#casting one of the most british men alive to play someone french is so funny to me šŸ˜„šŸ‘
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urghblergh Ā· 10 months ago
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Help! These silly little guys are all over my sketchbook now. :') šŸŒŒšŸŒˆ
Ref @mellon-soup šŸ˜Œ
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sammyhale Ā· 8 years ago
Jared JIBCon 2017 Sunday Panel
Jared warns everyone that heā€™s tired and jetlagged and jumps right into questions.
Fan says that sheā€™s tired, too but itā€™s worth it to see Jared. Jared thanks her and saysĀ ā€œditto.ā€Ā 
Fan talks about Samā€™s development over the show, how he didnā€™t want to be a hunter to now leading other hunters against the British Men of Letters asks Jared to comment on that journey. Jared says that he knows what itā€™s like to have an older brother that leads the pack. It has been fun to play Sam as sort of a man on his own. Show started when he was 22 and heā€™ll be 35 in July. Itā€™s been cool to get the chance to play the transformation of a young boy to a leader. Hopefully weā€™ll see more of that.Ā 
Jared is really tired and tells the audience now is the perfect time to ask him weird questions lol. Says he texted Gen when he woke up and said ā€œMorning, baby, I miss you.ā€ Gen was like, itā€™s 1 a.m. why are you texting me. Jared: Oh, oh yeah, no, cool. Good talk lol.Ā 
A fan asks what Jaredā€™s favorite emoji is. Because of her accent he thinks that she saidĀ ā€œmusic.ā€ So he goes on to talk about howĀ ā€œweā€™ve been pretty public about a band called Kaleo.ā€ He and Jensen have been lucky enough to make friends with them. Jared says,Ā ā€œItā€™s a weird world Jensen and I live in.ā€ He thinks Kaleo are amazing from lyrics to all of the instruments, etc, and when they met the band it was fun to discover how they are just people, too. Jared hopes that fans feel the same when we meet the Supernatural cast, that theyā€™re all just normal people.Ā 
Fans inform Jared that he misunderstood the question and that she had asked about his favorite emoji. Jared tries to pull it up on his phone so that he can show it to them on the screen. He says heā€™s texting it to Jensen in response to the text Jensen sent him earlier that morning saying: ā€œYou know we have a convention todayā€ because Jared slept through his alarm lol. Jared giggles about Jensenā€™s text.Ā 
Jaredā€™s favorite emoji is the surprised happy face one.Ā 
Fan talks (essentially) about the difference between Sam being tortured by humans versus by a monster. Jared says itā€™s a good observation, thinks that episodes like The Benders mess with the Winchesters more because the bad guys are human beings. Brings up Deanā€™s line about demons I get but people are crazy.Ā 
Jaredā€™s hand hits the bottom of the mic and it makes a loud noise. He apologizes, has the fans help him apologize in Italian.Ā 
Fan congratulates Jared on the new baby and Jared shows a picture of Odette on his phone. Her picture is his lockscreen :)Ā 
Fan asks about Phantom Boy. Jared says he did that project last summer. It was a French animated movie, Jared watched it and they asked Jared to do the role. He recorded the dialogue in Austin at a hotel room. They would take breaks and go down to the pool. His friend who is a voice actor and an actor helped direct him. It was intimidating, it was a weird situation to try this brand new thing. It was fun to be a part of.Ā 
How do you think Sam would handle having a baby girl? Jared says he thinks it would be a funny thing to see one of the Winchesters have a kid. He thinks Sam would be mortified. Says that having kids is very cool but vulnerability inducing situation. Best and hardest thing Jared has ever done. Jared says he had a nightmare last night about his kids and it woke him up and he knew he wasnā€™t going to be able to go back to bed. He thinks Sam would be out of sorts. Thinks it would be one of the first situations where Sam would be likeĀ ā€œI donā€™t know what to do.ā€ Jared hopes we donā€™t see that on the show.Ā 
Fan tells Jared she really enjoyed his chapter in the new Fangasm book, Family Donā€™t End With Blood (FDEWB). Wants to know if heā€™ll consider writing in the future? Jared says, honestly, no. Said it was difficult, took him a year to write it. It was one of those things where he told a friend he would do it, so he did it. But as he started doing it he was nervous and anxious. It was hard because he didnā€™t write it all in a day. He doesnā€™t do well with picking things up later on. As he wrote it over time he would go back to the beginning and read and would change things. It was difficult; he does feel proud of it, though. Heā€™s never written before.Ā ā€œItā€™s all me.ā€ He was trying to go deepĀ ā€œfor yā€™all guys.ā€ Jared says,Ā ā€œItā€™s the most private Iā€™ll ever get.ā€Ā 
Fans cheer for him for his chapter in FDEWB and he saysĀ ā€œthanks guys.ā€Ā 
Fan asks Jared if Sam will have a special connection with the Nephilim, Jack, because Sam is the eternal vessel of Lucifer. Jared says yes. He thinks itā€™s why they made it so Sam is the one that found him in the last scene of the finale. Thinks that Sam will maybe be able to appeal to his intellectual side, butĀ ā€œwe donā€™t know a lot about the Nephilim yetā€ but he thinks thatĀ ā€œJack will have a connection with Sam.ā€Ā 
Fan tells a story about how she had said before that she loves Jaredā€™s beanies but the fanā€™s friend misheard her and thought she saidĀ ā€œpenisā€ and was scandalized. Results in a lot of joking and laughter from Jared and the audience.Ā ā€œThis is a first.ā€Ā 
Fan asks how Jared would feel about doing a science fiction episode re: aliens or something more broad scale. He says they would love to do that type of science fiction episode.Ā 
Jared is loopy from being so tired and says if anyoneā€™s ever wondered what itā€™s like to hang out with him at 2 a.m. at work itā€™s this lol.Ā 
Jared grew up up a fan of Star Trek with his dad. Watched all the original episodes, saysĀ ā€œwe beat their assā€ episode number wise haha.Ā 
Fan calls out ā€œ500 episodes!ā€ and Jared drops mic lol. Jared: 500?!
Jared broke the mic and someone brought him another one. Messing around on stage and losing his shoe.Ā 
Fan says that people who are close over a long period of time develop particular habits that only really come out when they are with that person. Wants to know if heā€™s noticed that with any of the cast that heā€™s worked with a long time? Jared laughs: Short answer is yes. He wonā€™t say who or what, though lol.Ā 
Jared talks about idols. Says there a lot of people he idolizes.Ā ā€œOne of them lost his life to suicideā€ a couple days ago - mentions Chris Cornell (RIP). He says that he has met some idols and sometimes they are disappointing or not nice. He had a fellow actress tell him a story about how her dad came to work with her and her dad went up to Anthony Hopkins and was chatting with him. Hopkins was amazing but the daughter was mortified: Dad, you canā€™t just walk up to Anthony Hopkins..and her dad was like, why? Weā€™re all breathing oxygen. Jared loves that. Weā€™re all human, including everyone in the green room (the rest of the cast).Ā ā€œWe love yā€™all as much as you love us.ā€Ā 
Is there a characteristic of Sam that Jared has and one that Jared has that Sam doesnā€™t? Jared says a good writer will look at your strengths and who you are as a person and start writing that better to your character. Talks about how Lauren Graham from Gilmore Girls is very much like her character; she is super smart and funny and quick. Jared feels like he booked the role because he was similar to Sam and Sam became kind of like Jared. Not questioning himself so much (either Sam or Jared). Sam still deals with a lot of issues that Jared has had the love and support to not deal with though itā€™s in his nature to deal with those things. Whatā€™s different is Jared feels more comfortable with himself than Sam does. For the first time in a long time. As far as similarities, they both have really luscious hair. ā€œJust kidding.ā€ He liked Samā€™s intellect from the start. Jared likes to learn about something and read about it, do the research like Sam, and feels that type of connection with him.Ā 
Fan asks what Sam admires the most about Dean. Jared says that Sam loves that Dean has the will to keep going, to always keeps fighting. Jared himself also loves when people keep fighting through their trials.Ā 
A fan runs up to the mic apologizing and tells Jared that she ran up because they were told to sit down because he was almost finished. Jared:Ā ā€œFuck yeah!ā€
She wants to know if Jared misses Sam during hiatus or on break? Jared says he does miss Sam, itā€™s one of the reasons why he agrees to keep continuing.Ā 
ā€œI love Sam. Heā€™s not Jared but I know him.ā€ He feels maybe the audience knows Sam better in terms of his actions (because they rewatch the show more) but Jared knows his heart and motivations.Ā 
When the show ends Jared says itā€™s gonna be really tough. When it does end they have talked about movies or shortened seasons.Ā 
Jared says that he will never keep SamĀ ā€œaliveā€ just to keep him alive. He only wants Sam to exist as long as thereā€™s commitment to the character from the writers. If one day they are no longer committed to Sam then he would rather have him in our memories.Ā 
ā€œBut, yeah, I miss that fucker.ā€Ā 
Info via: Periscope, Silā€™s livetweet list
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