#catalina escarpa
fcukyeahbettyenny · 4 years
I feel like 2020 Betty's Peloton friends dropped the ball a little.  Betty already sought Inesita out for help.  I understand the other Peloton chicas.  Betty did not go to them.  But Betty sought Inesita out already.  Inesita should have taken that as a cue to make Betty over completely. Betty literally saved Inesita's life.  It is the least Ines could have done.
Inesita has the same resources if not more resources than Catalina.  Inesita literally runs the V&M workshop.  Hugo is the designer but we know who runs everything down there.  Inesita books the models (we know this from Episode One.  She got Naomi. Hugo would have never).  Inesita knows where everything is and how much of everything there is (we know this from when Sofia went to Ines).[12:06 AM]During the episode about Fabio leaving Hugo, I hated Inesita a little for saying "I don't care about Betty or any of them.  I just care about you (Hugo)."  What the actual hell, man?[12:07 AM]Hugo was frozen like a deer in headlights while Inesita lay there on the workshop floor DYING because of the poison from Romina. Who took matters into her hands and got Inesita taken to the hospital?  Certainly not Hugo. It was Betty. 
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notquitehere · 4 years
I was subpar yesterday. I know I was. I wasn't paying attention. I have days like ebay when I am not at my best.
I lost my second gig today. Well, temporarily. It's back on next month. It's okay, I guess.
This weekend I'll need to make time for the things I'm studying. My brain isn't what it used to be, I find. I can't pick things up as quickly anymore. Sometimes I'm right in the middle of work going, "I used to know this. Why don't I know this now?" If I'm honest is because I don't take the time to work on my skills.
I'll just finish my SMM thing and then really get into graphic design. I know I hate being social, but lately I find that getting into the headspace of Catalina Escarpa helps. LOL.
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fcukyeahbettyenny · 4 years
I would watch a show about Catalina Escarpa. She's had three husbands that we know of, one of which went crazy when she left him. She's interesting. ❤️
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fcukyeahbettyenny · 4 years
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fcukyeahbettyenny · 4 years
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fcukyeahbettyenny · 4 years
Catalina Escarpa is who I wanna be when I grow up!
She is such an amazing character -- so wise, poised, and put-together.  She’s everything the ideal woman of today is, but she’s also such a kind and caring person, and her heart is always in the right place.  I fricking love Catalina Escarpa.
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fcukyeahbettyenny · 4 years
If they ever make a Spanish movie version or even a Hollywood movie version of THE SIRENS OF TITAN by Kurt Vonnegut, I certainly hope they cast Veronica Schneider (BETTY EN NY's Catalina Escarpa) as Mrs. Rumfoord. Veronica would be perfect for it. ❤️💯
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My GOODNESS can she rock black.
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