Always post the rules.
Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones.
Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Let them know you tagged them.
   I was tagged by angels-they-re-falling
                             My questions: 
Do you usually conform your opinions to match others’?
no, I really try no to do that actually haha though I suppose sometimes it is inevitable 
 What’s your advice to someone who wants to follow their dreams?
Just fucking go for it. Write your book, buy a van, marry that millionare, just know that to get better you have to be bad 
You can be anyone you want for a day. Who would it be?
Emma stone
 Do you ever want to get married? 
it's not on my to-do list, no but I'm open to the idea
Best fanfiction ever ?
I love a lot, but I really really love 
What did you do for your last birthday?
went to an open air cinema with my mates
Favorite book ? (or your top 5 if you can’t choose)
Paper towns
Harry potter and the order of the pheonix
The great gatsby
The fault in our stars
A fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr?
Favorite Disney princess?
What is the craziest dream you ever had?
Dreamt that I was captured by giant green ants and put into a green prison but no one could hear me scraming for help because they all spoke ant language 
A random thing about yourself?
I am the first generation in the family to be Australian 
1. who is your idol?
2. what makes you get up in the morning?
3. What song do you listen to on the way to school/work?
4. What movie made you cry?
5. How dod you find tumblr?
6. OTP?
7. What kind of blog would you say you have?
8. what would be your dream job?
9. Favourite flavour of ice cream?
10. What was the last thing that made you really laugh?
11. Why did you decide to answer these questions?
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pennydeadass · 12 years
My First Tag Thingamajig
Tagged by: whenfandomscollide
Rule 1: Post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, then make 10 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 10 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
1.) Who’s your favorite companion and Doctor?
Well so far I have only seen the Ninth Doctor and the Eleventh Doctor, so out of the two I would have to say my favorite is the Eleventh, and Amy Pond is my favorite companion.
2.) What’s your fave movie genre and your top movie from that genre?
My favorite genre would have to be drama/thriller, and my recent favorite would be Lawless. (It's great, you should see it.)
3.) What should you be doing right now instead of being on tumblr?
I should be studying UIL and doing an English project over "By the Waters of Babylon".
4.) Are you going to do that thing after you finish this post?
Maybe....probably not right away... or at all...
5.) What’s your favorite show, of all time? The one that you can really recite every episode word for word?
Supernatural; I have seen every single episode and they are all amazing.
6.) When was the last time you cried and why? Were they happy or sad tears?
Uh, the last time I cried was probably a month ago. There was a lot of crap going on...so yeah, they were sad tears.
7.) What’s your favorite season and why?
Spring, because winter is too damn cold, and where I live (Texas) summer is too damn hot, and fall is depressing. Plus I like seeing all the trees in bloom, especially the peach trees outside of my house.
8.) What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
That would be The Host, and only because I was curious (I haven't read the book) and because Jake Abel was in it.
9.) How old are you?
I turn sixteen next month.
10.) Where would you be living right now if you could and money wouldn’t be an issue?
London, definitely London.
My Questions
Who is your favorite Supernatural character and why? If you don't watch Supernatural, 1. you should, and 2. who is your favorite character on television?
What is your favorite book?
What is your favorite food?
Dogs or cats?
Do you have any phobias or unreasonable fears and what are they?
What would your spirit animal be?
How tall are you?
Are you afraid of public speaking or do you get stage fright?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
How do you feel about people with extremely white teeth?
People I tagged:
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viogirl · 12 years
The Rules:
  Rule 1: Always post the rules
  Rule 2: Answer the questions the person that tagged you asked and write 11 new ones
  Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to the post
  Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
  Questions I answered:
1: What’s on your mind?
Um…the person I like I guess…?
2: Are you proud of yourself?
 Not at most things.
3: Your favorite color?
4: Best friend?
 Do you want their name or tumblr? Emily (negative-creeepp.tumblr.com) Emma, Aislynn, Aubrey (aubreygrace98.tumblr.com), Sabian? (tomlinom.tumblr.com), Darian, Molly, Osiris (lordofthedeceased.tumblr.com)
5: Your favorite cartoon/tv show?
6: What do you do in your free time?
 Sit on tumblr wishing I was would hang out with friends. Or singing/playing guitar/writing
7: Do you get mad easily?
 Erm I like to think I can keep my cool, but I’m VERY dramatic so I tend to just go off.
8: favorite song?
 Heroes by All Time Low (but that changes every like five seconds)
9: Who’s your idol?
 Alex Gaskarth
10: Is jesus your saviour?
 No…? I’m agnostic so yeah.
11: Do you like the light on or off?
During what? If light is going through the windows, off but if its pitch black I generally like to be able to see.
Questions (I’m sorry their weird and stupid…I had no idea what was good/appropriate to ask)
1.       Whats your favorite name?
2.       How old were you and your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
3.       Favorite type of cat?
4.       Moose or Cow?
5.       Do you like the song Rebel Girl by Bikini Kill?
6.       Do you like wearing hats?
7.       What’s your favorite band?
8.       What’s your favorite TV show?
9.       Are you a grammar freak?
10.   What’s the weirdest thing you’ve licked?
11.   Do you pee in the shower?
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solterrano-archive · 12 years
notsolittlemissjulia tagged moi
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written you and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
1. If you were God for a day, what would your first commandment you be?
The universe would explode if I were God; I wouldn't be able to do anything.
2. What’s your favorite song and why? (You should link it so I can hear!)
Favorite song?  Hmmmmmm.....  I'd have to say, right now, probably....Midna's Lament, which is from the video game known as Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.  It's just so pretty!  And beautiful!  But sad too......  (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Nq-gEG-E04)
3. You’re walking down the street one day and all of the sudden you are transported anywhere in time and space. Where do you go?
I would go to.... Hmm.  I really dunno.  Ancient Greece or Ancient Egypt probably.  Love me some ancient civilizations.
4. Favorite TV show character?
Just one?  God.  I dunno.  If I had to choose only one, probably Lassie from Psych (YAY FOR THE NEW EPISODE TONIGHT!!!).  Only right now, though.  Tomorrow it could be Cas from Supernatural.  CUZ THAT'S JUST HOW MY BRAIN WORKS.
5. If you could have a superpower (only one) what would it be?
*shrugs*  I dunno.  I really don't know.
6. If you could be transported into one fictional land (i.e. a book world, TV show, etc.) where would you want to go?
Warehouse 13.  I think being an agent would be the coolest job ever.  Even if about half your time is spent almost dying.
7. Dream job?
Veterinarian and/or zoologist.  I LOVE animals.
8. You are strolling along one day and then suddenly a man appears on a magic carpet asking to show you the world. What do you do?!
I'd.... hop on the magic carpet, have the man teach me how to steer the carpet, shove the man off, get all of my friends, and go exploring the world with them.  Cuz exploring the world with a strange man I don't know would just be awkward.  Y'know?
9. Have you ever been in love?
10. What kind of mythological creature would you like to be if you could be any?
A hippogriff, because man.  Just think about it.  A FREAKING HIPPOGRIFF.
11. Here’s the big one… Coke or Pepsi?
None of the above.  I hate soda; water.
1.  Favorite animal, and why?
2.  Would you classify yourself as 'normal', or 'not-so-normal'?
3.  Most random piece of trivia/information about anything that you can think of off the top of your head?
4.  The world wants to know: what's your favorite type of candy?
5.  Cake or pie?
6.  What is your quest?
7.  Thoughts and/or opinions on: Les Miserables
8.  Favorite book series, and how many times you've read it?
9.  Favorite character from a TV show, movie, book, etc.?
10.  Favorite food or drink?
11.  If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
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mynameischynna · 12 years
Welcome Wagon time!!
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umexcuse-you · 12 years
Rule 1: always post the rules.
Rule 2: answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: tag 11 new people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: let them know you’ve tagged them
1. To you, what is the meaning of life?
happiness is the ultimate goal, so whatever happiness means to you.
2. How do you cheer yourself up when you’re sad?
I look at pictures of kittens. it works really well.
3. If you could marry any fictional character, who would it be and why?
probably clara oswald just because she's intelligent and gorgeous.
4. Do you believe in second chances?
depends. if someone raped and killed 20 children, then no second chances. if they only played a prank on you that went a bit too far, I'd say second chances are okay.
5. Who is your favorite author?
probably JKR because she's an amazing person and a great world-maker.
6. Favorite animal?
red pandas.
7. If you could go back in time and change anything, whether it be an experience, or like WWII, would you?
well I was kind of a dick last year so I'd try to make myself act differently.
8. What do you see yourself doing in the future?
working at a university as a scientist maybe? to be honest, I don't really know yet.
9. What is your New Year Resolution?
to NOT be a dick
10. If there was a Zombie Apocalypse right now, do you think you would survive?
11. How important are friends to you?
pretty damn important because it's the thing holding you down. if everything were to go up in flames, you'd still have your friends (unless they all died or something) to talk to and go through stuff with, and that's really important in my opinion.
What are your fandoms?
What are your ships?
What's your weirdest ship?
How many (tooth) cavities have you had?
Which Harry Potter book is your favorite?
Have you ever watched Classic Doctor Who?
What are some weird talents of yours?
What sexuality are you?
Celebrity crushes?
Which is your favorite Doctor? if you don't watch Doctor Who, put a weird fact about yourself here.
Weird fact about yourself?
  tagged people: doctordetectiveavenger, thinkitscalledmydestiny, liquid-pickle, castielsfreckledhunter, billy-mermays, obamfma, riversthong, wasarussian, nataliarahil, strucktheearthlikelightning, dreamsofstories
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fancy--pancakes · 12 years
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holy smokes ??? thank you ???
you are too super sweet and I just wanna give you a high five or something, im really glad you like my bloge 8)
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nickienikita · 12 years
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So I'm doing this again. Say hello to my Tumblr-crushes! 
1. Fallenangelsinthetardis
2. Cloakedtrickster
3. Castielsfreckledhunter
4. Iwillbebackintenyears (wifey, get your shit together)
5. Gaateleik 
6. Gallifreyansquid
7. Nevertrustlife
8. Neo-trickster
9. Sizzlebutt
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hifry · 12 years
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Hi new followers I'm Heidi nice to meet you
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destielhayes-blog · 12 years
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So it was requested that I post the pictures I draw during civics class when I'm bored... 4/5 Azaziel's eyes (I'm terrible at spelling I apologize if I spelt his name wrong)
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umexcuse-you · 12 years
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Tumblr Crushes
just because you aren't on here doesn't mean I don't love you <3
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Tumblr Crushes:
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wordsarefriends · 12 years
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Hi! I love you! :D
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destielhayes-blog · 12 years
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So it was requested that I post the pictures I draw during civics class when I'm bored... 3/5 The Impala <3
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