breelandwalker · 1 year ago
Your post about unwarded homes made me remember when I was watching this tv show (documentary?) about amish hauntings and one of the episodes was about a young girl being gifted a doll with a face by her non-amish friend and AS SOON AS she brought it into the house her family was absolutely plagued with demons from that day on...and I walked away from the episode going okay, why isn't everyone else fighing demons and evil spirits every day if it only took two minutes of doll exposure to completely demonify this amish household!!!!!
Oh boy, I have SEEN those shows. They're complete bunk. It's all entirely based on morality tales from Amish communities, which promise dire consequences for minor infractions to community rules. Like not even religious laws or actual safety guidelines. Just traditional community rules. Such as the rules about faces on dolls.
The same goes for like 90% of the "true" accounts of ghost encounters, paranormal activity, demonic attacks, and so forth you see on television. Sure, there are people who experience things, but the sensational tales you see in ghost shows are nearly always produced by a team of writers and "recounted" by actors.
And the stuff that IS based on true experiences? So much of it is just people scaring themselves based on past trauma, religious paranoia, mental health issues, or just plain ignorance. And by ignorance, I mean the people who freak out over noises in the woods as if there's nothing living there that could ever possibly step on a twig, or the ones who blame evil spirits for a house that feels "heavy" or "hostile" when they're constantly arguing with their family and not bothering to communicate or attempt to resolve conflicts.
But to your point, that's exactly what I was talking about. Why would that particular paranormal consequence happen ONLY to an Amish person? Same thing for witches. If the rules about intrusion by evil spirits or ghosts or demons or whatever are supposed to be constant for everyone, why is it only certain persons and households that are affected?
And no, it's not because witches are inherently more "in tune the the spirit world." Plenty of witches don't even bother with it. The only thing that is likely to summon ghosts and demons into your home is....actively and deliberately summoning ghosts and demons into your home. And even that isn't a guarantee.
("Oh but I started hearing weird noises in my house after I started practicing witchcraft!"
Yeah, because you were EXPECTING SOMETHING TO HAPPEN. Those noises were very likely there before, you just didn't think anything of them until there was a possible paranormal explanation.)
Personal pet peeve, can you tell? 😂
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