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Cataclasite; part of the various deformation derived material in the Esk Head Melange, the tectonic boundary between two subduction stacked submarine fan complexes that form the Greywackes of eastern Aotearoa/New Zealand. Siltstone augen torn apart in a matrix of grey argillite mudstones, with one big pale clast of what looks like a feldspar, possibly from a pebble (but in the melange, could be anything from anywhere.)
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Cataclasite - Varm luft over en døende krop (EP)
Instrumental/Funeral Doom Metal from Udine, Italy
"We take warmth for granted. Cold is just a lack of motion, the lack of a expectation in a future that won't be there for us, the lack of memories of our recent past. We all die and leave everyone we know, everyone we love, a grey day behind us, that cold that we won't even feel anymore. Warmth won't be there for them. It won't be there for us. Even if we want to believe in a burning hell, even if we leave behind a lasting legacy, a feeling in someone we once knew, we're gonna be cold, "be", not "feel". Feeling is warmth. Cold is nothing. We'll be cold. We'll be nothing"
1. Varm luft over en døende krop 27:50
Release date: November 13th, 2024 via #NewUdineHardcore
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I will now recite the rocks in alphabetical order:
nepheline syenite
oil shale
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ace rights, adakite, adamellite, andesite, alkali feldpsar granite, anorthosite, anthracite, amphibolite, aphanite, aplite, appinite, argilite, arkose, banded iron formation, basalt, basaltic trachyandesite, basanite, benmoreite, blairmorite, blue granite, blueschist, boninite, borolanite, breccia, calcarenite, calcflinta, carbonatite, cataclasite, chalk, charnockite, chert, claystone, coal, comendite, conglomerate, coquina, corsite, dacite, diabase, diamictite, diatomite, diorite, dolostone, dunite, eclogite, enderbite, epidosite, essexite, evaporite, felsite, flint, foidolite, gabbro, ganister, geyserite, gneiss, gossan, granite, granodiorite, granophyre, granulite, greenschist, greywacke, gritstone, harzburgite, hawaiite, hornblendite, hornfels, hyaloclastite, icelandite, ignimbrite, ijolite, itacolumite, jadeite, jasperoid, jaspillite, kenyte, kimberlite, komatiite, lamproite, lamprophyre, lapis lazuli, larvikite, laterite, latite, lherzolite, lignite, limestone, litchfieldite, llanite, luxullianite, mangerite, marble, marl, metapelite, metapsammite, migmatite, minette, monzogranite, monzonite, mudstone, mugearite, mylonite, nepheline syenite, nephelinite, norite, novaculite, obsidian, oil shale, oolite, pantellerite, pegmatite, peridotite, phonolite, phonotephrite, phosphorite, phyllite, picrite, pietersite, porphyry, pseudotachylite, pumice, pyrolite, pyroxenite, quartz diorite, quartz monzonite, quartzite, quartzolite, rapakivi granite, rhomb porphyry, rhyodacite, rhyolite, rodingite, sandstone, schist, scoria, serpentinite, shale, shonkinite, shoshonite, siltstone, skarn, slate, soapstone, sovite, suevite, syenite, sylvinite, tachylite, taconite, talc carbonate, tectonite, tephriphonolite, tephrite, teschenite, theralite, tillite, tonalite, trachyandesite, tracybasalt, travertine, trachyte, troctolite, trondhjemite, tufa, tuff, turbidite, unakite, variolite, vogesite, wackestone, wad, websterite, wehrlite, whiteschist
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New Tumbled Crystals, Minerals and Rocks going out today! Cataclasite: Resonating with massive earth energy, this metamorphic rock carries of vibration of grounding, stability and forward thinking. Said to help facilitate physical body healing, many carry it to face health concerns with confidence and strength. It can help with spiritual development as it stimulates the vital force of our Root Chakra, allowing energy to begin movement upward through our energy centers. Luxullianite: Found in Cornwall, England, this stone resonates with powerful energy of self confidence and self trust, offering stability in our daily lives. For those practicing earth-centered spiritual paths, it is said to offer a strong protective shield and can assist with those working to heal animals, plants and the earth herself. Montebrasite: Due to the abundance of Lithium found in this stone is it perhaps the ultimate choice for stress reduction, eliminating worry and dispelling fear. No other stone seems to offer such a deep sense of serenity and peace of mind while encouraging one to always see the beauty in the world around them Prairie Tanzanite: This newly discovered stone helps facilitate healing of the emotional body by releasing repressed emotions. For those just starting to explore their spiritual side, or those looking to strengthen their spiritual connection, this is a perfect choice as it brings compassion and stillness of mind. Purpurite: Carry or wear this gorgeous mineral to help push through personal limitations and to promote effective planning. It fills your energy field with the highest of vibrations which is helpful for spiritual protection. Many believe it clears blockages from the Crown Chakra as well. #fantasiacrystals #tumbledstones #new #gemstones #cystalhealing #cataclasite #luxulliante #montebrasite #prairietanzanite #purpurite https://www.instagram.com/p/Btls9R5Fmii/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j584flce17xw
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30-Day Dragon Share Challenge: Water Dragons
Copper - My custom progen who I scattered and regened. No lore, but a healer in my coli team.
Spinel - Random progen who is mostly just pretty.
Joan - He is a laborer in the Falls Cove clan who specializes in building houses.
Lichen - She is an archivist and painter.
Dendrite - Scavenger who looks for art and written works. She used to be a grunt for Saint Victoire, hence the Eye enchantment on her wings.
Cataclasite - No lore for her yet....
Acanthis - Coel’s mate. She was a breeding project reject but too pretty to exalt so I gave her some apparel. No job just Pretty
Solaris - Nasty necromancer lady. Isn’t she beautiful???
Cygnus - Handsome boy. He has some beautiful art by Fr user RenegadeEmerald, who does not appear to exist anymore :(
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日本海がまだない時代にかつてアジア大陸の一部だった花崗岩の露頭(上) ここの花崗岩の一部は地下の激しい断層運動によってこなごなになっています(カタクレ―サイトという断層岩) 新潟県村上市
On the Japan Sea coast, here exposed are Cretaceous granitic rocks that were once part of the Asian continent (upper). Extensive faulting inside this granitic mass resulted in "cataclasite", a fault rock type fragmented by brittle deformation (lower) . Murakami city, Niigata, Japan.
#geology#nature#mountain#rocks#granite#fault#japan sea#cretaceous#niigata#japan#original photography on tumblr
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okay i’m just gonna post the whole paper if you feel like reading it and have any feedback lmk no pressure obv especially bc it’ like a scientific paper
Title: a new horizon in earthquake geochronology: in situ 40ar/39ar analysis of frictional melts
Introduction The rock record of earthquakes extends through deep time, but extracting meaningful data on the timing of these earthquakes is fraught with complications. The best studied and most unequivocal component of the rock record of earthquakes is pseudotachylyte, which forms due to frictional melting, in conjunction with cataclasis, as faults slip rapidly during earthquakes (e.g. Cowan, 1999). Rapid quenching freezes this melt as a heterogeneous mixture of glass, newly formed crystals, and unmelted rock fragments (survivor clasts). Pseudotachylyte occurs as veins, which can be categorized as either fault veins or injection veins (cf. Sibson, 1975) on the basis of their relationship to the slip surface where melt is generated: typically planar fault veins coat these surfaces, while wedge shaped or irregular injection veins branch from fault veins and intrude into unmelted host rock as the result of transient coseismic pressurization. Pseudotachylyte generation veins on small-offset faults have generally been inferred to result from individual “single-jerk” seismic events, forming essentially instantaneously (e.g. Wenk et al., 2000; Di Toro and Pannacchioni, 2005). However, in large-offset fault zones, pseudotachylyte is likely to be “cannibalized” by ongoing deformation processes (Kirkpatrick and Rowe, 2013), resulting in partial or total destruction of pseudotachylyte veins. Significantly, recurrent earthquakes which rupture a single pseudotachylyte-lined fault surface could produce generation veins which house multiple generations of pseudotachylyte. Due to the complexity of pseudotachylyte, this unequivocal record of seismicity has not been robustly interrogated. Conventional geochronologic analyses of fragments of pseudotachylyte may produce meaningful ages, which can be interpreted as the age of the earthquake that produced pseudotachylyte (e.g., Davidson et al., 2003). However, these methods offer no assurance that survivor clasts, which may carry an inherited thermal, and thus radioisotopic decay, history unrelated to seismicity, do not bias the interpreted age. Pseudotachylyte veins may be structurally heterogeneous, containing domains that display carrying degrees of fabric development or house survivor clasts that vary in number, size, shape, or composition. Working with bulk samples destroys fine-scale spatial relationships, which are of interest if a single vein preserves pseudotachylyte of different ages due to fault reactivation through time. Here, we show how high spatial resolution ultraviolet laser ablation (UVLAMP) 40Ar/39Ar dating of pseudotachylyte from the footwall below a detachment fault in the the South Mountains metamorphic core complex, Arizona, improves upon, and complements, more traditional methods. The power of the UVLAMP method is that it can target areas free of survivor clasts and maintain spatial relationships within pseudotachylyte veins. We show its potential to resolve both the ages of distinct earthquakes from separate pseudotachylyte veins, as well as the timing of reactivation of a single pseudotachylyte-lined surface. South Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex The South Mountains metamorphic core complex, Arizona, records extension and exhumation of mid-crustal rocks through the shallow crust (Fig. 1; Reynolds, 1985). This system exposes the footwall of the South Mountains detachment, a shallowly dipping normal fault (fig. 1). Pseudotachylyte fault veins <1mm to 3 cm in thickness, which contain glass and record ancient seismicity, are abundant in the footwall damage zone of the detachment, and are subparallel to the main fault (Goodwin, 1999). These veins cut the South Mountains granodiorite pluton. Analysis of isotopic data from an 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating experiment on a single crystal of microcline K-feldspar from this pluton indicates that it had cooled below 150°C by 21.8 Ma (Figure 1, supplementary documents). Therefore we interpret 40Ar/39Ar ages of pseudotachylyte younger than 21.8 Ma as dating the timing of seismic rupture of the fault surface and rapid quenching and cooling of pseudotachylyte to temperatures <150°C, rather than a cooling age of the entire system related to exhumation. Mesoscopic structures and field relationships Pseudotachylyte samples samples were collected from an outcrop within the South Mountains metamorphic core complex that houses 81 pseudotachylyte generation veins, which are subparallel to one another line slip surfaces that cut mylonitized granodiorite (fig. 2a). Some of these generation veins feed injection veins, which are typically oriented oblique to generation veins (fig 2c) . Pseudotachylyte at the studied site exhibits a range of mesoscopic fabric, defined mainly by compositional banding, and contain varying amounts of mesoscopic survivor clasts. Veins with a strong fabric are typically thin (<8 mm) , and form ~1 m thick clusters. Veins within these are commonly spaced <5 cm from one another, and intersect typically intersect one another at angles of <10. They may form anastomosing networks around thin (<2mm), elongate lenses of host rock. Veins with weaker fabrics are typically thicker (up to 3 cm), and do not exhibit a strongly clustered distribution or form anastomosing networks. The pseudotachylyte housed in three dated samples, collected within <2m of one another, exhibits varying degrees of fabric development. NE204 lacks a mesoscopic fabric, while NE212 exhibits a moderate mesoscopic fabric and NE225 exhibits a strong mesoscopic fabric. Notably, the generation vein housed in NE204 cuts those housed in NE225, and must therefore post-date the earthquakes that produced the pseudotachylyte in sample NE225 (fig 2a). Zones of cataclasite cuts, but is less commonly cut by pseudotachylyte. Cataclasite commonly houses clasts of pseudotachylyte, and may form via later reactivation of pseudotachylyte-lined slip surfaces without further melting, obscuring segments of this systems seismic history (Smith, 2013).
Pseudotachylyte Microstructures Pseudotachylyte veins are complex heterogeneous mixtures of quenched material including both crystallites and glass, and unmelted fragments of host rock, termed “survivor clasts”. Pseudotachylyte veins in the South Mountains metamorphic core complex universally exhibit fabrics which we interpret as resulting from shearing in the melted state, defined by alignment of neocrystalline phases and compositional banding (fig 2b.). However, the relative strength of these fabrics varies from vein to vein. Internal heterogeneities of pseudotachylyte veins define structurally and petrographically distinct domains with boundaries that broadly parallel the edges of the veins. These domains may be distinguished on the basis of fabric development and orientation or variations in the number, size, composition, and shape of survivor clasts. For example, a domain of highly elongate survivor clasts is apparent along the edge of the generation vein in sample NE204 (fig 3a). Such internal heterogeneities could result either from variable degrees of shearing across a vein during a single earthquake, consistent with interpretation of pseudotachylyte generation veins as recording “single jerk” events, or reactivation of pseudotachylyte-lined fault surfaces by multiple earthquakes. In the former case, the entire vein should record a single 40Ar/39Ar age; in the latter, each domain may record a different 40Ar/39Ar age. Injection veins, such as that housed in NE212 (fig 3c), typically contain more survivor clasts than the generation veins with which they are continuous. Glass in South Mountains pseudotachylyte contains <1 weight % K20, and neocrystalline potassium feldspar, smaller than 20 μm, is the volumetrically dominant potassium-bearing phase.
In-situ UVLAMP 40Ar/39Ar analyses In order to evaluate whether changing crustal conditions during core-complex-related tectonism controlled pseudotachylyte fabric, we chose samples for 40Ar/39Ar analyses representing a range of anisotropy. Pseudotachylyte poses several challenges to obtain meaningful ages from conventional step heating 40Ar/39Ar analyses of bulk samples (e.g., Muller et al., 2002; Davidson et al., 2003; Garza et al., 2009; Sherlock et al., 2009; Barker et al., 2010). First, the presence of unmelted and potentially non degassed survivor clasts could lead to anomalously old ages, as this material may retain a memory of the earlier cooling of the host rock pluton at ∼21.8 Ma. Second, glass in pseudotachylyte could be unretentive of radiogenic 40Ar or prone to alteration. We targeted specific sub-vein domains to avoid survivor clasts, ablated small volumes (cylinders 155 μm diameter by 250 μm deep, or cubes of 150 μm on each side) of pseudotachylyte using a 193 nm wavelength excimer laser, and measured the isotopic composition of the released argon using an ultra-sensitive 5-collector mass spectrometer (Jicha et al., 2016; analytical details are in the methods section). The spots from which 40Ar/39Ar dates were acquired are mapped in Figure 3, and chosen to represent contrasting textural domains within pseudotachylyte. To avoid the potential influence of non-atmospheric argon present during melting on the calculated ages, isotopic data from between 14 and 50 spots in each domain were used to determine an isochron age similar to the approach taken by Mercer et al. (2015) for lunar breccias.
Results One pseudotachylyte sample (NE-204) exhibits a weakly-developed flow fabric. The sample is also internally heterogeneous, and features two structurally distinct domains (Fig. 3a). Domain 1 has a more strongly developed flow fabric; however, survivor clasts in this domain are relatively equant. Domain 2 has a more weakly developed flow fabric but more elongate survivor clasts. Despite these contrasts, 17 analyses from both domains yield an well-defined isochron of 17.14±0.22 Ma (Fig 3b). We interpret variable foliation development and heterogeneous survivor clast distributions as recording variable shearing of frictional melt during a single earthquake. Notably, the spot dates of pseudotachylyte are significantly younger than those from the adjacent host rock K-feldspar. This supports our interpretation that 40Ar/39Ar ages of pseudotachylyte record the rapid cooling of melt and not the time since slower cooling through a closure temperature. A second sample, with a moderately developed flow fabric, houses both a generation vein and an injection vein, with which it is continuous (Fig 3c). Regression of 50 analyses from spots spanning both the generation and injection vein yield an isochron of 17.46±0.80 Ma (Fig. 3d). This is consistent with the understanding that injection veins are fed by fault generation veins. A sample of pseudotachylyte with stronger fabric (NE-225),contains multiple pseudotachylyte veins separated by screens of host rock <5mm thick. All of these veins are cut by the vein in sample NE204 (Fig 2a.). One vein exhibits a relatively homogeneously developed flow foliation, but with subdomains that contain either smaller more elongate (clasts >100 μm are rare) survivor clasts, or larger (clasts >100 μm are common) less elongate clasts (fig. 3e). The 40Ar/39Ar dates from 15 spots indicate that the subdomain with smaller survivor clasts formed at 18.98±0.30 Ma (Fig. 3f), whereas 18 dates from the domain with larger clasts gives a younger isochron of 17.84±0.23 Ma (Fig. 3g). We interpret these isochrons as recording reactivation of the slip surface, and melt formation during earthquakes, that occurred more than one million years apart. A second vein from this sample contains a single age domain; regression of 14 spots yields an Isochron age of 18.45±0.60 Ma (fig 3h), the same age within error of the yonger domain of the other vein housed in this sample. One possibility is that these veins were produced by separate earthquakes whose ages are not distinguishable at this level of error. Another possibility is that these two, apparently unconnected, pseudotachylyte domains formed during a single earthquake, and are likely connected in three dimensions. These ages are older than those of the pseudotachylyte in NE204, consistent with macroscopic field relationships.
Discussion Our data indicate that multiple earthquakes, distinct in age at the 95% confidence level, produced pseudotachylyte veins separated by <2 m. Furthermore, interpretation of structurally distinct domains at the sub-vein level, integrated with our geochronologic analyses, allow us to interpret distinct ages within a single vein, suggesting that some faults in the damage zone of the South Mountains detachment were reactivated over at least a million years. This suggests that thin, planar fault veins should are not always the result of “single-jerk” events, which complicates both conventional 40Ar/39Ar analyses of bulk samples of pseudotachylyte, and interpretation of fault mechanics on the basis of pseudotachylyte thickness and geometry <REF>. However, not all structurally distinct domains record distinct ages. We interpret the structural heterogeneity of the low-anisotropy pseudotachylyte as recording as resulting from variable shearing during a single earthquake. Two-dimensionally discontinuous zones of pseudotachylyte may be generated by the same earthquake, and may exhibit complicated geometries and be cut by screens of cataclasite or wall rock. In-situ analyses are especially important in such samples, where unmelted material is abundant. Notably, these relationships cannot be resolved solely by structural analyses, and require geochronologic investigation. Though the UVLAMP method has previously been utilized to date pseudotachylyte in order to establish the timing of periods of seismicity (Di Vincenzo et al., 2004; Sherlock et al., 2009), our results document the potential of this method to date individual earthquakes that ruptured the same fault zone, or even the same slip surface. Collectively, though sampled pseudotachylyte represents only a small fragment of the rock record of earthquakes in the South Mountains metamorphic core complex, our results document the longest history of discrete earthquakes associated with a single fault zone that has yet to be recognized, and highlights the potential of high spatial resolution geochronologic analyses, in conjunction with detailed structural analysis, to unravel the complex history of recurrent earthquakes preserved in exhumed fault zones.
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Cataclasite #geology #rocks #metamorphics #structuralgeology #skye #isleofskye #cataclasite #broadfordbay (at Broadford, Highland, United Kingdom)
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i was working on dynamic posing and accidently made another gemsona
this is cataclasite and theyre part of the blue diamond authority and has been captured for some reason that i dont know
i just needed an excuse for them to be in that position
idk if you can tell but the gem is under her hair in the place of her eye
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The Great Glen Fault It is difficult to look at Scotland from above without noticing a major geologic feature; there’s a giant line! The line you see from above can be found on the surface as well; it is represented by a series of lowlands and valleys that cut entirely across the country and extend offshore. Several lakes, including the famous Loch Ness, also sit completely within this valley, known as the Great Glen. That depression is the remnants of tectonic upheaval eons ago; the valley you see today marks the location of the Great Glen Fault. The fault is mostly a strike-slip fault, where rocks moved past each other horizontally. This fault was initially a sinistral or left-lateral fault, meaning if you look across the fault, the rocks on the other side would have moved left relative to where you stood. This fault was first formed at least 400 million years ago during what is called the Caledonian orogeny. At that time, a piece of land known as Baltica, which includes northern Scotland collided with Laurentia, which today composes much of North America. When continents collide, they typically build mountain ranges, but oftentimes continents don’t move perfectly at each other, they also move side-to-side. If the continents are moving together but at an angle, building mountains doesn’t accommodate all the motion; a strike slip fault must form as well to take up that component of movement. The Great Glen fault was that fault. This fault was reactivated later during the Carboniferous and Cretaceous, but in those times the fault moved the opposite direction; right-lateral or dextral. As the mountain ranges shifted and broke apart, the stresses changed and the rocks found it easier to use the previously-formed fault zone than to break in a new place, so the fault was reactivated at those times. The valley formed today occurs because of how the rocks were treated in the fault zone. They were crushed and broken, forming what we call “cataclasite”. Battered, broken rocks are easily eroded, leaving a great valley across the Scottish highlands today. -JBB Image credit:NASA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Scotland_from_satellite.jpg
#Scotland#Great Glen#Great Glen Fault#Cataclasite#Geology#Loch Ness#Plate Tectonics#Science#Earth from space#United Kingdom#Baltica#The Earth Story
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Another section from the same borehole, and an oblique view showing that there's significant rodding/spaghettification going on:
Cataclasite; part of the various deformation derived material in the Esk Head Melange, the tectonic boundary between two subduction stacked submarine fan complexes that form the Greywackes of eastern Aotearoa/New Zealand. Siltstone augen torn apart in a matrix of grey argillite mudstones, with one big pale clast of what looks like a feldspar, possibly from a pebble (but in the melange, could be anything from anywhere.)
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30 day dragon share challenge: mirrors
Vos - She grew up! And is impossible to dress!!!
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