iz-nomerants · 7 months
Reading a great fanfic isn’t all fun and games. Sure, the thought of encountrering a captivating story sounds thrilling but, it’s not always the same for everyone. So goes for the non fastpass enjoyers.
Non fast pass enjoyers encounter a weekly ritual of madness following the latest update of another chapter. This could include squealing, lots of squealing, depending on the genre it could be could be either screaming, crying or raging. Screenshots, many screenshots are a byproduct of this weekly event. Endless scrolling through social media’s very limited posts, and even scarcer fanfics are a trademark of the most obsessed and rabid fans.
But what happens on that one day, when all the stars and all the planets align. When Heaven suddenly opens up ,and we are once again blessed with another chapter. Welll, it’s quite the messy affair. First of all, we encounter the 5 stages of grief:
Denial: After reading a chapter, we often remain stonefaced in front of the screen, only then reacting 5 seconds later, screams rocking through the earth’s core. We deny that we have already read it, so we read it again, and again, and again, and again ti’ll we have counted all the lines in each panel, and each and every panel ingrained into the back of our eyelids.
Anger: Second comes anger. After reading a particularly good chapter, we might rage after a cliffhanger, throwing our phones, kicking, screaming in a violent rage. We question why the chapter seemingly got shorter despite it being exactly the same amount of panels as before. We question why our characters did as they did. WE QUESTION WHY THE FUCK WERE WE LEFT ON A MOTHERHECKING HOT PANEL OF BUDDY WITHOUT ANY OTHER CONTEXT BUT; “BUDDY.”
Bargaining: After a long winded meltdown we now go to bargaining. We now search every nook and cranny of the fandom for any leaks, fanart, fanfics and much more to feed our unholy obsessions. We try to convince ourselves not to spend those out last dime on webtoon coins as we rock ourselves to sleep, the last panels repeating in our brain like a broken kinetograph.
Depression: After again sweeping through the fandom, we now find ourselves at loss. The lack of content gets to us as we cry alone in an empty room, counting down the days, the hours, the minutes and the seconds until the next chapter. Until then, we go about our daily lives, lacking vigor, and excitement for what may come tomorrow unless it’s Cinderella Boy. 🤬🤬🤬
Acceptance: We accept that we have to wait another agonizingly long 6 days. Deprived of content. Wasting away, scrolling through the vast ocean of webtoons. But none shall hold a candle to what we have previously read the day before. Cinderella Boy.
Ah, I seemed to have lost my composure over there. But nonetheless, this is the journey of an average webtoon enjoyer. Ti’ll the next week! Goodbye my friends.
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