#castile supernatural
wolfnight360 · 2 months
think I got all the possible options
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archergramlin · 3 months
I feel like Cas is the only one who doesn’t forget that Jack is a toddler. Sam and Dean know that Jack is only a few years old but they treat him like he’s has all the emotional and moral maturity of an adult. Yes he acts like an adult and has a mostly developed brain, but it take time and experience to really learn things like good and bad and how to handle our emotions. What Jack did to marry if terrible and 100% his fault. But Jack was clearly overwhelmed and to not in full in control of their actions. I’m not saying I blame Mary she was only trying to help. Cas was the only one who didn’t completely blame Jack leading me to believe Cas knew Jack didn’t mean to kill Mary. Cas is the only one who saw Jack as a kid and tried to help him.
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musicalislife · 4 months
2014 or 2024?
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ghostlyfanparadise · 1 year
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aloneatpeace · 1 year
In Another Universe
Chapter 18
Plan B : kamar Taj Falls
“The scarlet witch” Wong breathed out in whisper disbelief echoes around the myth isn’t a myth anymore.
Dean had told everyone what happened back there. Bonnie and Sam are the only one who refuse to believe that it’s you that after America Chavez but a small part of them understand know why you’re doing this.
Sensing Sam’s internal battel dean turn to him” Y/n is gone. she got the Darkhold and Darkhold had her”
Sam didn’t reply he look down at the ground with his arms crossed..
Wong the sorcerer supreme who let America in after hearing her about her ability and how her life tied to universes that he swore to protect decided to give shelter to her and her companions even though at first, he refuses to believe her but after she said she comes from the universe where she was apprentice for Stephen strange and lives in her universe Kamar -Taj, he let her in.
“The Scarlet Witch are being of unfathomable magic” he said in loud voice to announce sorcerers that stand there “she can rewrite reality as she chooses, and it’s prophesized to either rule or annihilate the world and cosmos. As some of you may know, the Sorcerer Supreme held the greatest responsibility in making sure she didn’t lose control” 
“The Scarlet Witch took over a whole town using her mind “dean cut in. “if she gets the kid’s power. We’re all doomed” Sam cast dean at dean already down with it but dean give him a bitch face before turning to node at Wong.
“So, the person you went to ask for help, and told me exactly where I am, is the one trying to kill me?”
Dean glance around before said yeah.
When Wong leave to tend the students everyone that was present at the room start to talk.
“This is getting so dramatic can’t we just snap her neck and get over with it. It’s not like everyone in this room doesn’t know how to do it.”  Rebekah said
“I don’t always agree with her, but she have point we are all part of supernatural” Caroline adds and Rebekah give her mocking smile.
“Bonnie can defeat her, right?” Elena adds looking at her witch friend.
Bonnie raises an eyebrow at her if anything that’s getting on her nerve it’s them that only using her for her power. “We don’t have to kill her that if we can, maybe we can talk her out of it . I don’t think she have any intension to harm us”
Sam let out a humorless laugh shaking his head at them Damon cast a annoyed look at Sam while dean looked at him in confused” you don’t get it do you?” he ask them
“We don’t get what?” Stefan asks him
 He looks at his brother and said in serious voice “we can’t stop her dean; I don’t think neither can them. She already lost control”
 “Please enlighten us” Klaus said with his arms crossed over his chest and dean node at him.
“There is pattern dean every time she loses someone, she lost control and nothing good come out of it. When her parents were murdered while trying to save, she lost control destroying her own house and surrounding in one huge blast, I saw it on files. From there her brother was the only reason she was alive on the run, and then when they killed him, she didn’t have other reason to live you all saw after she killed hunters, she was ready to die. The world was cruel to her she is just like us that’s why I want to help her “Sam takes a breath” she resent the world but Alex saved her, he showed that things could change better for them. Alex brought the humanity in her. Why do you think when they attacked them again, she was only focusing on saving him than her. And his death is worse thing that happened to her. From that regret, anger and loneliness Westview happened, there she lost control. She was in control when she’s with Alex and her kids until we entered without permission and if I remember correctly Alex blamed us for it”
“that’s thousands of people trapped in there Sam” dean remained him
 “Yeah, what if I tell you, it’s not because of us she let them leave” Sam question them
“What?” bonnie ask out loud 
“Alex, its Alex who asked her to let them go. she didn’t do it for the people she did out of love for Alex.  Before leaving he said he will make things right in return he asked me to look after her because he knew how much she love them and the kids only intensify it, he knew she would look for them and there will be a coast he said that he wouldn’t blame her what might happen”
Dean look at him in sadness “why didn’t you tell me sooner “
“Would you let me go if I did?” dean’s silence was the answer. Sam looks at America “I’m sorry all we do is try our best and keep you safe” he looks at bonnie “she would hurt everyone but him and her boys”
“Sam is right dean” the unexpected voice of startled everyone in the room electing a scream from America, Caroline and making Sam and dean put hands oh chest at the same time.  Bonnie and Elena gasp as well as Salvatore’s brother to move a bit, Making Klaus curse under his breath
 “You have perfect timing mate” Kol grin at them
The drum start to beats and the sound of the bell echoes around the Kamar-Taj to get in position for the battle against The Scarlet Witch. Masters from various sanctums comes to aid in the battle as the news of the rise of The Scarlet Witch was spread around quickly.
The team free will and Mickelson’s brothers stand with Wong outside waiting for you to come. During that time Sam was given a sling ring as well as the clock lavation
The sun starts to set and the sky start to get darker gigantic clouds of dark grey color appear the sky the wind rushing sounds fade away as the ominous atmosphere settle in, the apprentice, masters on ground shuffle in place the eerie sensation making everyone unsure of what about happen. The whole sanctum falls under the shade of the clouds and mists. The sun light was hidden the cold air hits everyone making them look at cloud in terror
Red hue slowly come in vision as you hover over the Kamar -Taj sanctum as decided Sam glance at dean and node at him as last attempt they had planned to let Sam first talk to you, a one last chance before everything go south     
“Choose your word wisely, the fate of multiverse may depend on it” Wong advice
“Got it “Sam node “no pressure then” carefully he feels himself lifted by the clock and move towards you
Sam breath out a sigh when he sees you in clam manner no death glare, but may be this is the clam before the storm. He can see how the Darkhold has its hold on you, your fingers have turned pitch black as well your clothes.
Sam breathes out your name “I know you’re in pain but it didn’t have end like this. We can help you” as if the clock is linked to his mind, he moves a little closer to you but still keep a respectful distance “I want to help”
As if the word triggered you, the whole clam exterior fall apart “all this for a child you meet yesterday”
“y/n your anger is justifiable” Sam tries let you know that he understands it all” you had to make terrible sacrifices”
“I watched everyone I love taken away from me, I was scarified too and for what for nothing” you hissed with a dark squinted eye.” Do not speak to me of sacrifice, Sam Winchester”
You flew towards leaning towards him “if you give me what I want, I’ll send you to a world where you can be with Jessica, I can give you a life you carve with your family”
Sam shakily back away “the full might of Kamar-Taj stands against you” with a firm voice he adds “do not dare to enter these sacred ground”
“I have nothing to lose after everything was taken from me so what’s stopping me from taking control of everything. you have no idea just how reasonable I’ve been” you said slowly
Sam scoff” yeah, the book of the Dammed, conjuring creatures to abduct a kid, I don’t exactly call that being reasonable”
“Sending those creatures after her instead of myself was mercy” you as the venom in your voice thickness” and in spite of your hypocrisy and insult I begged you to simply Get... Out... Of ...My way” you hiss emphasizing each syllabus of the sentence.
“You have exhausted my patience now, but I do hope ...you understand …  this is me being… reasonable “you whisper in snarl.
  You raise a hand and blasted the red psionic blast at Sam to throw him off balance when from ground Wong command to raise protective force of magic in yellow color cover around him. Sam sigh in relief and slowly descending to where his brother stands  
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“HOLD ...HOLD” Wong command to the warrior.
Sam reaches his brother letting out a breath. “Nailed it”
“You alright” dean ask his brother and Sam node as response
“That didn’t go well” Kol comment
Enraged you blast several blasts going around the sides of the sanctum but all blocked by the shield. Wong command them to reinforce the shield.
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You stop for second to think a way to get inside looking down the warriors. Sure, enough you find a way a chilling smile appears on your face looking down at the young warrior
“She is trying to get in their head” Cas inform them
Wong hearing them shout at the warriors” sorcerers focus your mind”
The younger sorcerer didn’t move away his from the witch as he look up to you, he breath out slowly. Suddenly he feels a presence of the witch just behind him, feeling your breath in his ear his inside shiver a low whisper reaches his ear “Run”. With that illusion gone and fear consume him and run away knocking the other warriors that standing creating open space for the attack.
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Wong face filled with horror and terror as you send large blast through the open space, hitting the ground and throwing away the warriors that stand in there. Once the shield was gone you fly towards them with glowing red hue in your hands ready hit them again when catapults that was hidden by magic appear.
He conjures a protection shield when stones and protect them hitting them.
The catapult hit you send you stagger a bit. Wong cheer the warrior that hit you but it didn’t last long as you see another catapult trying to hit you again but before they can you lift them and the people scream as the power crush them and destroying the side of the temple.
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You send that catapult to where the first one that hit you. The sorcerers that were in charge of that group to take cover but it you hastily drop the it destroying the ground and knocking them down.
Wong command for the arrows to release, you send them right back at them as the red blast hit the ground of the temple damaging the grounds. As set of warriors send arrows at you, you target them with it letting the arrows pierces right through them.
Wong watch in terror as you destroy Kamar -Taj. Dean who sees him standing there pull him to safety.
“GET INSIDE” Sam yell as he and the others help them to get safety 
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You blast numbers of blast hitting the ground as it rumbles through the ground making the sorcerers to falter on their steps. Demolishing the temple outside by crushing the roofs.
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You destroy the pillars making them crash on the ground inside America flitch when the room that she was in trembles making everyone share anxious look.
“We should help them” Caroline said
“Yeah, we are vampires’ fasters than her stronger. We can help them” Elena adds looking at Damon and Stefan.
You land with a force dusts and stones blown away, on the side an injured man desperately try to c crawl away, you send a red mist his way sending him dusting away.
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Series masterlist
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ijustwannabehonest · 1 year
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Love how supernatural tends because ao3 is down.
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runwhileyoucan · 11 months
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I’m totally normal about them
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fashioninpaper · 1 year
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By Caycowa at deviantART.
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colettetatouss · 11 months
i need a bait queerbait, like queerbait but at the end it’s not queerbait but everyone thinks it’s queerbait. slow burn basically but it feels homophobic until it’s not
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wolfnight360 · 16 days
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postingjustwhatever · 2 years
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musicalislife · 1 year
I know that Supernatural is over but they sould do a crossover episode with Good Omens. I mean two gay angel and two guy who loves their car (and also their angel).
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Just saw a Chevy Impala drive down my street. Should I move? 😳
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ghostlyfanparadise · 1 year
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bbirdy · 1 year
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dean watching cas go to mega hell in the spanish dub right after he reciprocated his feelings
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fireball734 · 1 year
Welp, Pride Month is ending, I'm sure we won't get any bombshell news last sec-
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.....oh my god
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