#castle 3x6 quote
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c3x6 3xk the triple killer
Seeing the face
uwu secret admirer
alexis the little detective “narrowing down suspects”
Really really dark bruises on the ligature marks. It’s not just a general bruise of strangling, it’s like it was stationary. Linda Russo Beckett actually asked castle what his theory was?
911 has that effect on her RC: I believe that was my idea LP: Yeah but I only listen when it comes from her (could clip)
Wow they’re serious about this, so serious they’re showing a huge briefing onscreen.Â
RM: He has a menial unimportant job KB: Still you, castle RC: Just for that I’m basing my next book off esposito KB: *looks at him in insult* (could clip)
Three murders one week. Posing them like this. Tyson & his MOs. Wearing disguises. Dysfunctional relationship with his mother. (later on in this ep & his arc: getting other people to do the thing & getting people to look like people)
Ooh horticulture! (Kb: ?? Ryan: Waters plants) (my man’s rly pretty) KR: Ex-wife. They were divorced last month after being married for four years. RC: So in a way, he did just get out of prison. [He’s sort of joking, but he’s serious regarding the timeline]
Bro some people have medical conditions, don’t make it like a jab on moral character! (Who is this security guard??)
Wow lots of facial hair there mr esposito (Who is the security guard????)
Kin Foster How did she get a liver temp already? Gas repair JE *can’t find the phone bc ppl kept moving it between takes*
RC: The pillows JE & me: What’s wrong with them? Found a penny XD
That was quiet. “Sir, a mr townsend wants to see you?” Ew reporters They’d better hold to that. Let Him Know. My older bro thought that this guy might be the killer
KB: From four years ago. I took a look at calls made to the Triple Killer tip line and this one stood out for me. It’s from May 21st, 2006, which was a week after the sixth murder. A woman called and left a message, but she was too afraid to leave her name. But she did mention that she lived at 24th and 10th. (He wasn’t carrying the right tools? 3xk has improved since then. I mean yeah eight years will do that)
u got the phone records from 4 years ago? really??? (except linda russo did not see HIS face)
(why no pic of the tat on the murderboard? also does he fit the profile, bad mom menial job? Oh his mom died when he was 4. Gates was convicted of the bottle break tho)
Sociopath??? really? You think antisocial personality disorder makes this guy a consistent killer?Â
Who was the individual walking by castle’s house tho? (nobody important, nvm)
Oh you know, someone died, someone else did it. (don’t want to clip) some … pervert watching you from afar with high powered binoculars.
I always love the parallels. Rick just wants to protect his daughter & when we have a case like this he’s sure to freak a bit.
“I’d better check they’re actually locked.” Love castle sm. (apparently that was an ad-lib. could clip ig)
Another point for the Ryan ADHD headcanon. I have a system, you’re messing up my system, it might not work for you but it does for me. I’d record this bickering to post but I don’t feel like it. Btw, I think this was also adlibbed (ok so I guess I already wanted to clip this) (I’ll clip both together actually)
Robert Duncan? Is that their name? Interesting choice here. OH WAIT IT WAS HOLD MUSIC (btw, the detective to beckett’s right is the half asian looking guy, I can’t see what his nameplate reads tho)
Jelly Tyson (the cameras watching castle correct her writing lol)
Love handwriting differences. Castle <3
(“my girl” he says) Wow acab
Is pruno booze? I like how he doesn’t actually remember the exact name, he just knows it’s hog something. (Or so he claims.) That is realistic I think.Â
Nice jacket, but that shirt. Idk whether it’s good or bad. Probs good for undercover recon. Nice music Aww helping him into his vest (clip that) (suddenly has their guns in their hands even tho they were literally doing up the velcro a heartbeat ago) Well that’s a lot of people. (Monty’s gun-- that’s the one he has in future episodes. It’s an old-style gun, not one of the ones with the fancy magazines) XD Castle (Clipping this too) Cocky man. He’s also for sure the guy in the teaser Captions were wrong there. esposito said that, not monty
I like the literary flair but I don’t think this is the time.
Esposito <3. Marcus touching the stuff He’s good at this. From the perspective of a citizen I respect him. I respect him a lot. From a just perspective I totally want him done & gone. Good for him tbh. Rick wearing jeans & that colour shirt, so nice btw. How is esposito taller than monty here?
Seven not eight? He killed two women at this time & he also killed a fellow six four years ago.Â
(Nothing in his apartment ok, but why? We know he (you know who is you know whom) but we also know he DID (do you know what on behalf of you know whom)) he already IS the focus bro
he really is so calm
& they just happen to have a traffic cam there? Tbh the changing clothes is easy to do. Yeah acab, they think they have the one who did it so they ignore evidence to convict them.Â
MG: you all better keep your loved ones close Me, having seen the end of the episode: OH MG: Sure hope you catch him Me, having seen him again in s7: I SEE You can say “S.O.B.” & not actually swear
pimply teenagers XD (not clipping) OH SUS NO NOPE NO WAY. Oh I love Martha. What a great gal. Tell her you’re afraid someone thought your strawberry-blonde daughter is being killed tonight? Lmao martha I love her sm (not clipping tho) MR: Richard, darling, she’s right. You are being utterly irrational. It’s like when I was doing Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and I thought my understudy was trying to poison me. RC: Oh yeah, the daily blood tests I paid for. Wait, she did poison you. The Swiss chocolate she gave you was a laxative. MR: Ahh… it added a certain urgency to my performance. But, the point is, you indulged my paranoia. So therefore, I am going to be in the park, five o’clock, at a discreet distance to make sure that Alexis’ secret admirer is not an axe murderer. Oh & I love her for taking care of alexis
Who is Donna Gallagher though? She is NOT tyson’s gal. Gates was the one arrested for breaking the bottle, it is in his record. tyson was beat up in the prison yard this morning, alexis has a note telling her to visit someone at 5pm today, martha is trailing her, it looked like daytime outside the apartment, then beckett calls, then they cut to talking to tyson, then it is DARK & they are at a random motel
Lmao “My name is detective ryan, I’m your new best friend” (not clipping)
Oh no he already has donna doesn’t he?
(Why would 3xk make it so he has an alibi? Wait spoilers within this paragraph I figured it out: so tyson needed to get out of jail & the only way they could get him out is to prevent gates from getting arrested until tyson was out, then once tyson was out he used his magical money to pay for paul’s surgery, & only then can he confess to the 3xk murders. I was thinking “why give him an alibi & tell ppl that 3xk used partners? esp if u want him convicted” but even as writing that I realized it’s good bc then his brother gets involved & he has a REASON to confess & it is not sus, it would be sus for him to just spontaneously decide to confess) (end spoilers, except that this entire liveblog is spoilers)
(Never used the same partner twice, except for Her)
Big bro called it! Body double! (I genuinely thought that he was just one step lower on the stairs to the building) They both have the same tattoo? (but we thought 3xk told the perv paul mccardle to back off...?)
Oh when did Ryan get here? (Oh lol they were in a foster home together, I forgot. I thought they were bio brothers but then they had different last names. they looked similar enough that I thought they were related) I swear Jerry is the real 3xk (going back to read my liveblog like...)
Good gracious, esposito breaking in alone! (could clip... won’t) I was right, he already has Donna. You can probs get him on attempted murder rather than assault & tax evasion here. MG: I’ll try not to disappoint you.
He looks like a mouse
Castle just stammering asking if he can follow Ryan XD KB: Just don’t get in his way (there was a deleted line: “I’m driving” bc esposito always makes ryan take shotgun. then in 4x14 blue btf ryan lets castle drive lol)
WOW US HEALTHCARE SYSTEM (apparently the breath tube was added in post) Man also doesn’t have the hair nor tattoo to make him look similar enough. Gates sent him Get Well flowers! That’s genuinely something so big to me.Â
Girl you might want to leave them to talk to Paul anyways
But the thing is do you have enough evidence to convict him of accessory to murder? Only if paul gets immunity? Paul’s going to be the real killer then (also YES get that in writing, cops can lie to you)
Oh they remembered the dad!
Definitely lying. Plus he only said Linda Russo, Sara Townsend, & five other women. It was six the first time. He killed two after prison. He’s missing a Kim Foster.
(at abt 35:30) RC, reading my mind: I don’t understand the operation. KR: No big deal, my dad had one. RC: It is a big deal if u r broke! (how did his family afford that? Raising ryan & two or three sisters, paying for piano lessons apparently, plus a $100k heart surgery at some point? Ouch. Maybe he had dual citizenship tho & got healthcare in ireland, like he’s REALLY irish not just “my family from the 1800s” irish) Ryan’s walk <3 That flat “I guess”
“You accumulate a lot of stuff even in the slammer,” esp if gates left all his stuff to you, WAIT GATES LEFT ALL “HIS” STUFF TO TYSON
KR: You were right, he did try to go after Donna KR: But she’s ok. JG: & gates? KR: He confessed, it’s all over. RC: Aren’t you going to ask? Me: Bro you literally said donna was fine & that the man going after her is held! (3xk really improved his methods as the series progressed tbh, he improved his performance of them)
Why would Castle ask “aren’t you going to ask what happened?” in that loud rude tone “to your girlfriend >:( Donna” & only THEN say “unless... *realization strikes* as if he didn’t have it clicking into place yet He’s removing the evidence he was ever where? Where bro? What evidence?
RC: He’s the real 3xk! But then why did he send two other people to kill for him, huh? This guy couldn’t have killed them himself, we saw that. We know that. He was in prison during the first murder, in fact both. & then again Gates was the one who attempted on donna’s life. (Me: getting my clips after having seen all the 3xk episodes into s7)
Oof Poor Ryan. (also clipping the spin scene & ryan whack scene)
(abt 36:45 for the precinct flash-to; yeah no this is just too long to clip, I’ll get smaller bits)
RM: Maybe [Ryan] & Castle went out for a cold one. That’s what I’m doing on a day like today. Care to join me? KB: Yeah! Yeah I’d love to. RM: Let’s hit it. Ok listen I know it is not super big but this little scene adds so much to the story. Social. People. The language each individual uses. Fellowship. (could clip, idk) They honestly appreciate each other. He is her second father, he is her friend.Â
Awwww it looks like wire. If it was duck tape I’d be smiling because Rick has escaped from duck tape before. Darn it.
Jerry is kind of cool & smart in an evil way. Takes ryan’s gun & phone, checks the last calls, even steals his badge. If it wasn’t so tragic I’m sure Ryan would get teased for that. (Me, having seen 4x4 kick the ballistics & the s6+7 3xk eps)
Storyteller rick! Making it out! (me: has watched all the way up to s7) Ooh rick’s childhood trauma coming back again! Just like the vampire episode! That’s his mom’s PFP on his phone? That’s so Martha. Wait no it says “home” & “mobile” so is it Mom on her Mobile or is it Home on the Landline? (I don’t feel the need to clip this...) (too bad, I did, it was actually REALLY really good)
So sweet that the mom calls him & so sweet that the secret admirer was ashley. Cutest thing ever. MR: Richard? RC: I love you. B’y this is why I have a codephrase with ma family so that whenever I’m in a hostage situation I can say smth completely normal that my captor won’t see as a red flag but my family will KNOW it means something. & bud if you hang up the phone for me without letting me say goodbye everyone will know I’m in danger. I always try to say bye.
Bro we can only hear the sirens once we see them? If we’re in a stationary place & they are travelling at that speed we would be able to hear them. Also, why did they come here? I thought they were getting drinks?
RC: It’s clear, he’s gone. I’m fine, Ryan needs an ambulance. KR, muffled from his face being in the carpet: No I don’t. Girl if you got hit hard enough to knock out, you need to go to urgent care or a medi-centre or even the ER. You have a concussion. Not ever concussion sends you unconscious but every ko means you’ve been concussed. JE: *kneels down beside Ryan immediately* (btw they cut a line: jerry tyson? more like mike tyson) (I think I’ll clip this)
Oh she came here bc she was sus that they didn’t come back from talking to Jerry. & as she says, “Your mom called. She said you told her you loved her & figured something must be terribly wrong.” RC: I figured she might. Good girl.
Poor ryan, getting lights shone in his eyes bc he probably has a concussion. At least Esposito & Montgomery are there with him. Lmao he says “No I don’t” & they force him into the ambulance anyway. (I’ve taken a pic of this, I don’t need to clip it. I do need a fic of it tho.)
She gave him coffee He let castle live but he let ryan live too.
Comfort <3
Is this a Mycroft moment? In like the fourth episode of Murdoch Mysteries, they got the wrong guy & let Harcourt/Mycroft go. He ran away into the night & was never seen again in 16 seasons. I kind of hope we do see him again, just for the giggles & shock factor. Whether he is an unstable fellow or turned himself around. The 3xK is gone & I have a feeling we will never see him again. We could tho, another couple years later? A couple seasons from now? I think it would be great. Maybe also a dread pirate roberts thing, since Jerry didn’t actually kill any of the last three victims personally. (Me: looking back on this liveblog after I’ve seen 3x6, 4x4, 5x5, 6x9, & 7x14+15)
Well that was fun. Good episode. I like the detail with ryan esposito montgomery & the paramedics all in the background during the caskett scene
I can totally believe that I basically rewatched 3x6 3xk & reliveblogged lol
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