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Warna Cat Interior Gedung Gereja
Warna cat interior gedung gereja memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam menciptakan atmosfer yang sesuai dengan tujuan spiritual tempat ibadah. Warna dapat memengaruhi suasana hati jemaat, meningkatkan pengalaman rohani, serta menciptakan kesan keagungan dan kedamaian yang diinginkan dalam sebuah tempat suci. Pemilihan warna cat yang tepat tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai elemen estetika, tetapi juga berhubungan erat dengan simbolisme agama, musim liturgi, dan sejarah gereja itu sendiri.
Pada dasarnya, desain warna interior gereja harus mampu menciptakan ruang yang mengundang perenungan, doa, dan kedamaian. Oleh karena itu, dalam memilih warna cat untuk gereja, ada beberapa faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan, termasuk makna spiritual, pencahayaan, serta gaya arsitektur gereja.
Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Warna Cat Interior Gereja
Sebelum memutuskan palet warna cat untuk interior gereja, penting untuk mempertimbangkan beberapa elemen berikut:
1. Simbolisme Warna dalam Agama
Dalam tradisi Kristen, setiap warna membawa makna spiritual tertentu. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memilih warna yang mendukung suasana ibadah dan mendalamkan pemahaman rohani umat. Beberapa warna yang sering digunakan dalam gereja dan maknanya antara lain:
Putih: Melambangkan kesucian, kemuliaan, dan kebangkitan. Warna putih sering digunakan pada perayaan besar seperti Natal dan Paskah, serta untuk altar dan dekorasi liturgi.
Ungu: Merupakan warna pertobatan dan penantian, sering digunakan selama Prapaskah dan Adven. Ungu melambangkan penyesalan dan kesiapan untuk menyambut kedatangan Kristus.
Merah: Melambangkan api Roh Kudus, martir, dan pengorbanan. Merah banyak digunakan saat perayaan Pentakosta atau untuk menghormati para santo dan santa yang menjadi martir.
Hijau: Melambangkan pertumbuhan rohani dan kehidupan kekal. Warna ini sering digunakan dalam musim liturgi Biasa (masa setelah Paskah dan Natal).
Emas: Emas melambangkan kemuliaan dan keabadian Tuhan. Warna ini sering ditemukan pada ornamen gereja, tabernakel, dan elemen lainnya yang ingin menonjolkan kesucian tempat suci.
2. Pencahayaan Gereja
Pencahayaan alami dan buatan juga mempengaruhi pilihan warna cat di interior gereja. Gereja dengan banyak jendela kaca patri atau atap kaca akan memancarkan cahaya yang bervariasi sepanjang hari. Oleh karena itu, warna cat yang lebih terang seperti putih atau krem dapat membantu memantulkan cahaya dan memberikan kesan lebih terang dan terbuka.
Sebaliknya, gereja yang kurang mendapatkan pencahayaan alami atau memiliki pencahayaan yang lebih redup bisa memanfaatkan warna-warna terang seperti beige, krem, atau bahkan warna pastel yang lebih lembut. Warna-warna ini akan membantu menciptakan suasana yang lebih hangat dan tidak suram.
3. Gaya Arsitektur Gereja
Arsitektur gereja sangat berpengaruh terhadap pemilihan warna cat interior. Gereja dengan gaya Gotik atau Baroque yang penuh dengan ornamen cenderung menggunakan warna-warna yang lebih kaya dan gelap, seperti emas, merah marun, atau biru navy untuk memberi kesan kemegahan dan keabadian. Sementara itu, gereja dengan desain minimalis atau modern akan lebih memilih warna-warna netral dan terang, seperti putih, abu-abu, atau coklat muda, yang memberi kesan sederhana namun tetap sakral.
Warna Cat Interior yang Umum Digunakan di Gereja
1. Putih
Putih adalah warna yang paling banyak digunakan dalam gereja karena melambangkan kesucian, kebangkitan Kristus, dan Tuhan yang Maha Suci. Penggunaan warna putih memberikan rasa kebersihan dan keagungan. Warna ini juga menciptakan kesan terang dan lapang di dalam ruangan, terutama jika gereja memiliki desain yang tinggi dan terbuka.
Di banyak gereja Katolik, altar dan area sakral lainnya biasanya dicat dengan warna putih. Selain itu, putih juga digunakan pada dinding gereja, karena menciptakan latar belakang yang sempurna untuk simbol-simbol keagamaan, patung, dan ornamen lainnya.
2. Ungu
Ungu adalah warna yang melambangkan masa pertobatan dan pengharapan. Warna ini sering digunakan pada musim Prapaskah dan Adven dalam kalender liturgi gereja. Dalam gereja-gereja tradisional, ungu dapat digunakan pada dinding atau langit-langit untuk memberikan suasana yang tenang dan reflektif. Ungu juga sering dipilih untuk area altar atau bagian dari ruang ibadah yang berfokus pada persiapan rohani.
3. Emas dan Kuning
Emas dan kuning adalah warna yang menyimbolkan kemuliaan Tuhan, terang ilahi, dan kehidupan kekal. Meskipun tidak sering digunakan pada seluruh interior, emas dapat ditemukan pada detail ornamen, patung, dan elemen-elemen lain yang mendalamkan kesan sakral di gereja. Penggunaan warna emas pada altar atau di sekitar tabernakel menciptakan kesan yang sangat mulia dan menghormati kehadiran Tuhan.
Selain itu, kuning sebagai warna lembut sering digunakan dalam gereja-gereja modern untuk menciptakan kesan hangat dan ramah. Kuning yang lebih cerah dapat memperindah dinding atau langit-langit gereja, memberi kesan kebahagiaan dan sukacita.
4. Hijau
Hijau adalah warna yang menghubungkan umat dengan kehidupan kekal dan pertumbuhan rohani. Warna ini sering digunakan di gereja pada musim liturgi Biasa, antara perayaan-perayaan besar. Hijau menambah rasa kedamaian dan kesejukan dalam ruang ibadah. Penggunaan hijau dapat ditemukan di dinding gereja atau sebagai aksen pada dekorasi dan elemen-elemen kecil.
5. Krem, Abu-abu, dan Beige
Warna-warna netral seperti krem, abu-abu, dan beige banyak digunakan pada gereja dengan desain interior modern dan minimalis. Warna ini memberi kesan elegan dan bersih, menciptakan ruang yang tenang dan tidak membingungkan perhatian jemaat. Krem dan beige memberikan kesan hangat dan lembut, sementara abu-abu lebih tegas dan memberi kedalaman pada ruang.
Warna-warna netral ini juga sering digunakan untuk dinding, langit-langit, dan elemen-elemen besar lainnya, memungkinkan elemen dekoratif dan simbol religius untuk lebih menonjol tanpa bersaing dengan warna yang terlalu kuat.
6. Merah
Merah adalah warna yang melambangkan api Roh Kudus dan pengorbanan Kristus di salib. Meskipun digunakan dengan hemat, merah sering ditemukan di gereja selama perayaan Pentakosta atau untuk menghormati martir. Beberapa gereja menggunakan merah di sekitar altar atau di dinding sebagai aksen, menciptakan suasana yang penuh semangat dan energi.
Tips Pemilihan Warna Cat untuk Interior Gereja
Pertimbangkan Ukuran Ruang: Warna terang seperti putih dan krem dapat membuat ruang kecil terlihat lebih besar dan lebih lapang. Sementara itu, warna gelap memberikan kesan kedalaman dan keagungan, cocok untuk gereja dengan ruang besar.
Gunakan Warna Sesuai Musim Liturgi: Pemilihan warna cat juga dapat disesuaikan dengan musim liturgi atau perayaan tertentu, seperti ungu untuk Prapaskah dan Adven, merah untuk Pentakosta, atau putih untuk Natal dan Paskah.
Perhatikan Pencahayaan: Warna cat yang lebih terang akan lebih baik pada gereja yang memiliki banyak cahaya alami, sedangkan warna lebih gelap dapat dipilih untuk gereja dengan pencahayaan buatan yang lebih terang.
Warna cat interior gereja bukan hanya sekadar pilihan estetika, tetapi juga mencerminkan makna spiritual dan mendalam dalam kehidupan rohani umat. Dari warna-warna netral yang menenangkan, hingga warna-warna simbolik seperti ungu, merah, dan emas, setiap warna memiliki peran untuk menciptakan atmosfer yang mendukung ibadah dan refleksi rohani. Pemilihan warna yang tepat dapat memperkaya pengalaman liturgi, memberi kedamaian dan keagungan, serta memperdalam makna setiap perayaan di gereja.
#pilihan warna cat exterior modern#warna cat exterior rumah minimalis paling banyak di cari#perpaduan warna cat rumah#warna cat teras rumah minimalis modern#warna cat rumah#cat exterior modern#cat exterior terbaru#cat exterior#kombinasi cat exterior populer#cat exterior paling banyak di cari#kombinasi warna cat depan rumah minimalis terbaru#cat exterior viral#gereja#warna cat#warna cat tembok#kombinasi warna cat teras rumah#46 warna cat rumah terbaru#Youtube
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Unveiling the Unfathomable Truth Behind Embroil: A Sardonic Journey in the Mind of an Angsty Teen
Are you ready for a mind-bending revelation? Brace yourselves, because today we dive into the murky depths of a random, obscure, and utterly unbelievable truth about embroil. Get set for a wild ride as we explore the enigmatic world of this perplexing phenomenon, as seen through the eyes of an angsty teen. Prepare to have your mind blown, for there are secrets lurking beneath the surface of embroil that will undoubtedly leave you questioning everything you thought you knew. Picture this: a typical high school cafeteria, filled with gossip, drama, and cheesy romance. But suddenly, out of nowhere, embroil rears its head, commandeering the room like a melodramatic Shakespearean play. What's that? You've never heard of embroil before? Exactly! It turns out that embroil is the mysterious art of getting caught up in trivial matters with astronomical implications. Forget the monumental issues of the world; we're talking about heated debates over which ice cream flavor is superior or who sits where at lunch. But here's the twist—embroil is no ordinary state of conflict. It's a powerful force that possesses the ability to transform the most composed individuals into raging warriors. One moment, you're peacefully sipping your soda, and the next, you find yourself embroiled in a fierce war of words with your best friend over who should pay for the movie tickets. The angsty teen, who we shall refer to as Emily, claims that embroil is more than just a superficial skirmish. According to her, each embroilment is a gateway to self-discovery, a journey where narrow-minded opinions clash against subconscious desires. It's a battleground where societal norms crumble, revealing the raw essence lurking beneath our shallow exteriors. Emily passionately argues that embroil is a metaphorical battleground—a reflection of the inner turmoil lingering within us all. The trivial matters we engage in become symbolic wars, showcasing the turmoil we experience as we navigate the treacherous path of adolescence, much like the scene in a superhero movie where the city's landmarks get obliterated during an epic showdown of good versus evil. So, the next time you find yourself caught up in a senseless argument about fashion choices or the latest viral cat video, pause for a moment. Consider the hidden depths of embroil. Embrace the absurdity, for within it lies the possibility of self-discovery and personal growth. Let us march forward, armed with sarcasm and teenage angst, as we delve deeper into the tangled web of embroil, unearthing bizarre truths that were once shrouded in obscurity. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are solely those of a fictional angsty teen named Emily. Any resemblance to actual embroilment experiences is purely coincidental!
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Streamer Xiao
Xiao X GN! Reader
Little fluffy messy drabble about streamer! au Xiao (:
Word Count: 1.3k
Xiao, “X_SamuraiAdeptus_X” Twitch’s resident emo boy. (That’s what his followers call him, anyway.)
He started off as a vtuber on twitch, just to dip his toes in the shit show that is streaming. Probably had some sort of demon model, definitely the type A LOT of people simped for (think that streamer Shoto). His model was def how he got his first 1k followers.
Alas! He slowly opened up more, and eventually did a face reveal, of which went viral and trended, and then just started streaming with his real face.
He always has somewhat tousled hair with dark eyeliner. His eye’s are so captivating even through the screen!
His model is still beloved in the fandom, but now it’s a joke that he’s a slayer of demons because he “killed” the demon that possessed his channel.
Yeah, most of his followers are weirdo’s in that fun creative way.
He’s actually an artist, too, draws his own Twitch emoji’s and avatar.
He supports small artists, though, often commissioning Discord server emoji’s.
The king of vibing in a dark room with nothing but a bunch of colorful LED lights everywhere to provide light, as well as the king of streaming in the dead of night (for him, anyway). Starts his streams at 9pm most days, ends somewhere around 1am. This changes sometimes, of course, but you can clearly tell he’s some sort of night owl.
He’s always playing horror games, and absolutely did all the FNAF games in a month because he never played them when he was younger. Xiao is always looking out for his inner child that never got to do this sort of stuff.
Little shit does not get scared easily, jump scares don’t get him, but Archons when he played Phasmophobia with his streamer pals, Childe, Aether, and Venti, he was laughing his ass off at how easily scared they’d all get. Sadist.
He’s definitely regarded as one of the hottest Twitch men out there, and his discord is extremely chill. People are always on VC listening to music.
Has around 2.3 million followers!
He enjoys single player games the most like Skyrim, anything fantasy, and that’s because he’s not the most competitive person. Completely chill dude.
As Xiao’s following grows, so does his revenue from Twitch, and he tries to pay the community back after every stream by donating at least a thousand dollars to a small streamer he finds and likes. He’s more likely to donate to a vtuber, though, only because he has a soft spot for them since that was his beginning too.
Now.. Xiao is EXTREMELY reserved, people barely know anything about him. They know he’s 23, they know he likes almond tofu and tapioca pudding, they know he has a pet cat he found in a dumpster one day and named him “Dumpy” and a Parakeet, but they don’t know much else? Sure they know his Twitch friend group, and that he’s probably some ~city slicker~ (just a hunch, really), but that’s not really anything.
Yes.. that’s right.. they have no idea he has a s/o, you. (or so he thinks.)
It’s not like he’s ashamed or anything, he just sees no reason to talk about it.
Also the thought of him blubbering on about you like a love-sick fool on stream makes his face explode with a fierce blush.
But you’re so supportive! You’re literally the best!
He’s never mentioned having a s/o, but chat isn’t that dumb.
They can clearly see and hear someone walking into the room and handing him food and drinks - it’s especially noticeable during his bi-monthly 12 hr streams.
You guys actually met before he became famous, before he even hit 1k followers, you met on Twitch. You were a follower. How cheesy??
God, you joined his Discord and somehow immediately intrigued him with your goofy cute self.
Late night’s staying up on voice calls with you, just chatting about games and life.
He was very easy to get along with.. after you dug your way past that reserved exterior that is.. Such a tsundere. And sure, parasocial relationships with streamers is everyone's worst nightmare, but he was the one who confessed to you!
Aha! So you weren’t a creep for liking him!
Cue the online dating for one day because one day was how long it took for both of you to realize you live 15 minutes apart and could literally go meet up.
Brings you a lego flower because it lasts longer than a real flower <3
That was around four years ago, and he fucking grew FAST. (Thanks to becoming friends with a certain someone who’s in the top 50 most followed Twitch users).
Your sweet man who’s obsessed with parakeets.
Yeah, the parakeet and cat cuddle, his apartment is crazy.
Dumpy is usually found chilling on the couch behind him during streams, and his blue parakeet, Milk, can either be found on his shoulder, head, nuzzled against his neck, or gone (with you in the next room).
Has a redeem to kiss his pets for 10k points lolol.
Dating a streamer was definitely a challenge at first, I mean their schedules are CRAZY? He always make time for you, the light of his life, but streaming was his primary source of income, so he had to pour himself into that as well.
He gets burnt out rather quickly, so it’s not uncommon for Xiao to cancel a stream a few hours before he was supposed to go live, instead opting to worm his way into your arms on the couch and watch movies. He tends to fall asleep like this, often drooling, so watch out!
He always returns to Twitch with a pep in his step! Rarely smiles though.
His streams are actually really fun and entertaining, not too chaotic but fun enough for time to melt away so quickly. He’s usually calm and collected but FUCK he rages HARD when something goes wrong, like when a cyclops beats the shit out of him in Skyrim or a monster one-shot’s him in Monster Hunter.
I’m talking yelling at the screen, breathing heavily, but unlike most dudes who rage, he does all this while going right back at it, effectively using his anger to slay whatever beast pissed him off.
Afterwards he sighs, leans back in his chair and is like, “Ugh.. sorry..NO! I’M NOT A DEMON SLAYER STOP IT!” Aggressively drinks a juicebox.
He knows you watch him sometimes though, so he does that kpop idol heart thing with his fingers just for you <3 Granted, all the fangirls and guys go wild but yeah, it’s for you.
He also likes to cosplay, so his Instagram is filled with cosplay photos that you or Venti took of him.
He has so many side jobs- modeling (thanks a lot, Venti), selling art and merch, brand deals, he’s LOADED.
His childhood friend and small streamer, Zhongli, actually helps him manage his finances since Zhongli is a history nerd accountant.
You can expect merchandise all over your shared apartment, coolest tech pieces, so many games, literal heaven. So many cozy spots too, even has a little nook next to a wide window where he likes to read.
Yeah, he’s a book worm. Has cute reading glasses too.
He’s a weeb too.. so.. anime figurines. Nothing explicit, but yeah anime figurines. Loves those chubby little nendoroid’s!
One time before a stream, you put his hair up in a bun and he just left it.
So much fanart the next day..
You were actually the one who dragged him into playing Genshin, “I wanna play games with you!” How can he say no???
Only plays if you co-op with him, but of course his other streamer friends like Tartaglia and Scaramouche notice he’s online and join too for shits n giggles. They leave him to die to the bosses, you have to go save him haha.
Yeah. He’s a Genshin noob, but at least he has the funds to be op! He’s also a quick learner, so before long he’s got a better understanding about builds and what teams work best together than you! Pissed you off a little bit and he loves it.
After every stream, you’re usually asleep in the bedroom, so he smooches you on the cheek, crawls under the covers, hugs you close, and passes out for the next ten hours.
One time, though, he got SO tired at the end of the stream that he forgot to end the stream! He thought he did! Man got up and left!
Only found out he was still streaming when he walked into the game room loudly eating cereal the next day and saw his camera light still on and blinking.
Pictures of him with messy sleepy hair, droopy eyes, oversized sweatshirt, and knee-high kitty socks overtook the internet for three whole weeks.
He’s such a cute mess.
#hnnn xiao#xiao#streamer xiao#streamer xiao x reader#xiao x you#genshin impact x reader#genshin impact streamer au#streamer au#genshin xiao x reader#genshin x reader#xiao x reader
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A Week of Kindness in the Rue Morgue
From Bela Lugosi’s Mackie Messer in the beginning to the final moments of an ape bounding over the rooftops of a pasteboard Paris, Robert Florey’s 1932 Murders in the Rue Morgue is an unselfconscious adaptation of Max Ernst’s great work, Une semaine de bonté. Ernst’s book was published two years later, so it would be even more curious to know if he saw this film – especially given the Surrealists’ bent for valorizing junk.
A wild contraption mixing sci-fi super science, eugenics, and Guignol jungle horror with European postwar exoticism, Murders rattles on for little over an hour, employing several amusing devices along the way. Viz: a send-up of Françafrique colonialism with Karl May-like Indians bedeviling a crowd of bourgeois pigs; a series of funny gags on language, nationalism, and food that break up the foggy Krafft-Ebbing carnality; Lugosi’s unboarded mad doctor, part carnival barker and part Francis Galton (Lugosi’s Brechtian pedagogy is interrupted by a gleeful sadism and misogyny, which is the real point of his supposedly ‘hammy’ line readings); phantasmagoric ‘exteriors’, beautifully exposed by the great Carl Freund, giving a moving panorama background to the essentially vaudeville goings-on. Florey’s film is a stew of pulp and pulp critique, with the requisite dynamo speed and a true populist delight in dirty innuendo.
The picture was not a great success upon release (Universal’s Carl Laemmle Jr. was hoping for a second Frankenstein – which Lugosi turned down in ‘31, both as monster and doctor). But the real casualty of the picture was Arlene Francis, pictured above on the cross being adored by a monastic Béla (this blasphemous altarpiece was partially mangled by edits for the general release, but remains in press stills). For promotional material, the crucifixion scene was reproduced in life-size card mock-ups and displayed in theater lobbies around the country – which enflamed the Presbyterians and also Miss Francis’ father, who successfully petitioned Universal to remove the offending cut-outs (the family’s actual last name was Kazanjian, which is Armenian; the grandparents were victims of the Genocide, with the remnant moving to the US soon after). The ancillary activities in this Rue Morgue are almost as fascinating as those of Ulmer’s Black Cat, which makes a strong case for a profound revision of the entire Lugosi constellation.
Aside from the ape, the only real Poe characters to appear in the film are a far more dashing version of Auguste Dupin, the great father of all neurotic detectives, and a bumbling police prefect (who is clearly the Inspector ‘G’ of the three canonical Dupin mysteries). Dupin lives in the kind of artist’s garret Arlene Francis’ father knew during his years as a painter in the real Paris, c. 1896 – or at least he would have registered it as a soapy parody of that time. Dark and unforgettable, Miss Francis had lucked into her small silent role in the film, and it damped her subsequent career. She did later become well-known as a regular on What’s My Line, but anyone who saw her ragdoll body and necrophiliac sexuality in Murders couldn’t possibly have forgotten her. And there is racism too: her agent recommended a nose-job after this film, doubtless because she looked too ‘Asiatic’ (Jewish). She complied – needing work, like we do.
Closest scene to Ernst: the ape’s arm lolls out a carriage window in the mist, as Dr Mirakle (Lugosi’s preposterously-named heavy) summons him to carry off the comely Sidney Fox (a second subject for devolution after Arlene Francis dies). The ape appears also as a great shadowy hand, an actual ape in facial close-up, and as a shaggy clump loping in long shot. Though it is simian blood Lugosi injects into women in his quest to breed supercreatures, the audience easily reads ‘bestiality’. Perhaps here too, we can see the paranoia of French who suspected a devilish plot between Oriental doctors with near-Yiddish names and noirs? Dreyfuss and his Apelings?
WWI Europe thrilled American servicemen, even as it destroyed their minds. Stateside horror films of the period are strange reflections of battlefields and louche flâneur, Puritanism, VD, and slipping borders. The unreal cities of occupation and prostitutes are essays of wandering Yanks, flashed in stark documentary and astral bodies; dirty reels of malaprop, anachronism, and funhouse fantasy contra the phantasmagoria of czar and kaiser lands fast falling into particle dust. The Universal or PRC cheapie is an unholy conspiracy between the homeless Euro sophisticate and the American canine – a junk and junkier art where plot is subservient to scene, as the new medium technically demanded.
Along with the static, hallucinatory Dracula’s Daughter and Karl Freund’s gamy film of The Mummy (1932), Florey’s flick is one of the most sensual of early Universal horrors and probably the sleaziest. The Hays Code was not strictly enforced until 1934, but it was gaining traction all the while. It succeeded in removing some of Francis’ bound body to make up for letting Zita Jahnn dance for Pharaoh and Karloff a year earlier. But in 1936, Dracula’s daughter’s lesbian fling with a model missed them completely, even though they monitored horror like hawks. Despite the bloody lips and ripped blouses of the later Hammer or hippie cult shows, horror was a truly Modernist organ in these 1930s workingman’s shows. Requiescat in pace
Post-Watergate, even the most interesting genre pictures could muster only an amusing retro-viral pastiche or guilt about the human body as real estate. As in economics, neoliberalism and its discontents emerged triumphant after a time of monsters. But perhaps the story isn’t over yet, and the ape will ignore liberty and again go straight for the throat.
(watch here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x21gvsx )
by Martin Billheimer
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A million deaths from coronavirus and so many unanswered questions: seven experts on their burning question
The pandemic has reached a grim milestone: a million individuals have now died of COVID-19, in keeping with Worldometers.
On January 13, we revealed “Thriller China pneumonia outbreak doubtless attributable to new human coronavirus” by Connor Bamford, a virologist at Queen’s College Belfast. Since then, we have now revealed greater than 3,500 articles on the now not-so-novel coronavirus, formally named Sars-CoV-2. Regardless of this enormous output from the world’s main consultants, we have now merely skimmed the floor of all there may be to learn about this perplexing pathogen. A lot stays a thriller.
At this essential juncture, we requested a number of consultants from completely different fields what their burning query concerning the coronavirus is. Here’s what they stated:
Connor Bamford, Analysis Fellow, Virology, Queen’s College Belfast
How did Sars-CoV-2 enter the human inhabitants?
We should perceive how Sars-CoV-2-like viruses soar into people if we’re to cease the subsequent pandemic, as we do for influenza. Though initially thought to have emerged within the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in December 2019, the earliest affected person had no hyperlink to the market suggesting the virus had emerged earlier than then. How did this occur?
Learn extra: Thriller China pneumonia outbreak doubtless attributable to new human coronavirus
Because the authentic investigations into the beginnings of Sars coronaviruses in 2002, horseshoe bats in south-east Asia have been implicated because the reservoir hosts, and a virus (RmYN02) that’s extraordinarily just like Sars-CoV-2 has already been present in bats. Nonetheless, comparable viruses have additionally been present in pangolins, elevating the chance that Sars-CoV-2 might not have jumped instantly from a bat.
Additionally, Sars-CoV-2 has already unfold to cats, canine, tigers and mink, and for Sars-CoV-1 (the virus that triggered the 2002-04 Sars epidemic), farmed civet cats and raccoon canine acted as intermediate hosts, bringing a bat virus into proximity to people. It’s doable that Sars-CoV-2 is a generalist virus, able to spreading by a variety of species.
With the rise involved between people and wildlife, zoonoses have gotten an ever-growing menace. We should be vigilant. An essential step now’s to determine the occasions that led Sars-CoV-2 to go from bat to human.
Related viruses have been present in pangolins. Arief Budi Kusuma/Shutterstock
Sarah Caddy, Medical Analysis Fellow, Viral Immunology, College of Cambridge
How can we inform if somebody is protected against Sars-CoV-2?
The immune response to Sars-CoV-2 an infection goals to get rid of the virus from the physique. Many research have rigorously described the assorted phases of the immune response after preliminary an infection, however we have no idea which facets of immunity are important for stopping repeat infections. What are the relative roles of several types of antibodies, or the significance of various T cell subsets?
An essential objective of Sars-CoV-2 immunological analysis is, subsequently, to determine which immune part (or parts) can present an individual is protected against future an infection. Such a marker can be termed a “correlate of safety”.
The power to measure an correct correlate of safety can be precious for 2 causes. First, it may inform us whether or not somebody who has recovered from COVID-19 is more likely to get re-infected. Second, figuring out an simply measurable correlate of safety can be useful for vaccine trials – it may pace up the analysis of vaccine efficacy.
Nonetheless, figuring out good correlates of safety for different coronaviruses has confirmed notoriously tough. Helpful outcomes have beforehand solely been generated when volunteers have been experimentally contaminated with viruses. The primary human Sars-Cov-2 problem research at the moment are as a consequence of start early subsequent yr, so it’s hoped that this may allow correlates of safety to be discovered extra quickly.
Learn extra: Coronavirus: why I assist the world’s first COVID vaccine problem trial
Derek Gatherer, Lecturer and Fellow of the Institute for Social Futures, Lancaster College
How can we clarify the acute geographical variation in COVID-19 mortality charges?
Cumulative deaths from COVID-19 per million of inhabitants (dpm), are very inconsistently distributed throughout Europe (see map beneath) starting from 7dpm in Slovakia to 856dpm in Belgium. A wedge of comparatively flippantly affected international locations extends from Finland southwards to the northern Balkans.
There are comparable pockets of low COVID-19 mortality on different continents, notably south-east Asian international locations. May the populations of low mortality international locations have some cross-immunity to Sars-CoV-2 generated by current publicity to a different coronavirus – the plain candidates being the milder “widespread chilly” coronaviruses: 229E, NL63, OC43 or HKU1?
A touch that this can be the case is offered by the remark that antibodies from the unique 2003 Sars sufferers have some binding to coronaviruses 229E, NL63 and notably OC43. However so little consideration has been paid to seasonal coronaviruses, certainly, to seasonal non-flu respiratory infections, basically, that related medical discipline information is extraordinarily sparse and infrequently outdated (as an illustration, one-third of residents of Hamburg had antibodies to coronavirus OC43 in 1975 or 58% of Hungarians sampled 5 years later).
We urgently want extra lab research to know how a lot cross-immunity coronaviruses confer on one another, whereas inhabitants research are wanted to find out the prevalence of coronavirus antibodies, not simply to Sars-CoV-2 but in addition its milder but probably vital cousins.
Serology – the examine of antibody prevalence – has lengthy been the Cinderella of virology in contrast with the extra glamorous world of genome sequencing, however its significance and the implications of its neglect at the moment are turning into obvious.
Deaths per million (dpm) of inhabitants in Europe and surrounding international locations, as of mid-September 2020. Crimson: >200dpm; Blue: 100-200dpm; Black <100dpm. By San Jose – personal map, primarily based on the Generic Mapping Instruments and ETOPO2 (annotated by DG). Knowledge from WHO Epidemiological Replace., CC BY-SA
Anne Moore, Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry and Cell Biology, College Faculty Cork
For a vaccine, what does success seem like within the brief versus long run?
The endgame to the COVID-19 pandemic requires the identification and manufacture of a protected and efficient vaccine and a subsequent world immunisation marketing campaign.
Candidate Sars-CoV-2 vaccines have been quickly developed primarily based on years of vaccine improvement efforts. The unprecedented and vital enter of world funding into this pandemic vaccine effort can solely purchase a lot time for trials to succeed or fail. A profitable trial wants the virus to be circulating in the neighborhood so we are able to decide what number of vaccinated individuals (versus these receiving a placebo) grow to be contaminated.
Quick-term success will present {that a} protected vaccine will present no less than 50% safety. And if we see short-term success, what does long-term success seem like?
The most important query is, what’s the period of safety? Whether it is short-lived, then how will we increase immunity again to protecting ranges? How will we determine this out with out counting on a standard empirical method? If there isn’t short-term success, then how will we be certain that world dedication is maintained to stop Sars-CoV-2 vaccines from ending up in the identical scenario as terminated vaccine efforts for Sars? There might be one other pandemic; we want a long-term imaginative and prescient and dedication to have short-term future success.
Susan Michie and Robert West, Professors of Well being Psychology, UCL
How can COVID-safe behaviour grow to be embedded in individuals’s lives?
It appears as if COVID-19 might be with us for the foreseeable future. We’ll all must undertake a variety of behaviours to maintain ourselves from getting contaminated or infecting others. We all know what these are: the query is how they will grow to be embedded in our lives?
The behaviours embody maintaining a better bodily distance from others; carrying a COVID equipment (face masks, hand sanitiser and tissues) every time we’re exterior the house; sporting a face masks correctly in indoor public areas and storing or disposing of it safely; disinfecting fingers and surfaces after doable contamination; catching coughs and sneezes in tissues; by no means touching our eyes, nostril or mouth except we all know our fingers are clear; avoiding or leaving unsafe conditions, similar to poorly ventilated indoor areas the place there are many individuals; getting vaccinated; and staying at house and getting examined if we have now signs.
How can we get individuals to embed good behaviours of their lives. Kzenon/Shutterstock
The problem is the best way to get these adopted at scale and maintained over time, in different phrases, embedded in individuals’s lives as routines and habits. This requires an understanding of what maintains and adjustments human behaviour. We have to equip individuals with the talents to develop routines that may grow to be habits over time, present the time and social and environmental assist to attain this and inspire them to make use of these alternatives.
David Hunter, Richard Doll Professor of Epidemiology and Drugs, College of Oxford
What’s the full spectrum of well being penalties of COVID-19 an infection?
We now have good information on deaths from COVID-19 an infection, displaying an astonishing improve in danger of dying with rising age. This contrasts with the 2009 H1N1 flu epidemic, by which the aged have been comparatively much less affected, and reminds us that we have now a fantastic deal extra to study this virus.
Whereas many of the focus has been on deaths, small research of COVID-19 survivors discharged from hospital recommend that many don’t return to their baseline well being standing. We all know little about “lengthy COVID” amongst those that didn’t require hospital admission, regardless of many particular person reviews of recurrent bouts of fever, fatigue, and a variety of different signs.
Comply with-up of COVID-19 sufferers recommend proof of injury to the guts, lungs and different organs which will trigger issues sooner or later, and there may be some proof that this can be true even amongst these with delicate signs. Many viral infections could cause undiagnosed pathology, however extreme long-term results are comparatively unusual. If these results are extra widespread for COVID-19, nonetheless, then an unique give attention to deaths means that we’ll not be contemplating the complete prices of failing to manage the epidemic, nor the complete advantages of doing so.
Research have began amongst sufferers after discharge from hospital. We urgently want well-controlled research among the many majority of these contaminated who didn’t want hospitalisation in case we’re solely seeing the tip of the COVID iceberg.
Anne Moore has acquired funding from HRB and Enterprise Eire for vaccine analysis and from small and medium scale vaccine improvement corporations within the EU and the USA.
Connor Bamford receives funding from Wellcome Belief and UKRI.
Derek Gatherer receives funding from the UK Financial & Social Analysis Council and the Ministry of Well being of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Robert West is a participant within the behavioural subgroup of England's Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies and the Unbiased Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies. He’s an unpaid director of a not-for-profit firm that goals to assist behaviour change for the general public good.
Susan Michie receives grant funding from varied analysis funding organisations
David Hunter and Sarah L Caddy don’t work for, seek the advice of, personal shares in or obtain funding from any firm or organisation that will profit from this text, and have disclosed no related affiliations past their educational appointment.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/a-million-deaths-from-coronavirus-and-so-many-unanswered-questions-seven-experts-on-their-burning-question/ via https://growthnews.in
0 notes
Reality Patch
(3393 - long read, messy, technically ‘unfinished’ whatever that means)
There was a little bubble of interest in the Miu Miu pre-fall collection in the twitterverse a few weeks (months? years?) back – it seemed torn out of time. Made in the winter, shown to press in January? Viral in the early summer? To be bought..… sometime? Part of the issue is the term ‘pre-fall’. Pretty certain that’s summer. This collection feels like it doesn’t exist. I guess if I ever went shopping, it would make more sense? But as a broke hut-dwelling internet denizen, I’m lost. It’s this money-spinning side to fashion commerce that’s the ‘real’ collection, but it’s named after a non-existent season. The pre-fall/resort problem lies in that it’s the collection that gets the least press, because not normally presented in a show, but also functions more solidly as merchandise. Certain agitators want to eliminate these non-events, and revert to twice-yearly seasons. It’s a fucking mess. What even is this? The fashion calender is broken and illogical. I’m going to write here about the Marni AW 20 ‘Alice in Wonderland’ collection alongside Moocher’s pre-fall thing, because I’ve got queries about patchwork and they play well together.
I have …complicated… feelings about the patchwork. We’re probably going to see more and more of it and I’m not sure we’re asking the right questions of it. How do we avoid it becoming just ‘aesthetic’ (in pop speak = empty), rather than a manner of process that informs continual work going forward and results in an un-replicable feeling, a new angle on reality (an….. aesthetic). How to stop it becoming something we all get bored of? Because, the only guarantee in fashion is boredom.
Patchwork collage
Miu was a solid offering – it maintains a certain quality, obvs – and is good in its own way according to its own logic as Miuccia’s offerings usually are. A vision of commerce, yes, but also a kaleidoscopic frozen moment of girlhood that wants to aid us in our navigation from then to there, the ‘there’ being an upcoming un-season (A/W/S/S?) and maybe a sense of maturity. Now, there’s no point in me complaining about low quality info from the establishment on their dealings then failing to engage thoroughly with work when it is delivered in detail on multiple fronts (written aspect, full campaign, video that I can’t find anymore but remember seeing unless it was a hallucination, and look book – many angles).
Embellished bodices/check check/white fuzzy tights/nice shiny heels/19th c take on afghan jacket very good/prairie psycho/much boring merch – (awkward stances suggest candid, ambivalent)
Miu look book Collage
Our press release ponders:
‘When was the last occasion you lived in an enclosed world, where time stretched out, seemingly endlessly, in front of you? When was the last time your interior world felt as important as the exterior one, where you were free to imagine and to contemplate who you might actually want to be? Chances are it was when you were a teenager, with all of the triumphs and trepidations that entailed, particularly if you were a teenage girl.’
Well, it sure sounds like it sucks to be a real adult who gave up on their dreams. When was the last time I felt free in my internal playground? Every day of my life, bitches. I’m your anomaly, Prada copy-writer. But, point taken. Work sucks when you’re doing it for other people, and we’ve all had times when you feel caught and pinched and empty in our creative attempts. And now, we’ve all been grounded by our stupid parents for the last few months. Stuck in our rooms. Some by choice, some not. And if we’re allowed out right now, the second spike is coming and we’re all depressed about the limits we have to live under in order to reduce advancing death.
‘A dream-like, interior world is conjured through Douglas Irvine’s photography to match the external, magical manifestation on display in the clothing. A blur of florals and glittering visual embellishment, diaphanous drape and ecstatic movement belie the strict foundations for both the images and garments.’
campaign collage
So far, so wordy and detailed. A world is glimpsed. One with blurs but strict foundations. A real world made hazy. We have classic codes walking in a trepidatious vein. Miu Miu girl is testing out the limits of her horizons, playing with her identity through her clothes and thinking to herself, how much do I want to give away? What will I keep? But the text continues:
‘Wearing a clothing collection that splices the utilitarian with the formal, the everyday with the extravagant, delicate artisanal embellishment is contrasted with and applied to a notion of the sturdily homespun. Here, nineteenth century literary heroines, both fictional and actual, are channelled, the sources of teenage-girl bedroom revolutions in both style and substance, yet worn by a new generation of everyday heroines with all of their contrasting clothing choices.’
We lose track here. Not sure this collection actually feels ‘artisanal’ or ‘sturdily homespun’. there’s the late 20-teens pop refrain of dark psychedelia’s fixation on moth-eaten fin de siècle grandness, the upending of 19th C avant-garde in the counter-culture’s looping democratisation. We have an eclecticism, a thriftiness, a carelessness with the past symptomatic of isolated children playing with a mish-mash of pieces born of hemmed-in theatrics.
MORE – CAMPAIGN/POSES/FACES/DESCRIBE CLOTHES – here comes what night?. Colour, focus. Don’t really like the clothes, wouldn’t wear any of this tbh.
As for Marni’s Alice in Wonderland, I have languishing notes which seem as old and tired as the idea of 2019. I was practising twitter threadiness, and got as far as notes on Milan before the covid freeze set in my mind. I like mixed responses, it’s the only thing that feels fair, but with those Milan collections I couldn’t achieve any sort of resolution or clear point. I didn’t know how I felt anymore. I’m unresolved in how I feel about criticism. It should be functional, but not necessarily constructive, if I feel the need to tear something down, as a critic that is within my job description. I’ll write a proper bit on the perils of fashion criticism from a distance, but in short I feel that it’s unfair to criticise a designer’s work from afar, especially negatively, but that until the fashion community realises the value of a public culture of critique (criticism being the only process by which you can hope to form an art system), real critics engaged with honestly parsing the strengths and weaknesses of fashion practice in service of public health will have to criticise from afar. This will impact the quality of the work, but it is hoped the audience can accept the pinch of salt required of virtual critique of a virtual fashion experience. The subject of the criticism here isn’t the clothes. I’m not asking questions of fit, of quality, I’m asking whether this is good fashion communication, as a time-dependent media phenomenon. And, yes, I know I’m late on this one. Temporal fashion stress must take a rain check at present.
Marni –
“collaged from the beginning to the end—from macro to micro to fractal. It’s about putting together remnants.”
cut velvet woven by hand in a factory in Venice on looms that were originally designed by Leonardo da Vinci—a vanishing, time-consuming craft that Risso understandably wants to “protect and exalt.”
“Are we in a psychedelic world and we need to be more grounded, or are we in a caged world and we need to be freed by psychedelia?”
risso Quotes:
“Finding beauty in the leftovers,”
“There’s a beauty in the past. I was kind of upset lately, thinking about people on their phones -- what about these objects that take hours to make, like these Venetian tapestries?”. mosaic of the remnants.
new, conceptual territory,
remnants of the previous collections
“It’s a celebration of DIY, Alice in Wonderland, and it’s about her spirit, her searching and questioning,”
the Cheshire Cat’s “We’re all mad here” mantra, as he talked about mandalas and allowing time for ideas to grow.
“Her spirit is within each creature, always wondering and questioning,”
“Making this collection has been the strangest mystery,” he confided. “It’s almost as if it regenerated itself – recreated itself – like an insatiable mosaic.”
At their best they’re the insatiable fractal mosaic he speaks of – something that situates you betwixt density and freedom. Was patchy – moments of clarity, moments of aimlesslness.. Appreciate the fashion-as-curious-adventure methodology. Ties and openness and rotation were true to Marni.. Materials – twisted tradition meeting rational plain cottons hit the mark. Gold rings, like they’ve melted through from another dimension. They were scattered over the body, but I was left wanting to know more of this motif – what if it become structural, like a portal to another plane? Patchwork that doesn’t feel done in good faith. Like a trick. None of these shapes are done in the spirit of patchwork, like the wrong kind of luxury. Too much care is given to appearing careless, but a reach for dizzying angles in effect sidelines affect – it feels tidily resolved, and then mussed around at the end. I’m probably wrong on many fronts about the reality of their process. But what I’m feeling right now is that if all you’re aiming for is the ‘look’ of patched pieces rather that the ‘ethic’ or process of thrift, then you’ll just get trapped in an endless empty labyrinth of false choices. It’s not about the look, it’s about shiftinG your total parameters of design decision making going forward. Additive.
I’m still figuring out how I feel about this. Both these collections suffer from a neat, pat resolution of the question of the deadstock aesthetic that avoids the hard work of engaging with the limitations of that mode of work. Where is the tension? Where is the sacrifice? The loss of freedom in thrift must be acknowledged. If you’re telling me a story about a lost girl in a crazy world that makes no sense, why do her questions of her physical environment feel so impersonal? Many designers are going to turn to patchworking, out of both necessity and fashion gameplaying. Each designer is going have to work their way to an individual conversation with the difficult questions of recycling while avoiding the traps of the easy way out. Both teams failed at this test, in these collections. Sustainability isn’t easy, or anywhere close to being properly engaged with by our establishment figures. (Viktor & Rolf are a good example of recycling feeling right and thought about and cared for).
Viktor&Rolf samples
I’m reading Lolita at the moment. (CAN YOU TELL?) I’m not a good reader. (CAN YOU TELL?) A.D.D., I guess. I get bored and drift off to fantasyland. But here’s a stab at some fancypants analysis: The far-off subject, Lolita herself, is overlooked by the narrator’s masturbatory myopia. Her exploration of her own girlhood/womanhood is reduced and flattened by her abuser who needs her to be something else, something thing-y. A two-dimensional being. The tension between predation and autonomy, her wounded rebellion and navigation of self are so distant in the book you can’t help but want to reach out to her, through her abuser’s hideous twisted lens. Humbert’s POV colours everything, Lolita isn’t permitted her own take, everything she does is ridiculous and gazed down upon, he feels he’s permitted to just take her, to prioritise his own long-abated lust without thought of the consequences to her sense of self.
This vibe I’m analysing here, the bruised and fuzzy self-discovery of Miu Miu and the lost-play of Marni, kind of feels like it hasn’t really shrugged off the top-down, hidden, extractive gaze of the cornered, self-pitying male power player. Maybe the viewer is Humbert. Maybe I’m Humbert. Maybe you’re Lolita. Maybe vice versa. But he’s there, in the corner, or taking the picture. Someone’s always taking it in, and jealously building a crypto-fantasy version of the girl, even as our self-birthing adolescent is feeling towards a way to fight it off.
Spring 2020 was a fucking twisted, disorienting, stretched moment. Tough times for fashion practitioners, not just in terms of lost profits or mob moralising (pppeoppllle arree dyyinnnngggg howww daree you talkkkk aboutttt fashioonnnn) but in the nuts and bolts of fashion practice – if the role of the fashion designer is to collaborate with their wearers in plotting a path to the future, when a world-re-orienting catastrophe occurs, it rapidly recontextualises their attempts at constructing a scaffold around the unknown. The idea that the future can be planned for and known through schedules and aesthetic anticipation gets rumbled. The foundation of that building site got a bit cracked during this Spring’s quake. Mapped onto ongoing structural issues in, what I guess in this analogy is a renovation of our historic temporal orientation casino, basically fashion collapsed in its usual confidence along with the economy (economics being fashion with numbers and no fun so it’s respectably masc. vom). Who knows who’s going to go out of business. There may not be a Miu Miu or a Marni or whoever in the future. Names we take for granted are just going to die. That’s a loss for the art aspect. Cus these guys are creative, mad geniuses who deserve a healthy context for their vision. (OTOH: die, fashion industry, die! I dance in the glow of the flames of your destruction with gleeee). These two collections actually speak to me across the span of the last six months, which takes some doing. They succeeded in the criteria that we should actually apply to fashion practice: satnav for the social soul. As sense of protection from the twists of time. A hand to hold. Someone to talk to. And time is super twisty rn. Good job holding on as we fall through the looking glass, random Italians! Now, to work.
Colours – piecework – slippery glistening rainbow lensflares – Marni, FR places himself as an agent of chaos, someone with a hidden explanation refusing to submit to logic and set ways, a spanner in the works of Alice’s complacency.
Patchwork, rhizomatic? (????, what is that. Idk, just sounds funnnn), no beginning and end, things relating to one another in disjointed, flexible ways. FR gives is little hints at the instability that patching offers, the early looks in Miu are far too comfortable. In the cut, sheets are formed out of set shapes – traditional, in the spirit of that half-remembered literary heroine – but neat, very very neat. Happy patchwork . Not patchwork that’ll prompt you to any alternative engagement with your world. FR is poking holes, even burning them out with molten gold, playing with the limits of ‘traditional’ or easily molded pieces. There’s skirts that feature block pieces - an armhole, a curve that any dressmaker will recognise, but set elsewhere, surrounded by other pieces so that the shaping becomes as redundant as Alice’s desperate attempts to right her upside down world. That ordered, shaping impulse is pawed at in the Marni work, but indulged in by Miu Miu. Our Miu Miu heroine feels more like an only slightly misunderstood brat, but Marni’s Alice is strung out and barely even human anymore. I’m disappointed in both approaches, but Marni, as the radically abstract collection that’s pushing concept on us, is the one that actually fails in its aims. Mrs Prada & Co are aware of the limits of commercial offerings. They’re happy to speak when permitted, in the lulls between commerce. It’s pragmatic and unadventurous, romantic within set bounds. It’s a walk in the park, where Marni is a clumsy trip through an open manhole cover.
I said at the beginning of this that if we’re only going to see more patchwork as a process we actually have to grapple with it, and there’s a risk at this point in fashion that the fashion people (c’est moi aussi, mfs) are going to go ‘oh, been there, done that, on to the next thing’ without ever actually engaging with it as a means of creating fashion. What does (BRANDNAME) recycling look like, what makes it (BRANDNAME) in a way that become part of a lexicon long term rather than another sticky-plaster? Patchworking is many things, but what are its fundamentals? It’s a way of forming textile surfaces that accepts that which is available. It’s humble and more concerned with ethics than end result. The small squares/triangles in traditional American quilting are ways to systematically optimise waste pieces and merge them with other pieces. This in its own turn creates more micro-waste, perhaps to be used as stuffing, but forcing scraps into legible grids is very strict and imperial, the grid being an easy way of organising a surface from above. Grids and precise geometries are more like things overlaid, not bubbling up from beneath. They’re simple and readily comprehensible. There’s other forms of merging irregular pieces: think of rag-rug like textiles, crocheting with strips, or applique. Certain aesthetic choices can be made when you’re actually working with the idea of recycling waste material, rather than looking for an end-result before you even started. A cut piece has an end but with patchwork it can become endless. There’s kind of something anti-hierarchical about it. Waste pieces formed out of negative space can relate to each other not in the sense of ‘this looks pretty’ but more in the sense of ‘spontaneity rules’.
I’m realllly self-consciousness about existing in the purgatory between between fashion and theory. Theory thinking of itself as ‘too serious’ for fashion and fashion of itself ‘too fun’ for complex discussion (sidebar: can we stop talking about showstudio as if it is in any way innovative? I can’t watch those videos. I have classic fashion goldfishitis. Where is my colour and jazziness and silly nonsense. Why tf do fashion people think ‘oh, critique! must be unfashion. Must sit in room being boring with no cuts or editing. Here, watch a fucking zoom call, fuck your need for beauty.’ The motherfuckers are working against us. Hate, Hate, Hate, you fucking jerks). So, my difficulty lies in how to dodge the hierarchical perception of theorising, people assuming you’re talking down rather than across, when they’re often dyslexic or disinterested in this kind of stuff because they’ve been taught to think it’s ‘beyond’ them or it’s just some bullshit they’ve found boring/embarrassing/trauamatizing. There’s nothing wrong with finding something boring when it’s engaging in elitist and hierarchical perceptions of ‘intellctualismsm’ or ‘quality’. There’s so much work to do, so much rubble to excavate. I’m not writing about Deleuze & Guattari’s analyses of patchwork for a reason here: I haven’t read them. I attempted A Thousand Plateaus in undergrad, gave up, and since then have really struggled with this feeling of being caught between modes of being - visual/verbal/temporal. Fashion zonked, theory enraged. I have a deep respect for the communicative power of dress and fashion media, paired with immense frustration at the slight engagement with complexity in the culture. Theorizing can be colourful, can be fun, can be bright. Fashion doesn’t need to abandon these wonderful things in order to have some self-respect. In fact, its self-respect will only be assured when it learns to push forward towards aggravating, complex dialectics in its own styles of discourse that fashion people actually want to engage with. I expect at some point within the next decade I’ll find a way to develop my self-confidence in reading beyond wikipedia and want to return properly to the topic of quilting and patchwork in relation to rhizomes and abstract post-structural philosophy, but I’m not there yet. Maybe there’s nothing there in D&G, just hot air, or maybe fashion isn’t worthy of theorising. Both suck in various ways. I’m not confident enough in the theory realm to interact with any self-assurance in a way that computes in both worlds. I’m only just learning to piece myself back together after trying to work within fashion’s established methods and failing. I’m here slowly feeling my way towards engaging properly as a dedicated reader and a dedicated fashion practitioner. But the responsibility to push forward and make fashion practice sufficiently rigorous, self-reflexive, critical and engaged with other fields while playing to its own strengths as discipline that actually brings something to the table, without the solidarity of peers engaged in the same questions, it gets a bit disorienting sometimes.
0 notes
Step aside Superheroes, this stray ‘kitty’ is here to save the world. Here’s how - it s viral
Kitties happen to win the Internet daily with their cuteness and adorable yet mischievous actions. But we are here to show you that there are ‘cats’ who are more than their sweet, fluffy and cuddly exteriors. Sony PlayStation is set to launch a game for PS5 in 2021 where the protagonist is none other than a feline. Don’t believe us? Well, you better because very soon you’ll be able to ‘untangle an ancient mystery to escape a long-forgotten city’, all from inside the mind of a kitty.
PlayStation shared a teaser named ‘Stray’ that details the neon-lit alleys of a decaying cybercity in which you can roam around as a cat. The teaser start with the backdrop of a dark alley. Slowly the teaser gives a glimpse of a weird world filled with robots. As the video commences, a stray cat appears on the screen with a victorious meow that has left netizens gushing.
‘Lost, alone, and separated from family, a stray cat must untangle an ancient mystery to escape a long-forgotten cybercity and find the way home,” reads the caption.
Here’s the full teaser:
Posted on June 11, the teaser has garnered over 1.6 million views and tons of excited comments from netizens. While some were ready to shell out any amount for this game, others commented that they were waiting eagerly for the adorable stray cat to come to their PlayStation.
“Cats? We play as a cat? MY WALLET IS READY!” writes an excited YouTube user. “A video game with the main protagonist as a stray cat who’s dialogue is just “meow”? I’m sold,” writes another. We second this netizen because so are we.
“He prottec. He atacc. But most importantly, he meow back,” jokes a third.
Would you like to try out this game?
Live India Times
0 notes
Cat Interior Gereja
Pemilihan cat interior gereja memainkan peran penting dalam menciptakan atmosfer yang mendalam, khusyuk, dan spiritual. Warna cat yang tepat dapat mempengaruhi suasana hati jemaat, meningkatkan pengalaman ibadah, serta menggambarkan nilai-nilai keagamaan. Gereja adalah tempat yang tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai ruang ibadah, tetapi juga sebagai simbol tempat pertemuan umat dengan Tuhan. Oleh karena itu, pemilihan warna cat untuk interior gereja harus dipertimbangkan dengan sangat hati-hati untuk menciptakan suasana yang sesuai dengan tujuan rohani.
Mengapa Warna Cat Penting dalam Desain Interior Gereja?
Warna memiliki kekuatan psikologis yang besar, mempengaruhi suasana hati, emosi, dan bahkan cara kita merasakan ruang. Dalam konteks gereja, warna tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai elemen dekoratif, tetapi juga sebagai cara untuk memperdalam pengalaman ibadah dan mendukung kegiatan spiritual. Pemilihan warna yang tepat dapat membantu jemaat merasa lebih dekat dengan Tuhan, memberikan kedamaian, dan memfasilitasi suasana yang mendalam untuk berdoa dan merenung.
Warna cat interior gereja juga dapat mencerminkan tema liturgi dan musim gereja, seperti masa Adven, Paskah, atau Pentakosta, di mana setiap warna memiliki makna simbolis tertentu. Selain itu, warna-warna tertentu dapat membantu menonjolkan fitur-fitur penting di dalam gereja, seperti altar, salib, atau lukisan religius.
Warna-Warna Umum untuk Interior Gereja
1. Putih: Simbol Kesucian dan Kekuatan Tuhan
Putih adalah warna yang sering digunakan dalam gereja karena simbolismenya yang kuat. Warna ini melambangkan kesucian, kemuliaan, dan kesucian Tuhan. Penggunaan putih pada dinding, langit-langit, atau altar memberikan kesan lapang, terang, dan bersih. Warna putih juga digunakan pada perayaan-perayaan besar seperti Natal dan Paskah, karena mengingatkan kita pada kebangkitan Kristus yang membawa terang ke dunia.
Selain itu, putih menciptakan suasana yang lebih terang dan terbuka. Ini sangat cocok untuk gereja dengan desain minimalis atau modern, di mana ruangan ingin terasa lebih lapang dan tidak terkekang oleh banyak elemen dekoratif.
2. Emas dan Krem: Simbol Kemuliaan dan Keagungan
Emas adalah warna yang identik dengan kemuliaan Tuhan, dan sering digunakan pada elemen-elemen penting dalam gereja, seperti altar, patung, atau gambar suci. Krem atau beige adalah warna netral yang sering digunakan sebagai alternatif yang lebih lembut dari putih. Krem memberi kesan elegan, lembut, dan lebih hangat dibandingkan dengan putih yang lebih dingin.
Warna emas dapat digunakan pada aksen, seperti frame lukisan atau ornamen pada altar, untuk menonjolkan keagungan dan keindahan iman. Penggunaan warna krem pada dinding atau langit-langit memberikan ruang yang lebih akrab, hangat, dan menyambut jemaat dengan suasana damai.
3. Biru: Simbol Ketenangan dan Iman
Biru adalah warna yang sering dikaitkan dengan kedamaian, ketenangan, dan kesetiaan. Warna ini juga melambangkan kebijaksanaan dan kekuatan iman. Beberapa gereja memilih menggunakan biru di ruang ibadah, terutama pada musim-musim tertentu seperti Adven atau Natal. Biru dapat membantu menciptakan suasana yang lebih hening dan penuh penghayatan, memfasilitasi doa dan meditasi.
Selain itu, biru juga melambangkan langit dan surga, memberikan jemaat rasa kedekatan dengan Tuhan dan alam semesta yang lebih besar. Penggunaan biru muda atau biru kehijauan dapat menciptakan kesan ruang yang lebih terbuka dan sejuk.
4. Merah: Simbol Kehidupan dan Pengorbanan
Merah adalah warna yang sering digunakan dalam liturgi gereja selama Paskah atau Pentakosta, melambangkan pengorbanan, darah Kristus, dan roh Kudus. Merah juga bisa mencerminkan kebangkitan dan semangat, serta mengingatkan jemaat akan peristiwa-peristiwa besar dalam kehidupan Kristus.
Namun, penggunaan warna merah dalam ruang ibadah harus dilakukan dengan hati-hati agar tidak menciptakan suasana yang terlalu kuat atau menonjolkan kesan agresif. Merah biasanya digunakan pada elemen dekoratif, seperti kain altar, lilin, atau bendera gereja, yang dapat memberikan aksen dramatis dalam ruang yang lebih netral.
5. Hijau: Simbol Kehidupan dan Pertumbuhan
Hijau adalah warna yang sangat sering digunakan dalam gereja selama masa Biasa dalam kalender liturgi. Hijau melambangkan kehidupan, pertumbuhan, dan kesegaran iman. Penggunaan hijau memberikan perasaan keseimbangan, ketenangan, dan koneksi dengan alam. Ini sangat cocok untuk menciptakan suasana yang damai dan mengundang jemaat untuk merenung tentang perjalanan rohani mereka.
Warna hijau sering digunakan pada kain altar atau elemen dekorasi lainnya yang menggambarkan musim pertumbuhan rohani. Ini juga memberikan keseimbangan visual yang segar, terutama ketika dipadukan dengan warna-warna netral lainnya.
6. Abu-abu dan Cokelat: Simbol Kesederhanaan dan Keabadian
Abu-abu dan cokelat adalah warna-warna yang memberikan kesan kesederhanaan, keteguhan, dan keabadian. Abu-abu sering digunakan dalam desain gereja yang lebih modern atau minimalis, memberikan kesan tenang dan terkontrol tanpa terlalu mencolok. Warna cokelat, seperti warna kayu alami, memberi kesan kehangatan dan keterhubungan dengan bumi, sering digunakan dalam desain gereja-gereja yang mengedepankan nuansa alam.
Warna-warna ini cocok digunakan pada dinding, lantai, dan elemen struktural lainnya. Kesan alami yang tercipta sangat cocok untuk menciptakan ruang yang mengundang jemaat untuk merenung dan memperdalam kehidupan rohani.
Pertimbangan Teknis dalam Pemilihan Cat Gereja
Selain faktor estetika dan simbolisme, ada beberapa aspek teknis yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pemilihan cat untuk interior gereja:
1. Kualitas Cat
Pilihlah cat berkualitas tinggi yang tahan lama dan mudah dibersihkan. Karena gereja adalah tempat yang sering digunakan, memilih cat yang mudah dirawat dan dapat bertahan lama sangat penting. Cat berbahan dasar air atau cat berbasis lateks umumnya lebih tahan lama dan tidak mengeluarkan bau yang berbahaya.
2. Pencahayaan
Pencahayaan di dalam gereja akan mempengaruhi cara warna cat terlihat. Pastikan untuk memilih warna yang sesuai dengan pencahayaan alami dan buatan yang ada di gereja. Beberapa warna mungkin terlihat berbeda di bawah pencahayaan tertentu, jadi sebaiknya uji sampel cat di area tertentu sebelum memutuskan warna final.
3. Harmoni dengan Desain Lain
Warna cat harus harmonis dengan elemen desain lainnya, seperti furnitur, lantai, dan dekorasi gereja. Sebuah palet warna yang serasi akan menciptakan kesan keseimbangan dan kedamaian dalam ruang.
Pemilihan cat interior gereja adalah bagian penting dari desain yang tidak hanya menciptakan ruang yang estetis tetapi juga mendalam secara spiritual. Warna cat dapat memengaruhi suasana hati jemaat, mendukung kegiatan ibadah, serta mengkomunikasikan nilai-nilai keagamaan yang mendalam. Dengan mempertimbangkan simbolisme warna, pencahayaan, dan kualitas cat yang baik, gereja dapat menciptakan ruang yang penuh makna dan mendalam bagi kehidupan rohani umat.
#cat exterior#interior gereja#cat exterior modern#cat exterior terbaru#cat exterior viral#interior gereja katolik#kombinasi cat exterior populer#gereja#cat exterior paling banyak di cari#pilihan warna cat exterior modern#cat rumah minimalis#gereja katolik indonesia#warna cat exterior rumah minimalis paling banyak di cari#interior design#gereja asri#warna cat teras rumah minimalis modern#cat tembok#gereja indah#gereja modern#gereja katolik
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Okay so- everybody probably knows by this point I’m not a slash fan so obviously my vote is for platonic Cor-Titus BUT.
Mostly because everyone and their sister have done (probably excellent) versions of the “oh we married for the kid’s sake but oh no we’re in love too” and it’s FINE but.
But Cor is, at heart, a Terrible Troll. And Titus is also, underneath his gruff exterior, probably a Terrible Troll. Therefore I put to you-
Platonic Titus and Cor bro-dads raising Prompto as part of the Clan and yes they are highly tactile and stuff and raise Prompto well but honestly that’s just because they are utter cats and cats have no concept of personal space. The certificate is just so they can raise Prompto and nothing more. Because if you do that THEN:
Picture the media losing their minds over Cor and Titus, who, rather than be annoyed at the attention and how it would interfere with a Romance Subplot, instead just kinda side-eye each other and proceed to troll the freak out of Insomnia’s gossip rags by doing things that are TOTALLY PLATONIC but the gossipers take as Shipping Material (read: go shopping together for groceries, close combat sparring practice, absent-minded hugs, Titus hoisting Cor up by the waist so Smol Murder Man can reach the Thing on the top shelf at the grocery store, and in one particular viral photo- Cor falling asleep on Titus’s lap in the subway with Prompto on Cor’s lap because it’s a subway car and its crowded and Cor “What Is Personal Space” Leonis was like- why take up two/three seats that the nearby old people might need when I can just sit on my best friend’s lap?)
And yes, all these things could be in the romance subplot but I just .... the sheer hilarity of it happening when its platonic, seeing Regis be a Perpetual Sigh over this because he knows his Murder Child and knows this is just Cor Being A Cat and Titus being an Astrum is so much funnier.
Moving on to your question:
Yes, some Galahdians marry purely because they want kids, but not if they want to adopt. If a Galahdian wants to adopt, they can absolutely adopt. There is ... basically no stigma against single parents because Clans are really tight knit communities and a single parent will never have to worry about babysitters or assistance in parenting. They have aunts and uncles and siblings and cousins and best friends who, while they won’t interfere unless asked, are 100% down for swooping in and filling the shoes of the second parent. No, the friendship marriage is for people who want blood kids rather than just adoptive ones. While it’s not something done lightly or all that common, there are enough instances of good friends who either haven’t fallen in love or just aren’t interested in “romance” looking at each other and going “Wanna make and raise a kid?” “Sure!” and thus getting married to be a Known Thing. Honestly, if you do Cor-Titus friendship marriage in this, the Galahdians will be more confused on why it’s required by Insomnian’s in order to ADOPT then why they did it at all because ... they can both be Prompto’s dad without being married? There are plenty of known instances in Clan history where, if one parent died, the remaining parent moved in with their sibling(s) and the uncle(s)/aunt(s) of the kid steps in as the other parent? Without any romantic connotations at all because OBVIOUSLY????
Marrying for finances is a lot less common, it’s seen as kinda a ... petty reason to get married among the Clans because in Galahd there were lots of other ways to get financial support from the Clan then marriage. So that’s another thing that confuses them.
So yeah, no one in Galahd will really bat an eye at Cor and Titus being bros who want to raise this tiny child together, but they will be confused on why Insomnian’s are kicking up a fuss over the lack of certificate. Like- what difference does it make? A single parent with a Clan can raise a kid just fine??? I mean, a mother and father are ideal but????
Also this entire thing just gave me an Idea for one of my WIPs so thanks for that.
Opinions pls
@secret-engima some of this regards Galahdian marriage, so I’d like your input too, if you can.
Also - I know some of y’all are not fans of slash. Which is completely valid and if that is your opinion, tell me! I won’t judge! I do have slash in some of my fics, so I can tell you that it will likely come up at some point, but I completely understand that some of y’all just don’t like that cup of tea. No biggie. XD
Bit of backstory: When Sola and Libertus (and Cor, if you haven’t guessed already) go back in time, they end up rescuing 16yr Titus from the Niflheim attacks in Cavaugh. Regis offers to take Titus back to Insomnia, but Titus wants to fight Niflheim. Milon (Older!Cor) tells Titus he’s not ready yet, so Titus spends 2 years traveling with Phoebe, Koios, and Milon. He ends up adopted into Clan Astrum, then goes to Insomnia to join the Crownsguard. Through various events, Titus and Cor (who is a year younger than Titus), end up becoming best friends. To the point when Titus is captured by Niflheim and experimented on, Cor runs off on his own for months to find and rescue Titus.
Now, here is where I’d like opinions. I COULD ship Titus and Cor. (In one of my aus I do.) But I also could leave them as very close friends. The way I’m writing them is close and can be read as intimate - because Cor is very cat-like in being tactile and so is Clan Astrum.
This’ll impact later when Cor brings home Prompto, and Regis and Clarus try to convince Cor to give Prompto up, because he’s 25 and being a single parent is HARD. But Titus - who’s been sharing an apartment with Cor since they were 18/17 respectively - is like, I’ll help raise the kid. Because he’s Galahdian and children are precious and Titus can see how much Cor is attached to the kid. And Titus even offers to marry Cor to make it easier to adopt Prompto and give Prompto another guardian in case the worst ever happens to Cor.
So Titus and Cor are married (Cor adds Astrum to his surname like Titus did, ie Titus Drautos Astrum) and Prompto grows up as Prompto Leonis Astrum with two kick-ass dads that adore him.
If I ship Titus and Cor, then I’ll add in the romantic subplot and associated Shenanigans. If I don’t, then Titus and Cor (and Prompto later) get to confuse everyone by being married and like, super close and tactile with each other, but not a couple.
@secret-engima do some galahdians do that? Marry life long best friends because neither of them are all that interested in romance/relationship but want to adopt a kid (or several)? I imagine there are single parents who adopt (or get pregnant and decide not to marry) but some might want another parent for the kids. I know there’s no divorce, so obviously it’s not done lightly. (But as an asexual person who might also be aromantic, I’ve definitely considered marrying a friend for financial/other reasons, so I’m curious of Galahd has similar, if uncommon situations.) And if it isn’t something that’s done, how would Galahdians react to seeing that kind of marriage? (Because if I don’t do the married-friends in this fic, I might still do it somewhere else.)
So. To ship or not to ship?
#Secret Engima Rambles#galahd culture#Stand Strong verse#Thrown to Wolves verse#Deleantur verse#Nox verse#marriage#friendship#platonic stuff
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Las novelas románticas que leí en 2019 y que disfruté más
Llegado el momento del cambio del año, llega también el momento de hacer listas de lo que viene y de lo que se ha leído (o en mi caso de lo que no he leído en el año). En ese último terreno, es inevitable acabar haciendo rankings de lo mejor. En cierto modo, es lo que en un primer momento iba a ser esta lista, que buscaba seleccionar las 7 mejores novelas románticas del año (al final son 8, sí, contar parece que no se me da muy bien…).
Primero pensé en hacer el clásico listado de las mejores novelas románticas del año, pero de entrada iba a partir con un punto de base que lo abocaba al fracaso. Mis lecturas del año en romántica, un género que leo por placer y no tanto por hacer crítica literaria/noticias sobre él, están muy desequilibradas. La mayoría de lo que leo son escritoras que publican en inglés, leo más histórica que contemporánea y, por supuesto, ni de lejos leo todo lo que se publica en el año (se publican muchas, muchas cosas).
Luego pensé en directamente abortar el listado, pero me crucé con un tuit (que no logro volver a encontrar para linkarlo) en el que alguien comentaba que este tipo de listas deberían ser sobre los libros que más nos han gustado (algo que es terriblemente subjetivo) o sobre aquellos libros que más nos han impactado o que hemos disfrutado, lo que sí hace que me sienta mucho más cómoda haciendo esta lista (y que seguramente ganará mucho si dejáis en comentar las recomendaciones de lo que más os ha gustado de lo publicado en 2019).
Si a eso sumamos que posiblemente me esté olvidando de todo aquello que he leído al principio del año, se puede asumir que me he dejado casi seguro algún título fuera.
Literariamente hablando, las más redondas:
En mi listado top de autoras que siempre recomiendo y de libros que vendo con pasión, a lo misionera de las letras, están, sin dudarlo, los que forman la serie Lady Sherlock. A Sherry Thomas no la han traducido mucho al castellano y no comprendo por qué, cuando es una escritora fabulosa en forma y fondo (sus historias están muy bien desarrolladas y muy bien escritas).
La serie Lady Sherlock no es romántica puramente hablando, sino más bien misterio con elementos románticos (la relación de la protagonista con uno de los personajes es un hilo que une todos los libros) pero The Art of Theft (Berkley) ha sido uno de mis libros favoritos del año (todos los géneros incluidos). Thomas hace un gender flipping de Sherlock Holmes, usa de un modo espectacular el contexto histórico y construye el texto de un modo virtuoso.
También es muy potente en uso del lenguaje y construcción del texto A Duke in Disguise, de Cat Sebastian (Avon), la segunda entrega de una serie que está conectada por una misma familia y ambientada en la época Regencia. Yo leí las tres entregas este año, aunque la primera es del año pasado (pero también muy digna de estar en un listado de lo mejor del año, con una aproximación muy interesante a la histórica con un personaje protagonista no-binario), empezando por esta segunda (el mejor orden para quienes como yo necesitamos que se siga el orden cronológico, para después pasar a la primera y terminar con la tercera). A Duke in Disguise está protagonizado por una editora que publica textos sediciosos y un clásico literario… ¡el duque que no sabía que era de la nobleza!
Mi lista se completa con Bringing Down the Duke, de Evie Dunmore (Piatkus), una de enemigos a amantes que aborda el trabajo de las sufragistas británicas y las primeras universitarias en Oxford (y usa muy bien la historia real para crear los conflictos de la ficción literaria) con aires de rom-com y Devil in Spring, de Lisa Kleypas (Avon), que me imagino que Vergara publicará en algún momento (han publicado las anteriores entregas) y que logra crear una historia sin grandes dramas pero con personajes que logran conectar con quien lee (especialmente si se ha seguido a la escritora: retoma más personajes de la familia de sus protagonistas previos).
Historias que disfruté y que crean atmósferas que conectan (y que hacen que quiera leer las demás entregas de la serie)
Ya he hablado en el pasado de la serie de novelas de Roni Loren que usa como punto de conexión entre las protagonistas que fueron juntas a terapia, como adolescentes, tras un tiroteo en su colegio. Es como el punto de partida menos atractivo posible (de hecho, solo empecé a leerlas tras leer muy buenas críticas), pero Loren logra crear personajes complejos e historias que no quedan sepultadas por el drama. La última entrega llegó con el año nuevo, aunque yo la leí a mediados de diciembre en una galerada para prensa. The One for You (Sourcebooks Casablanca) no es tan redonda como algunos de los libros anteriores, pero sí un buen cierre para la saga. Kincaid, la protagonista, tiene que asumir que no pasa nada por no ser siempre optimista.
Not the Girl You Marry, de Andie J. Christopher (Berkley), ha estado por todas partes y ha sido recomendada en todos los listados. Es una vuelta de tuerca del concepto de Cómo perder a un chico en 10 días, pero con los géneros invertidos. Jack es un periodista que tiene que escribir una historia sobre cómo espantar a una mujer en dos semanas, porque su jefe le prometió que así haría caso a sus propuestas de temas serios (y, como periodista, me encantó que Christopher no presentase el mundo del periodismo como algo glamuroso y maravilloso en el que todo el mundo está escribiendo siempre premios Pulitzer).
Hannah, por el contrario, necesita mantener con vida una relación durante ese tiempo para demostrarle a su jefa que es capaz de comprometerse (y que ‘cree en el amor’ lo suficiente como para gestionar bodas: sí, es una idea odiable – ¡Hannah es buenísima en su trabajo! – pero su entorno de trabajo no tiene que parecernos maravilloso). Una rom-com de apariencia ligera que aborda muchos temas profundos en su subtexto y que, además, crea un mundo literario sobre el que se querrá seguir leyendo.
Este año fue, eso sí, un año muy completo en lo que a rom-coms se refiere.
El bonus de lo sorprendente
Otra novela que logró convertirse en viral fue The Bromance Book Club, de Lyssa Kay Adams (Berkley), con su cubierta adorable y su contracubierta prometedora. Un deportista de élite ve como su matrimonio se desmorona, pero un club de lectura le ayuda a trabajar para recuperar la relación perdida. El club de lectura está formado por hombres que leen novelas románticas.
La novela podría ser mucho más redonda (esta crítica deja claro en qué falla el texto) pero posiblemente este sea uno de los libros más originales en su planteamiento que he leído este año en romántica (y que espero se convierta en más redondo en la siguiente entrega). Y, sobre todo, resulta maravilloso leer un libro en el que son los hombres quienes leen romántica y quienes defienden el género.
E igualmente sorprendente es el punto de partida de Love Lettering, de Kate Clayborn (Kensington), que se posiciona en la frontera de la novela romántica y la que en inglés llaman «women’s fiction» (ficción para mujeres*).
El primer capítulo une a los dos protagonistas: un analista de valores que quiere saber –un año después de cancelar su boda– por qué la artista de lettering que hizo las invitaciones de su boda sabía que ese matrimonio estaba abocado al fracaso, como bien dejó claro ocultando un mensaje en el diseño. Lo que sigue es una exploración de cómo cambian las relaciones entre la primera juventud y la edad adulta, la amistad femenina, el desaparecido arte de la publicidad tipográfica en exteriores y lo que queremos ser y lo que en realidad somos. Posiblemente sea una de esas novelas que ganen más cada vez que las relees.
*Sí, es un término que debería arder en la hoguera.
Foto Sofia Iivarinen from Pixabay
The post Las novelas románticas que leí en 2019 y que disfruté más appeared first on Librópatas.
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Hank the Opossum Moves into Woman's Garage, Goes Viral
We've all detected stories concerning stray cats UN agency wander into a house and accidentally realize their forever home. however, we have a tendency to bet you've got ne'er detected the one concerning associate degree opossum UN agency affected into a woman's garage and won over the web when a Reddit thread concerning him went microorganism.
An image of this friendly fur baby named volute (seen above) denoted to Reddit earlier in the week with the caption, "This is volute. volute lives in my aunt's garage. he is terribly previous and includes an exhausting time walking, therefore she found out a heat place for him to rest and feeds him numerous treats."
Immediately, there have been some queries, like "Is he tame or simply friends along with your aunt?" in step with the initial poster, "Hank showed up one or two of years agone and adorned around a touch for pet-food," and whereas he is not essentially "tame," he is conjointly "never hissed or appeared afraid." Eventually, he set the garage would build a splendid home, therefore auntie Karen leaves the exterior door to the garage open therefore he will come back and go as he pleases. She even created it all cozy for him.
"Your auntie could be a smart, kind person," one Reddit user commented. "Opossums area unit our friends and area unit harmless and useful to our gardens and landscape. They love snails and grubs. And kibble!"
Indeed, many folks do not know that there is a distinction between a possum associate degreed an opossum, as their names area unit usually used interchangeably. whereas they're each marsupial, opossums area unit native to North America, and—according to the Opossum Society of us (OSUS)—they area unit typically "docile, non-aggressive animals," UN agency offer free farming by intake "unwanted pests around your home."
Possums, on the opposite hand, area unit native to Australia and area unit at risk of attack swiftly. Both, however, area unit possible to "play possum," the term for his or her liking to play dead once faced with a predator.
Below, you'll see a possum (left) versus associate degree opossum (right).
So, currently, you know! Opossums area unit our friends.
"My previous neighbor would sit food out for a possum," another Reddit user wrote on the thread. "I stood in her route one-night speech her and therefore the factor walked right past Pine Tree State to the food bowl. I believed I used to be planning to pass out. She was like, 'It's harmless.' I've ne'er checked out them an equivalent since. lt was sort of a cat that did not wish to be discomposed." (So, basically, like most cats).
Clearly, volute has instructed the web most these past few days.
"I love volute," another Reddit user wrote. "The saddest day of my life was after I acknowledged the typical era of associate degree opossum."
Indeed, in step with OSUS, the opossum solely lives one to 2 years, and that they once roamed the world with dinosaurs! therefore, if you stumble upon this ancient creature in your garden, make certain to treat them with the respect they be.
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If you ever want to bring out your James Cameron hat and with to have a Pro video made, look no further than this Phone video stabilizer filmmaking case for your smartphone. Your iPhone is just like a DSLR, as well as in time that it might just overtake it, why do you not only use your iPhone like a serious videographing tool? The IOgrapher is most likely the very best bit of gear to start with. Made to act as a stability rig full of tonnes of features, the IOgrapher enables you to definitely slide your phone in and operate it as being you'd manage a gimbal, with two handles quietly. This arrangement causes considerably less trembling and you may have it installed on any tripod. In addition to this would be that the IOgrapher is made to completely raise your filming game. Besides the tripod mounting, it also enables you to definitely mount from an exterior flash, to some 37mm lens for any wide shot (or other lens for instance), to spirit levels, to some GoPro, or perhaps an exterior microphone, the choices are really unlimited. Why spend thousands on costly videography and vlogging gear when you are able just obtain the best of worlds together with your iPhone along with a $60 rig, right? At one time whenever you needed a camcorder to be able to shoot good video clip. But it is not always true any longer. While professional camcorders and stabilized OSS Lenses will invariably provide the best video stabilizer performance, the cameras in your smartphone tend to be more capable than in the past. Since almost everyone has a smartphone, while using camera in your phone is a terrific way to start filming without having to spend tons of dollars on the camera. However that doesn’t mean there aren’t issues with doing that. Maybe you have attempted to consider an adorable video together with your phone, only to get it destroyed by fuzzy or shaky footage? That could be fine if you are recording footage of the baby’s steps, but when you’re attempting to produce Youtube videos or film viral content, you would like your videos to appear their finest, even when it's really a video of the cat being silly. cheap smartphone stabilizer best phone stabilizer 2019 gimbal stabilizer best smartphone gimbal 2019 iphone stabilizer best smartphone gimbal 2018 selfie stick stabilizer best stabilizer Read the full article
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The Concept of Schizophrenia Is Coming to an End - Here`s Why
The idea of schizophrenia is dying. Harried for decades by psychology, it currently appears to have actually been fatally wounded by psychiatry, the really occupation that once sustained it. Its death will not be mourned.
Today, having a medical diagnosis of schizophrenia is connected with a life-expectancy decrease of almost 20 years. By some requirements, just one in seven people recover.
Despite advertised breakthroughs in therapies, terribly, the proportion of people that recuperate hasn't raised over time. Something is exceptionally wrong.
Part of the trouble ends up being the concept of schizophrenia itself. Disagreements that schizophrenia is a distinctive illness have actually been 'fatally weakened'.
Just as we now have the concept of autism spectrum condition, psychosis (commonly qualified by upsetting hallucinations, delusions, and also overwhelmed ideas) is additionally said to exist along a continuum as well as in degrees.
Schizophrenia is the severe end of a spectrum or continuum of experiences.
Jim van Os, a professor of psychiatry at Maastricht College, has argued that we could not change to this new method of thinking without changing our language.
As such, he proposes the term schizophrenia 'should be eliminated'. In its location, he recommends the principle of a psychosis range disorder.
Another trouble is that schizophrenia is depicted as a 'helpless persistent mind condition'. Because of this, some individuals given this diagnosis, and also some parents, have been told cancer cells would certainly have been more effective, as if much easier to cure.
Yet this view of schizophrenia is just feasible by omitting individuals who do have favorable results. Some that recuperate are efficiently told that ' it should not have actually been schizophrenia after all'.
Schizophrenia, when recognized as a distinct, hopeless and deteriorating mind condition, suggests van Os, 'does not exist'.
Breaking down breakdowns
Schizophrenia might instead transform out to be several points. The noteworthy psychiatrist Sir Robin Murray describes just how:
I expect to see completion of the concept of schizophrenia soon ... the disorder is currently starting to failure, for instance, right into those instances caused by copy number [genetic] variants, medicine misuse, social hardship, and so on. Most likely this process will certainly speed up, and the term schizophrenia will be restricted to history, like 'dropsy'.
Research is now checking out the various ways individuals might wind up with most of the experiences deemed characteristic of schizophrenia: hallucinations, deceptions, disorganised thinking and practices, lethargy and level emotion.
Indeed, one past error has been to blunder a path for the path or, a lot more typically, to error an alley for a motorway.
For example, based on their work with the bloodsucker Toxoplasma gondii, which is transferred to human beings through cats, researchers E. Richer Torrey and Robert Yolken have said that 'one of the most crucial etiological agent [source of schizophrenia] may transform out to be an infectious cat'.
It will not.
Evidence does recommend that direct exposure to Toxoplasma gondii when young could increase the odds of somebody being identified with schizophrenia.
However, the size of this impact involves less compared to a double rise in the odds of a person being diagnosed with schizophrenia. This is, at best, equivalent to various other threat variables, and also probably much lower.
For instance, experiencing childhood difficulty, utilizing cannabis, and having childhood years viral infections of the main nerve system, all increase the probabilities of someone being detected with a psychotic disorder (such as schizophrenia) by around 2 to threefold.
More nuanced evaluations reveal much greater numbers.
Compared with non-cannabis users, the everyday use of high-potency, skunk-like cannabis is related to a fivefold increase in the odds of someone creating psychosis.
Compared with a person who has actually not suffered trauma, those who have actually experienced five different sorts of injury (including sexual as well as physical abuse) see their chances of creating psychosis rise much more compared to fiftyfold.
Other routes to "schizophrenia" are likewise being recognized. Around 1 percent of situations show up to stem from the removal of a tiny stretch of DNA on chromosome 22, referred to as 22q11.2 deletion syndrome.
It is additionally feasible that a low single digit percentage of individuals with a schizophrenia diagnosis could have their experiences grounded in inflammation of the brain created by autoimmune problems, such as anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, although this stays controversial.
All the variables over could result in similar experiences, which we in our early stage have taken into a bucket called schizophrenia.
One individual's experiences might result from a mind condition with a solid genetic basis, possibly owned by an exaggeration of the normal procedure of pruning connections between brain cells that occurs during adolescence.
Another person's experiences may result from a complex post-traumatic reaction. Such interior and exterior aspects can also operate in combination.
Either means, it transforms out that both severe camps in the schizophrenia battles - those who see it as a genetically-based neurodevelopmental disorder as well as those who see it as an action to psychosocial elements, such as misfortune - both had parts of the puzzle.
The concept that schizophrenia was a solitary thing, reached by a single route, added to this conflict.
Implications for treatment
Many medical conditions, such as diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure, could be gotten to by several courses that however impact the exact same organic pathways and reply to the exact same treatment.
Schizophrenia could be like this. It has been said that the several different causes of schizophrenia reviewed above might all have an usual last effect: increased degrees of dopamine.
If so, the debate regarding damaging schizophrenia down by factors that lead to it would be rather academic, as it would certainly not lead treatment.
However, there is emerging evidence that various courses to experiences currently regarded indicative of schizophrenia may need different treatments.
Preliminary evidence suggests that individuals with a background of childhood years trauma who are identified with schizophrenia are much less likely to be assisted by antipsychotic drugs.
However, even more research study into this is needed and also, of course, any person taking antipsychotics should not quit taking them without clinical advice.
It has actually likewise been suggested that if some situations of schizophrenia are really a form of autoimmune sleeping sickness, after that the most efficient treatment can be immunotherapy (such as corticosteroids) as well as plasma exchange (cleaning of the blood).
Yet the emerging picture below is unclear. Some brand-new interventions, such as the family-therapy based Open Discussion technique, reveal assurance for a vast variety of individuals with schizophrenia diagnoses.
Both basic interventions and specific ones, tailored to a person's individual course to the experiences linked with schizophrenia, could be needed. This makes it crucial to check for and also ask people about all potentially relevant causes.
This consists of youth abuse, which is still not being routinely inquired about and also identified.
The possibility for different treatments to work for different people additional discusses the schizophrenia battles. The psychiatrist, person or household that see dramatic advantageous effects of antipsychotic medications normally evangelically advocate for this approach.
The psychoanalyst, patient or household that see medicines not functioning, yet alternative strategies appearing in order to help, admire these. Each team sees the other as denying a technique that they have experienced to work.
Such passionate advocacy is to be praised, as much as the factor where individuals are rejected an approach that could benefit them.
What comes next?
None of this is to claim the principle of schizophrenia has no use. Several psychiatrists still see it as an useful professional syndrome that aids specify a group of people with clear wellness needs.
Here it is deemed defining a biology that is not yet comprehended however which shares a common as well as significant genetic basis across numerous patients.
Some people that obtain a diagnosis of schizophrenia will certainly discover it helpful. It could assist them gain access to treatment. It could improve support from family as well as friends.
It could provide a name to the troubles they have. It could show they are experiencing a disease and not a personal falling short. Certainly, several do not discover this diagnosis helpful.
We have to keep the benefits and also discard the downsides of the term schizophrenia, as we move right into a post-schizophrenia era.
What this will appear like is vague. Japan recently renamed schizophrenia as 'assimilation disorder'. We have actually seen the suggestion of a brand-new 'psychosis range problem'.
However, traditionally, the classification of conditions in psychiatry has been argued to be the outcome of a struggle in which 'one of the most well-known as well as verbalize teacher won'.
The future needs to be based on proof as well as a conversation that includes the perspectives of people that suffer - and deal well with - these experiences.
Whatever arises from the ashes of schizophrenia, it must give much better means to assist those having problem with extremely real experiences.
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This Man’s Doormat Stored Disappearing, So He Set Up A Hidden Digital camera
Final 12 months, one thing actually perplexing and annoying began occurring to Senthil Nathan of Chennai, India.
The doormat on his entrance porch saved disappearing.
Stephen Messenger
A thief (with an odd style for loot) was clearly afoot — however Senthil and his spouse had been at a loss as to whom it is likely to be.
“We keep in an condo on the bottom ground, so lots of people hold getting into the condo daily. We thought it is likely to be one among them,” Senthil advised The Dodo. “We additionally suspected our neighbor’s cat as a result of it generally sleeps on our porch when it is raining exterior, however did not assume it was able to dragging it away.”
The offender behind these uncommon thefts remained a thriller — that’s, till just lately. This is Senthil explaining to a pal how he in the end cracked the case.
So, who was it behind that theft, and presumably all these earlier than it?
It was this canine. He’d been caught red-pawed.
Uncovering the lovable true identification of the brazen porch thief, after months of being suffering from the thriller, nearly made all of it worthwhile.
“My spouse and I noticed it collectively,” Senthil stated, “and started laughing as quickly as we noticed the canine enter the body.”
Seems, this canine is not a stranger to Senthil. He is one among a number of who’re identified to roam round his neighborhood throughout the day, greeting locals and conserving watch over issues in change for treats. Little may anybody have guessed that his early-morning work was a bit much less trustworthy.
However now, the world is aware of the reality. Senthil posted this chat on Twitter, and it has since gone viral. As for that furry thief?
“He’s doing tremendous. I noticed him and his associates yesterday,” Senthil stated. “He does not even know he’s now well-known on the web.”
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2IIni94 via IFTTT
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US Teen Charged With Stealing Jewels, Rolexes, Then Linked To A Lemur
http://tinyurl.com/y4hr9j76 {The teenager} had additionally offered $52,000 price of diamonds to a different pawnshop. As they do each different day, workers on the Santa Ana Zoo confirmed up early on July 28, 2018, to prepare for the general public to reach. This time, nevertheless, one thing was amiss. Lemurs and capuchin monkeys had been wandering free, strolling the luxurious grounds of the zoo in California’s Orange County like small furry vacationers. Somebody had lower gaping holes within the chain-link fences surrounding the primates’ enclosures, permitting them to flee. Utilizing grapes as a bribe, zookeepers rounded up all of the animals for a head rely. One was lacking: A 32-year-old endangered lemur named Isaac. An inquisitive and easygoing senior, he’s believed to be the oldest ring-tailed lemur dwelling in captivity in North America. “Particularly for an animal like that, [which] has such particular care, and a senior animal, we had been very anxious,” Ethan Fisher, the zoo’s director, informed The Washington Submit. Nearly as quickly as zoo officers notified authorities and commenced planning a search occasion, issues took an excellent stranger flip. A name got here in from the police division in Newport Seashore, some 10 miles from Santa Ana. Simply after 2 a.m. that morning, police stated, workers at a Marriott resort had found an odd parcel close to the entrance door. “This belongs to the Santa Ana Zoo,” learn a hand-scrawled word hooked up to the plastic container. “It was taken final night time please convey it to police.” One other word detailed the package deal’s contents: “Lemur (with tracker).” Fisher nonetheless is not certain precisely how the perpetrator found out that Isaac had an implanted microchip that will permit veterinarians to establish him, however he and the remainder of the workers had been simply glad to get the growing older lemur again unhurt. The query of who had been behind the late-night zoo heist – and why – remained a thriller. Then police found the diamond ring. Valued at practically $4,500 and crafted by the French jeweler Chopard, it turned up at a pawnshop in Costa Mesa, California, in November 2018, in keeping with the Los Angeles Occasions. The serial quantity on the ring matched one which had been stolen from a non-public residence on Newport Seashore’s prosperous Balboa Island, together with about $70,000 price of different jewellery. For months, a string of dwelling burglaries had rocked the coastal neighborhood, placing residents on edge as their marriage ceremony rings and household heirlooms disappeared, and main a minimum of one anguished sufferer to marvel if one among her personal mates might have robbed her. Police quickly discovered that the Chopard ring had been pawned by Aquinas “Quinn” Kasbar, 19, who turned domestically well-known in the summertime of 2018 when a viral video confirmed him browsing an enormous wave on an air mattress. {The teenager} had additionally offered $52,000 price of diamonds to a different pawnshop, in keeping with an affidavit obtained by the Occasions. One night time, detectives adopted him to a scenic overlook, the place he allegedly dumped a stolen protected that had as soon as contained passports, Rolex watches and $4,000 money. Inside a storage unit he rented, they discovered much more luxurious items, together with ostrich-skin Birkin baggage valued at greater than $20,000 and Fender guitars. In keeping with KCAL, Los Angeles’s CBS affiliate, cops cornered Kasbar in a parking zone close to the Pacific Coast Freeway in December, however he jumped into the bay and swam away, forcing the Orange County Sheriff’s Workplace harbor patrol to return and fish him out of the water. He was arrested and pleaded not responsible to the 29 felony and three misdemeanor counts that he faces for the alleged burglaries, the Occasions reported. Then in Could, whereas Kasbar waited to go on trial, authorities introduced that he was additionally a suspect in one other case: the after-hours heist on the Santa Ana Zoo. Whereas investigating the house burglaries, detectives discovered unspecified proof linking Kasbar to Isaac’s mysterious disappearance, in keeping with the Occasions. On Monday, the teenager pleaded responsible to unlawfully taking an endangered species, admitting in his plea settlement that he had lower open the fencing with bolt cutters after the zoo closed for the night time, then left with the aged lemur. Although prosecutors famous the existence of a thriving unlawful pet commerce for ring-tailed lemurs, who’re thought-about a critically endangered species, Kasbar indicated via the plea settlement that he did not intend to promote the wide-eyed primate: He “wished to maintain it as a pet. “ “My consumer accepted accountability immediately for a mistake he made as a highschool scholar,” Kasbar’s legal professional, Brian Gurwitz, informed the Orange County Register on Monday, noting that Kasbar had left a word to make sure that the lemur was safely returned to the zoo. “He rapidly regretted his determination.” Practically a 12 months after he was left exterior the Marriott, Isaac is doing effectively, and there is not any indication that he was too shaken up by the episode. Now 33 – he just lately celebrated his birthday – he loves following the zookeepers round and consuming grapes. The zoo has six lemurs in whole, so Isaac “has some woman companions,” Fisher stated. Regardless of his superior age, Isaac nonetheless eats effectively and takes excellent care of himself, and he seems to be in strong well being. Sometimes, lemurs have a life span of 20 to 25 years, however they’ll stay into their early 30s. Looking out via data shared by different zoological associations, the Santa Ana Zoo has been unable to search out any lemurs older than Isaac, Fisher stated. Kasbar isn’t doing fairly as effectively. As a result of ring-tailed lemurs are an endangered species, eradicating Isaac from the zoo was a federal offense, punishable with a most $100,000 tremendous and one-year jail sentence. He’ll return to courtroom for a sentencing listening to in October. He additionally has but to face trial for the jewellery thefts. The zoo is “simply actually glad that there is some decision,” Fisher stated. He hopes the result of the courtroom case will deter others from attempting comparable stunts sooner or later and notes that ring-tailed lemurs don’t make good home pets, regardless of their endearing personalities. It is unlawful to personal one, and the animals additionally require numerous particular care. Isaac’s food regimen is custom-formulated by veterinary workers to make sure that he will get the suitable quantity of fruits, pellets and recent leaves every day. Primates as a complete are usually messy animals, and, like every other wild creatures, they don’t seem to be housebroken and they’re going to chew. Briefly, Fisher stated, anybody on the lookout for an animal companion is best off adopting a cat or canine or hamster – not taking a lemur from the zoo. “I do not assume it was the brightest concept,” Fisher stated. “And clearly it was not effectively thought via.” (Apart from the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV workers and is revealed from a syndicated feed.) Get Breaking news, stay protection, and Newest News from India and world wide on NDTV.com. Catch all of the Dwell TV motion on NDTV 24×7 and NDTV India. Like us on Facebook or observe us on Twitter and Instagram for latest news and live news updates. (function(d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if (d.getElementById(id)) return;js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.5&appId=213741912058651";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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