#castle 3x12 spoilers
castle-dominion · 1 year
c3x12 poof you’re dead
I loooove this. Mum was super excited abt it.
(clipping this) LANIE OMG ESPOSITO (I love him just lying over her like that, so cute) (the music is just so good & well designed) WAIT WHAT THIS IS INSANE THIS IS GREAT LMAO (those puppydog eyes XD) HE JUST TAKES A PHOTO OF HER (& they both know exactly where their phones are)
(clipping this too) Oh no not gina Oh No, castle wait esposito no wait wait  & esposito’s just like 
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& his voice just jumps a fifth
I remember my magic phase. Still have some gear. Is ice cubes a sex thing? That’s why castle was all slammed against the window? (I made the sign of the cross & made use of the internet. Apparently it is just a kind of temperat)
As always I love their outfits. Esposito with his t shirt then hoodie then jacket, ryan with his cute pink, beckett just always fashionable, dr parish she’s just cute no matter what, castle in his usual style but I like the jacket...
Lanie says she does not like magic shows here (keep this in mind)
Lanie you were the one to tell javier not to look at you & now you’re checking him out? Hun...
Eliza’s voice is so cute & little. 
Castle just bought himself stuff while there? ofc.
Wait ryan is wearing a pink suit, burgundy tie, but he is wearing brownish vest AND a suit jacket AND he is holding ANOTHER jacket. Girl what season is it? Must be cold.
RC: x-ray specs. I can see you naked. KB: How do you like my naval ring? RC: !! (clipping this?)
KR: Looks like somebody has a secret. JE: *gulp* secret? ah- What secret? KR: I can understand a guy not wanting to share~ I mean, some things are personal.  JE: *puppydog eyes* JE: >:( How did you find out? KR: Dude everybody knows. *grabs paper without even looking* It’s all over page six JE: o-o *sighs in relief & then starts reading* *smiles* KR: Apparently he & ex-wife/girlfriend/publisher/Gina had some words, Loud Words, at le cirque & she stormed off JE: : ) that’s what he was talking about this morning KR: What I don’t understand is why he would try to hide it from us. (definitely fishing.) I mean, we’re like family. JE: Maybe he’s afraid of what we might think KR: *his little face* (clipping this?)
(apparently I clipped both at the same time)
Aspenall? That’s a drug.
Oof. Heck of a night for this guy.
*turns to castle for some reason* Why is she asking me that? RC: She wants to know if you have an alibi
RC: Did it take him very long [to read your mind]? No RC: didn’t think so
KB: Like this? *holds up phone* RC: *gasp!* You had your hand in my pocket & I didn’t even feel it?! Do it again. I reverse-pickpocketed my friends before. Stole one guy’s earbuds & put them in someone else’s pocket. idk why. 
So the only thing he killed last night were his brain cells
Ooh arson & explosives! Street performer! As a busker myself I have mad respect for this guy (maybe I should clip this? nah)
SHe wants me to make her husband disappear, that’s a felony, I can’t do that XD I’ll dine on water & ramen tonight, think of you Yo he disappeared! That was so cool! Alakazam, jackass!
So cool, a blacklight note!
Tobias strange is a cool name. When I was busking at the big festival a few years back I met this really cool magician, in fact three of them but one I’m thinking about most. He just grabbed a melon out of nowhere & I was standing behind the stage too so I wasn’t even seeing it from the audience perspective!
RC: He made a ferrarri disappear. KR: Why would anyone want to do that? JE: Yeah he was in town recently. awesome show, we loved it. (So esposito likes magic shows, & I’m assuming took dr parish there. rly cute but obv lanie doesn’t like magic as she said in the beginning of the episode.? Also tey’ve been together a couple of weeks now.) RC: “We”? JE: Yeah. Me & my buddy. (should be my buddy & me.) KR: JE: Ray. KR, hella jealous: you have a buddy named ray who you went with to a magic show. (Sounds gay bro.) JE, starting with a laugh: Yeah, what about it? KR: *standing there smiling at esposito* (Not clipping?)
This is sexy af. Also why can’t you write “voila” it’s barely even french it’s a loanword at this point. Regardless you should transcribe all other language stuff into the captions. (Same language, not translated. Translations can be onscreen anyways.)
All access pass
I love his accent. That’s so true bestie. I love hearing him talk about magic & explosives & stuff.
Ooh Lanie is so pretty.  Tit for tat, castle!
Wow he just did the dad trick with a dad joke. WOAH ALEXIS that’s p cool. I’m easily impressed
In his soggy wallet was a soggy metro card. the car service thing was SOOO good
YO A SEXY SECRET DOOR! Ooh a zigzag box. KB: You would have loved my grandfather. *closing the doors to castle’s face* In fact, you remind me of him sometimes. RC, muffled through the box on his head: I’m flattered CSU is going to have a great time with this... Neat graffitti.  (I don’t think I need to clip this)
Best trick ever!
Cool entrance!
This man is so lucky. Usually dead people have to play dead but this guy gets to play dead & play the twin brother! Accountant brother hiding the money Twin sense!! Love a good wallet photo. (& they were blond as kids) Lmao great twin joke
if this was a movie it’s not a movie!
(I knew it! the tracks were evenly spaced, just like sammy keyes book one)
I love Lanie. She’s like my older bro. Pink scrubs, pink gloves, my bro needs to wear a mask & I’d guess it would be pink too (tho I’ve never seen him at work so idk if his gloves & scrubs & mask are pink). Organophosphates??? What’s that? DSHFJKAHDSFH ESPOSITO MY DUDE JE, walking in from tha back, not expecting to see anyone except dr parish & possibly other mortuary assistants: Hola chica! I was in the ‘hood & I thought that we should talk about the *sees beckett. & castle* LP: TESTS THAT YOU HAD ME RUN KB: What tests? JE: DIfferent case. Hey I was just about to call you Thaddeus Magnus is a cool name. In fact, I have a friend+ who has one (or several) introjects of Jon the archivist from the magnus archives; this friend uses a wheelchair. Oh no, & a civil rights protester? This really IS my best friend! KB: You have an address? JE: *hands slip of paper from his nice notebook, I love a good notebook* KB: Thanks RC: Nice work JE: *finally able to exhale* LP: That was close (B’y it was obvious) JE: No. This is close *holds her physically close & kisses her while castle & beckett have literally only just left* (clipping)
Maybe he’s ambulatory & wasn’t in a lot of pain that day & was able to do that insane task but today he’s stuck in bed bc he used spoons he didn’t have.
(I think it might have been nice if they had him answer the door with crutches, a walker/rollator, or a cane. & then have his wheelchair by the door. & then maybe Castle could get a lesson.) New fanfic: once upon a time Thaddeus Magnus opened up the door to two detectives. He was using his crutches at the time since he usually never used his wheelchair within his house. The well-dressed man exclaimed, “Called it! The wheelchair was just an act!” Magnus’ eyebrows fell low over his eyes & he gave the man a sharp whack with his cane. ‘Just an act? You try doing all your walking with messed up muscles & a cane! You insult me again, accuse me of faking, & I will hit your other leg twice as hard!’ The woman had one hand on her belt where Magnus realized she had a gun, but she was also smiling. `See Castle? He’s just an ambulatory wheelchair user.` The end.
Castle don’t touch Great relationship. Specialty item designer for special trick designs for someone with more stage presence. Paid a fortune to get away with murder!
Oh yeah! Magic tricks are for little boys & teenaged girls, if you know what I mean. Like this is so cool! Lol “went out with a bang” I thought it was funny. (Also those eyes in this lighting holy crap coly crap hhhh) (NF/RC also has blue eyes but they are not as bright) Castle is just not impressed. Probably bc ryan stole his joke.  (not clipping that) esposito not here bc he is on a date djskjdlkj
Lol just makes his phone disappear.
Love is built.
MR: Now you see him, now you don’t.
Why do they have ryan sitting there like that? Who directed him to be there like that? (y’all I think smth is wrong w me.) Ryan wearing pink again. & I’ve seen that shirt before, I like how they have consistency with outfits. I also think maybe he’s wearing pink bc last episode he proposed to his gal & they either want to make him look like he’s in love or they want to make him look gay to counterbalance the fact that he’s marrying a woman lol.
Interesting to me how people change their outfits, specifically esposito. Some days he comes to work wearing a chill short sleeved shirt with a collar, other times he comes in with the dress shirt & tie. The tie days it seems like he doesn’t wear his badge around his neck. 
Sorry, I just really like costume design, I considered going into it at some point. 
I’ve dressed in my whites to sneak into places w/o paying before. 
JE, softly: You’re crazy, I’ve never tried anything like that (Girl don’t you remember the bdsm episode & lanie was just talking unashamedly?) (also women* take longer to climax than men* & often need different things than just boring stuff men do.) (*perisex, cisgender, hormonally typical) JE, seeing Ryan walking up to him holding some sort of magazine: Yeah. Ok. Yeah me too. Bye. (in a slightly louder, definitely deeper voice. More masculine & professional.) KR: *closes magazine* Who was that? JE: Coast guard. I was just seeing if they uh found the plane’s data recorder. KR: Hm. Did they? (staring at his partner, not where he’s walking) JE: Did they what? KB: *interrupts the convo* Ah, that’s what the magazine was for. 
RC: Where was this photo taken? KR: Ah, you noticed.
I like this lady, she’s hot, well driven, well spoken, she can take care of herself, she has a killer haircut, & she didn’t talk to cops w/o a lawyer.
... Now kiss
& being dead is the perfect alibi!
Oh yeah, he definitely would attend his own funeral.  Mum suggested the priest.  James Pendrick?? & ofc esposito & ryan are just on the other side, as always
Wow I hate this guy.  (I thought that it was another magician who pulled a rabbit out of a hat)
Does he see something behind the non-see-through mirror? Is it that old glass ghost trick? alakazam, jackass. Ok but how did they actually do it? Was he behind the glass? Was he in the room? Who was he, where was he, how did this MFer not see it was a real person?
Is that LT?
Yo Tobias has a slammin jacket
Is rick going to buy a magic shop??
KR: Hey, can you uh? KB: Yeah sure Just casually signs the doc on castle’s back, just like the judge in s1. KB: So where’s esposito? KR: ha, take a wild guess. KB+RC: Lanie KR: Can you believe they still think none of us know? RC: Well let’s let them keep thinking that a while longer. The bubble bursts soon enough.  KB: Not if you’re in it with the right person. RC: ...
I’ve noticed becks drinks bottled water... Oh neat a blood donation wall. Cool. I need to donate blood soon, it’s been a while. I just hope I have the iron for it. Lol remember when esposito just stole a cold pop? Oof phone breakup??
Motorcycle boy? Doctor motorcycle boy?
I love the little details like the fire excape plan WHOA OK FLOWERS.
So cute.  (k so I’m gathering clips rn: I have two hours left before work but no space on my phone. Time to put my clips into tumblr drafts.)
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itsclownhours · 4 years
okay so i don’t know if i ever mentioned it but while watching merlin i’ve used a google doc of weird title ideas to rename all of the episodes and now that i’ve finished the series i would like to share with the four people who always like my posts the absolute nightmare that is the contents of this google doc (spoilers ahead, technically, i think)
merlin Things Historians Pretend Aren’t Gay: The Unlikely Adventures of Bitchface and Go Fuck Yourself
1x01 the dragon’s call Neither Boss Nor Employee Paid Enough to Deal With Each Other
1x02 valiant Everyone Should Learn First Aid (This Has Been a PSA)
1x03 the mark of nimueh Let’s NOT Wipe Out Humankind
1x04 the poisoned chalice I Fell Into a Deep Hole
1x05 lancelot You’re Valid, I Support You
1x06 a remedy to cure all ills This Is Absolutely the Right Decision
1x07 the gates of avalon I Go For an Unwanted and Unexpected Swim
1x08 the beginning of the end The Small Child Is Annoying
1x09 excalibur Ya Dun Goofed
1x10 the moment of truth The Regular Fuckface Returns to the Town of Fuckface
1x11 the labyrinth of gedref Guys, It’s Been Three Weeks Since I’ve Eaten a Vegetable: My Destiny as a Bad Cook
1x12 to kill the king Ultimate Showdown: Murder Father versus Murder Daughter
1x13 le morte d’arthur Dreams Do Come True (And That’s Not a Good Thing)
2x01 the curse of cornelius sigan The Good, the Bad, and the Okay I Guess
2x02 the once and future queen The Broken Ribs Poked Our Lungs
2x03 the nightmare begins I Need an Explanation, What Is Going On
2x04 lancelot and guinevere I Approve (This Time)
2x05 beauty and the beast part 1 This Wasn’t the Family Meeting That I Was Expecting Tonight
2x06 beauty and the beast part 2 I Am Saved From Certain Death By Being Killed
2x07 the witchfinder Those Stories Aren’t Real
2x08 the sins of the father How to Traumatize Your Children: 7 Proven Methods to Help You Screw Up Your Kids Deliberately and With Skill
2x09 the lady of the lake Can’t Wait to Tell This Story to My Grandchildren
2x10 sweet dreams Getting Distracted by a Hot Girl Only Leads to Bad Things
2x11 the witch’s quickening The King Can Go Fuck Himself
2x12 the fires of idirsholas Everything is a Goddamn Ordeal in This Family: Top 10 Anime Betrayals
2x13 the last dragonlord I Turned Out Liking You a Lot More Than I Originally Planned
3x01 the tears of uther pendragon part 1 Ask and You Shall Receive...Sometime Next Year
3x02 the tears of uther pendragon part 2 In Which Everything Goes Wonderfully Wrong
3x03 goblin’s gold Let’s Pretend This Never Happened (A Mostly-True Memoir)
3x04 gwaine This Is Why I Don’t Socialize
3x05 the crystal cave Man Miscast in Role of Father
3x06 the changeling Successfully Evading Responsibility
3x07 the castle of fyrien The Dumbasses Take a Road Trip
3x08 the eye of the phoenix Tone It Down a Bit, Geez
3x09 love in the time of dragons Hey, Look, Old People
3x10 queen of hearts Running From Your Dad: I Know Exactly What I’m Doing (No, I Don’t)
3x11 the sorcerer’s shadow You’re a Special Kind of Stupid, Aren’t You?: Merlin Makes a Rash Decision
3x12 the coming of arthur part 1 Orphan Does Her Best to Fit in After Horrible Childhood
3x13 the coming of arthur part 2 There Is Absolutely No Way It Can Get Worse (It Got Worse)
4x01 the darkest hour part 1 Oh, Look, a Ghost
4x02 the darkest hour part 2 Unfortunately, I Am Alive
4x03 the wicked day Didn’t See That One Coming
4x04 aithusa I Wasn’t Prepared For Parenthood
4x05 his father’s son I Stab a Bitch: Aggressive Negotiations Make Everyone Hate You
4x06 a servant of two masters And God Said, “Let’s Not Give This Bitch a Break”
4x07 the secret sharer Apparently, Agravaine Does Have Some ’Splainin’ to Do
4x08 lamia The Boys Are Here
4x09 lancelot du lac I Call Shotgun (Said the Dead Man)
4x10 a herald of the new age Possession or Obsession?
4x11 the hunter’s heart I’m Bitter and I Won’t Stop Whining (Solitude Was the Only Logical Ending)
4x12 the sword in the stone part 1 I’m Packing Up My Crayons and Leaving
4x13 the sword in the stone part 2 A Guide to Giving Up
5x01 arthur’s bane part 1 My Boy!
5x02 arthur’s bane part 2 My Boy! Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
5x03 the death song of uther pendragon Way to Go, Dumbass
5x04 another’s sorrow Live Every Crisis Like It’s Your Midlife Crisis
5x05 the disir Why Am I Like This?: Merlin Is a Fucking Bitch
5x06 the dark tower What the Hell? I'm in Hell (I Have a Heated Make-Out Session With My Lifelong Enemy. Who Would’ve Thought?)
5x07 a lesson in vengeance You Know That There Is Nothing That I Love More Than Just Chilling and Drinking Poison. Seriously. I’s Great
5x08 the hollow queen An Unexpected Visit Leads to a Change in Career Paths
5x09 with all my heart A Trip to Memoryville (I Hate It)
5x10 the kindness of strangers Don’t Accept Rides From Strange Relatives
5x11 the drawing of the dark Why Didn’t I Just Walk Away? Oh, Right. Because I’m an Idiot: In Which Merlin Fucks Up
5x12 the diamond of the day part 1 We’ve Been Tricked, We’ve Been Backstabbed, and We’ve Been, Quite Possibly, Bamboozled
5x13 the diamond of the day part 2 How to Mistakenly Assume You Have Everything Under Control
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