#catching up with pals on discord
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red-dye40 · 4 months ago
it is so important to tell people you love them
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redfoxwritesstuff · 5 months ago
Hate Mail (Human!Alastor x Reader)
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CW: Rough oral, Dub con Rated: Adult Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here) Summary: Alastor has been on the receiving end of some nasty letters at the station. With the help of some rather unique penmanship and a stroke of luck, the culprit finds herself in his crosshairs. What sort of lesson will Alastor teach his little hate fan and how will that change when he uncovers the reason why she is sending him the letters? Join us at VoxTek for a Vox themed Hazbin Discord where we talk Vox, Hazbin, writing, reading, art and who knows what else. You may even catch some exclusive sneak peeks at upcoming fics from some of your favorite writers!
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Alastor leaned back in his chair, old springs creaking under his weight, letting the dim light filtering in from the closed blinds illuminate the envelope in his hand. He could get a new chair. It wasn’t out of his or the station’s budget, but he liked this one. The way it creaked reminded him of all that he had gone through, sitting in that chair as he worked his way to where he was now, hosting his own evening show. He had taken it from office to office, as he had moved around the station, working his way up. 
The chair creaked its protest and requests for retirement as he shifted again, running the blade of the letter opener under the fold of the envelope. The sound of ripping paper joined the soft noises that filled the small office, along with the ticking of the clock. 
The sender had written the station address on the front of the envelope, above his name. Inside he would find a folded piece of stationary, thin but covered in a distinctive penmanship, just he had found in the last near dozen envelopes just like it. Did you know how uniquely you wrote your As? 
It was only a matter of time before Alastor found the source of this disrespectful dribble and made the sender pay for it. He was determined, and there was one thing that was always true about him; he always accomplished what he set his mind to.
Inside, Alastor found the same filth he had grown to expect. He didn’t bother doing anything more than glancing over the words. It was the same message he got every week, just worded differently. 
Whoever you were, you lacked creativity. Alastor sighed as he pulled open his desk drawer, tossing the paper onto the stack of similar notes. This had been allowed to go on for long enough. 
For each one he received, Alastor was determined to make the sender pay. First, he needed to find you. It was quickly becoming a habit to watch people as they wrote, but he had yet to find that little letter that would give you away. That’s alright. He knew it was just a matter of time. You couldn’t hide from him forever. 
Alastor closed the drawer, chair creaking as he stood. He had a few hours until showtime, but he had time to kill. It hadn’t taken him nearly as long as he had expected to finish the scripts for the week. Glancing at the clock, he elected to take an early dinner break. There was a deli not too far from the station that served delicious sandwiches, and he was hungry.
He shut the office door behind him as he stepped out into the hall. Much to his dismay, he found himself instantly faced with the company of Scotty, the sportscaster who cared more about baseball than anything else. Alastor was fairly certain the man hadn’t picked up a book in a distressingly long time. 
“Al, old pal!” Scotty clapped Alastor on the back in greeting. Alastor smiled wider, thinking about how good it would feel to clap Scotty across the jaw with his fist. 
“You going out?” The man spoke plainly, not bothering with the transatlantic accent when off the air. 
“I am,” Alastor’s voice came clearly, clipped and proper. He spoke the same on and off the air, unless in the private of his own home and even then, it wasn’t unheard of for the accent to be more of a habit than a show. 
“The currier is here, a total doll too.” Scotty gushed, “You should go downstairs and see her.”
“I’m not interested,” Alastor waved the smaller man off. “Thank you for looking out for me, however.” 
“At least stop by, say hello. I bet she’s a fan of our quickly rising star!” Scotty laughed as he walked down the hallway, letting Alastor free of the conversation.
With a shake of his head, Alastor started down the stairs. Today he had lucked out, Scotty hadn’t wanted to linger and chat. Any evening where he didn’t have to pretend to care about the rehashing of the last ballgame as a good way to start the evening. 
“Oh, Mr. Moreau!” The woman who manned the information desk called. She was an eager blonde, curls bouncing as she waved him over. “Come meet my old school friend!” 
“Sarah, no.” You hissed, looking between the man walking over from the staircase and your friend. “I need to get back to work.” 
“It’ll be fine,” Sarah assured you, snagging your clipboard from your hands. “I still need to sign this, anyway.”
“Hello, Ladies.” Alastor greeted as he strode up, soft smile reaching his warm brown eyes. 
You did everything you could to avoid looking at the tall man. He was handsome, fluffy brown hair bouncing with each step he had taken. His skin was just a touch too tan for what you had expected, but it was his eyes that threatened to capture your attention. They were the color of coffee, just splashed with the slightest hint of cream. 
“Hello,” you squeaked out, trying to not look at him. 
“Was there something you needed?” Alastor asked, looking between Sarah and you as you avoided his eyes. 
“No,” you said quickly, only to have Sarah talk over you. 
“This is my good friend,” she said, introducing you to the last man you ever wanted to meet face to face. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Alastor said, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles as he purred your name, “quite a pleasure.” 
“Likewise,” you mumbled, reaching for your clipboard, only to knock it from the high countertop around the information desk. It clattered to the ground at Alastor’s feet. 
“Oh, dear!” Alastor’s voice was far too cheery as he reached down, picking up your clipboard. He slowed for a moment, eyes scanning the page before he handed it to you. “I believe this belongs to you.” 
“Yes,” You snatched it from his hands, “thank you.” 
“You have lovely handwriting, my dear.” Alastor leaned into your space, just enough to make you aware he was doing it, but not so much to be improper. 
“Thank you,” you stuttered out, clutching the clipboard to your chest. “I should get back to the office. I’m sure there’s… there’s something for me to deliver.” 
“Oh!” Alastor snapped his fingers, smile spreading wider. “I forgot. I have a package I need to send off.” 
“I can wait-” Alastor cut you off before you finished the sentence, forcing you into silence. 
“Nonsense,” Alastor’s hand came to rest on the small of your back, pushing you ever so slightly to walk along with him, “walk with me. I’ll show you around.” 
“Oh, okay.” You struggled to find a polite way to talk your way out of the situation you found yourself in. Dread balled in the pit of your stomach, not budging as you tried to tell yourself that it was nonsense. 
The pressure of his hand on the small of your back was all you could think about. You tried again and again to remind yourself how much you hated him. Keeping that thought in the front of your mind was a struggle. It was easier to hate him when you didn’t know that he had such a handsome face to go with his smoothe voice. 
You hated him because he was popular. You hated him because he was successful. You hated him because women fell at his feet and he couldn’t bother to even court a woman most of the time. Most of all, you hated him because he had the life you wished you had. 
“Just step inside my office,” Alastor urged you forward with the hand that never left the small of your back, from the moment you left the information desk and the safety of your friend. “It’s just at my desk.” 
“Oh no,” you looked at him, shaking your head. “I couldn’t-” 
“Please,” the pressure on your back grew firmer, leaving you little choice but to step forward. “I insist. It’ll be far easier for you to pick up the delivery if you do.” 
You didn’t understand what he was saying, but you had little chance of resisting. The pressure on the small of your back was firm and unyielding, reminding you of who was in control every step you had taken together. It was hard not to stumble slightly as he all but pushed you inside his office, the door clicking shut behind him. 
“Mr. Moreau?” 
“Alastor, please.” He held his arm out toward his desk. “Now be a good girl and go over to the desk. I have some letters I need delivered rather urgently.” 
Your heart was pounding in your chest, sending blood roaring through your ears as you took timid steps toward his imposing wooden desk . The surface was littered with papers, some having doodles with circled words of commentary. 
Behind you, there was a click that sounded disturbingly like that of a lock turning. Looking over your shoulder, you watched as Alastor took a few steps into the room. His smile spread wickedly wide across his face, a cartoonish grin of mock reassurance.
He didn’t know. You told yourself that again and again. There was no way he could know. You had been careful. You sent every letter anonymously. 
There were no packages on his desk, you realized as your eyes scanned the surface. Nothing hid behind stacks of papers or file holders. 
“In the drawer,” Alastor’s voice came from over your shoulder, nearly spoken directly into your ear. A squeak escaped your lips as you jumped, startled nearly out of your skin. He had crossed the room both quickly and near silently. “It’s unlocked.” 
“Okay,” you whispered, stepping around to the other side of his desk, grateful for the chance to put some distance between you and him. 
Alastor followed you, an ever present shadow looming behind you, standing too close as you stopped again. His breath ghosted over your shoulder as you tried to do your best to ignore it. 
Bending slightly, you pulled the drawer open. It rattled as you opened it, not sliding smoothly along the tracks. It wasn’t a terribly deep drawer, but inside you found a stack of folded papers and ripped envelopes. 
“Take it out.” Alastor spoke softly behind you. He was always behind you, a shadow you could not shake. 
Your fingers trembled as you reached out. “Which ones?” 
“Whichever ones you want,” Alastor said, shrugging, though you could not see it. 
You swallowed as you picked up a few folded papers. They felt the same as the stationery you had back in your house. It felt the same as the paper you had used to- no.
It wasn’t. It couldn’t be. No. 
“Read it.” Alastor’s tone was firm, but his voice was as warm as it had been. You clung to that warmth.
Your fingers trembled as you unfolded the first paper. It shook, making it hard to read the words carefully printed. It didn’t matter; you didn’t need to see the words to know what they said. You had penned the words yourself just a few weeks prior. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, “I don’t understand.” 
“Well,” Alastor chuckled darkly, “I have to say you did a very good job!” 
“I don’t-?” You turned to find Alastor standing directly behind you once again, far too close for comfort, let alone propriety. 
“You delivered the package for me, ever so swiftly!” Alastor laughed at his joke. “Did you know you’ve got a very distinctive way to write your letter A?” 
“I beg your pardon?” You stepped away, only gaining yourself a few inches of space as your hip hit his desk. 
“Is there something wrong?” Alastor asked, stepping closer, stealing back what little space you had claimed. “Is there something you’d like to tell me to my face?” 
“N-no?” You looked everywhere but at Alastor and to him, that simply would not do. Slender fingers reached out, taking hold of your chin. His grip was far stronger than you had expected from such thin fingers as he forced your eyes to meet his. 
“Well?” Alastor asked, hand hitting the desk, trapping you between him and his office chair. His other hand quickly followed, properly caging you in. You knew he was close but as you turned to face him, you found yourself nearly chest to chest with him. 
“I don’t-”
“You don’t understand,” Alastor mocked, smile holding a dangerous glint. “You seem to not understand a lot of things.”
“Sir, I- I should go.” You stammered out, clinging hope. Sarah knew where you were. She would surely question if you did not come down the stairs soon. 
“It would be rude to leave in the middle of a conversation,” Alastor whispered into your ear, “and we’re not done talking.” 
“We have nothing to talk about.” You tried to duck under his arm, only to have his elbow fold, pushing him further into your space.
“Ha! We do though!” Alastor’s chuckle was rich, warmer than it sounded on the radio, and yet it sent a shiver running down your spine. “We should talk about how you have a very distinctive way of writing your letter A, for one. Ignoring it will not make me forget.” 
Alastor plucked the clipboard from your hands, flipping it so he could look at your writing. You watched as his eyes scanned over the page. It took longer than it should have for you to realize he had left an opening, though slight, that you could use to escape. 
You took a deep breath and darted out from between Alastor and his desk. Pain jumped through you as your hip smashed into the corner of the desk. It sent tingles down your leg, but you refused to let that stop you.
Oh fuck, he knew. 
You knew he knew. 
It was such a terrible decision. You’d had too much to drink at a speakeasy, dragged yourself home and found the sound of his voice worked you up. Being a good girl, you couldn’t do anything about it. It made you angry, knowing that other women were having what they desired that night and you were alone, wanting. 
So instead of pursuing someone to court you, you wrote letters to the host with the velvet voice. Once you posted the first letter, it was like you had uncorked a bottle inside you that you hadn’t been aware of. You kept having these feelings for the man with the voice.
A man you had never met occupied your mind during much of your waking moments. The sound of his voice haunted your dreams. A man you had never even seen became your personal ghost. There was nothing you could do to exercise it but keep letting those feeling out in aggressive, angry letters. You spewed vile things at a man that sparked things you didn’t want to face in yourself, not expecting the man himself to actually read them. 
But he did. You had accounted for everything, changed how you wrote even, but you didn’t account for one thing. You wrote the fucking letter A weird, even after carefully shaping every letter you penned. 
You didn’t make it far at all. As you rounded the desk, his strong hand wrapped around your wrist. Pain flared in your arm as it pulled back behind you, forcing you to turn toward him. 
Alastor yanked on your arm, harshly, upsetting your balance and sending you to the ground at his feet. 
“Please, don’t hurt me.” You begged. “I’m so sorry. I- I didn’t think they’d make it to you, that you’d read them.” 
“Your mouth is so good at talking the good talk. Yapping. But how are you going to make this up to me?” Alastor leaned down, cupping your jaw and forcing you to look up at him. “Words have power, my dear. Did you know that? That is why I’m so good at what I do. Your words hurt me.” Alastor was lying. He found your letters to be little more than a disrespectful annoyance, but oh, you needed to be taught a lesson. 
You rubbed your thighs together, not even aware of the movement as you did it. Fear was the only thing you were aware of feeling, but there was an undercurrent of something else that you refused to look at. It was that same evil feeling that the sound of his voice coming through your radio speakers in the evenings sparked inside you. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, meaning it more than you had ever meant it in your life. 
“Part of being sorry is making recompense, didn’t your mother teach you that?” Alastor was lecturing, keeping your eyes on him as he spoke each word, squeezing your jaw any time your eyes darted away. You feared there would be bruises come morning. 
“Yes, sir.” It was hard to speak with his grip on your jaw. He had your head pulled up so much that your neck ached and yet, you couldn’t help rubbing your thighs together. 
Alastor watched you, eyes darting over your face and down your torso to where your knees were planted on the hard ground of his office. Oh, he realized as he watched your thighs brush against eachother; you liked this. 
“Tell me, my dear,” Alastor’s grin spread wider. “Why did you write me those letters? Be truthful now. I’ll know if you’re lying.” 
“I-” Alastor squeezed your jaw when you hesitated. “Your voice, it made me… me feel things, and I took it out on you. It was wrong, I’m sorry.” 
Alastor hummed, eyes watching your thighs as they rubbed together. Did you notice, or was your body betraying you? He was fairly certain it was the latter, and that you thought you were just shuffling to keep your balance as he pulled your spine tighter. 
“What sort of things did my voice make you feel?” He leaned forward, elbow bending to ensure you continued be stretched by his grip.
Heat ran up your chest, racing up your neck and bloomed on your face. It felt like your ears were burning. You wanted to lie. You wanted to tell him anything but the truth. The look in his eyes told you that even trying to pass a lie off would be dangerous. 
“Sinful things,” you said, his grip tightening urged you to be more specific. “Lustful thoughts.” 
“From my voice?” Alastor chuckled as shame burned through you. “And you decided the best thing to do with your words was to say anything but that? Spew vile words of hate?” 
“I couldn’t-” 
“You couldn’t write me and say ‘Alastor, your voice makes my thighs rub together.’? or perhaps ‘Alastor, I touch myself to the sound of your voice.’?” As he spoke, Alastor hooked his thumb into his pocket, hip cocking as he rested his weight on one leg. “You wouldn’t be the first to send such letters.” 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Please, I’m sorry.”
“Did you think you could say those things to me and I wouldn’t find out who you were? Did you think you would escape punishment?” 
“No, sir- I-” 
“But perhaps,” Alastor hooked his fingers through where his belt fed through the buckle, pulling it free from where it was secured, “that’s what you wanted.” He finished, letting his statement be punctuated by the clacking of his belt buckle as he finished unbuckling the belt. 
“No, I-” 
“Oh, but you do.” Bending at the waist, he brought his face so close to yours you could feel his breath wash over your face. “You’re just too timid to say it.” 
The buckle of his belt clinked in the otherwise near silent room as he moved, unbuttoning his trousers and working the fly open. You looked up at him, shocked at the brazen behavior. You were not a blushing virgin, but you were also not well experienced in the ways of men. Never had you faced a situation where a man had been so forward with you.
“Please, I-” 
“Yes, do keep begging.” Alastor mused, letting his fly fall open, pants now only being held up by his suspenders. 
You opened your mouth to say something, to express your outrage somehow, but Alastor shoved his fingers inside your mouth instead. When you tried to recoil back in shock, he hooked his fingers into the soft underside of your mouth and pulled you forward. 
“You’re going to put that lovely little mouth of yours to good use.” Alastor said menacing as he pulled his face closer again. “You’re going to make it up to me, every little lie you’ve written, every terrible thing you’ve sent me. It’s time that you pay for them. And you will pay for them, I assure you of that.” 
“Yes, sir,” you struggled to say around his fingers. There wasn’t anything you could say to get you out of this. He was right, you would have to pay for what you had done. His forward actions, his anger excited part of you, that sinful part of you.
“Good,” Alastor said as he pulled his cock from his pants. He wasn’t as hard as you had expected, considering how forward he had been behaving. “Now put your mouth to good use, open wide.” 
Putting pressure down on your jaw, he didn’t give you much choice but to follow his order or collapse to the ground. With his other hand, he guided his half-mast cock to rest on your lower lip. 
“If you bite me, I assure you, it will be the last thing you do. Am I clear?” 
“Yes,” you struggled to say. 
Once satisfied, Alastor removed his fingers from your mouth and pushed his hips forward. 
Never had you done something so lewd as what Alastor was clearly demanding from you. That didn’t stop you from wrapping your lips around his member and sucking. The suction pulled him slightly deeper into your mouth, but with no lubrication, that was as good as it was going to get. 
You stuck your tongue out, running it around his shaft just past where your lips reached before trying again with slightly better results. 
“You can touch me.” Alastor said snidely from above you. “Or are you too dumb to use your hands?” 
Your reply was little more than a muffled sound as you reached up for him. Trembling fingers wrapped around his shaft, holding him steady as you pulled off of his cock, letting it fall from your lips with a pop. He twitched in front of your face, stiffer now than he had been before, but far from what you expected he could become. 
You swallowed thickly, coming to terms with the fact that the price you would pay for your terrible decision was to pleasure the man. You could do this. Eyes flicked up to Alastor, reminding yourself that he was an attractive man. There were worse men in the world to pleasure, even if you were having to do so with your mouth. 
One more deep breath and you leaned forward, sticking your tongue out and running your tongue over the underside of his cock. The skin was salty and velvety smooth under your tongue’s caress. He twitches against your lips, growing harder as you placed soft kisses and kitten licks along the slit in his head. 
Once he was harder and covered with trails of your saliva along his length, you wrapped your lips around his cock again, pulling him deeper into your mouth as you sucked at him. 
Bracing yourself against his thighs, you pushed your head forward, taking in as much of him as you could. When your lips caught on dry shaft, you pulled back, leaving a trail of saliva coating him. When the head of his cock was just kissing your lips, you sank down again. Your lips gathered the saliva that had been cooling on his skin, smearing it lower as you took him as deep as you could. 
You repeated the process again and again, running your tongue around him. This wasn’t something you had ever done before. You were disgusted with yourself when you realized you were enjoying the feeling of running his cock in and out of your mouth. The feeling of his hips flexing, fighting back the urge to thrust, was as intoxicating as the musky smell of him, pure clean man. 
The feeling of Alastor’s hand on the back of your head startled you out of the trance you had fallen into. Your eyes, having fallen to little more than slits, fluttered open to look up at him. 
“Good girl, but you can do better, can’t you?” Alastor laughed as you blinked up at him. 
He didn’t give you a chance to offer any sort of agreement. Hips bucked forward as his hand pushed your head forward. The soft head of his cock slammed into the back of your throat, causing you to cough. A rich moan fell from Alastor’s lips as your throat spasmed around him. 
You gasped for breath as he pulled back, only to have your airway choked off as he thrust into your mouth again and again. Fingers bunched into the fabric of his pants as you looked up at him with wild, tearful eyes. His brown eyes, once seeming so warm, looked into yours with cold desire as tears ran down your cheeks. 
“Swallow,” He said as he pressed the head of his cock into the back of your throat harder. 
You did, though you hadn’t intended to. It was a reflex as you tried not to gag on him. The head of his cock pressed onward, cutting off what little ability you had to breathe. 
“Relax,” he soothed, thumb caressing your head before he pulled you back off him. “Breathe, now.” He ordered as if you needed the encouragement. 
After gasping two panicked breaths in through your nose and around his cock, he shoved you forward again, hips flexing. Again, he pressed against your throat and you knew what he wanted. Battling every instinct in your body, you tried to relax and swallow, allowing him to cut off your airway. 
“Good girl,” you hated how your thighs twitched at the praise. 
Alastor thrust into your throat again and again, each time taking his cock deeper was easier. That did nothing to calm the panic in your eyes, slow the tears running down your face, or relax your grip on his thighs. 
“You’re taking me in your throat so good,” Alastor praised, working his cock past the back of your throat again and again, chasing his release now as he looked down at you. 
Spit gathered, bubbles forming from your gasped attempts at breathing in a ring around the base of his cock. He could feel it dripping down his balls, soaking into his pants. It ran down your chin as well, dripping off in long strings as it soaked into your blouse. 
“You look so pretty like this,” Alastor cooed as he lost his rhythm, release drawing near. “Taking your punishment so well. Won’t do that again, will you?” 
Your throat vibrated around him as you tried to answer, unable to form anything more than a sound smothered by his cock. That was all it took for him to reach his peak, balls tightening as he shoved your head forward. 
He twitched in your mouth, seed spilling down your throat in hot ropes. The curls at the base of his cock tickled your nose as he thrust deeper and deeper, not allowing you a moment to breathe. Seed poured into your throat, coating the back of your tongue when he would pull back, hardly giving you a chance for air before shoving forward again. 
Black swam in front of your eyes as you pushed weakly against his thighs. Only when he no longer twitched did he pull you back from him enough for you to pull a proper breath into your burning lungs. When his hand left the back of your head, you fell to the ground in a heap.
Alastor stood over you, cock softening considerably and yet still standing on display. After a few moments, he knelt down next to you, fingers caressing down your arm. Your body shuddered as you gasped for air, throat raw from the abuse. 
“You did very good for me,” Alastor spoke softly, “Very good indeed. I’m afraid I got a little carried away with you, didn’t I?” 
“Please,” you whispered, looking up at Alastor with red-rimmed eyes, cheeks flushed. 
“I know,” Alastor chuckled darkly, taking in how pretty you looked with your lips red and swollen. His cock, still hanging from the front of his trousers, twitched as he stiffened again. “I’ll take care of you, don’t you worry.” 
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coinandcandle · 6 months ago
Offering Ideas!
Offerings can be so difficult to keep up with, but here are a few examples of some daily--or even weekly--offering ideas! These can be used for gods, spirits, ancestors, or any entity, really!
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What is an Offering?
An offering is generally something that is offered as a religious sacrifice or token of devotion. This could be a physical item, a digital item, or an action.
Non-Physical Offerings
These are often easier to do, if you can remember to do it! Personally I have to have a reminder on my self care app to tell Lugh and The Morrigan "good morning" and "good night" every day. Here are some other non-physical offerings you can do!
Greetings. Just a simple "hello" or some other pleasantry at the beginning and end of each day.
Pray. Either improvise it or use one that you recite regularly. It's a bonus if you created the prayer yourself!
Sing. Again, you could create your own song if you'd like. This also works if you'd like to play an instrument.
Recite Poetry.
Exercise. Dedicating your exercise is a great way to incorporate offerings into a more regular routine!
Chat. Sometimes if I feel like I'm not able to do much else, I will try and chat, almost in the way one would speak to an old friend while catching up. I know some folks who make whole discord servers specifically to talk to their deities or spirit pals.
Write a digital note on your phone. This one is simple and easy and you can do it anywhere without worrying about other people overseeing/hearing.
Meditate. Meditating with the sole purpose of it being an action as an offering is a good way to not only help you feel connected, but can help you throughout your day, too!
Physical Offerings
These involve a bit more work, especially if you're trying to make sure your pets or children don't get into them! But if you have a space you can place an offering, even if it's on a countertop or the topmost part of a bookshelf, then here are some things you can do.
Or consider doing a libation instead--where you pour out a drink instead of leave it out!
Drinks. Alcohol is a pretty common offering but can be rather expensive. Try milk, juice, tea, or coffee. Hell, even your favorite energy drink or sparkling water can be an offering!
Food. Set a portion of your meal aside as an offering.
Tending to plants. If you have a dedicated plant (or multiple!) then tending to them can be an offering in an of itself.
Candles or Incense. This one is as old as...well, candles and incense, I suppose! You can also use an LED light for this if needed!
Cleaning. This is especially good if you're doing it as an offering to house spirits. Also good for deities that reign over homemaking and the sort.
Pick up litter. This is a good one if you're trying to get in touch with local nature spirits.
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lowkeyrobin · 8 months ago
Ray x reader skater rivals to lovers who both want to pursue skating as a career! Reader has their own group but they intend the same school and stuff and like they always tease each other and always have snarky comebacks towards each other and y'know that scene where everyone is skating in front of the court house that's where ray and reader always see each other and when the cops start chasing them ray and reader run together holding hands and when they hide ray is hiding reader (ray is taller than reader) and then they just kiss 🧍😭🙏
- ♣️
bro when u sent me this on Discord I actually FREAKED THANM YOUUUU ; also this is just adorable, I have no idea where u get these ideas LMFAO ; ty for requesting, hope you enjoy!!
RAY ; eyes on you
summary ; youre skating at the courthouse when the cops show up, and somehow spark romance
warnings ; language, mentions of smoking/drinking
word count ; 545
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"You skate like a motherfucker!"
"Yeah, I do fuck your mom. Thanks!"
He laughs, kickflipping off the stairs at the courthouse. He maneuvers between people sitting on said stairs, using the rail as his mode of transportation down.
You two plus your other friends were skating at the courthouse, chilling with other stoners and skaters you didn't know who all came to do the same thing. Smoke and skate, or both.
Fuckshit and Fourthgrade were getting high off a joint and casually skating around, Fourthgrade filming. Stevie and Ruben sit under the shade of a tree, sweating their balls off.
Your friends were across the courtyard, skating at their little heart's desire. They were watching you hang out with Ray from afar, often making jokes and comments about you here and there.
You'd broken your board a few days ago, leaving you without one for the time being. Now, standing in your baggy clothes, you couldn't feel the breeze run over your scalp while dopamine coarsed through your brain.
Ray, out of an act of generosity but more in a teasing manner, quickly grabs your hand as he slowly drifts by, pulling you up onto his board with him. You stand literally back to front, pressed against each other. His hands rest over your waist and stomach area, holding you onto the board as you relocate your balance with him.
It catches you off gaurd, a laugh escaping your lips as you hold onto his arms tightly.
"Ollie, one, two, three!"
You both jump at the same time, successfully pulling off the trick together. Laughs escape your vocal cords as you look at each other, smiles painting your faces.
"5-0! 5-0!"
Your smiles quickly turn to frowns, facial expressions turning to ones of panic as you quickly jump off his board so he can pick it up and you can run.
You look to the side, seeing your friends sprinting off without you. He grabs your hand and sprints after them, police right on your tail. You lag behind a bit, nearly losing your shoe as you ran because the laces had untied, and the whole thing was falling off your foot.
Ray ducks and pulls you behind a large garbage bin, holding you close as you hide, seeing a few cops run right past you. Your knees are tucked to your chests, his board hiding underneath the large bin behind you.
You gasp and pant for air, sweat dripping down your foreheads and backs.
It was one of those moments that you could feel music playing in the background, a massive wave of dopamine and adrenaline coursing through your bodies. You felt like you were living out a scene in some coming of age movie.
He looks at you, pushing his locs back to get some air on his forehead. He cheekily smiles, almost like a smirk.
"Hey pal," You laugh, catching your breath.
You're silent for a second before you pull him into a kiss, your dominant hand resting in the crook of his neck. His hands quickly trail to your face, his hands on your jawline and under your ears.
"I guess you aren't as dumb as a goldfish then" He jokes.
"You're a bitch"
"Your bitch"
"Don't get cocky, pal"
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stellamancer · 2 months ago
👁️👁️ …. sweet niku i am abt to go eep but . u have opened pandora’s box and so i must ask :3333c for nikumichi crumbs ….. uraniku …… you are v creative with shipnames so it’s hard to guess PVDKDBD but i desire to know >:3 how do you think you would meet / what would the dynamic be like ….. ? who’d catch feelings first ? ?? i must know . this is extremely important pls tell me everything!!!!! 🎤
🐭🐭🐭🍵 (<- the mice bringing u tea while you think this over …….)
LMAOOOO i'm not super creative!! they get adapted from by others... like nikooj (or enlightenmeat which was still a friend's idea and not mine). so the uramichi x niku name (as adapted by others is) uraniku/uranikoo but if i wanted to go in the same vein as enlightenmeat... UNFORTUNATELY THE FIRST THOUGHT IS ACTUALLY 'ROADKILL' OF ALL THINGS. T_T let me workshop it a little longer.
i think that i've never really actually super thought of it it because i think i was thinking of doing an ocship (with my baby girl princess kira no less) more than selfshipping. the lore there is actually really hilarious imo. mostly because kira's brothers are the type of hilarious people that uramichi would hate dealing with.
this is actually super hard because like. it's extremely hard to think of HOW we'd meet. i don't wanna do overlap so i don't want it to be like how i meet gojo or deku in their respective selfships. and I DON'T WANNA DO NEIGHBORS SINCE U KNOW I HAD A NEIGHBOR AU FIC I WANTED TO WRITE.
anyway, after some brainstorming on discord with some pals, uramichi and i would be introduced to each other by some friends we have in common, or rather, i have plucked my beloved moda and their beloved momo (from idolish7 which has now be canonized in uramichi world lmao) and they decide to set us up. kind of. maybe. they both invite us to go to yakiniku on a covert double date (actually moda has invited me to go with them and momo before but i have refused on account of not wanting to be a third wheel).
both uramichi and i separately clock that we're essentially being set up on a blind date immediately when both moda and momo suggest it to us but both decide to still go for our own reasons (me because moda tells me that momo has offered to pay for everyone and uramichi 1) to prove to usahara he does indeed have friends and 2) he's ultimately incapable of telling anyone who isn't usahara no).
i think that first double date is kind of... awkward. i'm honestly not particularly outgoing and neither is he and momo and moda do a lot of heavy lifting at the beginning...... i think the conversation 'takes off' (as much as it can take off for two socially awkward introverts) once we get into talking about hobbies. and moda and momo kind of watch us in amusement lmao.
it would probably be a very slow start, with a lot of nudging from momo and moda who thought things went very well. we probably run into one another randomly at some point and have go out to eat or hang out or something. maybe drinking. well. he drinks and while i don't really drink, maybe i have one or two since i'm a social drinker LMAO. i think the dynamic is kind of sickly sweet and wholesome ahahaha. uramichi doesn't really activate the tsun in me, but i think once we become closer he teases me a little as a treat. LMAO.
i think i'm generally fairly good at navigating personal landmines so i don't think i'd step on one of his but the lore need some drama so i probably do at some point...
IDK WHO CATCHES FEELINGS FIRST. i think we probably have an idiots in love sort of thing in which we don't think the other is interested (usahara and kumatani are trying to convince uramichi otherwise but failing). it might be a case of he catches them first but i realize first. he's probably pretty deep in denial. some jealousy aspect needs to get involved tho. idk how yet, i need to cook on that more, but i need jealous uramichi. i think he'd be like an angry sulky cat. no i need him to get so jealous he drags me away all dramatic ASK ME THIS AGAIN LATER I NEED TO REALLY COOK ON IT.
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roleplayallday · 3 months ago
Is anyone interested in a krustybob roleplay? I had a few plots in mind!
It’s also kinda dark so uh, warning for that.
‘At 19 years old, Bart Simpson has gone missing. At first they blame Sideshow Bob like usual, but the attempted killer genuinely has no idea where the boy’s gone. With no leads on Bart’s whereabouts, the search is finally called off after a few weeks. And a few months later, Sideshow Bob is released from prison. With no Bart, his homicidal tendencies have faded away and he’s been deemed ‘rehabilitated’ for the most part.
Well, the second he moves into a normal looking home on a normal looking street, he gets a letter from his old ‘pal’ Krusry, wishing him well, talking about how he genuinely misses him, hoping he’ll give Krusty a call if he wants to catch up and all that. Bob discards it at first because he doesn’t exactly like his memories with Krusty all that much, but eventually he caves and goes to visit him at his studio.
He’s snoopy, of course, because the people of Springfield kinda hate him, so he doesn’t make his presence known right away. Not until he overhears Krusty talking to Mel about how much he missed his former sidekick. And then Bob makes his presence known.
He and Krusty get to know each other again, we could have them go on awkward little dates. But ultimately I want Krusty to admit he has a crush on Bob by revealing his big secret. He kidnapped Bart Simpson on Bob’s behalf. He wanted to see him again, to get Bob out of prison. That would only happen if Bart was out of the picture. But he couldn’t bring himself to kill Bart just yet. So as a big display of love, he offers Bob the chance to kill his nemesis once and for all. Or, alternatively, have Bob watch as Krusty kills Bart.’
And yes, it’s Sideshow Bob, of course this works for him. He’s totally into it lol and the two become a couple with Bart out of the picture.
If this is too extreme for you, we could just have Bob released from prison and have Krusty surprisingly visit and catch up, invite him on an awkward date without actually admitting it’s a date. Bob finds out on his own and maybe plays stupid because he’a actually into the idea of Krusty trying to serenade him.
I aould be interested in being Krusty if either of these plots work for you. Dm me here or on discord! My discord is kazikuns
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sainz100 · 2 months ago
just emoting under the cut, I gotta get some personal feelings about tumblr off my chest ahh
I am so used to being alone that I've forgotten how to make friends!! which isn't to say I don't love talking, omg I love when you meet someone you can 'yes, and' with, who you can gush about your faves with, to create wild things together, and to listen to one another when things get hard ❤️❤️‍🩹
but as much as I love those things, the initial ice breaking for me in the virtual world is so hard, especially now since so many people I admire followed me back!! 😵‍💫💦 I feel like I'm behind glass but also so scared I'll do something annoying or wrong when I venture out, that people will leave and I'll be alone again
which is not true!! everyone should blog and create what's true to their heart ❤️ and everyone is free to curate their space (not being mutuals doesn't mean you can't be friends! maybe someone just has a certain driver who gives them the ick or maybe they want to follow only aesthetic blogs or maybe they only want close-close pals on the TL, etc etc!) being followed is not a sign of approval or validation that you're good, because you are! (I'm telling myself this!!)
It's more that, I get so nervous. Maybe I'll like and reblog too much or maybe I'll ask something silly. I feel like I am so woefully behind on reading especially, and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings that I can't catch up fast enough...or maybe everyone will move on to something new. which is fine, too! and good!! F1 especially with Daniel has been kinda heartbreaking recently. If it's not fun, folks will move on.
but for a few months, it felt so special. To be here for Spa, for Daniel's races, to feel good that I could find things that made people happy, to feel so close to being a part of something, it was so unreal!! ✨
now it's over. and I can keep diving into the past. (I do love to search [especially since it's something I can do at the office on the fly!! or when I'm so absolutely empty after work, mindlessly looking around for something] and I can search for things when the season comes back and I love to gif special events in the off season) but I keep opening this app and feeling so empty, like I'm doing it wrong
and when I do open up, I do it on other blogs, and I get so sad like "ahhh maybe I should've just done it here!!" instead of breaking up pieces of me all over the dang place and getting sad that no one knows who I am
anyways, I think I'm overthinking it! I am! It's not this deep, but it does mean so much to me. And I'm just scared I'll do something wrong, a self-fulfilling prophecy! I used to be so active in a fan discord for a musician (Käärijä, if you're curious!) and I got this same feeling of not knowing how to connect or feeling like I'd make a mistake when everyone there was so lovely 🥺 I kinda can't stand Käärijä anymore, so I didn't go back. I left when I was getting out of a hard living situation irl. I still feel so bad for not going back to properly say goodbye. Life just got so busy
and it is hard irl, I am always at work in an empty office (everyone else is remote!) and then I go home to an empty apartment (just moi!) and see friends on scant weekends (which I treasure!) but all that is to say that I'm sorry!! I'm trying to get life rebalanced, and I keep thinking I can't make friends until I've got life figured out!! also not true!! We're all figuring things out, and we'll be figuring things out forever, there is no "ahh I'm done growing! Now I can enjoy life!"
tl;dr!!!!!!! I'm still figuring things out ❤️ and I will try to connect while I grow 🌱 every kind message and tag and note means so much. I'm wanting to send more out to you too!! I want to reach out, and I'm learning how to do that again, so thank you for being patient with me (especially if you read all this ahh!! I love you!!) ❤️❤️❤️
anyways Autumn out!!!! and I'm not even going to overthink this big old post like I usually do (not every message and tag or post or fic needs to be overwrought like its make or break!!) it's just me. We're all just being ourselves here on tumblr and that's so wonderful, that's the part that matters most!! ❤️✨
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heymrspatel · 10 months ago
i was tagged by @heymacy @creepkinginc @mickeym4ndy @y0itsbri to do the pinterest game
and by @heymacy @mybrainismelted @energievie @deedala @lingy910y
@transmickey @thepupperino @mmmichyyy @ardent-fox @sxltburn
@jrooc @blue-disco-lights @gallawitchxx @mickeysgaymom to do the tag game thank you pals!! 💙
✨ pinterest procrastination tag game ✨
rules: first celebrity, outfit, quote, and aesthetic pic on pinterest is your vibe
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✨ weekly tag wednesday friday ✨
name: julissa
age: 33
your time zone: est or edt whatever the fuck
what do you do for work? stupid little formulas in excel
do you have any pets? no 😞
what first drew you to this fandom? i actually watched the show when it first started. lost track sometime during a hiatus. then picked it back up during season 10 and started lurking while it was still airing. but i only started interacting in 2021 when i realized how nice and friendly and welcoming everyone was!
are you a morning person or a night owl? 100% night owl! i tend to be a cranky pants in the mornings
what are your hobbies? drawing and taking silly little pictures mostly! but occassionally i also enjoy reading and baking and crafting and sending letters heehee 🥰
how tall are you? 5'1 🤏
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? uhhh idk, i just want to be happy lol
favorite color? blue and green 🌊🌲
favorite book? man idk man there's too many man
favorite movie? (see above) but also almost famous
favorite fic? (see two answers above) but also i would be silly not to mention ITQD or LRPD because those are my most reread. sometimes i'll just blindly choose a chapter when i need to feel better lmao
favorite musical artist: (see three answers above) but also this changes depending on when you ask me. right this second? kevin abstract, griff, and troye sivan - there's some variety for ya lol
what is your average screen time so far this week? 3hrs and 27min - but that's a lie because i'm in front of a computer literally all day so...
what's the first app you open in the morning? depends on the notifications. but 9 times out of 10 it's discord
how long have you been on tumblr? like 14/15 years... on and off but um yea lmaoalsdkfj about 3 years actively posting on this account though
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: i can fall asleep anywhere. just give me a few minutes.
i'm really late, but i'll tag a few babies @whatthebodygraspsnot @whatwouldmickeydo @metalheadmickey @howlinchickhowl @rereadanon if ya want. if not, this is just me giving you a little smooch 💙
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gallapiech · 8 months ago
im held hostage to do this tag game
thank u @spookygingerr for making this week's tag game heeeheeee and thank you @lingy910y @sleepyheadgallavich & @creepkinginc for tagging me!
favourite nickname someone gave you: NOT GREG. hm, maybe Fernsie? People usually just call me Pie lol.
favourite thing in your room/house: my computer :3c
your favourite thing about a friend/partner/family member: the joking jokester you make me laugh so much for the next challenge we will be painting using mythica's blood
what is something you’re grateful for today? The people who ordered a keychain :)
what’s your favourite thing about this fandom? The creativity!!!!!
if one song could describe your day today, what would it be? I'm so ass at doing these kind of things uhhh
pick one of your pocket pals and tell them something you admire about them: I'm gonna do this one a little differently, and use it for my tags at the same time!
@ian-galagher I admire the fact that despite also being Dutch you still haven't come to my house and beaten the ever loving shit out of me, yet. ♥ Also the Africa fic is so good I love it and you.
@lee-ow ur ok ig.
@deathclassic Molllyyy I always get excited when our paths cross! I admire your work ethic because I would've exploded 100 times already if I had the same work hours that you do LOL.
@thepupperino I love talking to you sooo much omg! I manifest you having insomnia every morning just so I can catch you in the discord server :) Also your stories are always so crazy and amazing oh my god.
@deedala I love it whenever we struggle at trivia together <3 What's the dps number of the shit toilet in fallout 4? hint: 0 vowels @doshiart I admire your dedication to art so much!!! Your art is so fucking good and I love your backgrounds and rendering I got much to learn from you.
@roryonic I admire your work ethic and I love your fics sooo much, your dry sense of humor is also very funny. @jrooc Your big sister energy is ooffff the charts Jess I love talking to you and I always feel like you give me a safe space. Also your writing is bomb dot com I eat all your words up. @heymacy YOUR GIFS AHHHH tyheyre so amazing macy, I also love it whenever I can catch you in the server. I always feel like you bring the sun with you wherever you go. @transmurderbug Sky I love talking to you, seeing you fail so miserably with the snail race commands and then giving up. I can't wait to hang out again next netflix n chill.
I can go on forever so I'll force myself to stop here, LOL. If I didn't mention you then you probably already tagged me :3, or I'm too lazy to add you but i still see u and appreciate u muah muah muah
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shelaghdette · 1 year ago
ctm s13e06 thoughts (spoilery, sweary, sleep deprived, scottish)
actual pisstake. frothing at the mouth. rabid. feral. unhinged. not being normal.
first of all, the episode.
matthew aylward is an absolutely abhorrent fiend. every single time his face showed up on the screen, me & my pals on the discord server were POURING abuse into the chat. callin this man the worstest names in the world. truly the minginest bloke ive ever seen. imagine shouting at my best pal trixie franklin (who is your beautiful gorjiss wife) just because she tried to help solve a problem YOU created. DIAF matthew aylward.
speaking of new faces, love aw the wee pupil midwives passing their exams!! so excited to see wee rosalind and wee joyce as permanent staff at nonnatus!!!
speaking of cyril tho, he's an absolute legend and was serving so much cunt this episode. 100% lad. love how nice he was to the poor irish wummin & her barins.
also doctor turner talking about his old arthritic knees like he doesn't know what a temptation that is for me as a recovering dilf addict. scrum diddly umptious. i had to go and have a lie down and a valium after that blatant and violent assault on my mental health.
speaking of scrum diddly umptious and the turners, costume designer putting shelagh turner in lesbian flag colours THE ENTIRE EPISODE and teasing all the gay lassies who have taste? cruel and unusual punishment. i fancy her so much. at least it was acknowledged how bonny she was in this one (and every one) (cheers sister v you queen)
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speaking of the turners also, it's fabulous to see all of my stepchildren safe and well, especially my best and favourite wee lassie may <3 i know we're probably coming up for some pretty harrowing stories about her, so it was awfy gid to see thon wee smile for a moment.
finally: loved seeing sheelz in her element on the old johanna whacking oot the jesus bangers wi the local weans SING HOSANNA SING HOSANNA SING HOSANNA TO THE KING OF KINGS!! GIVE ME OIL IN MY LAMP KEEP IT BURNING 🔥 🕺🏼💃👯‍♂️
fuckall but slay.
god bless my ctm luvvas. catch yis aw in a fortnight. big kissies to all (especially my wifey sheely turny)
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fiiniaofficial · 5 months ago
Grekiska templet vid vårt gamla hem
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The sketch itself is quite old now, and minor changes were made to it. I decided to not put in the flowers and removed the hanging leaves. Those were drawn in, but I liked it more without.
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Thought colouring in those lilypads were going to be the end of me.
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During this entire part I did not realize that the colours would look vastly different between my screens. The blue and purple hues looked so much brighter on the other screens.
When it finally came to colouring her, I was stuck on whether I wanted to keep the original idea or to change it up.
Did I want to keep the warmth in the middle so the focus would be on her? Or did I want to keep the colours fairly same all over the drawing instead, to make it all blend together?
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Since the focus was the main point of everything, I kept it. During the time of the process I felt like I was doing the wrong choice, but the closer I got to the finish; the more I knew I chose right in the end.
Cue a little shading
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Cue being stuck on neutral or warm tones
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The biggest reason that I got stuck on this choice, is that the colours varied far too much between all screens. The warm tones looked good on the tablet, the neutral tones on my discord/roll20 screen and... both kind of looked bad on my main monitor for series and games.
So naturally I made it from two choices to four.
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But hey! The lines went from black to coloured at least!
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I had not drawn fairies in such a long time, so it felt a little off. When it comes to fairies I like making them flowing little stars, so that you can leave their looks up to your own imagination.
Cute enough to seem magical with those little stars.
Not too overly attention grabbing, but not too boring either.
I think that in the end, I liked them more when they only had one shade to them. But I didn't want them all to catch too much attention from her, just the one she was looking at since it's closer to her who is meant to be in focus.
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I don't have a lot of screenshots of the process of this one, I ended up colouring most of this on separate discord streams. So comparing it from the start to finish...
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My brother ended up helping me choose which of these four would be the main one to be posted everywhere.
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There isn't much to be said about this honestly. This is a gift to a friend long gone, to you whom loved to draw
Girls with short hair and long dresses
Nature and water
Fairies and lilypads
I finished this much earlier than I had thought I would, so it is a little bit before your birthday still. Happy early birthday old pal. The memories we made by the lilypad river in the "magical forest" will forever be cherished.
In hindsight, maybe I should've drawn the eyes covered... You never did draw the eyes. "I haven't figured out how to draw those yet."
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whatinthehale17 · 1 year ago
Okay so, this is a bit of long shot but I'm planning on starting a fanmade project for TE. It's my favorite choices story and there's still so much you can do with it.
I'm currently figuring out how to use Ren'py right now and watching videos and what not to figure out how to do this. I'm pretty new to all this but I think it'd be a fun project.
I'm probably gonna do some of the writing like the plot and Shreya's route (best girl) and also as I said I'm figuring out the coding as well.
But I'm definitely gonna need some help on this. I know others have expressed interest in a 3rd book and now is your chance if you're willing to help. Again it's fanmade and we're not making money off of this, this is just for fun and you can bail at any time.
I'll be making a discord once I start to get some interest in this so the link will be up at some point but if you're interested, just comment saying you'd like to help and what you'll be able to provide for this project.
Co-runner- I'm gonna need someone to help me run this project, help me keep the thing running and I'm a bit of an idiot so I'll be coming to you if I need help with anything. You'll be the Atlas to my MC lmao.
Artist- If you're a good drawer or you just love to draw and wanna help out on this project, we'd love to have you. I'm thinking we'll need some new characters for the plot and if you want, maybe some new backgrounds too (or we could just pick ones from the multiple backgrounds choices already has)
Writer- I'm a lesbian and obsessed with Shreya so I don't really have any idea about the other routes. But I know a lot of people are obsessed with like Beckett and the other love interests so anyone willing to help work on the different routes would be great. Not to mention the plot of the book, the adventures the pend pals could be getting into and side stuff like your relationship with your mom and the villains and such.
Coders- Like any great game, we'd need people who can code or wanna try it out like I'm currently doing. I've always heard Ren'py is good for that stuff and that's what the ILW crew used and that's what I'm currently learning right now so if you wanna try it out or already know how, we'd appreciate the help.
And of course, if you just wanna help out, you can join and I'll figure something out for you to do. My work schedule is kind of whack right now so this week we probably won't be getting anything done unfortunately (maybe Thursday or Friday if I have people and what not) but hopefully the week after, i'll have things figured out.
Last but not least, my idea for how I think the plot should go-
The gang is back for their next year of school
MC, Shreya, Zeph, Beckett- Juniors
Griffin- Senior
Aster, Atlas- Sophomores
But just like always, the school year is never simple for them.
The High Attuned has been watching over the school and visiting more frequently, keeping an eye on you and Atlas.
Zeph is having trouble with Thief captain as much as he hates to admit it.
Griffin is having parent troubles after they found out about his interest in Natural disaster field work instead of being a professional Thief player.
Shreya has hired an assistant to help with Serene and Sublime, though the assistant keeps messing things up and causing Shreya to lose customers, important ones at that.
With Beckett's urge to please his professors, he works himself too much to the point he begins to experience burnout and freaks out over the smallest things resulting in him pushing his friends away.
Aster is having trouble running the shop and keeping up with her studies and she's worried she might have to close it down.
Atlas is happy to catch up on lost time with their mom but when their mom becomes a professor for the school, Atlas isn't exactly sure how to feel about it and starts to lash out on Theia, resulting in the MC to have to try and fix the relationship.
MC does their best to help everyone with their problems but begins to have problems of their own when the school recruits another sun-att who does everything in their power to one up MC in every way.
Of course, it's just a rough draft of how I think the year should go, but we could always change stuff around if people have better ideas. Also, of course, there will be new spells to learn like in the other books and I was also thinking like...was I the only one that shipped Dean Swan and Theia together? Like Dean Swan already acts like a mother figure to the twins. And some of the sources will be back like Gemma and I really wanted to incorporate the High Attuned because we got like two minutes of information about them and then nothing ever again.
So yeah, this is super long and we can talk more on the discord but if you're interested just tell me what you wanna do.
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ash-and-books · 1 month ago
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb:
Rival florists. Spite bouquets. A Monster Romance enemies-to-lovers YOU'VE GOT MAIL in the Discord age — this flower shop has everything. Sumi is on top of the world.
Well, as on top as one can be after learning a relative one never met has died, leaving one a small fortune.
Deciding the unexpected windfall is a sign she needs to follow her dreams, quitting her job, moving to aspirational Cambric Creek and opening a flower shop is the obvious move. Definitely not just a midlife crisis. Applying for franchise ownership with a giant flower conglomerate seems like a piece of cake — they provide the equipment, the distribution contracts, and all she needs to do is front the money and live happily ever after.
There’s only one catch . . . she didn’t realize chasing after her dream might cause someone else to lose hold of their own.
Ranar never wanted to inherit the family business.
There’s an enormous pressure to keep his family business going — started by his grandfather, passed to his father, and now to him. Pressure as a non-human business, pressure as the grandson of an immigrant, pressure as the eldest son . . . but as it is, brick and mortar flower shops are a notion of a bygone era in this digital world.
When Bloomerang, an online flower conglomerate, opens one of their soulless flower factories in Cambric Creek, Ranar knows it’s only a matter of time before he’s forced to close the door on his family’s business for good. It doesn’t matter how pretty the sylvan owner is or how friendly she seems — she represents everything wrong in the industry, in his world. She’s bound to put him out of business eventually . . . but he can make her regret it first.
Sumi is positive there is room for two flower shops in Cambric Creek, if only the owner of The Perfect Petal wasn’t such a rude, condescending, infuriatingly handsome jerk. Despite being non-human herself, Cambric Creek is a learning curve she wasn’t anticipating, and she knows she has a lot to learn about multi-species living — starting with the conundrum of her naga rival’s junk, because where is it? She’d love to discover the mechanics, if only he wasn’t so terrible.
When she joins an online server for local business owners, discovering The Perfect Petal’s owner is chatting there as well, she decides it’s the perfect opportunity to discover his weaknesses and take him down . . . if she doesn’t wind up falling for him first.
He Loves Me Not is a high heat standalone monster romance in the Cambric Creek universe. One does not need prior knowledge of the world to enjoy.
Pen pals, rival florist, and spite bouquets.... what could possible go wrong when two people have rival floral shops and might be falling for each other? Sumi has had enough, she's tired of her job, tired of her boyfriend, and when she is left an inheritance from her aunt, she decides it's time to finally make her dreams of owning her own flower shop come true and that means packing up her bags and moving to Cambric Creek. Sumi doesn't have friends and the only person who has been there for her all these years is her online pen pal... and Sumi decides if he makes her feel more than her own boyfriend it's time to dump the boyfriend. Yet when Sumi moves into Cambric Creek and mets the handsome Naga florist Ranar, she think she's finally found a new crush... too bad he hates her the moment he realizes that she's opening a rival floral shop that would be sponsored by a big corporation that is designed to completely put him out of business. Ranar is a divorcee, has a adorable daughter, and a family floral shop that is slowly dying... and when the first woman he's actually crushing on turns out to be the rival competition he can't believe how unlucky he is... and the only person he can complain to his is online penpal... who also happens to be Sumi. Sumi and Ranar are perfect for each other but with rival businesses and some very heated feelings, can they work out their differences or were they never meant to be? This was a very cute You've Got Mail inspired monster romance and I did adore the spite bouquets so much. I did wish there was a bit more to the epilogue and had a bit more of the relationship after they finally get together and resolve to be together because it does feel a bit abruptly ended, but I had so much fun with this book overall. I love the older aged up characters and their relationship was complicated but cute. I loved how forward Sumi was in chasing what she wanted and how she was so resilient through it all. It's a fantastic read and a fun addition to the Cambric Creek world!
Release Date: January 24, 2025
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
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ocrpsearch · 2 months ago
Hello! I’m Vin, he/him pronouns, 27 (soon 28) and seeking 21+ RP partners of any gender for original MxM RP!
My roleplay style is best described as script (which can very from simple replies to extremely descriptive ones, depending on what’s going on) and I RP on discord and use Tupperbot to clarify which muse is talking! I can provide examples of this upon request, but I enjoy it this way since I enjoy bringing other characters into RPs, whether as NPCs or something else (I once gave one RP partner a harem of hot guys rofl)
I would like any long-term RP partners to be people I can vibe with and talk with regularly OOC, but short term erp partners are fine if you don’t want to chat OOC much (the exception being if we end up rping a lot-). I know this is a deal breaker for a lot of people, so I want to be upfront.
On my Tumblr, I have a basic intro post and a link to my notion + Carrd + IG (my muses are a little scattered)
If you let me know what dynamic you’re craving or tell me about a muse you’ve been dying to use, I can present options and we can see if it’ll work or not! Conversely, if you’re looking through my OCs and see one that catches your eye, let me know! We can see if we can make something work with one of your muses :)
I enjoy talking muses and plotting and world building. I have created lore for my angels and demons and created entire species called Lights and Shadows! My Nightmares are my favorite creation! But I have everything from angels to regulars humans to omegaverse characters and much, much more!
Basically tldr: I’m pretty flexible with what I want. All of my RP pals have been busy and slowly quit the hobby, so I’m looking for more pals and friends!
interact and the poster will reach out!
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mykingdomforasong · 1 year ago
Fic Stats Meme
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words. Thank you @theydjarinfor the tag!
Most Hits:
More Light Than Heat (62,769 hits)
DinLuke, E, arranged marriage, Padme and Anakin raise the kids au + language barrier
If everything went according to plan, Luke would be engaged by the end of the day. He would meet his husband today. He didn’t even know what he looked like. ~*~*~ In an effort to help the recovering planet Mandalore, the Republic agrees to an arranged marriage between the Mand'alor and one of their most eligible bachelors: Luke Skywalker, son of Padme and Anakin. The only hurdle in this match is that the Mand'alor does not speak basic, and Luke does not speak Mando'a.
Second Most Kudos:
Flyboy (1,763 kudos)
DinLuke, E, Din gets to play out a sexual fantasy involving old Rebellion propaganda posters Luke was featured in. My first dinluke fic <3
If there was any one thing that would get Din to join the Rebellion it was this pretty boy who had shown up on the holo-net out of nowhere. He was an X-Wing pilot, judging by the uniform - a tight orange jumpsuit, tousled hair, and a face too pretty for war, in Din’s opinion. Din spends years looking at and fantasizing about the Rebellion pin-up boy, only to find out nearly a decade later that his flyboy fantasy is the last Jedi and his son's new teacher.
Third Most Comments:
Luminous Beings (42 comment threads)
DinLuke, T, canon divergent, old men enjoying their lives on Ahch-To with all their Younglings and no First Order
On their first night together, truly together without any beskar or Jedi robes between them, Din had promised that he would go to the far edges of the galaxy for Luke. They were old now, weather-worn and tired. The cold of Ahch-To hand long since sunk into their bones, making them achy before their time. When Luke senses a rising darkness in his padawan, he relocates his school to a more remote and ancient place in pursuit of balance.
Fourth Most Bookmarks:
Sky's The Limit, (114 bookmarks)
Skymandolo, E, voyarism, improbable three-way in the Falcon's cockpit
When Han caught Luke and the Mando, he shouldn’t have been surprised. Han knew from his own experience that Luke had a thing for getting off where he could easily get caught. Nearly-empty hallways weren't the exception, they were the rule. “One of these days, kid, I’m gonna catch you two and insist on joining,” he threatened.
Fifth Most Words:
Two You Owe Me (13,770 words)
Skysolo, E, one-sho turned three-shot, Han Solo keeps trying to get it in, but he is a better person that he wants the world to believe, and insists on making it good for Luke. He does finally get there, though. Luke ruins at least one pair of pants.
They had been in the cockpit just a few minutes before. Han was showing Luke some of the Falcon’s modified bells and whistles. And if he had been flirting, who could blame him? He liked a pretty boy with a bratty attitude. But they rarely liked him back. Luke did, though. -- Han gets Luke a little too worked up right before the Medal Ceremony on Yavin 4.
Least Amount of Words:
Flight Training (690 words)
Skysolo, G, they have a vaguely coded conversation about flying.
"Don't you trust me?" Luke asked. "Well, sure I trust you," Han said, "I just worry about your level of experience." ~ Han finally agrees to let Luke fly the Falcon. Despite Luke's skill and experience, Han's obviously nervous about letting Luke take control.
Tagging @lady-of-the-spirit, @leorizanzel, @sadiebwrites @grey-sides
as well as any other mutuals/pals from discord who see this who haven't been tagged yet!
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starry-mist · 1 year ago
S5e1 thoughts:
I'm in my happy place for the next 20-ish days.
This episode isn't actually all that great, but Charah had me at "later" "gator". (Which I misheard the first time, and which Discord pals will never let me live down, LOL.)
Dammit I miss Karma Poole so much.
Michael to Rex: You’re a good boy.
Rex: I will sit here and pretend to tolerate your presence.
There’s a fun moment early on where Sarah goes to do her usual “I cannot stop touching my coworkers” move with Charlie, but then catches herself and is like fumbling with her hands as she walks away from him.
I also love that this episode gives us the start of Rex being Charah’s go-between for kisses/hugs at the office. (Way cuter than the handshakes on Castle.)
Adele is very annoying.
I love Sarah’s shock at Michael just barging into the bullpen now that he no longer lives in the invisible box in the hallway where she was able to keep him separated from her work life.. (Also, bring Michael back please.)
Apparently the actress who played Jessica is Daniel Maslany’s actual wife.
Loved Sarah's takedown of Jessica. The first time I watched this one, I was actually half-expecting that she'd been stabbed, just from the angle. But apparently the Sarah whump was being saved for mid-season.
Same actor, different character: We last saw Stephen Lush as Gordon in The Woods Have Eyes. Here he plays the dead woman’s father. (I will admit that some of these I actually didn't fully notice on my first watch, and I'm looking them up on iMDB as I go.)
I did not expect The Climb from this show. That was a nice little ending surprise. Remember when Charah used to kiss? Those were the daysssss...
The smiling and awkward fumbling through the kiss are fun little things I notice. I headcanon that given Sarah was fresh out of her relationship with Michael, they probably waited a bit of time before they started dating, so at this point it's still fairly new. I like the little touches like noses bumping and little giggles that tell you this is still somewhat new and they're still figuring each other out. The awkwardness makes it that much more real (and sexy.)
Charlie. That tongue. Damn.
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