#catch me reblogging this every time it comes on my dash!
topherwrites · 5 months
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summary - spending the holidays with jake's family isn't always smooth sailing, but little else matters when you're grossly in love. (also - jake dresses up as santa for his nieces and nephews, you're real into it.) pairing - jake seresin x (fem!)reader word count - 2.7k rating - nsfw content, 18+, mdni! content warnings & tags - no use of (y/n) / mostly fluff / jake being super in love / jake's family celebrates christmas / very brief angst / me being incapable of giving jake a good childhood / brief mention of childhood abuse / swearing / alcohol consumption / dash of smut / fingering / lmk if i missed anything! a/n: a little belated christmas one shot for you all. reblogs, comments, and likes super appreciated! TOP GUN MASTERLIST / LIBRARY BLOG
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Heat audibly blasts through the vents, the entire house sweltering. A solid summer day indoors. His mother won’t even let anyone touch the thermostat. In her defense, she grew up without a lick of snow on the ground and now it’s fifteen degrees in December, a real white Christmas.
Which isn’t exactly ideal for Jake considering he’s been roped into wearing a Santa suit for his young nieces and nephews. The suit is all red polyester—the least breathable material known to man—and thick faux fur cuffs. It’s causing him to start perspiring where sweat simply shouldn't be, his white undershirt clinging to his back and his crack.
“It’s too goddamn hot in this thing.”
Unbuttoning the jacket, he airs it out, the relief near immediate. 
Over his shoulder, he catches sight of you lounging on the guest bed—the one his mother oddly insisted that you could share—odd because that’s been a hard and fast rule for all the non-married seresin kids since his older sister began dating.
When she’d pointed him to the room, he’d paused, waiting for her to tell him which room would be yours, separately. Exactly like the sole previous time a girlfriend had stayed the night, way back in college, he figured you’d be placed in the room past his parents so no premarital shenanigans would occur. When that moment didn’t come, he’d stood there stupefied till you bumped his hip, nodding in the direction of the room.
Then he found out that with his brother and sister, their spouses and kids, and a few stray cousins and aunts staying, every other room was already occupied tenfold when he showed up with you in tow. 
He wasn’t sure if he would actually come down until a few days before, on the fence about spending so much time packed together with his family. But you’d volunteered to go along with him, meeting everyone besides his mother for the first time. Offering yourself up as a buffer.
It gives him pause less and less, just how much you care about him. Warmth spreads through him at the memory.
He was thankful that you had a bunch of airline credit banked, otherwise booking so late during the peak holiday season flights would’ve cost an arm and a leg.
Your feet kick back and forth as your eyes drag up his back, not put off in the slightest by his melting-like-frosty-the-snowman state, meeting his gaze with a heat you don’t attempt to hide. His irritation at the outfit dispels at your attention, melting away into something far sweeter.
“Is this doing it for you?”
“Oh,” your voice strained, “yeah, absolutely.”
And while there’s a bit of humor to the whole situation, what with the whole ‘being dressed as Old Saint Nick’ thing, your attraction to him isn’t a joke in the slightest. Sweaty, sunburned, exhausted. You seem to take a liking to any form Jake comes in. 
You continue, twirling your finger in a slow, instructive circle, humor alighting in your eyes, “Do a little twirl for me, baby.”
He laughs but gives in to your borderline indecent direction, turning steadily on his heel. He does a slow three-sixty, letting the jacket fall to his waist so your eyes can freely roam. Turning back to you, he takes you in the sight of you before he closes the gap, crawling over you to give you a kiss.
Things are so simple with you, you never make him work for your affection, it’s always present, even in your teasing. He doesn’t feel that pang of being inadequate that his father instilled in him when he was young—the pang that he let drive him for far too long into his adulthood. He can breathe right around you, loosen his tongue, soften his words. He can be a good man, not just a good pilot.
He loves you. You love him. Everything is right in the world.
The kids love the whole theatrics of him dressing up like Santa, faux beard, and all. He answers their inquiries into whether or not he’s their uncle Jake with a falsely grandiose tone, handing them their presents—you’re not sure if they fully buy into it, but they all seem to be having fun.
Sipping on a mug of coffee, warm in your palms, you watch him from afar as he juggles holding two of his nieces, one dangling off of his arm like it's a monkey bar and the other calmly being held on his hip.
Ainsley and Avery—without judgment, you wonder what the reasoning is to name all your kids with the same first letter, like Pokemon evolutions.
“He’s always been good with them. Kids.”
Ah, the dreaded (potential) future mother-in-law ambushing you about kids part of the day. You had that penciled in for sometime around… now, generally. You look over at her. She looks back at you with a familiar glint in her eye. God, Jake looks just like her, same straight nose and dimpled smile and hooded eyes.
Mae doesn’t mean any ill will. You’re aware. But it all still settles ominously on your shoulders. The breadth of the unknown, what the future could hold, kids or not—whether or not you and Jake will even get that far, you hope so.
You nod slowly, calmly noting, “That’s not surprising.”
You see the way he is with them, how much they adore him. It’s a nice picture. But you're both still undecided on whether that’s one that you want of your own.
She seems to detect that you’re not going to humor her about the subject, dropping it. She looks at your empty mug, “Do you want a refill?”
You casually gesture to the sprig taped to the doorjamb above you, “Is that what you were up to earlier?”
You note the little red berries, the toothed leaves, and the bush-like appearance.
“Maybe.” With a self-satisfied smile, he shrugs. His large palms grip at your waist, gently pushing you against the doorway.
You scratch at your cheek. “You know that’s not mistletoe, right?”
Holly. It's a frequent mistake, mostly from movies that wanted something to hang with a little more visual pop than actual mistletoe. He sighs, head falling back as he glares up at the traitorous plant. You’d never pass up the chance to poke a little fun at him, but now you want to bring the smile back to his face.
You poke at his side, bringing those pretty green eyes back to you, “But I suppose I can spare a kiss regardless.”
A smile creeps onto his face, warmth clear in his gaze. He leans his weight into you, not enough to crush but enough to let you feel all of him. Tilting his head, his voice drops as he questions, “Oh, will you make an exception? Bend the rules? For little ‘ol me?”
Breathing the same air, his nose nearly brushes yours. Everything but him, every sound and sight is extraneous—it all just turns to static.
You hum in agreement, “For you.” You brush the pads of your fingers along his cheekbone,  intentionally gentle, enjoying the way his lashes flutter at the gesture. “Now give me a kiss.”
Like the ever-dutiful soldier he is, he dips his head in assent, “Yes, ma’am.”
He takes the green light, gently molding his mouth to yours.
His sixteen-year-old nephew, Sam, heckles him across the dinner table, quietly calling him a “fucking simp” as he hands you a refill of eggnog with a quick peck—that becomes two or three at his insistence, his lips chasing yours. His tone isn’t cruel, just an attempt at embarrassing his uncle.
He gets a smack upside the head from his dad—Jake’s older brother, Matt—for the language at the table, quick and sharp. Recycled material from their own childhoods. He tries to suppress the instinctual flinch, annoyance burning in his chest at how years later his heart is still sent racing. Jake wonders if he too, will become like their father. If it’s unavoidable. Something built into him. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree with his brother.
He knows that he has the capacity for cruelty in him and though it doesn't come as quickly these days, he still has to make an active effort to not be a dick sometimes, especially with Bradshaw.
And then, a hand, warm and stabilizing, slides across his thigh, squeezing tenderly. His eyes bounce around the table, everyone pointedly looking at their plates, just like when they were young and his father thought that one of them needed corporal punishment for acting like a kid. 
Except for you, whose eyes are focused on Jake with so much understanding that he can’t help but knock his boot into his brothers.
“Don't do that shit.”
A tense moment follows. The clatter of forks stop, drinks pause at lips, and everyone’s eyes plant on him, perplexed that it’s been acknowledged in the slightest. Matt levels a stare back at him, and he wonders if he’s going to hear their dad’s signature line come out of his brother’s mouth—don’t tell me how to discipline my kids—leveled at anyone who ever expressed concern for the way their father treated them, teachers, other parents, their own mom.
His brother is the one to blink first, dropping his eyes down to his plate as he stabs at a piece of asparagus. The festivities resume around them. Quieter. 
It’s not a real acknowledgment. But he’s drawn a line in the sand.
Sam continues looking at him for a few more moments. He wonders if his nephew knows just how similar their childhoods were, why his father is the way that he is. Not that it would make it better, but it might help him to know that it’s not him, some fault of his own. 
Jake always thought that it was him. He knows a little better now.
After all the kids have been bundled up in beds and the adults break out the liquor, it doesn't take long for Jake to crash. Sprawled on the couch next to you, his arm draped around your shoulder becomes less of a pleasant weight and more of a log hanging around your neck. 
You tap his stomach, softer and less-toned after the holidays—at your insistence that he actually eats some sugar for once and doesn’t, under any circumstances, wake you up at five am during your vacation so he can go for a run. You’re glad that he’s taken the threat seriously, that he’s taking it easy and actually relaxing while you’re here. He grumbles at your touch but barely stirs, about eighty percent tired, twenty-percent drunk.
“Christ, when did he become such a lightweight?” His brother directs his jibe disguised as a question to you.
Rolling your eyes, you sigh, standing up. You pat his thigh, holding your hands out. “Up and at ‘em, lieutenant.”
His eyes peel open at the use of his rank. Blinking awake, he flops his hands into yours, not taking a strong grip. You're thankful for the fact that he barely relies on you to help himself stand, swaying minorly as he does so. You’re not particularly eager to see what’d happen if you had to haul all two hundred pounds of Jake upright on your own.
You both trod up the stairs. His hand caressing the silver tinsel wrapped around the banister as you go, the Christmas lights hung from it setting the staircase in a warm glow. With your arm looped around his waist and his looped around yours, you make slow progress towards the room at the end of the hall.
He toes off his boots as you shut the door to the bedroom, flopping backward onto the bed. Eyes fluttering sleepily, a hint of a smile on his face, he sighs out a breath. Voicing his inner thoughts aloud, his voice is gentle, “I'm so happy.”
The statement settles sweetly in the air.
Taking hold of your hand, he pulls you on top of him. His eyes heavy, he isn’t particularly conscientious about where you’re going to land, so you have to catch yourself before you knee him in the dick. Straddling him, you find your place in his lap. Affection, as it always does, blooms in your chest at the sight of him.
“Are you as happy as I am?” His question is gently curious, none of his old insecurity laced through.
You slowly nod, hands smoothing over his chest as you lean over him. “Yeah, I really am.”
Under your palms, you can feel him huff a pleased sigh.
Large hands land on your thighs, smoothing up and down the bare skin under the hem of your skirt. His eyes roam over your figure, from your legs, your waist, your chest, finally landing on your face, “You look so pretty. Have I told you that?”
Suppressing your smile, you squint as you tilt your head, imitating deep thought. You hum, “Mm, about twenty times today.”
“I think you could stand to hear it one more time.” He sits up on his elbows with surprising swiftness, his nose brushing along your cheek before his lips settle next to your ear, “You are so pretty.”
He pulls back just enough to kiss you, lips gliding softly over yours. He tastes like rum and vanilla. Under you, you feel him grow half hard. It’s one of the things that you never really expected from him, just how needy of a drunk he is.
He slips his tongue into your mouth, large palms squeezing at your hips as he guides you to rock over him. His breaths mingle with your own as he pulls back, panting, “You wet for me?”
Rucking up your skirt past your hips, his hand slips into your underwear and he swipes two fingers through the wetness collected there before you can—for the sake of his sleep schedule—gently turn him down. You fold over him, smothering your moan into his shoulder as he pushes in, his palm immediately harshly grinding against your clit. With your own buzz sliding through your body, you melt into the pleasure, task entirely forgotten. 
Burning heat spreads through your core, your cunt clamping down around his fingers. It’s so good—it’s always this way, like he’s read the manual on your body.  Slick sounds echo in the otherwise quiet room; your gut twists, high building.
Just as you're about to fall over the edge his movements slow, and the peak he was working you to begins to dissipate. But you're left on the edge as his brain seems to intermittently connect to its previous task, working over your pulsing clit. Your hips kick into his palm, the not quite enough stimulation tortuous. You try to roll off of him, but the arm around your back stays put. He grumbles for a moment. You nearly yelp at a shift of his palm shoots electricity up your spine.
You shake his shoulder, “Jake, Jake.”
“Mm,” he hums, “no, no.” He blinks himself only half-awake, eyes still drooping, “Second wind.”
You reach behind your back, sliding his arm from around you, pressing it to his chest. You draw his hand out from under you, the drag of his fingers sending waves of heat through you. Pressing a kiss under his jaw, you whisper, “Go to sleep.”
Eyes still closed he slides the fingers that were just inside you past his lips, casually cleaning your arousal off them. You have to pretend like that doesn't make your cunt pulse with need. He rolls onto his side, then mumbles into the pillow, “Fine, but I’m going to rock your world in the morning.”
You pat his stomach, placating him—sure that in the morning he’ll remember that he’s surrounded by his parents, siblings, and their offspring, that the walls are a little too thin for what he wants to do to you.
You collapse on the bed beside him, already nodding off.
You're proven wrong in the morning. He sends you over the edge twice with his head trapped between your thighs and his palm sealed over your mouth. And at breakfast, you have to play off the flush he carries as the AC putting out too much heat, smiles barely suppressed.
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e/n: thank you for reading!
tagging those who liked the teaser: @mamachasesmayhem @pricelessemotion @sorchathered @dizzybee03 @always-and-forever-at @ofstoriesandstardust @sunlightmurdock @withahappyrefrain @aworldwideapart @shamelessghostwagonwobbler
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zer0pm · 1 year
Imagine Luis enjoying his time with you amidst the storm. Now imagine his frustration after when it’s cut short.
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Warning: Yes, you got it- there is indeed SMUT ahead. Read no further, minors. For mature, thirsty audiences only.
A/N: Continued from this imagine by popular demand. Thank you, everyone, for enjoying my work. The likes/reblogs, the comments/tags- those pings make my day. Y’all are golden so hope this piece brings a lasting smile ;)
He kept your legs spread by holding the bend of your knees in his strong hands. It was to keep you still but how could you when his head was deep between your thighs and his mouth was performing wonders that made you tingle rapturously all over? Your hands are buried in his thick, dark hair, pulling tightly when his tongue swirls upon your nerves and your head spins fiercely at the sensation. When he hums, the vibrations from his mouth nearly makes you faint.
When Luis said that he was going to savor you- he meant it. The man is enthusiastically devouring your sensitive organ like it was the finest and last meal he’ll ever have. You lost track of how long he’s been at it, mind numb from the onslaught of sparks going off in the pit of your stomach under his teasing. And although the rain outside pounded loudly, you had to bite your lip to prevent yourself from moaning, not wanting your sexual excitement to draw any infected to your location. Luis, however, was making that very difficult, hungrily sucking your building orgasm to the surface. Just as you’re about to tip over the edge, mouth agape to let it all flow out, he releases you with a sinful pop.
The suddenness of his absence forces out of you a throaty whine in protest. You look down at him in exasperation. “Luis, what the hell?” A deep chuckle reaches your ears in turn.
“¿Estás bien?” he asks with a devilish grin, rising from his spot to hover over you. He’s in front of you now, his lust-filled eyes appraising your disheveled form before he dips down to claim your lips. He didn’t even give you a chance to voice your complaint, a desperate sigh the only thing you were able to utter as he skillfully wrestles your tongue with his. You must indeed look like a carnal mess, absolutely ruined by just his mouth alone.
When Luis pulls back once more, he’s peppering your neck with ravenous kisses before retracing his path with a long leisurely swipe of his tongue. It was like he had to keep his mouth on you at all times, like he can’t get enough of your taste. You can also feel his hardness rubbing hot against your inner thigh and you bend your leg to purposefully brush along the skin, catching his hips buckle. The man bites your neck for your tease, earning him an erotic gasp from you.
“It’s a shame we’re in such a dangerous place,” he muses lowly. “I would love to hear how loud your voice can get when you come undone for me.”
You couldn’t help but play with him. “That a challenge? What makes you think I’d scream for y-”
A sharp yelp escapes you upon the intrusion of a sinful finger slipping inside your tight opening. A shameless, mirthful grin dons Luis’s handsome face at your uninhibited reaction.
He winks, “Call it a hunch.”
This man is a menace, you thought. Any further protests you can possibly verbalize was dashed out of your mind when he moved his finger in and out of you. Desire beginning to build deep within your core once again. He was slow and methodical, exploring your insides for every nerve that made you squirm upon contact. Luis’ smile widens when he thoughtfully observes you moving your hips to meet his ministrations.
“You feel like you’re ready.” he comments, desire burning bright in his grey eyes. “Are you?”
Judging by the subtle urgency laced in his question, he too was affected by this slow tortuous dance. It stirred something fierce inside you knowing that he didn’t just want you to follow him in this mutual pursuit of sexual satisfaction, but also to make sure that you met him on the same level- that you want this just as badly as he did. And boy, did you want this. Want him.
“Take me, Luis.” you firmly say in anticipation, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him in until your noses touched. “Please. I need you.”
That was all the man needed to hear to remove his hand from your warmth and gather your knees in his hands once again to raise your legs apart. You can feel the head of his member at your opening, prodding to dive home inside. Luis catches your eyes meaningfully. “You tell me if we need to stop. ¿Si?”
At your nod, he pushes in slowly. Carefully. Intimately. The pain of his cock stretching your walls makes you wince, but at the same time, you relish in the burn. Becoming one with Luis was so indescribably intense, you couldn’t help but cry out softly. Your fingers ran through his dark strands before gripping them taut to brace beneath him. By your ear, you hear him growl ravenously when you pulled at his scalp.
The man above you sharply sucks in his breath, finally seating himself all the way in and doing his best to maintain control even though every synapse firing in his brain told him to fuck you with abandon. Your warmth gripped around his cock so tightly it made him shake. You thought he would spill inside you then and there, but Luis restrains himself beautifully, muttering curses in his native tongue.
His voice drips low with palpable lust, “Mierda. Tú serás mi muerte.”
After a moment of catching breath, the two of you share a silent exchange of looks and he begins the dance with a pace unhurried and experimental, offering you time to relax and adjust to his size. You can feel him throbbing with each push and pull, the pulsing heat making your whole body shiver delightfully. You were a panting mess already, the sensations too good.
Seeing the discomfort soon leave your face, Luis’ eager thrusts gradually pick up speed and all control was thrown out the window to die out in the storm. The erotic sound of skin slapping bounces loudly off the walls, mingling with ragged breaths. Unrestrained groans rip from his throat deep within his chest causing you to moan feverishly alongside him. You don’t think either of you cared for the noises you were making anymore. It turned you on, hearing this man take pleasure in your body, him working your flesh so fervently to guide you to your peak. A particularly sharp snap of his hips throws your head further into the pillows and a bellowing cry escapes you. A determined glint flashes over the Spaniard’s eyes and he angles himself to push deep against that same sweet spot, setting your nerves alight. The bundle of energy below burns intensely, triggering off like fireworks growing hotter and hotter until you feel yourself on the verge of exploding.
Luis beholds you then. To say he is fascinated by you wouldn’t suffice. He is completely and utterly ensnared by you- by the expressions you make, the way your body responds to his attentions, the way your mouth opens only to have your breath stolen by a calculated thrust of his hips. He relishes how you tighten around him and you weren’t even trying, you were simply taking what he was giving. And Luis was only ever so enthusiastic to give you everything he had.
“Mi amor. Are you close?” he grunts. His gaze changes between you and the space where your bodies continuously meet over and over again, evidently enthralled with carnal satisfaction how his sex pummels inside of you before retreating and diving back repeatedly.
Unable to answer him, the deep plunges of his cock knocking the air from your lungs into guttural gasps, you shakily nod before covering your mouth with the back of your hand to dampen your erotic cries. Luis sees what you’re doing and moves your hand away, pinning your wrist to the bed. His other hand stays at the bend of your knee to keep you spread wide for him so that he can trap your body beneath his as he continues to fuck you hard into the mattress.
“No hagas eso. Your moans are mine. So let go.” he commands, but the desperation in his voice made it sound more like a plea. He is reaching his end too. “Tú y yo. Together.”
The dam of your orgasm breaks and everything gushes out with a throaty moan. Your whole body spasms in throes while his buckles against you, riding out your pleasure and milking you for everything you had until his own release spills out and coats your walls. Drifting down slowly from the high, Luis gently pulls himself out and collapses beside you, his body facing towards you.
As you try to steady your breathing, you feel his’ hand upon your cheek, turning your head to meet his eyes. Gone was his seductive smile and playful gaze, in place was something softer and much more intimate.
“Holy fuck,” you rasp, your voice going hoarse. “I think you broke me. I can’t feel my legs.”
You hear the man laugh breathlessly beside you. “Now that is what a man likes to hear.”
You admire him then, taking in his afterglow. His whole body was glistening with sweat (you imagine your state was no different) and he had a serene air about him. Before when he was asleep, he seemed relaxed. But now, he exuded it and looked genuinely content. You can’t help but smile knowing that you helped bring out this side of him.
“How are you feeling?” you ask him considerately.
Luis turns his head slightly to stare at the ceiling. “¿Verdad?” he responds, glancing back at you. “Pretty good. ¿Y tú?”
His words inspire a coy smirk upon your lips. “I’m good. Really good. So good, in fact…”
You follow up with a purposeful hand upon his chest, running along the fine, dark patches of hair until your touch wanders down below his waist. Fingertips tease around the base of his cock. To your glee, it twitches at your attention once again.
Newborn desire washes over his rugged face, watching your movements with great intrigue. “I can see your thinking.”
You shrug, “Want to go again after a bit of rest?” His lips curve upward at your enthusiasm.
“I suppose I can do you this kindness-” Luis cuts himself short with a chuckle when you smack his shoulder in mild indignation for his snark before assuaging your annoyance with a promising kiss.
His mouth dips to your neck once more, making a journey filled with nips and kisses that spark the familiar tingles of pleasure across your body. To your astonishment, you feel his cock poke at your side, already stiff and throbbing.
“What happened to rest?” you ask in mild amusement.
The charming smirk returns to his lips when he meets your eyes again. “Siempre tengo sed de ti.”
His lips return to your perspiring skin and keeps going down until he’s right back at his starting position- between your legs. To welcome him back there, your hands return to his hair, ready for more. You feel his hot breath fan against your waiting sex and braced yourself for another wonderful ride, but nearly jump at the sound of loud popping in the distance. At first, you thought it was the lightning, but it became increasingly frequent in occurrence and sounded like it was coming closer.
“Luis, do you hear that?”
The man looks up at you with a raised brow. “You mean your praises for what a good job I did in bringing you orgasmic ecstasy a few minutes ago? To be honest, I’m still waiting for more.”
You rolls your eyes. “No, listen closely.”
The distinctive pops reach both of your ears and this time, you were certain. Gunshots. There is someone out there. The thought made you visibly tense. Luis, on the other hand, didn’t seem as fazed.
With a vexed sigh, he regretfully pulls away from you to check out the sound, already you were missing the heat of his body. You couldn’t help but admire his naked form as he rose to his feet and watched as he carefully ducks his head to peek through one of the windows. For a moment, it seemed like he found nothing outside then his eyes and head jolt towards a particular direction and his whole body stiffens.
“¡Joder! Just my luck.”
“What is it? What do you see?”
Luis doesn’t answer right away, rushing back towards the stair railing where you hung both of your clothes.
“Still wet, bueno.” he grumbles sarcastically as he hurriedly throws on his jeans.
You sat up from the bed in alarm. “Luis-!” The man throws your effects upon the bed before you.
“Get dressed. We have company.” His voice was even, but you can feel the annoyance seething within.
“Is it the plaga?”
“Worse,” he grimaces as he swiftly threw on his shirt and jacket before reaching for his gun by the bedside and turning back to you, “it’s Leon Kennedy.”
Everything happened so quickly. One moment, Luis had you pinned to the bed, fucking you into the sheets until you saw stars. The next, Luis is pinned to a wall by a very irate looking Leon Kennedy who looked like he wanted to beat the stars out of him. The moment after that, monsters began swarming your hideout and Luis looked none too pleased the entire time. Amidst the chaos, he asked you about your feelings on castles for reasons you could not fathom until much later.
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nerdalmighty · 4 months
hey! so, i just recently started playing baldur's gate 3 after seeing people put it all over my dash for months--and you're one of the people i've seen reblogging a lot of posts about it LOL. so if you don't mind me asking, i was wondering what kind of character do you/did you play as? and do you have any sort of backstory for your tav that you'd like to share?
Hoooooooooooooh my god thank you so much for asking. I have a friend who comes over to watch me play on Thursdays and I make a powerpoint every week to catch her up on what she missed - this week's powerpoint literally has slides about my Tav's background (more on those later). This is about to be long, I'm about to drop ALL my lore so buckle up! AND THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH MY BG3 BRAIN WORMS!!!!! I'm glad they convinced you to play 😈
So to begin, I've been in my first ever dnd campaign with a group of friends for a little over a year now. I didn't know much about Baldur's Gate except that it was a dnd video game and that you could romance people. Me, being a Big Fan of Romance And Fantasy was like "okay well I'm in" and my friend actually let me start a game at his house. Through that, I met Shadowheart, Gale, and Astarion.
Backing up a bit to my character; I decided I'd put my character from my irl dnd campaign into the game since I already knew her whole deal. I get pretty overwhelmed with making decisions, ESPECIALLY with big open world games like bg3, so knowing who/what I wanted to be really helped me out.
In the campaign I'm in with friends, it's pirate themed, and I play a half-elf bard named Birdie Harp who's secretly half-siren (murder mermaid). To make a long story very short, she was born in the arctic and escaped her murderous pod during a coming-of-age trial where she also lost her siren abilities (hypnotizing voice, breathing underwater, etc).
I've watched a ton of Dimension 20 which is an actual play show on Dropout.tv (an "actual play" is where you watch other people run a campaign of dnd - like Critical Role, which a lot of people have at least heard of - HIGHLY recommend Dimension 20, as I find it incredibly funny and easier to get into than CR because of the episode lengths), and I knew that I really liked the silliness and theatricality of the bard class. I also loved the bards from The Owl House which helped influence my decision as well.
To be honest, Birdie is my first ever dnd character, so she's basically a self insert but with a MUCH more traumatic backstory than me (this IS dnd after all). As for the half-elf aspect, it was more of an "I want to be half mermaid, what's similar to that?" as opposed to a love for half-elves or something.
BACK TO BALDUR'S GATE - knowing I wanted Birdie to be in the game, I felt a lot less overwhelmed to come up with something entirely new - I knew a lot about the bard class having played one so I wanted to CONTINUE playing one (and I've learned even more since playing bg3!).
When I finally got my own game (I no longer play at my friend's house, but in the comfort of my own home), I recreated Birdie and started on my journey in earnest. I'm VERY MUCH someone who likes to be in control and know what to expect, so I've had guides and walkthroughs to help me the whole time - SUE ME! When it came to first meeting Shadowheart, Gale, and Astarion back at my friend's house, Gale actually immediately stole my heart - a kind, witty wizard who likes books and cats? Literally say less. I went home from that session with my friend fully thinking I'd be a Gale girlie until I really looked into the other options and saw The Vampire.
Blah blah blah, he's hot and funny, but he can also be incredibly soft, which really won me over in the end. So I've been romancing That Guy.
Through Acts 1 and 2, I wasn't all too sure about this version of Birdie's background - sure she COULD still be that half-siren from the arctic, but the game kept suggesting she was FROM Baldur's Gate. I LOVED the inclusion of the harpies in Act 1 and thought maybe that was a viable entry point for her backstory, but so far, she was kind of just... me? She was making the choices I wanted to make (and a few that I knew Astarion would like lmao), but she wasn't really her own entity apart from me except for her name. She also felt vastly different from that character I'd created for my friends over a year ago. For instance, my irl Birdie currently has a crush on a Gale-type character, but this Birdie is ass deep in Astarion (hey, sorry I said "ass deep in Astarion"). The thing I love about Baldur's Gate 3 is how you can really come up with your own backstories, since the in-game one for your Tav is so vague. It's totally fine to ignore tiny details in the game and mold them to your own headcanons for your Tav, but I was so unsure of what I wanted for this Birdie that I kind of internalized that she was from Baldur's Gate.
HEADS UP! The following has some spoilers for Act 3 and some side quests, so STOP reading if that's something you'd care to avoid (the last 3 paragraphs of this post are SAFE from spoilers):
When Act 3 finally rolled around (which is where I am currently, I only have the one playthrough so far because I become INCREDIBLY attached to things), I stumbled across the Water Queen's House in Baldur's Gate. Ah ha! Now this felt promising.
A temple dedicated to the Vengeful Sea Goddess, Umberlee, and her loyal Wave Servants to serve her. It's ocean themed, it has mermaid undertones, and their goddess is basically evil. Seems like the perfect place to FINALLY insert this version of Birdie. I wasn't 100% sure until I completed the Iron Throne mission and was faced with either handing a (mostly) innocent man over to the Wave Servants, or fighting to defend him.
Here are a few of the slides from this week's powerpoint that I mentioned all the way back at the start, starting with SOME background on the Wave Servants:
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Ass and Shart are what I affectionately call Astarion and Shadowheart (Also I got this beautiful "Birdie" art on Pinterest which originated from someone named Dantrelium on Reddit):
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Apologies for the small text here, but there are some more details about THIS Birdie here, which I literally made up/figured out earlier this week:
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Essentially, this Birdie was born at the Water Queen's House as Kittiwake Crest - Kittiwakes are common arctic birds, which I thought would be a nice little homage to the original character she was based off of. She was raised by the collective of Wave Servants there, the main one being Flood Tide Allandra Grey who seems to be head honcho at the Wave Mother's House (in this reality, she is).
Since Umberlee is such a vengeful goddess, I imagine she asked her Wave Servants to commit unspeakable acts in her name, mainly drownings, which THEY see as merciful, but I think Birdie always saw as horrifying. Who were they to decide the fates of others? I also think that the Wave Servants themselves were abusive during her upbringing to keep her in line (but much like how Nocturne was a light in the darkness for Shadowheart, I don't think EVERY Wave Servant was evil). GOTTA have a classic tragic backstory.
Upon researching Umberlee, I learned that most of her servants are clerics, so in my mind, that means Birdie was raised to eventually become one, with her official title eventually going to be "Seawind Kittiwake Crest." Is she still half-siren/mermaid though? Not entirely sure. This IS a magical world though, so I'd be inclined to say yes, probably.
But when we first meet the Wave Servants, they're singing beautifully for their drowned sister, Holli. I think Birdie REALLY loved music and singing with her sisters and secretly trained herself in bard magic when she should have been learning to be a cleric. It's also a classic trait of bards to hide their pain through humor, so I often imagine the type of stupid things Birdie gets up to to bring herself joy (my favorite headcanon being when you meet Skittle the Rat in Wyrm's Rock prison - he's a rat merchant who speaks exclusively in puns. I think Birdie and Gale would excitedly throw puns back and forth with Skittle while Astarion and Shadowheart begrudgingly (and affectionately) roll their eyes in the background).
Another thing I love about the game is how you can string together your own ideas of how companions react to things between big cut scenes. For example, in my head, in my game, Astarion has really become a Big Softy thanks to how fucking Stupid (affectionate) Birdie acts in life and has drawn him out of his shell, but also runs a tag team scam with her where she plays her lute to distract people while he loots an entire place. Gale is Birdie's partner in crime when it comes to tomfoolery and loves to joke and fool around with her (so long as it goes easy on his knees). And Shadowheart is basically a sister figure who flip flops between sassing with Astarion and joining in on the fun. THEY'RE JUST THE BEST, OKAY? OF COURSE I'M GONNA WALK AROUND WITH A BUNCH OF IDIOTS. I LOVE THEM.
Anyway, back to Birdie's backstory: she always hated the atrocities that were asked of her, and she was looking for a way out, but was too scared to take that step and leave since the Wave Mother's House is all she's ever known. One night, while stepping out to quietly dip her toes in the water, the Mindflayers captured her, and that's where we start Act One, all the way up on the Nautiloid. She changed her name to Birdie to distance herself from her previous life, fully took up the bard class, and the rest is history.
Back to that dilemma with handing over that (mostly) innocent guy or fighting the Wave Servants: with encouragement from the party, they convince Birdie to face her traumatic upbringing and fight the Wave Servants once and for all. At this point in Act 3, she's basically helped every single person with their problems except her own. Here's another slide featuring Ass and Birdie:
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That's right folks, Birdie faced her past! But the bad news is we don't get to see Astarion in this (audio from The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction):
(Video description - Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3 wearing the Wave Mother's Armor with the following audio:
Guard 1: Whoa, check it out.
Guard 2: Hubba hubba hubba.
Gaurd 1: Nice. I love dudes in skirts.
END VIDEO.) I don't want to tell you how many times I recorded that until I felt like I got it right lol. Also yes, I DID do a scum save where I handed the guy over ONCE just so I could see Ass in this outfit, but Birdie did canonically save Redhammer in my actual save file.
And honestly, that's BASICALLY it for now! My most recent save was after that battle, so I need to figure out if Birdie's going to go back with her party to confront the rest of (or most of) the Wave Servants, or if this chapter of her life is closed.
In an ideal world I'd LOVE to make one of those artsy gif edits of my Tav like this and this, but PS5s make it hard to download clips without uploading them to YouTube first which I don't really want to do.
Thank you SO MUCH for this ask, I had a blast writing it!! Sorry it's so long, I just love this game so much and LOVE talking about it. Please feel free to ask more questions OR chat with me about YOUR Tav! I'd love to hear all about them :)
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ackermonie · 2 years
like a hot dad
content: nsfw, long haired levi, breeding kink, daddy/mommy kink if u squint, dilf levi, post war canon
warnings: +18 content, mild manga spoilers, f!bodied reader.
wc: 1.5k~
tags: @motherfckerrr bc they commented ehe
a/n: i genuinely had no idea where this was going i just kept writing and somehow ended up with being h word for dilf long haired levi and idk how to take it back tysm
also pls reblog if u can!! i’m tryna gain back my old followers from my previous blog due to shadowban, so spreading the word could def help!! tysm either way<3
do you think levi would grow his hair out post-war?
idk mahn but the vision of him with a short wolf-ish is really getting to me.
i feel like maybe he’d let it grow accidentally. with the healing process for his knee and the rest of his wounds i feel like he wouldn’t really care about his hair, and you’re totally in for it.
it’s a huge change. for years, you’re used to levi’s neat hair and infamous undercut, and you were 100% into it. but now as he finally lets you cut his hair for him instead of doing it himself, you kinda slowly fix it in a wolf cut and let it grow gradually.
you’d come up with excuses every time he asks you to cut his hair.
“i have so much to do around the house today, my love. maybe tomorrow?”
“oh, i’m on my period today. i can barely stand up.”
“oh! i forgot i have to go get stuff from the market! i’ll be meeting gabi and falco, i can’t be late, can i?”
once he gets frustrated with you, the raven silk was already down to his nape. it shaped his face beautifully, and once you caught him with a pair of scissors in the bathroom, your soul left your body.
“WAIT!” you dash to him, holding down the armed left hand. “you’re not left handed! you wanna ruin your hair??”
“shut up,” he rolls his eyes at you. “you’ve been putting me off for months. look how long it’s gotten!” he gestures with a hand to the mirror in front of you two. “i look hideous.”
you slip the scissors from his hands, and levi catches the little sly smile that slips on your face as you squeeze yourself between his body and the sink.
you watch the realization fall on his face while your hands slip in his hair.
“is this what i get for letting my guard down around you?”
“you look beautiful,” you tell him, love struck as you are, never missing the pink dust that rushes to his cheeks “everyone compliments you for it. you still wanna cut it off again?”
“i don’t give a shit about anyone else.” he grumbles and looks down between you both, leaning on his cane. “i don’t look representable.”
“you don’t have to look representable,” your tone lowers in sincerity. a thumb grazes the scar on the right side of his face. “you’re not a captain anymore, my love. you’re free to do whatever your heart pleases.”
he looks up at you, features blank, but you know well how your words are tossing and turning in his brain.
“besides,” your smile returns back to your face, and you pull him a little closer. “you look extremely hot.” a hand trails down to the hem of his shirt, your eyes following the movement, then you return your gaze back up to him. “like a hot dad.”
his eyebrows shoot up, playfulness making an appearance on the previous stoic features. “like a hot dad?”
“mmhm,” you affirm with a mock-nonchalant nod, and you slip away from him jjjuuust when he was about to pull you in. you look at him over your shoulder, mischief pure in your gaze. “i’ll go check on dinner for the guests coming tonight. feel free to join.”
only except that ten minutes later, the kitchen is completely empty and you two didn’t manage to make it past the living room. he was seated on the sofa, head throw back with his fucking hair framing his delicious expression like that, you swear you could cum untouched in your position between his legs as you get to work.
“like a hot dad, huh?” he mumbles, all breathless and shit once you were seated in his lap, his length stretching you perfectly. a hand reaches up to wipe away the remaining of his previous climax on the corner of your lips. you throw your head in the crook of his neck, the pleasure of your hips rolling skillfully against his hitting you bad. “you could’ve just asked, lovely. wanna make me a daddy?”
you manage a shaky nod when he begins to meet your hips halfway.
a hand trails up from your waist to garb your neck, squeezing deliciously as he pulls you away from his neck to take a good look at you. “words, my love.”
“yes,” you nod, eyes closed in bliss. one of your hands grab the wrist of the hand around your neck. “wan’ make y-you a…hhah… daddy.”
“fffuuck…” he groans out when you squeeze around him, letting himself gather enough strength before he throws you off of him and onto the sofa. when your thighs are squeezed together at the painful loss of contact, a palm falls on one of them, leaving a flushed mark in its wake.
“open wide, baby.” he grabs a hold of his cock while he holds the back of your opening thigh to keep the pair apart. the years upon years in the survey corps leave you as flexible as you can be, so when he presses your thigh back, your joints bend easily at his will. pumping himself a few times as he gazes at your glistening folds, another groan breaks out from deep in his chest.
“god, look at you.” he rolls his hips in, and you feel him slip through so pleasurably that you can’t hold back the loud whimper that escapes you.
because damn, how could you not from this view? this is a face of a determined, pussy-drunk man. sweat broke on his forehead, a few strands sticking to the skin while the rest of his hair falls around his face perfectly. you see a ting of pain on his features, and you scatter to try to change your position for a more comfortable one for him, but he is quickly pushing you back down to the couch, a hand falling to your lower abdomen.
the pressure he puts there makes you forget your own name, and it shows on the way your body shivers with bliss. his thrusts increase in velocity, the maddening roll of his hips against yours throwing you in a whole other dimension.
a hand reaches out to grab yours, and through the dizzying pleasure, you realize that levi is pressing your own hand to your abdomen underneath his.
“look how deep inside am i,” he grumbles, leaning down to press a kiss on your bouncing tits. you feel his length stroke in and out of you the more levi puts pressure on your hand. “taking me so well. always so well, baby.”
he takes control of your hand once more, feeling you squeeze familiarly around him, and he pushes your fingers through his hair. you yank on the strands immediately, pulling out a fucking growl out of the man as he leans down until your chests were touching, putting a bit of his body weight on you for support.
you latch onto him like a koala, the burn of your core muscles stretching as he pushes you in a mating press mixes well with your pleasure-high brain. levi kisses, licks, bites down on your neck to leave marks you’ll have trouble hiding later, but you don’t give a shit. you arch your neck more, letting out a long moan when he nips at a certain spot, the bliss turning you mad.
levi is breathless. his puffs of air fan your face when he brings his face on top of yours. a whimper escapes past his lips, his features twisted with pleasure uncontrollably, and you drown in the sounds he makes.
“wann’ make you a mommy too,” he mumbles, open lips landing on the corner of your lips. “wanna…hhah… fill you up. over,” he pauses, delivering an especially harsh thrust that you feel at your cervix. “and over again.”
“levi, i’m so—,”
your body begins to curl into him, eyes closing uncontrollably, and the poor man barely has any chance to ready himself for the way you tighten impossibly around him as you give him your first climax.
your body shivers and quivers, shaking as he overstimulates you chasing after his own pleasure. he leans back up, hands harshly grabbing your lips as he manages to pull you even deeper, and you tightness milk him.
it isn’t the first time he cums inside you, but this one sure hits different. after a few more thrusts that manage to abuse your cervix, levi stills stiffly with a strong groan, and you feel his warmth coat your walls .
he gives you a few more deep strokes as he leans down to kiss you deeply, making sure he fucks all his load deep enough.
his hips still once more, but you keep devouring his lips. weak moans are erupted from both of you as you two calm down gradually, before levi throws sway your attempts of calming down your still-raging arousal when he pulls away, leans up, and slowly pulls out of you.
and he watches the mixture of both your orgasams begin to pool out of you, and you watch as he takes two fingers to push everything back in. you shamelessly roll your hips against bis digits once more.
he looks up at you, fingers still engulfed, snd a smirk takes over his handsome features.
“one more time for good measures?”
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krenenbaker · 6 months
hi y'all! ♡
sorry for kind of, uh... disappearing the past few days. I'm doing alright, and I'm back! (and will be catching up on what I've missed come the morning - the dawn of a new year!)
I've been tagged in a number of these posts, and I wanted to also express my gratitude to everyone here who has made this past year - my most active year on Tumblr - so very pleasant.
2023 had a number of big life changes for me, as well as a few new wildly intense interests. there was, as my blog title suggests, both comfort and obsession. finding twst and the community here has opened me to so many other interests as well - the Ikémen games, Obey Me!, The Arcana, Black Butler, and a number of others. my interests in paleo- and marine biology have been reignited. and though my obsession with the Six Idiots' creations has slightly waned this year, I am so, so glad to still see so much lovely content about those works on my dash. and with BBC Ghosts airing the FINAL EPISODE this past year, too? it's so interesting to experience all these things on this semi-functional website
and I've met so many fantastic people in 2023, too. I've made some fantastic friends, whom I feel so fortunate to have met. you've made my days so much brighter since I've come to know you!! I hope to have many more laughs and more this coming year with you.
here, I want to thank all the people who have made this year a wonderful, wonderful time, in the various different fandoms and communities out here on Tumblr. I've tagged ALL my mutuals on this blog here - both the ones I consider moots and interact with frequently, and the ones where we simply follow each other, occasionally liking or reblogging posts. each of you make my Tumblr experience special, and I appreciate every one of you. I also deeply appreciate all my other followers, and those with whom I interact. you are all so lovely ♡
thank you for making 2023 a wonderful year. and I hope to see you throughout 2024 as well ♡ Happy, happy new year!!
@gardenghost5, @mission-report-1991, @acrosstheoldstream, @purpleandgreen13, @leftabit-leftabit, @fandomsmeantheworldtome, @love-rats, @mimiii-3, @spectral-rat, @totallymem3, @fluffle-bean, @dove-da-birb, @keii-starz, @sharkinablanket, @kami-kun1003, @azulashengrottospiano, @candied-boys, @inkybloom-luv, @ameleii, @eynnwwyjth, @red-viewe, @crheativity, @xxoomiii, @officialdaydreamer00, @ridorukunmajitennshi, @vivislosingitagain, @v-anrouge, @ithseem, @somany-fandoms-solittle-time, @twstfanblog, @rosehxnt, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @cheezy-moon, @whspermy-name, @xen-blank, @vordysgoingtotherapy, @thehollowwriter, @angelhairpastawithherbs, @jangletam, @haruhar-u, @saint-garden, @moonlitnyx, @hungry-eel, @the-banana-0verlord, @i-like-forgs, @kirans-wonderland, @citrusitonit, @vioisgoinginsane, @shirubiaowo, @underly-niche-joy
I love yas ♡
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dottores · 6 months
okay well, i logged back in, obviously, because there are clearly some things that need to be addressed and have been taken out of context. just because i’m leaving doesn’t mean i should sit here and let my name be smeared. 
to preface this, anantaru and i had a discussion where we came to a congenial understanding of what happened, there's been an acknowledgment on both sides of misunderstanding and believing distorted rumors and people that we probably should not have, but i’m still going to give a full explanation as to the background of everything so you all can understand and come to your own opinions. plus, if there's going to be a call-out post directed majorly at me made, i want an official address of it.
please do NOT send any hate their way, we have ended this discussion on good terms and have worked out what exactly was stirring this discourse between us. (spoiler alert: there was a third-party shit-stirrer that we both considered a decent friend at the time!)
i don’t really need a reason to block someone, and i shouldn’t have to explain it, but i did and i will again but more explicitly this time: @/anantaru made a post that i did not like. it’s as simple as that. it was a post about genshin characters and sex icks and one of the lines were “venti: too drunk.” i’m not anti-dc, but there are topics that i am sensitive about because i was sa’d in my freshman year of college—that is something i have talked about on this blog before, many of you who've been around since my tr era are aware of it. i acknowledged, and tee acknowledged, that this was probably a joke and was not meant to be taken the way i took it, but the aloof/casual way it was mentioned without any TW of implied dubcon, and without acknowledging that it was at least dubcon and could border on noncon in certain interpretations made me uncomfortable. i don’t mind seeing it as long as i’m warned. if it was tagged properly, i would have moved on without much care, but it wasn’t, so i was scrolling through the post snorting and was hit with that and i was made uncomfortable because i didn't like how it was just being passed off as an ick, and i blocked. there was no reason for it to go beyond what it did, yet we are here. anantaru mentioned that if you frequent their blog, you would know that they often write about venti and reader being drunk—i don’t frequent their blog, in fact this was my first encounter with them being reblogged onto my dash by shared mutuals, so it rubbed me wrong. thats the end of it. 
i’m not sure the exact timing, but i believe it was two(?) weeks after this, when i reblogged an unpopular opinion’s post with an opinion that i thought was fairly harmless. sure, looking back on it i could have phrased it better, i’m not going to deny that, but pinpointing my one opinion out of the hundreds of others that were objectively far more controversial than mine and crucifying me for it is uncalled for. you guys know very well that i do not have the time or energy to sift through random people’s blogs to look for minors. every once in a while i glance at the notes of shit posts that happen to be on my dash and i’d be a bit startled at finding a minor in them because i still do think you should at least try to catch minors who interact with shit posts because that’s the easiest way to find them. but i was working at a medium sized firm for a year and a half at the time of the post and i am currently in law school, i do not have the time to be psychotic about people’s likes and interaction, and even if i did have the time?? i’ve always gotten incredible interaction from y’all lmfao, imposing the idea that i’m jealous is entirely inane. i do still stand by the fact that my words were twisted, i was made out, more than once and by more than one person after the next bullet point's events, to have been some psycho that stalks peoples’ posts for excuses as to why they get interaction when that is simply not the case. 
regardless, after this incident, anantaru made a vague post that was almost directly quoting my tags from the reblog and was thus sent to me because many shared mutuals put together that it was about my tags. this was upsetting for multiple reasons 1) i had blocked anantaru by this point so i felt a bit violated that i was being vagued for something by someone that i blocked. 2) i started getting hate anons en masse after it, some of which were very unnecessarily explicit. needless to say, i was very upset and made a subpost on my main account after noticing i’ve been blocked on ao3 because 1) i was already upset and i didn’t even know why anantaru seemed to have it out for me much less go to the point of blocking on ao3 which leads into my next point and 2) i thought it was a bit ridiculous because the only thing blocking on ao3 stops is people from commenting on posts and i clearly was not going to comment on a post of someone who i was not on good terms with. reasoning aside, anantaru can block who they want and i was out of line for making comments about that in particular. i’ll admit that, and apologize for it. 
a screenshot was taken from my personal—not a good moment for me, obviously, but anantaru claimed in their post that it was about them with no evidence. i dmed them about this in particular because i was genuinely confused, we spoke about it, i offered them proof that it was not them because i had a discussion about this post with a close friend at the time of posting it and they believed me. i will attach screenshots below (cropped because there's no reason to attach the whole conversation) because i feel as if this accusation was rather extreme and i wish it would’ve been removed because it was obviously not my best moment. an explanation for the post itself, i was upset over plagiarism accusations regarding something i put my heart and soul into and then seeing the same person that made them consistently on my dash just straight up triggered me, for lack of a better word lol, so i made a vent on my personal. how it got misconstrued as to be anything about anantaru is baffling to me but i suppose that's a question for the subject of our next bullet point. i don’t want to go into detail about the accusations in themselves because i don’t want people to send the actual person who it’s about hate. regardless, that post was not about anantaru, i have never called them a cunt nor have i ever called them a gatekeepy cunt, though i’m beginning to think i should probably remove the word from my vocabulary atp, i use it far too flippantly. anyway, i do not know them well enough to formulate any sort of opinion like that. aside from that, in our discussion we came to an understanding over it and i wish that would have been cleared on their blog as wel. so i'll attach here (i crossed some out because i don't want to breach any boundaries regarding what anantaru might be comfortable sharing but i do think it's fair for me to want this particular point fully cleared as it was a bold accusation remaining up):
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5. in our discussion, we came to realize that we have/had a shared mutual who was fostering discourse between the two of us. many of you will recognize her as audri aka alucrds, who has supposedly left tumblr by this point—i suspected this and anantaru has confirmed it while we were talking. audri was sending anantaru my posts claiming that they were about anantaru, but i will stress that the only actual discussions i ever had with anyone about anantaru was with tee and eris about that initial joke because it had upset me at the time, it never extended beyond that and it certainly was never with audri. my only conversation with audri that mentioned anantaru at all was probably around a week or so after i made the post in point 3, when audri asked me about ao3 blocking in casual conversation and i offhandedly mentioned that anantaru had blocked me on there—audri was a close friend at that point and iirc, she had actually told me right after that that anantaru had her blocked on tumblr, i had no idea that they'd been mutuals at all but either way, it was an offhanded comment that led to nowhere (or so i thought LOL). looking back on it, it was clearly her baiting me into giving her information about the post i made a week or so prior because after talking with anantaru, they explained that they got an anonymous message claiming that i was shit talking them for blocking them on ao3 and the only person that could have put together that the vent post from point 3 was about anantaru was audri herself. audri continued to evidently cherry-pick random vent posts of mine to show anantaru and claim that they were about them. why? i wish i could tell you. i considered audri a decent enough friend, and though she had her fair share of issues with mutuals and other friends of mine, i never really thought she’d stoop to this with me. but i guess there’s really no explaining people who thrive in discourse.
6. my comment in my most recent post about being harassed on ao3 and in comments and in asks was not about them at all. i thought it was very clearly about heliotropes (my dottore series) and pressure to update from certain readers, but i'm clarifying that now.
7. i never intended on directly addressing this, which is why i did not directly name anantaru in my post, if i’d known at the time that tee was going to end up addressing all of this, i would’ve just been straight up with all of it.
anyway, i think that’s all, hopefully this will be the last post for real as i am tired mentally and now i am also physically sleep deprived. i've been up since three so forgive me for typos and grammar errors. this all has gone on for over a year. sorry for all the discourse on y'all's dash, wish i could have left with a bit more grace than this. rumors have been blown out of proportions and blindly believed, things have been taken out of context, such is life. i made my fair share of mistakes on my personal blog with my vents, others have admitted and owned up to their own mistakes, some will never admit to their mistakes. such is life. it moves on, always does. i know all of y'all are smart enough to come to your own opinions.
over and out, sorry again, and logged out (hopefully for real this time),
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Going on a Riddler fanart break
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I'm having a break from posting Riddler fanart to Tumblr. The backlog will still be posted on Cara and Instagram (both @ tbalderdash), and if the break is long enough for it to catch up I will post things made during the break on there before Tumblr. I will still be posting bird art here. I will still post fanart for other fandoms here if I make any (I am currently undecided about non-Riddler DC). The break will be for at least a month. I will probably come back when the OCD medication has kicked in for a bit. Thank you for all of the support on the last post. I don't want to take a break, but I have to for my mental health.
"Organised" ramble about reasoning (this is heavily influenced by neurodivergence/mental illness and I am not trying to sound like an entitled/ungrateful twat. I don't want to guilt trip anyone, please don't feel guilty):
The Timezone Curse: Tumblr has a reverse-chronological dashboard. I am British. I live earlier than the majority of the userbase. I have no idea what time to post things so they don't get buried. Recently I've tried to stop waiting for the exact right minute to post things, as it doesn't stop them from flopping.
Likes vs Reblogs, (and OCD?): I will preface this and say: a lot of this is my brain's fault. Since Likes don't do anything to spread things, my brain gets upset when things keep getting Liked without Reblogged. Unless it is from a bird fan on the fanart, better artist, or irl friend, Likes mean nothing to me. I know this is silly and irrational, but I can't help it and this is the main reason why my brain is suffering posting fanart. I hope medication will fix my feelings. Additionally, OCD brain keeps trying to find a reason: Am I dislikable? Is my art bad? Does it have no appeal? Is it aphobia? Did I do something cancellable without knowing and now everyone hates me? I (think I) know the answer is people just don't use this website that way, but my brain is never sure. This is why I don't have the problem on the other websites, every like helps the algorithm and actually means something in my brain
The combination of the Timezone Curse and lack of reblogs means my art often gets barely any reach (or reach my brain deems meaningful). I desperately want to feel like part of the Riddler fandom community. Unfortunately, due to Tumblr making me suffer (overwhelmed by compulsive need to scroll entire dash, repulsed aroace, and simple posts being able to make me ruminate unpleasantly for a long time) I find it very hard to follow new blogs or connect with people on this site. I love birds, but I need Riddler interaction. I can't look at much fandom on other sites, as they have barely any/no tag filtering, which means I will suffer if I look for him.
Why it's just fanart and not birds affected by this: I started off as a fanartist with no expectation to get big with birds, so I had a que sera sera attitude and I post them whenever they're ready, I didn't expect to get big. I am more fulfilled when it comes to the bird interest (more community interaction + every day can have different birds out there + people in my real life are interested in birds). Additionally, the bird art spreads a lot more (due to bird blogs reblogging). Bird art is my "job" art (it is where I plan to make money from) whereas Riddler is where my passion lies the most (I still love the birds but I have many other ways of interacting with them without needing art). This means I get more emotionally invested in the Riddler art than the bird art
Is art becoming a compulsion? This applies to the birds as well, but since they're "job art" it doesn't matter too much. I keep being worried about not posting enough Riddler art, and feelings of social media sometimes overshadow the joy of creating - I keep thinking about posting, rather than doing. I get too anxious to make art that is "unpostable" (eg: self-insert and him hugging), especially due to the fact I'm trying to get more professional. I feel like there's more I want to expand on this but it's been too long and I'm tired. This break might help me do more high-quality art instead of having to churn it out out of fear of everyone forgetting me.
Sorry for all the text. I don't know if I've explained everything very well but it's been an hour and usually if I post something after 8 it fails, which I don't usually want to worry about but it's a bit important for an announcement like this
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uppoompat · 10 months
queer black woman in need of mutual aid
hi friends! i've never posted my mutual aid requests on here before... i guess because i felt like i've curated a very specific fangirl image on here and needing financial help doesn't fit that idk?? but im in a pretty dire situation at this point and this is where i have the biggest following (even if half the accounts are bots or inactive)
about 2 months back my budget was knocked completely out when i had no choice but to pay off some debt i'd been putting off and i've been struggling immensely to get back on track since then. every time i get paid, my check is basically 50%-75% gone by the end of the weekend after paying my rent & trying to catch up on bills. and i spend the next week and a half scrounging by. i haven't done proper grocery shopping in weeks. i work full time and also doordash after work some nights and on weekends but no matter what i do i just can't catch up. something else always comes.
i'm used to living somewhat paycheck to paycheck but i've never been this behind on bills before and the anxiety of it all is impacting me physically in the form of near daily stress headaches. so im asking for help. in an ideal world i would pay down my electric (~$150USD) and my car payment (~$300USD) and maybe get myself some groceries to get through until next friday but literally anything would help at this point.
i have almost all the things:
paypal: @/alexajaaay
venmo & cashapp: aljaaay/$aljaaay
i know times are tough for everyone and the world is shit rn so even if you could just reblog it'd mean a lot to me! thank you & i'm sorry for flooding your dashes with this.
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some-pers0n · 1 year
Uhhh....Bio Post?
Hey! Hi! Hello! Any other synonym for ‘greetings’! Nice of you to stop by and read this. If you have, give it a lil' heart so I know you've read it. Means a lot.
My name is Some Person, though you can call me Some, Person, or just SP. The SP stands for "Science Party" of course; what else could it possibly be?
They/she pronouns. Don't wear 'em out, alright?
I’m a blog that just is mostly here to gawk at beautiful art and reblog it. It’ll be just about anything, but mostly as of now it’s going to be TF2, WoF, Will Wood, memes, etc and etc stuff. I do reblog a LOT, just keep that in mind.
I am a fanfic author who mostly just dabbles in TF2 and WoF, though don’t be shocked if I post anything from any other fandom.
I am a rambly person. I can’t really help myself but run my mouth off on just about anything. I’ll frequently post rants and gargle up nonsense about anything, though mostly WoF (I have way too many thoughts on that series). Often times it’ll just be me talking to myself.
If you couldn’t tell already, I do genuinely type like this. It’s force of habit now, I guess. I always sort of worry that I come off as rude or insensitive, so I'll infrequently use tone tags just in case. You don’t need to use them for me though.
I'm also very awkward. I'll say a lot of things randomly or just be really sort of...off in a way. Keep in mind I'm autistic lol
I am a minor. I don’t mind if you make NSFW content or anything, but I’ll do my part to try not to interact with you (even if your art is very pretty and cool–)
I am also an argumentative person. I try to catch myself before it gets bad, but sometimes I get carried away. My deepest apologizes if that happens.
I have a lot of opinions. I swear to God you can press me on just about every topic and I'll have something to say about it.
If you go to follow me, just know that I am a very reblog-heavy person. If you do so, there's a good chance your dash will be flooded with TF2 characters and whatever else I'm incredibly obsessed with at that point. I'm sorry to anybody who follows me and is immediately hit with gay old men holding hands.
I LOVE ASKS!! I love talking with people! Feel free to DM, ping me in posts and tag game, or just...talk to me about anything. No need to be shy around me. Ask me about my thoughts on something and I'll answer as soon as possible. Wanna talk about something else? Sounds great!
(Legend: Highlight: The Interest | Bold - Special Interest | Italics - Moderate Interest)
Wings Of Fire
Will Wood
Disco Elysium
The Magnus Archives
Persona 5
Portal 1/2
Ao3: SomePerson5
Discord: s0me-person
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poppurini · 1 year
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here’s a twst writers appreciation post bc i suddenly wanna show love and i totally encourage you to reblog and put your favs here too!! doesn’t matter if they’re already mentioned or if they’re a well known writer bc compliments are never too much <3
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@rggie ┊ although their blog’s not active anymore i still recommend checking them out bc their smaus are so so funny they had me HOLLERING. and they don’t just have smaus their writing is also such a good read??? I LOVE THEM SMM
@fukashiin ┊ MY SOULMATE. ok listen listen i’m telling you when she posts i run and i mean RUN to read them bc they are gold. i check her blog sm tumblr tells me WAKE UP BABE YOUR WIFE POSTED i kid u not. her works are all so good especially the fluff ones??? she just has this way with words that i can’t help but get all giddy
@keedas ┊ whenever i read their works my hand’s always ALWAYS covering my mouth due to how cute and heart pounding they are!! i still reread some of your works like lipstick stain with leona and ballroom dancing with rook i want them tattooed to my heart
@leonaism ┊ [ *do note that this blog contains nsfw works as well !! make sure u check their byf/dni before doing anything 🫶 ] WHERE DO I EVEN START. another one with an immaculate theme and also!! salmon blesses many many fandoms with their awe-struck writing, i especially love their sfw ones!! it’s so fluffy and cute rah
@hisui-dreamer ┊ another amazing writer with lots of lots of content <3 unfortunately i haven’t had the time to properly sit down and read her works but i’ve skimmed through them whenever they pop up on my dash bc oh how could i resist and i just know i’ll gobble them up they already look so good sO IMAGINE IF I HAD THE TIME TO PROPERLY READ???? I HAVE SO MANY SAVED AS TBR
@flmer ┊ one of the ppl who has the most gorgeous and creative themes my jaw dropped to the molten core of earth when i first came across their blog it was so so eye-catching!! i haven’t had the time to read their other writings but this one fluff of theirs that i read already makes me the most impatient person on earth bc i can’t wait till i have the time to properly sit down and ABSORB
@wolken-himmel ┊ her works are always so so good !! i love how she could write for all the characters and the precision with their characterisation is so on point. anytime i need a good fluffy read i always go to her, and there’s always a read for each person bc she literally writes for ALL the characters including the staff! her platonic works are just as sweet and fun as the others. such a dedicated and creative writer!!
@mxzenpai ┊ oh my god i swear the ecstasy i got when i first read their leona oneshots were incomparable. was literally kicking my feet and giggling throughout my time reading it. i had to stop and do a silent scream bc the way they wrote leona in this made me blush HARD i was rereading that for days
@nthee ┊ extremely underrated !! deserves more recognition with her content and i always get excited whenever she posts i really look forward to read them <3
dark content creators
@kurimiaki ┊ SLAMS FOLDERS ON TABLE there’s so much i could say abt their writing each and every one is so wonderfully and beautifully written i find myself admiring their writing while reading their works RAH
@pomupom ┊ saikou writes yan content like no others omg there’s just smth that always ALWAYS draw me back to their writing when it comes to yan content!! i drop everything on hand and RUSH to their blog whenever i see that they posted
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Into Next Sunday
[GN!Reader, AFAB]
[Warnings: Praise, the slightest of knife play, creampie, choking,, slight degradation, Sir kink, MINORS DNI]
[AN: Refusing to look at my requests to instead write this!! Drinking the bad rose!! Let’s go! 3056 words <3]
Reblogs are appreciated!
Sometimes, you look at him like he owns the moon. Other times, you can’t help but curse the ground he walks upon. 
“Look at you,” he notes as he glares down at you. He watches your form as you squirm on the bed, thighs pressed together as you shamefully try to hide the arousal that drips from your cunt. “You’ve finally stopped talking. I think that’s a first.” The captain takes in a curt breath as he reaches his hand up to your wrists. He’s amused how you don’t bat him away. His large, gloved hand takes you quickly into his grasp and he hoists your wrists up, holding them high, high above your head. 
The look you give him would usually be able to turn men into stone, but he is no man. Not right now. 
You hate the way your core burns for him. You hate how the lust that swirls and clouds your gaze fogs your vision just enough for him to catch glimpses of your true intentions for him. Still, you find yourself bound by his spell of silence. You’d been oh so lippy to him earlier, challenging him, and pushing every single one of his buttons. Now, he stands before you with a much too confident expression on his face. 
He has you cornered and you know it. 
You puff your cheeks for a moment. You open your mouth for a second, hesitate, and watch as he slides his belt off. The metal clinking sends your heart racing wildly. You watch with a wide, attentive gaze as he pulls it loop through loop, the shifting of leather underneath the jeans he’s wearing. He pulls the rest of it out and squeezes your wrists with his hands once more to remind you that he’s the one in charge of you. 
With a small grin on his lips, he wraps the belt around your wrists. “Not going to fight me?” He asks with a small chuckle as you glare up at him. He chuckles something rich and deep before playfully shaking his head. With a sharp breath in, he tightens the belt around you, watching as you wince slightly from the suddenness of it all. “Oh, come now, love. It’s not that bad.” 
Cheeks heated with fire, you squint your eyes at him. You hold that scowl on your lips as he tightens it further to the point you cannot move your wrists. High above your head, you hardly bother to release yourself from their leathery embrace. “John,” you begin in a heated tone. 
He quirks a brow up but does not outright address you. Instead, he legs his large hand graze your strong thighs and follow the covered, soft flesh downwards. His fingers briefly press into your inner thighs. He tsks his tongue. “No, that’s not what you call me during. You know better, don’t you?” He chides in a sickly sweet tone. 
With that same heat bloomed from embarrassment dashed across your cheeks like hasty brushstrokes of a mad artist, you hesitantly open your lips to speak clearly to him. “Sir,” you correct yourself. 
“Yes?” His eyes twinkle. 
You avert your gaze for a moment before returning back to his. He feels so warm, piercing, like he’s still upset with you but giving into the lust and allure of your body with every passing second. “Was this necessary?” You gesture up to your wrists. 
The twinkle in his eyes drop as he sighs. Reaching to his back pocket, he plucks his pocket knife out before showing it to you. His gaze asks if it’s too much, the hesitation in him moving it forward tells you that he still wants you to feel safe with him. 
With the subtlest of nods, you allow him permission forwards. This wouldn’t be the first, or last pair of pants and shirt he’s ruined from getting trigger happy with a blade. You hiss a curse at him when he cuts your pants, careful to not nick your skin as it delicately slides over you. “Sir,” you whine as the cold air latches to your exposed lower half. It’s such a stark contrast to the warmth his touch and gaze provide to you. 
Price only continues up to your shirt. “I’ve always gotten you new ones,” he notes as he slides the blade up across your stomach, to your chest. Never once does he make contact with your skin, but that doesn’t stop your brain from thinking it can feel the kiss and sting of metal. “Up,” he commands. 
You arch your back against the bed and allow him to slide the torn parts of your shirt off of you. It’s a bit hard because your hands are still bound, but you dig your balled fists into the mattress to hoist yourself up knowing he won’t help; he never helps. You watch as he tosses the ruined articles of clothing to the floor, not caring about the neatness he would normally perform to a T. With your back resting again, you find your legs spreading further open for him. 
He slides the pocket knife to his back pocket and turns his attention to the space between your legs. HIs large hands are once again on your thighs. “Aren’t you pretty,” he purrs softly as his fingers trail the heated flesh of your legs. He guides his fingers further downwards to your fluttering cunt. His index and middle finger trace your lips slowly, delicately, like he was peeling a flower open. 
You bite your lower lip and attempt to turn your gaze away to stave off the heat that consumes your face but find it of little use. You’re entirely dedicated to watching him. You hold your breath as his fingers hold your lips open, allowing him to see your cunt flutter around nothing. You’re embarrassed to admit how much he’s able to work you up without even touching you. “Don’t say anything,” you mutter. 
He laughs softly. “You just like being thrown around, don’t you?” He asks as his other hand moves to settle on your lower abdomen. He pushes down for a moment, then slides his palm to the side so his fingers are parallel to his body. Price’s thumb creeps downwards to find your clit, and with little warning, he presses down on your clit hard. 
“Oh fuck!” You hiss as you involuntarily buck your hips upwards. Your thighs attempt to squeeze around his forearms in vain with little success. Your brain scrambles and dissolves to mush as his thumb presses your clit again, circling it and gently pinching it. He didn’t even bother to work you up in his normal teasing manner. 
“There are those pretty noises,” he says as his other hand’s fingers slowly push into your cunt. He hums softly as he feels you squeeze and flutter around him. “You’re so soft,” he admits softly as he hilts his fingers to the knuckle. Without giving you any time to process, he pulls his fingers back in a curled position. 
Your hips buck upwards again to meet his fingers. “Please, faster,” you softly beg. It’s not that you wanted to give into him this fast, but he feels so good, just his fingers alone… A little begging couldn’t hurt, could it?” 
Price does not oblige you. His thumb fully pulls off your clit while his fingers slow to a snail’s pace. “What was that? Did you say something?” He pushes his fingers harshly back in to make you gasp for him. “Must not have, and certainly it wasn’t addressed to me.” He keeps the pace slow while still ‘forgetting’ any clitoral stimulation. 
Pride high enough, you dare not open your mouth. With every roll of your hips, he frowns and holds you back down.  “Gods,” you wisp out as his fingers continue at that painfully slow pace. “Please, please go faster.” 
“You’re so cute when you’re begging like this. Like a needy little whore that needs me to satisfy them,” he muses as he briefly swirls your clit. “But, it wasn’t addressed to me. I can’t do anything that wasn’t add-”
“Sir!” You cry out. “Please, sir.” You babble. Your hands, balled into fists and resting above your head, are digging your nails into your own knuckles. With relief, you can feel him picking the pace up. His fingers aren’t nearly big enough to satisfy you completely, but you refuse to take his gift for granted. You feel like you’re going mad. You thrash on the bed in time with his fingers thrusting into you and buck needily as his thumb rolls your clit. 
Price can tell you’re getting desperate. He’s learned the signs of your body more than well enough at this point. You’re being surprisingly obedient to him, and he wonders if you planned being such a nightmare earlier just for him to fuck you later as a punishment. He chuckles softly at the thought. “You wanna cum now, don’t you?” He asks in a soft, teasing tone. 
Eyes wide, clouded with lust and desperate with need, you nod fervently. “Yes, yes, sir,” you breathe out like a hasty prayer. 
He studies your expression, and after deciding that you are more than desperate to cum, entirely pulls away much to your dismay. 
“What the fuck,” you groan as you roll your eyes at him. You hate to admit how desperate you are. You loudly moan in despair and throw your head back, letting your eyes fall shut. You’re more than disappointed he’s ruined a perfectly good oncoming orgasm that you don’t notice how his hands are working on the zipper of his pants. You don’t notice how he strokes his already half-hard cock, or how he’s positioning it near your entrance. 
“I suppose you don’t want me to fuck you into next Sunday..?” He cheekily inquires to grab your attention. He chuckles with a wide, beaming smile as you whip your head back up to gaze upon him. 
You spread your legs even wider on instinct. “I do,” you quickly reply. You let all complaints leave your lips as you feel his tip rub on your slit. Softly sighing, you wish that your hands were free so you could mark his back up. Seeing your scratches on his back makes you happy, even if he hates explaining it on the rare occasion he’s got his shirt off. The tip of his cock rubs up and down a few times, like he’s coating it in your arousal. 
Price plants a hand down near your waist as the other holds the base of his cock. He presses the tip thick against your entrance before slowly pushing in. A quiet groan escapes his lips as he pushes in deeper, inch by inch, watching as your cunt swallows him whole. “You’re so tight,” he murmurs as he gets closer and closer to hilting. 
You didn’t mean to start panting, but he feels so fucking good. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve had him, he always manages to stretch you out in just the right way. You squeal softly in delight when he finally comes moments to hilting deep inside of you. You feel his cock dragging back before he lightly thrusts his hips forwards to fill you to the brim. It’s at this point you swing your bound hands upwards. The leather is as warm as your skin. You reach up to his shirt and pull him downwards. 
“You dirty whore,” he chuckles before capturing your lips in a heated kiss. He pulls his hips backwards and begins to thrust harder. He knows you can take it. You feel so, so good to him. Your body is so warm, soft in ways, he can’t get enough of you even if he’s upset with you. When the two of you break away for a slight breath of air, he growls and glances downwards to where his cock pushes deep inside of you. “You take me so, so well.” 
You pull him in for another kiss and lift your legs slightly to wrap tightly around his waist. Your hips are angled perfectly for him. You moan and cry out for him, but the sounds are drunken by his kiss. When you try to keep his lips locked to yours, he firmly pulls away. 
“Be good for me,” he rasps as he pulls upwards. He looks down at you as his thrusts pick up in speed, his hips rolling thickly against you as if to emphasize just how deep he’s buried inside of you. Price groans deeply when your cunt squeezes around him. “Keep your hands on your chest - just like that - good, good, toy,” he sweetly compliments in a tone dripping so thick with lust, you feel you’d drown in it. 
You arch your back upwards, desperate to feel his body against yours while your legs strongly squeeze his waist. You know he can handle it. Your muscles feel so tense as you cling to him with the only limbs that can. “Oh, oh gods,” you cry out wantonly, wanting nothing more than for him to burst inside of you. “Please, please, sir. Fill me up, use me, make me yours,” you beg as if you serve no purpose on this earth other than to take his cock. 
Price leers down at you, a smirk on his lips as his hand crawls up your chest to your throat. He gently grips, testing the waters but knows how to hold you in a way that sends your heart racing. His other hand reaches down to the space between your legs. He adjusts you slightly so your legs aren’t gripping him as tight and lets his fingers dance around your clit. Pressing thickly, he times them with his thrusts. “That’s a pretty toy, keep singing for me.” His eyes gaze down at you with such heat that you fear he’ll burn a hole through you. He groans again as he ruts heavy against you. He wants nothing more than to spill deep, deep inside of you and make you take load after load of his. 
His hand is still tight around your throat, but hangs just loose enough to let you scream your pleasures louder. His brows are furrowed, heavy with stress he’s relieving in the form of thrusts that take your breath away with every swing of his hips. You can hardly hold on much longer. You pant and cry out for him, hardly able to do anything else but crave him. 
“Please, please sir,” you beg desperately, your voice shrill and needy. You briefly open your eyes to see the man that looms over you. It looks like he’s about to come undone soon as well. “Cum inside of me, make me yours,” you continue to plead. Those words seem to be appealing to him, as Price’s thrusts grow sloppier. 
“Cum on my cock,” he finally rasps out in a low voice. His accent seems to have grown thicker from the pleasure he feels. “Do it, do it-make me happy and show me how pretty you are coming undone because of what I’m doing to you,” he mindlessly rambles. His thumb presses down on your clit and circles it. 
“Sir!” You mewl loudly as you buck your hips needily upwards. The heat is almost too much to stand. It’s going to consume you completely! Not caring about how loud you’re getting, you arch your back and squeeze his waist tightly with your legs, mouth hanging open as a song pours free from the back of your throat. Your vision is spotty and flashes from the brief moments you’re able to find strength in opening your eyes before you shut them quickly. Phosphenes bloom in the night that resides behind your lids. Strings of curses exit through grit teeth as you grind helplessly against him. 
Price looks down at your undone form as he fucks you through the waves of pleasure. He’s going to fill you up now. “Gods,” he moans softly as he pulls his hips back so his tip is the only part of him nestled inside of you. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he mumbles before thrusting hard inside of you. He revels in the sound of your gasp as you curl your head into his chest to seek his comfort from the way his cock buries deep inside of you. His breath hitches, getting lost in his throat as he throbs inside of you. Hot, sticky ropes of cum begin to fill you. His balls pulse against you, stuffing you with more than you could have ever imagined for a singular round alone. 
He pants deeply, his breaths aligning with yours. He can feel your legs trembling and chuckles softly. “Are you alright?” He asks as he leans back a bit. The captain gestures to your wrists and works on undoing the belt before tossing it off the side of the bed. 
With your wrists free, you reach upwards and grip at his shirt to pull him into a much sweeter kiss. “I’m okay,” you say with a small smile, amused at how he presses against you, hungry for your more affectionate touch. Your legs teasingly rub along his back. “Was that all you had to offer?” 
He snorts and looks at you like you’re just a tad off your rocker. “That wasn’t enough for you?” He asks with the corners of his lips turned upwards. Mischief mixes with the residual lust in his eyes. 
You look up at him and bat your eyes at your captain, wondering if you can wrap him around your finger for just a moment or so. “You did say it would be into next Sunday,” you trail off before snapping your gaze back up to him. You giggle and squeeze your legs tight around his waist to pull him closer to you, mewling softly at how his cock moves inside of you. “I’m feeling this was more of a Thursday.” 
He blinks a few times before heartily laughing. Shaking his head, he playfully glares down at you. “A Thursday?” He sounds just barely offended. 
You look up at him once more and can’t help the stupid grin that turns your lips upwards. “Mhm,” you nod. 
Price scoffs and rolls his eyes. “Fine, I’ll show you a Sunday.”
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stellevatum · 3 months
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Please at least give it a read! Liking this post also means it’s more likely I will follow back, as I know you have RAU’d.
Updated 05/10/2024
Kar/Karmun/Karthonic either-or. If you'd rather separate mun/muse you can use my middle name, Asher to refer to me.
They/Them is cool.
From New York, so the timezone is EST.
Birthday’s January 1990, so 30+
Spoonie with AuDHD
Artist, and educator, so I can get busy. I commute, so I'm on the train for a few hours a day,
You can reach me on here or on discord. Just ask.
Personal blog @karthonic.
On mobile most of the time.
I left the Tumblr RPC 4 years ago so forgive me as I catch up with the new etiquette, etc.
Above all else: Be Excellent to each other and party on, dudes!
This sounds redundant to post this but: If you have no intention of RPing with me don’t follow. Lurking for a bit before reaching out is fine, but I would like genuinely interested folks. Optional, but I've made an interest checker to help organize things.
Communication is key. My muse might be intimidating, but I'm not-- just very busy and on mobile more often than not. Don’t know something, or want me to elaborate: ask! I forgot a reply or not feeling a thing anymore, lemme know. I'm good. I like get to know the people I write with, it makes me plot things better.
This incarnation Kar is for SCIENCE FICTION/SPACE OPERA like verse. Her Contemporary/Urban Fantasy/Paranormal/Supernatural self can be found at @obscurushydrae
While she's Star Wars Based,  don’t sweat it if you don’t know the other stuff. If your fandom/verse has a way in, I can finagle her into all sorts of place (she's literally an cosmic horror at heart).
That ‘selective’ part comes into play. I have every right to not follow someone, decline a roleplay, just as you do. Just be polite and respectful.
OC/Crossover/AU/Multiverse/Self Insert friendly. Not your thing, then feel free to not follow.
There will be casual mentions of recreational drug use, more often than not mentions of alcohol than drugs, but will be tagged upon request. Other possible triggers are her fatalistic humor. 
This is not a content resource blog. If you’re here for the pretty pictures, aesthetics, or memes, this is not the blog for you.
Godmoding is discouraged but I’m not going to stop it. I will likely try to out ridiculous you Bugs Bunny style. Even though she can’t die, you’re free to try and kill her, but let me know first (either way she’s gonna be pissed FYI).
Most art is mine but will be credited. If I reblog any art reposted without the original creator’s permission, let me know. I’ll remove it.
Please don’t follow/interact if you’re under 18. If I follow anyone underage, it’s because I wasn’t able to access any about/ooc information, please don’t take it personally if I unfollow!
If I don’t follow you and you follow me, please just hit me up before doing something. Just because I don’t follow means I’m not interested, I just don’t think our characters mesh with the information given. If we chat about it, who knows!
If I follow you or like a post but not follow, it's likely because I want to check out your rules but can't find a mobile friendly/need time to look through things, especially if it's a carrd. If you follow back, I'll message/send passwords as I don't want to overstep.
I don’t usually greet/interact with personal blogs, so side blogs off personals give me a heads up. Otherwise, I might miss you.
I may unfollow or softblock-- but that doesn't mean I am not against second chances. It usually mean either we haven't really done anything and I'm keeping my dash tidy or you never followed back so I'm taking the hint and stepping off, or you were inactive for 6+ month and I assume you abandoned the blog.
If you'd prefer I don't accidentally re-follow, you are free to hardblock. It's a bummer, but we need to what makes each of us comfortable to write. I will only hardblock if it is in your rules or if it was something serious that warrants it.
Compatible Fandoms (ie I am Familiar with): Star Wars, Mass Effect, Borderlands, Alien/Predator, Dune, The Outer Worlds, Subnautica, No Man's Sky, Galaktikon, RaM, H2G2, and more!
Kar for the most part, is literally the Force. In a body. Raised by mortals, so she thought she was. And spent most of her life just vaguely gesturing and just going with "humanoid." Force sensitive characters might be able to sense her, but she can mask it.
As for appearance, unless you’re really looking you might notice the fangs. And for the most part, assume she’s wearing her signature sunglasses covering her eyes since those rarely are taken off in public.
While not usually brought up, but Kar has attempted to end her life and self-harmed. Nowadays it’s usually just masked with fatalistic humor, recreational drug use, and lots of drinking. 
Askbox will only be open for IC interactions, save for when the meme specifies Mun. IMs are for OOC communication. Anon feature is for sideblogs, multimuses to interact ICly with me. Any Anon messages good or bad directed to the Mun (outside of memes) will be ignored. The Anon feature is privilege, I will revoke it for my well-being if need be.
No Magic Anons, please!
There’s no need to wait to send me a meme if you’ve followed me for 5 minutes or 5 months, send the thing.
Reblog Karma is going to be enforced on this blog. That is, if you reblog an ask meme off me, please send me one. Otherwise, reblog the meme from @karref
Jump on any open post, there’s no need to ask permission, they’re there for that reason!
I will be keeping my posts simple! I don't have the time/energy to make formatted posts, and I like to keep things as accessible as possible. I do try to keep track of the heavily plotted stuff, but the casual things might drop off. Feel free to remind me if it's been a bit!
Communicate! If you’re having trouble writing a reply, talk to me! If you don’t like or not feeling a thread, say so and drop the thread. That also doesn’t mean things are done for good. Come to me if you want to skip/do something else.
If you’d rather we move things to discord, just ask! I’ll set up a server just for us!
Shipping is welcomed and willing to discuss the possibility, but I leave the rest to chemistry and just how we as writers write. Kar is into male muses, and will be polite about turning other people down, unless one doesn’t take the hint.
I will only write ships with muns older than 21, but 25+ is preferred.
That being said, I will no longer tolerate stringing me along, or vague replies. Please be clear and direct. If you are interested; say so. If you are not or no longer wanting to go in that direction, tell me. Any vague or non-committal replies will be treated as disinterest and dropped.
This blog is multiship, meaning each relationship is treated as its own separate place in the multiverse unless discussed and agreed upon.
Kar can be polifidelitous. She’s okay with having multiple partners and those partners having partners if your character is cool with it. But she can be selectively monogamous in your little bubble too.
NSFW may be on here, or I might do it over discord. I'm playing it by vibes. As I don't really have any established romantic stuff since rebooting, I can't say with any certainty. Will update when I do know.
Blood, Gore, Body Horror, Drugs, etc, will be tagged with (name); for instance drugs; . Special Tags on request.
Posts will be tagged upon request, just let me know!
If you read and understand this, I would appreciate if you'd leave a like the post, that way I know you have without forcing a password.
But if you'd like to message me, here's a DM icebreaker: What's your favorite extinct animal? (If you're lucky I may have cool fact about it.)
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shock-micro · 9 months
warning: long vent post ahead. sorry for putting this on your dashes, i just. had to get something off my chest. (lotsa self-doubt if you click)
tumblr is hard because sometimes i see a post and i just have to tell myself this does not apply to me this does not apply to me THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO ME but it doesn't fucking work because it is so pointed and so filled with anger that even though i KNOW it doesn't apply to me i'm on the verge of tears because it's like agh. i'm so scared of Doing Wrong because i just Don't Know Some Things and it's like i know my heart's in the right place but the nature of the internet makes me so scared to mess up even once and i don't even know where to start learning some of the things people expect you to understand and this has happened to me time and time again HOW DO YOU STAY SANE WHEN SO MUCH IS GOING WRONG AND THE WORLD'S FUCKED UP IN TOO MANY WAYS TO EVEN COMPREHEND
fuck, one time in the MINECRAFT community, of ALL places- okay. story. i was still in school. there was a biiiig long study hall period i had thanks to a bunch of variable schedule elements lining up. i was going to complete a project, i finally had the motivation and the materials and the time all lined up, and... i got a notification that an announcement had been made in the quilt discord. and i started reading, and i started having a damn panic attack. because i didn't understand. i just didn't understand at all what the issue was. and the announcement very much made it out to be that if you don't get it then Fuck You Go Die (or that's how i read it anyway) and it's like i WANT to understand i WANT to i WANT to i wANT to but i just don't know where to fucking start and i don't have any energy to do so and i and i and i--
...i failed that project. i spiral way too hard when it comes to these types of things. i made another post before about those posts that are like "reblog if you love puppies if you ignore then you support puppies being chopped up in a meatgrinder" or whatever and gOD every time i need to tell myself i am not a bad person for scrolling past i am not a bad person for not wanting to give my followers a guilt trip i am not a bad person-
if any of my mutuals are reading this, PLEASE do not feel like this is your fault. i just. i. god. some of these posts, do they even reach their target? or are they just destined to catch people who are constantly afraid of being bad, who just happen to fit the description?
and, of course, the crucial question that i hate even having to ask, but i just really need some reassurance right now. AM i a bad person? like. i'm white. as hell. my parents raised me without much of a religion at all, and i had quite a good upbringing here in the us (and i recognize my home country's issues and do not celebrate it). i don't actively research current events because i have to focus on getting my life together at the moment. i know the "conflict" currently being reported on is straight-up genocide and should not be supported. i know there is something more to racial issues that i don't understand and am afraid i may never being born the way i was. i just wish we could get all of the systemic issues out of the way and not worry about color or identity at all except to celebrate our differences. i was raised to love all, despite and because of these differences. but the gist i got from everything i've read is that because of the way i was born i have inherited the sins of generations that have long passed, that might not have even been in my family. how do i atone for that? how could i ever say i'm a good person, then? genuine question. and oh god, the guilt about the gofundmes. i scroll by them without reblogging, because again, i do not want people to wallow in the same guilt i do, because it turns out i have more cash stockpiled in my drawer from various things than my parents have in their whole-ass bank account. i don't have a job and i have not had the energy to get one despite my family desperately needing me to do so. but am i a bad person for not even sharing in the hopes someone could help? am i a bad person for not going vegan? am i?
god. i have a fucking headache. and i'm dehydrated now from all the anxious tears i shed. just. if you're going to give me an answer to the question i posed, be honest. if i'm a bad person, tell me, and tell me how i can fix it all, if i even can.
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arobinwithoutbatman · 7 months
Knowing Your Partner Well Can Potentially Make Writing Together A Lot Easier.
Name: Wic
Pronouns: She/Her
Preference of Communication: DMs here on Tumblr is fine though I don't mind handing out my Discord after we've been talking for a while
Name of Muses: On this blog? Tim Drake. I might do this for my multimuse later
Experience/How Long (Months /Years?): In total? Uhhh... oh God, 14 years? Maybe 15? God I feel old. Pretty sure I started out on MSN with a friend and dabbled briefly on AIM and was on Tumblr for many years then stuck solely to Discord for a bit when I fell out of love with a fandom on Tumblr and now I bounce between Discord and Tumblr
Best Experience: The roleplaying community, Rise of the Guardians in particular, is the reason I met my fiance. I also had some very funny experiences in the Assassin's Creed fandom
RP Pet Peeves/Dealbreakers: There's the typical stuff of bullying and bigotry for deal breakers. And also if you're a minor. I'm turning 29 in a couple of weeks how does it sneak up on me every year and at this point, I'm pretty uncomfortable interacting with anyone under 21
As for pet peeves, I don't vibe with every writing style, I prefer longer responses when we're doing plotted stuff. If we're just shitposting? One liners are great, love that. But an actual thing? I'd prefer something to work with; body language, voice tone, descriptions of what's happening, anything.
Muse Preferences (Fluff/Angst/Smut): I like a good mix of stuff personally! Means I've got something for every mood and I can explore more possibilities. And as much as I like writing angst, I'm not always in the headspace for it
Plots or Memes: Both. I love short silly conversations, I love brief but meaningful interactions that come from memes. I love long drawn plots
Long or Short Replies: Again, both. Depending on the context. Short replies for shitposting/dash watching. Longer replies for plotted threads or asks that have become threads
Best Time To Write: Monday to Friday typically though that depends entirely on my workload. Thursdays you won't catch me at all because that's my office day and I'd rather not get in trouble for using my phone that blatantly. And weekends aren't a guarantee because I like to keep them for doing other stuff like house work and other hobbies so I don't get burnt out writing Tim
Are You Like Your Muses: A lot of Tim's experiences with his autism and his reactions to some scenarios are based on my own experiences. The entire reason this little shit moved into my head is because I played Gotham Knights and watched how he moved and listened to how he spoke and I was doing a lot of similar things at 16
Stole from: @playedbetter
Tagging: Anybody who'd like to do this!
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batboyblog · 8 months
Sorry I know this is probably 100x worse for you as a jew but oh my god I find it so unbelievably maddening seeing people uncritically reblog shit on here about how it’s all ‘fake news’ to make the ‘freedom fighters’ look bad and say Jews are controlling the media and just totally ignore the MOUNTAINS of physical videos and photo evidence from Hammas terrorism like.. you can’t say there’s ‘no evidence’ when you refuse to fucking look at the evidence that’s there?? Also talking about how Israel is genociding and committing war crimes when Hammas is doing the SAME THING in their charter they EXPLICITLY say that they want the extermination of every Jew and people are STILL like ‘nooo they didn’t mean that :/ don’t be racist and assume things!’ Like it’s RIGHT THERE. LOOK!! Also talking about how Israel is committing war crimes lmfao.. like 1. Israel is warning them to move. Gave them TWO DAYS to move. That’s more warning then Hammas gave Israel when they sneak attacked them. 2. Talking about committing war crimes, kidnapping people and holding them hostage is also a fucking war crime! But I don’t see anyone holding THAT against Hammas. It feels very much like ‘Rules for thee and none for me’. Sorry for the rant again I know this is probably 1000x harder for you I’m not even Jewish but just seeing the explosion of antisemitism on my dash has been insane. I’ve blocked so many people on here for rebloging some truly horrendous shit about how all Israelis and ‘zionists’ should die. Which we all know they’re just using Israeli and Zionist as stand in words for jew. So sick to my stomach by it all, and I hope you’re in a place where you’re safe and loved.
Sadly in the age of social media, people and the younger they are the worse it is, are falling for misinformation on TikTok, X, on here, etc and traditional media has not covered itself in glory, particularly with the failure around the hospital which will never ever go away
as you mentioned with the whole Jews... I mean "Zionists" control the world/media conspiracy its a catch-22 if the media "isn't covering" something its because they're controlled by the Jews and that TikTok video thats really of Syrians from 10 years ago, is the real truth of whats going on! and if the media reports new facts as they come out (again the Hospital bombing thing) its because they bowed to the Zionist cover up, not that say Hamas are big liars...
it is hard with so much disinformation and people who clearly don't want to know whats going on and who want to turn the emotive language up to 100 so you spend all your energy and time playing wack a mole about it, idk what to do about it short term, other than to say if they're not willing to take it seriously enough to know what they're talking about don't waste your energy on it.
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dylawas-reblogs · 9 months
Aight, I'm pissed enough at Y*utube's aggressive ad bullshit (this reddit comment summarizes it pretty well) and it's one of the few G**gle services that we're stuck stuck with, that I'm gonna make my own post on current workarounds as of 10/12/2023, with info on methods that I know of for both desktop and mobile. They may not be the best workarounds, but they are what I'm currently using or trust from what I've heard (and I haven't had any other posts like this come across my dash, so maybe this is needed). We fight to the bitter end, comrades.
This post is specifically for if you must be logged in to use Youtube. Your greatest defense would be to use Youtube while logged out. From what I can tell, they basically can't do anything to you if you are.
Please note that I am absolutely no web or code expert, I don't understand the inner workings of the G**gle all seeing eye and how they catch you on this shit, I don't know if it's account based or IP based, I just barely figured out how to buy and use my own domain like three weeks ago, so there are likely things in this post I will suggest that people will correct me on. If for some reason this post gets big and starts circulating (unlikely), please check reblogs and replies for additional information (and make sure it's ACCURATE if you can). Knowledge is your friend.
With that plea to the void out of the way:
Some folks are using browsers with built in ad blockers such as Brave (with varying results; the comments are worth a read by everyone regardless if you use Brave) to circumvent the ad block policy, but that's Chromium shit! We don't do that in this house! I guess you can if you really want to (PrivacyGuides apparently gives it the seal of approval) but if you like your online privacy, I personally really do suggest sticking with Firefox.
"But Dyl, they're catching us on Firefox even with Ublock Origin."
Yes, but the Ublock team is working their asses off to keep up with every. single. ID. change. Y*utube makes to try to break their workarounds. If it's not currently working for you, click on that link right there and follow that guide. This war of the ads will probably continue for a while, so my advice for the foreseeable future is this:
Always perform the four steps listed in the above link any time you've been away from Y*utube for a while (even just a couple hours),
and double check the Y*utube ID VS Ublock's current ID as stated in the linked comment at the start of this post.
After verifying there's an ID update and Ublock is caught up, reset your filters every single time you get on after a several hour break (after backing up your personal filters and trusted sites, if you have any of those customized). Why so often? Because that's just about how often Y*utube's updating their popup ID to catch you with your ad blocker. The Ublock team is staying on top of it fairly well considering the insane frequency, but they may not always get to it for a few hours (hence checking the ID).
After rebooting your Ublock, check a few videos without being logged in first so as not to put your account at risk. Do so in incognito if it's easiest for you. EDIT: If you aren't logged in, YT won't give a shit if you have an ad blocker-- or so I've heard.
"That sounds like a hassle. Don't the filters in this post work?"
They may have at one point! But that post was made all the way back at the end of June 2023, and most recent replies in the post are stating it's not working for them anymore. Thus, I'd just constantly reset your Ublock for the time being until a better solution is implemented. Besides, once you know what you're doing, resetting Ublock takes a grand total of, oh I dunno, a minute? On that note, with YT's constant updates, I have no idea how Brave is faring/keeping up in comparison. And besides from using either Brave or Firefox+Ublock, I don't know of any other desktop solutions.
Furthermore-- and this applies to both desktop and mobile, but I'm bringing it up now-- if you really value your Y*utube channel and don't want it to lose access to watching videos-- or worse-- it may work to make a Y*utube account that's dispensable as your new default. I just used my spam email, honestly. It's literally no skin off my nose if that account suddenly can't watch Y*utube anymore. Then, save the browsing on your main account for when you can afford to have your adblock off (or just don't watch videos from that account anymore). It seems if you've already got the warning once, you're basically on G**gle's watchlist with that account now-- so if you've gotten it on your main, better safe than sorry.
There are a couple things I know of that you can do here. My first suggestion, and the one I just set up, is Revanced (aka the Revanced Manager, and it works in tangent with a MicroG fork (I absolutely do not have the vocabulary to explain what MicroG is/does, just know you can't log in to YT Revanced without it)). This Reddit post is the one I think will make the most sense to everyone for installation, but I would use it in conjunction with the official guide for dummies, not as a replacement for it.
TL;DR, Revanced is an open source APK patcher (or in gamer speak, a mod) that provides patches for numerous applications (T*mblr included, hint hint). Note the term "patches." Yes, you do need to download an APK of your app of choice (on non-rooted devices), but technically what Revanced does is create its own "build" of the app by combining the APK and the patches, and since they're not the ones distributing the APK, I believe that technically keeps them out of G**gle's death laser. PLEASE note that Revanced does NOT distribute its own APKs: if you're trying to save yourself hassle and find something claiming to be an already patched Revanced APK, be it for Y*utube, Reddit, etc, assume it's a virus even if it's not. Always get your APK from apkmirror with your own fingers and manually patch it in with Revanced.
I know the guide looks scary, but believe me: Revanced used to be WAY harder to install, as in, you had to go through a virtual machine on your phone harder. At the current moment, Revanced is Android only. Sorry Apple users :/
If logging in to an account is of no consequence to you and you could not care less, Newpipe is another good third party YT choice from what I've heard; I don't know if it has all of the same features as Revanced YT, but at the very least, yes, it should block ads. It seems to also be compatible with Soundcloud and Bandcamp of all things at a glance, so if those are common applications for you, Newpipe might even be a better option for you over Revanced. Alas, yet again, this app is not compatible with Apple-- and as this is the last third party YT app I have to offer, I don't know if there are any third party YT apps that are Apple compatible. However...
If installing a scary new non-playstore app isn't up your alley, Brave seems to have a mobile app as well; you'd be watching Y*utube in your browser instead of the Y*utube app, but hey, I was watching Y*utube in Firefox mobile with Ublock until I put on my big kid pants with Revanced, so it's absolutely doable. Again, I must reiterate, I don't know how Brave is faring with these changes.
That's all I've got, but just to reiterate: I'm not an expert. I only know bare bones web/code stuff, my understanding on some of these things may be slightly off or wrong, these are just the methods I know of that work to circumvent YT ads. Your mileage may vary on a number of factors, including but not limited to, your understanding of/ability to learn how to download and use non-playstore apps, any breaking updates YT makes to further enforce their tyranny, how G**gle keeps track of ad blockers in browsers, and how long ago this post was made vs when you're seeing it.
It's war out there, soldier; good luck.
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