#catch dis fucker in all pink florals whaaaaaaaaaaaat
actualbird · 7 years
what’s the buzz, i’ll tell you what’s a happening
ohhhhh man i was so anxious this morning and last night because today was our first day of national service. and our block is tasked to teach high schooler’s how to write poetry and fiction. i was SO NERVOUS!! ME?? TEACH???? thought today was gonna go awful and that i’d make these kids hate literature forever even tho the intinerary for the first day was just ice breakers and getting to know yous jhsfjkdsfhd
It Did Not Go Awfully. it actually went really well and im waiting for the shoe to drop but it’s been a couple hours now and it hasnt so it went WELL?? our batch of kids are 14-15 years old, around 14 in our class, 4 learning fiction and the rest learning poetry and like. wtf. idk my heart just burst with love because theyre great kids and theyre really fun and  they love writing so much. i think i almost cried because one of em loves writing so much and believes that writers, esp nowadays w/ ccurrent events in the country and shit, have like some sort of responsibility to make words happen. THEYRE ALL SO PASSIONATE AND I KEPT WANTING TO CRY BECAUSE FUUUCCK!!! I LOVE LOVE!! 
never ever surround urself with cynic writers who are like “i do this cuz idk what else to do” like theyre good people but it’s draining sometimes. theres gotta be more, man. there’s gotta. and these kids just HAVE IT. THE DRIVE IS THERE. i was v worried i was gonna prattle on about fiction to bored high schoolers, but everybodys really excited and I’m Excited Now Too!! FUCK
except im not teaching fiction jfhdsjkfhksd. we’re strapped on poetry teachers so im teaching that. which i can totally handle (probably???) WHATEVER. STILL EXCITED
FUNNY THING: im a little quiet irl. but i think i was possessed by a ghost for the four hours i was in that classroom bc the students said i was “hyper” and “active”. WHO ARE U TALKING ABOUT??? i mean im very glad i was able to Be That but.....who is that....how do i get them back again for the next meeting jkfhkhdsjfhs
so im exhausted!! im leaving again in half an hour bc it’s my sister’s bday (WOOOOO) and we’re getting dinner and seeing a play but YEA. I THOUGHT TODAY WAS GONNA SUCK. BUT IT DIDNT. so im in a weirdly good mood rn. i havent checked my inbox or uhh anything else (omg) but i hope u guys r having a great day :DDD <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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