etappe 2 klom hij naar de 2e plaats, die niet meer uit handen werd gegeven. Zijn doelstelling was de eerste plek bij de juniors te veroveren en overall zo hoog mogelijk te eindigen. Ondanks dat hij naar Surinaamse maatstaven een mooie prestatie wist neer te zetten is Nortan niet tevreden. “Ik ben toch 2e geworden.” Deze prestatie is echter een motivatie om sterker te worden. “Het heeft mij ook laten zien dat opgeven je nergens gaat brengen.” Naar zeggen van de jongeling heeft de training in Suriname en juiste mindset geleid tot dit resultaat. Hij is daarnaast ook de sponsoren, die hebben geholpen met voeding en coachingstaf dankbaar. Zonder de genoemde factoren had hij deze prestatie niet kunnen neerzetten. Vanuit Albina werd de oversteek gedaan naar Frans-Guyana. Naar zeggen van Nortan bestond het parcours voor etappe 2 en 3 meer uit heuvelachtig terrein. Hij erkent dat het moeilijk was, omdat er op een hoog tempo werd gereden, maar vond het goed omdat het zijn stijl van fietsen is. Hij zorgde ervoor altijd voorin van het peloton te zijn. “Dat heeft ook gemaakt dat ik overall kon stijgen.” Naar zijn zeggen kon hij voor 70% meerijden met de beste renners, want ze reden heel hard. Met meer training en ervaring wordt het veel makkelijker, gelooft Nortan. Nortan zegt desgevraagd dat team Suriname haar best heeft gedaan. Hij is echter wel teleurgesteld dat de overige lokale wielrijders de 3-daagse ontmoeting niet hebben kunnen afmaken. Volgens hem hebben de wielrenners uren getraind om zich richting deze ontmoeting voor te bereiden. De jongeling durft ondanks bovengenoemd resultaat te stellen dat Suriname in de toekomst de overige landen problemen zal geven. Opluchting “We zijn blij dat Nortan een prijs heeft kunnen behalen”, zegt SWU-voorzitter Earl van Wilgen desgevraagd tegenover Keynews. Hij is verder opgelucht dat het evenement erop zit. “De druk, stress voor organiseren en tegenslagen waren soms gewoon te veel.” De organisatie van het eerste deel (etappe 1) vanuit Paramaribo naar Albina lag in handen van de SWU. Bij de oversteek naar Frans-Guyana namen de Fransen de rest voor hun rekening. Qua organisatie was van Wilgen redelijk tevreden. Hij erkent dat de SWU niet over de nodige financiële middelen beschikt “om zaken soepel te laten verlopen. Het was passen en meten”, aldus de voorman. Ten aanzien van het team zegt de bestuurder dat gezien hun vermogen ze gedaan hebben wat ze konden. “De race was op een hoog niveau”, benadrukt hij. Om een beeld van het sterk bezet veld te geven verwijst van Wilgen naar deelnamen van Caribisch wegkampioen uit Guadeloupe, Damien Urcel, Edwin Nubul (kampioen van Martinique) en Briton John (kampioen van Guyana). “Als je naar de gemiddelde snelheid van de eerste etappe kijkt was dat 43.4 km per uur in de tegenwind. Dan weet je dat het hoog was.” Vanuit Martinique waren er 12 renners en Guadeloupe had er 5. Traditioneel zijn deze eilanden altijd ijzersterk. Pech Suriname had naar zijn inziens bij de openingsetappe een slechte dag. Toen een groep van 30 in de kopgroep wegreed waren er geen lokale wielrenners erbij. Van team Suriname kwam Xavi Wadilie als eerst binnen op plek 37, gevolgd door Adelaar (42), Vismale (47), Rickets (56) en Nortan (58). Etappe 2 ging over een afstand van ruim 160 km. Het was de langste dag. Volgens de SWU-topman deden de Surinamers ondanks het heuvelachtig gebied het heel goed. “Ze waren in de grote groep op minieme achterstand van de koplopers.” Jammer genoeg ging de ketting van Adelaar na ruim 60 km stuk. Vismale viel vervolgens uit met krampen en Rickets kreeg te maken met een lekke band, maar finishte wel op plek 38. De ervaren wielrijder liep echter door zijn lekke band een grote achterstand op. Wadilie en Nortan eindigden respectievelijk als nummer 28 en 33. Op de 2e dag werd ook het onderdeel tijdrit afgewerkt. Rickets finishte als nummer 5 overall. Wadilie volgde op 33 en Nortan op 45. Bij de slotetappe ging het er heel hard aan toe. Wadilie moest vanwege krampen op den duur opgegeven. Van Wilgen vermoedt dat de renner een dag eerder veel energie erin had gestopt. Daarnaast gaf de fiets van Wadilie problemen. Ondanks de tegenslagen sprong de wielrijder, nadat met een technisch team geprobeerd was het probleem aan zijn fiets te verhelpen, weer op de fiets. Hij haalde het peloton, maar op een gegeven moment kreeg hij weer last van krampen en moest Wadilie stoppen. Rickets en Nortan gingen door en finishten respectievelijk als 20 en 21. Groei Van Wilgen denkt dat de groei van de wielrensport in Suriname meer ligt in de kwantiteit van het aantal renners en beschikbare financiële middelen. Het materiaal waarover de lokale wielrijders beschikken is daarnaast minder. Naar zeggen van de SWU-topman is dit steeds een uitdaging bij deelname aan internationale wedstrijden. “We maken het beste wat we hebben. De middelen zijn minder. SWU heeft niet het budget dat de Fransen hebben, maar we zijn eruit gekomen.” De voorman benadrukt verder dat de lokale wielrijders vaker op dit niveau moeten fietsen. Read the full article
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[ID: Screenshot of tags reading
#what the fuck theres a difference between middle and centeal america??
end ID]
To make it worse, Prev, there's also another definition of Middle America:
[ID: Screenshot of the Wikipedia page for Middle America
Middle America is a colloquial term for the United States heartland, especially the culturally suburban areas of the United States, typically the Lower Midwestern region of the country, which consists of Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, and downstate Illinois.
included is a picture of a suburban street, presumably in so called Middle America featuring features of autumn
Middle America is generally used as both a geographic and cultural label, suggesting a central United States small town or suburb that is equidistant from most parts of the country, has a temperate climate, where most people speak with a General American accent, are middle class or upper
And then the screenshot cuts off. Continue reading at the link below.]
I do want to point out that I have never heard the term Middle America used to refer to a different region overlapping/somewhat larger than Central America as depicted in the Original Graphic.
[ID of original post:
A series of maps of the Americas with various geographic labels that use the term "America" labeled. Including "The Americas" showing the entire supercontinent of the Western Hemisphere, North and South America separately, Central America which covers the bottom portion of the isthmus connecting North And South America (included in North America), Latin America stretching from Mexico to the southern tip of South America, including some of the Caribbean and excluding Guyama and Suriname, Hispanic America which is similar to Latin America but excluding those South American countries that speak Portuguese, Iberian America which seems to my eyesight to be the almost the same as Latin America though perhaps not including French Guiana, Anglo America which Covers the US most of Canada (excluding Quebec) and Guyana and Suriname, Middle America which is labeled as a larger portion than just Central America stretching from Mexico to Colombia and Venezuela and some of the Caribbean Islands, French America which covers French Guiana a couple of Caribbean islands and Quebec, and lastly the United States of America which only shows the continental US including Alaska.]
I have not previously heard some of these categories used, namely Iberian America, French America and Middle America, barring Middle America with the definition I provided above of the suburban, Mid-Western US.
Guide to the Americas.
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Events 11.25 (after 1920)
1926 – The deadliest November tornado outbreak in U.S. history kills 76 people and injures more than 400. 1936 – In Berlin, Germany and Japan sign the Anti-Comintern Pact, agreeing to consult on measures "to safeguard their common interests" in the case of an unprovoked attack by the Soviet Union against either nation. 1941 – HMS Barham is sunk by a German torpedo during World War II. 1943 – World War II: Statehood of Bosnia and Herzegovina is re-established at the State Anti-fascist Council for the National Liberation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1947 – Red Scare: The "Hollywood Ten" are blacklisted by Hollywood movie studios. 1947 – New Zealand ratifies the Statute of Westminster and thus becomes independent of legislative control by the United Kingdom. 1950 – The Great Appalachian Storm of 1950 impacts 22 American states, killing 353 people, injuring over 160, and causing US$66.7 million in damages (1950 dollars). 1952 – Agatha Christie's murder-mystery play The Mousetrap opens at the Ambassadors Theatre in London's West End after a premiere in Nottingham, UK. It will become the longest continuously running play in history. 1952 – Korean War: After 42 days of fighting, the Battle of Triangle Hill ends in a Chinese victory. American and South Korean units abandon their attempt to capture the "Iron Triangle". 1958 – French Sudan gains autonomy as a self-governing member of the French Community. 1960 – The Mirabal sisters of the Dominican Republic are assassinated. 1963 – State funeral of John F. Kennedy; after lying in state at the United States Capitol, a Requiem Mass takes place at Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle and the President is buried at Arlington National Cemetery. 1968 – The Old Student House in Helsinki, Finland is occupied by a large group of University of Helsinki students. 1970 – In Japan, author Yukio Mishima and one compatriot commit ritualistic seppuku after an unsuccessful coup attempt. 1973 – Georgios Papadopoulos, head of the military Regime of the Colonels in Greece, is ousted in a hardliners' coup led by Brigadier General Dimitrios Ioannidis. 1975 – Suriname gains independence from the Netherlands. 1977 – Former Senator Benigno Aquino Jr., is found guilty by the Philippine Military Commission No. 2 and is sentenced to death by firing squad. He is later assassinated in 1983. 1980 – Sangoulé Lamizana, president of Upper Volta, is ousted from power in a coup d'état led by Colonel Saye Zerbo. 1981 – Pope John Paul II appoints Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict XVI) Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. 1984 – Thirty-six top musicians gather in a Notting Hill studio and record Band Aid's "Do They Know It's Christmas?" in order to raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia. 1986 – Iran–Contra affair: U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese announces that profits from covert weapons sales to Iran were illegally diverted to the anti-communist Contra rebels in Nicaragua. 1986 – The King Fahd Causeway is officially opened in the Persian Gulf. 1987 – Typhoon Nina pummels the Philippines with category 5 winds of 265 km/h (165 mph) and a surge that destroys entire villages. At least 1,036 deaths are attributed to the storm. 1992 – The Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia votes to split the country into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, with effect from January 1, 1993. 1999 – A five-year-old Cuban boy, Elian Gonzalez, is rescued by fishermen while floating in an inner tube off the Florida coast. 2000 – The 2000 Baku earthquake, with a Richter magnitude of 7.0, leaves 26 people dead in Baku, Azerbaijan, and becomes the strongest earthquake in the region in 158 years. 2008 – Cyclone Nisha strikes northern Sri Lanka, killing 15 people and displacing 90,000 others while dealing the region the highest rainfall in nine decades. 2009 – Jeddah floods: Freak rains swamp the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, during an ongoing Hajj pilgrimage. Three thousand cars are swept away and 122 people perish in the torrents, with 350 others missing.
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TURKEY Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online BOSNIA HERZEGOVINA CITIZENS - Imigracioni centar za podnošenje zahtjeva za vizu za Tursku
medicinska viza za Tursku viza- Elektronska viza za Tursku (e Visa) je službena putna isprava, slična vizi, koju izdaje turska vlada za ulazak i putovanje unutar Turske. Tursko Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova pokrenulo je 2013. godine sistem podnošenja zahtjeva za e-vizu kako bi zamijenilo staru vizu sa naljepnicama i pečatom. Putnici koji ispunjavaju uslove mogu nastaviti da se prijave putem interneta za svoju eVisa. Vlasnik turske e vize ima pravo na boravak do 30 dana u ukupno 90 dana u zavisnosti od nacionalnosti nosioca. Ovaj novi sistem učinio je obradu vize za turistička i poslovna putovanja u Tursku jednostavnom i isplativom sve dok je vaša prijava popunjena. E-Vizu možete dobiti bilo gdje s internetskom vezom za manje od 1 sata (Brza obrada), vaša e-Viza za Tursku bi trebala biti spremna. Zvaničnici šalju Turkey e Visa direktno na e-mail podnosioca zahtjeva, što je ono što predočite službenicima na ulaznoj luci kao soft-kopiju ili papirnatu kopiju radi provjere. Turska vlada zahtijeva da svi putnici, uključujući maloljetnu djecu, posjeduju važeću vizu. U periodu od aprila 2013. do januara 2017. turska vlada je izdala preko 16 miliona e-viza putnicima u poslovne i turističke svrhe. Proces prijave je jednostavan, ali se navodi da mnogi ljudi prave uobičajene greške u svojoj prijavi ili imaju nepotpune informacije. Online formular za prijavu za vizu za Tursku dostupan je svim građanima SAD-a, Evrope, Velike Britanije, Australije, Novog Zelanda i Kanada. Online aplikacija za vizu za Tursku , online aplikacija za vizu za Tursku, online aplikacija za vizu za Tursku, online aplikacija za vizu za Tursku, eviza Turska, eviza za Tursku, poslovna viza za Tursku, medicinska viza za Tursku, turistička viza za Tursku, viza za Tursku, viza za Tursku, viza za Tursku online, viza za Tursku online, viza za Turska, viza za Tursku, turska viza, viza Turska, poslovna viza za Tursku, turistička viza za Tursku, medicinska viza za Tursku, centar za apliciranje za vizu za Tursku, viza za Tursku za državljane Koreje, viza za Tursku iz Koreje. hitna turska viza, hitna turska viza. Turska viza za nemačke državljane, turska viza za nas državljane, turska viza za državljane Turske, turska viza za državljane Novog Zelanda, turska viza za državljane Australije. takođe ispunjavate uslove za vizu za Tursku online iz Antigve i Barbude, Jermenije, Australije, Bahama, Bahreina, Barbadosa, Bermuda, Kanade, Kine, Dominike, Dominikanske Republike, Istočnog Timora, Fidžija, Grenade, Haitija, Jamajke, Kuvajta, Maldiva, Mauricijusa , Meksiko, Oman, Kipar, Sveta Lucija, Saint Vincent, Saudijska Arabija, Južna Afrika, Surinam, Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati, Sjedinjene Američke Države i mnoge druge zemlje. Electronic visa Turkey (e Visa) is an official travel document, similar tovisa, issued by Turkish government for entering into and traveling within Turkey. The e Visaapplication system was launched in 2013 by the Turkish Foreign Affairs Ministry to replace the oldsticker and stamp visa. Travelers who meet the requirements can proceed to apply online for theireVisa. A Turkey e Visa holder is eligible for stay of up to 30 days in a total of 90 days dependingon holder s nationality.This new system has made visa processing for tourism and business travel to Turkey effortless andcost effective as long as your application is complete. You can obtain the e Visa anywhere with aninternet connection in less than 1 hours (Rush Processing), your Turkey e Visa should be ready.
Address : Robert C. Frasure St 1, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Phone : +387 33 704-000
Email : [email protected]
Website : https://www.turkeyonline-visa.com/bs/visa/
Category : Travel Visa
Business Hours : 24/7/365
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TURKEY Official Government Immigration Visa Application Nigeria, Benin Republic, Togo and Sierra Leone, and Brazil CITIZENS ONLINE - Ile-iṣẹ Iṣilọ ohun elo visa Turkey
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Iwe iwọlu itanna Tọki (e Visa) jẹ iwe aṣẹ irin-ajo osise, ti o jọra si iwe iwọlu, ti ijọba Tọki ti funni fun titẹ sii ati rin irin-ajo laarin Tọki. Eto ohun elo e Visa ti ṣe ifilọlẹ ni ọdun 2013 nipasẹ Ile-iṣẹ Ajeji Ilu Tọki lati rọpo ohun ilẹmọ atijọ ati fisa ontẹ. Awọn aririn ajo ti o pade awọn ibeere le tẹsiwaju lati lo lori ayelujara fun eVisa wọn. Olumu Visa e Tọki jẹ ẹtọ fun iduro ti o to awọn ọjọ 30 ni apapọ awọn ọjọ 90 ti o da lori orilẹ-ede ti dimu. Eto tuntun yii ti jẹ ki iṣelọpọ iwe iwọlu fun irin-ajo ati irin-ajo iṣowo si Tọki lainidi ati idiyele ti o munadoko niwọn igba ti ohun elo rẹ ba pari. O le gba e Visa nibikibi pẹlu asopọ intanẹẹti ni o kere ju awọn wakati 1 (Ṣiṣe Sisẹ), Tọki e Visa yẹ ki o ṣetan. Awọn oṣiṣẹ naa fi Tọki e Visa ranṣẹ taara si imeeli olubẹwẹ, eyiti o jẹ ohun ti o ṣafihan si awọn oṣiṣẹ ni ibudo iwọle bi asọ-ẹda tabi apiti fun ijẹrisi. Ijọba Tọki nilo pe gbogbo awọn aririn ajo, pẹlu awọn ọmọde ti ko dagba, mu iwe iwọlu ti o wulo. Laarin Oṣu Kẹrin Ọjọ 2013 ati Oṣu Kini Ọdun 2017, ijọba Tọki ti fun diẹ sii ju 16million e Visas si awọn aririn ajo fun iṣowo ati idi aririn ajo. Ilana ohun elo rọrun ṣugbọn ọpọlọpọ eniyan ni iroyin lati ṣe awọn aṣiṣe ti o wọpọ ninu ohun elo wọn tabi ni alaye ti ko pe.Fọọmu ohun elo ori ayelujara fisa Turkey wa fun gbogbo awọn ara ilu usa, European, UK, Australia, New Zealand ati awọn olugbe ilu Kanada. , Turkey fisa online elo, Tọki fisa elo online, Tọki fisa elo online, evisa Turkey, Turkey evisa, Turkey owo fisa, Turkey egbogi fisa, Tọki oniriajo fisa, Tọki fisa, Tọki fisa, Tọki fisa online, Tọki fisa online, fisa to Turkey Tọki, iwe iwọlu fun Tọki, Tọki evisa, evisa Tọki, fisa iṣowo Tọki, visa oniriajo Tọki, visa iṣoogun Tọki, Ile-iṣẹ ohun elo iwọlu Tọki, Visa Tọki fun awọn ara ilu Koria, visa Turkey lati Korea. amojuto Turkey fisa, Turkey fisa pajawiri. Iwe iwọlu Tọki fun awọn ara ilu Jamani, fisa Tọki fun awa ara ilu, fisa Tọki fun awọn ara ilu Tọki, fisa Tọki fun awọn ara ilu zealand tuntun, fisa Tọki fun awọn ara ilu Ọstrelia. o tun ni ẹtọ fun iwe iwọlu Tọki lori ayelujara lati Antigua ati Barbuda, Armenia, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Bermuda, Canada, China, Dominica, Dominican Republic, East Timor, Fiji, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Kuwait, Maldives, Mauritius , Mexico, Oman, Cyprus, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Suriname, United Arab Emirates, United States, ati ọpọlọpọ awọn orilẹ-ede miiran. Electronic visa Turkey (e Visa) is an official travel document, similar tovisa, issued by Turkish government for entering into and traveling within Turkey. The e Visaapplication system was launched in 2013 by the Turkish Foreign Affairs Ministry to replace the oldsticker and stamp visa. Travelers who meet the requirements can proceed to apply online for theireVisa. A Turkey e Visa holder is eligible for stay of up to 30 days in a total of 90 days dependingon holder s nationality.This new system has made visa processing for tourism and business travel to Turkey effortless andcost effective as long as your application is complete.
Address : Caporal Bernard Anani 01BP 2012, Cotonou, Benin
Phone : +(229) 21 30 06 50
Email : [email protected]
Website : https://www.turkeyonline-visa.com/yo/visa/
Category : Travel Visa
Business Hours : 24/7/365
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Bulk Sugar & Sweeteners At Food Universe
The cuttings have been planted and the first sugar-cane harvest in Hispaniola happened in 1501. Many sugar mills had been constructed in Cuba and Jamaica by the 1520s. By 1540, there were 800 cane-sugar mills in Santa Catarina Island and another bulk corn syrup 2,000 on the north coast of Brazil, Demarara, and Surinam. It took until 1600 for Brazilian sugar manufacturing to exceed that of São Tomé, which was the main center of sugar manufacturing in sixteenth century.
Many shoppers want the mental focus of caffeine without the jitters, prompting a wave of product development such as “half caffeine” ground coffee or ready-to-drink chilly brew blended with stress-free botanicals. Several companies are producing products that take in ethylene, the hormone that causes meals to ripen, in try to reduce meals waste. The meals liquid sucrose and beverage sector is looking for industry-wide collaboration and enterprise mannequin updates to scale back the environmental impact of plastic packaging. Note that unlike mass or volume, the density of a substance is independent of the scale of the sample. Thus density is a property by which one substance may be distinguished from another.
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Kye Ameden grew up in Fairlee, Vermont and has all the time loved meals, farms, and family. She spent her teenage years working by her chef/uncle’s side in an industrial kitchen, cracking hundreds of eggs, slicing cheesecakes into 13 good slices, and growing her passion for precision and baking. Honey replaced the sugar in the Cake Pan Cake on the left giving it a barely purple hue; the unique made with sugar is on the proper. Tg represents the glass transition temperature Tg of the maximally freeze-concentrated solute.
This enhance in water potential drives the majority move of phloem from source to sink. In the center of the rising season, actively photosynthesizing mature leaves and stems serve as sources, producing extra sugars that are transported to sinks where sugar use is high. Sinks during the growing season embody areas of energetic development meristems, new leaves, and reproductive constructions bulk high fructose corn syrup. Sinks also include sugar storage areas, corresponding to roots, tubers, or bulbs. At the top of the rising season, the plant will drop leaves and no longer have actively photosynthesizing tissues. Brix Scale - The content of sucrose - Brix scale vs. Specific Gravity and Plato - used within the sugar, fruit juice and wine making trade.
We were not capable of make robust measurements of the 14C content of embryos on the heart stage. This information helps you find dry materials dealing with gear, particularly used for processing and measuring bulk solids. Browse our equipment information categories to find and get in contact with your producer. Innovations, information, and case research associated to powder and bulk solids dealing with and processing equipment. When the syrups, after repeated boiling, now not yield crystals, the syrup is filtered and concentrated. Sugar in its varied forms is the third most used ingredient within the bakeshop, exceeded only by flour and water.
Obesity will increase the chance for kind 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and high blood pressure. Most individuals know that there's a lot of added sugar in common soda. However, in style "vitamin-type" waters, sports activities drinks, coffee drinks, and vitality drinks additionally might include a lot Bulk liquid sugar of added sugar. Early firstly of the next rising season, a plant must resume progress after dormancy . Because the plant has no existing leaves, its only supply of sugar for growth is the sugar saved in roots, tubers, or bulbs from the last rising season.
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@animalcomplaint said:
Everett Rummage on the "Age of Napoleon" podcast said this about the French west indies specifically, that sons of white slaveowners were recognized and could inherit, which is the background of some prominent mixed race black people in early modern French society (I think being sent to France to be educated was a thing). Which lines up with the vague things I know about racial divisions in the Haitian revolutionary period.
The wikipedia article on "Free people of color" says its a term for (usually) mixed raced people in the French speaking colonies, but also says "Comparable mixed-race groups became an important part of the populations of the British colony of Jamaica, the Spanish colonies of Santo Domingo, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dutch colony of Suriname and the Portuguese colony of Brazil" and lists a lot of notable Jamaicans who fall into this category.
oh! thanks!
i was wondering bc discussions of 'culture' is in vogue rn, my understanding is u ID as white while being 1/8 black, how do ur parent + grandparent with black ancestry ID? do you think your ancestry has an effect on your ~culture~, or what about ur parent or grandparent?
so my dad (1/4) is like. kinda weird about it? he's like, everything-passing. had a no war with iran sticker and got asked if he was iranian, went to mexico, spoke some bad spanish, got the native discount, etc. when i was a kid he would insist i check off both "white" and "african american" if a survey allowed both options. so i think he does the same. in college he was invited to a university event for black students so he came and arthur ashe (the tennis guy) told him he didnt belong there). anyway uh. i think he feels kind of weird about it? but the area i grew up in is pretty multiracial (altho not very black) so "mix of various ethnicities" is like one of the default types of guy there, and he grew up in NYC. my mom was once asked about her experience being in an interracial relationship and she was confused and didnt know how to respond
anyway my grandpa i think IDs much more with "immigrant"+"jamaican" than with black. i mean. he looks like your run of the mill american black guy. but he has a jamaican accent, and has lived in nyc his whole time in america so yknow, immigrant is a significant social role there. also there allegedly (according to my dad, i have not been able to verify this and have tried) a thing in jamaica where the children of slaves and slaveowners could inherit from their father so it was significant if you had white ancestry, like you were a lot richer. my grandpa didnt know his father but also owned like a plot of land+house in jamaica (he sold it when i was a kid, only visited once or twice), not sure whats going on there. he grew up in the middle of nowhere highland jamaica. weird guy. married a british lady (he was there for school?) and moved to the US
anyway im not sure i received much like jamaican culture from either of them except my grandpa would make (or actually i think my english grandma would make it) jamaican food and then i would get autistic about the texture except breadfruit which i love. weird jamaican stories. to the extent that it feels like ive recieved like a cultural influence from either of them its a bit of nyc culture (certain type of argumentative)
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SSB werkt succesvol nationaal scholenschaaktoernooi af
De Surinaamse Schaakbond (SSB) werkte in het afgelopen weekeind (24 en 25 mei) met succes het nationaal scholenschaaktoernooi af, een evenement dat in 1978 in het leven werd geroepen. Ruim 100 enthousiaste scholieren van 4 verschillende onderwijsniveaus namen het tegen elkaar op in het Denk Sportcentrum. Naar verluidt was de strijdlust duidelijk aanwezig. Het schoolschaak festival heeft als voornaamste doelen scholieren de gelegenheid te geven namens hun onderwijsinstelling tegen elkaar uit te komen, hen te interesseren om de schaaksport te beoefenen en de saamhorigheid tussen scholieren en schoolleiding te verbeteren. Naar zeggen van SSB-voorzitter Marlon Kaslan, is dit toernooi heel belangrijk. “De meeste jeugdschakers zijn schoolgaanden en als ze goed uit de bus willen komen voor hun school dan moeten ze zich sowieso bij een vereniging aansluiten om hun niveau te verbeteren”, legt hij uit. Volgens de bestuurder zijn ongeveer 90% van de deelnemers wedstrijd-schakers, terwijl de groep nieuwelingen of recreanten 5-10 % bedraagt. “De laatstgenoemde categorie wordt meegenomen in een team alleen om het team compleet of voltallig te maken”, aldus Kaslan. Kaslan zegt verder dat dit toernooi beginnende en gevorderde schakers moet motiveren om wedstrijd schakers te worden. “Meestal duurt het 3-4 jaren om een volwaardige wedstrijd schaker te worden.” De nationale schoolschaak titelstrijd is sinds 1978 aan het rollen gebracht. “Het is een vast toernooi in ons jaarprogramma”, verduidelijkt Kaslan. Naar zijn zeggen kijken de onderwijsinstellingen elk jaar uit naar het evenement. “Schakers hunkeren ernaar om voor hun school uit te komen.” Het is de bedoeling naar de districten uit te breiden door middel van de introductie van districtsschaak. Kaslan zegt dat het plan al op tafel ligt. “Alleen moeten wij de middelen gaan zoeken.” Er zullen naar zijn zeggen op korte termijn samen met de Schoolsport Federatie Suriname (SSFS) ongeveer 40 leerkrachten, die het vak Lichamelijke Opvoeding (LO) verzorgen, onderwezen worden in de basis schaaklessen. Deze visie moet onderwijzers in staat stellen scholieren de denksport aan te leren. “Willen de kinderen verder schaken dan kunnen ze bij een vereniging aansluiten.” De SSB wil in de toekomst tijdens het scholenschaaktoernooi ook kinderen die helemaal niet schaken, interesseren door middel van korte introductielessen. Volledige uitslagen top 3: Gewoon Lager Onderwijs (GLO):1. Shri Govind school, 2. Nassy Brouwer school en 3. Kangoeroeschool. Voortgezet Onderwijs Junioren niveau (VOJ):1. Salvator school team 1, 2. Berkenveld school team 1 en 3. Berkenveld school team 2. Voortgezet Onderwijs Senioren niveau (VOS): *1. Scholengemeenschap Kwatta team 1, 2. Scholengemeenschap Kwatta team 3 en 3. VWO 4 team 1. Hoger Onderwijs: 1. Anton de Kom Universiteit team 1, 2. FHR Institute for Higher Education en 3. Anton de Kom Universiteit team 2. Read the full article
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A guide for proper terminology for Nicky Hemmick:
Written by me, a Mexican-American.
Latin American: someone from Latin America, this includes Mexico but not Spain. Latin America is multi ethnic, and not just Spanish speaking, the non Spanish speaking countries of Latin America are Brazil, Belize, Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana, and the Falkland Islands.
Latino: decent from Latin America, similar to saying Latin American, but can include people born in America of Latin American decent. People don't really say "Latin American American," they say Latino American. (Latina = woman, and Latine = neutral but not commonly used, often typed Latin@s online for shorthand to include both). Latin American countries are very diverse, some are dominantly black/Afro-Latino.
Afro-Latino: Afro-Latin Americans are dominantly from African decent, some Latin American countries are majorly black/Afro-Latino. when used outside of Latin America it can mean someone who’s mixed black and Latino.
Latinx: "gender neutral" term for Latino, but probably made by white people because .... Spanish words don't end in x, and x isn't pronounced that way in Spanish, for example the name Xitlali (sometimes spelled Zitlali and other variations, but pronounced like an S). Honestly say Latino/Latinos or Latin@s, and in online queer spaces Latine/Latines.
Chicano: Latin American decent but born in America.
Hispanic: related to Spain, colonized by Spain, so this includes Spain but not Brazil, which is a Latin American country.
Mexican: a person from Mexico living in America, for example Nicky's mom, but often also casually used to mean Mexican Americans (or Latino/Chicanos in general).
Mexican American: Latin American decent born into America. Unlike chicano, it is associated more with the idea of assimilation into white America, but not always.
Mexicano: what Mexicans call themselves in Mexico (feminine is Mexicana).
TexMex: people who were living in Mexico, and then America bought/stole the land and said "this is also America now, you can leave or stay" and they stayed. They became Americans, Texas Mexican American culture is different than for example SoCal Mexican American culture because of this, (but still more in common with each other than not).
Anglo: someone who is non Latino, usually in reference to someone who lives in the America's that were colonized by British people and English is the standard spoken language, ex/ North Americans and Canadians who aren't Latino. Usually in reference to white people but not always. If someone is Asian American and constantly purposefully mispronounces my name, instead of being like "🙄white people" I can be like "🙄 Anglos" (or I could say gringo, which is not as nice of a term for anglo). I honestly don’t know if I can call a spaniard anglo, but I assume not, since they're not Anglo-Saxon, which is where the term comes from.
despite what the media represents, not all Latino’s are Mexican! although the two terms are often used interchangeably when they’re really not. there are 32 other countries besides Mexico in Latin America.
Mexican is technically a nationality, but because of colonialism it’s not that simple. Race dynamics work differently in different countries. Most Mexicanos are not connected with their mixed indigenous ancestors, while some still are, like the Maya. It is something that has been taken from us and has evolved into its own thing. Some Mexicanos are lighter than others, sometimes by being more related to the Spanish than the indigenous. Mexico has a huge problem with colorism and class divide as well as overall racial tension.
Mexico is also not only "white/more Spanish" "more brown" and "fully indigenous, culturally and ethnically", there are afro-latinos (like mentioned before), and also Asian latinos, specifically a large amount of Chinese immigrants from when China became communist, middle eastern latinos, etc. Latin America has immigrants too!
I have a friend who is fully Korean but grew up in Guatemala, I have another friend from Brazil who is 100% of polish and Ashkenazi decent, her grandparents having escaped to Brazil during WWII, but she and her parents grew up and spent their whole lives in Brazil, they are Latin Americans.
List of things Nicky's mom Maria is:
Mexican, Mexicana, Latina, Latin American, 'Hispanic' but like.... outdated term and usually when people use this they just mean Latin@.
List of things Nicky is:
Mexican-American, Latino, "Mexican" in the broad sense of the word.
Describing Nicky or his mother as "looking hispanic" doesn't really make sense because he takes after his mother who is described as very dark and therefore less Spanish decent and more indigenous decent, she's from a Spanish speaking country so... its not technically wrong, but Nicky is from and English speaking one and doesn't speak Spanish, so it doesn't really make sense.
He isn't Chicano and neither is she, she wasn't born in America and Nicky doesn't identify as Chicano or in general much with his mothers culture beyond visible features. He is never mentioned to make Mexican food, listen to Latin American music, or other aspects of Latino culture in general. He chose to go to Germany instead of Spain or Latin America, and he talked Aaron out of taking Spanish in exchange for German so Nicky could help him with his homework, (meaning he doesn't know Spanish, which many Mexican Americans don't know).
saying Nicky “looked Mexican” or “looked brown” isn’t a bad thing, Neil in the books says he’s two shades too dark to be considered tan, so... stop tip-toeing around it and call him brown instead of tan. It’s not a bad thing to be brown, and It’s not a bad thing to be Mexican. maybe I’m just from somewhere with a lot of Mexican-Americans, but when I look at people I can tell they’re not Anglos, or I think to myself “oh another Mexican” or at least “brown person” vs when I see a white person I think “white person.” I’m not face blind, I know that different races exist and look different and can see such trends in real people in the same way that when I look at a little girl I go “oh a little girl” not “what sex is this weird hairless animal, what is this alien”.
these concepts are a lot more complicated in practice, I get told often I don’t “look Mexican” but so does one of my cousins who’s afro latino and plays professional basketball in Mexico. Gender is fake but the majority of people we see are still falling into two categories on sight, it’s how we’re socially trained.
I'm also not an encyclopedia, if you think I made a mistake let me know and I'll check it out. A lot of this was just off the top of my head and words I just learned from.... existing, I didn't exactly look them all up in the dictionary.
Also if you’re writing Nicky, don’t be afraid to get a sensitivity reader, @sensitivityreaders is a good resource for this, and so is @writingwithcolor
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Guyana and Suriname are both in "Latin America," which is also categorized separately from the Romance Language speaking nations of Europe. Just completely misunderstanding the whole point of the category.
(The point was to justify Imperial French expansionism in the Americas, by claiming the former Spanish and Portuguese colonial territories as belonging to a common "Latin" culture with France. Didn't work out; Mexico kicked their asses.)
Civilizations according to Samuel Huntington.
Source: wikipedia, S.Huntington: The Clash of Civilizations
by dodi_maps
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Languages of the world
Indonesian (bahasa Indonesia)
Basic facts
Number of native speakers: 43 million
Official language: Indonesia
Recognized minority language: Timor-Leste
Also spoken: Australia, Netherlands, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Suriname, United States
Script: Latin, 26 letters
Grammatical cases: 0
Linguistic typology: agglutinative, SVO
Language family: Austronesian, Malayo-Polynesian, Malayic, Malay
Number of dialects: 4
1972 - spelling reform
Writing system and pronunciation
These are the letters that make up the script: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z.
Stress usually falls on the penultimate syllable of words.
Nouns are not marked for gender, number, or case. Nevertheless, plurality can be expressed by reduplication.
Definiteness is conveyed by a demonstrative. Inclusiveness and exclusiveness are marked not only in the first-person plural but also in the second-person plural.
Verbs are conjugated for aspect and voice. The rest of categories are either inferred from context or expressed using adverbs or auxiliary words.
Indonesian features a diglossia situation in which the standard variety, which is based on the Jakarta dialect, is mostly used only in formal situations, while vernacular varieties are used in daily communication.
There are four dialects: Northern, Southern, Western, and Eastern. Differences can be mainly found in pronunciation and vocabulary.
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one day i’m going to write a thinkpiece of how the general eurovision fandom views any ethnic minorities, because even when people don’t intend to incorporate racial biases, or when they’re saying something nice i get veryyy strange vibes. for example i’ve seen a lot of people comparing manizha with jamala(!!!), and whilst both are very talented and artistic women, the similarities aren’t that many? i feel like people a lot of people connect them because they’re from eastern europe and also percievably “foreign” (maybe jamala less percievably so, but everyone in the general eurovision community knows she’s crimean tatar and that her family was deported to central asia).
it also shows in a very common comment about eurovision 2020 and 2021 - i saw so many people saying things like how it’s cool to “have so much african culture” or “so many african-americans” - instantly putting all black contestants in one category, when for example jeangu macroy is neither from africa or “african american” (which people usually use for black usamerican), but from suriname. i know the community is mainly white and european, but ihghgh this makes me uncomfortable and i wish people thought more about their possible inherent biases before saying Things.
#i know these things are (generally) not ill intended#but it gives me bad vibes#the fact that people always lump minorities together like this and compare them is just...hmmmm#sorry abt this#and tbh some similarities can be seen between russian woman (the song) and some of jamala's works so i really earnestly hope#that that's what people mean (it's just that i've seen some indications that it's not *always* the intent)#ieieotm
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Well turns out the other post won’t be the last one.
Decided not to put anything under a cut but this post is tagged ‘long post’ so you can click on it at will. I’ve added shorter sections in (brackets) to put together the point.
It’s always been like this. In fact a couple of months ago I made a silly post about it. Please stop giving each other ass-pats about how not-racist you might be. Or how your one non-white friend says whatever you posted is not racist.
White people: Stop being performative allies.
My fellow peas of the seas, or individuals who aren’t white who interact on this western website: Being a poc is not a trump card to claim we can’t contribute to specific forms of racism.
I remember back when I was 17 I defended some (then not obvious to me) clearly racist art a white friend of mine made. I spoke to the people who came onto her art and told them they were trolling, they had to be. Spoke in all caps sometimes, had bolded stuff, all weird ways of talking with this demeaning or passive aggressive tone. I remember thinking ‘hey, do they know I’m a person of colour? They must feel silly! Here I am, a poc, who clearly says this is ok!’ But it wasn’t. In this instance the racist art depicted an indigenous person, and this was an instance of racism against indigenous people, and I am not indigenous. (Translation: Defending racism is bad, even if the people who say racism is bad might be mean to you.)
I also have defended white people who lived in a bubble of whiteness. I figured, well, they live in the bubble, or they’re young, and their actions weren’t coming from a place of malice because they didn’t know any better. (Translation: Even if you’re a nice person, your actions can still be bad, and you should acknowledge this.)
When someone points out to you that something is racist, you shouldn’t jump to a knee-jerk defence or being passive aggressive in acceptance of this fact. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but you’ll have to go through it. Remember this is not about coddling white feelings, it’s about the reproduction of white supremacy and racist ideologies in a multitude of settings. (Translation: Even if you don’t know anything about racism, or don’t think you’re racist, you could still be. Racism is not as simple as one action. It is a global structure that influences the world.)
Reproducing racist ideologies is something that people of colour can also be guilty of. This means that they don’t have the power to be racist (as racism is about a hierarchical power structure where whiteness is as the top, aka white supremacy) BUT they have the ability to reproduce (or repeat, mimic, etc) the racist ideologies that are prevalent all over the world. (Translation: Because racism is everywhere, everyone can do it, even if they don’t wish to.)
Yes, not everyone has the luxury of being able to understand English to a level that certain concepts come across. Which is why I’ve taken the liberty of adding tl;dr to the end of each paragraph to get that point across for my fellow ESL speakers. However not speaking English well enough can be used as another excuse for condoning racist actions by others. (Translation: Saying I don’t know better is not the solution to stop being racist. Trying to understand the other person is.)
The point is to stop making excuses. Stop defending the racist. Stop defending racist actions, no matter how small or big they are.
It is also not up to the people who are actually hurt by this to coddle you and teach you. If you wish to learn more please follow blogs that are specifically talking about these issues. Here’s one. Here’s another. Here’s a fandom specific one. Here are also my own posts about xenophobia and more xenophobia. Unfortunately they are heavy with academic writing but I’ll hope to make a simple English version of it one day. (Translation: Here’s helpful blogs for you to learn more from!)
As for the people of colour who talk about adding nuance, different perspectives, and how racism is complicated. Yeah. It really is. But whichever argument I see brought up about ethnic issues are still ethnic issues. That’s about xenophobia. I often talk about xenophobia and racism not being the same thing for a white audience, but I feel like maybe I’ve left fellow people of colour out of the conversation.
I’ll speak from my own experiences regarding this, because I could pull situations from all over the world but it wouldn’t be genuine nor would I be the expert. So. In my mother’s country we have many different ethnic groups who most of are not white (I’m pretty sure they make up less than 1% of the population), who sometimes get into conflict with one another. When they discriminate against one another, that’s definitely a bad thing. However when these groups fight both discrimination against ethnic groups and racial categories come to light, as the two are almost always heavily interlinked for people of colour. (Translation: Racism and xenophobia overlap and connect when it comes to people of colour.)
This country (Suriname) was colonised by western forces so it brought along a lot of strife. While no Surinamese person would probably refer to themselves in Suriname as a person of colour, when they are put in a Western context they definitely always do. When groups fight against each other they use both rhetoric imposed on them by western colonial forces (racism) and hatred for other ethnic groups (xenophobia). Because both groups are still groups of colour, they are only capable of reproducing racism, not producing it, as they have no power to in the structure of racism. (Translation: People of colour can discriminate one another with something they have power over, and reproducing racism.)
This entire conversation has also highlighted something that I’ve deliberately avoided in my previous posts, but my fellow black Tumblr friends haven’t, and that is the issue of anti-blackness.
Throughout all of this it seems like many different ethnicities have obviously come together and argue on different sides, but one side seems to be devoid of a certain race that has spoken up against these issues over and over.
When black people tell you that something is racist, your knee-jerk reaction shouldn’t be ‘but it isn’t, because I’m not white, and I approve of this.’ Going back to that story of 17-year-old me, I was not the racial group affected by the drawing. I was not offended, because it wasn’t my racial identity that was being mocked. When black people tell you that something is racist, you can assume that they’re telling you something is anti-black.
Don’t turn this a conversation only about the voices of people of colour when at the heart of the topic it’s been about anti-blackness shown by a multitude of people from different ethnic groups, white or not.
I’ve seen people act like they’re on the good side because surely they’re supporting people of colour who’ve told them that the side I’m arguing on seems to be ridiculous. I’m calling people names! Making assumptions! I’m stuck in a western perspective talking over non-western people.
Then turn around and they’re not boosting black voices. They’re not mentioning anti-blackness anywhere. I see MLK quotes taken out of context. They’re clamouring to reblog or create art depicting black characters or meta about them, while that art is either fetishistic or was proven to be made by a racist (who was proven to be so like 2 whole minutes ago).
(Translation: Don’t throw black people under the bus. Listen to us when we’re talking about anti-blackness. All poc are indeed not the same, so don’t treat it like it is.)
I hope this will be the last time I’ll talk about this. But I have a bad feeling it won’t be.
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Scientific Name: Theraphosa blondi
Common Name: Goliath Birdeater Tarantula
Type: Terrestrial Opportunistic Burrower
Category: New World
Endemic Location: North Brazil, French Guiana, Guiana, Suriname, South Venezuela
Body length: 4” (11cm)
Diagonal Leg Span (DLS): 11”(28cm)
Urticating Hairs: Yes, Type III
Growth Rate: Fast
Life Expectancy: Females 25 years / Males 5 years
Recommended Experience Level: Advanced
Theraphosa blondi, also known commonly as the Goliath Birdeater, was originally described by Pierre Andre Latrelle in 1804. There are two other closely related species to the blondi and they are the Theraphoa apophysis (pink foot goliath) and the Theraphosa stirmi (burgandy goliath birdeater). This is a very large New World terrestrial tarantula that comes from Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. Of these 3 species of Theraphosa, the blondi is the most moisture dependent more so as an adult than as a spiderling. This Goliath bird eater is also one of the few tarantulas that can make an audible noise as they can hiss when they feel threatened, They produce this sound through stridulation, which is when they rub their legs together that have specialized hairs creating a hissing sound.
Females of this species can reach a leg span of 10-11” with some people claiming that theirs have grown to as much as 12”. Usually their leg span is about the size of a dinner plate. Males are a little bit smaller with a leg span around 9 inches or so. Males typically only live about 5 or 6 years while the females can live over 20 years.
This genus is also known for having extremely irritating urticating hairs that can lead to itching, burning, rashes, and even blisters if you were to come in contact with them. The side effects can be even worse if you were to get the hairs in your nose, mouth or eyes. The venom for this species is not considered medically significant, but due to the size of this tarantula, and its thick fangs, a bite would be quite painful regardless of its weak venom.
Learn more by watching the video above or by checking out my website here:
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Let me now give you an example of Mr Proudhon's dialectics. Freedom and slavery constitute an antagonism. There is no need for me to speak either of the good or of the bad aspects of freedom. As for slavery, there is no need for me to speak of its bad aspects. The only thing requiring explanation is the good side of slavery. I do not mean indirect slavery, the slavery of proletariat; I mean direct slavery, the slavery of the Blacks in Surinam, in Brazil, in the southern regions of North America. Direct slavery is as much the pivot upon which our present-day industrialism turns as are machinery, credit, etc. Without slavery there would be no cotton, without cotton there would be no modern industry. It is slavery which has given value to the colonies, it is the colonies which have created world trade, and world trade is the necessary condition for large-scale machine industry. Consequently, prior to the slave trade, the colonies sent very few products to the Old World, and did not noticeably change the face of the world. Slavery is therefore an economic category of paramount importance. Without slavery, North America, the most progressive nation, would be transformed into a patriarchal country. Only wipe North America off the map and you will get anarchy, the complete decay of trade and modern civilisation. But to do away with slavery would be to wipe America off the map. Being an economic category, slavery has existed in all nations since the beginning of the world. All that modern nations have achieved is to disguise slavery at home and import it openly into the New World. After these reflections on slavery, what will the good Mr Proudhon do? He will seek the synthesis of liberty and slavery, the true golden mean, in other words the balance between slavery and liberty. Mr Proudhon understands perfectly well that men manufacture worsted, linens and silks; and whatever credit is due for understanding such a trifle! What Mr Proudhon does not understand is that, according to their faculties, men also produce the social relations in which they produce worsted and linens. Still less does Mr Proudhon understand that those who produce social relations in conformity with their material productivity also produce the ideas, categories, i.e. the ideal abstract expressions of those same social relations. Indeed, the categories are no more eternal than the relations they express. They are historical and transitory products. To Mr Proudhon, on the contrary, the prime cause consists in abstractions and categories. According to him it is these and not men which make history. The abstraction, the category regarded as such, i.e. as distinct from man and his material activity, is, of course, immortal, immutable, impassive. It is nothing but an entity of pure reason, which is only another way of saying that an abstraction, regarded as such, is abstract. An admirable tautology! Hence, to Mr Proudhon, economic relations, seen in the form of categories, are eternal formulas without origin or progress. To put it another way: Mr Proudhon does not directly assert that to him bourgeois life is an eternal truth; he says so indirectly, by deifying the categories which express bourgeois relations in the form of thought. He regards the products of bourgeois society as spontaneous entities, endowed with a life of their own, eternal, the moment these present themselves to him in the shape of categories, of thought. Thus he fails to rise above the bourgeois horizon. Because he operates with bourgeois thoughts and assumes them to be eternally true, he looks for the synthesis of those thoughts, their balance, and fails to see that their present manner of maintaining a balance is the only possible one.
Karl Marx, Letter to Pavel Vasilyevich Annenkov, (28 December 1846), Rue d'Orleans, 42, Faubourg Namur, Marx Engels Collected Works Vol. 38, p. 95; International Publishers (1975). First Published: in full in the French original in M.M. Stasyulevich i yego sovremenniki v ikh perepiske, Vol. III, 1912
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[ id: a map titled "The State of Democracy Around The World" in all caps, captioned "The global Democracy index score showed a slight improvement in 2022, but remains at its second lowest point since tracking began in 2006." data sourced from the EU Democracy Index from 2022.
its "democracy scale" ranks countries from 1.0 to 10.0 with the categories being 1-3 "authoritarian", 4-5 "hybrid regime", 6-7 "flawed democracy", and 8-9 "full democracy". a doughnut chart labeled "percentage of global population" claims that 37% of the world lives in an authoritarian state, 37% lives in a flawed democracy, 18% lives in a hybrid regime, and 8% lives in a full democracy.
the countries with the biggest changes are as followed:
Thailand is up 0.63, Algeria is up 0.59, Niger is up 0.51, Montenegro is up 0.43, Greece is up 0.41, Iceland is up 0.34, Sri Lanka is up 0.33, Albania and Chile are up 0.3, and Cambodia is up 0.28. Hong Kong, Mexico, and Jordan are all down 0.32, Iraq is down 0.36, Belarus is down 0.42, Tunisia is down 0.48, El Salvador is down 0.66, Haiti is down 0.67, Burkina Faso is down 0.76, and Russia is down 0.96.
full list of labeled countries:
Americas: Canada 8.88, USA 7.85, Mexico 5.25, Cuba 2.65, Haiti 2.81, Dominican Republic 6.39, Guatemala 4.68, Nicaragua 2.5, Jamaica 7.13, Costa Rica 8.29, Colombia 6.72, Venezuela 2.23, Suriname 6.95, Ecuador 5.69, Peru 5.92, Brazil 6.78, Bolivia 4.51, Uruguay 8.91, Argentina 6.85, Chile 8.22
Eurasia: Iceland 9.52, Norway 9.81, Sweden 9.29, Finland 9.29, UK 8.28, Ireland 9.13, Denmark 9.28, Estonia 7.96, Poland 7.04, Belarus 1.99, Ukraine 5.42, Romania 6.45, Bulgaria 6.53, Czechia 7.97, Austria 8.2, Hungary 6.64, Italy 7.69, Germany 8.8, France 8.07, Spain 8.07, Portugal 7.95, Türkiye 4.35, Georgia 5.2, Iraq 3.13, Iran 1.96, Saudi Arabia 2.08, Yemen 1.95, Oman 3.12, Kazakhstan 3.00, Turkmenistan 1.66, Afghanistan 0.32, Pakistan 4.13, India 7.04, Sri Lanka 6.47, Indonesia 6.71, Malaysia 7.3, Myanmar 0.74, Thailand 6.67, Vietnam 2.73, Philippines 6.73, Taiwan 8.99, South Korea 8.03, North Korea 1.08, Japan 8.33, China 1.94, Mongolia 6.35, Russia 2.28.
Oceania: Australia 8.72, New Zealand 9.61, Papua New Guinea 5.97, Fiji 5.55, rest of Oceania left off map
Africa: Egypt 2.93, Sudan 2.47, Ethiopia 3.17, Chad 1.67, Niger 3.73, Mali 3.23, Mauritania 4.03, Senegal 5.72, Liberia 5.43, Ghana 6.43, Nigeria 4.23, Central African Republic 1.35, DRC 1.48, Gabon 3.4, Kenya 5.05, Tanzania 5.1, Angola 3.96, Zambia 5.8, Nambia 6.52, Botswana 7.73, Zimbabwe 2.92, South Africa 7.05, Lesotho 6.19, Madagascar 5.7, Mauritius 8.14
/ end id ]
The State of Democracy Around the World, 2023
Only 8% of the world’s population actually lives in a full, functioning democracy, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit
by VisualCap
#this feels like a writing exercise a british tumblr user would recommend for fantasy worldbuilding#anyway CHINA NÚMERO UNO CAMPEÓN DEL MUNDO!!!
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