#castle 4x12 spoilers
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4x12 m for mayor
Loving death. Oh gosh that coat? I recognize.
Martha??? Just like my little bro, finished all his credits & just doing advanced physics. I on the other hand took an extra year of high school. I wanted to go busking in europe for a year after high school before going to college but that didn't pan out. Oh an internship? seriously? She's such a boring goody two shoes which is actually really good for her & I'm proud ig...
hyoid! new york ofc she doesn't have her license. nice coat on castle, becks, espt, & lanie too. Everyone is so pretty today. (oh & ryan also looks great & has that pretty pink shirt with no tie, they keep dressing him in pink right after his marriage, I think that's on purpose. No tie tho which is interesting & brings back s1 vibes but it's rly rly cute) lmao amish. I mean yeah the hutterites mennonites & amish are, well... As a folk catholic myself I should keep my mouth shut. kept the purse? & dumped it? Why not just leave it with the vic? or take the cash just as a bonus?
New actor for the mayor? RW: This is one of New York’s finest, huh, Ricky? RC, fondly: She’s the best. I like him I think. KB: I’ll do my best to keep the nature of your business private. RW: Thanks. I hoped you’d be there, Rick. RC: Fondue night with Alexis, but I did send a cheque. [this one is a cheque not a check] who calls them staffER rather than just staff?
I like how jordan the intern (alexis?) leaves & then the mayor takes rick to talk about the library stuff. RW: You know, I’ll—I’ll leave you guys to work through this unless, Rick, you want to take a look at our new library initiative. It wouldn’t hurt us to have your endorsement on that. RC: For the New York Public Library, my first love? Anything.
BS: I’ve already done your legwork, Detective. The car was checked out by Elizabeth Watson, Senior Director of Communication here at the office. When she left last night’s event around midnight, she discovered that it was missing. [that's really good of him!] *Shay pulls out a piece of paper.* BS: Here’s her statement. [that's taking it a bit far] KB: With all due respect, Mr. Shay, police investigations are usually conducted by the police. [she's right] BS: Yeah, well, unfortunately the 24-hour news cycle moves a hell of a lot faster than you do [yeah lol] and I have to get all my ducks in a row before this thing breaks. It’s my job. [he's right] KB: And my job is to find Laura’s murderer. So, if you don’t mind, and even if you do, [you can still accept the statement & thank him] I’m gonna get my own statement from Ms. Watson about that car, and I’m also gonna need statements from all of your staff as to whether they recognize our victim. [as you should] BS: Knock yourself out. But trust me, you’re wasting your time. [bro] KB: It’s my time to waste. Now, I got a job to do. [she's right] BS: So do I. Let me be clear. Mayor Weldon is my priority, and I’m not about to let this thing embolden his opponents and ruin everything that we’ve built. [he's right]
RC: Step back? These are politicians. They can’t order at a restaurant without two compromises and an ultimatum. Ooh gates is rly pretty Use castle's closeness to your advantage? Oh no castle you ARE biased
KR: No phone calls at all, because Laura Cambridge didn’t own a cell phone. Her credit cards haven’t been used in six months. RC: No cell phone and no credit cards? It’s like she’s from another century. JE: Amish theory’s looking pretty good, bro. Oh, I remember now. This is the phone sex episode. Good will hunting but in reverse. markiplier is the matt damon of poop. Rape or smth? death of a loved one?
Chuckleheads? like that time rysposito kept saying names for suspects & almost f*cked right then & there? Officer & gentleman? lmao. John watson? Mr Harvey: Bunch of deadbeat tenants in here. You ever get bored? I’m sure I could fill up a couple of holding cells for you. Caucasian is actually specific, not just white.
Ooh I love the pattern on the vest, I love esposito's shirt, looks not necessarily ironed but has some good breast pockets, I feel like the pink might contrast with his eyes. I'm a blue-eyed-indian but dang my eyes aren't that blue.
"No Please" really makes me think bad stuff & then Phone sex, babes!!! "yeah I'm still here babey" XD RC: I’d say it’s about $4.99 a minute. It’s not a sweatshop. *points to wall saying dial a goddess* It’s a sex shop.
Good gracious this is... well... I like how the office has dial-a-goddess art on the walls. Makes it feel more like an office. Tho they could work from home. But then they would have to set up secure phoning in their homes & it would just be easier & safer (safety of SWs is important) to route the office for payment & safety & anonymity. RC: Well, being the Chief… *reads the manager's nameplate* ...Sexecutive Officer did you notice any conflicts with her and her colleagues? [lmao sexecutive] MK: Maybe she liked it. We get all types here, Detective: students, actresses, moms. I know an accountant who did it because she liked the challenge���and it turned her on. It's a powerful thing to make a client lust for you.
Lil bro played the minecraft chicken sound & I was so confused for a sec bc I thought it was from-- (I almost called it sherlock)-- (I almost called it murdoch)-- Castle.
So true. You need fellowship & company & sometimes people, esp men, need the intimacy of sex to be able to have that emotional intimacy. Don't tell my mom but I've spoken to my priest about this, when I was in school & really stressed, I would have adult fun a lot, but after school was over (& I increased my testosterone dose too!) I stopped doing so much adult fun. It is a stress reliever. RC: It's therapy. Or…so I've been told. Castle nobody would doubt that you have called a place like this before. Plus you could say "or so I theorize" or smth. I mean remember that plastic surgery case when ryaposito were like "I can't believe the doctor doesn't have porn on his work computer" & the nanny case when castle saw rysposito & the captain standing around a computer & he said "that better not be porn & if it is I want in" like what? Ah well such is life. (Question for all you real adults out there, I'm technically an adult & I'm sort of a man but I'm trans & young & sheltered: do men really jerk off together? Do they sit around & watch porn together? Seems kind of gay tbh, jerking off around other men, comfy with or wanting them to see you jack it? sus. also gross.)
*picks up his phone & immediately has the number up*
WHEN was the door opened tho? Ah gas company. Fake af. Six foot, white, dark hair again.
Hm, usually drinks for actors are just coloured water but this wine has a foam on it, it looks very much like real wine imo.
RC: but that's going to be like looking for a needle in a needle stack. OH HO HO THIS IS A PLOT HEAVY EPISODE? I THOUGHT IT MIGHT BE WHEN I FIRST STARTED PLAYING IT BUT THEN I THOUGHT TO MYSELF IT CAN'T BE BUT HERE IT IS IT IS INDEED A PLOT HEAVY EPISODE. HOO HOO HOO. but how so they always seem to be able to catch the murderer after being told not to in these episodes?
Greater forces at play? There is way too much, so much more than just beckett than just beckett's mom, with all the killing & death I think it is not worth it to look the other way for the safety of just one person. What if you DON'T know when it is time? RC: Tell her what? "Hey, Kate, I've been taking calls from a shadowy figure who wants to keep you off your mother's murder case so they don't kill you, too"?
KB on the phone: No, I'm not eating *while eating* RC: Brown cashmere. So, we narrow our suspects down to rich men with impeccable taste. KB: Are you saying you're a suspect? LOTS of phone calls dang. copious is a good word. RC: Are there any calls in there from the Mayor's office? KB: I thought you said you were confident that he wasn't involved? RC: I'm…just trying to be thorough…and impartial. KR: Not yet. But the private sector is well represented. I got calls from The Met, banks, several high profile brokerage houses. No wonder the economy collapsed, huh? btw ryan outfit, no tie, striped shirt (not a fan of stripes), & vest plus jacket with lapel pin. Typical Ryan wear. I prefer castle's stripes, they are a pattern in the weave of the fabric to make it catch the light differently, they are not actually different colours. Nice dark navy blue jacket.
Rystle protecting beckett they both love her so much. RC: A television station! RC: ya idk The way espt says navarro <3 beckett's jacket <3
my brother helped me get ship names for just the main four. 0: nobody 1: castle, beckett, ryan, esposito 2: caskett, rystle, Castlesito castito casposito espostle estle (he actually didn't help me choose), ryckett, especkett, rysposito 3: ryspeckett, ryspostle, caspeckett, Rycaskett 4: rycaspockett caskeitan (I chose rycaspockett but lil bro chose caskeitan which is three syllables but four ppl)
Man had a nice tie I am not the smartest person but here: Polemic = a speech or piece of writing expressing a strongly critical attack on or controversial opinion about someone or something.
Oh no not the mayor! & then the coat nooo
Remember what happened last time castle? with damien? Tho if he DID do it then he ruined his own career.
It's the backgrounds that make the show. I'm noticing this while gates is getter her leftovers for lunch. They have cereal tupperwares on top of the fridge, including fruit loops (froot loops?) & images on the fridge.
RC: You know what I think? I think she's hoping it's him, because if he's gone, I'm gone. She's right, she can't have him with her.
Find a nice private space to talk, you don't need to do it in public you don't need to do it in the interrogation room.
Lol I forgot that this was before castle & gates started to make some leeway.
VG: We are tasked by the City of New York to protect its people. Sometimes that task comes with a cost. I know what they call me, Detective. "Iron Gates." I hear the whispers. "She's from I.A., she must hate cops." Well, the truth is I love cops. My daddy was a cop, my uncles were cops. But the sergeant who assaulted my patrol partner under color of authority, who holds him accountable? We do. Go to the mayor, get him to voluntarily surrender his coat for fiber testing without a warrant. Tell him it's the only way to keep it out of the media. But if he refuses, you get that warrant and you do your job, whatever the cost. This is why I respect gates. I'm anti-cop so I respect her here. Protect the people, keep the cops in line.
He DOES play poker with him lol.
It's going to be the kid right? The intern? I respect that, I'd believe that. Once you are given the context you remember but you don't remember before that. The way castle nods at him. "it is in your best interest" Oh no he killed her? Who is "they"? Ah "they" probably planted his coat. She still needs to get the coat but again they could have planted the evidence. Yeah castle! She totally should have told him that she needed the coat & was going to get it either way. Withholding the coat & then getting it with a court order looks guilty but it looks even guiltier if they find it matches, but then it supports the conspiracy thing if he turns it over bc he believes it is normal. Here's a question tho, what if two coats were made of the same alpaca fur or whatever? What if someone spilled hot sauce on their coat & so the part on the body has hot sauce residue but the part of the coat they test has no hot sauce residue so they don't match? idk how forensics work(s).
Sus parking garage. Does he see the guy's face? not right but not wrong? Man just disappears like that? So cool & sexy bestie.
Ryan not wearing his gun rn. Rly cute tho, nice sweater, he also seems almost to be walking like a girl rn which is weird. Not a hip-problem way like he often does.
woah who's that wearing the unicorn onesie? "I had an epiphany" he says Fellow had a rubik's cube in her office while she was doing phone sex lol
Sarah! Heck yes!
lmao poor greta gramma I remembered it! It was indeed the boy I remembered! tho I feel bad that it was jordan More dangerous than you know though, so like here, why did smith help the investigation if he knew that beckett would get closer to The Big Bad Guy? Wouldn't he try to steer her away to protect her? suspense suspense suspense just spit it out BILL MOSS I KNOW THAT NAME FROM FUTURE SEASONS he has a nice coat btw.
KB: Jordan Norris is a pawn. I want the people controlling him. VG: Oh, it’s a long game, Kate. Play it piece by piece. (sus?) Feel bad for big cheese
RW: There are people out there. I realize it now, people who control what goes on in this city and beyond. I wouldn’t play ball, so they took me out of the game. It’s been decided: this is as far as I get. Like watts the autistic jewish man can't get better than detective, murdoch the catholic autistic man who can't get better than detective, george crabtree the adhd ex-con (innocent) who was raised by prostitutes who can't get better than constable.
RC: I’d be gone from the Twelfth Precinct. Me: not everything is abt you Smith: nono he's right. Smith: You play chess, Mr. Castle? There are times when a well-placed pawn is more powerful than a king. casually says he's a pawn. But good, he reaveals that castle's job is to protect kate, keep her in check.
Like yeah the case wasn't quite resolved but he had to prevent it from going any further, that's what's going on. I see
Oof so yeah that was a good episode.
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okay so i don’t know if i ever mentioned it but while watching merlin i’ve used a google doc of weird title ideas to rename all of the episodes and now that i’ve finished the series i would like to share with the four people who always like my posts the absolute nightmare that is the contents of this google doc (spoilers ahead, technically, i think)
merlin Things Historians Pretend Aren’t Gay: The Unlikely Adventures of Bitchface and Go Fuck Yourself
1x01 the dragon’s call Neither Boss Nor Employee Paid Enough to Deal With Each Other
1x02 valiant Everyone Should Learn First Aid (This Has Been a PSA)
1x03 the mark of nimueh Let’s NOT Wipe Out Humankind
1x04 the poisoned chalice I Fell Into a Deep Hole
1x05 lancelot You’re Valid, I Support You
1x06 a remedy to cure all ills This Is Absolutely the Right Decision
1x07 the gates of avalon I Go For an Unwanted and Unexpected Swim
1x08 the beginning of the end The Small Child Is Annoying
1x09 excalibur Ya Dun Goofed
1x10 the moment of truth The Regular Fuckface Returns to the Town of Fuckface
1x11 the labyrinth of gedref Guys, It’s Been Three Weeks Since I’ve Eaten a Vegetable: My Destiny as a Bad Cook
1x12 to kill the king Ultimate Showdown: Murder Father versus Murder Daughter
1x13 le morte d’arthur Dreams Do Come True (And That’s Not a Good Thing)
2x01 the curse of cornelius sigan The Good, the Bad, and the Okay I Guess
2x02 the once and future queen The Broken Ribs Poked Our Lungs
2x03 the nightmare begins I Need an Explanation, What Is Going On
2x04 lancelot and guinevere I Approve (This Time)
2x05 beauty and the beast part 1 This Wasn’t the Family Meeting That I Was Expecting Tonight
2x06 beauty and the beast part 2 I Am Saved From Certain Death By Being Killed
2x07 the witchfinder Those Stories Aren’t Real
2x08 the sins of the father How to Traumatize Your Children: 7 Proven Methods to Help You Screw Up Your Kids Deliberately and With Skill
2x09 the lady of the lake Can’t Wait to Tell This Story to My Grandchildren
2x10 sweet dreams Getting Distracted by a Hot Girl Only Leads to Bad Things
2x11 the witch’s quickening The King Can Go Fuck Himself
2x12 the fires of idirsholas Everything is a Goddamn Ordeal in This Family: Top 10 Anime Betrayals
2x13 the last dragonlord I Turned Out Liking You a Lot More Than I Originally Planned
3x01 the tears of uther pendragon part 1 Ask and You Shall Receive...Sometime Next Year
3x02 the tears of uther pendragon part 2 In Which Everything Goes Wonderfully Wrong
3x03 goblin’s gold Let’s Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly-True Memoir)
3x04 gwaine This Is Why I Don’t Socialize
3x05 the crystal cave Man Miscast in Role of Father
3x06 the changeling Successfully Evading Responsibility
3x07 the castle of fyrien The Dumbasses Take a Road Trip
3x08 the eye of the phoenix Tone It Down a Bit, Geez
3x09 love in the time of dragons Hey, Look, Old People
3x10 queen of hearts Running From Your Dad: I Know Exactly What I’m Doing (No, I Don’t)
3x11 the sorcerer’s shadow You’re a Special Kind of Stupid, Aren’t You?: Merlin Makes a Rash Decision
3x12 the coming of arthur part 1 Orphan Does Her Best to Fit in After Horrible Childhood
3x13 the coming of arthur part 2 There Is Absolutely No Way It Can Get Worse (It Got Worse)
4x01 the darkest hour part 1 Oh, Look, a Ghost
4x02 the darkest hour part 2 Unfortunately, I Am Alive
4x03 the wicked day Didn’t See That One Coming
4x04 aithusa I Wasn’t Prepared For Parenthood
4x05 his father’s son I Stab a Bitch: Aggressive Negotiations Make Everyone Hate You
4x06 a servant of two masters And God Said, “Let’s Not Give This Bitch a Break”
4x07 the secret sharer Apparently, Agravaine Does Have Some ’Splainin’ to Do
4x08 lamia The Boys Are Here
4x09 lancelot du lac I Call Shotgun (Said the Dead Man)
4x10 a herald of the new age Possession or Obsession?
4x11 the hunter’s heart I’m Bitter and I Won’t Stop Whining (Solitude Was the Only Logical Ending)
4x12 the sword in the stone part 1 I’m Packing Up My Crayons and Leaving
4x13 the sword in the stone part 2 A Guide to Giving Up
5x01 arthur’s bane part 1 My Boy!
5x02 arthur’s bane part 2 My Boy! Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
5x03 the death song of uther pendragon Way to Go, Dumbass
5x04 another’s sorrow Live Every Crisis Like It’s Your Midlife Crisis
5x05 the disir Why Am I Like This?: Merlin Is a Fucking Bitch
5x06 the dark tower What the Hell? I'm in Hell (I Have a Heated Make-Out Session With My Lifelong Enemy. Who Would’ve Thought?)
5x07 a lesson in vengeance You Know That There Is Nothing That I Love More Than Just Chilling and Drinking Poison. Seriously. I’s Great
5x08 the hollow queen An Unexpected Visit Leads to a Change in Career Paths
5x09 with all my heart A Trip to Memoryville (I Hate It)
5x10 the kindness of strangers Don’t Accept Rides From Strange Relatives
5x11 the drawing of the dark Why Didn’t I Just Walk Away? Oh, Right. Because I’m an Idiot: In Which Merlin Fucks Up
5x12 the diamond of the day part 1 We’ve Been Tricked, We’ve Been Backstabbed, and We’ve Been, Quite Possibly, Bamboozled
5x13 the diamond of the day part 2 How to Mistakenly Assume You Have Everything Under Control
#puff does things#puff's merlin tag#hell yeah that's a new tag i'm using#let's hope i can remember it#knowing me i probably won't but whatever
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Before I get the chance to read all of your posts, I wan’t to put down in words my two cents about the episode.
Please, from here on, beware of spoilers from The Magicians 4x12
My first thought is: my poor baby Eliot. Last week I said in a post here that the real tragedy of the finale will probably be Eliot coming back “braver” just in time to see Quentin and Alice back together. And I wasn’t wrong. But guys, this is the most used trope in history. This is storytelling 101. How many times have we seen a movie in which the caracther we are rooting for sees the love of his life with another person (which probably he/she hates) immediately after he/she decides to be “brave”? Without giving away spoilers, I can give you so many examples: Castle, How I met Your Mother, This Is Us... just to name some... and don’t let me start with novels (persuasion by Jane Austen in the freaking 1818 helloooo) or movies. It’s ok to be mad. I know. I experienced with Sherlock (don’t let me start on that either, I’m still mad and probably wil be for the rest of my life). It’s ok to feel like you’re not being represented like you should be (I know it and I stand with you, now and forever). But i see the pattern like I’ve seen it already in a ton of other works. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I am naiive but I’m willing to wait and see what happens in a week’s time.
#The Magicians#the secret sea#queliot#let my baby Eliot be brave#I think he will be#but Q?#I don't think they'll die#i think season 5 will be queliot themed#just you wait#and i kind of prefer to have an entire season full of queliot that ten minutes in an episode full of things#quentin coldwater#eliot waugh
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Here is a list of things to do before next episodes
4x07 Go with the Flo(rence)
There is a past episode of “Scorpion” that you could re-watch for prep, but naming the ep would give away a little surprise element, so I’m not going to do it. Instead be prepared to see a familiar face in the “previously on...” section... as I really hope they’ll add a clip from that past ep... before they introduce Gemma ETA: Monday, Nov 6th: The secret’s out! So...go re-watch ep 2x09 “US vs UN vs UK”
4x08 Faire is Foul
Knowing a bit about world history (especially related to England), and literature wouldn’t hurt. -- Know the difference between fact and fiction (stories like Robin Hood)
4x09 It’s Raining Men (O’War)
Read up on ocean (plastic) pollution
4x10 Crime Every Mountain
Check out the words/lyrics of the Rogers & Hammerstein song “Climb Every Mountain from the famous musical film “Sound of Music”
There is a YT vid that would be fun/useful to watch as a prep. But.. I’m only gonna post it after the ep... to not spoil things. So it’ll be a fun “recognize” moment instead
4x11 Who Let the Dog Out
Read up on “coping mechanisms” #psychology
4x12 It’s a Walterful Life
Watch the 1946 classic Christmas movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”, or just read the synopsis
Also... read Charles Dickens “Christmas Carol” read it online for free
Watch “AU” & “what if...” episodes of other TV shows. Like “Castle” 4x14 “Blue Butterfly” & 7x06 “Time of Our Lives”, The X-Files 6x03 “Triangle” & 7x17 “All Things”, “Friends” 6x15 & 6x16 "The One That Could Have Been”, pt 1 & pt 2,, Bones ep 4x26 “The Beginning in the End”
4x13 Apocalypse Nerd
There are a few past episodes you should re-watch as a prep for the ep...to refresh your memory..on things..in more detail than the “previously on...” clip at the beginning of the episode will include. But revealing the episodes before the press release is officially out would be too spoilery, so I will add the episode list after it’s posted. ETA: Re-watch episode 1x02, 2x11, 2x13 for Amy/Quincy references & ep 2x06
Also...you should watch Elementary ep 4x18 “Ready or Not” as prep - Holmes & Watson might reveal something worth knowing...
4x14 Lighthouse of the Rising Sun
You should re-watch the early S4 episodes that focus on Sly & Patty trying to save the (West Altedenia) Science Club!
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