#castles crumbling is so different to what i expected but i love it
ellegreenawey · 1 year
good morning i’m gonna ramble my speak now tv thoughts in the tags because i have a LOT
#i just finished listening through in order and ???? she never misses i owe her my life#FIRST OF ALL HAUNTED TV MY BELOVED YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS#defending haunted tv from the haters like i’m in the trenches#i will miss haunted acoustic tho#i actually like the new btr lyric but i do miss the original already </3#i can’t believe how many people are physically angry about it tho like?? i understand being sad it changed but like. that’s her choice#i can’t stop reading btr as big time rush lmao#innocent lovers we won yet again#last kiss was gorgeous as expected#long live tv made me really emotional lmao#also i’m a superman song apologist#superman haters will never know the joy of being lovestruck and looking out the window </3#what else#oh vault tracks!!!!#electric touch!!!!!!!! an instant love as soon as it started#wefil was cute i think it’ll grow on me#also i can see you HELLO????#castles crumbling is so different to what i expected but i love it#hayley’s voice sounds soooo good#and apparently her vocals were recorded by taylor york <3#i love the cc outro as well it’s so pretty#FOOLISH ONE MY BELOVED#timeless is another one i think will grow on me#her mature voice adds a new dimension to the album i think. esp with songs like long live#but idk i think there was something fun about her less refined (??) voice in the original sjfjsjd#overall album of the century remains undefeated#i will miss the original bc it’s so special to me but like. taylor’s version!!!! <3#taylor swift
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azrielsdove · 26 days
Castles Crumbling: Reader x Rhysand
Warnings: Violence, Angst
It was never supposed to be like this.
The sounds of screams and blades clashing faded around you as you took in the carnage the battle had bestowed upon your homeland. Bannermen bearing the green banners of the Spring Court rose high around you.
Mistake. Mistake. Mistake.
You turned in a slow circle, noticing the deep purple banners of your own falling. Hardly any remained, small spots of hope drowned out in a sea of green.
You have lost.
You couldn’t help but think back to the fateful moment this war began, to what you could have done to avoided this. Perhaps nothing. Perhaps everything.
“High King? They wish for you to rule over Prythian?” You asked your husband, in shock at this news.
“Not just me,” he spoke earnestly, pulling your hands into his, “us. You will reign as High Queen, as my equal.” Your eyes connected to his, worry filling them.
“Husband, they have chosen you, not I. Who is to say they will even accept me? If they even planned for a High Queen?” Already you could see how the fae may react, as they had reacted when he made you High Lady.
Rhysand pulled you closer, arms loosely circling your waist. “Nonsense. They know you serve here in this Court, why should that change? Besides, if I am to be High King they will have to accept my rulings. If I say you are High Queen, so be it.” You sighed deeply, laying your hands flat on his chest.
“You cannot begin your rule by making a claim none wish for. If the fae do not want me I will not contest them,” you spoke plainly. Rhysand frowned, one hand coming up to cup your face.
“They will wish it so. Do not worry yourself over this.” His thumb ran over your cheek, calming your thoughts. You leaned into his touch, a small smile gracing your lips.
“As you command, my King,” you said teasingly, squealing with laughter as Rhysand pulled you closer and peppered kisses to your skin.
“Call me that again.”
“All Hail the High King and High Queen!” Boomed through the room, you sitting proudly on your throne next to Rhysand. No fae contested your claim as Queen, the other Courts bowing easily to you. You smiled down upon them now, the golden crown heavy on your head. Rhysand laid one hand over yours, looking out over all you would rule.
“To a new, better, united Prythian!” He shouted out, earning cheers from the fae gathered before you. The energy in the castle was high, everyone excited at what the future would bring. In hindsight you really should have expected peace would not last long. All the Courts High Lords had come to recognize you and Rhysand as the new High King and High Queen, save for one. The Spring Court did not send any well wishes your way. You can’t say you were truly surprised, as the rivalry between Rhysand and Tamlin ran deep. Though you were a bit taken aback, as you hadn’t taken Tamlin for one who would choose to display such a blatant form of disrespect.
It all made sense when the letter arrived.
You stood completely still in front of the grand window in Rhysands office, looking out over the grounds. The two of you had chosen Velaris to be the royal city, opening up the lands to all the Courts. Now that Prythian was unified, fae from all different backgrounds could choose where they wished to reside. It wasn’t lost on you that a few from each Court had moved up here, yet none from Spring. Holding the elegantly written scroll in your hand, you now knew why.
“My love, what ails you on this fine morning?” You turned at the sound of your husband’s voice, clutching the letter tightly.
“Spring has written,” you choked out, “she declares herself High Queen.”
And then laughter. “Why would she claim such an absurd thing? That is a joke, wife. Do not fret over the words of someone like that,” Rhysand soothed, placing a gentle hand on your cheek. You shook your head, handing him the letter.
“Read it.”
High King Rhysand of Prythian, we wish to congratulate you on your new title. While our Courts have not always gotten along, we are proud to have such a strong ruler over us now. Forgive our absence at your coronation, as we were not sure how to address the crowning of the False Queen.
You see, Feyre is your mate, is she not? Cauldron made for you. Of course your pairing was not destined to be a love match and you went your separate ways, as we know. I myself have wondered many a night why the Cauldron would have mated the two of you. Now I see why.
Feyre is the true High Queen. She was chosen by the Cauldron for this very purpose. I implore you to have your wife step down so the rightful Queen can rule by your side. If you do not abide by what has clearly been predetermined, I will have no choice but to bring this case to the other fae. All may not agree with me, but enough will. Do you wish war so soon on your lands?
I hope to hear a response promptly. Your rightful Queen will be waiting.
Tamlin, High Queen Feyre’s consort
Rhysand looked up at you, tossing the paper onto his desk before placing his hands on your waist and pulling you in close. “Do not listen to them. The fae have already accepted you as High Queen. There is no official ruling for how this should go. We are the first in this position, if I set it so my wife is queen then so be it. They can try to push for Feyre on the throne, but no fae will uphold it. Do not fret, sweet one. You are the High Queen and that is how it shall remain.”
You looked into his eyes for a long moment before speaking. “What if he is correct? The Cauldron had mated you, perhaps it was for this purpose. Am I to deny the Cauldrons power?”
Rhysand sighed deeply, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “To Hel with the Cauldron. It does not choose what we do with a mating bond, it can only set them. I was given the honor of High King and in doing so I chose my own ways to rule. I would not have deemed you High Queen if I did not believe you would be a grand ruler. Feyre is not cut out for it. Trust me, they will not gain the amount of support they need.”
Doubt clouded your mind, but you nodded in agreement with his words. Rhysand was High King, surely Tamlin and Feyre would not be so foolish as to start a war over this.
“He’s recruited his own Court for his cause. I’m receiving threats by the day. Fae are truly believing his words,” Rhys says, addressing the room before him. Azriel, Cassian, Amren, and Mor sit and wait for further instruction. “We need to squash this imminently. This delusion cannot be allowed to be spread around. I have set out to create a land of peace, I will not stand by and allow him to destroy it! We need to send some Illyrians, persuade him to step down with this idea.” You placed a hand on your husband’s shoulder, calming his anger slightly.
“We must not act rashly. Spring will be expecting retaliation. We do not know which of these High Fae truly believe him or which have been threatened to act accordingly. I refuse to become violent rulers so quickly,” you said, squeezing his shoulder gently. He sighed deeply, resting his head on your arm.
“You are right. We must figure out some way to address this peacefully.” Rhys waved a hand at Mor. “You should go, debate with Tamlin and Feyre. Get them to see how they are acting is foolish. You are the best of us at handling stubborn attitudes.” Mor laughs and bows her head.
“I’ve had lots of practice.”
“Welcome to our home, Morrigan. I assume you have come with some plea for peace?” Tamlin taunted, a cold laugh accompanying his words. “We will not step down with our claim. It was a mistake for the High King to send you here.” With a snap of his fingers guards surrounded Mor, weapons drawn. She looked around at them all most unimpressed.
“Now, Tamlin, is this really necessary? I have only come to speak with you. Do you truly believe me to be such a threat?” She widened her eyes and appeared the true picture of delicate innocence, a small pout on her lips. Feyre scoffed from next to Tamlin, shaking her head.
“Don’t act like we are stupid, Morrigan. I assume the High King does not agree with what the Cauldron has decided, as he has sent you to do his dirty work for him.” She stood taller, towering over Mor from her place on the steps. “I am the rightful High Queen, regardless of whatever you believe. You have crowned a phony in my place. Am I to sit by and allow my throne to be taken from me?”
It was Mor’s turn to laugh. “You are more ignorant than I thought. The crown belongs to Rhysand, who chose his wife to be High Queen. You are nothing more than a lady of spring.”
In a heartbeat one of the soldiers had his blade tight against Mor’s neck, restraining her with his other arm. “Enough. I will give you a choice, Morrigan. Pledge your service to the true Queen, and join us on the correct side,” Tamlin said, opening his arms wide. “Or die. The choice is yours.”
Mor looked up at the once peaceful male she knew, when they were all children. She took in the young female next to him, the human girl who saved Rhysand’s life, who saved most of Prythian’s lives.
And then she spat on the ground.
“Kill me then. I’d rather be dead than a traitor.”
Tamlin gave a sympathetic sort of smile. “So be it.”
Reader Pov
“THEY KILLED HER! THEY CUT OFF HER HEAD AND SENT IT BACK TO ME!” Rhysand yelled, anguish in his voice. You stood stunned, staring at the bloodied head of your beautiful friend. She had been dropped off with a note from Tamlin.
Such a pity to see this one go.
This is what happens to those who refuse their rightful Queen. Make your choices carefully, High King Rhysand. Your true High Queen awaits you here.
The remaining Inner Circle had been summoned immediately. Cassian had let out a strangled shout when he had seen it, Azriel going deadly cold. Amren said nothing, just focused onto Rhys with those ancient eyes.
“They have officially declared war. We need to gather our allies, and fast. Cassian, you need to go to the Illyrians and make sure they’re with us. Azriel, go to Dawn and Day. Amren, I need you to check on Winter and Summer. No doubt Tamlin already has Autumn on their side, as it’s the closest court to him. He also has Lucien as his closest friend and emissary. We need to secure the support we do have. Can you all handle that?” Rhysand instructed, looking carefully at his family. Azriel gave a curt nod before he was gone in a blink of darkness, not waiting a second more.
“I will go easily. What they have done to her is an act of cruelty I have not seen in many moons. I will not allow our new peace destroyed by tyrants.” Amren kept her cool demeanor, the only sign of her pain was the way her hands were clasped tightly together. Rhys nodded his thanks as she left, before turning to Cassian.
“The Illyrians are sworn not only to the two of you, but to me. I will ensure their armies at your side,” he spoke, eyes remaining upon what remained of Mor for a second longer before he turned from the room.
You hadn’t moved from the spot you were in when the head was dropped unceremoniously at your feet. You had loved the high open windows until now, until the severed head of your closest friend was tossed through them like some sort of sick toy. This is my fault.
“It is not.” Rhys stood in front of you, blocking your view of Mor’s head. He tucked a hand under your chin, pulling your face up to look at him. “Shields up. We need to be more alert than ever. What has happened is not on you. Tamlin and Feyre have chosen to shed the first blood in this war. This pointless war over a throne that already has a crown. We will make sure they do not do any more damage. It is important that we remain strong throughout this, that we stand before Prythian united.” A single tear slid down his face, his own emotions too intense to hide. You reached up and brushed the wetness away, keeping your hand on his cheek.
“Together,” you whispered, staring deep into his eyes. Trying to convey all the unsaid words and emotions. “The sooner we address the fae the better. They need to know the danger that may be coming. Those who are sick, or elderly, or have young children need to be given a chance to flee if they so wish.” As much as you did not want to speak before them at this second, it was essential.
“You are right, as always.” Rhysand tucked a loose strand of hair back behind your ear. “Let us do our duty as rulers.”
“War has been declared upon us by those who reside in Spring. They are claiming made up lies as truth, and have killed one of our own. The Morrigan has been slain in cold blood, all for not bowing down to their rumors. We are preparing with our allies now, with the promise that Velaris will remain the safest place in all of Prythian. However, for those of you who do not wish to stay, safe passage will be granted out to Montesere. As High King I devote my life to you all, and will strive to protect each and every one of you the way I would myself. We will not fall!” Rhysand ended his speech by thrusting his sword up in the air, thousands of fae following suit with loud cries. You looked out over the crowd, chills running down your spine.
Everything had changed.
“Summer has declared for us. Dawn and Day have offered armies of their own. The Illyrians will fight on our side. Winter is trying to remain a zone of neutrality. The odds are currently stacked against Tamlin and Feyre, but it is important to know that can change at any moment.” Cassian laid out your allies upon the strategy board as he spoke, before turning to you. “My Queen, it is no longer safe for you here. I strongly advise you to go to the safe house in Montesere.”
You shook your head slowly. “No. I will not flee. I belong here, and as High Queen I will defend not only my throne but my people.” A hand clutched tightly to the sword strapped to your side. “I am as well trained in combat as any of you. I have deep running magic that have bested a thousand fae. I will fight alongside those who have trusted me with their futures.” You looked pointedly at the board in front of you, refusing to look at Rhysand. You knew that he understood you were correct, but it didn’t stop him from wanting to protect you. You didn’t wish to see the pain on his face.
The first battle did not reach the edges of Velaris. In fact, you did not know the first battle had happened until it was over. Not until Cassian came bursting in to the study, eyes wide. “It has begun.”
Rhysand stood, walking over to his brother. “Who?” You held your breath, anxious to hear what had taken place without your knowledge.
“Winter declared for Feyre. They invaded the Summer Court. It was pure bloodshed, I am told. Summer held up well against Winter, until the Autumn and Spring Courts came in. They destroyed them. Anyone they didn’t kill pled allegiance to Feyre, to Spring.” Cassian paused. “We are down to Dawn, Day, and the Illyrians. The Seasonal Courts are marching towards us now. We must prepare for battle.” Your blood ran cold at his words, at the danger that was heading towards your doorstep.
You stood, moving to stand next to Rhysand. “Send messages to our remaining allies. It is of upmost importance they arrive here as quickly as possible. We also need to remain sure of their allegiance to me. We must continue to stay strong, confident. If we falter in our beliefs our armies will fall. Go, Cassian. Quickly,” you commanded, sending the general on his way. You turned to look at Rhysand, chest tight with worry. His hands came to rest on that familiar place on your waist, pulling you close to him.
“He will get to them in time, my love. Besides, you and I are the most powerful fae in all of Prythian. Just the two of us hold the power of an entire army. I will not let them touch you.” He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. You relaxed into his hold, savoring these last moments of peace.
It was time to head into war.
“False Queen.” Hissed from around you, angry faces of fae swimming in front of your eyes. Rhysand straightened at your side, towering down over them. “I’d choose your next words very carefully,” he spoke, voice deadly cold. The fae who were taunting you sneered at him, any respect they once had gone.
“You have gone against the Cauldron, my King. You have gone against what is right. You crowned the false queen and have brought war to our lands. High Queen Feyre did not wish for it to come to this, did not wish any harm on us or on your wife.” They turned to you, the once joyful beings turned into ruthless monsters. “You tried to trick us in the beginning, making us believe you wanted the best for Prythian. Instead you only wished for power. High Queen Feyre is what is best for us.” Rhysand stepped in front of you, shielding you from further insult.
“Enough. We remain loyal to Prythian, to those who are loyal to us. If you wish to present yourselves as enemies, you will be dealt with as enemies.” With barely a flinch he melted the minds of the three fae in front of you. Three fae who had attended your coronation, who had pledged themselves to you. Who had gladly accepted you as High Queen.
Now they lay dead at your feet.
A horn broke you out of your anguish, attention drawn to the horizon. You reached out for Rhysands hand, clutching it tightly. You watched in anger and horror as the armies from the Season Courts breached your home. The home you had so carefully created. The home you had planned to rule for centuries with Rhysand at your side. The home you were going to bring your children into.
You squeezed your husband’s hand one last time before dropping it, bellowing as you lead your army into battle. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Rhysand go into full beast form, a deadly shadow cast upon the enemy armies below.
The next hours were long, filled with blood and death. Your army fought valiantly for you, defending you at every turn. Yet slowly they began to fall. More and more fae turned to High Queen Feyre as the battle went on, desperate for the fighting to end. You watched as fae who had cheered for you moved to despising you. You fought and fought, arms growing heavy from the use of your sword, body going tired from the use of your magic. You stood in the chaos, realizing you were losing.
You watched Rhysand fall from the sky. You watched the green-armored soldiers flank to him. You knew it was over.
It was all over.
Feyre was in front of you now, a wicked smile upon her face. “Oh, poor thing. All you had to do was hand me my crown, and all of this could have been avoided. You allowed this to happen.” She clicked her tongue sympathetically. “Now your oh so lovely High King is dead. A shame, to see one so powerful fall. It is your fault, you know. You have killed him.” Your heart shattered in your chest, the realization that Rhysand was gone ripping you out from the state of shock you were in.
“You dirty bitch!” You screamed, rushing forward to plunge your blade into her heart.
“Ah, Ah. We can’t have that, now can we?” Feyre said condescendingly, looking at you pitifully. It was then you felt the blade that had been pushed through your stomach. An arm wrapped around your neck from behind, the blade twisting inside you. You gasped out in pain, turning your head just enough to see the golden hair that belonged to Tamlin.
“Trying to kill the High Queen? Traitor.” He twisted the blade again, pain rippling through your body. “You have no one left. All your banners have fallen. Anyone who was still fighting for you has bowed down to Feyre, or has died.” Another twist. “I killed that filthy Cassian myself.” Tamlin laughed. “ Once he fell, your little Illyrians came right to me. Said that I was the rightful leader now, having bested their old one.” Twist. Your vision began darkening, death looming closely. “Lucien did Azriel in. You should see him with a bow and arrow. He’s a rather nasty shot. Especially to birds.” He started dragging the blade up, a scream caught in your throat. “Feyre got Amren. You should’ve seen it. Did you know she holds the power of every High Lord? Amren fought hard, sure, but even old beasts have their limits.” He laughed. “And Rhysand. Watching him fall has been the highlight of my day. We did not even have to try! He worked himself to death, fighting for you. How romantic.” His sword slices higher. “Too bad it was all for nothing. Look out over your pretty little city. You brought all this death here.” He removed his blade and pushed you forward, laughing as you tumbled into the bloodied land. You turned your head just enough to look up at him taking Feyre’s hand, to see her condescending little smile.
“Tamlin will be a fine High King, don’t you think?” She looked up at him, placing her hand lovingly on his arm. “Kill her for me, my love. I’m tired of looking at her pathetic state.” Tamlin smiled wide, kissing Feyres hand before raising his sword once more.
It was over.
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I know this is quite a rough one to start back up with but I had to write this idea. It was heavily inspired by House of the Dragon and the song Castles Crumbling by Taylor Swift. I hope you all enjoy and I have missed writing and interacting with you so so much. Here’s to many more stories ❤️
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orionsangel86 · 5 months
Lucienne/Lucien - How the Librarian Became the Chief.
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In The Sandman Netflix adaptation Lucienne is a stand out character and second only to Morpheus in importance, screen time, and centrality to the story. Lucienne is Morpheus's loyal Librarian, second in command, ruler of the Dreaming in his absence, and often times a voice of reason and advice for our dutiful King of Dreams. She is so well respected in her position that the other castle residents consider her their boss and would rather go to her for guidance and command than Morpheus himself. She takes care of Dream's ravens and even appears to have the power to create new ravens from newly deceased mortals like she did with Matthew. She is clearly extremely close to Morpheus, and is one of very few people he seems to actually listen to and trust. Lucienne's role in this story can not be underestimated.
So it may come as a surprise to any fans of the show who haven't read the comics to learn that Lucien (as he is called in the comics) is afforded very few of the above traits. In fact Lucien is no where near as close to Morpheus even by the very end of the story, as Lucienne is at the beginning. It is this difference that has fascinated me since I first started diving into the comics after falling in love with the show, and its something I view as extremely important when considering how the story is being adapted into a kinder, more sympathetic universe surrounding our central protagonist.
Lucienne's role is expanded greatly from her comic counterpart, and her relationship with Morpheus is shown to be much deeper. This is evident practically right away at the end of episode one when Lucienne comes to greet Morpheus upon his return to the Dreaming following his escape.
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The way she runs over to him as soon as she realises he is back, and lovingly takes his hand and is so pleased to see him is a far cry from the comic where the first thing Lucien does is bow.
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So right at the start we see a very different form of relationship here. Where Lucienne is already displaying a level of care and devotion beyond the expectations of a servant, Lucien however, is exactly that.
The servant thing has caused a bit of contention among fandom in the past. I think the confusion could come from whether or not you see Lucien or Lucienne first. Lucien IS a servant of Dream. Lucienne is more like a vice president and royal advisor. Those are two very different things after all and that difference only becomes more obvious the further you go into the story.
Lucienne accompanies Morpheus throughout his return to his crumbling kingdom, helps him as he attempt to repair the damage, follows him to Cain and Abel, and watches over his meeting with the Fates. She is by his side from the moment he returns until the moment he leaves again for the waking world to begin his quest to recover his tools, and she is responsible for Matthew's reincarnation as the new Raven and instructs Matthew to stay with him because of her concern for Morpheus's wellbeing on his quest.
I cannot stress enough how much none of this is in the comics. Lucienne shows a level of care towards Morpheus that just isn't present in Lucien in the comics. After the first meeting with Lucien at the gates of the Dreaming, Lucien doesn't appear again until he is instructed by Morpheus to conduct the census of the Dreaming. He only appears again in the Doll's House very briefly and has no involvement in Morpheus's decisions during that arc, which takes place very rarely in the Dreaming.
That's not to say that Lucien isn't a very trusted servant of Morpheus. He is the closest to Morpheus of all the residents of the Dreaming except only Matthew. But I think a lot of what we see in the show of Morpheus and Lucienne's dynamic is inspired by much later in the comics. I also think that it speaks loudly to the change in Morpheus as a character. Show!Morpheus has people almost right away who care about him and want to help him, whereas comic!Morpheus is extremely isolated. It is clear in the early comic stories that comic!Morpheus keeps himself at arms length from basically everyone. He does not have a bond with Lucien, he did not have Jessamy, and at that early stage, he didn't even have Matthew. All of this of course was primarily to make show!Morpheus a more sympathetic and likeable character - you gotta give your protagonist people who care about them, it helps raise the stakes after all.
Taking Charge - Lucienne is the real boss
One of my favourite parts of the Dolls House episodes in the Netflix show is the conflict between Morpheus and Lucienne due to the other residence and Dreaming servants going to her for advice and instruction first rather than Morpheus. Bearing in mind this only takes place less than a year after Morpheus's return from imprisonment, it speaks volumes as to how Lucienne has taken the role of leader of the Dreaming in her stride.
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But it also indicates how Morpheus' change in the show is coming at lightening fast speed compared to the comic. In the comic, Mervyn doesn't make these observations until the Brief Lives arc, and this is indicated at that point to be a very new thing - triggered by several years post fish bowl of having to face his past decisions and mistakes (and a string of scorned ex lovers one after the other ending in a horribly matched rebound relationship with a murderous witch that subsequently rejected him and triggered him literally seeking out destruction). Lucien was only put in charge of the Dreaming when Morpheus left to go on his trip with Delirium. It is during that trip that Morpheus realises how competent Lucien is and capable of running things without problem in his absence.
Mervyn's insights are made clear here:
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This is the only time in the comic that anyone dares mention that someone other than Morpheus might be the boss - and it is in no way as directly spelled out as it is in the show. "You're practically running the place" and "you secretly run this place" are quite different statements. The first only makes an observation about Morpheus's current lack of interest (in Brief Lives) in actually running his realm. It implies that Lucien is doing Morpheus' job for him, but does not go as far as to outright call Lucien the boss. Whereas in the show, that's exactly what Mervyn does.
In the comic, Morpheus overhears Mervyn's speech and immediately points out his reasoning for leaving Lucien in charge, for promoting him and giving him more authority.
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Because no one ever technically undermines Morpheus in the comic, there is no conflict here. Morpheus trusts Lucien as his loyal servant and gives him the power to rule in his stead (but only when he is absent) and there is no "secretly report to Lucien first" attitude among Matthew and Mervyn. We can perhaps interpret that this might be happening behind the scenes by this point in Brief Lives, or even just before the BL arc when Morpheus was distracted by his rebound murderess, but it is never actually directly stated that this is going on.
The tension between Morpheus and Lucienne in the show is born out of the conflict over Lucienne's position and Morpheus feeling undermined by his subjects, and its storytelling gold. But the only reason such a story works in the show is because Lucienne is so important to Morpheus in the show, because their relationship goes so much deeper than the relationship in the comic. Lucienne is not a servant, she's his god damn vice president and she knows it, and he knows it too. Throughout episodes 7 and 8 specifically he reaches out to her for her opinion and advice on the Vortex situation. He talks things through with her and seeks out her guidance. It is clear that he relies on her and it is only at the end of episode 8 when Lucienne disagrees with his punishment of Gault, that in his anger, he dismisses her.
Lucien/ne the Royal Advisor
Where Morpheus in the show seeks out Lucienne's advice and opinion frequently especially during the Doll's House arc, I have to stress that this never happens in the comic. Comic!Morpheus just does not have that kind of relationship with Lucien and does not seek his counsel at all, even though Lucien does try to give it on occassion, usually when Morpheus is about to do something extremely stupid and probably damaging to himself and the Dreaming. To name a couple times:
Season of Mists - before Morpheus returns to Hell:
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Brief Lives - before seeking Destruction:
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You'll note that in both these times Lucien's words of caution are completely ignored.
You'll also notice that in both times Lucien is taking a path of polite caution. Lucien very rarely speaks his mind to Morpheus, because he knows it won't get him very far to do so. The only time Lucien truly loses his cool and speaks freely is in The Kindly Ones (spoiler alert)
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At this point in the comic story Morpheus has basically all but given up and accepted his fate and its fucking depressing AF. Lucien is well within his right to shake the bastard HARD and snap him TF out of it. I STILL think he was too restrained here tbh!
My point here is that Lucienne already speaks her mind quite freely around Morpheus in the show. She expresses her opinions and thoughts and gives him her advice. This is such a well established dynamic by the point of the argument that it is clear that Lucienne is offended by Morpheus's dismissal of her.
Take this exchange from episode 9:
Lucienne: "Rose is weakening the walls between realms" Matthew: "You gonna tell the Boss?" Lucienne: "No." Matthew: "No?" Lucienne: "It's none of my business." Matthew: "Er, since WHEN?" Lucienne: "Since Lord Morpheus reminded me that I'm merely a librarian and should concern myself with my books from now on." Matthew: "He said that?! What's wrong with him!" Lucienne: "Nothing is wrong with him. He's always been this way. He's just been away so long I'd forgotten. He's determined to deal with the vortex and the missing Arcana by himself. Without anyones help. So any news must be reported directly and exclusively to him."
It's worth pointing out here that whilst this is framed as Morpheus being a stubborn idiot, in the comic, he does in fact deal with the vortex and the missing Arcana by himself mostly and is not so much helped but saved at the last moment by Unity Kinkaid who realises what is happening in a dream and goes to save Rose, which also saves Morpheus from Desire's trap.
In the show, Morpheus has people who care enough about him and his realm to want to get involved and help him, not out of a desire to undermine him, but simply because they care about him. That is a drastic change from the comic at this point. Morpheus in the comic is constantly shown to be struggling under the burden of his own responsibilities and this is highlighted by the fact that he doesn't really get any support or assistance, and is far too prideful to ask for it. Lucien gets the promotion and chance to rule in his absence, but it is never framed as a job he shares with Morpheus - at no point does Lucien take the burden of his responsibilities off of him. This is no Samwise Gamgee "I can carry you" moment unfortunately. Lucien does not have the power nor the bond with Morpheus to undertake such a task because Morpheus keeps him at arms length throughout the comics - but Lucienne? Well, time will tell how that may change.
An Apology from the King
In a shock horror twist that comic!Morpheus would sooner die than do himself (ha) the great emo King of the Netflix universe gives Lucienne an apology for his behaviour (sort of).
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Episode 9 displays the tension between Morpheus and Lucienne following their "break up" perfectly. Morpheus is clearly in the wrong, and Lucienne is clearly hurt by his dismissal of her support. Yet even after the fight, he still seeks out her advice in determining the cause of the disturbances in the Dreaming. He goes to her first before investigating himself (something that comic!Morpheus wouldn't even consider doing) and is surprisingly capable in swallowing his pride here even though it is clearly a struggle for him.
Later in the episode, once he realises that Lucienne was right about the disturbances, he seeks her out to tell her so, and to confirm that she was right and he was wrong. This is again something that I can't fathom comic!Morpheus doing, even nearer the end of the story I don't believe he does so, certainly not to Lucien. Fiddlers Green drums this point home when he says this:
Fiddlers Green: "... still his time there appears to have changed him as it has changed me." Lucienne: "How so?" Fiddlers Green: "Lucienne, he came to you and told you he was wrong. It was very nearly an apology. The Morpheus I knew was incapable of that."
This further reinforces not just how much Morpheus has changed in a short time, but also how much he respects and cares about Lucienne and their continued relationship.
Platonic Life Partners? Co Ruler and Closest Confident of the Dream King
When I set out to write this meta, it was with the aim to highlight Lucienne's elevated role from her comic counterpart. To try to stress the importance of her character in the show and what this means for the future of the story in the show. By the end of the last episode, Lucienne is practically granted co-ruler status of the Dreaming while Morpheus works on his creations. He asks her if she can "take care of things while he works" which she agrees "with pleasure".
I just... I can NOT stress ENOUGH how much comic!Morpheus needed this person in his life. Even though Lucien looks after the Dreaming whilst Morpheus is away in Season of Mists and Brief Lives, it is always as a last resort with Morpheus continuing to check in on Lucien during Brief Lives as if he expects trouble, and he always seems a bit confused when Lucien tells him all is fine. As if he can't quite understand how the Dreaming could be okay without him there (and I mean, after the trauma of watching your realm which is also technically a part of you crumble to dust I suppose you would be a bit attached to it!).
Comic!Morpheus constantly struggles under the weight of his responsibility. His entire thing is that he is desperate to step away and not be who he is but he simply does not have it in him to do that. He is far too bound by his rules and responsibilities. For Morpheus in the show to be given someone to support him in his rule as King and assist him with the burden of his responsibilities is actually a hugely mindblowing change to the comic, and could honestly have huge repercussions on the story going forward. Not only that, but the Morpheus in the comics is painfully lonely. He desperately needs companionship but he keeps everyone at arms length. He never allows his subjects to get too close to him, even Lucien. Even Matthew isn't afforded the same level of closeness in the comics as he is in the show. In the comics, the ONLY character who Morpheus is close to is Death. Which says a lot by itself. The second character he gets closer to as time goes on is Delirium. Which also says a lot. Think of the characters in terms of their concepts. Morpheus has no close friends in the comics (even his relationship with Hob Gadling in the comic doesn't have half the impact it does in the show) and keeps all those he interacts with at arms length except for Delirium and Death.
But show!Morpheus? He has a Matthew who is already so very devoted to him, a Hob Gadling who waited an extra 33 years on hope alone that he would return to him, and a Lucienne who rules by his side, offers him support, guidance, counsel, companionship and probably a good helping of love. How can this Morpheus possibly carry the same deep loneliness as his comic counterpart? How can this Morpheus be buckling under the weight of his duties when he already has his Samwise Gamgee right there by his side? It poses an interesting question for how the show will handle future story arcs, though it could all prove to simply make for a much more painful story, where we happen to have many more characters to react and show the deeply painful grief that we all feel at his eventual passing - or maybe, just maybe, this is a universe where Hope never died...
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hangmanbradshaw · 9 months
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Happy ho-ho-holidays everybody!! As a celebration, I'm going to be posting fic related treats (new chapters, new fics, one shots, story add ons, snippets, etc) each day, a chaotic advent calendar of sorts full of my (and your so voted) favorite things. I hope y'all have as much fun with this as I do. Some of it I have planned, some I'm taking the inspo as it comes so ;) you never know what I'll run with
Day 1: i find myself running home to your sweet nothings (IWTBY Part 3, chap 1) tumblr post
Day 2: sometimes all it takes is a thursday (javy pov one shot: After the mission, Javy watches Jake and Bradley become Jake and Bradley again, and then become more, OR, Jake and Bradley become friends again, and sometimes love is actually easy.)
Day 3: that little farm where every wish comes true chap 5 (hallmark sugar daddy au) tumblr post
Day 4: i talk a big game that i'm scared of losin' (one shot: Jake's a professor ready to jump back into the dating pool, Bradley's a little rough around the edges, and Nat swears they're perfect for each other. She might be right. OR Jake dumps his loser ex and moves to California to be near Nat and Javy. Nat knows a guy, and sometimes opposites attract.)
Day 5: and i feel like my castle's crumbling down (Bradley POV add on to rival princes au. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know where else to go.” All it took was nine words for Bradley's heart to rebuild and break again.)
Day 6: santa, can't you hear me chap 2 (Jake Seresin didn't want to live the lyrics of Last Christmas, but in the aftermath of a breakup, he finds himself meeting someone different, someone maybe even special, in the form of a reporter sent to do a profile on him. Bradley Bradshaw wasn't what he expected, but maybe that's a good thing. The rest, well, he can honestly say he never saw it coming.)
Day 7: take me home where we met so many years before (one shot: On the day of Jake and Bradley's wedding, three best friends look back on how they got there. OR the Seresin-Bradshaw guide to laying under the stars through all stages of life) (aka the FGCC's fault lmao love you guys)
Day 8: cuz you know i love the players and you love the game (one shot: Jake's the star quarterback, Bradley's the star baseball captain. They both like playing games, turns out they want the same prize. OR. Bradley dresses as a cheerleader for the team and Jake hates him (except that he totally doesn't))
Day 9: the set it up/football/baseball/fall in love with the city idea that almost was (before I went with IWTBY which I'd been dreaming up for so long)
Day 10: santa, can't you hear me chap 3 finale
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kashimalin-fanfiction · 4 months
Ancestral Blood (Ikemen Revolution)
Ray and Lancelot decide to explore the ruins of the castle in the Forbidden Forest. What they find is a locked door that only their magic can open, revealing a secret lost to time itself.
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The castle in the forest had been relatively unexplored for centuries. Historians were the only visitors now, going through the place in their efforts to learn more about the country's history. However, such occasions had dwindled significantly in the past century or so. Stonework in the castle crumbled, blocking off stairwells and passageways. Animals had made their homes here, the remnants of nests scattered about. But these relics paled in comparison to the slight buzz still in the air from all the crystals that had occupied the building recently - a stockpile stashed away by the former head of the Magic Tower, Amon. While Alice the Second and both armies had located the crystals and rescued Cradle from near disaster, their ambient energy still charged the very air even after they had been removed. 
It was making the hair on the back of Ray's neck stand on end. 
"I'll get this next batch." The King of Hearts, Lancelot Kingsley, stepped out from his position alongside Ray and waved his hand. With a red glimmer in his eyes, the stones blocking the top of the third floor stairwell were slotted back into place within the ceiling above. Ray watched it with a careful gaze, taking in the way Lancelot utilized his magic with little effort. 
"Thanks, King Lancelot," he said as the path was cleared, taking tentative steps up the rest of the stairs, ready to cast a levitation spell at any moment. 
The two had come into the forest to practice magic, as had become routine after the two armies made peace. However, today, Lancelot and Ray both agreed to conduct a more practical lesson, combining it with their joint effort to examine the old fortress to ensure Amon had left no other surprises. 
“The upper floor’s definitely in better condition,” Ray noted. “That makes sense, given that animals probably couldn’t get up here as easily as downstairs.”
Lancelot nodded in agreement. “Indeed. Perhaps there will be more from Cradle’s history than we expect.”
“While I would love to believe that, too, this building has definitely been ransacked before. I’m sure any thief worth their salt would have found a way upstairs, especially back then. It will be a miracle if there is anything.”
Lancelot hummed thoughtfully. “This is only a practical lesson. It’s still worth exploring.”
Surprised at Lancelot’s excitement, concealed under the guise of a “lesson,” Ray continued to follow close behind. 
They investigated old guest rooms and sitting areas, a room that must have been a library - the sight of all books either gone or torn asunder broke Ray’s heart - and a couple of bedrooms, the beds stripped down to the frames for any cloth and ornamentation of value. 
But as they walked, Ray ahead of Lancelot, he paused, staring. 
It was a door that caught Ray’s attention. 
The paint had faded with time, most likely from the broken chunk of ceiling above that now cast light upon it. It almost beckoned him closer, and Ray allowed himself to be led by the siren’s call. 
The pair of double doors was tall – imposing. While some of the paint had faded with time, the blue and gold gilding was still brilliant. A heart, club, diamond, and spade trailed down on either side of the handles, an equal balance of Red and Black. Crystals were embedded into the wood and handles, and Ray reached out to take one in hand.
And a jolt ran through his body, snapping him back. Lancelot was at his side in an instant, but Ray shook his head.
“This door is locked with magic,” Ray stated.  “It felt like old magic.”
Lancelot placed his own on as well, tracing the designs gingerly before humming in agreement. “Old magic, indeed.” He stared up at the door as he drummed his fingers against it. “It’s sealed with two different kinds, I believe.” 
“You can tell?”
“You learn to sense these things. My father’s magic and I were quite similar, but when I work with you, King Ray… it is vastly different. And this magic… feels just like both of those.” 
Ray raised an eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“... Let’s see just what that means.” Lancelot gestured to the other door. “Time for a test. Put your hand on as well. This time, lean into the magic.” 
Still skeptical, Ray reached out, his fingers resting against the wood. This time, he allowed himself to sink into the sensation that crept along his arm, settling inside of him with a comforting hum.
“On three, ask it to open. One…”
Ray took a deep breath, his eyes fluttering shut.
There was crimson in his vision when he opened his eyes, letting out a sigh. 
“... Three.” 
Open. A command befitting a King resonated in his skull. It echoed powerfully, his magic harmonizing with the magic nestled within the door. 
The crystals on the door illuminated, and opened before them. A dark room lay beyond, but Lancelot smiled and stepped forward with confidence. The dim sunlight came with, shining on darkened corners. While still worn with age and time, the room had a majesty to it. 
“I do believe this room has never been explored before. I assume nobody has been able to open it.” Lancelot turned about. “This may be one of the rooms that only the first Red and Black Kings had access to.”
“What?!” Ray darted inside, casting his own ball of light – too quickly, and ambitious, as it flared up to a blinding glare, which immediately diminished when he cursed at it. 
“Patience,” Lancelot chided. “I’ll manage the light.” With ease and poise worthy of his many years of practice, he split his ball of light in two, casting them to each side of the room. 
They illuminated a pair of desks, facing one another. They were well-structured and elegantly carved, matched by two chairs that had seen better days. Fraying rugs covered the floorboards, with gaps visible here and there from age and decay. 
“A study, then,” Ray said aloud, taking the time to head over to the desk on the right. Curiosity got the better of him, and he started tugging at the drawers. Pines from quills and unopened ink bottles greeted him, along with a few yellowed pages in a more archaic form of their current language. Deciding to not parse them right now, he placed them on the desk and intended to keep going when Lancelot called out. 
“King Ray, come here.” 
The hitch in his voice made Ray pause, head shooting up to look. Lancelot was starting to step towards the back of the room, a seating area accompanied by two couches and a low table. However, that was not what had caught his interest. 
Ray hurried to join him, and his gaze caught the edges of gilded frames. Paintings.
The building had been ransacked over the years time and time again, so the thought of discovering anything new sent a shiver up Ray's spine. 
One ball of light moved closer when beckoned, and Ray and Lancelot stared up at the paintings.
While grime and dust coated the surface, the works of art had not lost their brilliance. They were taller than either man, declaring to the whole crumbling hall that they were the most important figures present. 
The man on the left had a stern gaze, light brown hair trimmed short and framing brilliant blue eyes. His chin was held aloft, proud and poised. 
But the painting on the right was much more interesting, due to the people that stood before it. 
"... That is the spitting image of you, King Ray."
Even when Lancelot whispered those words aloud, Ray could not believe it himself. A mischievous emerald gaze stared out across the room, but to Ray it felt as if he was looking at a mirror. It was as if someone had planted it here, for him to find. 
“... Must be a coincidence, a trick of the light,” Ray said, realizing his mouth was dry as he tried to speak. “There’s no way.”
“All kinds of things are possible given how long Cradle has been established.” Lancelot stood firm on his stance, still casting glances between Ray and the painting before them. 
Ray shook his head, as if to deny it. However, a small spark had lit up in his heart, growing warmer with each passing moment. His magic had reacted to the door. His abilities had allowed him to open it. And now, it was his image – his ancestor – that they found in the room before them. 
He reached out a hand to touch the painting, fingers barely grazing the surface out of fear he might damage it. Staring up at the figure once more, he could almost imagine what this man was scheming behind those glittering eyes. Surely, something that his brother would sigh and complain about. 
Lancelot left Ray a moment, pacing the room and casting more lights to illuminate the space. It was probably more brilliantly lit than it had ever been before, and revealed how truly ornate the room was. 
“This must have been their study,” Lancelot said aloud, having most likely come to the same conclusion as Ray. “Of the two kings of Cradle.”
“To think they used to work together like this…” Ray trailed off as he finally turned away from the paintings, staring out at the room before them. “When history tells us they fought against each other, but there was a time they worked together.”
“They were brothers.” Lancelot now went towards the desk on the other side, opening drawers the same way Ray had done minutes prior. “But we can certainly assume this room has not been opened since they parted ways.” 
Ray’s eyes widened. What Lancelot said was most likely true – the door had not obeyed when it was only his magic. It only reacted when both of them had opened it together, willing their magic to unlock the doors. 
“... So that makes us distant relatives?” Ray asked, a teasing tone to his voices, his eyes glittering the same as the painting behind him. 
Lancelot turned, chin raised high in perfect profile with the other painting. “So distant that it is barely worth a mention. You are no family of mine.”
Ray laughed then, grinning wide. “It has been centuries. But still, what a discovery. We’ll have to tell Blanc about it when we get back. This is amazing.”
“It truly is.” Lancelot gathered a few documents he had found in his hands. He doubted they would be worth anything of value, but any history from before the brothers’ war was vague at best. “Well worth our time today, indeed.”
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riveatstoes · 5 months
Sanders Sides as Taylor Swift Songs
Because I want to merge my hyperfixation (SaSi) and my special interest (TS)
But first some clarifications:
Most of these are vibe-based, especially when it comes to Logan because I genuinely think that he is one of, if not THE, hardest characters to get right
If you have different opinions that’s fine, I like hearing what other people have to say! (as long as you remain respectful)
Yes 99% of Remus’s are ironic, get off my back abt it did you seriously expect anything else??? Yeah that’s what I thought
There is at least one album where I chose the same song for two characters but um. Mind your business
Yes I’m counting If This Was A Movie as a Fearless song. I’m going by what album’s cover it has on it tbh
For reference my favorite is Roman and I think that may be obvious. Idk
Taylor Swift (Debut)
Logan: The Outside
Roman: Stay Beautiful
Patton: Tied Together With A Smile
Virgil: A Place in This World
Janus: The Outside
Remus: Picture to Burn (Homophobic Version)
Fearless (Taylor’s Version)
Logan: Tell Me Why
Roman: Breathe (ft. Colbie Caillat)
Patton: If This Was A Movie
Virgil: You All Over Me (ft. Marren Morris)
Janus: Don’t You
Remus: Thug Story (ft. T-Pain)
Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)
Logan: Castles Crumbling (ft. Hayley Williams)
Roman: Back To December
Patton: Never Grow Up
Virgil: Haunted
Janus: Better Than Revenge / Innocent
Remus: BTR (Slut-Shaming Version)
Red (Taylor’s Version)
Logan: Nothing New (ft. Phoebe Bridgers)
Roman: Red
Patton: Sad Beautiful Tragic
Virgil: I Almost Do
Janus: I Bet You Think About Me (ft. Chris Stapleton)
Remus: I Knew You Were Trouble (Screaming Goat Version)
1989 (Taylor’s Version)
Logan: Bad Blood (ft. Kendrick Lamar)
Roman: Wildest Dreams
Patton: Clean
Virgil: Out Of The Woods
Janus: Now That We Don’t Talk
Remus: Shake It Off
Logan: Look What You Made Me Do
Roman: Gorgeous
Patton: New Year’s Day
Virgil: Getaway Car
Janus: Don’t Blame Me
Remus: I Did Something Bad (Ratatatata)
Logan: I Forgot That You Existed
Roman: You Need To Calm Down / Afterglow
Patton: Cornelia Street
Virgil: The Archer
Janus: Death By A Thousand Cuts
Remus: ME! (ft. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco)
Logan: this is me trying
Roman: mirrorball
Patton: cardigan
Virgil: peace
Janus: the lakes
Remus: exile (ft. bon iver)
Logan: closure
Roman: tolerate it
Patton: evermore (ft. bon iver)
Virgil: it’s time to go
Janus: cowboy like me
Remus: no body, no crime (ft. HAIM)
Logan: Glitch
Roman: Maroon / Bejeweled
Patton: You’re On Your Own, Kid / Dear Reader
Virgil: Midnight Rain
Janus: Anti-Hero
Remus: Vigilante Shit (Live At The Eras Tour)
The Tortured Poets Department
Logan: I Look In People’s Windows
Roman: But Daddy I Love Him / Clara Bow
Patton: So Long, London / loml
Virgil: Who’s Afraid Of Little Old Me?
Janus: The Prophecy
Remus: Guilty As Sin? (But specifically that one video of Post Malone dancing to it)
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ctrnewrites · 1 year
long live (eddie munson)
a/n: this is heavily based on the taylor swift song. i am indeed a swiftie and i thought the song fit the vibe. (and castles crumbling but it makes me wanna scream and cry) def not excessively proofread. pls enjoy though i tried a different direction than typical songfics :) (also i might start using gifs more so the post isn't bald, gif isn't mine btw i use google image search o7)
summary: eddie's gf plays the prom venue with an original that makes him fall even more in love with her. (probably ooc but its cute so i'll die on my hill of soft content)
wc: 3.1k (woah)
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Prom season, April 1986. Prom season was perhaps one of the most important seasons of a teenage girl’s life. Every junior and senior in Hawkins, Indiana was scrambling to find the perfect date, the perfect flowers, and the perfect dress. And every seller of any trade was making sure to get into the prom market to make that profit.
Eddie wasn’t someone too concerned about the idea of prom. Sure, it happened and there was usually some hot gossip that hit the school the weeks before and after the event, but it wasn’t on the top of the priority list. After all, this is his second senior year. He never had an urge to go to the ones before and didn’t have the urge to go to this one now. He’d much rather spend his Saturday evening playing tabletop with his club, practicing with his band, or hanging out with his girlfriend.
His girlfriend, God he loved his girlfriend. Eddie swore that whatever higher force was out there made her special for him. They were so similar yet any difference they had was even more complimentary. They both supported each other non-stop and made time for each other during the busy senior year. Shit, thanks to (Y/n) he was accelerating his path to officially graduating. But that time was quickly approaching and although he couldn’t go immediately into college, (Y/n) swore up and down that she would be there for him no matter what.
Of course, Eddie’s perspective on prom immediately changed when (Y/n) came barreling into the trailer with a letter in hand and the largest smile he’s seen on her in ages. He loved her smile.
“Eddie, you won’t believe what I got in the mail!” (Y/n) exclaimed with excitement, almost colliding with his chest. She was an unstoppable force, and him, an immovable object.
“Mmm, you got accepted into Harvard?” Eddie asks with a chuckle. “I’m teasing you sweetheart, what is the news that you are so excited to share that you have to break my ribs in the process?”
“SO! The prom committee reached out to me and my band, right?” She started, the joy never once faltering from her voice. “They want us to play at prom! We get in free of charge and our dates get fifty percent off!”
Eddie made a sound of bewilderment and excitement for his girlfriend, immediately going to wrap his arms around her to hug, lift, and spin her all in one fluid movement. “Incredible! I expect nothing less from my dearest, my one and only star.” He smiled and gave her forehead a gentle kiss.
Once (Y/n) was let go by Eddie’s embrace, she started her little victory lap around the trailer. Her unbridled joy filled the entire living room and pierced Eddie right in the heart. The way her eyes lit up as she celebrated.
Although a small earwig in his head tried to feed him jealous thoughts, ones of anger for not being selected as part of the Hawkins High School entertainment, he shook them away. No jealousy nor anger would ever come out of someone else’s happiness. Now the real challenge was finding whatever formal wear he had left and making sure it was appropriate to make his girls’ dream come true.
When (Y/n) got the letter from the Hawkins High School Prom Committee, she was over the moon excited. Letting her other members that they were so on for the occasion and to get prepared. Of course, at the next practice, they were learning more mainstream covers to appeal to the greater audience, but that wasn’t going to stop them from sneaking in an original. The committee was only allowed to give them an hour-long slot due to budgeting and because they knew those students wanted to enjoy the night too.
“I have a quick question.” (Y/n) spoke up during a break during their practice session, “How do you guys feel about Long Live?” she asked somewhat nervously. That song was one of her passion projects, something she really poured her heart and soul into.
“I think it's phenomenal.” Kat smiled as she answered honestly. “I can tell you worked hard on it, and you know where you want to go with it. And you’re also not a total bitch to either me or Bianca when it doesn’t sound like you expected.”
“You just want to perform it for your man.” Bianca giggled and teased (Y/n), tapping her gently yet playfully on the arm. “It’s beautiful.”
“I hope I tell both of you how much I appreciate you.” (Y/n) smiled brightly, pulling the two in for a one-armed hug for each. All 3 girls agreed that if they had even the smallest hint of an original song, they would share it and attempt to work on it. “There are still some missing pieces, but we have time. It’s almost done.”
Kat stood up and looked her dead in the eye, a stern yet loving look on her face. “You better not doubt yourself, because good god you are one of the most talented songwriters I have ever met.”
(Y/n) beamed with appreciation and pride. She was told before that she was a good writer, by her bandmates, mother, and Eddie. But sometimes that feeling hits different when it comes after achieving something huge. It was settled, (Y/n)’s hard worked love ballad was to be played on the night of prom.
At the next Hellfire meeting, (Y/n) sat in her corner with her notebook. She never played the tabletop game herself, but it doesn’t mean she enjoyed the chatter of the boys at the table.
“Oh, go screw yourself! I totally had a good window to roll for stealth!” Dustin exclaimed to Mike.
“You take forever to decide what to do, and Eddie was already counting down before the hobgoblin would kill us all!” Mike retorted in defense.
“So immediately charging him straight on would’ve been the best tactic?” Jeff defends Dustin from Eddie’s left side.
The boys continued bickering until Eddie put a stop to it, continuing with part seven of their multi-part campaign. Although it was noisy, (Y/n) didn’t mind. It was a heartwarming kind of noise. A noise of joy, regardless of who rolled what. She stayed in her little corner, occasionally piping up with a joke towards whoever was the victim. Her thoughts, however, were focused on her notebook. The book she used to write down lyrics and ideas.
“You’re really enamored with that little book there, sweetheart.” Eddie teased her lightly, smiling at her.
“None of your business, dearest.” She responded with a chuckle. (Y/n) took her pen and jotted down a quick 'a band of thieves in ripped up jeans' and her eyes met Eddie’s gaze. “I’m serious. Let me plot and scheme in peace.”
“There shall be no peace for you as long as I live and breathe as your boyfriend.” Eddie quickly retorted, going back to the campaign that he worked tirelessly on.
“Evidently.” She giggled, also going back to the notebook she paid most of her attention to.
Nobody really complained about (Y/n)’s presence in the corner of the club room. Although it was at first off putting to have someone just watching them the entire time, they were soon warmed up after the first few weeks of her bringing snacks. Sometimes she’d even help them with how to proceed. She wasn’t a player at all, but at least she was familiar and respected their time and when they would go over. Essentially adopting a motherly role to the younger kids and being a damn good influence and person to the rest of them.
The countdown to prom officially hit its 14-day mark. In 2 weeks time, every junior and senior would be lining up to get inside a stuffy gym to dance and try to spike some punch. (Y/n) already had her dress picked out. Something she could maneuver in. A sparkling purple ensemble that hugged her chest yet flowed out in a subtle manner. She never told Eddie what the dress looked like, only that he should get a purple tie to match. Lighter colors weren’t really his thing, neither was prom, yet he still searched the shops far and wide for the perfect color.
(Y/n) sat in a corner of Eddie’s bedroom on the floor, toying with chords on her guitar, humming the melody to her hardworking self-written song. She had sort of a blank stare on her face as she kept playing the same chord progression repeatedly.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Eddie pipes up and sits across from her on the same floor.
She shook out of her trance and looked at her boyfriend. Sighing softly, she sets the guitar against the wall. “I feel like I’m stuck.” Her voice came out soft against the din of the air conditioning.
Eddie crawled over to her, his pocket chains jingling together. His arms enveloped her on the floor as he held her tightly in an embrace, her side to his chest as he moved his legs to either side of her body. His body slowly started rocking out of habit, allowing the two to sway subtly yet soothingly. “You know, babe, you are the most amazing, fantastic girl in the world. Beautiful, strong, a fuckin’ genius.” He whispered his compliment after he planted a kiss on the shell of her ear.
The kiss sent a quick shiver down her spine. “Well right now I feel dumb.” She huffed, “This stupid prom thing is stressing me out.”
“Screw the prom right now. You need to rest. Stress is just going to make you feel worse about it.” He spoke as he cradled her head to his chest, moving backwards to lay down. “I want you to be proud of where you are, and I want you to actually enjoy the night.”
The two of them laid on the floor, (Y/n) stared at the ceiling as Eddie stared right at her. This position allowed her to relieve the tension that she was holding in her body. “Why do you have to be right?” She spoke sarcastically.
“I want the very best for my very best.” His lips placed another peck on her head.
A comfortable silence reached the couple. The only noise ever heard within the room being the echo of the air conditioning. At some point, (Y/n)’s eyes closed as she fell into a light slumber. Once this was noticed by Eddie, he gently picked her up and set her in the bed while lying next to her. Covering the two with blankets, he shut his eyes and fell into his own rhythm of sleep.
 “It’s a meeting day and the yearbook crew needs photos for the yearbook soon.” (Y/n) told the entirety of Hellfire before they started. “It’s why I had Eddie get you guys here early.”
“And because she is way more organized and actually has a camera to take the pictures with.” Eddie chuckled and wrapped an arm around her, planting a kiss on her cheek.
The boys nodded in understanding. Since they were already in their Hellfire “team” shirts, it wasn’t too hard to plan. The setup was simple, a white backdrop pinned to the wall while they stood in front of it with various poses. Several group pictures and several individual headshots for the boys. Headshots including a smile and a smolder from each member. Some of the photos included were also some staged “action” shots of Eddie standing at the head of the table with the boys surrounded to stand over as if they were planning an attack.
Eventually, the roll of film was getting noticeably used up. (Y/n) wanted to keep some for natural shots within the club during the meeting, hoping that she wouldn’t be too obvious but honestly, it wasn’t an exceptionally big deal. Being able to capture a moment of genuine pleasure on the faces of the group she cared so much about was more important.
Later that week, (Y/n) and Eddie stood in the red room of the schools’ yearbook committee. The freshly developed photos hung on a string to dry. Both smiled at the multiple photos of the club just being themselves.
“It’s not fair how they treat you.” (Y/n) spoke bitterly. They were the same as everybody else, just more confident in what they enjoy compared to those same people.
“It is what is it, sweetheart.” Eddie sighed in response, but he agreed. “Not much we can do but hold our heads high.”
“At least you’re confident and passionate about what you love! That’s what makes you different. Something that makes you also incredibly admirable too.” She hummed and gave a peck to his cheek. “Still gives them no excuse for what they do.”
Eddie smiled small at his girlfriend, turning her to face him. “That’s good. I’m pretty confident that I’m in love with you.”
(Y/n) blinked at him, his infectious smile spreading to her. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she brought him into a kiss. Only breaking after a moment for air. “I am so very in love with you as well.”
Here it was, the night of the Hawkin’s High Prom of 1986. The stage was already set up for the live act of the night but in the meantime, a large mix of tapes was selected to play over the sound system in the gym. The event had only started 45 minutes ago.
Eddie strolled in with other members of the Hellfire Club, fashionably late of course. For a bunch of presumed delinquents, they cleaned up real nice. Mike, Dustin, and Lucas were lucky to be there as underclassmen due to being invited by the other upperclassmen members of the club.
“So, when is (Y/n) gonna perform?” Dustin asks the group, sitting down at a table on the outskirts of the gym.
Eddie shrugged. “Not sure, was only told it was about an hour block.” He looked around the room for any sight of his girlfriend.
On the other side of the stage, (Y/n) was peeking behind a door to watch the Hellfire members sat at the table. They were late, it scared her. What scared her even more was that they were on within 15 minutes. Kat and Bianca were behind her and staring out of the same window on the door.
“What the hell is their problem? 45 minutes late?” Kat exclaimed pessimistically. “They would’ve been dead if it were up to me.”
“Hey, it’s not that bad. At least they missed Jason and his dumb ass entrance.” Bianca shrugged. “I did not need to see all that movement from him of all people.” She giggled. This made Kat snort with laughter and her hand quickly shot up to cover her nose. Which then forced all three girls into laughter behind the door.
Soon enough, it was time for them to start their set. The crowd was excited enough to watch the girls enter and play a few starting notes of a Tears for Fears song. Knowing the newer, more popular songs really paid off for the excitement of the crowd. While she sang, (Y/n) spotted the club dancing and slowly moving towards the front. Seeing the people she loved having a great time only made her want to perform even better. Just so she could see that happy expression shared through the group.
It was nearing the end of their set, just so they could also enjoy time at the prom. (Y/n), Kat, and Bianca all nodded toward each other. The drummer and guitarist paused as (Y/n) took the mic to start speaking to the gym.
“I just wanna start out and say, I hope everybody is having an amazing time. Everybody looks amazing, you all deserve to feel the same way too.” She started, earning a cheer from the student body. “But I did want to preface this next song by saying it’s an original!” Her somewhat nervous chuckle didn’t hinder her in the slightest. “I wrote it thinking about the people I really love. Especially the one who was the biggest help, even if he didn’t know it. This is Long Live.” (Y/n) finished her miniature speech, then gestured for Kat and Bianca to start the beginning chords and beat of the song as students were cheering, the cheering of the Hellfire Club being the loudest in the room.
The beginning was a hopeful melody, arousing feelings of happiness and celebration. The moment (Y/n) started singing the opening verse to her song, Eddie felt nothing but love and adoration for his girlfriend. With every lyric there was a mention of something they’ve done or said. At the first celebratory sung cheer of “long live”, followed by mystical references, he could tell the remnants of earlier campaigns littered her lyrics.
“You traded your baseball cap for a crown,” (Y/n) sang with a smile, pointing her finger at Dustin who was absolutely enamored with the song, cheering and dancing with Mike and Lucas as if nobody was around. The maternal love she felt towards those boys would never dwindle.
The one phrase that perfectly described the group and how they felt was simple, yet so unbelievably powerful. None of them would ever forget it, they are the band of thieves in ripped-up jeans.
After a moment, the song approached its final chorus. Finally closing with “we will be remembered” and taking their final bow of the night. All judgement seemed to cease with the song, students of all different cliques cheering and applauding for the girl group as they made their way off the stage and back into the crowd.
(Y/n) wasted no time in finding Eddie, running into a hug where he spun her around off the ground. He showered her with compliments and pecks all around her face then pulled her into a lasting embrace. Enjoying the moment he was able to feel and share with her. “You are the most amazing, beautiful, talented woman I know.” He said with a grin.
“Thank you, my love. But you are my inspiration.” She giggled and kissed him, bringing him out to the floor to dance with her.
“I’ve got to get you to write for Corroded Coffin more. With your genius we could sell out stadiums.” He chuckled, spinning her lightly.
(Y/n) held his hand tightly as he spun her, returning “Sounds like a plan,” when she was finally chest to chest with him. The couple continued to sway and dance with the pre-taped music over the loudspeaker. Right now, nothing else mattered but the two of them together. It may not be a kingdom, but the gymnasium lights really shined for them as they danced the night away.
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favonius-library · 1 year
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in the following post, you can find links which provide three works by each creator and member of this network. these have been chosen by the members themselves, so please make sure to check them out and show some support! please make sure to read warnings for each individual work provided by the creator.
this post will be updated monthly.
PART TWO (s-z)
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@aimixx writer
a picture | alhaitham x gn!reader
hands of an artist | xiao x fem!reader
the audience | dainsleif x fem!reader
@aquatik writer
magic hour | ayato x fem!reader
heatwaves | itto x fem!reader
guardian knight | cyno x fem!reader
@arkhammaid editor & writer
the (dendro) big three and how you fell for them | alhaitham, baizhu, kaveh x gn!reader
the earth speaks to all of us | tighnari x gn!reader
the man, who deeply cherishes and loves you | ayato x fem!reader
@au-starss writer
injury | various x gn!reader
it's the little things! | various x gn!reader
my favorite professor | various x gn!reader
@baeshijima writer
how to woo the acting grand sage 101 | alhaitham x gn!reader
genshin men in a royalty au | ayato, childe, dainsleif, diluc, kaeya
only under the rain do we shine | alhaitham, dainsleif, diluc, zhongli
@bl-inkstone writer
soft thoughts | childe x gn!reader
every action has an equal opposite reaction | childe x gn!reader
sagau | diluc x gn!reader
@bluexiao writer
hidden scars | xiao x gn!reader
love is... | scaramouche x gn!reader
are you leaving? are you leaving me? | various x gn!reader
@bornofchalk writer
a yaksha's will | xiao x gn!reader
the first year's dream | xiao x gn!reader
mundane life and the act of being known | xiao x gn!reader
@cherry-froggie writer
don't be jealous | wanderer, zhongli, xiao
eternal devotion | ayato x gn!reader
the masked warrior | childe x fem!reader
@circyexistforcontent writer
the god of teyvat won't let go of me please send help | scaramouche x reader
but you descended earlier than expected | scaramouche x reader
love letters and overlooked jealousy | venti, xiao, tighnari x reader
@cosmichorrorsarestillnicerthanme writer
catching her eye | ningguang x gn!reader
worthy of you | sara x reader
two very different types of art | yoimiya x reader
@darlingkeqing writer
the weather is awful but i still have you | xiao x reader
quiet akademiya mornings with tighnari | tighnari x reader
@emocka writer
rejected | aether, kazuha, tighnari x reader
my loving queen | tighnari x reader
a splash of color | kazuha x reader
@heiayen writer
fifty letter to you | kaeya x gn!reader
a rose for you | albedo x gn!reader
helping you cheat on an exam | various x gn!reader
@herrscherrofyatta writer
splintered heart | ayato x fem!reader
battle of affection | scaramouche x fem!reader
yesterday | tighnari x fem!reader
@idyllic-affections writer
for your happiness, dearest one | signora x younger sibling!reader
to keep the wind at bay | venti x teen!reader
dad!pantalone | pantalone x child!reader
@june-again writer
deliver me | tighnari x reader
lightning on the sunniest day | kazuha x gn!reader
a visit to the library | alhaitham, kaeya, thoma x reader
@kaelily writer
sweet mornings | diluc x gn!reader
respectfully yours | ayato x gn!reader
lipstick stains | yelan x gn!reader
@kage7ama writer
wait a minute! | itto x gn!reader
i'll wait a thousand years just to see you smile again | scaramouche x gn!reader
need some help with that? | heizou x gn!reader
@keqism writer
golden hour | xiao x gn!reader
un lieu d'espoir | heizou x gn!reader
so this is love | various x gn!reader
@kyokaede writer
kiss it off me | kazuha x gn!reader
castles crumbling | kazuha, xiao, scaramouche, lyney, neuvillette x gn!reader
cover me in sunshine | scaramouche, albedo, xiao, childe, kaeya, neuvillette x gn!reader
@k-zu writer
i abhor you | wanderer x gn!reader
scars | xiao x gn!reader
can i kiss you? | heizou x gn!reader
@mayaree-darling writer
water... connoisseur? | neuvillette x reader
who's to say what's real or fake
mastermind | various x reader
@mhiieee writer
untitled log #1 | wanderer x reader
[ 10:37am. ] | neuvillette x gn!reader
voicelines about you: as their lover | inhibitor lunae, jing yuan, gepard, jingliu, kafka x gn!reader
@micheya writer
logical until he isn't | alhaitham x reader
kazuha in love with you | kazuha x reader
stargazing with diluc while the world slowly ends | diluc x reader
@mondaymelon writer
when they first fell in love with you | various x gn!reader
meet me at backstage | 6reeze x gn!reader
when you ask to touch their ears | gorou, tighnari x gn!reader
@n3r0-1417 writer
iodine. lutetium, vanadium. yttrium, oxygen, uranium | albedo x gn!reader
voicelines about you [ part 2 ] | scaramouche, venti, xiao, yae miko, yelan x gn!reader
the red string of fate | childe x gn!reade
@nc-vb writer
you only tease the ones you love | diluc x fem!reader
it's not the roaring thunder that smites, but the silent lightning | tighnari x fem!reader
blur | scaramouche x gn!reader
@pen-observing writer
i once... | ayato x gn!reader
warm | dottore x gn!reader
paths within a new world | various x gn!reader
@raspbrrytea artist
@reilly34 writer
teaching you how to dance | nilou, eula, navia, furina x reader
dating hcs | topaz x fem!reader
dating hcs | march 7th x reader
@rintosei writer
delicate things they do | various x gn! reader
from here to eternity | lyney x gn!reader
rainbow rose | lyney x gn!reader
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I’m finally on The Vault Tracks OMG.
Electric Touch -
Ok so first of all the opening feels very electric??? So it’s perfectly titled lol
This is the perfect collab for Taylor and FOB
Honestly what I expected when I originally heard about Taylor collaborating with Brendon Urie
Love how hopeful the song is!
When Emma Falls In Love -
The most Quintessential Speak Now song.
Honestly just reminds me of Once Upon A Time? Is there a more Captain Swan song??? No. No there isn’t
Which Emma is this actually about?
I Can See You -
I didn’t expect this song. It’s a very different song from the rest of Speak Now in the best way omg???
Immediately catchy.
I don’t know why but kinda reminds me of I Think He Knows. It’s in the vibes.
Ok as the song closes, I take the above statement back lololol
Castles Crumbling -
This was the song I was most excited for because I love Paramore
It was my predicted fav from the vault tracks
My castle crumbled overnight is def a callback to this huh
She’s just really struggled with this sentiment all her career huh?
I feel like a lot of reputation drew on similar imagery and lyrics?
Foolish One -
Written about that one girlie who can’t ever see the red flags
It’s really giving Old Taylor in the best way
Even lyrically, it speaks to that time period in her life where she was wistfully and hopelessly and naively romantic even to her detriment.
Timeless -
She’s a master at storytelling.
Honestly, she’s mastered her craft so so well
Kind of reminds me of Ours in a way.
Lmao she really loves writing about a love set in the past huh?? She was always such a hopeless romantic
But this song?? It’s the storytelling for me. I really felt immersed in it.
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Hey after seeing this, I just read ur posts that basically nailed some things s6 and im curious
What were your thoughts on s6 ? Especially how Viren’s arc was handled and maybe how it connects with the narrative and love of strength?
“Just think how Runaan would have reacted if someone had come to break him out of his cell--or how he will react if someone frees him from the coin. Big moment.” From this post— what does this mean and what did you expect?
On that note the Runaan /moonshadow sequence felt off to me and a little disconnected and the reasons didn’t make sense to me tbh, but tbf I wasn’t looking into it that much? So im curious what your thoughts were on that too
How do you think Aaravos fits into it all? I’m thinking back to “those who fail tests of love deserve to be motivated by fear” the way I take it, that’s 1. his whole vendetta agains the Cosmic Order after Leola was killed. also 2. him saying if you can’t be swayed by the narrative of love you have to use the narrative of strength. (personally, I’m split because while he does do things like destroy katolis castle, racist queen, and fight the cosmic order, he’s also spurring on Claudia‘s hate of dragons and steps in right when she was about to choose a different path away from dark magic.🤔) So overall, how do you now think Aaravos fits into the narrative of love? And possible redemption?
Alrighty, there's a lot to this ask so let's take it in bits!
Thoughts on S6 with regard to how Viren's arc was handled and how it connects to the Narratives of Love and Strength:
I feel Viren has gotten a good ending at this point. Though it wasn't always clear to us at the time, Viren spent a lot of his previous seasons under the influence of various forces, whether dark magic corruption, dark magic timey wimey nightmares, or Aaravos' manipulation/puppetry.
This season, he finally got to make his own choices free and clear, with full regard for who he had been and what he had done - and who he has hurt. And he chose well. Viren is indeed a good man, once again.
And with his final choices, he chooses to acknowledge the pain he caused his son and the break in their relationship. He chooses not to seek glory in confessing, and finds a way to quietly accept the damage he has done. In a way, it lands with me like he is finally acknowledging that Soren is not only a good person who deserves to make his own choices in life, but a better person than Viren despite Viren's influence. Which is huge for Viren, with his struggles with praise and attention and self worth.
In arc 1 and in flashbacks, Viren was a man who took advantage when others sacrificed, and chose to sacrifice others instead of himself, so he survived tragedies while others perished. Kpp'Ar, Annika, Neha, Sarai, Lain, Tiadrin, Harrow, Runaan, Kasef. There's a downward slope with that list of names, from more coincidental to more deliberate. Viren didn't value himself, and so he didn't value others. But once he stepped away from dark magic, he chose to value others even at the cost of his own life. It felt like a neatly drawn full circle from where he had begun.
Viren and sacrifice have always gone hand in hand. But at the end, he knew his own worth and his own power, and so he sought no glory for his deeds. He just acted, from the heart, and he saved hundreds if not thousands of lives.
I like to think that it's the exact number of lives he endangered with all his scheming, but we'll never know for sure.
As for the Narratives, I love love love that Viren returned to surrender himself to the Narrative of Strength (the castle), and his last act was to save people from it while it was falling down around him. He got to see it crumble, and he didn't try to save it. He let it die, and every cruel thing it had encompassed fell with it. Viren's last act was an act of Love. He switched Narratives! He got out! He chose Good, for himself, even when no one would forgive or welcome him for it, even when no one would ever trust him again. Even when he suffered the injustice of being locked up without due process, just like he did to Runaan.
He chose Good and Love in the end, even at great and even fatal cost to himself, because that's who he wanted to be.
On Runaan reacting to being freed
I'm so happy to see my boy, oh my god I missed his face so much. I'll try to keep on topic, and hopefully you can't actually hear me squeeing back here. Ahem.
So in the post you linked, I talked about Runaan being trapped in the Narrative of Strength (the castle, but later also the coin). He cannot free himself, and no one else inside the Narrative of Strength will lift a hand to free him either, because he has shown himself to be weak by getting captured. Tldr, the Narrative of Strength says he deserves what he gets.
The only way out is for someone else to free him, but they'll have to come from a different Narrative. They have to come from Love, where they care about things like helping and freedom, even for enemy combatants. And that's where Rayla and Callum did come from. Rayla loves Runaan as a father, and Callum respects that enough to help her free him despite Runaan's earlier murderous actions.
It is not what Runaan expects to happen. His job takes him into the Narrative of Strength, where it's literally kill or be killed. He expected to perish eventually, and at Viren's hands specifically. When it got even worse than that, whyever would he dare hope for release? According to the rules he was playing by, he didn't deserve to live, and therefore he deserved all the suffering he got. Which, horribly, is exactly what we got to see him struggling with when Rayla found him again. He expected no mercy from Viren, and so he gave himself none either.
But Rayla did find him. And she talked to him long enough that he heard her, and believed her, that she loved him and wanted to end his pain by rescuing him. It took a while! He was pretty stuck in his own head there, and his suffering had long since begin to twist his soul. But she did untwist it, at least enough to get him to accept help.
And did you notice his first words! "I'm alive." He could barely believe it. It'll probably take a while to truly sink in for him. He was trying to be hard in the dungeon and prepare for death because it was the only fate he could conceive of. But he had a husband and a daughter. He didn't want to die! He just thought his fate was set.
Luckily, Rayla and the Narrative of Love had other options for him, and he accepted them.
With Viren and Runaan - my favorite characters to parallel - they both had other choices all along. But those choices were really hard to see, and even harder than reach for. Viren was used to wresting control from circumstances, and Runaan was used to being the weapon those circumstances pointed at other people.
Thoughts on the Runaan/Moonshadow sequence
My take on this sequence is that it all took place in a space that's sort of like dark magic nightmares. But only sort of - time only moves one way in the hellcoins, even if it feels like it isn't moving at all.
Those souls were trapped between life and death. Rayla had been to the world beyond life and death once before, in TTM, and reality was very malleable down in that magic water portal. I think the experience of surviving it once before helped her adapt and keep up better with Runaan, who had been existing in his own little hellbubble for over two years by then.
Runaan jumped from place to place because those were all places that tormented him. He had guilt and regrets about the Silvergrove, so Rayla found him there. He flashed to the castle battlements too, because he had guilt and regrets about fighting Rayla there - and he could remember how to talk by then, so he said those out loud.
But he couldn't follow when Rayla fled toward the pull of the other coins and found her parents. This hurts so much! Laindrin were happy together, but Runaan couldn't enter that space with them. He couldn't engage with their shared imprisonment. His guilt and regret about them centered around condemning and ghosting them, so part of his punishment inside the coin probably involved that he literally couldn't see his best friends, and couldn't benefit from their shared joy.
He was truly, truly alone in there.
Meanwhile, Laindrin were in a world of their own too, and the vibes changed around Rayla when she approached them. Each of the coined people were giving off a radius of their specific flavor of reality, and to get close to them was to engage with that reality. Rayla had no choice but to endure Runaan's suffering, and her parents' blissful dancing, if she wanted to reach them.
My headcanon is that Laindrin probably had other places they visited, and so did Runaan, as they flipped through their memories and got caught up in them. But where Laindrin had each other to see and hold onto, and remember who they were, Runaan had no one due to his own choices, so he began to struggle and erode under his guilts.
How does Aaravos fit into the Narrative of Love?
I think he started there! It looks to me that he did the Startouch vacation thing of living among mortals for a time, and tried having a family as a way to understand love better. And he was doing good with it! He seemed to be making that cool magic book as a... gift for humans maybe? But it seems he never got to hand it over because of what happened to Leola.
I have really enjoyed seeing the ways this godlike elf is actually just like everyone else. He feels, he cries, he gets angry, he wants to share, he wants revenge for those he loves. He has things in common with most every major character in the show. And I think that's what could save him, if he chooses to be saved.
He came down from the heavens to learn about empathy. And he got interrupted. He still has more to learn, and if he can calm tf down for one hot second, maybe he'll learn more empathy from the people around him. It would do him good as a person, but just like Viren, he has caused a lot of hurt with his schemes, and that's not something even he can handwave away completely.
But we've seen Viren make a personal choice to give instead of take, even after a lifetime bad decisions. There is hope for Aaravos too.
After all, the Key of Aaravos was kept in the Banther Lodge when Rayla found it. And the Banther Lodge represents the Narrative of Love.
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runningwithfangs · 7 months
Vampire Chronicles Book Review/Rant #2
The Vampire Lestat
I think we can all agree, what a turnaround! So completely different from IWTV. I’m not sure what I was expecting, probably something more like a Midnight Sun (Twilight from Edwards’ perspective) or a Slayer Chronicles (to the Vladimir Tod series) Turned out to be more of The Saga of Larten Crepsley (to the CIrque du Freak series)(I was raised by vampire books, apparently).
Anyway, what a ride! About halfway through I was feeling a little frustrated that we hadn’t gotten to when he met Louis yet, but I was also having so much fun reading about this Chaos BisexualTM. So much happens, so many dumb Lestat adventures, Nicki, Lestat’s turning, Gabrielle, Armand and his coven, Marius, Akasha and Enkil, Louis and Claudia, Rockstar music video films, vampires ablaze out of nowhere! 10/10 Romp, I had so much fun reading this.
Lestat is so many things, he’s cheery and determined to brighten the day of those he loves, he’s been beaten and abused by his own family, he hopes and dreams like any young person, yet also deeply fears the meaninglessness of life itself. I can for sure relate. 
I also enjoyed the way it was written, easy and lighthearted, even in darker parts Lestat describes things with humor to mask the pain.
I appreciate when Lestat takes the time to describe the wonders of the modern world, what stands out to him, what doesn’t. He’s blown away by film, excited by women in bare arms, that even poor people could eat meat. In later books he’s so excited by pens that can write forever. Super interesting to think about, and the though experiment of “what would a vampire think of world through the ages” is one of my favorite things about vampire media.
Lestat and Nicki’s relationship is so cute! Their drunken afternoons in “the conversation,” they take turns comforting each other from their familial demands and expectations. They go to Paris and live in a shitty apartment while they work their asses off in the theater trying to pay rent. It’s almost like a CBS sitcom, but like, in a good way. It’s so devastating to me that Vampire Nicki ended up like he did.
Gabrielle, my love! What a queer icon. She cuts her hair, wears men’s clothes, even Lestat gets in on it, trying to find her the manliest jewelry. I think about the freedom female vampires must experience in this series a lot. Gabrielle clearly hated being a mom and wife and living in a crumbling castle. And now she is finally free, freer than any of her wildest fantasies.
When Lestat asks her if she had become a vampire first, wouldn’t she also send money and gifts to the family and keep caring for them, and she’s just like, oh psssh yeah, of course 😂 
Armand/Lestat being worsties.
Marius spending eons hiding Those Who Must Be Kept only to pick up Lestat, go: I like ya kid, you got spunk, let me spill all the vampire secrets. Only for the Most Special BoyTM
When we FINALLY get the 3 whole paragraphs about Louis and Claudia at the end of the book, it’s not enough, but what is there is lovely. “Even in his crudest moments, Louis touched the tenderness in me” “But I loved him, plain and simple” UGH, Anne PLEASE. 
Least Favorites:
Why did Lestat slip his mom the tongue 😭
Not enough Louis 😡 (Little did I know there would only be crumbs of him from then on)
Vampire Nicki 😣 He hated Lestat in the end and then Armand cut his hands off! He deserved better. 
Nicki and Lestat getting drunk and making out at the tavern! Love that for them.
I am NOT counting Lestat/Gabrielle kisses.
If I missed something maybe y’all can let me know.
Nonsense Meter:
Medium nonsense, I think. Especially considering the books to come. 
Lestat flying and SCREAMING at the Theater. Lestat showing up to the catacombs to utterly destroy the cult with facts and logic and “New evil for a new era.” Lestat giving into the intrusive thoughts to kiss Akasha and play her the violin only to nearly get killed by Enkil, and OF COUSE, the whole Rockstar Lestat thing, with the music videos and the song lyrics and the Halloween concert. 
It was Marius’s fault for sending Lestat to go live a human life! Thank you/goddamn you.
I am confused by how at the start of the book Lestat is interested in rock, he goes to jam with Satan’s Night out and loves the attention that would come with being a rockstar, but it’s only after he reads IWTV and gets all upset about it that he decides he’s going to get Louis’s attention by becoming a world-famous rockstar. “I ached for him, ached for his romantic illusions [...] his physical presence.” But once Louis does find Lestat, not much happens.
I was so excited for the reunion once Louis find’s Lestat and his band chilling before the concert, would they fight?! Would they make out?! And it was. . .ok, Louis tries to warn Lestat, and they dance around their feelings, and that’s kind of it. Lestat doesn’t even ask about the book!
Then I was excited that Gabrielle (post-concert disaster rescue) got to meet her shit son’s ex-husband! Was she going to be disapproving (no one is good enough for her boy), furious about the release of IWTV, or maybe try to convince them to give up mortal world shenanigans and go climb waterfalls with her? Nope, we got nothing, just wondering if it was Marius setting all the fledglings on fire. Anne . . . I don’t get it.
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taylortruther · 7 months
Do you listen to Paramore? I just saw your ask about Dear Reader and was thinking about when I first listened to it and immediately related it to Idle Worship on After Laughter. Then Speak Now TV came out and Hayley was featured on Castles Crumbling, not exactly the same as Dear Reader, but some similar/parallel ideas. We could probably also throw in some lines from Nothing New if we wanted to stretch the parallels even more. I think the idea that feelings like that will always be relevant or relatable to Taylor is so true and they’re fascinating songs cause they’re a little different than what she usually writes about.
i love paramore and i think that's part of the reason taylor chose her! they were friends back in the day, so hayley is part of taylor's history from the time the song was written. and it goes without saying that they probably relate to the messages in all those songs (dear reader, idle worship, castles crumbling, nothing new), because every famous person seems to have these two realizations:
1) they're being used and the industry is so much uglier than they expected (we see this in lucky by brit, the lucky one, and other songs by many other artists)
2) they're being put on a pedestal that they do not deserve, because they're just a human like you or me
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aadagio · 1 year
Speak Now TV First Impressions
I do this thing with every new Taylor release where I go through the album, track by track, listening to one song at a time via the YouTube lyric videos and then pausing for a few minutes to jot down my initial thoughts and first impressions. I started doing it with Lover back in 2019, and I've done it with every album since.
I usually just post these as a thread on Twitter, but since I'm back being active on Tumblr again, I thought I'd also share here. I did listen to Speak Now TV out of order, with the Vault tracks first, so I'm just going to list everything in the exact order I played it below:
Electric Touch: I got chills all over my arms. All I kept thinking was, "This would have been KILLER to listen to in high school!" I did feel that Patrick's voice felt subdued by the production here, which wasn't my favorite, but the way he and Taylor sing "to-o-ou-ouch" together and their alternating vocals on the bridge are fantastic. Also excited to have a new Taylor Time! I want to see this one performed live SO badly.
When Emma Falls In Love: Still not 100% sure how I feel about this one yet. Probably the least exciting one from the Vault, for me personally. I absolutely love the line “like if Cleopatra grew up in a small town” though.
I Can See You: So sultry and sexy. I loved it immediately. I got strong 60s spy movie vibes. I also really want to know who this is about? I know what it makes me think of (April/May 2013), but what about Taylor??
Castles Crumbling: Oh my GOD. Possibly one of my favorite TS collabs of all time??? The way Hayley and Taylor’s voices harmonize with one another is hypnotic. This felt so ghostly and morbid, like a sister to Haunted and even a forefather to Nothing New? Biggest stand out to me so far.
Foolish One: Everything about this, down to the title, feels like a direct attack. There was absolutely a point in my life (in 2010, no less) when I would have played this CONSTANTLY. Maybe I should still do that now 🙃
Timeless: I started sobbing as soon as the first chorus hit. I recognized Marjorie in the lyric video thumbnail and knew that this one would probably make me emotional, but I wasn't expecting just how quickly it would reduce me to tears. My boyfriend overheard me crying and came out to the living room to hug me. Completely devastated me, but I love it. An even bigger stand out than CC!
I had to take a break to collect myself, and iced some cookies I made to celebrate the album release. My biggest thought with the Vault tracks was just, "Damn, I wish these had been out in the world back in 2010 because I really could have used them in high school." At least they’re here now though.
Superman: Listened while icing cookies because I knew that it would be the last song in my listen-through otherwise, and I didn't want to end the session on a sour note, because I do NOT like Taylor's intended subject on this song, or the person I used to personally associate it with when I was younger. It’s a good song! Just not one I gravitate toward anymore.
Mine: I immediately noticed the lack of earnestness, youth and twang in her voice on this recording. I don’t know why, but it was hard to get past. I just know this song SO well after all these years, and this version felt almost jarringly different.
Sparks Fly: This was better. Still not the same as the original, but a better mix of old and new, in my opinion. Also loved the inclusion of the Speak Now World Tour footage in the lyric video.
Back To December: Another one where I just know it so well that I can notice every single difference. Some of the vocal inflections were not my fave, but overall it’s another good mix of old and new. (Also I hope Taylor Lautner is having an incredible day, as he deserves.)
Speak Now: Right out of the gate, I hated her vocals on this one, which crushed me. This song was one I had been looking forward to hearing the most. As I kept listening, I was trying to reserve my judgement, but by the end I had to accept that I just do not like this version. The lack of youthful exuberance in her voice was extremely noticeable, and I felt that was to the detriment of the song. I'm so upset to say I don't like this one.
Dear John: Who else up wanting back their girlhood? Vocally, this was beautiful. This one transcends time, and actually hurts more to hear sung at 32. You can feel how her voice has changed from utter sadness to bitter anger. I loved how she completely capitalized, "OVER YOUR SAD EMPTY TOWN" in the lyric video.
Mean: THANK GOD THE TWANG IS BACK!!!!! If ever there was a song we needed it on, it was this one!! (Please can we keep this energy for Debut TV????? 🙏🏼)
The Story of Us: The whole time I was just thinking, "Okay!!!! Yes!!!!!" Vocally, this is exactly what I was hoping for. Killed it.
Never Grow Up: Had me sobbing again. I remember listening to this for the first time at 17 and thinking, “Is this going to be life one day?” and now I’m 30 and my friends have kids and I’m in my grown up apartment and it IS all so much colder than I thought it would be. This is another one that hurts more to hear sung at 32 than at 19. I feel like I can remember my whole life when I listen to it, which just makes the tears come harder. I had to stop and grab tissues from my room and hug my boyfriend for a bit before coming back to finish the album.
Enchanted: PERFECTION. So good. I adored the lyric video transition from her Speak Now World Tour performance of the song into her singing it at The Eras Tour.
Better Than Revenge: NO. Nope. I could write a dissertation at this point about why I think the lyric change was a massive, massive mistake, but y’all already know. This was NOT the move at all and it will never hit as well as the original. I'm so disappointed.
Innocent: So good. Again, another one that hits different with age, especially hearing her sing, “Thirty-two and still growing up now.” I was remembering watching her perform it live at the VMAs for the first time as I was listening. Such a special moment that KW then came out and absolutely ruined with Runaway. I still firmly believe that this song is way, way too good for the person it’s about.
Haunted: Right off the bat all I could think was, "Uhhhhh what the FUCK happened to the production here????" That new echo-y layering effect is NOT IT and ruined the song for me.
Last Kiss: Immediately noticed different, sharper instrumentation with the harp, and I did not like it. Vocally it just didn't hit the same either. Instead of deeply sad, it just feels sort of lifeless. I probably put too much stock into this one because it means so much to me, but even still. I fully gave up on expecting the shaky breath to get a repeat feature because I just don’t think you can recreate something like that, but damn. This version just does not feel right to me and I’m sad about it.
Long Live: Tears AGAIN, this song always always gets me. This version is perfection, another timeless one. I think they made the right move by having the lyric video be comprised completely of footage of Taylor performing it on the Speak Now World Tour.
Ours: This was my absolute favorite song on the album back in the day. I always loved how you could hear the smile in her voice as she sang, and unfortunately I didn’t really feel that at all on this version. At least we still had the giggle toward the end! Overall I think it’s still solid, just not the same, and that was disappointing.
My final thoughts after just one listen-through feel so up and down, which I was not expecting at all! I feel so conflicted and disappointed.
With Fearless TV, it took me a little bit to come around fully to the vocal changes. You just can't recapture that same youthful earnestness that she was singing with as a teenager. But when I got the vinyl in the mail and put it on, I don't know, something just finally clicked for me, and now I love it.
With Red TV, I was fully on board from the jump, and I consider the TV to be the definitive version of the album. But with Speak Now, it's nowhere close. I feel like half the original songs I really loved the new versions of, and half were huge let downs. That makes me so sad to say.
I know it's only been one listen, and if there's anything I've learned from tracking my first impressions over the past 5 years, it's that my opinions will absolutely morph and change as time goes on and I listen more and more. I just never expected to feel disappointment like this.
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lorenlily · 1 year
thoughts on speak now tv?
*nervously* lots of thoughts
well when i came online i saw a lot of people being negative and it made me so nervous
OPENING NOTES OF MINE and everything in my life was drowned out i'm 11 years old and it felt like the first time again
the production is so powerful with the og tracks thank you christopher rowe!!
you know I was so excited for the strings throughout the album and they are even better than I could've thought! in back to december and haunted they felt so much more powerful!
and innocent 😭 you know it's my favourite track and it's so perfectly rerecorded there's small differences like the ha ha haa sound softer before the bridge but it fits so well with her vocals!
the vocals on the og speak now have always been my favourite vocals before we got folk/more and she really delivered! there's a few times where she's sung higher on og like "this is looking like a contest" and "horrified looks" I noticed them instantly the small difference but taylors singing voice is one of my favourite voices and she sounds beautiful on the little note changes i've noticed!
the backing vocals i wasn't expecting the male voice because she didn't do it on fearless tv and i love her harmonising with herself but on second listen they blend in well but the haunted echoes on the verses were jarring at first but the production is too powerful so it cancels out for me lol but i understand the mixed reaction to that song (that song only tho because some people are saying they don't like tsou tv and how not????) also her lower register is in last kiss was sooo!!!!!
what made me feel so happy and impressed was how light she could make her voice sound on mean and speak now and long live and ours especially!! it's making me excited for her debut vocals even more!
*even more nervously* onto the vault
so that's where i'm like they're not bad but they're just not giving the full speak now experience
lyrically they're good but the production is so lackluster on all of them I had low expectations (mainly for aaron and no faith in jack) but they both didn't deliver enough! they're really said electric guitar little drumming in the back we're done when that's not all speak now production is like! speak now production is full and grand and atmospheric and none of these tracks build up that tension! even some of the vocals and melodies I don't think fit well like the way she sings electric touch softly makes it more pop sounding than how sparks fly brings the belting! the passion! and when emma falls in love is so cute but it needed that strumming and bounciness that ours has and even listening to superman the production fills it up but I can see you it still feels flat!
and castles crumbling there's not enough build up towards hayley's verse or towards the bridge i think it needed to be more like innocent full orchestra production or the way haunted is darker and in the bridge it strips it back and you can feel the swell of music!! foolish one is the one I don't like in full sorry but timeless it's lyrically so good but the production again it's like don't you which is not speak now vibe! we've got balads in speak now we've got back to december and last kiss and last kiss the instrumentation in that would marry so well with the timeless lyrics! ending in the antique shop and starting in the college working part time waiting tables is genius but when you listen to them back to back you can feel how much atmosphere mine has that timeless lacks!
It's bittersweet and it's sad because lyrically they're great but they also feel like afterthoughts and I just wish the whole team had actually immersed themselves more in those details to give us the full speak now theatrics and experiment and push the boundaries (why couldn't christopher rowe co produce with them) with the production like I can see you take out the electric guitar and what do you have left? and you can feel that with the tracks each of the have produced in the vault it's just disaapointing because lyrically they match speak now I don't want them to sound like they could be on folklore or 1989 😭 electric touch castle crumbling and timeless are the better vault tracks but they could've been so much more toooo
BUT THE OG TRACKS THEY'VE COME BACK TO ME SO GRAND!! literally all I've done is have mine dear john and innocent on repeat since last night god innocent is absolutely perfect it's my fave track from the first six albums and it's my fave rerecorded track!!! I'm really happy with the original album and it hasn't been nice seeing all these mixed opinions especially from people who didn't even like speak now anyway so it's giving them a chance to voice them again whereas red and fearless tv releases it was mostly positive (and people purposely being dense about what the rerecording are and what they're doing clearly some people are tired but don't take it out on speak now)
but now she's teasing 1989 tv straight away i feel like she might just drop it in august 😅
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becca-alexa · 2 years
Comfort Movie Tag!
Rules: post 10 of your favorite comfort movies and then tag 10 people or as many as you want (i did 11 oops lol) 💗
A million thanks for the tag @i-me-mine and @chaotic--agraphia !! 💗💗💗
I don't tend to watch new movies - I'm the kind of person where I'll wait until a movie comes out and I'll read a plot summary before going into it, purely because I don't like surprises. Usually, I'll default to the same movies to watch, so this list wasn't too difficult to make 💗
Howl's Moving Castle (2004): literally how can anyone not love this movie i could watch this on repeat every single minute of the day and love it every single time - it's first on the list for a reason 💗
Hairspray (2007): i am a big musicals girlie and when i tell you i will put this on and sing along from start to finish that is not a lie - i have watched this regularly for the last fifteen years or so and i love it so much 💗 how could you not love it when Edna and Wilbur serenade each other????
Pride and Prejudice (2005): okay i will say i refrained from watching this movie purely because i thought it was overhyped but OH MY GOD when i finally did???fell in love my heart crumbled i have never been the same -- i understand the hand and it is all i crave from a man plus like Matthew Macfadyen's a total babe???
Encanto (2021): this movie made my cry as i'm sure it did for plenty people - it tickled my little latina heart in all the right places 💗
10 Things I Hate About You (1999): again another film i had refrained from watching because i thought it was all hype but it's so good?????legit did not expect to love it as much as i did???
Treasure Planet (2002): can anyone who grew up in the 00s say they didn't have a crush on Jim Hawkins???legit had a crush on him before i knew what crushes were this movie was just SO GOOD and the end when he takes care of his mom???my turn WHEN 💗💗💗💗💗
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001): AGAIN. WHO DIDN'T HAVE A MASSIVE CRUSH ON MILO??? literally will watch the movie purely for him because he is such a babe
Spaceballs (1987): legitimately funny movie and i love the dynamic between Lone Starr and Princess Vespa (i adore han and leia but something about lone and vespa just....hits different) plus i would love to own a winnebago
While You Were Sleeping (1995): AND SPEAKING OF BILL PULLMAN -- i remember watching this movie for the first time and just rooting my little teenage heart out for lucy to end up with jack 💗💗💗 plus the concept for this is just BONKERS??? like who the hell would believe this???? and the falling in love??? perfection 💗💗
The Prince of Egypt (1998): i remember watching this movie every sunday for a solid eight years -- if you grew up evangelical this was required watching -- and religion aside it's just a beautiful movie with an INCREDIBLE cast???the music slaps and the art style is phenomenal and let me tell you this movie is part of what inspired me to go into animation and film so it holds a special place in my heart 💗💗 also like You Know Better Than I makes me cry every time so double points for that
The Sound of Music (1965): THE FIRST "REAL" FILM I CAN REMEMBER WATCHING THAT WASN'T JUST HAND ME DOWN CASETTES OF TURMA DA MÔNICA 💗💗💗 the tension!!the music!! the enemies to lovers!!! the thrill of the escape!!! the OUTFITS??? how can a more perfect film exist i wanted to BE maria purely because she got to get with captain von trapp -- legit top movies of all time for me and also another musical i know every word to
No pressure tags as always 💗: @hellfire1986baby @hellfirehottie420 @punk-in-docs @aftermidnightwriting @navnae @munsonsduchess @munsonology and anybody else who would like to try 💗💗💗
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I finally got around to listening to Speak Now TV!! I still can't believe it's out. As I did with the previous releases, I will be giving you my thoughts at first listen...and then we can all discuss it and obsess/critique it. I will also be doing a ranking and better developed thoughts in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for that!
For starters, I love how crisp and clean the whole album — as does all the re-recordings — sounds, but also has its downsides. Taylor's voice is older, more mature — and she has achieved better developed vocals over the years, as all singers do. On the majority of the songs, I love it, but for some, it's losing the nostalgia, emotions and the slight pop/punk sound the old song carried. Along with the fake country accent — she will be missed for Debut, I'm not ready to talk about it. Warning, this is not me hating on the songs. I feel the same for WANEGBT and 22 on Red TV. The OG just hits better. 
Now, let's get to each song!
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Mine: When Taylor posted on tiktok showing the vinyl, she used that song and it was so perfect because this album is the best thing that’s ever been hers. Now I can’t stop hearing it like that
Sparks Fly: Drop everything now! 
Back to December: I was dying to hear it after it was in the TSITP season 2 trailer. This song is so💜
Speak Now: Don’t you? The laugh. 
Dear John: I was so scared this wouldn’t hit the same 
Mean: Missing the fake country accent. I love that these idiots told her she couldn’t make it and now she is re-recording and she can prove them wrong
The Story of Us: I’M SCREAMING!! 
Never Grow Up: This hits different when you’re older. The first verse makes me think of my god-daughter. 
Better than Revenge: I never saw it coming, wouldn’t have suspected it…the mattress line has been changed. I want to cry.
Innocent: This version holds so much more. Is she the Girl at Home of Speak Now?
Haunted: This sOG used to give me major auditory overstimulation. While the angst is not completely there, it’s still a favorite
Long Live: Hits so hard. I will tell everyone your name Taylor 🫶🏻
Ours: People are always hating on this song and I don’t get it
Superman: I can’t stop thinking of Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley when I hear this song
Electric Touch (Ft. Fall Out Boy): More pop than I was expecting, but still a bop. I wanted something more like My songs know what you did in the dark from the 2013 VS show. This performance is just chef’s kiss
When Emma Falls in Love: This song has my whole heart 
I Can See You: Pleasantly surprised with this one. I love it!
Castles Crumbling (Ft. Hayley Williams): I was expecting more of a pop/punk banger
Foolish One: This on guitar? YES. Also, do you hear the Enchanted melody in the pre-chorus?
Timeless: 🥹
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