phoenixwrongs · 11 years
hey i see you always reblogging my stuff and we haven't talked in a while so how's it going? (it's like almost 3 am over here and i'm so hungry but i'm so relaxed by listening to instrumental music anD AH THE CHOICES)
I'm doing well and yeah we haven't talked lately! its midnight here where i am! :)
im getting ready for a camp I'm going to starting sunday... I'm really nervous bc i know no one and i hate the heat so yeah....
oh btw if you're looking for a really relaxing thing there's a site called calm.com and it has really nice meditation things
How are you doing? ;D
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arcticbonobos · 11 years
yo ✎
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holy crap you're like super pretty and you are the coolest 18 year old i have ever seen and i'm kind of scared because i'm almost 14 and you're 18 and yeaaah so umm like you're cool and i want to be friends with you okay *runs away*
oh my gosh the fact that you think i’m cool is the biggest joke, i literally just bought starfleet command and iron man mask earrings.
but actually this is the sweetest and most flattering thing ever AND YOU THINK IM PRETTY afjkads you’re perfect. Like actually though you’ve been one of my favourite blogs forever and I’m so so so so honored that you’re even talking to me ugh and I would have never guessed you’re only 13 like holy crap you’re so mature and brilliant 
if you want to be my friend i would be honorrreeeeeed 
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cloudc0la · 11 years
i was tagged by pewdsdiepie
rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger set for you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to your post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
1) who was your first celebrity crush? 
nick jonas
2)showers or baths?
showers i suppose
3) reading or television?
4) is there anything you're looking forward to, what?
5) do yuo play an instrument
yes I play flute
6) are you an early bird or a night owl?
night owl
7) do you enjoy video games?
a bit too much i suppose
8) tea or coffee?
i hate coffee so tea
9) what's your biggest fear?
i guess everyone hating me and ignoring me and also small spaces
10) have you ever been drunk?
oh u know it yasmin
no i have not
11) what's your best cure for sadness?
tumblr, tv, drawing, writing, youtube, foodi guess
my questions
1) how do you think of yourself?
2) why do you think that way?
3) favourite book(s)?
4) describe the person you like
5) how many apps are on your phone?
6) are you bored with this because i am these are dumb questions
7) do you have any tumblr friends?
8) who is your celebrity idol?
9) who is your everyday idol?
10) aren't you glad i tagged you in this?
11) describe yourself in one sentence
im tagging castiel-kingofsass, ameliapondered, thosehurricanestreets, danistheflameprince, prussianempire, drandmrsjohnwatson, avancer, doc-emmet-brown, our-faulty-stars, designedintheheart, and butterfliesandsuicides
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super-wolves-blog · 12 years
oh my gosh i saw your video about kill harry styles and jESUS OMFG YOU ARE TOO FUNNY I CAN'T i just had to find your real/personal blog because you are too perfect. you are awesome, never forget that.
omfg thank you :))
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hunterswinchesters · 12 years
castiel-kingofsass replied to your photo: My phones wallpaper. What do you think?
fucking perfect
  cas-ass replied to your photo: My phones wallpaper. What do you think?
beautiful :)
Hehe, it makes my day every time I look Jensen being so happy! :D
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hey where did you see that the writer said that dean is bi? i am thinking twitter but i can't find his twitter.
oh, no. I just meant that in the episode with the whole being hit on and the way he reacted it just seemed pretty much a confirmation
But if you look on Wiki there is actually an article that specifically lists Dean on an LGBT list as bisexual (someone else showed this to me)
I can try and find it if you want.
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shmegel · 12 years
happy birthday sweetie :)
Thanks, dearest! :D
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kneelmortals-blog · 12 years
happy birthday love ^.^
Thank yoooooou! ♥
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housebenn · 12 years
why would people unfollow you for porn? I mean they are on tumblr. tumblr is filled with porn you are going to see in your life. the people that unfollowed you because of that is just stupid. I see porn on my dash and I just have a straight face and keep on with my business, it's nothing special.
i know i know and it's people that reblog fanart porn too so it's just like... you will look at drawn penises but not real ones? hmm.. and i did make an effort to tell them what to tumblr savior so they wouldn't have to see it, but alas, they thought it better to flee. but it's their decision and who am i to tell them they can't do something?
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