#cast of monte carlo
enumchase · 1 year
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3 pretty best friends <333
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pendragaryen · 1 year
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nayziiz · 2 months
Come Home | LN4
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader (she/her)
Author's note: I'm trying something a little bit different with shorter form fics, so please send through any requests or feedback. These one shots will likely not have a second part unless it really speaks to me to continue with it. Thank you!
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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky of Monte Carlo, she sat alone in the cosy living room of their apartment, her fingers anxiously tapping on her phone screen. It had been several weeks since she last felt the comforting warmth of his embrace, his familiar scent wrapping around her like a protective shield against the world's chaos. Work commitments and race weekends had kept them apart for longer than either of them had anticipated, and with each passing day, the ache of his absence grew more pronounced.
The apartment felt emptier without him, his laughter no longer echoing through the halls, his belongings neatly tucked away in drawers and closets, waiting for his return. She longed for the simple pleasure of having him home, to share mundane moments that held a special magic when they were together.
After a particularly exhausting day at work, all she craved was the solace of his arms, the reassurance of his presence. She had tried calling him several times throughout the day, but each attempt went unanswered, his phone seemingly out of reach. Anxiety gnawed at her insides as she imagined all sorts of scenarios, her mind spiralling with worry.
Perhaps he had gotten caught up in meetings or encountered unexpected delays on his journey home. Or maybe his phone had died, and he was currently en route, completely unaware of her attempts to reach him. But as the minutes stretched into hours, her concern morphed into a deep-seated fear, a nagging voice whispering worst-case scenarios in her ear.
Unable to sit still any longer, she rose from the couch and began pacing the length of the living room, her heart pounding against her chest like a caged bird desperate for freedom. Every passing second felt like an eternity, each unanswered call a sharp stab of disappointment.
But just as despair threatened to consume her entirely, the familiar sound of keys jingling in the lock filled the air, and her breath caught in her throat. With trembling hands, she rushed to the door, flinging it open to reveal the silhouette of the man she loved, his tired eyes lighting up at the sight of her.
Before she could utter a word, Lando enveloped her in a tight embrace, his arms providing the sanctuary she had been yearning for. In that moment, everything else faded into the background, leaving only the two of them, tangled together in a silent embrace.
“I'm so sorry I couldn't get back to you earlier,” he murmured against her hair, his voice thick with emotion.
“You’re home, that’s all that matters,” she assured him.
“I’ll always come home to you, baby,” he told her before pressing a kiss on her forehead.
And as she melted into his embrace, she knew that no matter how far apart they may be, they would always find their way back to each other, their love serving as a guiding light through even the darkest of nights.
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hookhausenschips · 1 month
Break The Curse {CL16}
500 Follower Special!!!
Summary: Charles finally broke the Monaco Curse.
A/N: we won't talk about the accident with HAAS and Red Bull
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The Monaco Grand Prix is not just a race; it's a spectacle, a testament to the daring and skill of the drivers who navigate its treacherous turns. To win here is to etch one's name into the very fabric of Formula 1 history. For Charles Leclerc, it was more than that—it was a homecoming, a chance to claim victory on the streets where he'd grown up.
As Y/N, I stood by his side, not just as a partner but as his anchor, the one who knew the boy behind the racer's mask. Charles and I met years ago, long before his ascent to Formula 1 glory. Our relationship has always been built on mutual respect and a deep understanding of the sacrifices required by his career. The journey we've taken together, from the karting circuits of Europe to the grand stages of Formula 1, has been one of unwavering support and shared dreams.
The significance of the Monaco Grand Prix to Charles is immense. Born and raised in the heart of Monaco, Charles grew up with the roar of engines echoing through the narrow streets of Monte Carlo. As a child, he watched the likes of Ayrton Senna and Michael Schumacher conquer the same circuit, dreaming that one day he would join their ranks. The Principality's streets are more than just a track to him; they're a canvas of childhood memories, a symbol of his aspirations, and a testament to his journey from a young boy with a dream to a man on the brink of making history.
For me, standing by his side through the highs and lows of his career, the Monaco Grand Prix represents the culmination of years of hard work, sacrifice, and relentless determination. Every practice session, every race, every moment of doubt and triumph has led to this point. The atmosphere in Monaco during the Grand Prix is unlike anything else—a blend of glamour, history, and raw racing spirit. The city transforms into a vibrant celebration of speed, with fans from around the world converging to witness the spectacle.
Race day in Monaco is unlike any other. The city transforms into a buzzing hive of activity, with fans, celebrities, and teams all converging on the iconic circuit. The sun rose over the Mediterranean, casting a golden glow on the historic streets that would soon echo with the roar of engines. The atmosphere was electric, a blend of anticipation, excitement, and a touch of glamour that only Monaco could provide.
As Charles and I prepared for the day, there was a shared sense of nervous excitement. We had our breakfast in the calm of our apartment, overlooking the serene waters of the harbor. Charles was unusually quiet, his focus already on the race ahead. I could see the determination in his eyes, a steely resolve that belied the nerves I knew he must be feeling.
We walked through the paddock hand-in-hand, the familiar sights and sounds providing a sense of comfort amidst the chaos. The smell of burning rubber and fuel, the hum of the generators, and the sight of the vibrant team colors against the backdrop of Monaco’s elegance—all of it was a reminder of the world we lived in, one that we both loved and respected.
The team’s hospitality suite was a hive of activity, with engineers and mechanics making final preparations. The air was thick with the scent of coffee and the murmur of last-minute strategy discussions. Charles’ race engineer approached, a clipboard in hand, ready to go over the race plan one last time. I gave Charles a reassuring squeeze before he was whisked away into a briefing.
While Charles was busy with the team, I found solace in small routines. I checked my phone for messages from family and friends, all wishing Charles the best of luck. Their support meant the world to us, and knowing they were watching gave me strength. I took a moment to breathe, steadying my nerves, reminding myself that we had prepared for this day meticulously.
The grid walk was next, and it felt like stepping into a different world. The grandstands were already filling up, fans waving flags and holding banners with Charles’ name. The celebrities mingled with team members, photographers capturing every moment. As Charles and I made our way to the grid, we were stopped by well-wishers, each adding to the growing sense of anticipation.
In the final moments before the race, Charles and I shared a private moment. We stood by the car, the Ferrari glistening in the sunlight, a powerful machine ready to conquer the streets. I looked into his eyes, seeing a mixture of focus and emotion. “You’ve got this,” I whispered, my voice steady despite the butterflies in my stomach. He nodded, a small, determined smile playing on his lips.
We shared a tender embrace, drawing strength from each other. It was a ritual we had developed over the years—a moment of connection that grounded us amidst the chaos. “For us,” he murmured, his voice filled with resolve. I nodded, unable to find the words to express the depth of my feelings.
As Charles donned his helmet and prepared to get into the car, I took my place in the garage, surrounded by the team. The energy was palpable, a current that ran through the crowd, the teams, and the drivers. The team’s radios crackled with final instructions, and the engines roared to life, a sound that sent a thrill through my veins.
The cars were lined up on the grid, the lights above them a countdown to the start of the race. I held my breath, my heart pounding in my chest. The world seemed to hold its breath with me, the seconds stretching into eternity. Then, in a burst of speed and sound, the race was on, and my role was to watch, to hope, and to hold my breath with every lap.
The energy of Monaco was unlike anything else, a blend of history, glamour, and pure racing spirit. The fans, the yachts in the harbor, the iconic streets—all of it came together to create an atmosphere that was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. As the cars surged forward, I could feel the weight of every moment, the tension a living thing that gripped the pit lane, the garage, and the city itself.
From my vantage point in the garage, I could see the focus in every move Charles made, the determination that set his jaw and the slight furrow of concentration between his brows. The laps ticked by, a countdown to a dream that hung in the balance. Through every twist and turn of the Circuit de Monaco, Charles held the lead, his red Ferrari a streak of defiance against the asphalt. The tension was a living thing, gripping the pit lane, the garage where I stood, and the city that held its breath.
As the five red lights illuminated and then extinguished, the roar of the engines was almost drowned out by the collective gasp of the crowd. Charles had a strong start, maintaining his lead into the first corner at Sainte Devote. His Ferrari darted forward, sleek and powerful, threading the needle through the tight streets of Monte Carlo.
The first few laps were crucial. Charles settled into a rhythm, his driving smooth yet aggressive, a perfect blend of precision and daring. The narrow streets of Monaco left no room for error, and I watched every lap with my heart in my throat, each twist and turn a testament to his skill.
By lap 10, the field began to spread out, with Charles extending his lead over the chasing pack. Behind him, a battle was brewing for the second position, the Red Bull and Mercedes cars jostling for supremacy. Charles’ race engineer, through the team radio, provided constant updates, his voice a steady anchor amidst the high-octane drama.
Pit stops in Monaco are critical. On lap 28, the team called Charles in for his first and only scheduled pit stop. The crew had practiced this maneuver countless times, but the pressure of the moment was palpable. Charles darted into the pit lane, the car lifted, tires changed, and in what seemed like an eternity but was merely 2.5 seconds, he was back on track. The pit stop was flawless, and Charles rejoined the race still in the lead, but now with fresher tires and a renewed determination.
By lap 40, tire management became a focal point. The asphalt of Monaco is unforgiving, and maintaining the delicate balance between speed and tire preservation was crucial. Charles communicated seamlessly with his race engineer, adjusting his driving style to conserve the tires while keeping a vigilant eye on his pursuers.
A pivotal moment came on lap 51. A crash further down the grid brought out the Safety Car, bunching up the field and erasing Charles’ hard-earned lead. The tension in the garage was palpable, a silent prayer that everything would hold together during the restart. As the Safety Car peeled off, Charles executed the perfect getaway, his reflexes sharp and his resolve unwavering.
The final laps were a masterclass in defensive driving. The pressure from behind intensified, the Red Bull car of his closest rival looming large in his mirrors. Each sector was a battle, every corner a test of nerve. Charles’ concentration was absolute, his lines perfect, his speed controlled.
Lap 70, the final lap. The crowd was on their feet, the tension reaching a fever pitch. Charles navigated the twists and turns with the precision of a surgeon, his focus unbreakable. The familiar sights of the Principality blurred past, the car a red streak against the backdrop of cheering fans and historic buildings.
As Charles approached the final corner, the realization began to dawn. The chequered flag waved, a symbol of triumph and validation. Charles crossed the finish line, his car the first to breach the line, the crowd’s roar a physical wave of sound and emotion.
The pit lane erupted in celebration. Engineers, mechanics, and team members cheered, their faces lit with joy and relief. I watched as Charles brought the car to a stop, his hands shaking with the adrenaline of victory. He climbed out, his face breaking into a smile that was pure and unadulterated joy.
The victory was his—the first Monégasque to win in Monaco in decades. As he stood on his car, fists raised in triumph, the enormity of the moment hit me. This was more than a race; it was a dream realized, a testament to years of hard work, sacrifice, and unwavering determination.
Charles made his way back to the team, his eyes searching the crowd until they found mine. The world seemed to slow as we embraced, a moment of pure, shared elation. "We did it," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion.
The victory was not just his, but ours, a culmination of everything we had endured and achieved together. It was a moment that would be etched in our memories forever, a testament to the power of dreams, determination, and the unbreakable bond we shared.
As Charles crossed the finish line, the crowd erupted into a symphony of sound. The cheers, the applause, the deafening roar of the engines—all blended into a cacophony of celebration that echoed through the streets of Monaco. Every spectator, from the die-hard fans to the casual observers, seemed to rise to their feet in unison, their voices uniting in a chorus of triumph.
In the heart of the chaos, I stood rooted to the spot, my eyes fixed on the red Ferrari as it soared past the finish line. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a testament to the tension and anticipation that had gripped me throughout the race. And then, as Charles brought the car to a stop in the victory lane, a wave of relief washed over me, leaving behind an overwhelming sense of pride.
The stadium erupted into a deafening roar as Charles emerged from the cockpit, his helmet held aloft in one hand, his face a mask of exhaustion and exhilaration. I pushed through the crowd, my heart racing with each step, until finally, we stood face to face, our eyes locking in a moment of shared triumph.
We embraced fiercely, the weight of the moment enveloping us in a cocoon of pure, unadulterated happiness. I could feel Charles' heart racing against mine, his breath warm against my skin. "You did it," I whispered against his ear, my voice choked with emotion. Charles held me tightly, his body trembling with the sheer magnitude of what he had accomplished. "We did it," he replied, his voice a mixture of disbelief and pride.
In that moment, amidst the chaos and celebration, time seemed to stand still. We were two souls united by a dream, basking in the glow of a victory that transcended the boundaries of mere sport. The magnitude of Charles' achievement was palpable, a testament to his skill, determination, and unwavering belief in himself.
And then, as if on cue, our lips met in a tender kiss—a silent affirmation of the bond that had carried us through the highs and lows of racing life. It was a fleeting moment, but in that kiss, I felt a lifetime of love, support, and shared dreams. And as we pulled away, our eyes met once again, sparkling with unspoken promises of the future.
As we stood there, lost in each other's embrace, I knew that this was more than just a race victory. It was a triumph of the human spirit, a testament to the power of perseverance, resilience, and the unwavering belief in oneself. And as we looked out at the sea of cheering faces, I knew that this was just the beginning of a journey that would take us to even greater heights.
The podium ceremony was a crescendo of emotions, a culmination of months of preparation, strategy, and raw determination. As Charles ascended the steps to the podium, the crowd's roar intensified, a deafening symphony of cheers that echoed off the walls of Monaco's iconic buildings. Every step he took was imbued with significance, each stride bringing him closer to the pinnacle of success.
As he reached the top, the golden trophy gleaming in the sunlight, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation. The Monégasque flag fluttered proudly in the breeze, a symbol of Charles' heritage and the pride of his nation. The podium itself was a stage set for glory, bathed in the warm glow of the afternoon sun, a backdrop of azure skies and sparkling waters framing the momentous occasion.
The strains of the Monégasque national anthem filled the air, a melody that seemed to reverberate through the very soul of the principality. For Charles, standing atop the podium as the anthem played, it was a moment of profound significance—a validation of years of dedication, sacrifice, and unwavering belief in himself.
As the last notes of the anthem faded into the ether, the champagne bottles were uncorked, their effervescent contents spraying in wild arcs of froth and bubbles. Charles grinned as he joined in the jubilant ritual, the champagne cool against his skin, the taste of victory sweet on his lips.
From my vantage point below, I watched with a heart full of pride. The sight of Charles, standing tall and triumphant, was a testament to his resilience and tenacity. He had faced adversity with unwavering resolve, emerging stronger and more determined than ever before.
Amidst the flashing cameras and jubilant cheers, a single tear escaped my eye, catching the light as it traced a path down my cheek. It was a tear of overwhelming joy, a physical manifestation of the emotions swirling inside me. Despite the elation of the moment, there was a bittersweet quality to it—a recognition of the sacrifices and struggles that had led us to this point.
As Charles made his way down from the podium, the trophy held aloft in triumph, I hurried to meet him at the bottom of the stairs. His eyes sparkled with elation as he enveloped me in a tight embrace, the weight of the trophy a tangible reminder of his achievement.
In that moment, amidst the throng of well-wishers and flashing cameras, time seemed to stand still. We shared a silent exchange of smiles, our hearts overflowing with gratitude and joy. For Charles, this victory was more than just a race win—it was a testament to the power of perseverance, passion, and the unwavering support of those who believed in him. And as we stood together, basking in the glow of his triumph, I knew that this was a moment we would cherish for a lifetime.
The podium celebrations were a whirlwind of excitement and euphoria, but as the cheers began to fade and the adrenaline of victory ebbed away, a sense of calm descended over us. As Charles stepped down from the podium, the golden trophy cradled in his arms, I fell into step beside him, our fingers intertwined in a silent gesture of solidarity.
Away from the glare of the cameras and the cacophony of the crowd, we found a quiet corner of the paddock to steal a moment of respite. The air was filled with the scent of champagne and the hum of distant conversations, but here, in our own little oasis, there was a sense of tranquility—a moment of stillness amidst the chaos.
Charles set the trophy down on a nearby table, its gleaming surface reflecting the fading light of the setting sun. He turned to face me, his eyes alight with an intensity that took my breath away. "We did it," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I couldn't have done it without you."
A tear glistened in the corner of his eye, and before I could stop myself, I reached out to wipe it away. "You did it, Charles," I whispered, my voice catching in my throat. "You made your dream a reality."
He pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly against his chest as he let the weight of his emotions wash over him. Tears streamed down his cheeks, mingling with the remnants of champagne and sweat. "I just wish my father and Jules could see me now," he murmured, his voice thick with sorrow. "I know they're watching from heaven, and I want to make them proud."
I pressed a gentle kiss to his tear-stained cheek, feeling the salt of his tears against my lips. "I'm sure they're looking down on you with so much pride, Charles," I said, my voice filled with conviction. "You've achieved something truly remarkable, and I know they're smiling down on you right now."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the paddock in a soft, golden light, Charles took my hand in his, his touch sending shivers down my spine. "This is just the beginning," he said, his voice tinged with determination. "There are more victories to come, more dreams to chase."
I nodded, feeling my heart swell with love and admiration for the man standing before me. "I'll be with you every step of the way," I promised, my voice filled with unwavering devotion.
And as we stood there, bathed in the glow of our success, I couldn't help but marvel at the depth of our connection. For Charles, this victory was just the start of a journey that would take him to even greater heights. And for me, it was a privilege to be by his side, sharing in his triumphs and supporting him through every challenge. In that moment, surrounded by the soft glow of the twilight and the warmth of Charles' love, I knew that there was nowhere else I'd rather be.
CL16 Taglist: @esserenorris, @tallrock35, @yourbane, @lightdragonrayne, @really-fucking-tired, @evie-119, @asparklysoul, @dhanihamidi
F1 Taglist: @hiireadstuff, @donteventry-itdude, @spookystitchery
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monzamash · 1 year
I just read itch and have been thinking of this. I do not know if your request are open but a blurb of you and Charles after sex in bed and Charles is watching you call every gym related, workout shop in Monaco to find a bench after the one in his gym broke
loved this so much that it inspired a little blurb x
parlez-vous français? (sequel to itch) charles leclerc x you (femreader) | 960 words 18+, minors dni
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The workout afternoon delight that had you and Charles panting and sending echoed moans through an otherwise silent house had required a change in location after one too many “deadlifts”. Maybe the bench press wasn’t up to the challenge but you took the risk, knowing the consequences and it was an accident, of course, one waiting to happen according to the man brushing his warm fingertips down your spine; the unspoken promise you made hanging in the thick air.
“So,” He drawled, smug smile lacing every syllable.
“When will you replace my bench press, huh?”
A grumble fell from your lips at his leading question, head buried in a pillow and still coming down from the high that had sent your mind, body and spirit into orbit. Your tired eyes caught his glimmering with humour, tickled that you were now responsible for buying him a new bench, in Monte Carlo no less.
“But my French is so bad…”
Charles’ soft laugh sifted through your ears, his giggle showing his hand and now you knew that this was his plan all along. He was the reason it broke, not you. He was the one who insisted on fucking you faster, harder, deeper until your legs were shaking and he had the neighbours downstairs questioning whether there was an earthquake warning for the city. He had you on all fours, rocking back on his dick like your life depended on it, loosening you and apparently every screw on the frame below. Screaming out for mercy.
And now he has the audacity to look at you with those mischievous blue eyes that had gotten you both in trouble more times than you could count, thrilled that you would have to fumble your way through a phone call for him. Ah, the irony.
“I’ll help you do it. Here,” Charles held out his phone to you, number already there for your convenience and you sighed, relieved that wouldn't have to embarrass yourself.
“Merci,” You flirted, taking a moment to appreciate how beautiful he looked post-sex, eyes still hazy from the afterglow when he leaned down and pressed his swollen lips to your bare shoulder.
The line rang for a couple of nervous seconds, until a man with a thick French accent answered. “Oh, uh, hello! I mean – bonjour!”
Fuck, you already felt way out of your depth.
“Um, I am wondering if you have –“
“Pas d’anglais.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion – you’d heard that phrase before but you couldn’t quite remember why or where so you turned to Charles, who watching you intently, eyes already glowing with elation as you pressed the phone to your sheet covered chest. You could feel the blush slowly creeping up, all the way from your toes.
“What does pas d’anglais mean?” You asked, hushed voice and panicked.
Charles’ smile slipped into a smirk, “It means no English.”
“Oh, then you really need to take over,” You said so matter-of-factly that you didn’t even think twice before shoving the phone into his own naked chest.
But what you didn’t expect was a tutting from your usually sweet, saviour-complexed boyfriend and the phone to be pushed back towards you, head shaking and a smile the size of the moon looking back at you.
“Absolutely not. You promised, so try your best,” Charles encouraged, knowing full well that there was no way you could bluff your way through this one. Not a chance.
“I hate you.”
The growl in your voice made Charles laugh into his palm as you nervously brought the phone back up to your ear, heart racing and wishing the ground would swallow you whole.
“être désolé, um, do you – uh, vendez-vous… du materiel…”
You were genuinely trying and blindly casting your mind back to all of the French language-learning audiobooks you had listened to when you first started dating Charles; but time and life always seemed to get in the way of you actually learning or retaining any French at all and you weren't proud of that.
“How do you say gym equipment?” You quietly asked in Charles direction, completely frazzled before noticing that he had picked up a book and was pretending to be immersed in the worn out pages.
That was until you slapped his bicep and grappled at his face, “Help me!” You scolded above a whisper, grasping his cheeks and begging him to come to your rescue like he said he would.
When you angled his chin up to yours, he could see the fear in your eyes; cheeks flushed the same colour as they were merely moments ago, mind reliving how sweet you looked making him come.
How could he be so cruel?
Charles placed his book down and reached up for the phone, quickly rambling off a string of sentences before hanging up. You were dumbfounded and a little short of breath and he couldn't help but giggle when he looked back to you, fuming. He loved the way your forehead creased whenever you were mad, especially at him and the pout on your soft pink lips were tempting him to lean down and kiss them. But right now, as you stared him down, he knew he needed to do some damage control before trying to smooth it over with a kiss.
“Andrea has tried to give me his old one for months now so I was not worried about breaking it, really. I was just teasing,” He explained warily while brushing your hair back from your face.
And trying his hardest not to laugh at how adorable you looked.
“être désolé, mon chéri,” He added with a sweet smile, “You did try and what you did say sounded very good…”
You huffed out a defeated laugh, still feeling a little silly that you couldn't even get through a simple phone call. In truth, it was the wake up call you needed, even if it meant enduring his cruel prank.
“You really need to give me lessons if I’m going to stay here with you. Like, I need bootcamp style French lessons, baby…”
Charles chuckled and gave you a reassuring nod as he slowly leaned forward and sweetly captured your pouting lips, "We can start right now…”
The deep timbre in his voice sent a shivers dancing down your spine as you reached up and cupped his stubbled cheeks in your hands; his lips grazed the shell of your ear and whispered, “J’ai envie de toi.”
A pleasured hum tumbled out while you memorised the trail Charles was leaving down your already reddened neck, mouthing at the marks he had left earlier. It was pure bliss exchanged in soft moans as he guided you onto the soft sheet below, the promise of his words ringing in your ears as your hazy mind translated, I want you.
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natailiatulls07 · 7 months
Can you please do sunshine reader with Charles and she happens to be Arthur best friend since childhood and Charles is hopelessly in love with her and makes it know but she’s so oblivious?
Bestfriends brother
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Charles Leclerc x female!reader
Arthur Leclerc x bestfriend!reader
Summary - Is it wrong to fall in love with your bestfriends brother??
Warnings - swearing, Charles being absolutely whipped?? Shitty French translations
Face claim: Olivia Rodrigo
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Spotted: Only a few days into this seasons summer break; Y/n L/n, a close friend of the Leclerc brothers, is seen back in home town Monte Carlo
Liked by username and 4,725 others
username Her fashion is to die forrr
username Ngl her and Arthur would be the cutest couple EVER
= username Shhh it’s obvious that Charles LOVE her!!
username I love her so much!!
username So wanna be her, I’d sell my first born child to be her 😩
username Where was she going??
= username Pascales salon I think
= username She only goes there for her hair 😍
= username Love a loyal girl!!
charles_leclerc posted a story
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username Can we talk about Charles’ recent insta story??!
username He is so whipped for her istg
username Like Lorenzo and Arthur were also in the story but Charlie only tagged Y/n LMAO
username Charles is so in love with her but she is sooo oblivious, it’s killing meeee
username You can also tell that Arthur knows but he’s not saying just to tease Charles!!
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Summer break, new hair (Thank you Pascale!!) and lazy yacht days 🤍
Tagged: charles_leclerc arthur_leclerc leclerc_pascale
Liked by charles_leclerc and 596,628 others
leclerc_pascale N'importe quoi pour toi chérie 🫶🏻
= yourusername Mes femmes préférées de tous les temps 🤍🤍
= username Love their mother daughter relationship sooo much 😍
username Is that Charles taking a photo of you??
= username Holy shit it is!!
username Jealousy jealousy 😖
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No caption
Tagged: yourusername
Liked by arthur_leclerc and 986,483 others
username He is very open about this omfggg
username Just one post of absolutely gorgeous pictures of your brothers bestfriend with no caption, in a word ‘WHIPPED’
arthur_leclerc That’s just Y/n you know that right???
= charles_leclerc Yes I do idiot
= arthur_leclerc You wanna say something about that????
= charles_leclerc No
= yourusername ???
username Not Arthur trying to get Charles to admit it and Y/n not having a clue!!! I CANT
username How long will this go on forrrr?? Pleaseeee
Capital fm UK interview
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username War is over!! 🥳
username We just need to see them kiss now and then I can die happy 😊
username Thank you Capital fm UK 🫶🏻
CapitalOfficial Somebody had to get the job down and we’re not patient people 😚
username 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
yourusername posted a story
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My best friend's brother is the one for me 😚🤍
Tagged: charles_leclerc
Liked by arthur_leclerc and 987,854 others
username Thank fuck that’s over!!
username Treat her right Charles 👀
username Happy for you two 😘
arthur_leclerc I was wondering how long you were going to be obvious for lmao
= yourusername I seriously had no clue omfg
username Cutest couple everrrr
charles_leclerc Would’ve waited forever for you
= yourusername I truly don’t deserve you 🤍
username Awwww my heart!!
974 notes · View notes
onlyonetifosi · 6 months
Behind the camera -> chapter 6
<- previous series masterlist my main masterlist next ->
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author note1: i love them your honor
uthor note2: if you want to be in the taglist comment it or send me a message <3 and i hope you like it
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The week passed in a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation for Yn. Thoughts of the upcoming weekend with Joris filled her mind, and she couldn't help but steal glances at her phone, eagerly awaiting his message. The day finally arrived, and Yn found herself nervously preparing for their rendezvous.
Joris, equally anxious and excited, arrived at Yn's house with a small bouquet of flowers. The doorbell rang, and Yn opened the door to find Joris standing there, a shy smile on his face.
"Pour toi," Joris said, presenting the flowers to Yn. (For you)
Yn's eyes lit up, and she graciously accepted the gift. "C'est magnifique, Joris. Merci!" (It's beautiful, Joris. Thank you!)
As they embarked on their weekend adventure, Yn and Joris explored the beautiful streets of Monte Carlo, sharing laughter and getting to know each other better. The shyness that initially lingered between them began to fade, replaced by a comfortable companionship. Joris had suggested a simple yet charming picnic in a nearby park, and Yn, dressed in a casual yet stylish outfit, met him with a smile.
"Tu aimes la musique?" Joris asked, attempting to keep the conversation flowing. (Do you like music?)
"Oui, j'adore la musique," Yn responded, her eyes lighting up. (Yes, I love music)
They stumbled upon a street performer playing a melodic tune on his guitar. Yn and Joris found a quiet spot to sit and enjoy the music, their shoulders brushing against each other.
"Ça te plaît?" Joris asked, stealing a glance at Yn. (Do you like it?)
"Oui, c'est magnifique," Yn replied, her heart fluttering as she caught his gaze. (Yes, it's beautiful)
The picnic blanket was spread under the shade of a large oak tree, and as they enjoyed the homemade sandwiches and snacks, Yn couldn't help but feel a connection growing between them. The ease with which they talked, the shared laughter, and the occasional shy glances all contributed to an atmosphere that felt special.
The evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the city. Joris, feeling a surge of courage, turned to Yn.
Joris, looking both nervous and determined, took a deep breath. "Yn, euh… il y a quelque chose que je voulais te dire." (Yn, um… there's something I wanted to tell you.)
Yn turned towards him, her curiosity piqued. "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" she asked, smiling. (What is it?)
"Yn, il y a quelque chose que je veux te dire," Joris began, his voice tinged with a mix of shyness and sincerity. (Yn, there's something I want to tell you)
Yn turned towards him, her eyes reflecting the fading sunlight. "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" she asked, genuinely curious. (What is it?)
"Euh, je… je t'aime bien, Yn. Plus que comme une amie," Joris confessed, his cheeks flushing with vulnerability. (Um, I… I really like you, Yn. More than as a friend)
Yn's eyes widened in surprise, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Joris, je… je ne m'attendais pas à ça," she admitted, her heart fluttering with a mixture of emotions. (Joris, I… I didn't expect this)
Joris looked down, nervously fidgeting. "Je comprends si tu ne ressens pas la même chose. C'est juste que je voulais te le dire." (I understand if you don't feel the same way. I just wanted to tell you)
Yn's heart skipped a beat as the weight of his words sank in. She looked into his eyes, a mixture of surprise and warmth reflected in her gaze. Y/N's heart raced, and a warm blush spread across her cheeks. She looked down at her plate for a moment before meeting his gaze again. "Joris, I feel the same way. I like you too"
A smile broke across Joris's face, a mix of relief and joy. "You do?" he asked, his eyes searching hers for confirmation
Y/N nodded, a shy smile playing on her lips. "Yes, Joris. I really do"
Joris, summoning the courage he had gathered throughout the day, stammered, "Yn, euh, est-ce que tu voudrais bien être ma petite amie?" (Yn, um, would you like to be my girlfriend?)
Yn's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at him with a mix of surprise and joy. "Oui, Joris. Ça serait génial." (Yes, Joris. That would be great.)
The shy boy's face lit up with a mixture of relief and joy. They shared a quiet moment, savoring the sweetness of the confession and the promise of something new.
As the weight of their confessions hung in the air, an electric tension enveloped them. Joris reached across the table, gently cupping Y/N's cheek with his hand. Their eyes locked, and in that moment, time seemed to stand still.
Unable to contain their feelings any longer, Joris leaned in, capturing Y/N's lips with his own. The world around them faded away as they shared a sweet, lingering kiss. It was a moment they had both been waiting for, a culmination of unspoken emotions.
When they finally pulled away, both were left breathless and wide-eyed. A shared bashful smile passed between them as the realization of what had just transpired set in
"Wow," Joris whispered, his cheeks tinted with a rosy hue "That was… amazing"
Y/N chuckled nervously, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Yeah, it was"
Realizing the evening had slipped away, Joris looked at his watch and furrowed his brow. "It's getting late, Yn. I should walk you home, just to make sure nothing happens"
Yn chuckled, appreciating his concern. "That would be nice, Joris"
Hand in hand, they strolled out of the park, the city lights of Monaco beginning to twinkle in the distance. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blossoms and the gentle murmur of their laughter, marking the beginning of a beautiful chapter in their young lives.
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taglist: @love4lando @gcldtom @im-mi @topguncultleader @celesteblack08 @reblog-princess @sunf1ower16
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its-all-or-nothing94 · 11 months
Racing Hearts - Part 1 // Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: Charles Leclerc, a beloved and celebrated F1 driver, yearns for a meaningful connection amidst the glitz and glamour of his high-profile job. As the Monaco GP is around the corner, he fatefully crosses paths with Y/N Y/L/N, an ordinary girl who captures his heart with her genuine personality and kind spirit.
Warnings: None
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
A/N: Sooo, this is my first F1 Story :) I hope you enjoy it. It's a typical romance for all you romance lovers out there ;) Like, Reblog, tell me what you think :D It's highly appreciated!
Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional, and any character portrayals are just how I wrote them - hence fictional! I don't know them, except my OCs.
Tagging: @liebgotts-lovergirl, @softly-writes, @bellewintersroe (I thought, you might enjoy this ;))
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The streets of Monaco shimmered under the golden rays of the sun, casting an ethereal glow upon the grand city. You stood at the edge of the bustling harbor, your eyes wide with wonder. You had arrived in this glamorous playground by chance, a spontaneous detour on your adventure across Europe. The winding cobblestone streets, the opulent yachts bobbing in the azure waters, and the hum of wealthy tourists filled the air, creating an atmosphere of indulgence and sophistication.
Your Y/H/C hair fell softly around your sun-kissed shoulders as your Y/E/C eyes scanned the crowd, searching for your best friend, Sofia. Minutes turned into an impatient eternity until, finally, a familiar figure emerged from the throng. Sofia Santoro, her dark hair cascading down her back, approached with a radiant smile that reached her warm brown eyes. You embraced, reuniting after weeks of exploration and discovery.
"Y/N!" Sofia exclaimed, her voice alive with excitement. "You won't believe the sights I've seen! And the food... Oh, you have to try the pastries here. They're heavenly."
You chuckled, your spirited personality shining through. Sofia lived here for a year now, and finally, you came to visit your best friend. "I can't wait to hear all about it, Sof. Monaco truly is a dream."
As you strolled through the luxurious streets, your laughter mingling with the splash of waves, an unexpected occurrence startled them. You stumbled, your steps faltering as if an invisible force had collided with you.
"What is it?" you asked your best friend, but Sofia just looked at you, confused.
"I didn't say anything... But hey, there is that store I told you about. Be right baaack", she sings as she walked away into the store across from the harbor.
You, meanwhile, stood at the edge of the Monte Carlo harbor, your eyes wide with wonder as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the glistening water. The air was thick with anticipation as if the city itself was holding its breath, awaiting the arrival of someone extraordinary.
You took a deep breath, the salty scent of the sea mingling with the aroma of fresh pastries wafting from a nearby café. Your heart fluttered with excitement as you adjusted the strap of your worn leather backpack, the only constant companion on your solo adventure across Europe.
"A breathtaking view, isn't it?"
You turned your head, Y/E/C eyes meeting the warm gaze of a stranger beside you. Chestnut hair, emerald green eyes, and a smile that could light up the night sky - it was as if destiny had brought you together at this very moment. Your heart skipped a beat as you stumbled back, blushing furiously.
"Uh, yes, it is," you stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
The young man chuckled, a sound that was both melodic and infectious. "Apologies if I startled you. I couldn't help but notice your awe as you took in the beauty of Monaco."
Your cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of crimson, your Y/H/C waves tumbling down to frame your face. "It's just...I've dreamed of visiting this place for so long. And to see it like this, it's...magical."
"I couldn't agree more," he replied, extending a hand. "I'm Charles, by the way."
You couldn't say much as you were captivated by him. "Euh Y/N," you managed to squeak out, a shaky hand reaching out to meet his.
Your fingers intertwined an electric current passing between you. At that moment, the noise of the bustling harbor faded, and it was as if they were the only two people in the world.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N," Charles said, genuine warmth in his voice. "Are you enjoying your time in Monaco?"
You nodded, a shy smile gracing her lips. "I am. I've been traveling across Europe, and this is my last stop. My best friend moved here last year. Her dad is a designer, and she took over the store here. But it feels...right, being here."
Charles's eyes sparkled with interest as he leaned in closer. "And for how long are you staying?"
You hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. But with Charles, there was a certain comfort, an inexplicable connection that compelled you to share the truth.
"I actually don't have a set schedule. I'm a freelance photographer taking a break, so I... have no obligations."
Charles chuckled, his cute dimples appearing on his cheeks. "That actually sounds quite nice. Not having any obligations, I mean."
You smiled at him as the bell on the store door rang, and Sofia made her way back to you. 
"Okay, I've got everything, we can... go," Sofia said, the last word hesitant, finally noticing Charles. "Uh, hi," she greeted, and Charles nodded in response with a small smile. 
A young man who bore an uncanny resemblance to Charles walked out onto the street from behind him. You guessed that this must be his brother. He called out something in French and waved at Charles, eyeing him for a second, before disappearing back into the restaurant. 
"I have to go," Charles said. "But maybe we'll see each other again, Y/N. It was really nice meeting you."
He nodded at Sofia before following his brother into the restaurant. You watched him leave with a content smile. 
"Oh my god! Do you know who that was?!" Sofia exclaimed as soon as Charles was gone. 
You looked at her, confused, while you shrugged. "He said his name is Charles."
"Yeah, Charles fucking Leclerc! The Formula 1 driver? Don't tell me you don't know him?"
Sofia raised her eyebrows at you, making you feel foolish. 
Sofia put her hand on her hip and rolled her eyes. "You just flirted with one of the most famous Formula 1 drivers there is. He's from Monaco, and you, my dear, didn't even recognize him."
"Why would I? I've never watched Formula 1!" you defended yourself. 
Sofia shook her head. "No, you haven't. But he definitely had his eyes on you, girl." Sofia smiled widely and nudged you.
"So? It's not like I'm going to see him again," You shrugged, turning your gaze back to the ocean. 
"Oh, don't be so quick to dismiss it, girlfriend. Monaco is a magical place. And if he wants to find you, he will find you, I promise."
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Meanwhile, at the restaurant, the Leclerc family had gathered, rejoicing in the reunion of all the children back in Monaco.
"Who was that? Another tourist fan?" Arthur inquired, settling down beside their mother, Pascale, and their brother Lorenzo.
"No, actually, she wasn't," Charles responded. "I don't think she even knew who I was."
Pascale glanced at her two sons. "What are you talking about, mon chéris?" she asked just as their entrees arrived.
"Charles was talking to a girl outside. I thought she was a fan," Arthur explained, and Pascale turned her attention to Charles.
"A girl?"
Charles seemed slightly irritated by his younger brother. "It's nothing, Maman. We were just discussing Monaco, nothing more."
Pascale studied her son's face. She knew him well enough to sense that there was more to the story than met the eye.
She sighed. "Well, as long as you don't plan on rekindling things with that dreadful Isabella..."
"Maman!" Lorenzo interjected, shaking his head slightly.
"What? They're not together anymore, so I can speak my mind, can't I?" Pascale asked, looking at Charles, who shook his head, annoyed.
Charles loved his mother, but she had a tendency to be outspoken, even when it would be best to hold her tongue. Charles knew his mother had never approved of his ex-girlfriend, Isabella Rossi. They had met at a charity event in Monaco, where Isabella's wealthy businessman father and her career as a model brought them together.
Initially, Isabella was sweet and caring, and Charles had fallen deeply in love with her. However, after four years, his feelings changed. When he confided in his brothers, best friend Pierre, and his athletic trainer Andrea Ferrari, they all agreed that their relationship had become toxic.
Ending things with Isabella hadn't been easy for Charles. The life of a Formula 1 driver could be lonely, constantly jetting around the world. Having someone who cared about him was a comfort. But eventually, Charles accepted the fact that his feelings had faded, and he ended the relationship. Needless to say, Isabella didn't take it well.
That had been a month ago, and ever since, she had made numerous attempts to win him back. As the Monaco Grand Prix was just around the corner, she knew Charles was back home.
"You can, Maman, and you know it. But can we just enjoy dinner and talk about something else?" Charles asked, digging into his pasta.
"She was really pretty," Arthur chimed in, causing Lorenzo and Charles to look at him, perplexed. Arthur couldn't be referring to Isabella. Arthur, noticing his brothers' confusion, rolled his eyes. "The girl outside? She was really pretty. Are you going to see her again?"
Charles glanced at Arthur for a moment. "Why would I?" he asked, although deep down, he wanted to. There was something about Y/N that stirred something inside him as if she were something special.
"Why not? Don't tell me you don't want to see her again. I saw the way you looked at her, Charles."
Charles took a deep breath. "Even if I wanted to, Art, I don't have her number, just her first name. I don't even know where she's from."
Arthur looked at Charles with an exasperated expression. "Are you shitting me?"
"Arthur!" Pascale immediately intervened.
"Sorry, Ma. But seriously, Charles. You know that if you want to find her, you will. We all know that. So get off your ass and go find that girl!"
"Is she really that special?" Lorenzo asked, looking at Charles.
The middle brother hesitated and then nodded. "I don't know why, but I have this feeling that our story isn't finished yet."
Pascale kept a watchful eye on her son. She took a deep breath and spoke up. "Then why don't you look for her, Charles? If she truly is that special."
Charles looked surprised at his mother. Pascale wasn't one to believe in fate, but if even she was advising him to pursue it, then he knew he should.
He set his fork down and gazed at his family, one by one. "Okay, starting tomorrow, we'll begin searching for Y/N."
"We?" Lorenzo immediately questioned, but Arthur simply nodded and grinned.
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Basking in the warm Mediterranean sun, you and Sofia lounged beside the pool at Sofia's opulent apartment the next morning, which her father had graciously rented for her. You relaxed, sipping on glasses of wine and sharing laughter as you reminisced about your European escapades. However, Sofia's mischievous grin indicated that she had something up her sleeve.
"Sooo, Y/N," Sofia said, her grin widening, "Oh my gosh! I can't get over what went down yesterday with Charles Leclerc!"
You blushed slightly, attempting to downplay the encounter. "Oh, come on, Sof. It wasn't that big of a deal. We just chatted for a few minutes. It doesn't mean anything."
Sofia playfully raised an eyebrow. "No big deal? I saw the way he looked at you, and trust me, that wasn't ordinary. Charles is a charming guy, but he's not usually so forward with strangers."
You took a sip of her wine, trying to conceal your excitement, and shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, he was simply being friendly, right? I mean, he interacts with fans all the time. I didn't even know who he was until you told me."
Sofia shook her head, her grin refusing to fade. "Are you serious? The way he gazed at you, Y/N. Trust me, he knows you left an impression."
You shook your head at your friend, well aware of Sofia's tendency to read too much into things. "Yeah, right."
"But Y/N, I've seen Charles with fans before. He's usually reserved, quiet. Yet with you, it was like there was something more. He couldn't take his eyes off of you," Sofia stated, sitting up from the sunbed and raising her sunglasses. "I'm serious!"
You looked at your best friend, your cheeks tinged with a hint of red. "I-I don't know what you're talking about. It was just a chance encounter, nothing more."
Sofia's eyes sparkled with excitement as she continued to prod. "Oh, come on, Y/N! You can't deny the connection between you two. It was written all over his face."
You rolled your eyes. "Could you just stop? I'm not even looking for someone at the moment, and you know that. After everything that happened with Oliver..."
Sofia sighed. "I know, I know. He was a jerk, and you've sworn off love. Got it." She slipped her sunglasses back on. "But I'm still rooting for the perfect celebrity love story." She reclined back into her chair.
You glanced over at your best friend, and then you couldn't help but burst into laughter at the absurdity of the situation.
You lingered at the pool a little longer, enjoying the warm sun on your skin. Suddenly, Sofia's phone interrupted your peaceful moment. She quickly answered, speaking rapidly in both Spanish and French. After hanging up, she turned to you with an apologetic look. "Please don't be upset with me," she pleaded, and you raised an eyebrow in curiosity. Sofia sighed, explaining, "There's an issue at my dad's store that he insists I handle personally. I'm really sorry, Y/N."
You studied your best friend for a moment before responding, "No worries, Sof. I can handle some alone time."
Sofia observed your determined expression. "Are you sure? I promised I would clear my schedule for you."
You sat up and grasped Sofia's hand. "Hey, don't worry about it. I've been traveling solo through Europe for the past six months, so I think I can handle an afternoon alone."
Sofia chuckled, grateful for her best friend's easygoing nature. That was one of the reasons she loved you so much.
Thirty minutes later, Sofia arrived at her father's store. "Okay, what's the problem?" she asked her employee, Cassandra, who explained the situation. The problem turned out to be more time-consuming than Sofia had anticipated. After three exhausting hours, they finally resolved everything. Annoyed, Sofia walked to the counter and set down her phone, which she had used frequently throughout the afternoon. Suddenly, the bell above the door jingled, causing her eyes to widen.
"I knew it!" she exclaimed, her gaze fixed on the individual who had just entered the store. With a wide grin, she approached none other than Charles Leclerc, accompanied by his brother Lorenzo. "I knew you would come back."
Charles looked at her, initially confused, before recognition dawned on him. "Wait, I saw you yesterday, didn't I?"
Lorenzo glanced between Sofia and Charles, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"Yes, you did. At the harbor!" Sofia replied excitedly.
"So, we finally found her?" Lorenzo asked hesitantly, trying to make sense of the situation.
Sofia smiled at Lorenzo. "Yeah, it's not her," Charles clarified, causing Lorenzo's attention to snap back to his brother. "But she's the friend with the designer store."
Sofia maintained her smile, shrugging lightly. "That's me, and I'm thrilled you found me. But on the other hand... How?"
Charles chuckled. "Y/N mentioned that she was visiting a friend here who owns a designer store. So we went from store to store today, searching for a clue. And now we've found you."
"You searched all over for her?" Sofia asked, amazed. Charles nodded. "That's incredibly sweet."
A faint blush tinted Charles' cheeks. "So, can you tell me where she is?"
Sofia's smile persisted as she replied, "No."
Lorenzo's head shot up, confusion etched on his face. "No?"
"No... I mean, yes, but let me explain. She's at my place and, well... Okay, never mind. I have a proposition for you. Y/N and I will be at Jimmy'z tonight, so why don't you surprise her and join us there?" Sofia proposed, locking eyes with Charles before glancing at Lorenzo.
Charles exchanged a brief glance with his brother before turning back to Sofia. "We'll be there!"
Lorenzo looked at his younger brother, still perplexed. "We will?"
Charles met Lorenzo's gaze with a firm expression. "We will," he affirmed.
Sofia's grin widened, and she nodded enthusiastically. "Great! OMG, Y/N will be overjoyed when she sees you. She didn't want to believe me when I told her you would search for her and that you two had a special connection..." Sofia rambled, noticing Charles' amused expression.
"Sorry," Sofia finally said, realizing she had been babbling.
Charles chuckled. "It's okay. See you tonight." He took his brother's arm, and they exited Sofia's store.
A mischievous smile played on Sofia's lips as she watched them leave. Oh, Y/N was going to love this.
Upon returning home, Sofia found you emerging from the shower, clad in towels. As you applied moisturizer, Sofia entered the room with a smile on her face.
"Oh, you're back," you greeted your best friend.
"I am, and I come bearing gifts as an apology for taking so long," Sofia replied, placing a jaw-dropping black dress with golden sequins on your bed.
Curiosity piqued, you examined the beautiful garment. "Sof, no! I can't accept this, and you know it," you protested. You were well aware of Sofia's affluent background and her tendency to shower you  with gifts, but you always declined.
"Come on! It's from my store, and I insist, Y/N. I want you to have it," Sofia insisted, revealing a pair of matching shoes from behind her back.
Your fingertips trembled with anticipation as your gaze shifted from the mesmerizing dress to Sofia and back again. With a gentle, hesitant touch, your fingers delicately brushed against the luxurious fabric. It felt soft and smooth beneath her touch, its fine craftsmanship evident in every thread. The sensation sent a shiver of excitement through you, making you appreciate the dress even more. "No, Sof... I wouldn't even know when to wear it..."
"Oh, I do! How about tonight, at Jimmy'z?" Sofia proposed.
"Jimmy'z?" you questioned. "Oh, no, Sof! You know I despise those types of clubs..."
Sofia draped her arm around you, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, that's a shame, but there's no way you're getting out of this one, my dear. I've already made all the arrangements."
With that, Sofia pranced out of your room, leaving her best friend in stunned silence. However, a smile crept onto your lips as you shook your head in amusement. Once again, you gazed at the dress. It truly was a stunning piece, and in that moment, you felt a flicker of excitement at the thought of wearing it tonight.
>> Part 2
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zacian117 · 2 months
Promise of Sibling Love
Y/N Leclerc was Charles's biggest supporter and closest confidante. Despite their seven-year age gap, the siblings shared an unbreakable bond forged through years of shared experiences and adventures. Y/N had always admired her brother's determination and drive, and she was there for him through every high and low of his racing career.
As Charles rose through the ranks of Formula 1, Y/N remained by his side, cheering him on from the stands and offering words of encouragement before each race. She was his lucky charm, and he credited much of his success to her unwavering support.
But as the pressures of the racing world mounted, Charles found himself leaning on Y/N more than ever. She became his anchor, the one person he could always turn to for comfort and reassurance. And in return, he was fiercely protective of her, determined to shield her from the harsh realities of his demanding profession.
One summer evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and cast a golden glow over the city, Charles and Y/N sat on the balcony of their family's penthouse apartment, savoring a rare moment of peace amidst the chaos of their busy lives.
"I don't know what I'd do without you, Y/N," Charles said, his voice tinged with sincerity. "You're the reason I'm able to keep pushing myself, to never give up, no matter what."
Y/N smiled softly, her eyes reflecting the warmth of the fading sunlight. "And you're the reason I believe in magic, Charles," she replied. "Watching you chase your dreams, overcome obstacles, it's like witnessing a miracle unfold before my eyes every single day."
Their conversation was interrupted by the distant sound of fireworks exploding in the night sky, illuminating the darkness with bursts of color and light. Charles reached out and took Y/N's hand in his, holding it tightly as they watched the spectacle together.
"Promise me we'll always be there for each other, no matter what," Charles said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N nodded, her heart overflowing with love for her brother. "I promise, Charles. Always and forever."
And as they sat together, gazing out at the glittering skyline of Monte Carlo, they knew that no matter where life took them, they would always have each other—a bond stronger than any race, more enduring than any victory. For Charles and Y/N Leclerc, sibling love was the truest treasure of all.
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operafantomet · 4 months
POTO MADRID, Friday 16 February 2024
PHANTOM: Gerónimo Rauch / Manu Pilas (alt.)
CHRISTINE: Talía del Val / Judith Tobella (alt.)
RAOUL: Guido Balzaretti
CARLOTTA: Marta Pineda
FIRMIN: Omar Calicchio
ANDRÉ: Enrique R. del Portal
MADAME GIRY: Silvia Luchetti
MEG GIRY: Laura Martin / Marina Brisa (u/s)
PIANGI: Francisco Ortiz
This production is basically a love-letter to Phantom history. There are many clever moments, small hints of Phantom history, and in general just a very Phantom-y atmosphere and look. It’s just that sometimes it goes a bit overboard with effects, references and/or tempo, to the point where I feel it takes focus away from the leads and the main story. I get the vibe, I get the love, nut just take it down a notch?
Lots of spoilers ahead, stop reading If you don’t want details.
Examples, you ask? It’s really just the total, the sum of it all, rather than singular moments. Take the Phantom and all effects surrounding him. In “Little Lotte” there’s blinking lamps and ambience sound and gruntle, it almost feels like I’m watching the basement furnace in “Home Alone”. In the Il Muto ballet he swings across stage twice, while the third time it happens it’s the body of dead Buquet. But swinging in ropes has a high level of Tarzan and is hard to take seriously. For the chandelier crash the Phantom jumps on the chandelier, cuts its rope (?) with what looks like a butter knife (?) and it crashes with “flames” and smoke and a loud bang with fake screams on tape. In the Mausoleum scene he is equipped with large black wings and flies up into the air, creating a massive thunderstorm. In the end it gets hard for the audience to trust that the actor himself is enough, as all these tricks and effects and mumbo jumbo gets in the way.
The only new trick I feel adds to the role instead of distracting from it is Red Death’s disappearance. He appears in a red hooded cloak, sings his lines, turns his back to the audience and when the others on stage approach to rip off his cloak there is no-one there. THIS. This adds to the mystique. This is the Phantom in charge, without explosions and sounds and light and props.
Anyhow… I enjoyed so many sides of this production. Let me try and mention some of the things I noticed along the way. (Note: Photos is a mix of Trieste, Monte Carlo and Madrid, but if the performers are in focus I have tried to choose Madrid photos)
AUCTION/OVERTURE Before the show there is some 15 minutes of “spooky” ambience sound and dripping water, dungeon style. The show starts with a huge shatter/bang, to tell the audience it’s starting. Message received.
The auction set-up is fairy traditional, with auctioneer to the left, chandelier in the middle, and bidders sitting with their backs to the audience. Raoul is not in a wheelchair, instead he is sitting in the back, to the right (I. E. nearest the audience), with a nurse (?) by his side. The auctioneer is super rushed, while the bidders clap very slowly, original Phantom style. For the monkey musical box, Raoul calls over the porter who is dressed in a red 18th century livre, and who kneels in front of him. Raoul turns to him and thus the audience. First glimpse of Guido Balzaretti in the role. He is good.
Lot 666 etc… All exactly as assumed up until they pull off the drapes and the Overture starts.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is something else indeed. The cast starts to… uhm, how to explain this… re-enact the first act in slow motion, backwards? The Il Muto fop trio “runs” in, backwards, in slow motion, they bend to not get hit by the chandelier, still slow motion, then taking a bow, still slow motion. And so forth. What is shown here is history as it happened but reversed. It continues with other glimpses of the first act, other characters, leading up to Carlotta as Elissa. Cue: Hannibal.
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Now… The idea? Cool. Interesting. Well executed. Time is literally rewinded before our eyes. Yet:
I feel you have to know the musical and the first act to get what’s happening. A moment of “this production is a love-letter to POTO”, a bit wink-wink-nudge-nudge.
It doesn’t really make sense. What they show us is the fops almost being hit by the chandelier as It comes crashing downwards. What we see in the actual crash is the Phantom riding the chandelier as it is pulled backwards and flung towards the audience. Plus, there is a knife, there is “flames” and smoke, and no other people in sight. Sorry, but you have to settle for one of the crashes…
However: original? I will certainly give them that.
Also, props for introducing what is usually my pet peeve and hate object number one: The Eiffel Tower. Thing is, this opera appears to have burned down (2004 movie style, more about that later) and through the ruined ceiling the Eiffel Tower can be seen. I don’t oppose this as the auction scene is set long after then main story and the tower would have been built by then. My annoyance with productions automatically adding it to underline that THIS IS PARIS is because the tower would (depending on when they set the main story) not have been built. But in the auction scene? Yes.
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(Auction photo from Trieste)
HANNIBAL Whereas Marta Pineda as Carlotta possesses a grand voice, I am no fan of how she portrays Carlotta as a performer. I assume it is in the directing. In the mock operas she goes for massive overacting, mainly one specific hand pose and a hammering voice. In scenes like Prima Donna you can tell she is able to sing gorgeously and act well, hence why I assume it is in the directing. Carlotta as a performer in this production is one where I understand the Phantom’s dislike… Just way too much, too annoying, it really makes you wonder how this specific soprano came to be the wonder of Paris.
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(Francisco Ortez and Marta Pineda in Hannibal)
They make a point of not showing Reyer. I will come back to why later. In Hannibal he is in the prompter’s box, with a slightly distorted sound to his voice and which Firmin at one point imitates. Heh.
The ballerinas did a sort of shawl dance in Hannibal which suite the music well, and Christine and Meg were also nicely singled out.
Instead of an elephant there is a portechaise, a litter, a sedan chair, whatever it’s called. Now... the people carrying this on stage wears the same uniform as the porters in the auction scene. If the opera burned down and the auction is many years later, why would they…?
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(Hannibal photo from Trieste)
Also, the sedan chair gets a bit too much attention, with them struggling to get it out on stage, Piangi struggling to get on it, and when he finally does for the end pose the bottom breaks. This, combined with a constant rush in pace means there was never any applause after Hannibal. Unusual.
The turning set had me wondering. It looks wonderful within the structure (see photo above), and it's also always how it is photographed. But in use it means a large part of the stage is not used. Admittedly it was more noticeable sitting in the upper balconies than in the stalls, but especially the first 7 or so meters on stage was all bare. This is rarely shown in official photos, so it took me some time to understand what I was looking at. At first I wondered why the set was not placed further out, but I quickly realized that it needs that position to be able to turn. I wonder if a slightly shorter and/or more square set would fill the stage in a smarter manner? Not sure. Here's the view from the balconies:
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The falling backdrop in Hannibal was so well done. It almost came a surprise to me, who knows the show by heart. A mixture of well timed sight and sound and a lot of ropes.
And now for Christine Daaé… For the first performance I saw principal Talía del Val, and for the second performance I saw alternate Judith Tobella. Their overall appearance on stage felt fairly similar in terms of height, build, and wig. Voice wise they are both also bell-voiced sopranos with an operatic touch. But I felt Talía maybe added more nuances to her singing, varying volume and intensity whereas Judith was more consistently bell-voiced? This came to view in TOM, where Talía did one of the biggest transitions I have seen, from whispering the notes and just going mute to full-volume operatic diva. Fantastic. Judith showed less of a transformation but possesses a gorgeous and light voice and is just as radiant. Both of them are so good in the role.
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(Guido Balzaretti, Omar Calicchio, Enrique R. del Portal and Talía del Val in Think of Me)
Elements of TOM was also a bit rushed. For the quick-change, a bar of the instrumentals was cut, and the cadenza at the end was short and effective. Why the rush? I don’t know. But the Elissa costume was nice, a turquoise and golden confectionary with nice amount of drapes and sparke, and a nice match to Christine’s honey coloured wig. It was also very visible when the set took a full turn during Raoul’s lines in TOM.
ANGEL OF MUSIC / LITTLE LOTTE As a tiny surprise I got two different Megs – principal Laura Martín for the first show, and u/s Marina Brisa for the second. Their portrayal differed slightly. Laura’s Meg was super affectionate towards Christine, hugging, touching, caring, supporting. Martina was maybe more inquisitive and more of a narrator of the show in a way. She told the audience a lot of the action and mood in the Managers scene just with her facial expressions. But both had fantastic voices.
In Angel of Music the turnable set was placed diagonally, with the end towards the right side of the stage and featuring a large mirror and dressing room table. Now… the diagonally placed set leaves little room for the cast. For this specific scene it did however work, and it was moody with a dark stage and chandelier visible in the shadows.
Nothing radically new in Little Lotte, apart from the already described blinking lamps, ambience sound and gruntle when the Phantom reacts to Raoul’s presence. So moving on to…
MIRROR SCENE First sound of the two Phantoms. Principal Gerónimo Rauch went for a slightly twangy sound rather than booming, I am not quite sure why. Alternate Manu Pilas was all boom. I do prefer the latter, just because it sets a standard and mood for the rest of the show. Christine interestingly entered the mirror by stepping on her dressing room chair and then the table. Heh. Also cool from some angles in the auditorium to see the Phantom lean out of the mirror opening, fully cloaked. Moody sight!
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(Ramin Karimloo and Amelia Milo in Trieste)
I could not quite make out Christine’s emotions here. It’s like she thought “gotta get out of here before Raoul returns”…, rapidly wrapped up her dressing gown and ran through the mirror.
TITLE SONG Is it allowed to say it felt too similar to the original staging? Because… them crossing the stage, them going down under stage, them appearing higher up, them crossing the misty stage by boat… It’s not that it wasn’t done well, I had just hoped for a totally different take. Biggest surprise was probably the Phantom’s massive (ahem) organ rising from what looked like the pit, with masses of lit candles, and then slowly moving towards the back of the stage – all while the Piranesi “imaginary prisons” like set backdrop came to view. A stunning lair set, and finally a scene where the front stage was used!
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(Amelia Milo and Ramin Karimloo in Monte Carlo)
MOTN This too felt very close to the original staging. With one exception. The Phantom put a lit candle in front of Christine, on the floor, sung about the music of the night, and blew out the candle. I mean… I appreciate this more than the Restaged Tour’s blindfolding, but I am not sure I fully understand what Christine was to learn from it SEEING THERE IS A HUGE ORGAN WITH LOTS OF CANDLES only two meters away…?
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(Gerónimo Rauch and Talía del Val in the First Lair)
The MOTN pose totally felt like a homage to the original. Biggest difference in blocking was probably that Christine fainted in the Phantom’s arms and was put to bed in a four-poster bed to the right on the stage.
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(Gerónimo Rauch and Talía del Val in the First Lair)
Singing wise both Phantoms brought down the house, Rauch especially hammering in those money notes. Dude got a grand voice. In this scene I (interestingly enough) felt Gerónimo Rauch was more experimental, while Manu Pilas felt old-school and classical. I would have thought it opposite, seeing Rauch’s history in West End. But cool! Got Tomas Ambt Kofod vibes from Pilas.
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(Gerónimo Rauch and Talía del Val in the First Lair)
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(Judith Tobella in the bed in the First Lair)
STYDI Christine waking up did not go unnoticed by the Phantom; he invites her to come over and sit at his piano bench. As she comes over, she caresses his face, they have a fairly tender moment and then she rapidly takes off the mask. Felt like a natural move, out of curiosity and closeness, which created an interesting contrast to the Phantom’s rage and despair.
Here Rauch seemed to go for emotions running deep, doing a quite heartbreaking rendition of the scene. Pilas showed more rage, even tipping over the piano bench along the way. The blocking calls for the Phantom to react on Christine’s touch before handing him the mask – for Rauch it was when Christine touched his hand, and for Pilas it was Christine touching his shoulder. Rauch seemed more terrified, Pilas more surprised. Both returned to their very-much-in-control mood when they put the mask back on. NOTES / PRIMADONNA Now the revolving set was turned the other way, with the short end facing left side of the stage. Instead of a mirror it featured a window with trees and daylight. For this scene it meant the cast had only a tiny little triangle at the very end of the stage to act out the scene. Whereas it worked well with only two or three present in Christine’s dressing room, Primadonna is fairly crowded. We’re talking seven people on stage, and it showed that they didn’t have a whole lot of space to go. I’m still not on board with the distribution of set and cast in this production.
Acting wise little new to add, just very very very solid. Extra plus for Silvia Luchetti as Madame Giry. She was u/s Christine in the original Madrid production, and thus feature a strong soprano. But she is also a strong belter, and good actress. Her Madame Giry seemed to read every situation well, and act accordingly.
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(Laura Martín, Silvia Luchetti and Guido Balzaretti in Primadonna)
As for the two Megs, they both had good chemistry with Luchetti. Whereas Martin had an air of “I trust my maman to sort things out”, Brisa felt more inquisitive.
The turning set was used to full effect at the end of Prima Donna. With the set revolving, the cast entering the stage, with a Garnier curtain like backdrop it looked majestic, beautiful and very Phantom-y. It is also one of the instances it worked well to always have a glimpse of the chandelier and boxes in sight, to remind us of them being in the opera all the time.
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(Prima Donna photo from Madrid)
IL MUTO The intro with “old scenery… old audience”… was cut, I think? Another instance of the show being rushed. When I keep repeating this it is because the matinée clocked in on 2 hours and 14 minutes, WITH interval. That might be the quickest one I’ve seen, except the intentionally shortened one-act edition in Las Vegas.
I liked this Il Muto a LOT. The set, with two doors where people entered and exited, gave a mild hint of a farce without going overboard. The middle window could be lit to show Don Attilio spying and the fops whisper gossip into his ear. All in all a nice flow and a nice Mozartesque feel.
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(Il Muto photo from Madrid)
The interrupted performance and André entering to present the ballet was also amusing, as he comes out with a bottle of champagne in one hand and a glass in the other hand. Not drunk!style like Barry James, but rather a sense of him being in the middle of something completely different. When not managing to exist the stage during the ballet, the male ballet dancer literally grabbed him by the waist and lifted him off stage. Heh. Nice one. Giggle snort.
Then the funky part. Instead of the dancers being interrupted by scary shadows, blinking light or other “minor” incidents, this production features the Phantom crossing the back of the stage in a rope, not once but twice. As mentioned previously I do get how the third time with dead Buquet then comes as an extra surprise. But it is too much of a Tarzan factor. To me, anyway.
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(Il Muto ballet screencap from Trieste)
ROOFTOP Possibly the most original scene in this production, and in a good way. It is set towards a slightly abstract backdrop with a hint of – no, not the Eiffel Tower, bless them, but the Notre Dame, and to the left a rooftop sculpture. Main set is a ledge. Christine crawls out on there and does not look like she wants Raoul to follow, but he does, reluctantly, afraid. She will clearly jump, he is doing anything in his power to stop her. He realizes she is terrified and struggles to find the right words, but offers what he can – a hand to hold and a promise of a better future. Slowly, slowly Christine gets closer to him, trusts him.
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(Bradley Jaden and Amelia Milo in Trieste)
A very nice take on AIAOY, because it is all done subdued, not in an overly dramatic manner. Only negative I might add is that AIAOY may not be the best song to sing sitting, or even hunched. But that was only something I pondered about at the end of the song, with the high notes. And also, this showed Raoul at his best. More of content like this, please! CURSE / CRASH The Phantom was of course underneath the two lovers all the time, and he comes to view twirling his cloak. Not a huge fan of the red lining of the cloak, a too high vampire factor. But anyway… Here Rauch’s twangy singing style (which he only did here and in the mirror scene) was used to good effect. Now, the actual staging… With the Phantom singing the end of his curse the set turns and the chandelier comes to view, lowered. The Phantom jumps on it, works hard on cutting its cord with a knife, the chandelier is pulled backwards, and it is then “flung” towards the audience, with “fire”, smoke and the sound effects of shattering glass and screams. It is an original and fancy take on the chandelier crash.
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(Chandelier crash photo from Monte Carlo)
INTERMISSION Everyone and their mother taking photos by the rose wall. I bought merch (read: socks).
MASQUERADE The opening was like out of a Doctor Who scene, with the managers being flashed up by light, shifting pose and moving closer for each flash – don’t blink! They wear large cloaks, and of course Firmin’s large frilly pink confectionery of a dress gets lot of attention when revealed. Omar Calicchio looked adorable.
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(Firmin dressed up, André and Madame Giry in fairly regular clothes, and Meg Giry doubling as the monkey musical box)
Cool main set – the opera stage with its boxes, a lowered chandelier, and a backdrop showing the Garnier auditorium. Reminded me of the Hungarian design. The opening features a giant monkey musical box which soon enough turns out to be Meg in identical costume to the music box figurine. Nice lil’ detail.
The cast floods in, with rows of people dressed in cloaks and masks dancing in a rather stiff style. I could not quite put my finger on why it looked a bit off until I remember each of the pairs featured one cast member and one dummy on wheels. Aha. But the oddness aside, it was cool to see the stage filled with people like that. It looked like a true Venetian carnival.
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(The Masquerade scene in Trieste)
Once again Christine missed out on the dress code, wearing a pale Victorian bustle dress. She must start reading the invitation…! Nothing wrong with the dress per se, but I wish they’d dressed her in something more innovative, or at least make her wear a cloak for parts of the scene to later on reveal the bustle dress.
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(Talía del Val and Guido Balzaretti in Masquerade)
And now for what always feels like a regional theatre stunt: At the height of the show a lot of the cast came into the auditorium to sing. I feel you need to have a better reason to break the fourth wall than just surprising the audience. Why were they there? It appears mainly to empty the stage for Red Death.
Did I mention the confetti? Oh the confetti. A sea of confetti. Gold and silver, pouring down. So much that the front aisles were filled, and people so covered it stuck on them when they went out after the show. The pavement of the theatre was glittering. I always wonder if it is really worth it, seeing that the confetti will also glitter up stage in the Mausoleum scene and Final Lair. Places were there technically should be no glitter… Well. Fun to watch regardless.
Red Death: They’ve picked up original magic consultant Paul Brown’s idea of the Phantom just disappearing from his costume, making it fall to the floor. Here the Phantom turns his back to the audience, and when the (few) people on stage runs forward to pull off his red cloak he is no longer there. Beautifully executed!
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(Red Death from Monte Carlo)
I wish they did not follow up with the next scene, with Christine in the audience and a cloaked figure behind her pulling off his hood – surprise, it’s the Phantom – grabbing her necklace/ring and running off. Felt like a bit of a cheap trick after the quite magical Red Death disappearance. Would be so much cooler if her grabbed that necklace on stage and then disappeared mid-air. Would also give Christine doubly a reason to fear him, if he can just vanish like that instead of having to run out the door.
BACKSTAGE The backstage tale started all dark, but soon featured a hint of a Coney Island like faire to hint of Madame Giry’s first encounter with the Phantom. IF you want to draw some lines to “Love Never Dies” this is a discrete and non-intrusive way of doing it. Kudos for that. The chandelier is also still lowered, and first when its light goes off is Madame Giry startled enough to flee Raoul. Maybe the most effects I’ve seen in this scene and also working very well.
NOTES / TWISTED We are back to the crammed office set-up and too many people. At times Christine’s dress train swept into the bit due to the lack of space. Well… Both here and in the first managers scene each lead is lit up with purplish light when mentioned in the notes, which is a visual for the audience – especially when they are so crammed together as well.
On stage there are a lot of stacked chairs under the darkened looming chandelier. Nice reminder of still being in the opera.
In this scene I felt both Christines lacked a real anger or temper, even if Judith Tobella displayed it more than Talía del Val. But one thing I did like is that she went from person to person during her solo, almost pleading them to understand the dangers of performing the opera, and they all kinda turns away. Two of the footmen enters (as if the scene was not crammed enough already) to remove the furniture and prepare for the sitzprobe on stage, putting out the chairs in line. Meanwhile Christine does not refuse to sing and does not flee stage, as per usual. At first I thought it was another rushed detail to save some time, but no: Raoul sings “Christine, Christine don’t think that I don’t care…” (loooong pause) and then more or less take her by the arm and force her into the sitzprobe. It does solve the problem of why Christine refuse to sing and then appear at the sitzprobe, but doesn’t quite do Raoul any credit…
SITZPROBE Also an in-between scene with an abundance of ideas. Most of which I liked. The setting is very familiar, piano to the right, cast lined out on chairs. But the piano is not facing the audience, it is turned. We can hear Reyer but not see him. Remember Hannibal? Ar’right. When quarrel breaks out the piano starts to rotate at a massive speed while playing by itself, and Reyer is nowhere to be found. Maybe he never was. Was he the Phantom all the time? We will never know…!
Then for the odd moment… As the set itself rotates, a slow-motion quarrel breaks out, people throwing chairs at eachother, fighting, fleeing (didn’t they just behave when singing? I have questions). Christine puts on her mint cloak, she carries a red rose in her hands and she walks off, towards the audience and a presumed grave which we can’t see but she addresses over the orchestra pit.
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(Amelia Milo in Monte Carlo)
MAUSOLEUM Both Christines did a heartfelt “Her father promised her”, not being able to finish the line. The red rose is put on the grave and she starts on the main song. The rest of the scene pretty much as usual.
Help me say goodbye… Oh no thought the Phantom. Towards a discrete mausoleum backdrop he appears, with his giant black wings. Raoul enters around the same time, they sing the trio version. Raoul goes in between the Phantom and Christine. The Phantom creates thunder and lightning, and for each time he flies higher up. Christine is quite passive during the whole ordeal. Eventually a massive thunderstorm is created, and the scene ends. And I’m like… mkay.
If you gonna camp it up that much you have to at least feature the black wings better, they were hardly visible towards the dark mausoleum backdrop. From the upper balcony it looked like he was… bungee jumping? From the front rows in the stalls you could see contours of the wings, but nothing more. As a contrast the silhouette of the chandelier was visible, which didn't quite make sense. Aren't they in a graveyard?
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("Angel of Death" in the Mausoleum scene in Trieste)
This scene felt like the prime example of a place where the effects works against the story rather than underlining it. It felt like a lot of noise and little emotions, mostly. And Christine’s role in it all was non-existent.
DON JUAN / PONR Once again a cast member appeared in the auditorium. But here with a purpose – the marksman was placed in the upper stalls. Worked well.
The opening of Don Juan was cool, with the cast as black silhouettes towards a red, smoky backdrop, before coming to life. Featuring Meg as a prominent pageboy was a nice touch.
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(Don Juan in Monte Carlo)
The costumes did in large resemble the Bjørnson ones, with breeches and doublets and corseted bodices and tabs, in large held in red, black and gold. Exception being Don Juan’s costume, a large tan cloak and an even larger HAT OF DOOM which would eventually help hiding the Phantom’s mask and face. Christine's costume has also gotten more of a Mary Philbin spin.
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(Point of No Return photo from Monte Carlo)
The set too reminds me of Bjørnson's design, especially the timber frame with torn drapes behind a centrally placed table.
It is clear from the start Christine recognize the Phantom’s voice. She pleads to Raoul in the box, but decides to go on. She appears to decide to give the Phantom a hard run for his money, turning up the heat and almost challenging him with the blocking. The overall staging is quite close to the original blocking, and also: no table dancing in sight. Bliss.
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(Ramin Karimloo, Amelia Milo and ensemble in Trieste)
I wanna say that Talía del Val removed the Phantom’s hat while Judith Tobella waited for him to remove it? But memory is a bit blurry there. Either how, the Phantom put his ring on Christine’s finger himself.
DOWN ONCE MORE Down once more also felt fairly traditional in terms of the Phantom and Christine in the boat. Both Phantom displayed amazing vocals here, they both have grand voices.
A bigger surprise was the managers, despairing over being ruined. André looks around, throws his lantern into the “pit” which is causing a large fire – I assume this is why we see a ruin of an opera in the Auction scene - and they run off. It’s yet another instance of “Yes, I like the creativity, but does it make sense?”. Since the opera and chandelier seems fairly closely based on the Palais Garnier, and that opera NEVER BURNED it feels like different Phantom universes colliding (I.E. a dash of the 2004 movie with its Opera Populaire meets the Prince/Bjørnson version and the Palais Garnier).
FINAL LAIR And now for the grand finale. A nice twist in this version is that yes – Christine wears her Aminta costume during the Final Lair, like many other non-replica versions – but the Phantom do offer her a wedding dress, veil and bouquet. He also puts the veil on her.
Raoul comes crawling in from the right side – I am not sure if it’s meant to indicate swimming or him sneaking up on them. But he is quickly noticed by the Phantom. He takes a chokehold on Christine to keep Raoul away. A slight inheritance from Ramin, I assume, as he was the king of choking in the UK. With Gerónimo Rauch I didn’t care all too much for it (never did with Ramin either). With Manu Pilas he acted as he suddenly got aware of what he was doing and quickly let her go, almost apologizing, looking embarrassed, even devastated. This made more sense to me, that it was not a cautious choice.
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(Final Lair photo from Trieste. Note that some changes was done for Madrid. Most noticeable that Raoul is no longer shirtless, but he's barefoot. He's also hanging way above ground)
So to the part I did not overly care for – the magical lasso. In this version the magical lasso is somehow… connected to the Phantom’s bed and Raoul is raised into the air by one of the poles of the bed. I understand how this is a practical solution, as it makes it possible to lift the actor from the floor. Whereas it did look realistic it also felt a bit strange he would hang from the bed. Guido Balzaretti did however act it well, and it looked frightfully real when his naked feet slowly stopped moving.
And dudes and dudettes – I am happy to say Raoul is no longer shirtless in the Final Lair. Thank you, good actor or director or head of costumes. A bare-chested guy being strangled by/with a bed was too much for me, at least when he is technically not the one in focus.
This is the second place I would have liked more temper, more rage from Talía del Val (first being 2nd Managers). She seemed too mild and too accepting on what’s going on. Judith Tobella was more feisty, even if she too could have turned it up a notch. This especially went for when Raoul got strangled up, it didn’t feel like much of a fight at all. Christine steps on to the bed and tries to loosen the noose once, without success, but that’s it. Fight for your man, Christine!
Another aspect which made me wonder is that it almost looks like Raoul has died long before Christine decides to kiss the Phantom. I would have liked to see her enraged, or even more scared, or… something. But the kiss itself – another scene sticking very close to the original – was beautifully done. With the Phantom letting Raoul go he was just lowered to the floor. Props to Balzaretti for A+ acting here, having to been helped into the Phantom’s boat. Christine and Raoul then sails away, the Phantom sings to the monkey musical box, and Christine returns, being viewable behind the bed.
With Rauch he seems to notice it quite late, and looks very happy about her return, almost crying “I love you”. With Pilas he did a detail that totally made me think Tomas Kofod: he straightened his hair, started buttoning his waistcoat, making himself presentable… only to find Christine has left the ring on the table next to the bed and is nowhere to be seen. So sad a sight.
Speaking of which, the Phantom’s deformity looked great in the auditorium, with balding grey hair and a visible deformed side. He looked much older and much more worn down by life than several other non-replica productions I’ve seen, and I’m here for it. This is a man letting go in all possible ways.
And now for the grand grand grand finale… While the opera is presumably burning a whole bunch of people is entering the Phantom’s lair. First one is Madame Giry. She sees the Phantom as he is about to lie down on his bed, and she rapidly signs for him to hide. He hides under the bedsheet, the contours of his body highly visible. It looks like a curled up corpse, quite eerie. Then Meg enters, and the mob with torches. Meg notice the figure on the bed, screams, and as the mob rips of the bedsheet the Phantom is gone – only his mask is left. The Girys holds up the mask together, with an inquisitive look on their faces. Cue: applause.
A SORT OF CONCLUSION This is a playful, intelligent and a bit overpowering version of POTO. I enjoyed it a lot for its clear Phantom look and feel, for its at times super beautiful sets, for a stellar cast, and for many clever and original ideas. It’s a production which is thoroughly original at times, more traditional in other moments. But I think it would benefit from trusting the source material more. Not everything needs to be a trick, an effect, a surprise. Sometimes the leads can carry the scene by mere acting and that is more than enough. The rooftop scene is a nice example of that, while the Mausoleum scene feels like an example of the opposite. But that said: Overall this is a welcome addition to the Phantom universe!
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(Curtain call photo showing Martina Brisa as Meg, Judith Tobella as Christine and Manu Pilas as the Phantom)
Highlights: The overall set design, Think of Me (both vocals and visuals), the Meg and Christine love, three equally strong and enjoyable leads, the Phantom’s lair (again both vocals and visuals), the rooftop scene, Red Death’s disappearance, the backstage tale of Mme Giry, the mystery that was Reyer, the cast, the mood.
Meeeeh: The Overture slow-motion sequence, Carlotta as she appears as an opera singer, the rushed feeling throughout, the cramped Manager’s office, the red lining of the Phantom’s cloak, the chandelier crash, sending the cast into the auditorium during Masquerade, the confetti, the Sitzproble slow-motion sequence, Christine’s lack of proper anger.
Hard no: Tarzan-Phantom in Il Muto, winged and flying Phantom in the Mausoleum scene, the Phantom’s sombrero in Don Juan.
74 notes · View notes
starshiips · 4 months
𝐄𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 -- part 01 cl16
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pairing: charles leclerc x fem! surfer influencer! reader
trope: next door neighbors au !
summary: a particular influencer known for her surfing has recently moved to monte carlo for the summer.
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liked by user1 and 10,857 others
y/nverse goodbye california, ill miss my memories, as i embrace monte carlo
view 9,582 comments
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As the sun cast a golden hue over the Mediterranean coastline, [Y/n] arrived at her Monaco apartment, her anticipation palpable. She had been eagerly awaiting this vacation, a respite from the demands of daily life. With a sense of relief, she dropped her bags onto the floor of her room, the crisp linens of her bed beckoning to her tired limbs. Yet, as she gazed out of the window, the sight of the glistening sea stirred something within her.
Despite the allure of rest, [Y/n] found herself drawn to the rhythmic melody of the waves crashing against the shore. The call of adventure whispered in her ears, urging her to abandon her plans of unwinding indoors. With a sudden burst of energy, she discarded the idea of unpacking and instead reached for her surfboard, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
With practiced ease, she slipped into her wetsuit, the neoprene clinging snugly to her skin. As she made her way to the beach, a sense of liberation washed over her. The salty breeze tousled her hair, and the warmth of the sun kissed her cheeks. The familiar thrill of anticipation coursed through her veins, igniting a fire within her soul.
Unbeknownst to [Y/n], her neighbor watched her departure with a mixture of curiosity and admiration. From his vantage point across the courtyard, he observed her with keen interest, intrigued by her spontaneous spirit. In a world where schedules and obligations dictated the rhythm of life, her spontaneity was a breath of fresh air.
As [y/n] reached the shoreline, she felt a surge of exhilaration course through her. With each wave she conquered, she felt more alive than ever before. The sea embraced her like an old friend, its salty embrace comforting and invigorating all at once. For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still as she surrendered herself to the ebb and flow of the ocean.
Meanwhile, the same captivated neighbor couldn't help but admire [y/n]'s fearlessness from afar. In a place where extravagance and luxury were the norm, her simple joy in the sea's embrace was a testament to her authenticity. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a mesmerizing array of colors across the sky, he made a mental note to introduce himself to his intriguing new neighbor.
As the day drew to a close and [y/n] reluctantly emerged from the water, she couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that enveloped her. Though her room remained untouched and her bags lay forgotten on the floor, she knew that she had made the right choice. In that moment, amidst the crashing waves and salty air, she found a sense of peace that she had been searching for all along. 
After her invigorating surf session, [y/n] returned to her apartment, her spirits lifted and her body humming with energy. With a satisfied sigh, she finally decided it was time to unpack her bags and settle in. As she carefully organized her belongings, folding clothes and arranging toiletries, her mind drifted to the prospect of exploring the local markets for some fresh ingredients. The thought of indulging in Monaco's culinary delights ignited a spark of excitement within her.
With her bags finally emptied and her essentials neatly stowed away, [y/n] slipped into a comfortable sundress and sandals, ready to venture out into the bustling streets of Monaco. Just as she reached for the door handle, she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. To her surprise, her neighbor emerged from his apartment, a casual smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"Hey there," she called out, her voice easygoing. "I'm [y/n], your neighbor from next door."
Charles's expression brightened with recognition as he returned her greeting. "Nice to meet you, [y/n]," he replied, a hint of curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "I've seen you around. My name's Charles, " he said as he walked along side her, it wasn't intentional but it seemed they were both going the same way,
As they reached a crossroads, [y/n] hesitated for a moment, not wanting their conversation to end. With a playful smile, she suggested, "You know, I was just about to head to the market to pick up some groceries. Since we're having such a great chat, why don't we continue our conversation on the way? It'll be like our own little walking tour of Monaco."
Charles's eyes lit up with excitement at the idea, and he readily agreed. "That sounds like a fantastic idea," he replied, falling into step beside her as they made their way towards the market. And as they walked and talked, their laughter filling the air, [y/n] couldn't shake the feeling of warmth and connection that blossomed between them.
"what brings you to monte carlo?" charles asked wondering what such a free spirit was doing in such a luxurious city 
" A new scenery, and i heard monte carlo had great beaches" She responded quite vaguely leaving aside some details
Navigating the labyrinthine streets of the principality, they both soon found themselves at a quaint neighborhood supermarket. Stepping inside, they were greeted by the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread and ripe fruits. As she wandered the aisles, her eyes lit up with delight when she stumbled upon a familiar sight – a display of chips, her favorite snack from back home.
"ah charles, its great so see you back at home, it mustve been exhausting, traveling around this season!" The lovely old shop keeper told charles welcoming the two,
as charles and the shop keeper conversed she wandered the aisles, her eyes lit up with delight when she stumbled upon a familiar sight – a display of plantain chips, her favorite snack from back home.
With a satisfied smile, [y/n] reached for a bag of the crispy, golden chips, savoring the taste of nostalgia as she added them to her basket. As she continued her shopping, she couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that washed over her. In this bustling city of glamour and luxury, she had found a sense of familiarity and comfort that made Monaco feel like home. And as she made her way back to where charles stood her heart full and her stomach satisfied, she couldn't wait to share her newfound treasures with her neighbor, trader joes "ode to the classic chip" this was one of her favorites.
The walk back to the apartments was a walk of tranquil silence.
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liked by user25 and 11,294 others
y/nverse ngl the first thing i did when i got here was definitely not unpack 😞
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new notif !
charleslec has started following you request to follow back?
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Paramount’s upcoming action-packed show “NCIS: Tony & Ziva” will have issues of trust at its core, stars Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo said at the Monte-Carlo Television Festival, where the “NCIS” franchise is celebrating reaching 1,000 episodes.
The series, set to stream on Paramount+, focuses on their “NCIS” characters, Tony DiNozzo and Ziva David, after they have left the agency, and are bringing up their daughter, Tali, in Paris. When Tony’s security company is attacked, they must go on the run across Europe, try to figure out who is after them and maybe even learn to trust each other again so that they can finally have their unconventional happily ever after.
In “NCIS,” Ziva was thought to have died, and Tony left the team to go raise Tali. Years later, Ziva was discovered alive. How did that affect her relationship with Tony and Tali?
Speaking at a Monte-Carlo press event Saturday, De Pablo explained they had joked that the title for the show should be “NCIS: Trust No One.” “I think the idea of trust, and the idea of how this relationship moves forward is something that was intriguing to us as actors,” she added. “We’re trying to address the idea of trust and we’re trying to address how they move forward parenting together with this child and trying to make things work and having a lot of challenges thrown at them.”
Weatherly added that for Tali what happened with her mom would be tough to accept. “When you think about Tali, who is really the third character in ‘Tony & Ziva,’ the idea for her to think that her mother was dead, and then her mother is alive, but was running around the world and didn’t come home to protect her … Trust doesn’t mean truth, doesn’t mean honesty. Just because I’m telling you the truth doesn’t mean you can trust me. And I think that a lot of the relationships inside … I won’t give away anything […] You have a daughter who’s going to question the story. ‘No dad – you told me she was dead, and she just walked through the door.’ ‘Yeah, but your mom had reasons …’ ‘No, no, no. The facts are the facts.’
“And then what are your relationships like? Where do you stand with the truth? And who do you trust? I mean, these are like the core principles of the show.”
De Pablo and Weatherly will serve as executive producers on the show, which reunites them on screen for the first time in 10 years. John McNamara (“Trumbo,” “The Magicians”) wrote the premiere episode and will serve as showrunner and an executive producer, alongside Laurie Lieser, Christina Strain and Shelley Meals. The series will be distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.
The show, which has received a 10-episode order, will be shot in Europe later this year. “Tony and Ziva live in Paris, and we will be shooting in Budapest, because the Olympics are in Paris right now and that would be complicated,” Weatherly said. “But the show will have a lot of international locations that we will reveal later, and international casting that is going to be absolutely stellar. We’re a part of that as executive producers.”
Shooting outside the U.S. was always a priority for the pair, even though they thought the studio would want it to be set in the States, Chicago for example. “At the beginning, I was very adamant about that, like, ‘No, I’m not interested if that’s where they want to go,'” De Pablo said. “I really think the show should be taken out of the United States. It would separate us from the agency, and it would give us a chance to sort of reinvent it in a completely different way, from a different standpoint.”
Weatherly said it took the studio a while to come around to the idea. “It took some time to get them completely there because it is such a departure. It’s streaming. It’s not an evergreen procedural. It’s not structured the same way. Will the audience show up for that? Are we shooting out of our weight class here with a different kind of story? Is it not going to feel like the other show? All of those troubles. And John is not from the ‘NCIS’ universe. So we’re introducing a new voice. And I think those things that might a few years ago have been to our detriment became assets when people started really understanding streaming, and really understanding Paramount+ as a platform.”
He explained that viewers who discover “Tony & Ziva” will then be able to explore the 1,000 episodes in the “NCIS” universe, which encompasses the mothership as well as spinoffs like “NCIS: Sydney,” “NCIS: Los Angeles,” “NCIS: Hawai’i” and “NCIS: New Orleans.”
He added: “I think that we’re going to be bringing people into a world that might feel small, because it’s just Tony, Tali and Ziva. But it’s Europe. It’s love. It’s the universe. And we have to save those things.”
Talking about their relationship, De Pablo said: “You know what I’ve always said about working with Michael is it’s always refreshingly unpredictable. I think he also likes my … you know, the fact that I love to play. Even though sometimes I come across as very, sort of, put together, my favourite thing is to go into kid land and play. I think we relate on that level. We are both, at our core, kids. We love playing. I respect the boundaries and the structure of that. He has a tougher time with the structure and the boundaries. But at the end of the day, we both like to play.”
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eleancrvances · 6 months
audio gift!
in honor of the italian production closing in monte carlo tonight, here's an audio gift of the full the phantom of the opera in milan, october 21st 2023's afternoon show!
cast: ramin karimloo (the phantom), amelia milo (christine), vinny coyle (raoul), earl carpenter (andre), ian mowat (firmin), anna corvino (carlotta), gian luca pasolini (piangi), alice mistroni (madame giry), zoe nochi (meg) + full cast in the folder
please credit as eleancrvances's master. you can hear me sob during the end of the final lair i fear...
also some notes because i thought it was a juicy performance, and as far as i know no videos of the milan run exist:
vinny's raoul is a sweetheart but also the king of flapping that long coat like it's a cape. so dramatic
anna corvino has grown way more comfortable with carlotta and was having so much fun tormenting christine during "il muto"
there's applause and some noise during the last section of masquerade because after a brief darkness the lights turned on to reveal the cast had come down among the audience, while confetti fell from the ceiling
ramin sank to his knees after the kiss and remained there for a looong while, in a daze. then he noticed raoul had gone limp and jumped to his feet to take the noose off him, in a "no wait he can't die now i can't have that anymore" way
in this production (like in the restaged uk tour) the phantom has his back to christine when she returns the ring, and delivers the "i love you" not knowing she's there. now, it wasn't done like this in trieste, but at least when i went in milan when raoul says it to christine in act I she has already started to leave the rooftop and he's still on his knees, so he also says it while having his back turned to her... the parallel becomes visual as well. exactly the same blocking. how fun :')
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colinodonoghue · 28 days
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‘The Gray House’ Civil War Spy Drama Series From Kevin Costner to Open Monte-Carlo Television Festival “The Gray House,” the Kevin Costner-produced limited series about a female spy ring during the Civil War, will open Monaco’s 63rd annual Monte-Carlo Television Festival in June. The six-episode limited series tells the hidden-history tale of four Southern women — a Virginia socialite and her mother, a formerly enslaved Black woman and a high-end prostitute — who served as key espionage agents for the Union. The foursome are credited as unsung heroes who helped end the nation’s brutal cleavage in 1865. Mary-Louise Parker, Amethyst Davis, Daisy Head and Ben Vereen lead the ensemble cast. Morgan Freeman and Lori McCreary produce through their Revelations Entertainment banner alongside Costner’s Territory Pictures and Big Dreams Entertainment from Republic Pictures. Paramount Global Content Distribution is handling distribution of the series but it’s not yet clear where “Gray House” will land in the U.S. Source: IMDB, Variety
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cieloclercs · 1 year
𝐬𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐞 | 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜
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in which childhood rivals turned best friends realise they were always meant to be something more
charles leclerc x noêmia senna borges (oc)
arriving this summer!
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✧.* NOÊMIA SENNA BORGES is a trailblazer. It makes sense, when you take a look at her family tree. She comes from a family of history-makers: the daughter of four-time World Champion Gabriel Carvalho Borges, and niece of one of the greatest drivers to have ever lived, Ayrton Senna. Her future career in Formula 1 had already been written in the history books before she’d even learnt what it was. Everyone in the world of motorsport knew, from the moment the Senna Borges family announced her birth: it was only a matter of time.
✧.* CHARLES LECLERC has faced his fair share of obstacles on the long road to Formula 1. But amongst crashes and failures a plenty, no other challenge has been more difficult to overcome than eleven-year-old Noêmia Senna Borges. Ever since (literally) running into the daughter of his idol at the Junior Kart World Cup, Charles and Noa have been inseparable: even despite their fierce on-track rivalry. Years pass and things change, but the one constant in their lives is always each other. By the time they are grown — with Charles making his way to Formula 1 and Noa setting record after record in the lower categories — they’re sure there is nothing that could ever tear them apart.
✧.* THEY ARE WRONG. After two years of no contact, Noa finally earns her place in Formula 1, becoming Aston Martin’s second driver alongside Sebastian Vettel. The friendship she was once certain would last a lifetime is now shattered and broken. But as the year passes, and Noa and Charles fight for their place in the Formula 1 history books, it becomes clear that maybe absence does make the heart grow fonder — and all they needed was a little incentive to realise that they are something far more than just best friends.
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yasmin barbieri as
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2000 | Capricorn | ESTP Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
charles leclerc as
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1997 | Libra | ISFJ Monte Carlo, Monaco
pj tomasi as luiz senna borges marianna rozmajzl as raffaella di angelo ugh_liza as eloísa dos santos alves alessia lanza as anneliese beaumont michael cimino as oscar de conceição soares
and all other characters as described!
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞.
so this is going to be my summer project after i’ve finished gcse’s!! i’ve been wanting to do a senna!oc story for agesss but what with studying and everything i just haven’t had time to write anything :(( BUT for the last couple of weeks this idea has been stuck in my head, so as soon as i leave school i’m gonna be writing this non stop :))
obviously it HAD to be a charles fic because he’s the love of my life <33 and i’m obsessed with the idea of childhood friends to lovers with charles (it’s just HIM) however, this fic is a bit more complicated than just childhood friends to lovers… i’d say it’s rivals to childhood friends to (kind of) enemies to friends again and THEN to lovers… but i have the whole story planned out in my head pretty much and i actually love it so i have to get it written down :))
i’m thinking of making a taglist for this story for when i publish it, so if you’d like to be a included, go to my navigation page and click on the google forms link! you can select to be put on the taglist both for this fic and for sliding doors! as always, feedback is always appreciated, so a like or a reblog would really make my day <3 i’ve received some lovely messages from sliding doors readers, so i really hope saudade might get the same treatment :)
countdown to summer break: 28 dayss!!
stay tuned for updates!
rose 🤍
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myoddessy · 1 year
series masterlist
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Y/N L/N —TV Actress/Singer/Model
BIRTHDAY —July 5TH, 1998
BIRTHPLACE —Monte Carlo, Monaco
AGE (as of 2018) —20
Famous for her breakout role in the French, Oscar-winning film, "Enchanté", where she played a young girl learning of love and of life through art and foreign cinema. (For this film, Y/n won her first of many Academy Awards, and made history as the youngest nominee to win in said category.) In 2014, she released an album entitled 'As I am' which delved into her troubled personal life and how she fears that there will come a day when those she loves will grow bored of her. 5 of the album's 11 tracks made it onto Billboard's top 100, while a further 2 topped the list for three weeks post-release. Additionally, she made her directorial debut with "Little Women" starring Saoirse Ronan, Timotheé Chalamet, and Florence Pugh, where she also played the role of the eldest March sister, Meg. That year, she won the Academy Award for best director.
She began her acting career at the age of six, where she starred in a number of commercials and minor appearances in soap operas. She also began modeling at a young age, and can be found on the cover of several textbooks.
In 2015, she was casted for the French dubbing of Joy in the Pixar movie "Inside Out". In 2017, Y/n launched her beauty and cosmetics company "Bare", a brand dedicated to creating a diverse range of product shades and cruelty-free cosmetics. She hosted SNL for the first time on March 11th, 2016
Despite keeping her personal life quite private, many sources have been able to gather that she has a very close relationship with her mother and two brothers, and is the middle child. We do not know anything about her father. As far as we know, none of her family is involved in showbusiness.
She is most commonly associated with her long-term boyfriend, Formula 1 driver, Charles Leclerc.
Most Popular #3
Born on July 5th #1
TV Actress #2
Singer #5
Model #2
20 Year Old #1
Born in Monaco #1
Cancer #2
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taglist — @lilsiz , @formula-hamilton
if you would like to be tagged in future series parts, either comment, dm me, or send a message into my inbox! 💞💞
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